Doridoidea is 'n superfamilie van seeslakke wat hoort tot die orde Nudibranchia. Kenmerkend van die superfamilie is die feit dat dié seediere die kieue en rinofore ten volle kan terugtrek.
Doridoidea is 'n superfamilie van seeslakke wat hoort tot die orde Nudibranchia. Kenmerkend van die superfamilie is die feit dat dié seediere die kieue en rinofore ten volle kan terugtrek.
Doridoidea, també coneguts com a nudibranquis dorids (abans conecut com al taxó Cryptobranchia), són un grup taxonòmic, concretament una superfamília de nudibranquis, mol·luscs gastròpodes marins de mides petites i mitjanes, pertanyent al grup Doridacea.[1]
La paraula "Doridoidea" prové del nom genèric Doris, que alhora prové del nom de la ninfa marina, Doris, de la mitologia grega.
D'acord amb el llibre Taxonomy of the Gastropoda (Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005), les famílies dins de la superfamília Doridoidea són:
Doris montereyensis, some Dorididae
Les següents famílies són considerades sinònims; aquests noms encara es poden trobar en publicacions. Plantilla:Colbegin
Doridoidea, també coneguts com a nudibranquis dorids (abans conecut com al taxó Cryptobranchia), són un grup taxonòmic, concretament una superfamília de nudibranquis, mol·luscs gastròpodes marins de mides petites i mitjanes, pertanyent al grup Doridacea.
Doridoidea, commonly known as dorid nudibranchs (and previously known as the taxon Cryptobranchia), are a taxonomic superfamily of medium to large, shell-less sea slugs, marine gastropod mollusks in the clade Doridacea, included in the clade Nudibranchia.
The word "Doridoidea" comes from the generic name Doris, which was in turn copied from the name of the sea nymph, Doris, in Greek mythology.
According to the Taxonomy of the Gastropoda (Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005), families within the superfamily Doridoidea include:
The family Cadlinidae Bergh, 1891 was considered a synonym of the Chromodorididae. Research by R.F. Johnson in 2011[2] has shown that Cadlina does not belong to the family Chromodorididae. She has therefore brought back the name Cadlinidae from synonymy with Chromodorididae. The chromodorid nudibranchs without Cadlina are now monophyletic and turn out to be a possible sister to the Actinocyclidae
The next families are considered synonyms. But these names can still be found in many publications and on the internet.
Cryptobranch dorid nudibranchs (previously known as the taxon Cryptobranchia), are nudibranch sea slugs within the clade Doridacea. These slugs are called "cryptobranch," meaning "hidden gill", because they are able to retract their gills into a gill pocket, in contrast to nudibranchs in the traditional group phanerobranchs (or Phanerobranchia), which taxon is probably paraphyletic (in other words, composed of more than one evolutionary lineage).[3]
A. Valdés distinguishes two major clades within the Cryptobranchia: the dorids that have no radula (the Porostomata); and those with a radula (the Labiostomata). The Labiostomata include the monophyletic families: Actinocyclidae, Chromodorididae, Dorididae and Discodorididae.[4]
The cryptobranchs include the following genera that are regarded as valid:
Doridoidea, commonly known as dorid nudibranchs (and previously known as the taxon Cryptobranchia), are a taxonomic superfamily of medium to large, shell-less sea slugs, marine gastropod mollusks in the clade Doridacea, included in the clade Nudibranchia.
Doridoidea, (previamente conocida como taxon Cryptobranchia), es una superfamilia de babosas de mar de tamaño medio a gbrande, sin concha, molusco gasterópodo perteneciente a la familia Cadlinidae incluida en Nudibranchia.
"Doridoidea" viene de los nombres genéricos de Doris, que fue a su vez copiado del nombre de la ninfa del mar, Doris, en la mitología griega.
Según (Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005), Doridoidea incluye:
La familia Cadlinidae Bergh , 1891 era considerada un sinónimo de Chromodorididae. La investigación realizada por R.F.Johnson en 2011[1] ha demostrado que Cadlina no pertenece a la familia Chromodorididae. Por consiguiente, ha devuelto el nombre Cadlinidae de sinonimia con Chromodorididae. Los nudibranquios sin Cadlina ahora son monofiléticos y pueden llegar a ser un posible hermano de Actinocyclidae.
Las siguientes familias son consideras sinónimos. Pero aún pueden encontrarse sus nombres en muchas publicaciones:
Los cryptobranchs incluyen los siguientes géneros que se consideran válidos:
Doridoidea, (previamente conocida como taxon Cryptobranchia), es una superfamilia de babosas de mar de tamaño medio a gbrande, sin concha, molusco gasterópodo perteneciente a la familia Cadlinidae incluida en Nudibranchia.
Les Doridoidea forment une super-famille de mollusques de l'ordre des nudibranches.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (10 novembre 2020)[1], prenant pour base la taxinomie de Bouchet & Rocroi (2005), on compte deux familles :
Doris montereyensis, des Dorididae.
Les Doridoidea forment une super-famille de mollusques de l'ordre des nudibranches.
Doridoidea Rafinesque, 1815 è una superfamiglia di molluschi nudibranchi del sottordine Doridina.[1]
La superfamiglia comprende le seguenti famiglie:[1]
In passato venivano incluse in questa superfamiglia anche le famiglie Actinocyclidae, Cadlinidae e Chromodorididae, attualmente attribuite alla superfamiglia Chromodoridoidea.[2]
Doridoidea Rafinesque, 1815 è una superfamiglia di molluschi nudibranchi del sottordine Doridina.
Doridoidea zijn een superfamilie die behoort tot de clade van de zeenaaktslakken.
De volgende taxa zijn bij de superfamilie ingedeeld:[1][2]
Doridoidea zijn een superfamilie die behoort tot de clade van de zeenaaktslakken.
根據1997年《旁得和林德伯格的腹足類分類》所列出的分類,海牛總科亦作仿海牛總科,是後生腹足下綱後鰓目裸鳃亚目類花鰓類次目(Anthobranchia Férussac, 1819)的成員,包括下列四個科[3]。
Cadlinidae科 Bergh, 1891在2005年的分類被視為多彩海麒麟科的異名[1];但在R.F. Johnson (2011)的研究[5]顯示Cadlina並不屬於多彩海麒麟科,所以這個屬不應再歸屬於多彩海麒麟科,而是應該獨立成為一個科。而多彩海麒麟科在踢走了Cadlina之後成為了單系群,很可能是Actinocyclidae的姊妹分類單元。2017年《布歇特等人的腹足類分類》亦加入了這個修訂[6]。
截至2018年7月9日 (2018-07-09)[update],WoRMS紀錄本總科包括下列五個科[7]:
隱鰓目被認為是海牛總科的異名: Cryptobranch dorid nudibranchs (previously known as the taxon Cryptobranchia), are nudibranch sea slugs within the clade Doridacea. These slugs are called "cryptobranch," meaning "hidden gill", because they are able to retract their gills into a gill pocket, in contrast to nudibranchs in the traditional group phanerobranchs (or Phanerobranchia), which taxon is probably paraphyletic (in other words, composed of more than one evolutionary lineage).
A. Valdés distinguishes two major clades within the Cryptobranchia: the dorids that have no radula (the Porostomata); and those with a radula (the Labiostomata). The Labiostomata include the monophyletic families: Actinocyclidae, Chromodorididae, Dorididae and Discodorididae.
The cryptobranchs include the following genera that are regarded as valid :