
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

AnAge articles tarafından sağlandı
Maximum longevity: 26.3 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived 26.3 years in captivity (Brouwer et al. 2000).
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Kaketou ar c'hornôg ( Bretonca )

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Kaketou ar c'hornôg (Cacatua pastinator) a zo un evn.

Doareoù pennañ



Bevañ a ra al labous e mervent Aostralia[1][2].


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Kaketou ar c'hornôg: Brief Summary ( Bretonca )

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Kaketou ar c'hornôg (Cacatua pastinator) a zo un evn.

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Cacatua cavadora ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

La cacatua cavadora [1] (Cacatua pastinator) és un ocell de la família dels cacatuids (Cacatuidae) que habita boscos, matolls i terres de conreu del sud-oest d'Austràlia Occidental.


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Cacatua cavadora: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

La cacatua cavadora (Cacatua pastinator) és un ocell de la família dels cacatuids (Cacatuidae) que habita boscos, matolls i terres de conreu del sud-oest d'Austràlia Occidental.

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Corela bach hirbig ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Corela bach hirbig (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: corelaod bach hirbig) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Cacatua pastinator; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Eastern long-billed corella. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cocatŵod (Lladin: Cacatuidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. pastinator, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r corela bach hirbig yn perthyn i deulu'r Cocatŵod (Lladin: Cacatuidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cocatïl Nymphicus hollandicus Cocatŵ cribfelyn bach Cacatua sulphurea
Gelbwangenkakadu 8559.jpg
Cocatŵ cribfelyn mawr Cacatua galerita
Cacatua galerita Tas 2.jpg
Cocatŵ du cynffongoch Calyptorhynchus banksii
Calyptorhynchus banksii (pair)-8-2cp.jpg
Cocatŵ Ducorps Cacatua ducorpsii
Cocatŵ gang-gang Callocephalon fimbriatum
Callocephalon fimbriatum male - Callum Brae.jpg
Cocatŵ gwyn Cacatua alba
Cocatŵ llygadlas Cacatua ophthalmica
Cacatua ophthalmica -Vogelpark Walsrode-6b-3c.jpg
Cocatŵ Molwcaidd Cacatua moluccensis
Cacatua moluccensis -Cincinnati Zoo-8a.jpg
Cocatŵ palmwydd Probosciger aterrimus
Probosciger aterrimus, Cape York 1.jpg
Cocatŵ pinc Cacatua leadbeateri
Cacatua leadbeateri -SW Queensland-8.jpg
Cocatŵ tingoch Cacatua haematuropygia
Cacatua haematuropygia -Palawan, Philippines-8.jpg
Corela bach Cacatua sanguinea
Cacatua sanguinea upright crop.jpg
Corela bach hirbig Cacatua pastinator
Western Corella.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Corela bach hirbig: Brief Summary ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Corela bach hirbig (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: corelaod bach hirbig) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Cacatua pastinator; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Eastern long-billed corella. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cocatŵod (Lladin: Cacatuidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. pastinator, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Næsekakadu ( Danca )

wikipedia DA tarafından sağlandı

Næsekakadu (latin: Cacatua pastinator) er en fugl i familien kakaduer i ordenen papegøjer, der lever i det sydvestlige Australien.


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Næsekakadu: Brief Summary ( Danca )

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Næsekakadu (latin: Cacatua pastinator) er en fugl i familien kakaduer i ordenen papegøjer, der lever i det sydvestlige Australien.

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Wühlerkakadu ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Wühlerkakadu (Cacatua pastinator), auch Westlicher Langschnabelkakadu genannt, ist eine in Australien beheimatete Papageienart. Wühlerkakadus zählen gemeinsam mit den Nacktaugenkakadus und den Nasenkakadus zu den sogenannten „Corellas“. Es ist eine sehr seltene Art mit einem ungewöhnlich kleinen Verbreitungsgebiet. Wühlerkakadus kommen mit zwei Unterarten nur im Südwesten Australiens vor. 1985 schätzte man den Bestand des Wühlerkakadus auf 3.000 Exemplare. Mittlerweile hat sich der Bestand auf 5.000 bis 10.000 Vögel erholt. Die Art gilt nach wie vor als gefährdet, weil die Gesamtpopulation nur noch eine geringe Größe hat, die Fortpflanzungsrate gering ist und sie durch die Nachstellungen durch Landwirte zusätzlich gefährdet wird. In Australien ist der Wühlerkakadu gesetzlich geschützt.


Wühlerkakadus erreichen eine Körperlänge von 45 Zentimeter und wiegen zwischen 700 und 860 Gramm.[1]

Die Grundfärbung des Gefieders ist weiß. Wühlerkakadus haben nur eine kleine Federhaube, die aus den vorderen, verlängerten Scheitelfedern besteht. Die Zügel sind orange. Die Basen der Federn an Kopf, Vorderrücken, Brust und Flanken ist rosa-orange. Die Basen der Federn auf der Oberflügel- und Unterflügeldecken sind blassgelb. Die Schwungfedern und die äußeren Steuerfedern sind weiß. Sie sind jedoch an ihrer Basis sowie an den Innenfahnen der Unterseite gelb. Der Schnabel ist hornfarben. Ähnlich wie beim Nasenkakadu ist der Oberschnabel verlängert. Die Iris ist dunkelbraun.[2] Auffallend ist die nackte Augenregion. Sie ist gräulich-blau und ähnlich wie beim Nacktaugenkakadu unterhalb des Auges etwas ausgedehnt.

Der Flug des Wühlerkakadus besteht aus schnellen, flachen Flügelschlägen, die von kurzen Gleitphasen unterbrochen ist. Wühlerkakadus, die längere Strecken fliegen, tun dies in großer Höhe. Gelangen sie an ihren Zielort, gleiten sie in weiten Kreisen herab, ohne die Flügel zu bewegen. Erst kurz der Landung auf dem Boden oder in Baumwipfeln schlagen sie wieder mit den Flügeln.[3]

Ähnlich wie bei den Nasenkakadus ist der Kontaktruf der Wühlerkakadus dreisilbig. Besonders laut sind ihre Rufe, wenn sie am Morgen zu den Nahrungsgründen aufbrechen oder sich abends an ihren Schlafbäumen einfinden.

Verbreitung, Lebensraum und Bestandsentwicklung


Wühlerkakadus kommen ausschließlich im Südwesten Australiens vor. Der natürliche Lebensraum dieser Art sind Baumsavannen sowie offene Täler innerhalb von Wäldern.

Noch um 1830 galt die Art als zahlreich. Große Schwärme von Wühlerkakadus plünderten gelegentlich die Felder in der Nähe von Perth. Sie wurden sehr stark verfolgt. Gängige Praxis war es, die großen Schwärme mit Hilfe vergifteter Getreidekörner auszurotten. Diese Praxis hat in einigen Regionen zur vollständigen Ausrottung der Wühlerkakadus geführt.[4]

Wühlerkakadus stehen mittlerweile vollständig unter Schutz. Ihre Anzahl hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten wieder leicht erholt. Sie gelten aber als nach wie vor bedroht, da die Gesamtpopulation insgesamt sehr klein ist. Problematisch ist, dass sich die verbliebenen Population nach der Fortpflanzungsperiode in relativ wenigen Schwärmen zusammenfindet. Dies macht sie gegenüber (mittlerweile illegale) Nachstellungen durch Farmer besonders anfällig.


Wühlerkakadus fressen überwiegend am Boden. Mit ihrem verlängerten Oberschnabel sind sie in der Lage, im Boden zu graben und so auch an unterirdische Pflanzenteile zu gelangen. Ein Großteil ihrer Nahrung stammt mittlerweile von in Australien eingeführten Pflanzen. Darüber hinaus fressen sie Grassamen, Samen krautiger Pflanzen, Nüsse, Früchte, Beeren, Knospen, Blüten sowie Insekten und deren Larven. In der Wheatbelt Region, einem stark agrarisch erschlossenen Gebiet in Western Australia ist Weizen außerdem für ihre Ernährung bedeutsam. Daraus resultieren ein großer Teil der Konflikte mit Farmern. Sie fressen sowohl frisch aufgekeimte Weizensaat, als auch junge Schösslinge. Reife Weizenähren plündern sie, indem sie die Weizenpflanze herabbiegen, mit den Füßen am Boden festhalten und mit dem Schnabel die Weizenkörner aus der Ähre klauben.[5] Animalische Kost spielt vor allem während der Fortpflanzungszeit eine Rolle.


Wühlerkakadus sind monogame Vögel. Eine einmal eingegangene Gemeinschaft endet in der Regel erst, wenn einer der Partner stirbt. Die Paarbildung findet in den Schwärmen von nicht geschlechtsreifen Vögeln statt, in denen die Kakadus leben, nachdem sie selbständig geworden sind. Weibchen scheinen Paarbindungen in ihrem zweiten Lebensjahr einzugehen.[6] Erst zwischen dem vierten und fünften Lebensjahr kommt es jedoch zum ersten Brutversuch.

Wühlerkakadus sind Höhlenbrüter. Präferierter Brutbaum sind Eukalyptusbäume. Die Eier sind birnenförmig bis elliptisch oval. Das Gelege besteht aus zwei bis vier Eiern. Im Durchschnitt umfasst ein Gelege 2,7 Eier. Beide Elternvögel brüten. Die Brutdauer beträgt 22 bis 23 Tage. Frisch geschlüpfte Nestlinge werden eine Woche lang gehudert. Das Hudern reduziert sich bis zum 25. Lebenstag der Jungvögel. Die Jungvögel verlassen mit etwa 60 Tagen die Bruthöhle. Die Jungvögel werden zunächst noch einige Zeit von den Elternvögeln gefüttert.

Die Reproduktionsrate ist sehr gering. Dies erklärt auch, warum sich Rosakakadus in Western Australia schneller und nachhaltiger ausbreiten als Wühlerkakadus. Im Durchschnitt überleben nur 1,6 Jungvögel die Nestlingszeit. Ein Paar, bei dem beide Vögel das erste Mal in ihrem dritten Lebensjahr brütet, muss ein Lebensalter von 5,4 Jahren erreichen, um auch nur sich selbst zu ersetzen.[7]



  1. Forshaw, S. 211.
  2. Forshaw, S. 211.
  3. Forshaw, S. 215.
  4. Forshaw, S. 213.
  5. Forshaw, S. 216.
  6. Forshaw, S. 216.
  7. Forshaw, S. 219.


  • Joseph M. Forshaw, illustriert von William T. Cooper: Australische Papageien. 1. deutschsprachige Auflage. Band 1: Kakadus und Lories. Arndt-Verlag, Bretten 2003, ISBN 978-3-9808245-1-4.
  • P. J. Higgins (Hrsg.): Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Bird. Band 4: Parrots to Dollarbird. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999, ISBN 0195530713.


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Wühlerkakadu: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Wühlerkakadu (Cacatua pastinator), auch Westlicher Langschnabelkakadu genannt, ist eine in Australien beheimatete Papageienart. Wühlerkakadus zählen gemeinsam mit den Nacktaugenkakadus und den Nasenkakadus zu den sogenannten „Corellas“. Es ist eine sehr seltene Art mit einem ungewöhnlich kleinen Verbreitungsgebiet. Wühlerkakadus kommen mit zwei Unterarten nur im Südwesten Australiens vor. 1985 schätzte man den Bestand des Wühlerkakadus auf 3.000 Exemplare. Mittlerweile hat sich der Bestand auf 5.000 bis 10.000 Vögel erholt. Die Art gilt nach wie vor als gefährdet, weil die Gesamtpopulation nur noch eine geringe Größe hat, die Fortpflanzungsrate gering ist und sie durch die Nachstellungen durch Landwirte zusätzlich gefährdet wird. In Australien ist der Wühlerkakadu gesetzlich geschützt.

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Танкадзюбы какаду ( Beyaz Rusça )

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Танкадзюбы какаду або Заходняя насатая карэла (Cacatua pastinator) — птушка сямейства какаду.

Зьнешні выгляд

Даўжыня цела 38—40 см, крыла 28,8—33 см апярэньне белае. Узьдзечка і корні пёркаў галавы, патыліцы, грудзей і сьпіны — аранжава-ружовыя. Вушкі і пёркы над вачыма зь лёгкім цёмна-жоўтым адценьнем. Падкрылы і падхвосьце з жаўтаватым адценьнем. Хахалок кароткі і поўны. Паміж дзюбай і вокам ёсьць чырвоная пляма. Дзюба даўгаватая, цёмна-шэрага колеру. Лапы шэрыя. Кальцо каля вачэй даўгаватай формы, бяз пёркаў, цёмна-сіняга колеру. Радужка цёмна-карычневая. Самец і саміцы маюць аднолькавую афарбоўку.

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Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі

Танкадзюбы какаду: Brief Summary ( Beyaz Rusça )

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Танкадзюбы какаду або Заходняя насатая карэла (Cacatua pastinator) — птушка сямейства какаду.

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Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі

Western corella ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The western corella (Cacatua pastinator) also known as the western long-billed corella, is a species of white cockatoo endemic to south-western Australia.


Cacatuidae is one of three families of the large and diverse avian order Psittaciformes which consists of 370 species.[2] Cockatoos are distinguished from other parrots by five main morphological features – a crest, lack of "green" dyck-texture in the plumage, yellow natal down, a gall bladder, and bridge temporal fossa[3]

The western corella (also known as the western long-billed corella) Cacatua pastinator consists of two geographically isolated sub-species, Butler's corella (Cacatua pastinator butleri) and Muir's corella (Cacatua pastinator pastinator)[4]

One of these two isolated populations occurs in the northern wheat-belt region of Southwest Australia, the other, consisting of larger birds occurs in the far south west of Western Australia. The northern Cacatua pastinator butleri consists of generally of smaller birds than the southern Cacatua pastinator pastinator, which indicates that the two populations may have once been connected clinally.[5]

The Australian Faunal Directory, citing a classification by Johann Georg Wagler of genus Licmetis, recognises this species within a subgeneric arrangement as Cacatua (Licmetis) pastinator as determined in a revision published in 1987.[6] Two subspecies are recognised, the nominate Cacatua (Licmetis) pastinator pastinator and Cacatua (Licmetis) pastinator derbyi Mathews, 1916. This was published by Gregory Mathews to describe a specimen that was obtained in the northern Wheatbelt region, the labelling recognised as by the collector J. T. Tunney, which was later annotated as "Derby" and presumed by Mathews to refer to Derby, Western Australia. The subspecies name, despite the apparent mislocation, was recognised by Richard Schodde in the Zoological Catalogue of Australia, 1997.[7][8]

The common names include western corella and western long-billed corella. The names in the Noongar language were surveyed and regularised as manatj and manyte for adoption into common usage. Manatj is used to refer to the Western Australian Police, presumed to be an association with the species "noisy and inquisitive" nature.[9]


Cacatua pastinator pastinator in Perth, Western Australia

Cacatua pastinator is a white cockatoo with the upper wing entirely white and under surface of the wing pale yellow. It has an erect white crest, blue grey eye skin, crimson pink colouring between the eyes and beak, a small pink patch on the throat, and long pointed bill.[10] Cacatua pastinator lacks sexual dimorphism and the sexes are difficult to distinguish.[11] Determination of the sex of Cacatua pastinator cannot be determined on the basis of eye colour or plumage, observations of pairs have revealed that the males are larger than the females and have a deeper alarm call.[12] Cacatua pastinator is a medium-sized stocky cockatoo with broad rounded wings, a short tail, and a crest which is usually flattened.[4] Muir's Corella (Cacatua pastinator pastinator) adults range in length from 43–48 centimetres (17–19 in) and weigh 560–815 grams (19.8–28.7 oz). The northern subspecies, Butler's Corella (Cacatua pastinator butleri), are a smaller bird with adults 40–48 centimetres (16–19 in) in length and weighing up to 700 grams (25 oz).[11] The bill is a dullish grey white, the legs are dark grey and the upper mandible has a long tip.[13] The underparts are often stained or dirty as a result of feeding on the ground and digging.[4]

The flesh of the western corella is described as plump and tender, and suitable for stewing.[14]

Distribution and habitat

The two separate populations described as subspecies occur in south-west Western Australia. The population occurring in the northern wheatbelt of south-western Australia consist of 5000–10000 birds while the population in the far south west of Western Australia consists of approximately 1000 birds.[15] The two isolated populations each consist of one of the identified sub species. Butler's corella (Cacatua pastinator butleri) occurs in the northern and central wheatbelt of Western Australia whilst Muir's corella (Cacatua pastinator pastinator) occurs in the very south-west area of Western Australia.[16]

Historical records indicate the species was common at the time of colonisation of Western Australia, and continued to be seen in large flocks during the nineteenth century. The absence of records by the early collector John Gilbert's suggests that this corella was abundant and ubiquitous.[9]

The habitat of Cacatua pastinator consists of undulating land with low relief (less than 100 m) with more than 90% of native vegetation cleared for farming of wheat and sheep.[15] The remaining woodland and shrub vegetation communities are restricted to small isolated patches and road reserves.[15] Habitat critical to Cacatua pastinator comprises large eucalypts and other trees (either alive or dead) in forested areas or as lone paddock trees and roadside vegetation, preferred tree species are marri (Corymbia calophylla), jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), moitch (Eucalyptus rudis), yate (Eucalyptus cornuta) and the paperbark, moonah (Melaleuca preissiana).[4]

Cacatua pastinator have displayed three phases of movement patterns within the central wheatbelt of Western Australia, these phases are dependent on the age of the birds.[15] Breeding takes place in spring, following fledging of nestlings the family groups join up with immature flocks and move to summer feeding locations, during the following month the young are weaned and the parents move back to the breeding ground during the January – March period, the juveniles do not return until May or June.[12] Although there is some dispersal to other breeding areas, most individuals display attachment to their natal area with some birds being known to return after being absent for up to five years.[15]

Threats and recovery actions

The habit of some cockatoos to form large flocks and their ability to exploit resources provided by man has often brought them into conflict with landholders.[12] The exploitation of cereal crops during the late 1800s and early 1900s resulted in widespread shooting and poisoning of large numbers of Cacatua pastinator, this persecution was the likely cause of a rapid decline in the range of its sub species’ and population numbers.[4] The population decline of the species was examined by the Western Australian ornithologist Tom Carter, summarised in a report published by the Ibis in 1912.[14] By the 1920s there were only two populations remaining, the northern population of Cacatua pastinator butleri, and the southern population of Cacatua pastinator pastinator which declined to approximately 100 birds in 1921.[4] The southern population continued to decline until the 1940s.[12] The northern population has expanded eastwards since the low of the 1930s following agricultural development.[12] Since the period of decline at the turn of the twentieth century the population of both sub-species has steadily increased. In the last 50 years the release from persecution by landowners, together with their adaptability, has allowed an expansion of range into the Western Australia wheatbelt which provides abundant food and water supplies.[17]

Cacatua pastinator butleri is not listed as a species of conservation concern. Cacatua pastinator pastinator is listed as a species of Specially Protected Fauna – Schedule 4.[18] Muir's Corella (Cacatua pastinator pastinator) is listed by the Western Australian Threatened Species Scientific Committee as Endangered using the IUCN (2001) Red list Categories and Criteria and this listing has been endorsed by the Western Australian Minister of the Environment.[4] Cacatua pastinator pastinator has been listed as Vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.[19]

The threatening processes for Cacatua pastinator pastinator are:

  • Killing by illegal shooting and poisoning
  • Habitat loss
  • Changes in land use
  • Nest hollow shortage
  • Competition for available nest hollows and killing by feral Honeybees.[4]

Recovery actions identified for Cacatua pastinator pastinator are:

  • Seek the funding required to implement future recovery actions
  • Determine population numbers, distribution and movements
  • Identify factors affecting the number of breeding attempts and breeding success and manage nest hollows to increase recruitment
  • Map feeding and breeding habitat critical to survival of all wild and translocated populations, and prepare management guidelines for these habitats
  • Revegetate with favoured hollow-bearing trees
  • Determine and implement ways to remove feral Honeybees from nesting hollows
  • Produce an information kit to help eliminate illegal killing and distribute to the wider community
  • Prevent the spread of non-endemic Corella populations in south-west Western Australia
  • Collect DNA samples and analyse to determine the taxonomic status of Cacatua pastinator subspecies.[4]


Cacatua pastinator are an iconic species of bird in Western Australia. They are often conspicuous in large flocks of up to 700 birds during summer which move around the areas spending days or week in any one location feeding and behaving raucously.[15][12] The flocks of immature birds and breeding pairs and the foraging occurred up to 10 km from their nest trees.[15] The breeding pairs of tend to be stable but a moderate rate of divorce of about 15% has been observed.[12]

Flocks of Corellas are often very noisy and can be heard from a considerable distance. The call of the Corella is a wavering falsetto with distinctly eerie or ghostly tonal qualities. They also have various shrieks and quaverings of squeaky conversational tones.[5]


Cacatua pastinator nest in hollows in large eucalypt trees and occasionally other tree species such as paperbarks. The preferred nesting trees are large live or dead eucalypts, particularly marri (Corymbia calophylla) and jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), located in remnant woodlands, in forested areas, along road corridors or as lone paddock trees.[4] The Corellas prefer to nest in trees with open canopies and some dead limbs but will nest in dead trees when there is an adjacent healthy tree in which the bird can shelter.[4][12] Corellas appear to nest close to other pairs and will utilise the same nesting hollow for up to six seasons.[12]

Nesting hollows are located 6–20 metres (20–66 ft) above the ground, have entrances 15–40 centimetres (5.9–15.7 in) wide orientated to avoid flooding and winds during breeding, and the hollow is 0.5–2 metres (1.6–6.6 ft) deep.[4][12] The bark is removed from around the entrance to the hollow and eggs are laid on rotten wood or wood dust in the base of the hollow.[4][19]

Cacatua pastinator commence laying eggs in August and continue through until October with the majority of eggs being laid late August and early September.[12] The clutch size ranges from one to four eggs with the mean clutch size being three.[4][12] The mean length and diameter of the eggs is 41.8 millimetres (1.65 in) and 30.5 millimetres (1.20 in), respectively, and the fresh egg mass averaged 21.6 grams (0.76 oz).[12] As the season progresses clutch sizes decrease suggesting that some females are more efficient foragers who breed earlier and lay larger clutches than others.[12]

Cacatua pastinator form monogamous relationships for breeding and raising young. The pairs remain together during both daily and seasonal movements with exceptions being when one partner is breeding or brooding; the nest tree is also the focus of their activities when they are in the breeding area.[15] Incubation commences at about the time when the second egg is laid and incubation duties are shared among both the males and females with the incubation period lasting 22 to 23 days.[12][19] Brood reduction was common with the youngest nestling dying within two weeks.[12]

The breeding success rate of Cacatua pastinator is quite high. Several cockatoo species have egg hatch rates of approximately 63%.[20] Cacatua pastinator have had hatching rates recorded slightly higher than this with the hatching success of 233 eggs being 67.2%.[12] The mean brood size was 1.9 however breeding productivity in Corellas when measured as the number of nestlings fledged and the number of fledglings reaching independence both increased with increasing clutch and brood sizes.[12]

The nestlings remain in the nest for a period ranging between 53 and 67 days with one or the other parent spending up to 98% of their time brooding the chicks in the first week with this reducing rapidly and ceasing when the chicks are about 25 days old. The chicks reach the stage of independence after about three months.[12][19]

Cacatua pastinator have some of the highest survival rates of any species of birds. Survival to independence at three months has been recorded at 77.4%, to one year at 50.8%, whilst 23.2% of females survived to breed at three years, 13.6% at four years, and only 9% at five years. Males also start breeding at five years, by which age only about 9% of the original cohort had survived.[21] Factors causing mortality, particularly of immature birds, including predation by Falcons (Falco spp) or other birds of prey, road deaths and shooting or poisoning by humans. Longevity is unknown for wild birds, but is up to 26 years for captive C. pastinator subspecies.[4]


Cacatua pastinator have benefited greatly from food supplies provided as a result of agricultural activities, however, the exploitation of these food supplies has led to their persecution, which has had detrimental effects on their population. As with all parrots, Corellas are mostly seed eaters but can vary their diet depending on habitat and food availability.[22]

Cacatua pastinator eats wheat grain and native seeds during December to April; bulbs and corms which are dug out of the ground with the long-tipped bill, most commonly Romulea rosea (Onion Grass), are the most common diet item during May to November.[5][17] During late winter and spring insect larvae form an important part of the diet for Corellas, both for adults and nestlings, with the exoskeleton being discarded and the larvae gutted before it is fed to the young.[17] Most feeding occurs in large open areas such as pasture and crops but Corellas have been known to feed in cattle feedlots.[4][19] Corellas have been observed feeding on marri (Corymbia calophylla) seeds by holding the capsule and tipping the seed into their mouth, and feeding on wheat by bending the seed heads down to pluck out the grains.[19]


This species has the ability to mimic clearly and, like other cockatoos, bonds strongly to its owner. The western corella may show aggression to other birds in the aviary. It is not as common in aviculture as the little corella or long-billed corella.

The Noongar peoples have used the feathers of this species as an adornment for a headband or placed in their hair. Consumption of this corella by the Indigenous inhabitants of Southwest Australia is undocumented, but assumed from methods that could be employed, using a wounded bird near a pool of water as a decoy, and the reports of English colonists that it was a wholesome and good tasting meal.[9]

Status and conservation

While generally uncommon, it has expanded its range in recent decades, and is therefore listed as of least concern by BirdLife International. However, the nominate subspecies, Muir's corella, is relatively rare, with a population of around 3000 individuals, and is considered to be nationally Vulnerable.


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2016). "Cacatua pastinator". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22684816A93047996. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22684816A93047996.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ White, N.E., Phillips, M.J., Gilbert, M.T.P., Alfaro-Nunez, A., Willerslev, E., Mawson, P.R., Spencer, P.B.S, Bunce, M. (2011). The evolutionary history of cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes: Cacatuidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59:615-622.
  3. ^ Adams, M., Baverstock, P.R., Saunders, D.A., Schodde, R., Smith, G.T. (1984). Biochemical Systematics of the Australian Cockatoos (Psittaciformes: Cacatuniae). Australian Journal of Zoology 32:363-377.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Chapman, T., Cale, B. (2008). Muir’s Corella (Cacatua pastinator pastinator) Recovery Plan. Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia.
  5. ^ a b c Ford, J. (1985). Species limits and phylogenetic relationships in Corellas of the Cacatua pastinator complex. Emu 85: 163-180.
  6. ^ Ford, J. 1987. New subspecies of Grey Shrike-thrush and Long-billed Corella from Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 16: 172-176
  7. ^ Schodde, R. in Schodde, R. & Mason, I.J. 1997. Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). In, Houston, W.W.K. & Wells, A. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia Vol. 37.2 xiii 440 pp. [93]
  8. ^ "Subgenus Cacatua (Licmetis) Wagler, 1832". biodiversity.org.au. Australian Faunal Directory. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  9. ^ a b c Abbott, I. (2008). "Historical perspectives of the ecology of some conspicuous vertebrate species in south-west Western Australia" (PDF). Conservation Science W. Aust. 6 (3): 19–22.
  10. ^ Morcombe, M. (2003). Field Guide to Australian Birds, Revised Edition. Steve Parish Publishing, Australia.
  11. ^ a b Jupp, T. (2000). The status of cockatoos in south-west Western Australia and conservation efforts by Perth Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 37:80-86.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Smith, G.T. (1991). "Breeding Ecology of the Western Long-Billed Corella Cacatua pastinator pastinator." Wildli. Res. 18:91-110.
  13. ^ Johnstone, R.J., Storr, G.M. (1998). Handbook of Western Australian Birds. Volume 1. Non-Passerines (Emu to Dollarbird). Western Australia Museum, Perth.
  14. ^ a b Carter, T. (1912). "Notes on Licmetis pastinator (Western Long-billed Cockatoo)". Ibis. 9. 6 (24): 627–634.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h Smith, G.T., Moore, L.A. (1992). Patterns of Movement in the Western Long-billed Corella Cacatua pastinator in the South-west of Western Australia.
  16. ^ Department of Environment and Conservation. (2008). Muir’s Corella: conserving a threatened species. Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia.
  17. ^ a b c Smith, G.T., Moore, L.A. (1991). Foods of Corellas Cacatua pastinator in Western Australia. Emu 91: 87-92.
  18. ^ Department of Parks and Wildlife. (2014). Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2014. Department of Parks and Wildlife. Western Australia.
  19. ^ a b c d e f Department of the Environment (2015). Cacatua pastinator pastinator in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of the Environment, Canberra. Available from: http://www.environment.gov.au/sprat.
  20. ^ Murphy, S., Legge, S., & Heinsohn, R. (2003). The breeding biology of palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus): a case of a slow life history. Journal of Zoology 261: 327-339.
  21. ^ Smith, G.T., Rowley, I.C.R. (1995). Survival of Adult and Nestling Western Long-billed Corellas, Cacatua pastinator, and Major Mitchell Cockatoos, C. leadbeateri, in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia. Wildlife Research 22:155-162.
  22. ^ Diaz, S. & Peris, S. (2011). Consumption of Larvae by the Austral Parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(1):168-171.

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Western corella: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

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The western corella (Cacatua pastinator) also known as the western long-billed corella, is a species of white cockatoo endemic to south-western Australia.

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Cacatua pastinator ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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La cacatúa cavadora[2]​ (Cacatua pastinator) es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Cacatuidae endémica del suroeste de Australia Occidental.


Cacatua pastinator pastinator en Perth, Australia Occidental.

Las cacatúas cavadoras miden entre 40 y 45 cm de largo.[3]​ Su plumaje es blanco con las únicas excepciones de las plumas que rosadas que rodean el pico y las plumas de la parte inferior de las alas y cola que tienen matices amarillos. Las carúnculas de las mejillas, los anillos oculares y las patas son de color azul celeste, mientras que su pico es blanquecino. Presenta una cresta eréctil pequeña en comparación con otras cacatúas. Ambos sexos son de apariencia similar.

Distribución y hábitat

Sus hábitats naturales son los bosque de Eucalyptus y los herbazales secos del suroeste de Australia Occidental.[3]


Antes de ser reconocida como especie fue considerada subespecie tanto de la cacatúa sanguínea como de la catatúa picofina. Se incluye dentro del subgénero Licmetis. Se reconocen dos subespecies de cacatúa cavadora:


Las hembras ponen de 3 a 5 huevos en un nido situado en el hueco de un árbol. La incubación dura entre 23 y 24 días. Los pollos dejan el nido a las 8 semanas.

Cacatúa cavadora enjaulada.


Esta especie es capaz de imitar claramente la voz humana, y como el resto de las cacatúas establece fuertes lazos con sus dueños. La cacatúa cavadora puede mostrarse agresiva con otras aves en un aviario. No es una especie de cacatúa frecuente en avicultura.

Estado de conservación

Aunque generalmente es poco común, ha expandido su área de distribución en las últimas décadas y por ello está catalogada globalmente como Especie bajo preocupación menor. Sin embargo la subespecie nominal es relativamente rara, con una población natural de unos 3000 individuos, y se considera Vulnerable.


  1. BirdLife International (2009). «Cacatua pastinator». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2011.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 28 de septiembre de 2011.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1998). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Cuarta parte: Pterocliformes, Columbiformes, Psittaciformes y Cuculiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 45 (1): 87-96. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 4 de noviembre de 2011.
  3. a b Nicole E. White, Matthew J. Phillips, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Alonzo Alfaro-Núñez, Eske Willerslev, Peter R. Mawson, Peter B.S. Spencer, Michael Bunce (2011) The evolutionary history of cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes: Cacatuidae) Archivado el 25 de octubre de 2013 en Wayback Machine.. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. p. 2.

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Cacatua pastinator: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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La cacatúa cavadora​ (Cacatua pastinator) es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Cacatuidae endémica del suroeste de Australia Occidental.

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Cacatua pastinator ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Cacatua pastinator Cacatua generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Cacatuidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Cacatua pastinator: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Cacatua pastinator Cacatua generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Cacatuidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Lännenkoukkukakadu ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Lännenkoukkukakadu (Cacatua pastinator) on länsiaustralialainen papukaijalaji.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Lännenkoukkukakadun pituus on 43–48 cm ja paino 700–860 g. Se muistuttaa suuresti idänkoukkukakadua, jonka alalajiksi se aikaisemmin luokiteltiin. Lännenkoukkukakadu on kuitenkin selvästi kookkaampi. Sen höyhenpuku on pääosin valkoinen ja oranssinpunaista on vain naamassa ja kurkussa. Silmää ympäröivä paljas alue on siniharmaa. Nokka on valkoinen, iiris tummanruskea ja koivet harmaat. Ylänokka on pidentynyt ja lienee sopeutuma lajin tapaan etsiä ravintoa maanpinnan alta. Nuori lintu on lähes aikuisen värinen ja sen ylänokka on hieman lyhyempi.


Lännenkoukkukakadu elää Lounais-Australiassa (nimialalaji pastinator) ja Länsi-Australian vehnänviljelyalueella (alalaji derbyi). 1900-luvun alkupuolella lajia vainottiin ankarasti, sillä sitä pidettiin pahana viljatuholaisena. Kanta oli vain noin 100 yksilöä 1940-luvulla. Suojelun ansiosta nimialalaji on runsastunut ja sen kanta on nykyisin noin 3 000 yksilöä. Alalaji derbyi on voimakkaasti vähentynyt elinympäristön häviämisen seurauksena. Laji on paikkalintu.


Lännenkoukkukakadut asuvat eukalyptusmetsissä ja maanviljelysalueilla, missä vain on joitakin suuria puita, ja yleensä aina jonkin vesistön tuntumassa. Ne ovat äänekkäitä ja huomiota herättäviä lintuja, jotka pesimäajan ulkopuolella liikkuvat usein suurissakin parvissa.


Lisääntymisaika on yleensä syyskuusta marraskuulle. Laji on yksiavioinen. Pesä on tavallisesti rannalla kasvavan, vanhan eukalyptuksen oksan tai rungon kolossa hyvin korkealla ja vaikeasti tavoitettavissa. Pesäpuiden ikähaitari oli erään tutkimuksen mukaan 167–1 333 vuotta. Valkoisia munia on yhdestä neljään, tavallisesti kaksi. Molemmat emot osallistuvat haudontaan, joka kestää noin 26–29 päivää. Poikasista selviää lentokykyiseksi usein vain yksi. Pesäpoikasaika on 8–9 viikkoa ja poikanen itsenäistyy sen jälkeen kolmen kuukauden kuluttua. Molemmat emot osallistuvat myös poikasen hoitamiseen ja ruokkimiseen. Lännenkoukkukakadu on sukukypsä 3–5 vuoden ikäisenä.


Lännenkoukkukakadut ruokailevat enimmäkseen maassa ja syövät siemeniä, pähkinöitä, hedelmiä, marjoja, sipuleita, juurimukuloita, hyönteisiä ja niiden toukkia sekä mahdollisesti mettä.


  1. BirdLife International: Cacatua pastinator IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2012. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 2.5.2014. (englanniksi)
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Lännenkoukkukakadu: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Lännenkoukkukakadu (Cacatua pastinator) on länsiaustralialainen papukaijalaji.

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Cacatoès laboureur ( Fransızca )

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Cacatua pastinator

Le Cacatoès laboureur (Cacatua pastinator) est une espèce de cacatoès qui a longtemps été considéré comme une sous espèce du Cacatoès corella (Cacatua sanguinea). Il est endémique en Australie.


Cet oiseau mesure 38 à 42 cm de longueur pour une masse de 660 à 860 g. Il présente un plumage essentiellement blanc sans dimorphisme sexuel.

L'immature possède une mandibule supérieure plus courte que l'adulte et les zones de peau nue entourant les yeux de couleur bleue.


Cette espèce peuple l'Australie.


La femelle pond 3 à 5 œufs. L'incubation dure 23 ou 24 jours. Les jeunes demeurent au nid environ 8 semaines.


Cet oiseau est représenté par deux sous-espèces :

  • pastinator ;
  • derbyi.

Population et conservation

Cet oiseau est persécuté sans pitié par les fermiers australiens en raison des dégâts qu'il occasionne aux cultures.

Voir aussi

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Cacatoès laboureur: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Cacatua pastinator

Le Cacatoès laboureur (Cacatua pastinator) est une espèce de cacatoès qui a longtemps été considéré comme une sous espèce du Cacatoès corella (Cacatua sanguinea). Il est endémique en Australie.

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Cacatua pastinator ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

La corella occidentale (Cacatua pastinator) è un uccello della famiglia dei Cacatuidi.


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Cacatua pastinator: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

La corella occidentale (Cacatua pastinator) è un uccello della famiglia dei Cacatuidi.

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Westelijke langsnavelkaketoe ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


De westelijke langsnavelkaketoe (Cacatua pastinator), soms ook Muirs kaketoe genoemd, is een vogel uit de orde der papegaaiachtigen en de familie der kaketoes.


Het verenkleed van deze kaketoesoort is overwegend wit. De poten zijn grijs tot blauw-grijs gekleurd. De krachtige lichtgrijze snavel is opvallend lang, waaraan deze soort zijn naam te danken heeft. De oogring en de kale plek onder de ogen zijn blauw tot blauw-grijs. De irissen zijn donkerbruin. Tussen de ogen en snavel zit een opvallende roze tot oranje-roze vlek, welke bij jonge exemplaren nog niet helder zichtbaar is. De onderzijde van de staart en vleugels zijn lichtgeel.


Deze vogel is endemisch voor het land Australië en wordt voornamelijk aangetroffen in het zuidwesten van het land. Hij komt voor ten zuiden van Perth tot aan Augusta in het westen en Broome in het oosten. Hij is te vinden is bosrijke gebieden, graslandschappen en stadsparken.


De westelijke langsnavelkaketoe is overwegend vegetarisch. Met zijn lange snavel graaft hij naar wortels, bollen, knollen en zaden soms aangevuld met larven en insecten. Ook gewassen op boerderijen laat hij niet ongemoeid.


Het broedseizoen ligt in de periode van juli tot en met november. Koppeltjes blijven hun hele leven bij elkaar. Het nest wordt gebouwd in boomholtes of in uitsparingen in rotsen. Het vrouwtje legt 2 tot 3 eieren welke na een periode van 24 dagen uitkomen. Het uitbroeden en het voeden van de jongen gebeurt door zowel het mannetje als vrouwtje. Na een periode van ongeveer 55 dagen vliegen de jongen uit.


De westelijke langsnavelkaketoe - hoewel in 1841 door John Gould als aparte soort beschreven als Licmetis pastinator - werd ook wel gezien als ondersoort van de langsnavelkaketoe. Sinds 2012 wordt deze soort door de ICZN erkend als een afzonderlijke soort. Er zijn twee ondersoorten.[2]

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Westelijke langsnavelkaketoe: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De westelijke langsnavelkaketoe (Cacatua pastinator), soms ook Muirs kaketoe genoemd, is een vogel uit de orde der papegaaiachtigen en de familie der kaketoes.

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Västaustralisk kakadua ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Västaustralisk kakadua[2] (Cacatua pastinator) är en kakadua endemisk för Australien.[3]

Västaustralisk kakadua delas in i två underarter med följande utbredning:

  • Cacatua pastinator derbyiWestern Australia (Dongara till Moora och Quairading)
  • Cacatua pastinator pastinator – sydvästra Western Australia (Lake Muir och Unicupområdet)

Underarten pastinator har minskat kraftigt i antal under 1900-talet, eftersom den betraktades som ett skadedjur då den åt spannmål. Efter att skyddsåtgärder vidtagits har den dock kunnat återhämta sig. Underarten derbyi finns i det norra vetebältet i Western Australia och har drabbats av biotopförlust eftersom mark har röjts för odling. Ändå har den utvidgat sitt utbredningsområde under senare år. Internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2016 Cacatua pastinator Från: IUCN 2016. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-12-10.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-02-14
  3. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2016) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2016 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-08-11
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Västaustralisk kakadua: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Västaustralisk kakadua (Cacatua pastinator) är en kakadua endemisk för Australien.

Västaustralisk kakadua delas in i två underarter med följande utbredning:

Cacatua pastinator derbyi – Western Australia (Dongara till Moora och Quairading) Cacatua pastinator pastinator – sydvästra Western Australia (Lake Muir och Unicupområdet)

Underarten pastinator har minskat kraftigt i antal under 1900-talet, eftersom den betraktades som ett skadedjur då den åt spannmål. Efter att skyddsåtgärder vidtagits har den dock kunnat återhämta sig. Underarten derbyi finns i det norra vetebältet i Western Australia och har drabbats av biotopförlust eftersom mark har röjts för odling. Ändå har den utvidgat sitt utbredningsområde under senare år. Internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.

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Cacatua pastinator ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Cacatua pastinator là một loài chim trong họ Cacatuidae.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Cacatua pastinator: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Cacatua pastinator là một loài chim trong họ Cacatuidae.

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Тонкоклювый какаду ( Rusça )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Какаду
Подсемейство: Белые какаду (Cacatuinae Gray, 1840)
Род: Какаду
Вид: Тонкоклювый какаду
Международное научное название

Cacatua pastinator (Gould, 1841)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 554846NCBI 986097EOL 1178089

Тонкоклювый какаду, или западная носатая корелла (лат. Cacatua pastinator) — птица семейства какаду.

Внешний вид

Длина тела 38—40 см, крыла 28,8—33 см. Оперение белое. Уздечка и основание перьев головы, затылка, груди и спины — оранжево-розовые. Ушки и перья над глазами с лёгким тёмно-жёлтым налётом. Подкрылья и подхвостье с желтоватым налётом. Хохолок короткий и полный. Между клювом и глазом есть красное пятно. Клюв продолговатый, тёмно-серого цвета. Лапы серые. Окологлазничное кольцо продолговатой формы, без перьев, тёмно-синего цвета. Радужка тёмно-коричневая. Самец и самка окрашены одинаково.


Обитает в Австралии.

Образ жизни

Населяют леса, мангровые заросли, окультуренный ландшафт, галерейные леса, парки и сады. Держатся большими стаями по 300—2000 особей. Бегают быстрыми, семенящими шажками. Ночуют большими стаями на деревьях, растущих около воды, с другими видами попугаев. Рано утром пьют воду и летят на поиски корма. Жаркое время суток проводят в кроне деревьев. Питаются семенами трав, почками, плодами, орехами (арахис), корнями, насекомыми и их личинками, зерном (рис, пшено). Кормятся, в основном, на земле. Являются вредителями сельскохозяйственных культур.


Гнездо устраивают в полых мёртвых деревьях на высоте 3—10 м, иногда в плотном кустарнике или термитнике. Дно выстилают толстым слоем древесной трухи. В кладке 2—3 яйца. Интервал между яйцами 48 часов. Высиживание начинается со второго яйца. Срок инкубации зависит от климатических условий и составляет 21—25 дней. Яйца высиживают оба родителя. Птенцы вылетают из гнезда в 45—55 дней, но ещё около 4 недель их кормят родители. В год бывает 1—2 кладки.


Вид включает в себя 2 подвида:

  • Cacatua pastinator butleri (derbyi) (Ford 1987) — широко распространён.
  • Cacatua pastinator pastinator (Gould, 1841) — номинативный подвид. Длина тела 40 см. Эндемик маленькой территории, полувлажной зоны в юго-западной Австралии, недалеко от озера Muir. В XX веке популяции этого подвида значительно сократились. Находится под угрозой исчезновения. В дикой природе осталось порядка 2000-3000 особей.


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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Тонкоклювый какаду: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Тонкоклювый какаду, или западная носатая корелла (лат. Cacatua pastinator) — птица семейства какаду.

telif hakkı
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

西长喙凤头鹦鹉 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Cacatua pastinator
(Gould, 1841)

西长喙凤头鹦鹉主体呈白色,前额有少量红色羽毛,眼圈为蓝色。群居生活,繁殖期在秋季,繁殖时将巢修筑在树干内,有时一年内可以繁殖两次。每次产2至5颗。孵化期24天,羽化期40至50天。该种较为吵闹但很容易和主人亲近。 [1]


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西长喙凤头鹦鹉: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı


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