
Oedicerina ingolfi ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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Oedicerina ingolfi is een vlokreeftensoort uit de familie van de Oedicerotidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1931 door Stephensen.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Costello, M.; Bellan-Santini, D. (2012). Oedicerina ingolfi Stephensen, 1931. In: Lowry, J. (2012) World Amphipoda database. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=102902
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Depth range ( İngilizce )

World Register of Marine Species tarafından sağlandı
Lower bathyal (1000 m to 2000 m), 1802 m.
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WoRMS Editorial Board
Katkıda bulunan
Lowry, Jim [email]


Zoosystematics and Evolution tarafından sağlandı
Based on ovigerous female, 10.3 mm, St. Head (Fig. 1a): longer than high, longer than pereonites 1–2 combined; no eyes or ocular pigment visible; rostrum strongly deflexed, ventral margin weakly convex. Antenna 1 (Fig. 1b): about as long as antenna 2; length ratios of peduncle articles 1–3 1:0.9:0.6; flagellum 10-articulate; accessory flagellum 1-articulate, minute, slender, less than half length of first flagellum article. Antenna 2 (Fig. 1c): peduncle setose; length of article 4 1.6 × article 5; flagellum shorter than peduncle article 5, 7-articulate. Upper lip (labrum) (Fig. 1d): wider than long, rounded apically. Mandible: molar triturative, with one associated seta; incisors and laciniae mobiles 5-dentate; palp (Fig. 1i) 3-articulate, article 2 swollen proximally, article 3 tapered, length ratios of articles 1–3 1:4.1:4.5. Lower lip: inner lobes prominent and broad, hypopharyngeal gap wide, outer lobe mandibular processes short and rounded. Maxilla 1 (Fig. 1e, f, g): inner fig oval, with two distal setae; outer fig with nine acute setal-teeth; palp 2-articulate, article 2 3.6 × length of article 1. Maxilla 2 (Fig. 2a): inner fig 1.2 × wider than outer fig; both figs with relatively sparse apical setation. Maxilliped (Fig. 2b): inner fig short, extending just beyond base of palp article 1; outer fig extending 50% along palp article 2, concave medially; palp 4-articulate; article 1 tapered; article 2 broad, strongly expanded medially, lobe subtriangular; article 3 narrow proximally,expanded mediodistally; article 4 acute, weakly falcate: length ratios of articles 1–4 1:1.7:0.7:1.3. Pereon. Pereonite 1 (Fig. 1a): longer than 2; pereonites 3–5 successively longer; pereonites 6 and 7 subequal in length to 5. Gnathopod 1 (Fig. 2c): coxa subtriangular, posterior margin straight, anterodistal corner rounded, posterodistal corner rectangular, distal margin straight, strongly setose; basis straight, weakly expanded, posterior margin with a row of plumose setae; merus, posterodistal lobe rounded, setose; carpus strongly expanded, subacute posterior lobe with posterior and distal margins setose; propodus strongly expanded, as long and wide as carpus, anterior margin convex, palm transverse, convex, crenellate and setose; dactylus curved, just longer than palm. Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 3a): coxa as long as coxa 1, weakly tapering distally, apex rounded, setose; basis subrectangular, with a row of plumose setae near posterior margin; merus, posterodistal lobe narrow, setose; carpus strongly expanded, wider than propodus, posterodistal lobe subacute, distal margin oblique; propodus shorter than carpus, expanded distally, palm strongly convex, crenellate; dactylus slender, falcate, as long as palm. Pereopod 3 (Fig. 3b): coxa subequal to coxa 2; basis shorter than coxa, with very long slender setae on posterior margin and plumose setae close to anterior margin; merus weakly expanded distally; carpus 1.3 × length and about as wide as merus, posterior margin setose; propodus oval, setose; dactylus 1.2 × length of propodus. Pereopod 4 (Fig. 4a): coxa wider than long, distal margin rounded, posterodistal lobe very strong, subrectangular; basis shorter than coxa; merus weakly expanded; carpus shorter than merus, but subequal in width, setose posteriorly and anterodistally; propodus with anteromarginal rows of slender setae; dactylus rather stout, short and straight. Pereopod 5 (Fig. 4b): coxa about as deep as coxa 4, bilobed, posterior lobe expanded distally, distal margin straight, anterior lobe 0.7 × length of posterior lobe, rounded distally; basis shorter than coxa; merus as long as basis, carpus 0.5 × length of merus; propodus slender, subrectangular, 0.8 × length of merus, about as long as straight lanceolate dactylus; articles 2–6 variously setose. Pereopod 6 (Fig. 5a): coxa almost as deep as coxa 5, bilobed, posterior lobe long, distal margin straight, oblique, anterior lobe short, rounded distally; basis subrectangular; merus posterior margin weakly convex; carpus tapering weakly, 0.5 × length of merus; propodus with several rows of setae along anterior margin, 0.9 × length of merus; dactylus lanceolate; articles 2–6 variously setose. Pereopod 7 (Fig. 5b): long, exceeding apices of uropods; coxa wider than long, posterodistal corner subrectangular; basis, posterior margin weakly sinuous, anterior margin strongly convex; merus and carpus with groups of short slender setae on anterior and posterior margins; carpus 1.2 × length of merus; propodus narrow, subrectangular, 0.6 × length of merus; [dactylus unknown]. Pleon. Pleonites 1–2 (Fig. 1a) with mid-dorsal, relatively long posteriorly directed carinate teeth; pleonite 3 with short, slender, upright tooth. Epimera: 1 and 3 evenly rounded; epimeron 2 subrectangular. Pleopod 1 (Fig. 5c): peduncle stout, 0.8 × length of rami. Urosome. Urosomite 1 (Fig. 1a) longest, with an inconspicuous boss close to the posterior margin; urosomite 3 longer than 2, with short, acute mid-dorsal projection. Uropod 1 (Fig. 5e): peduncle about as long as outer ramus, margins with short setae; inner ramus 1.3 × length of outer ramus, with small setae on both margins; outer ramus with setae on lateral margin only. Uropod 2 (Fig. 5f): peduncle slightly tapering, with short setae on both margins; inner ramus 1.7 × length of outer ramus, with short setae on both margins; outer ramus with setae on lateral margin only. Uropod 3 (Fig. 5g) peduncle short, about as long as telson, with ventral subacute projection; rami subequal, plumose setae on lateral margins. Telson (Fig. 1h) tapered, notched 30%.
telif hakkı
Charles Oliver Coleman, Michael H. Thurston
bibliyografik atıf
Coleman C, Thurston M (2014) A redescription of the type species of Oedicerina Stephensen, 1931 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae) and the description of two new species Zoosystematics and Evolution 90(2): 225–247
Charles Oliver Coleman
Michael H. Thurston


Zoosystematics and Evolution tarafından sağlandı
Between the Faroes and Jan Mayen (Stephensen 1931); Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea (this study), 1802–3200 m.
telif hakkı
Charles Oliver Coleman, Michael H. Thurston
bibliyografik atıf
Coleman C, Thurston M (2014) A redescription of the type species of Oedicerina Stephensen, 1931 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae) and the description of two new species Zoosystematics and Evolution 90(2): 225–247
Charles Oliver Coleman
Michael H. Thurston