
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

AnAge articles tarafından sağlandı
Maximum longevity: 19 years (wild)
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
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Başlıksız ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

There are a few subspecies of Charadrius alexendrinus. Charadrius alexandrinus occidentalis are birds on the west coast of South America. C. a. tenuirostris breed on the Gulf Coast (east of Louisiana), Bahama Islands, north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Greater and Lesser Antilles, and islands off the north coast of Venezuela. C. a. nivosus are located in the United States and in Mexico. Red-capped Plovers (C. ruficapillus) of Australia and White-fronted Plovers (C. marginatus) of Africa were once thought to be subspecies of the Snowy Plover, but now are regarded as separate species.

(Page et al. 1995)

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Behavior ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Breeding populations of Snowy Plovers along the Pacific Coast of U.S. and Baja California are listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Snowy Plovers are also threatened in Oregon, Florida, and Puerto Rico. They are endangered in Washington, and Alabama. They are a species of special concern in California.

On U.S coasts, habitat degradation, caused by recreation and expanding beach-front development, has caused a decline in the size of breeding populations.

Some beaches have been closed in Oregon to protect the Snowy Plovers' breeding grounds. Individual nests in coastal Oregon and Monterey Bay, California, has been fenced in to improve hatching success in those areas. There has been a removal of feral red foxes by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Monterey Bay, California to improve adult and chick survival rates.

(Page et al. 1995)

US Migratory Bird Act: protected

US Federal List: threatened ; no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

The main foods eaten by Snowy Plovers are terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. On the Pacific Coast of North America, these include mole crabs, polychaetes, amphipods, sand hoppers, tanadacians, flies, beetles, clams, and ostracods. The foods eaten in San Francisco Bay and in freshwater ponds include flies, beetles, moths, and lepidopteran caterpillars. In saline and alkaline lakes of the Great Basin, Snowy Plovers feed on flies, beetles, hemipterans, and brine shrimp. Sources of food in salt flats of the Great Plains include flies, beetles, grasshoppers, lepidopterans, and beetles. In the Gulf Coast, the bird feeds on small crustaceans, mollusks, marine worms, aquatic insects, and seeds.

Snowy Plovers forage on beaches, tide flats, salt flats, and salt ponds. At beaches, the bird gathers food from sand surfaces, kelp, marine-mammal carcasses, and above and below the average high water line. Birds that are inland search for food on the shores of lakes, reservoirs, ponds, braided river channels, and playas.

When hunting their prey, Snowy Plovers usually pause, look, run, and then seize their prey from the surface of the beach or the tide flat. Above the high-tide line on California beaches, Snowy Plovers search for food at the bases of low growing plants. In Mono Lake, California, Snowy Plovers feed on brine fly larvae (Ephydridae). They often shake the larvae before swallowing them. The birds will sometimes lower their head and charge with their mouth open into a group of adult flies on the ground while snapping their bill. The bill snaps about two to three times to crush the captured flies before swallowing them. This charging method is also used to capture isolated insects on California beaches. Another behavior sometimes used before feeding is to tremble one foot in shallow water or on a wet substrate.

(Page et al. 1995)

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius alexandrinus breeds on most continents. In North America they breed locally in the western interior and on the Pacific and Gulf coasts. They also breed on the islands in the Caribbean and on coasts in Central America. In South America, they breed on the Humboldt Current coast and on the western coast. In Eurasia, breeding is more widespread in the interior and they also occur on the coasts of Asia, Europe, and northern Africa.

(Paulson, 1993)

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); neotropical (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Snowy Plovers are primarily found on sand beaches, though they also forage on nearby mud flats, especially after breeding season. They also spend time on dune systems, coastal lagoons, inland steppes, sand deserts, tidal flats, dry salt flats, and large sandy rivers and lakes where there is little vegetation.

(Richards, 1988)

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Expectancy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
132 months.

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Morphology ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius alexandrinus are one of the smallest plovers, but they have proportionally longer legs. Plumage varies throughout the world with the American Snowy Plover being the palest. The upper parts of the body are pale in color. Breeding males have a small white forehead, black forecrown band, and a slightly reddish colored hindcrown. There is also a black eye band below a slim white brow. Male Snowy Plovers display a black shoulder patch and a complete white collar. Under parts of the bird are wholly white. Female Snowy Plovers have the same pattern as the male, but brown areas replace the black areas. In both sexes, the legs are dark gray, the eyes are large and black, and the bill is black and slender. North American Snowy Plovers have the same general pattern as Kentish Plovers (the name of Snowy Plovers in Europe), but the upper parts of the North American bird are a pale sandy gray color, and the breeding males have a pale fawn hindcrown. The legs are also a paler color in Snowy Plovers than in Kentish Plovers. In flight, Snowy Plovers can be distinguished by their narrow white wing stripe and a partial dark bar at the tip of their tail ( picture).

(Richards, 1988)

Range mass: 34 to 58 g.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

In western North America, Snowy Plovers are facultatively polyandrous. Most Snowy Plovers breed in the first nesting season after hatching. Depending on season and location, this varies anywhere between 260-360 days after hatching.

Males solicit females from their territories by calling and standing. The male then runs to a spot in the nest and begins scraping. The female begins scraping as the male steps out, and she settles into the nest. The male bows next to the female several times with his head pointed to the ground. While bowing, he flashes the white on his tail to the female. The female then steps out of the nest to run about 0.5-2.0 m. She stands with her body fairly parallel to the ground. The male then stands directly behind her and begins kicking his legs high. He then jumps on her back. While on her back, he shifts his weight alternately from one leg to the other. Both birds then shift their tails side-to-side with increasing speed. At the moment of intercourse, the male uses his bill to grab the back of the female's neck, and both birds fall backwards with their wings flapping.

The first season of brooding varies geographically. In Puerto Rico, egg-laying begins in January. In Florida, it occurs during the last week of March. In California, egg-laying begins around the beginning of March. Depending on location, the dates of the first clutches range from the middle of March until the middle of May. There may be two or even three brooding seasons, but the last clutch will typically be laid before the middle of July.

Clutch size is normally three eggs. Eggs are laid both during the day and at night. Both sexes take turns sitting or standing over the eggs, and both sexes have a single abdominal incubation patch. Incubation period varies with location and season. On average, the incubation season is 26-32 days.

Small cracks appear up to 8 days before hatching. Tapping of the chicks can be easily heard up to 3-4 days before hatching, and peeping can be heard 1-2 days before hatching. Eggs can hatch at any time of the day or night. Young birds are precocial after hatching.

(Page et al. 1995)

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous

Average time to hatching: 24 days.

Average eggs per season: 3.

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Tague, K. 2000. "Charadrius alexandrinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Charadrius_alexandrinus.html
Kelly Tague, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Status in Egypt ( İngilizce )

Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk tarafından sağlandı

Resident breeder, regular passage visitor and winter visitor.

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Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

Ecomare tarafından sağlandı
Strandplevieren houden van zand. Het is niet verbazingwekkend dat je ze dus vooral op het strand kunt zien. Daar rennen ze als drukke baasjes heen en weer tussen de aanspoelsels uit zee, op zoek naar slakken, kleine wormen en insecten. Ze broeden op kale, open terreinen, liefst met schelpen. Rust is een absolute voorwaarde. Sinds 1900 zijn er steeds minder strandplevieren doordat de stranden overal te druk geworden zijn.
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Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

Ecomare tarafından sağlandı
Kentish plovers used to breed in Kent England, but not only do they no longer breed in Kent, they don't even breed in England. They are small waders found in salty or brackish terrains. They run back and forth among washed up material, in search of snails, small worms and insects. They nest on bare open grounds, preferably covered with shells. Being left alone is an absolute must, which makes them very susceptible to disturbances from beach recreation and dogs. They have been declining in number since 1990.
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Distribution ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

IABIN tarafından sağlandı
Chile Central
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Habitat ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Viven en las costas, fuera del alcance de las mareas.

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
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Cyclicity ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Es una especie migratoria neártica (ver Distribución en Costa Rica).

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
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Behavior ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Son principalmente solitarios o pueden formar parejas y se pueden mezclar con otros chorlos pequeños.

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
ortak site

Distribution ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Distribucion en Costa Rica: Es una especie transeúnte muy rara durante la primavera (finales de marzo) y el otoño (de setiembre a noviembre) en ambas costas. No existen comunicaciones con respecto a su presencia durante el invierno.

Distribucion General: Se reproduce en forma local a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico, desde Washington hasta Oaxaca, y tierra adentro en el oeste de E.U.A. Se encuentra desde el oeste de Florida hasta Tamaulipas a lo largo de la costa del Golfo de México, y a través de las Antillas Mayores hasta el norte de Venezuela; también en la costa del Pacífico de Suramérica. Las poblaciones norteñas inviernan al sur hasta Panamá. Se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en el Viejo Mundo.

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
ortak site

Trophic Strategy ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Se alimenta de insectos, crustáceos pequeños y otros invertebrados.

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
ortak site

Diagnostic Description ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Mide 16 cm. y pesa 40 grs. Es pequeña, rechoncha, con la espalda clara y el pecho liso. Durante el invierno el adulto es gris parduzco claro por encima, con un parche en el lado del pecho y lista postocular más oscuros. La frente, las superciliares, el collar nucal, la lista alar y toda la región inferior son blancos. El pico es negro y las patas son negruzcas. Durante la época reproductiva la faja en la parte anterior de la coronilla, la lista postocular y parches en los lados del pecho son entre negro (en el macho) y fusco (hembras). Los individuos juveniles son más claros por encima y con los bordes de las plumas anteados, y carecen de parches oscuros en la cabeza o el pecho.

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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
ortak site

Diagnostic Description ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

INBio tarafından sağlandı
Localidad del tipo: ad. Egypti ex Nilo canalem = Egipto.
Depositario del tipo:
Recolector del tipo:
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INBio, Costa Rica
Luis Humberto Elizondo C.
The Nature Conservancy
ortak site

Kentse strandkiewiet ( Afrikaans )

wikipedia AF tarafından sağlandı

Die Kentse strandkiewiet (Charadrius alexandrinus) is 'n voël wat gewoonlik noord van die ewenaar voorkom. Die voorkoms van die voël in Suider-Afrika is twyfelagtig; slegs een dooie eksemplaar is opgeteken in Noord-Namibië. Latere waarnemings in Mosambiek en Namibië is ongestaaf. Die voël is 15 – 17 cm groot en weeg 32 - 60 gram met 'n vlerkspan van 44 cm. In Engels staan die voël bekend as die Kentish Plover.


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  1. BirdLife International (2012). "Charadrius alexandrinus". IUCN Rooilys van Bedreigde Spesies. Weergawe 2012.1. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur. Besoek op 16 Julie 2012.
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Kentse strandkiewiet: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

wikipedia AF tarafından sağlandı

Die Kentse strandkiewiet (Charadrius alexandrinus) is 'n voël wat gewoonlik noord van die ewenaar voorkom. Die voorkoms van die voël in Suider-Afrika is twyfelagtig; slegs een dooie eksemplaar is opgeteken in Noord-Namibië. Latere waarnemings in Mosambiek en Namibië is ongestaaf. Die voël is 15 – 17 cm groot en weeg 32 - 60 gram met 'n vlerkspan van 44 cm. In Engels staan die voël bekend as die Kentish Plover.

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wikipedia AF

Charadrius alexandrinus ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius alexandrinus ye una especie d'ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae


Miden unos 15 cm de llargu. El color varia nel añu, mientres la etapa reproductiva'l plumaxe ye pardu buxu bien claro nel envés. Llurdios na coroniella, tres los güeyos y llaterales al pechu son escures na fema y de color negru nel machu, que pel hibiernu s'esclarien. Les partes inferiores son blanques. El picu ye negru. Les pates son abuxaes. Aliméntase de viermes, inseutos moluscos y peces.


Güevu de Charadrius alexandrinus

Añeren d'abril a agostu, sobre'l sable, poniendo tres güevos de color pardu bien claro con llurdios negros y grises, más abondosos nel estremu más gruesu. Consiste nuna depresión nel sable con forma de taza, que forra con conchitas. Allugar en montículos cercanos a l'agua, pero lo suficientemente alloñáu de la llende de la marea alta. La niarada ye de 3 o 2 güevos, de color crema cubiertos con pintitas o rayitas negres fines y grueses. Güevos y pitucos tienen un gran mimetismu.


Vive nes sableres y zones costeres arenoses. Como nadificante, habita en coses arenoses, marismas, salines y llagunes d'agües salobres. Nel primer casu prefier criar nel primer gordón dunar que na sablera, y en zones con quixarros qu'ensin ellos. En pasu envernada reparar principalmente en zones costeres, tantu sableres como marismas.


Aliméntase de viermes, inseutos moluscos y peces. Tamién pulgues de mar que prinda na retirada de les foles, corriendo velozmente sobre'l sable col cuerpu mediu agacháu. El so vuelu ye axilosu y rápido.


Especie cosmopolita, distribúyese de forma irreguar pero llargamente poles costes del Paleárticu en llatitúes medies y per delles zones del interior de dicha rexón, siendo la más importante una franxa que s'estiende dende'l mar Negru hasta Xapón. Nel Neárticu estender por tola mariña pacífica, salvu nes zones más frias, costes del golfu de Méxicu y dellos puntos del interior. Na rexón Neotropical distribúyese pola mariña pacífica y les Antilles principalmente, ente que tamién habita en determinaes árees costeres de la rexón oriental. Les poblaciones migrantes enviernen al sur de los sos puntos de cría.


Conócense cinco subespecies de Charadrius alexandrinus:[1]


  1. Zoonomen. «Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names.» (inglés). Consultáu'l 24 d'Abril de 2009.
  • Garrido, O.H.; Kirkconnell, A. (2000). Birds of Cuba. Helm Field Guides, Londres. 253 pp.

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Charadrius alexandrinus: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius alexandrinus ye una especie d'ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae

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Dəniz bozcası ( Azerice )

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Dəniz bozcası (lat. Charadrius alexandrinus) — Bozcalar fəsiləsinə aid quş növü.

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Nouelig pikous ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

An nouelig pikous a zo un evn bihan, Charadrius alexandrinus an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Doareoù pennañ

Vi nouelig pikous.



Bevañ a ra al labous dreist-holl e diardroioù kreizdouarel, hag Eurazia[1].


Diouzh an evnoniourien e vez renket an nouelig pikous en urzhiad Charadriiformes pe Ciconiiformes.

Liammoù diavaez

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

Notennoù ha daveennoù

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wikipedia BR

Nouelig pikous: Brief Summary ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

An nouelig pikous a zo un evn bihan, Charadrius alexandrinus an anv skiantel anezhañ.

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Corriol camanegre ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
Il·lustració d'un corriol camanegre (circa 1902)

El corriol camanegre, o picaplatges camanegre a les Pitiüses,[1] o tiruril·lo camanegre a Mallorca[2][3] o encara passarius (Charadrius alexandrinus) és un ocell estival que es pot considerar abundant als Països Catalans. És un limícola associat amb els ambients de platges marines, del gènere dels corriols (Charadrius), que forma part de la família dels caràdrids (Charadriidae) i l'ordre dels caradriformes (Charadriiformes).


  • Fa 16 cm de llargària.
  • Presenta el dors i el pili de color terrós, amb el front negre, vió ocular, bec i potes també negres, mentre que la resta del cos és de color blanc de neu; té una banda del mateix color en el coll, interrompuda a la seua part central.
  • Taca alar negra.
  • Té un coll molt gruixut, que fa que quasi no s'observi una discontinuïtat entre cap i cos.


La posta és a l'abril i el maig, i se'n detecten segones postes durant el mes de juny. Nidifica, en solitari o bé en reduïdes colònies, al llarg de la línia de la costa, menys en alguns indrets on, a causa de la pressió del turisme, s'ha vist obligat a traslladar el niu als camps erms de més a l'interior. Fa el niu en una petita depressió on diposita tres ous pintats que es confonen amb el medi i que són covats pels dos progenitors al llarg de 25 dies, i també tots dos s'encarreguen d'alimentar els petits, que després de 25 dies més aprenen a volar.[4] De vegades empra restes diverses dipositades a la platja per les ones a fi de camuflar els ous.


Menja cucs, mol·luscs, crustacis, insectes i aràcnids.


El corriol camanegra és un ocell limícola vinculat amb les platges marines (vegeu), on nidifica per preferència, tot i que a causa de la pressió humana, s'ha vist obligat en molts llocs a traslladar el niu a camps erms propers de l'interior.[4]

Distribució geogràfica

Cria des del sud d'Europa fins al Japó, també al Perú, a Xile, al sud dels Estats Units i al Carib. Als aiguamolls, albuferes i en general, a les zones humides dels Països Catalans és possible d'observar-ne petits grups fins i tot a l'hivern. És relativament comú al delta de l'Ebre, als Salats i Muntanyans de Torredembarra i a s'Albufera de Mallorca, entre altres llocs.

La seua àrea de distribució s'ha vist reduïda en les darreres dècades a causa de la destrucció del seu hàbitat natural. Així, per exemple, malgrat el seu nom anglès (Kentish Plover) ja fa temps que no cria a Kent ni a la resta de Gran Bretanya.


És freqüent en migració als Països Catalans i hi apareix durant el mes d'abril fins al final de maig. Té una gran mobilitat i es desplaça mitjançant llargues curses per les zones sorrenques o els salobrars on nidifica.

És molt característic el comportament d'aquest ocell quan se sent amenaçat: fa veure que està ferit i es mou feixugament tot arrossegant una ala, com si la tingués trencada. D'aquesta manera desvia l'atenció del possible depredador i evita que aquest trobi el niu. Aquest comportament no és exclusiu del corriol camanegre, ja que és propi de molts altres limícoles.[5]


  1. Picaplatges o Picaplatge a l'Enciclopèdia d'Eivissa i Formentera, Consell Insular d'Eivissa i Formentera.
  2. Els noms que apareixen per a aquesta espècia en la següent guia de camp són corriol camanegra i, específic pels Balears, tiruril·lo camanegra. Vegeu:
    • Roger Tory Peterson, Guy Mountfort i P.A.D. Hollom: Guia dels ocells dels Països Catalans i d'Europa, traducció al català i adaptació del text original en anglès (Collins Field Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe) coordinada per Jordi Sargatal, amb l'equip de traducció i adaptació: Francesc Anton, Rosa Llinàs, Deli Saavedra, Jordi Sargatal i Erich Streich. Dibuixants no indicats. Barcelona: Edicions Omega, 1995, p. 130.
  3. Tiruril·lo camanegra a la llista d'ocells de la pàgina "Les aus [del Parc Natural] de s'Albufera de Mallorca"
  4. 4,0 4,1 Lalueza i Fox, Jordi: El llibre dels ocells de Catalunya. Editorial De Vecchi - Edicions Cap Roig. Barcelona, 1987, plana 49. ISBN 84-315-0434-X
  5. Llorente, Gustavo: Els vertebrats de les zones humides dels Països Catalans. Editorial Pòrtic, S.A. Col·lecció Conèixer La Natura, núm. 6, planes 108-109. Desembre del 1988, Barcelona. ISBN 84-7306-354-6

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Corriol camanegre: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

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 src= Il·lustració d'un corriol camanegre (circa 1902)

El corriol camanegre, o picaplatges camanegre a les Pitiüses, o tiruril·lo camanegre a Mallorca o encara passarius (Charadrius alexandrinus) és un ocell estival que es pot considerar abundant als Països Catalans. És un limícola associat amb els ambients de platges marines, del gènere dels corriols (Charadrius), que forma part de la família dels caràdrids (Charadriidae) i l'ordre dels caradriformes (Charadriiformes).

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Cwtiad Caint ( Galce )

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Aderyn sy'n byw yn agos i'r traeth ac sy'n perthyn i deulu'r Charadriidae ydy'r cwtiad Caint sy'n enw gwrywaidd; lluosog: cwtiaid Caint (Lladin: Charadrius alexandrinus; Saesneg: Kentish Plover).

Mae ei diriogaeth yn cynnwys Ewrop ac Awstralia ac ar adegau i'w ganfod ar draethau arfordir Cymru.

Ar restr yr Undeb Rhyngwladol dros Gadwraeth Natur (UICN), caiff y rhywogaeth hon ei rhoi yn y dosbarth 'Lleiaf o Bryder' o ran niferoedd, bygythiad a chadwraeth.[1]


Mae'r Cwtiad Caint yn perthyn i deulu'r Cwtiaid (Lladin: Charadriidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corgwtiad Aur Pluvialis dominica Corgwtiad aur y Môr Tawel Pluvialis fulva
Pluvialis fulva -Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Alaska, USA-8.jpg
Cwtiad aur Pluvialis apricaria
Rohkunborri Pluvialis Apricaria.jpg
Cwtiad Caint Charadrius alexandrinus
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, India.jpg
Cwtiad gwargoch Charadrius ruficapillus
Charadrius ruficapillus Breeding Plumage.jpg
Cwtiad Llwyd Pluvialis squatarola
Pluvialis squatarola (summer plumage).jpg
Cwtiad Malaysia Charadrius peronii
Charadrius peronii - Laem Pak Bia.jpg
Cwtiad teirtorch Charadrius tricollaris
Charadrius tricollaris -near Sand River Selous, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania-8.jpg
Cwtiad torchog Charadrius hiaticula
Charadrius hiaticula tundrae Varanger.jpg
Cwtiad torchog bach Charadrius dubius
Charadrius dubius - Laem Pak Bia.jpg
Cwtiad tywod mawr Charadrius leschenaultii
Greater Sand Plover.jpg
Hutan mynydd Charadrius morinellus
Charadrius morinellus male.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan www.marinespecies.org adalwyd 4 Mai 2014
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Cwtiad Caint: Brief Summary ( Galce )

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Aderyn sy'n byw yn agos i'r traeth ac sy'n perthyn i deulu'r Charadriidae ydy'r cwtiad Caint sy'n enw gwrywaidd; lluosog: cwtiaid Caint (Lladin: Charadrius alexandrinus; Saesneg: Kentish Plover).

Mae ei diriogaeth yn cynnwys Ewrop ac Awstralia ac ar adegau i'w ganfod ar draethau arfordir Cymru.

Ar restr yr Undeb Rhyngwladol dros Gadwraeth Natur (UICN), caiff y rhywogaeth hon ei rhoi yn y dosbarth 'Lleiaf o Bryder' o ran niferoedd, bygythiad a chadwraeth.

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Kulík mořský ( Çekçe )

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Kulík mořský (Charadrius alexandrinus) je malý druh bahňáka z čeledi kulíkovitých. Na první pohled se podobá kulíku říčnímu, od něhož se ve všech šatech liší především neúplnou hrudní páskou, redukovanou na výběžky po stranách hrudi. Dospělí samci mají černé čelo, oční proužek a proužek po straně hrudi, samec i samice mají černavé nohy. V prostém šatu a v šatu mláďat je černá barva nahrazena stejným odstínem jako svrchní část těla (u dospělých o něco tmavším). V letu má výraznou křídlení pásku.[2]

Kulík mořský hnízdí v nánosech bahna nebo nezarostlé půdě na pobřeží, v létě zalétá i do severní Evropy. Nepravidelně zalétá také do České republiky, kde byl zjištěn již sedmnáctkrát.[3]


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. SVENSON, L. a kol. Ptáci Evropy, severní Afriky a Blízkého východu. Praha: Svojtka&Co, 2004. ISBN 80-7237-658-6.
  3. Pozorování kulíka mořského v ČR na stránkách FK ČSO

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Kulík mořský (Charadrius alexandrinus) je malý druh bahňáka z čeledi kulíkovitých. Na první pohled se podobá kulíku říčnímu, od něhož se ve všech šatech liší především neúplnou hrudní páskou, redukovanou na výběžky po stranách hrudi. Dospělí samci mají černé čelo, oční proužek a proužek po straně hrudi, samec i samice mají černavé nohy. V prostém šatu a v šatu mláďat je černá barva nahrazena stejným odstínem jako svrchní část těla (u dospělých o něco tmavším). V letu má výraznou křídlení pásku.

Kulík mořský hnízdí v nánosech bahna nebo nezarostlé půdě na pobřeží, v létě zalétá i do severní Evropy. Nepravidelně zalétá také do České republiky, kde byl zjištěn již sedmnáctkrát.

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Hvidbrystet præstekrave ( Danca )

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Charadrius alexandrinus

Hvidbrystet præstekrave (Charadrius alexandrinus) er en lille præstekrave. Den yngler med nogle få par i vadehavet.


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Hvidbrystet præstekrave: Brief Summary ( Danca )

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 src= Charadrius alexandrinus

Hvidbrystet præstekrave (Charadrius alexandrinus) er en lille præstekrave. Den yngler med nogle få par i vadehavet.

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Seeregenpfeifer ( Almanca )

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Verbreitungsgebiete des Seeregenpfeifers:
  • Brutgebiete
  • Ganzjähriges Vorkommen
  • Überwinterungsgebiete
  • Streifzüge (Saisonalität unsicher)
  • Der Seeregenpfeifer (Charadrius alexandrinus) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae). Er ist ein Brutvogel der Steppen- und Küstengebiete Europas und Asiens sowie Nord-, Süd- und Mittelamerikas. In Mitteleuropa kommt er als Brutvogel ausschließlich in den Küstengebieten vor. Selbst als Durchzügler ist er im Binnenland nur selten zu beobachten.[1]


    Ein ausgewachsener Seeregenpfeifer wird 15 bis 20 cm groß und erreicht eine Flügelspannweite von 35 bis 45 cm. Er wiegt 30 bis 55 g. Die mittellangen Beine sind dunkel und der kurze Schnabel ist ebenso wie die Augen schwarz gefärbt. Die Oberseite des Seeregenpfeifers ist braungrau und die Unterseite ist weiß gefärbt. An den Seiten des Halses sind dunkle Streifen zu sehen. Außerdem hat der Seeregenpfeifer einen dunklen Augenstreif. In der Sommerzeit sind der Scheitel und der Nacken des Männchens rostbraun gefärbt. Erst im Flug ist deutlich das weiße Flügelband zu erkennen. Sein Ruf klingt in etwa wie „bip“ oder „drip“.


    Das Brutareal des Seeregenpfeifers umfasst Küsten- und Steppenregionen Eurasiens von den Kapverden bis Japan. Er kommt außerdem in Nordafrika bis etwa nach Somalia, in Teilen Südasiens sowie dem Westen und Süden Nordamerikas, Teilen Mittelamerikas und der Westküste Südamerikas vor. In der alten Welt sind drei Unterarten vertreten: die Nominatform Charadrius alexandriunus alexandrinus, die in Mitteleuropa fast ausschließlich im Bereich der Nordsee brütet, hat ein Verbreitungsgebiet, das den Norden Afrikas über Europa bis in den Osten der Paläarktis umfasst. Die Unterart C. a. dealbatus kommt im Osten Chinas sowie in Japan vor und die Unterart seebohmi ist auf Sri Lanka sowie im Südosten beheimatet.[2]

    Brutvögel im Süden sind Standvögel, während die nördlich verbreiteten Seeregenpfeifer Zugvögel sind. Ihre Winterquartiere erstrecken sich vom Mittelmeer etwa ab Valencia über Sardinien, Süditalien und die südliche Küste der Türkei bis zum Golf von Guinea, Somalia und dem Persischen Golf. Überwinterungsquartiere finden sich auch im Süden Asiens. Im Wattenmeer Mitteleuropas sind Seeregenpfeifer am häufigsten von August bis September zu beobachten.[3]

    Wetlands International nennt für den Seeregenpfeifer eine Vielzahl bedeutender Rastplätze und Überwinterungsquartiere, viele besonders wichtige liegen im Norden Ägyptens, die aber durch Urbanisierung und Entwässerung bedroht sind;[4] als bedeutsam gelten der Manzala-See im Nordosten Ägypten und das Wadi el-Natrun. Andere wichtige Rastplätze sind die Camargue, die Banc d’Arguin, die Küstenregion von Bengasi, das Mündungsgebiet des Rio Miño, das Rhein-Maas-Delta, das Mündungsgebiet des Ebro und die Feuchtgebiete im Westen von Almería.[5]


    Auf dem Speiseplan des Seeregenpfeifer stehen Würmer, Schnecken, Insekten, Larven und Krebstiere. Er läuft dabei in regenpfeifertypischer Manier sehr schnell und hält dann abrupt innen. Häufig trampelt er auch sehr schnell mit den Füßen, um Beute an die Oberfläche zu locken. Er stochert außerdem in feuchten Schlick und Sand nach Nahrung.[6]


    Ei eines Seeregenpfeifers
    Typischer Lebensraum Wattenmeer

    Der Seeregenpfeifer wird nach einem Lebensjahr geschlechtsreif. Die Brutzeit erstreckt sich von Mai bis Juli. Jedes Jahr kehren sie, wenn möglich, zum gleichen Nistplatz zurück, um vielleicht mit demselben Partner einen relativ langen (5 bis 10 Minuten) Paarungsakt zu vollenden. Das Nest ist eine Mulde am Boden, die mit Pflanzenteilen und anderen Materialien ausgelegt ist. Das Weibchen legt in fünf Tagen drei Eier. Die Eier wiegen jeweils 10 g und sind durch ihr Farbmuster gut getarnt. Nach vier Wochen Brüten schlüpfen die Jungvögel und beginnen sofort damit, das Gebiet zu erkunden. Sollte Gefahr drohen, versuchen die Eltern das Tier anzugreifen oder in eine falsche Richtung zu führen.


    Die IUCN bezifferte die Gesamtpopulation 2012 auf 300.000 bis 460.000 Tiere und stufte die Art daher als Least Concern (nicht gefährdet) ein.[7] Der gesamte europäische Bestand wurde zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts auf 22.000 bis 35.000 Brutpaare geschätzt. Im internationalen Wattenmeer wurden 1991 nur 569 Brutpaare gezählt, in Deutschland 2005 nur 182 Brutpaare, mit stark abnehmender Tendenz.

    In Niedersachsen ging der Bestand seit den 1950er Jahren von 400 Brutpaaren auf 80 Brutpaare bis zur Jahrhundertwende zurück. Als Grund der Bestandsrückgänge in Deutschland werden Störungen durch Touristen an den Stränden angegeben.[8]

    Die Art ist in der Roten Liste der gefährdeten Brutvogelarten Deutschlands in Kategorie 1 (vom Aussterben bedroht) geführt[9] und ist im Anhang I der EU-Vogelschutzrichtlinie aufgeführt.

    Der Seeregenpfeifer ist eine der Arten, für die prognostiziert wird, dass sie von der Klimaerwärmung profitieren werden. Ein Forschungsteam, das im Auftrag der britischen Umweltbehörde und der Royal Society for the Protection of Birds die zukünftige Verbreitungsentwicklung von europäischen Brutvögeln auf Basis von Klimamodellen untersuchte, geht davon aus, dass sich der potentielle Lebensraum des Seeregenpfeifers bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts in Europa deutlich erweitert. Es vergrößern sich nach dieser Prognose unter anderem die Verbreitungsgebiete in der Region um das Schwarze Meer, am Mittelmeer und an der atlantischen Küste Europas. Potentielle neue Lebensräume für diese Art finden sich auch im Westen Großbritanniens und Irlands. An den mitteleuropäischen Küsten wird die Verbreitung jedoch zurückgehen.[10]


    Der Asteroid des inneren Hauptgürtels (8969) Alexandrinus ist nach dem Seeregenpfeifer benannt (wissenschaftlicher Name: Charadius alexandrinus). Zum Zeitpunkt der Benennung des Asteroiden am 2. Februar 1999 befand sich der Eisvogel auf der niederländischen Roten Liste gefährdeter Vögel.[11]



    1. Bezzel, S. 233
    2. Bauer et al., S. 449
    3. Bauer et al., S. 449
    4. Delany et al., S. 233
    5. Delany et al., S. 233–235.
    6. Colston et al., S. 49
    7. Die Bestandsdaten stammen von Wetlands International aus dem Jahr 2006.
    8. Wilhelm Breuer: Regenpfeifer – Das Ende vom Lied. Nationalpark Nr. 157 (3/2012): 25-27.
    9. Christoph Grüneberg, Hans-Günther Bauer, Heiko Haupt, Ommo Hüppop, Torsten Ryslavy, Peter Südbeck: Rote Liste der Brutvögel Deutschlands, 5 Fassung. In: Deutscher Rat für Vogelschutz (Hrsg.): Berichte zum Vogelschutz. Band 52, 30. November 2015.
    10. Brian Huntley, Rhys E. Green, Yvonne C. Collingham, Stephen G. Willis: A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds, Durham University, The RSPB and Lynx Editions, Barcelona 2007, ISBN 978-84-96553-14-9, S. 172
    11. Lutz D. Schmadel: Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer, Heidelberg 2012, 6. Auflage, Seite 663 (englisch)
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    Seeregenpfeifer: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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     src= Seeregenpfeifer  src= Verbreitungsgebiete des Seeregenpfeifers:
    Brutgebiete Ganzjähriges Vorkommen Überwinterungsgebiete Streifzüge (Saisonalität unsicher)

    Der Seeregenpfeifer (Charadrius alexandrinus) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae). Er ist ein Brutvogel der Steppen- und Küstengebiete Europas und Asiens sowie Nord-, Süd- und Mittelamerikas. In Mitteleuropa kommt er als Brutvogel ausschließlich in den Küstengebieten vor. Selbst als Durchzügler ist er im Binnenland nur selten zu beobachten.

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    Dûkelmantsje ( Batı Frizcesi )

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    Charadrius alexandrinus

    It dûkelmantsje (Charadrius alexandrinus) is in wilster út it skaai fan de Bûnte Wilsters.


    De boppekant fan in dûkelmantsje is brúngriis, en de ûnderkant is wyt. By de hals hat de fûgel donkere streken, en ek in swarte eachstreek. De fûgel hat swarte skonken en ek in koarte swarte snaffel. In folwoeksen dûkelmantsje is tusken de 15 en 20 sm grut, en hat in wjukspanwiidte fan 35 oant 45 sm. De fûgel waacht tusken de 30 en 55 gram.
    Yn de simmer hat it mantsje in ljochtbrune krún.


    It dûkelmantsje is echt in kustfûgel, hy is net yn it binnenlân te finen. Hy briedet meast op sân- of kiezelstrannen oan de Noardsee, Atlantyske Oseaan, de Middellânske See, Swarte See en Kaspyske See. It is in trekfûgel dy't oan súdliker kusten oerwinteret.


    It dûkelmantsje komt yn april yn syn briedgebiet. It nêst is in kûltsje yn de grûn, wêryn't it wyfke trije aaiten leit. Nei fjouwer wiken brieden komme de jonge fûgels út it aai en ferlitte fuort it nêst. Ein augustus, begjin septimber geane de fûgels wer op reis nei harren oerwinteringsgebiet.

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    Dûkelmantsje: Brief Summary ( Batı Frizcesi )

    wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı
     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    It dûkelmantsje (Charadrius alexandrinus) is in wilster út it skaai fan de Bûnte Wilsters.

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    Hvíthálsa ( Faroece )

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    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Hvíthálsa (frøðiheiti - Charadrius alexandrinus)

    Sí eisini

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    Hvíthálsa: Brief Summary ( Faroece )

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     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Hvíthálsa (frøðiheiti - Charadrius alexandrinus)

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    Mösk ( Kuzey Frizce )

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    Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

    At mösk ((sö.) mösk) (Charadrius alexandrinus) as en tüüter ütj at fögelkategorii faan a kuben an waadfögler.


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    Mösk: Brief Summary ( Kuzey Frizce )

    wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

    At mösk ((sö.) mösk) (Charadrius alexandrinus) as en tüüter ütj at fögelkategorii faan a kuben an waadfögler.

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    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Морски пескар ( Makedonca )

    wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

    Морскиот пескар (науч. Charadrius alexandrinus) е мала блатарка која се среќава и во Македонија.


    Морскиот пескар е долг 15-17 см. Тој е помал, посветол, со подолги нозе и потенок клун од средниот пескар. Линијата на градите не е целосна и често личи како темна дамка од страната на градите. Грбот му е кафеавосив, а стомакот бел, без шарки. Во сезона на парење, ознаката на градите е црна, инаку е кафеава. Некои мажјаци во сезоната на парење имаат црно чело и црна маска преку очите. Нозете му се црни. Во лет, пердувите за летање му се црнкави обрабени со силна бела боја на краевите. Летачкиот повик е остро бип.

    Во Индија
    Charadrius alexandrinus Јајце


    Живеалиштето на морскиот пескар се песочните морски плажи и соленкави езера, и понекогаш крај слатки води. Гнезди на земја и несе 3-5 јајца.

    Во потоплите региони оваа птица е постојан жител, но од северните краеви мигрира во тропските.[1] Се храни со инсекти и други без'рбетници, кои ги лови со трчи-пауза техника, за разлика од другите блатарки кои претежно полека одат и пасат по крајбрежјето.

    Оваа птица има неколку географски раси, од кои најмногу се издвојуваат двете кои живеат во Америка, наречени снежен пескар. Тие имаат пократки нозе, посветли и посиви се одозгора отколку птиците во стариот свет, и на мажјаците во сезона на парење им недостига испакнатата капа, како и маската врз очите која е или многу слаба или воопшто ја нема. Генетичките истражувања објавени 2009 година, сугерираат дека оваа птица е посебен вид.[2]

    Кај расите од Индија и Шри Ланка исто така, недостига капата и имаат слаба маска врз очите.


    Во многу делови од светот, многу е тешко овој вид непречено да се размножува на плажите поради човечките активности и нивните животни. Универзитетот на Калифорнија во Санта Барбара вложува напори да ја рехабилитира популацијата на снежниот пескар со заштита на плажите во централна Калифорнија кои минуваат низ универзитетскиот кампус.[3]

    На морскиот пескар се однесува Договорот за заштита на африканско-евроазиските водни птици-преселници.


    • „Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae“ том 49: 103.
    • „Micronesica“ том 32: 257.
    • „Museum of Texas Tech University Occasional Papers“ том 239: 1.
    • Hayman, Peter; Marchant, John; Prater, Tony (1986). Shorebirds: an identification guide to the waders of the world. Croom Helm. ISBN 0-7099-2034-2.

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    Автори и уредници на Википедија

    Морски пескар: Brief Summary ( Makedonca )

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    Морскиот пескар (науч. Charadrius alexandrinus) е мала блатарка која се среќава и во Македонија.

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    अलकचन्द्र राजपुत्रिका ( Nepalce )

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    A Kentish Plover chick hatching, along with its sibling and an egg

    अलकचन्द्र राजपुत्रिका नेपालमा पाइने एक प्रकारको चराको नाम हो । यसलाई अङ्ग्रेजीमा केन्तिस प्लोभर (Kentish Plover) भनिन्छ ।

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    अलकचन्द्र राजपुत्रिका: Brief Summary ( Nepalce )

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     src= A Kentish Plover chick hatching, along with its sibling and an egg

    अलकचन्द्र राजपुत्रिका नेपालमा पाइने एक प्रकारको चराको नाम हो । यसलाई अङ्ग्रेजीमा केन्तिस प्लोभर (Kentish Plover) भनिन्छ ।

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    विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू

    Kentish plover ( İngilizce )

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    The Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) is a small cosmopolitan shorebird (40-44 g) of the family Charadriidae that breeds on the shores of saline lakes, lagoons, and coasts, populating sand dunes, marshes, semi-arid desert, and tundra.[2][3] Both male and female birds have pale plumages with a white underside, grey/brown back, dark legs and a dark bill; however, additionally the male birds also exhibit very dark incomplete breast bands, and dark markings either side of their head, therefore the Kentish plover is regarded as sexually dimorphic[4]

    Charadrius alexandrinus has a large geographical distribution, ranging from latitudes of 10º to 55º, occupying North Africa, both mainland, such as Senegal, and island, such as the Cape Verde archipelago, Central Asia, for example alkaline lakes in China, and Europe, including small populations in Spain and Austria. Some populations are migratory and often winter in Africa, whereas other populations, such as various island populations, do not migrate.[5][6] Its common English name comes from the county of Kent, where it was once found, but it has not bred in Britain since 1979.[7]

    Kentish plovers are ground-nesting birds, often with a preference for low, open, moist nesting sites away from thick vegetation and human activity. They use a number of materials to build their nests, mainly consisting of shells, pebbles, grass and leaves in a small scrape in the ground.[8][9] Like most plovers, the Kentish plovers are predominantly insectivores, feeding on a large range of arthropods and invertebrates depending on the environment, by using a run and stop method.[10][11]


    The Kentish plover is in a state of taxonomic flux.

    Until 2009, the Kentish plover species was universally thought to include the North American snowy plover species, however a novel genetic research paper suggested that they were in fact separate species.[12] In July 2011, the International Ornithological Congress (IOC), and the American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) pronounced the snowy plover as a separate species Charadrius nivosus.

    The white-faced plover (Charadrius dealbatus) was also split and a paper was published about a possible split from the Kentish plover, the Hanuman plover.

    Hanuman plover

    The subspecies Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi was recently split as the Hanuman Plover, in 2023.[13] The discoverers stated in a webinar that the scientific name will likely not be Charadrius seebohmi. It was named after the chain of islands along the Palk Strait, said to be built by Hanuman, the monkey god in Hinduism.[14]


    Kentish plover.
    A female adult Kentish plover

    The Kentish plover is a small shorebird weighing around 40 g as an adult. Both male and female birds have black bills and dark legs, however adults have dimorphic plumage. During the breeding season, males have a black horizontal head bar, two incomplete dark breast-bands on each side of their breast, black ear coverts and a rufous nape and crown (although there is some variation between breeding populations), whereas the females are paler in these areas, without the dark markings.[15][16] In the early breeding season, it is easy to distinguish between males and females since the ornaments are very pronounced, but as the breeding season progresses, the differences between the two sexes decrease. Moreover, males have longer tarsi and longer flank feathers than females.[16][17] Longer flank feathers are thought to be an advantage for incubation and brood care, as the quality of feathers is associated with heat insulation.[18] There are multiple significant predictors of plumage ornamentation in Kentish plovers. Firstly, the interaction between the advancement of the breeding season and rainfall seem to affect ornamentation. Male ornaments become more elaborated over the course of a breeding season in regions with high rainfall, whereas in regions with low rainfall, male ornaments become lighter. Secondly, the interaction between the breeding system and the sex can predict the degree of plumage ornamentation. In polygamous populations, the sexual ornaments are more pronounced, generating a stronger sexual dimorphism than in monogamous populations. The difference is especially witnessed in males, whereby the ornaments are darker and smaller in polygamous populations compared to monogamous populations, where males have lighter and larger ornaments. This is thought to be the result of a trade-off between the size and intensity of the ornaments.[15][19]

    A male Kentish plover
    A male in breeding plumage, Narara, Jamnagar, India

    Distribution, movement, and habitats


    Kentish plovers have an extremely wide geographical distribution and their habitats vary not just spatially but environmentally too. They are known to reside and breed in multiple types of habitat, from desert with ground temperatures reaching 50 °C to tundra. The distribution of this species’ breeding areas covers Europe, Asia and Africa,[5][20]). In Europe, populations are typically found in the west; although there was once a breeding population in Hungary, Kentish plovers no longer breed there. In Africa, populations are found on the southern coast of Senegal and along the Northern coast of the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea coast. The breeding area continues along the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain in the Middle East. Small populations can be found on islands too, such as the Cape Verde archipelago, the Canary Islands, and the Azores. It is a rare vagrant in Australia.[21][22] Some populations do not migrate, such as the Maio (Cape Verde) population, however other populations can migrate reasonable distances, for example, plovers that spend winter in North Africa have been known to migrate to Turkey and Greece in the spring. Some birds breeding in western Europe are not known to travel very far, just within Europe, however some do travel, mainly to Western Africa.[23]

    Habitats and movement

    The breeding habitats are most commonly alkali lake shores, wetlands, salt marshes, and coastland, which is fitting with the results of a study that investigated what makes an environment suitable for a breeding habitat for the Kentish plover. By analysing four variables of all known nests, the study found that plovers prefer to nest in areas of low elevation, low vegetation, high moisture and places faraway from human activity and settlements,.[8][20]

    Kentish plover nest

    There have been observations of parents moving their chicks from poor food areas to better food areas, with chicks subsequently growing stronger in the high food areas. This suggests that parents strategically move their chicks and change habitats. Moving young has benefits: protection from predators, obtaining more food, avoiding competition for food and space, avoiding potential infanticide due to competition, and avoiding territory defences from others. However, this is a trade-off as there are also costs to moving young: moving expends a lot of energy, especially in young, therefore chick growth may be stunted as energy is used on movement rather than growth, the chance of mortality due to starvation or predation increases whilst moving through open areas and the area of high food may have a lot of predators in it already. Overall, chick growth and brood survival benefit from moving to a higher food area, therefore increasing reproductive success of parents, hence why the parents move their chicks. The study also found that the larger and heavier females were more likely to move chicks, perhaps because they could defend their chicks from neighbouring parents [24]

    Behaviour and ecology


    A Kentish plover chick hatching in Maio, Cape Verde, 2016

    The Kentish plover has an especially flexible breeding system, including both monogamous and polygamous behaviours within populations. It is known that breeding pairs return to breed with each other the following year, however mate changes have also been observed both between and within breeding seasons.[25][26]

    Along with mate changes, EPF's (extra pair fertilisations) are also witnessed in some populations, by females copulating with extra-pair males (EPP- extra pair paternity), or males copulating with extra pair females, who then lay their eggs in the male's nest (QP- quasi-parasitism). A theory as to why such EPC's occur is that this mechanism evolved to avoid the deleterious effects of inbreeding. This is supported by a study by Blomqvist et al.,[27] showing that EPC's are more common when a breeding pair are more closely related to each other. Another theory is that females may seek out EPC's with high quality males to get the ‘good genes’ for their sons, following the ‘sexy sons’ hypothesis. The breeding season of Kentish plovers lasts on average between 2 and 5 months and varies in the time of year dependent on the particular population. Breeding pairs can replace failed clutches more than once per breeding season, with the same or a different mate, and both males and females can parent more than one brood, due to mate change and EPC's as mentioned above.[2] The courtship displays also vary between populations of plovers, especially between socially monogamous and polygamous populations, for example in polygamous populations the time spent courting is significantly higher for both males and females than in monogamous populations. Courtship displays include active gestures such as flat running, building nest scrapes (small shallow cavities in the ground that are later built into nests), and fighting/running to defend a breeding territory (mainly by males) [28]


    Kentish plovers inhabit sandy areas or salt-marshes in close proximity to water. Inland populations can be found near alkaline or saline lakes, ponds or reservoirs. The populations inhabiting the coastal regions can be found in semi-desert habitats i.e. on barren beaches, near lagoons and sand extractions on beaches or dunes.

    Salina do Porto Ingles, the habitat of Kentish plovers in Maio, Cape Verde

    Kentish plovers are territorial shorebirds; the male usually has a territory and attracts females with courtship displays. The parents are actively defending their nest territories from predators by chasing, fighting or posturing them. When approached by predators in close proximity to the nest, the Kentish plovers quickly run away from the nest and start doing distraction displays to focus the predator's attention on themselves and lure them away from the nest. These displays include calling or crawling on the ground flapping their wings. Males tend to be more aggressive than females, but females performing riskier defensive behaviors than males.[29] When a plover's territory has been invaded, it invades a neighboring family's territory. This is when fights between males frequently occur because the plovers see their broods threatened. During such fights, it occurs that chicks get injured or even killed.[30] When approached by a predator, chicks usually try to find a spot where they can hide, crouch down and stay motionless to remain unseen. When they are older, they try to run away with their parents.

    Nesting and incubation

    A Kentish plover nest, with a standard grey card

    Kentish plovers either nest solitarily or in a loose semicolonial manner. They are ground-nesting birds that lay their eggs in small shallow scrapes prepared by the male during courtship on the bare ground. Selection of the breeding ground is essential for the survival of nests and broods; nests are placed near the water on bare earth or in sparse vegetation; often on slightly elevated sites in order to have a good view of the surroundings to spot predators from a distance or near small bushes, plants or grass clusters,[31] where the eggs are partly sheltered from predators. Nests are filled with nest material i.e. pebble stones, small parts of shells, fish bones, small twigs, grass and other debris.[9] The modal clutch size comprises three eggs, although some nests are already completed with one or two eggs. In fresh or incomplete nests, the eggs tend to be fully exposed, but as the incubation period progresses, the amount of nest material increases and the eggs become practically completely covered.[2] During the incubation period, the Kentish plover recesses for variable periods of time mainly to forage or to perform other activities essential for self-maintenance. To compensate for the resulting lack of presence and increased predation risk, they use nest materials to cover and hence camouflage the eggs and keep them insulated.[32] Kentish plovers regulate the amount of nest material actively. This was shown experimentally in a study by increasing or decreasing the amount of nest material artificially. Within 24hrs, the plovers had restored the amount of nest material back to original.[9] This is of advantage because nest materials help a good insulation of eggs, therefore preventing egg temperature fluctuations [33]) (hence avoiding embryo hypothermia) and reducing the energetic costs of incubation for the parents.[33] By regulating the amount of nest material, the Kentish plovers balances the advantages i.e. insulation and anti-predator defence and the disadvantages of nest material i.e. overheating.[9] Incubation is the process by which the eggs are kept at optimal temperature i.e. between 37 °C and 38 °C for the embryonic development of birds with most of the heat deriving from the incubating bird.[34] Kentish plover eggs are incubated for 20–25 days by both sexes; females mostly incubate during the day whilst males incubate during the night.[35] Female Kentish plovers usually lose mass during the day, which is unexpected since they get relieved by the males for a variable amount of time. The loss would be much higher if the females were to incubate alone. This loss is a cost of incubation due to the depletion of fat stores and the evaporation of water.[36]

    Parental care

    A Kentish plover chick

    Parental care is variable within birds and the Kentish plover has a slightly different mechanism to other shorebirds. As discussed above, both parents incubate the eggs, however both parents do not always stick around once the eggs have hatched. It is not unusual for one parent to leave the chicks after a variable amount of time; this is referred to as brood desertion. Brood desertion is the ‘termination of care, by either one or both parents, before the offspring are capable of surviving independently’ [37] and usually occurs after one week of the brood being accompanied by both parents. Brood desertion has been observed in both males and females, however females desert the brood significantly more frequently than males.[26] Studies have shown that both the male and female Kentish plover can provide adequate care for their brood on their own, so it is not the differences in the ability of the parents that determines which parent deserts the brood and which stays to care for the chicks. However, studies have also shown that after desertion females have a larger chance of breeding success than males, potentially due to many Kentish plover populations maintaining a male-biased OSR (operational sex ratio - the ratio of males actively breeding to females). Therefore, is it hypothesized that the amount of reproductive success gained by desertion is what actually determines who deserts the brood,.[38][16] In short, males and females can care for their brood equally, however females gain more by deserting their brood than males, resulting in a higher amount of female desertion over male. The non-deserting parent can continue to brood their chicks up to 80% of the time for over 20 days after hatching, as precocial young are vulnerable and exposed to external temperatures.

    If the parent bird feels that the eggs or chicks are under attack, then it will feign injury in order to divert attention towards itself. [39]


    The alarm call, referred to as kittup call, is often heard both on the ground and in the air and can occur on its own, or paired with a tweet, heard as too-eet. The threat note is described as a "twanging, metallic, dwee-dwee-dweedweedwee sound".[40]


    Kentish plovers either forage individually or in loose flocks of 20-30 individuals (outside the breeding season), and occasionally can incorporate into larger flocks of up to 260 individuals of multiple species.[41][42] Their main source of food consists of miniature aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates such as insects and their larvae (e.g. beetles, grasshoppers or flies), molluscs, crustaceans, spiders and marine worms.[41] They are obligate visual foragers and often feed at the shoreline of lakes, lagoons or ponds in invertebrate-rich moist-soil areas.[43] They forage by looking, stopping or running and then pecking to catch the prey, but also probe the sand to search for prey, or catch flies by holding their mouths open.[44] The Kentish plover's capability of identifying cues for prey is influenced by light, wind and rain.[45] At night, their ability of finding prey might be restricted, but plovers have been shown to have a good nocturnal vision due to their large eyes and enhanced retinal visual sensitivity,.[46][47]

    Status and conservation


    The Kentish plover is classified as least concern on the Red List because it has a very large population range.

    A Kentish plover chick hatching, along with its sibling and an egg

    The global population size of the Kentish plover is continuously declining although for some populations the trends are unknown.[48] The European population is estimated at 43,000-70,000 individuals, forming around 15% of the global population (estimated at 100,000-500,000 individuals).[49]


    A major threat to this species is habitat loss and disturbance. Human activity such as tourists walking through protected areas, pollution, unsustainable harvesting and urbanisation can destroy nesting sites. Plover populations can also be affected by rural human activity, for example fishermen walking through protected plover breeding sites, bringing large numbers of dogs with them- a known predator of plover eggs. Breeding birds respond to human disturbance disproportionately when dogs are present,[50] as these situations are interpreted in a context of greater risk of predation.[51] Natural predators are also a problem, as many of these predators appear to thrive unnaturally well in the presence of plover breeding grounds, such as the brown-necked raven (Corvus ruficollis) in Maio, Cape Verde, the White-tailed Mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) in Saudi Arabia, and the Grey Monitors (Varanus griseus) in Al-Wathba Wetland Reserve. It is thought that the high amount of prey available to these predators attracts them into the breeding grounds- an effect named the 'honey pot',[52][49][53] Global warming and climate change also plays a role in the decline of areas available for plovers to breed and reside in. It is known that the Kentish plover prefers to build its nests on low-elevated land close to water, and a study untaken in Saudi Arabia discovered that 11% of nests in the study site were in fact below sea level, therefore rising sea levels are predicted to have disastrous consequences for these low-sitting nests,.[8][54]


    The Kentish plover is currently on the Annex I of the EU Birds Directive and Annex II of the Bern Convention.[49] Conservation actions proposed to protect the species include the conservation of their natural habitat by creating or elaborating protected areas at breeding sites. This is essential to stop pollution, land reclamation and urbanisation. Human interaction should be controlled and kept at a minimum.


    1. ^ BirdLife International (2019) [amended version of 2016 assessment]. "Charadrius alexandrinus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T22727487A155485165. Retrieved 2 January 2020.
    2. ^ a b c Székely, T., A. Argüelles-Ticó, A. Kosztolányi and C. Küpper. 2011. Practical guide for investigating breeding ecology of Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, Unpublished Report, University of Bath
    3. ^ del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World, Lynx Edicions BirdLife International, Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK
    4. ^ Message, S. and Taylor, D.W. 2005. Field guide to the waders of Europe, Asia and North America. London: Christopher Helm Publishers.
    5. ^ a b Meininger, P., Székely, T., and Scott, D. 2009. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. In: Delaney, S., Scott, D. A., Dodman, T., Stroud, D. A. An atlas of wader populations in Africa and Eurasia. Wetlands International, pp 229-235
    6. ^ Kosztolányi, A., Javed, S., Küpper, C., Cuthill, I., Al Shamsi, A. and Székely, T. 2009. Breeding ecology of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in an extremely hot environment, Bird Study, 56:2, 244-252
    7. ^ "Focus on: Kentish Plover". BirdGuides. 2020-04-30. Retrieved 2022-01-05.
    8. ^ a b c AlRashidi, M., Long, P.R., O’Connell, M., Shobrak, M. & Székely, T. 2011. Use of remote sensing to identify suitable breeding habitat for the Kentish plover and estimate population size along the western coast of Saudi Arabia. Wader Study Group Bull. 118(1): 32–39
    9. ^ a b c d Szentirmai, I. and Székely, T. 2002. Do kentish plovers regulate the amount of their nest material? An experimental test, Behaviour, 139(6), pp. 847–859
    10. ^ Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) European birds online guide (no date) Available at: http://www.avibirds.com/html/Kentish_Plover.html (Accessed: 16 January 2017)
    11. ^ Székely, T., Karsai, I. and Kovazs, S. 1993. Availability of Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) prey on a Central Hungarian grassland. Ornis Hung. 3:41-48
    12. ^ Küpper, Clemens; Augustin, Jakob; Kosztolányi, András; Burke, Terry; Figuerola, Jordi; Székely, Tamás (2009). "Kentish versus snowy plover: phenotypic and genetic analyses of Charadrius alexandrinus reveal divergence of Eurasian and American subspecies" (PDF). Auk. 126 (4): 839–852. doi:10.1525/auk.2009.08174. hdl:10261/41193. S2CID 42282029.
    13. ^ "'Hanuman Plover' - New bird species discovered in Sri Lanka". Sri Lanka News - Newsfirst. 2020-12-15. Retrieved 2020-12-17.
    14. ^ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ibi.13220
    15. ^ a b Argüelles-Ticó, A., Küpper, C., Kelsh, R.N., Kosztolányi, A., Székely, T. and van Dijk, R.E. 2015. Geographic variation in breeding system and environment predicts melanin-based plumage ornamentation of male and female Kentish plovers, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 70(1), pp. 49–60
    16. ^ a b c Szekely, T. 1999. Brood desertion in Kentish plover: Sex differences in remating opportunities, Behavioral Ecology, 10(2), pp. 185–190
    17. ^ Kis, J. and Székely, T. 2003. Sexually dimorphic breast-feathers in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 49, 103-110
    18. ^ Wolf, B. O. and Walsberg, G. E. 2000. The role of plumage in heat transfer processes of birds. American Zoologist, 40, 575-584
    19. ^ Hill, G.E. 1993. Geographic variation in the carotenoid plumage pigmentation of male house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Biol J Linn Soc 49:63–86
    20. ^ a b Vincze, O., Székely, T., Küpper, C., AlRashidi, M., Amat, J.A. et al. 2013. Local Environment but Not Genetic Differentiation Influences Biparental Care in Ten Plover Populations. PLoS ONE 8(4
    21. ^ "OzAnimals".
    22. ^ "BirdLife".
    23. ^ Meininger, P., Székely, T., and Scott, D. 2009. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. In: Delaney, S., Scott, D. A., Dodman, T., Stroud, D. A. An atlas of wader populations in Africa and Eurasia. Wetlands International, pp 229-235.
    24. ^ Kosztolányi, A., Székely, T. and Cuthill, I.C. 2007. The function of habitat change during brood-rearing in the precocial Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, acta ethologica, 10(2), pp. 73–79
    25. ^ Fraga, R.M. and Amat, J.A. 1996. Breeding biology of a Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) population in an inland saline lake. Available at: http://www.ardeola.org/files/319.pdf
    26. ^ a b Székely, T. and Lessells, C. M. 1993. Mate change by Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus. Ornis Scand.2 4: 317-322
    27. ^ Blomqvist, D., Andersson, M., Küpper, C., Cuthill, I.C., Kis, J., Lanctot, R.B., Sandercock, B.K., Székely, T., Wallander, J. and Kempenaers, B. 2002. Genetic similarity between mates and extra-pair parentage in three species of shorebirds, Nature. 419(6907), pp. 613–615
    28. ^ Carmona-Isunza, M.C., Küpper, C., Serrano-Meneses, M.A. and Székely, T. 2015. Courtship behavior differs between monogamous and polygamous plovers, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69(12), pp. 2035–2042
    29. ^ Gómez-Serrano, Miguel Ángel; López-López, Pascual (2017). "Deceiving predators: linking distraction behavior with nest survival in a ground-nesting bird". Behavioral Ecology. 28 (1): 260–269. doi:10.1093/beheco/arw157.
    30. ^ Kosztolányi & Székely, pers. obs.
    31. ^ Snow, D.W. and Perrins, C.M. 1998. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 1: Non-Passerines. Oxford University Press, Oxford
    32. ^ Masero, José A.; Monsa, Rocío; Amat, Juan A. (2012). "Dual function of egg-covering in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus". Behaviour. 149 (8): 881–895. doi:10.1163/1568539x-00003008. hdl:10261/89099.
    33. ^ a b Reid, J.M., Cresswell, W., Holt, S., Mellanby, R.J., Whitéeld, D.P. and Ruxton, G.D. 2002. Nest scrape design and clutch heat loss in pectoral sandpipers (Calidris melanotos). Functional Ecology, 16(3), 305-312
    34. ^ Deeming, D.C. 2002. Importance and evolution of incubation in avian reproduction. In: Avian incubation: behaviour, environment, and evolution. Deeming, D.C., ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 1-7
    35. ^ Kosztolányi, A. and Székely, T. 2002. Using a transponder system to monitor incubation routines of snowy plovers. J. Field Ornithol. (in press)
    36. ^ Szentirmai, I., Kosztolányi, A. and Székely, T. 2001. Daily changes in body mass of incubating Kentish Plovers. Ornis Hung. 11: 27-32
    37. ^ Fujioka, M. 1989. Mate and nestling desertion in colonial little egrets. Auk 106:292-302
    38. ^ Cuthill, I., Székely, T., McNamara, J. and Houston, A. 2002. Why do birds get divorced? NERC News Spring: 6-7
    39. ^ "feign".
    40. ^ Simmons, K. E. L. 1955. The significance of voice in the behaviour of the Little Ringed and Kentish plovers. Brit. Birds 48: 106-114
    41. ^ a b del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., and Sargatal, J. 1996. Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 3: Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions Barcelona, Spain
    42. ^ Urban, E.K., Fry, C.H. and Keith, S. 1986. The Birds of Africa, Volume II. Academic Press, London
    43. ^ Anderson, J.T., Smith, L.M. 2000. Invertebrate response to moist-soil man- agement of playa wetlands. Ecol Appl 10:550–558
    44. ^ European birds online guide (no date) Available at: http://www.avibirds.com/html/Kentish_Plover.html (Accessed: 16 January 2017)
    45. ^ McNeil, R., Drapeau, P. and Goss-Custard, J.D. 1992. The occurrence and adaptive significance of nocturnal habits in waterfowl. Biol Rev 67:381–419
    46. ^ Rojas de Azuaje, L.M., Tai, S. and McNei, l. R. 1993. Comparison of rod/cone ratio in three species of shorebirds having different nocturnal foraging strategies. Auk. 110:141–145
    47. ^ Thomas, R.J., Székely, T., Powel,l R.F. and Cuthill, I.C. 2006. Eye size, foraging methods and the timing of foraging in shorebirds. Funct Ecol 20:157–165
    48. ^ Wetlands International. 2006. Waterbird Population Estimates – Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands
    49. ^ a b c BirdLife International. 2017. Species factsheet: Charadrius alexandrinus. Downloaded from http://www.birdlife.org
    50. ^ Gómez‐Serrano, Miguel Ángel (2021). "Four-legged foes: dogs disturb nesting plovers more than people do on tourist beaches". Ibis. 163 (2): 338–352. doi:10.1111/ibi.12879. ISSN 1474-919X.
    51. ^ Gómez-Serrano, Miguel Ángel; López-López, Pascual (2014-09-10). "Nest Site Selection by Kentish Plover Suggests a Trade-Off between Nest-Crypsis and Predator Detection Strategies". PLOS ONE. 9 (9): e107121. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...9j7121G. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107121. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 4160202. PMID 25208045.
    52. ^ AlRashidi, M., Kosztolányi, A., Shobrak, M. and Székely, T. 2011. Breeding ecology of the Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, in the Farasan islands, Saudi Arabia, Zoology in the Middle East. 53(1), pp. 15–24
    53. ^ Rice, R., Engel, N. 2016. Breeding ecology of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Maio, Cape Verde. Unpublished Fieldwork Report, University of Bath
    54. ^ AlRashidi, M., Shobrak, M., Al-Eissa, M.S. and Székely, T. 2012. Integrating spatial data and shorebird nesting locations to predict the potential future impact of global warming on coastal habitats: A case study on Farasan islands, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 19(3), pp. 311–315

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    Kentish plover: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

    wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

    The Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) is a small cosmopolitan shorebird (40-44 g) of the family Charadriidae that breeds on the shores of saline lakes, lagoons, and coasts, populating sand dunes, marshes, semi-arid desert, and tundra. Both male and female birds have pale plumages with a white underside, grey/brown back, dark legs and a dark bill; however, additionally the male birds also exhibit very dark incomplete breast bands, and dark markings either side of their head, therefore the Kentish plover is regarded as sexually dimorphic

    Charadrius alexandrinus has a large geographical distribution, ranging from latitudes of 10º to 55º, occupying North Africa, both mainland, such as Senegal, and island, such as the Cape Verde archipelago, Central Asia, for example alkaline lakes in China, and Europe, including small populations in Spain and Austria. Some populations are migratory and often winter in Africa, whereas other populations, such as various island populations, do not migrate. Its common English name comes from the county of Kent, where it was once found, but it has not bred in Britain since 1979.

    Kentish plovers are ground-nesting birds, often with a preference for low, open, moist nesting sites away from thick vegetation and human activity. They use a number of materials to build their nests, mainly consisting of shells, pebbles, grass and leaves in a small scrape in the ground. Like most plovers, the Kentish plovers are predominantly insectivores, feeding on a large range of arthropods and invertebrates depending on the environment, by using a run and stop method.

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    Marborda pluvio ( Esperanto )

    wikipedia EO tarafından sağlandı

    La Marborda pluvio, Charadrius alexandrinus, estas eta, kompakta kaj vigla pluvio, tio estas vadbirdo de la familio de ĥaradriedoj kaj genro Charadrius kiu enhavas multajn aliajn speciojn.


    Spite ties nomo en la angla, Kentish aŭ ano de urbo Kent, tiu specio ne plu reproduktiĝas en Britio.

    Ĝi reproduktiĝas en plej granda parto de subtropikaj kaj tropikaj marbordaj regionoj de la mondo el centra kaj suda Eŭropo ĝis Japanio, la tuta Afriko, la tuta Aŭstralio kaj en Ameriko en Peruo, Ĉilio, suda kaj orienta Usono kaj la Kariba Maro. Reproduktantoj en pli varmaj landoj estas loĝantaj, sed nordaj kaj insulaj loĝantaroj estas migrantaj kaj vintras suden al tropikaj regionoj.

    Tiu specio reproduktiĝas en sablaj marbordoj aŭ insulaj lagoj kaj maloftas ĉe freŝa akvo, tamen ĉeestas internajn landojn kiel Hungario, Centra Azio ĝis Mongolio kaj sudorienta Afriko.


    Plenkreskuloj estas 15-17 cm longaj kaj havas enverguron de 42-45 cm. Ĝi estas pli malgranda, pli senkolora, pli longkrura kaj pli fajnbeka ol Granda pluvioDuonreta pluvio. Estas tiom rondforma, ke ŝajnas ne havi kolon. Ties brusta strio neniam estas kompleta kaj plej ofte aperas kiel nur malhelaj flankaj makuloj en brusto. Pro tio eblas konfuzo kun junuloj de Granda pluvioMalgranda pluvio.

    La Marborda pluvio havas suprajn partojn grizbrunajn kaj subajn partojn blankajn en ĉiu plumartipo. La brustaj markoj estas nigraj somere kaj brunaj en aliaj sezonoj. Bredantaj maskloj de kelkaj rasoj havas nigrajn frontan strion kaj maskon ĉirkaŭ -kaj ĉefe sub- la okuloj. La kapo estas ruĝeca ĉefe ĉekole. La kruroj estas nigraj. Dumfluge la flugilplumaro estas nigreca kun blanka strio kiel Granda pluvio.


    La Marborda pluvio havas ses laŭregionajn rasojn aŭ subspeciojn, el kiuj la plej diferencaj estas la du amerikaj aŭ novmondaj, kie estas nomitaj Snowy Plover aŭ Neĝaj pluvioj. Ili estas pli mallongkruraj, palaj kaj grizaj supre ol la malnovmondaj subspecioj kaj bredantaj maskloj malhavas ruĝecan kapon. Ties okulmasko estas ankaŭ senkolora aŭ ne estas.

    La hindia kaj srilanka reproduktantaj formoj ankaŭ malhavas ruĝecan kapon kaj havas ne tre koloran maskon.

    • C. a. alexandrinus
    • C. a. nivosus
    • C. a. tenuirostris


    Ili faras neston en surplanka truo kie la ino demetas el tri ĝis kvin ovojn. Foje okazas dua demetado. Ambaŭ gepatroj kovas dum ĝis unu monato. Idoj ekflugas post unu monato.

    La fluga alvoko estas akra bip aŭ "puit". Sed ili havas ankaŭ ellaboritan lingvaĵon per multaj diversaj mesaĝoceloj.

    Manĝado estas insektoj kaj aliaj senvertebruloj, kiuj estas manĝoplukataj per specifa tekniko de kurado -rapidega- plus haltado, pli ol konstanta plukado kiel faras aliaj vadbirdoj.

    Kaze de danĝero forkuras kaj nur lastamomente ekflugas.

    Ili vivas ĝis 10 jaroj.

    La Marborda pluvio estas unu el la protektitaj migrantaj specioj.

    Notoj kaj referencoj

    1. BirdLife International (2004). Charadrius alexandrinus. Internacia Ruĝa Listo de Endanĝeritaj Specioj, eldono de 2006. IUCN 2006. Elŝutita 11 Majo 2006. Datenbaza listano inkluzivas kialon kial ĉi tiu specio estas malplej zorgiga.

    Shorebirds de Hayman, Marchant kaj Prater ISBN 0-7099-2034-2

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    Marborda pluvio: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

    wikipedia EO tarafından sağlandı

    La Marborda pluvio, Charadrius alexandrinus, estas eta, kompakta kaj vigla pluvio, tio estas vadbirdo de la familio de ĥaradriedoj kaj genro Charadrius kiu enhavas multajn aliajn speciojn.

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    Charadrius alexandrinus ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

    wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

    El chorlitejo patinegro,[2]​ (Charadrius alexandrinus), también conocido como chorlito alejandrino (México), frailecillo blanco (Cuba), frailecito (Venezuela) o playero corredor (República Dominicana),[3]​ es una especie de ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae, característico de playas, arenales costeros, saladares y lagunas.


    Pollo de Charadrius alexandrinus

    Miden unos 15-17 cm de largo y 42-45 de envergadura. El color varía dependiendo de la etapa en la que se encuentre, durante la etapa reproductiva el plumaje es pardo grisáceo muy claro en el dorso. Manchas en la coronilla, tras los ojos y laterales al pecho son oscuras en la hembra y de color negro en el macho, que en invierno se aclaran. Las partes inferiores son blancas. El pico es corto y negro. Las patas son grisáceas. Los machos se diferencian de las hembras por el enrojecimiento del píleo en la nuca. La hembra es similar, pero en ella el negro es sustituido por un marrón más oscuro que el de las partes superiores y carece de plumas rojizas en la nuca.


    Huevo de Charadrius alexandrinus

    Hacen el nido, de abril a agosto, sobre la arena y ponen de dos a tres huevos de color pardo muy claro con manchas negras y grises, más abundantes en el extremo más grueso. No es poco habitual que realicen dos puestas, la primera en abril o comienzos de mayo y la segunda entre finales de mayo y junio. El nido consiste en una depresión en la arena con forma de taza, que forran con conchas. Se ubican en montículos cercanos al agua, por lo general lo suficientemente alejado del límite de la marea alta. La hembra deposita habitualmente tres huevos muy crípticos, que serán incubados durante veinticuatro a veintisiete días. Los huevos y los polluelos tienen un gran mimetismo. Esta ave nidifica en playas arenosas y en lagunas saladas interiores, en emplazamientos con poca cobertura vegetal. Las densidades más elevadas de nidos se dan sobre suelos arenosos con vegetación arbustiva muy rala y dispersa, así como en playas sin vegetación, pero con abundantes restos depositados por las mareas.

    Hábitat y distribución

    Dos machos en un hábitat costero

    Esta ave vive en las playas y zonas costeras arenosas. También habita en costas arenosas, marismas, salinas y lagunas de aguas salobres. Como primera opción estos pájaros prefieren criar y nidificar en el primer cordón dunar que en las playas. Esta especie se distribuye ampliamente casi de forma cosmopolita, se distribuye de forma irregular pero ampliamente por las costas del Paleártico en latitudes medias y por algunas zonas del interior de dicha región, siendo la más importante una franja que se extiende desde el mar Negro hasta Japón.

    Estado de conservación

    Esta especie sufre la pérdida de su hábitat y ocupación de las costas para usos recreativos que soportan costas y playas durante el verano, circunstancia que perjudica notablemente la reproducción. La limpieza costera, elimina las poblaciones vegetales donde nidifican, además de destruir sus nidos y la construcción irrespetuosa apoya el declive de la especie. También cabe destacar sus amenazas naturales tales como gaviotas, córvidos, zorros, gatos y ratas. Su estado de conservación a nivel mundial es sin preocupación en la Lista Roja de la UICN. Se encuentra recogido también en el Libro Rojo de las Aves - SEO/BirdLife como especie vulnerable[4]​ en España, la Junta de Galicia ha aprobado el plan de conservación bajo el decreto 9/2014, de 23 de enero,[5]​ se estima que en la costa cántabro atlántica sólo hay setenta y cinco parejas reproductoras.[6]


    ejemplar al acecho

    En áreas de interior se nutre, fundamentalmente, de insectos adultos y larvas de escarabajos, moscas, hormigas e invertebrados acuáticos, mientras que en zonas de agua salada su principal alimento lo constituyen diferentes crustáceos, lombrices y moluscos. También pulgas de mar que captura en la retirada de las olas, corriendo velozmente sobre la arena con el cuerpo medio agachado. Su vuelo es ágil y rápido para capturar a sus presas eficazmente.


    Se conocen cinco subespecies de Charadrius alexandrinus:[7]


    1. BirdLife Internationa (2014). «Charadrius alexandrinus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2015.4 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2016.
    2. Nombre recomendado por SEO/Birdlafe página 14
    3. «Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish Plover) - Avibase». avibase.bsc-eoc.org. Consultado el 5 de junio de 2019.
    4. Libro Rojo de las Aves. p. 15. Archivado desde el original el 11 de agosto de 2016. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2016.
    5. «Diario Oficial de Galicia». DOG 9/2014 (en gallego) (21). 2014. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2016.
    6. Protección para el chorlitejo patinegro en Baldaio. 2016. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2016.
    7. Zoonomen. «Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names.» (en inglés). Consultado el 24 de abril de 2009.
    • Garrido, O.H.; Kirkconnell, A. (2000). Birds of Cuba. Helm Field Guides, Londres. 253 pp.

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    Charadrius alexandrinus: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

    wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

    El chorlitejo patinegro,​ (Charadrius alexandrinus), también conocido como chorlito alejandrino (México), frailecillo blanco (Cuba), frailecito (Venezuela) o playero corredor (República Dominicana),​ es una especie de ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae, característico de playas, arenales costeros, saladares y lagunas.

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    Mustjalg-tüll ( Estonyaca )

    wikipedia ET tarafından sağlandı

    Mustjalg-tüll ehk meritüll (Charadrius alexandrinus) on tülllaste sugukonda kuuluv lind.

    Eestis on ta eksikülaline.[1]


    1. Lars Jonsson, 2000. Euroopa linnud. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, lk 200


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    Mustjalg-tüll: Brief Summary ( Estonyaca )

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     src= Mustjalg-tüll

    Mustjalg-tüll ehk meritüll (Charadrius alexandrinus) on tülllaste sugukonda kuuluv lind.

    Eestis on ta eksikülaline.

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    Txirritxo hankabeltz ( Baskça )

    wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

    Txirritxo hankabeltza (Charadrius alexandrinus) Charadriidae familiako hegazti zangaluzea da[1], Eurasian eta Amerikako eskualde epeletan bizi dena.

    14-16 cm luze da, eta mokoa eta hankak beltzak dituena. Sabelaldea zuria izaten du; bizkarraldea, berriz, arre berdexka.[2]

    Txirritxo hankabeltzak hiru azpiespezie ditu:

    • Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus
    • Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus
    • Charadrius alexandrinus tenuirostris


    1. Hayman, P., Marchant, J., & Prater, T. (1986) Shorebirds Croom Helm ISBN 0-7099-2034-2.
    2. Lur entziklopedietatik hartua.

    Biologia Artikulu hau biologiari buruzko zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
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    Txirritxo hankabeltz: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

    wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

    Txirritxo hankabeltza (Charadrius alexandrinus) Charadriidae familiako hegazti zangaluzea da, Eurasian eta Amerikako eskualde epeletan bizi dena.

    14-16 cm luze da, eta mokoa eta hankak beltzak dituena. Sabelaldea zuria izaten du; bizkarraldea, berriz, arre berdexka.

    Txirritxo hankabeltzak hiru azpiespezie ditu:

    Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Charadrius alexandrinus tenuirostris
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    Mustajalkatylli ( Fince )

    wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

    Mustajalkatylli (Charadrius alexandrinus) on pienikokoinen kahlaaja, jota tavataan Suomessa muutaman kerran vuodessa. Lajin nimesi Carl von Linné vuonna 1758.

    Koko ja ulkonäkö

    Selkäpuoli, päälaki ja siivet ovat ruskeankirjavat, vatsapuoli ja "kasvot" valkeat. Tylleille tyypillinen tumma kaulus katkeilee ja on usein vain pari tummaa läikkää kaulan sivuilla. Silmä erottuu selvästi tummana, ja sen takana on ruskea läikkä. Nokka on lyhyt, tanakka ja tumma. Lajin pituus on noin 15–20 cm, siipien kärkiväli 35–45 cm ja paino 30–55 g, keskimäärin 46 grammaa.


    Pesii subtrooppisessa ilmastossa Japanista Välimerelle, sekä Perussa, Chilessä, Yhdysvaltain eteläosissa ja Karibialla. Leviämisalueensa pohjoisimmissa osissa se on muuttolintu. Maailman populaation koko on 280 000–460 000 yksilöä. Lajin kanta on elinvoimainen.


    Mustajalkatylli pesii sekä matalilla suojaisilla merenrannoilla että sisämaan alavien alueiden järvillä ja lammilla.


    Mustajalkatyllin muna.

    Normaalisti vain yksi pesye vuodessa, poikkeuksellisesti 2. Pesä on avoimesti maassa, usein hiekassa. Mustajalkatylli munii kolmesta viiteen munaa, yleensä 3. Munat ovat usein puolittain hiekkaan hautautuneita. Haudonta alkaa viimeisen munan ilmestyttyä ja se kestää 24-27 päivää. Molemmat puolisot hautovat, erään tutkimuksen mukaan naaras pääasiassa päivällä ja koiras yöllä. Poikaset kuoriutuvat samanaikaisesti ja ovat pesäpakoisia. Poikaset oppivat lentämään noin kuukauden ikäisinä ja itsenäistyvät pian sen jälkeen. Sukukypsä 1- tai 2-vuotiaana.


    Sisämaassa pääasiassa hyönteiset, merenrannikolla äyriäiset, nilviäiset ja madot.


    • Cramp, Stanley (päätoim.) 1985: Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Vol. III. – Oxford University Press. Hong Kong. ISBN 0-19-857506-8
    • ADW


    1. BirdLife International: Charadrius alexandrinus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. 2014. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 24.2.2015. (englanniksi)

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    Mustajalkatylli: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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    Mustajalkatylli (Charadrius alexandrinus) on pienikokoinen kahlaaja, jota tavataan Suomessa muutaman kerran vuodessa. Lajin nimesi Carl von Linné vuonna 1758.

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    Pluvier à collier interrompu ( Fransızca )

    wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Le Pluvier à collier interrompu ou Gravelot à collier interrompu (Charadrius alexandrinus) est une espèce de petits oiseaux limicoles appartenant à la famille des Charadriidae.


    Cette espèce se reproduit sur les côtes d'une grande partie de l'Europe, nichant sur la haute plage et la dune embryonnaire, et déposant ses œufs mouchetés à même le sable d'avril à juin. Elle se rencontre notamment en Arménie, autour du lac Arpi[1].

    Le pluvier à collier interrompu est un oiseau migrateur.


    Le pluvier se nourrit d'animaux dans les sables des plages à marée basse, notamment dans les laisses de mer (mollusques, vers, crustacés, insectes)[2].


    Œuf de Pluvier à collier interrompu - Muséum de Toulouse

    La femelle pond 3 œufs (dotés d'un mimétisme de couleur sable) sur la plage. Les deux parents couvent les œufs durant 26 à 32 jours. Il existe fréquemment une ponte de remplacement en juillet. Une fois les œufs pondus, si la mère est dérangée pendant qu'elle échauffe ou nourrit ses petits, elle tente d'éloigner l'intrus par la tactique de diversion dite de l'aile cassée c'est-à-dire en imitant un oiseau blessé. Si la manœuvre échoue, les parents émettent des cris d’alerte enjoignant à leurs petits de se plaquer au sol et de rester immobiles[2].

    Ainsi, la reproduction de l'espèce est rendue difficile dans les zones côtières comme, entre autres, l'Ile d'Oleron où l'augmentation de l'affluence de la population humaine sur les plages en été et le nettoyage mécanisé menacent directement l'habitat des couples nicheurs[3]. Sur le territoire français, l'espèce est classée vulnérable.


    L'espèce Charadrius alexandrinus a été décrite par le naturaliste suédois Carl von Linné en 1758[4].


    CharadriusAlexandrinusIUCNver2018 2.png
    Liste des sous-espèces

    D'après Alan P. Peterson, cette espèce est constituée des trois sous-espèces suivantes :

    • Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus Linnaeus, 1758 ;
    • Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus (Swinhoe 1870) ;
    • Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi Hartert & Jackson, 1915.

    Deux autres sous-espèces ont été placées autrefois dans cette espèce. Les ornithologues considèrent qu'elles appartiennent à une autre espèce, le Pluvier neigeux (Charadrius nivosus). Il s'agissait de C. a. nivosus (Cassin, 1858) et C. a. occidentalis (Cabanis, 1872).


    • Charadrius cantianus Latham, 1801 (syn. de C. a. alexandrinus)
    • Charadrius elegans Reichenow, 1904 (syn. de C. a. alexandrinus)

    Notes et références

    1. (en) « Lake Arpi », sur UNEP/GRID-Arendal (consulté le 18 mars 2009).
    2. a et b Philippe Moteau et Philippe Garguil, Les oiseaux de mer et de rivage, Éditions Jean-Paul Gisserot, 1999, p. 13
    3. César Marchal, « Île d’Oléron : attention aux nids d’oiseaux sur la plage ! », Sud Ouest,‎ 26 juillet 2018 (lire en ligne, consulté le 26 juillet 2018)
    4. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiæ: impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii. i–ii, 1–824 pp page 150

    Voir aussi

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    Pluvier à collier interrompu: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

    wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Le Pluvier à collier interrompu ou Gravelot à collier interrompu (Charadrius alexandrinus) est une espèce de petits oiseaux limicoles appartenant à la famille des Charadriidae.

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    Píllara papuda ( Galiçyaca )

    wikipedia gl Galician tarafından sağlandı

    A píllara papuda[1][2][3][4][5][6] ou píllara das dunas[7] (Charadrius alexandrinus) é unha pequena ave limícola pertencente á familia Charadriidae.

    Atópase amplamente distribuída ocupando extensas áreas da Europa meridional, América, África e sur de Asia, acadando os 40ª de latitude norte e apenas superando o ecuador en África e Asia. En América chega ata a Patagonia.

    A nivel galego atópase ameazada de extinción debido á alteración do seu hábitat.[8]

    Na actualidade existen asociacións coma ANABAM que loitan porque esta ave non desapareza dos areais galegos, levando a cabo proxectos de concienciación e protección dos areais nos que a píllara aniña.


    Na Península Ibérica atópase distribuída por tódalas costas, sendo máis escasa no Cantábrico. Tamén cría nalgunhas localidades interiores. En Galicia aniña en toda a costa en escaso número, destacando as poboacións do Complexo dunar de Corrubedo e Baldaio, cunha ducia de parellas reprodutoras en cada zona. Grazas ás medidas de protección dos hábitats desta ave nas illas do Parque Nacional das Illas Atlánticas as poboacións desta ave nas illas estanse incrementando, especialmente nas Illas Cíes.[9] Estímase que ao longo da costa galega aniñan entre 60 e 65 parellas (Domínguez e Vidal, 2002).[8]


    A píllara papuda é unha ave pequena, cun tamaño semellante ao do merlo, pero máis estilizada. Mide uns 14 cm de lonxitude e 45 cm de envergadura. O seu peso vai dos 30 aos 50 g. A píllara é unha especie que presenta dimorfismo sexual: o macho ten a parte superior de cor crema, e a parte inferior de cor branca; as patas, o peteiro e a risca ocular son de cor negra. A femia é máis clara e carece de risca ocular negra.


    Coñécense cinco subespecies de Charadrius alexandrinus:[10]


    En canto á alimentación, aliméntase principalmente de pequenos invertebrados, mosquitos, escaravellos, moscas e, máis raramente, de pequenos moluscos.


    Charadrius alexandrinus

    A píllara papuda reprodúcese en praias con dunas, lagoas e pouca vexetación. Adoita ser monógama e ten unha gran fidelidade ao lugar da posta. Esta adoita estar formada por 3 ovos, os cales son chocados durante 25 días polos proxenitores, facéndoo a femia polo día e o macho pola noite.

    A posta da píllara ten lugar entre maio e xullo polo que esta se enfronta a un gran perigo: a coincidencia no tempo coa chegada do verán e os primeiros bañistas, polo que, como pon os seus ovos nun cunco na area, deixa de chocalos ante a posibilidade de intrusións na súa distancia vital. Os bañistas, inconscientemente, déitanse na area a tomalo sol, en ocasións durante horas, polo que a píllara non se achegará ao niño ate que pase o perigo, arrefriándose os ovos e perdendo a posta. Outras causas da perda da posta son o esmagamento dos ovos por algún camiñante ou a predación por outras especies coma as gaivotas patiamarelas, os corvos, as ratas e mailos cans que vagan ceibos pola praia.


    1. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para píllara.
    2. Lahuerta Mouriño, Fernando; Vázquez Álvarez, Francisco X.; Rodríguez Villanueva, Xosé L. (2000). Vocabulario multilingüe de organismos acuáticos. Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades. ISBN 84-453-3316-X.
    3. Penas Patiño, Xosé Manuel (2004). Guía das aves de Galicia. Baía Edicións. ISBN 978-84-96128-69-9.
    4. "Píllara". Digalego.xunta.gal. Dicionario de galego. Consultado o 9 de agosto de 2019.
    5. VV. AA. (2009). Gran Dicionario Xerais da Lingua. Xerais. ISBN 978-84-9914-070-4.
    6. Mª P., Jiménez Aleixandre, (1991). "Zooloxía". Vocabulario de ciencias naturais. Xunta de Galicia.
    7. Conde Teira, M. A. (1999). Nomes galegos para as aves ibéricas: lista completa e comentada (PDF). Chioglossa. Arquivado dende o orixinal (PDF) o 08 de novembro de 2017. Consultado o 17 de decembro de 2016.
    8. 8,0 8,1 AAVV, Guía das aves de Galicia, Ediciós Baía, A Coruña, 2004
    9. "El aumento de chorlitejos patinegros en las Cíes sorprende a los zoólogos" La Voz de Galicia, 15/5/2009, Consultada o 05/07/2018
    10. Zoonomen. "Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names." (en inglés). Consultado o 19 de xullo de 2009.

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    Píllara papuda: Brief Summary ( Galiçyaca )

    wikipedia gl Galician tarafından sağlandı

    A píllara papuda ou píllara das dunas (Charadrius alexandrinus) é unha pequena ave limícola pertencente á familia Charadriidae.

    Atópase amplamente distribuída ocupando extensas áreas da Europa meridional, América, África e sur de Asia, acadando os 40ª de latitude norte e apenas superando o ecuador en África e Asia. En América chega ata a Patagonia.

    A nivel galego atópase ameazada de extinción debido á alteración do seu hábitat.

    Na actualidade existen asociacións coma ANABAM que loitan porque esta ave non desapareza dos areais galegos, levando a cabo proxectos de concienciación e protección dos areais nos que a píllara aniña.

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    Cerek tilil ( Endonezce )

    wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Cerek tilil (bahasa Latin = Charadrius alexandrinus) adalah spesies burung dari keluarga Charadriidae, dari genus Charadrius. Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan krustasea, cacing laut yang memiliki habitat di pantai, sungai, paya-paya, tambak, padang rumput berpasir.


    Cerek tilil memiliki tubuh ukuran kecil (15 cm). Warna coklat putih. Paruh pendek. Perbedaan dengan Cerek-kalung kecil: Kaki hitam. Garis putih jelas pada sayap saat terbang. Warna lebih putih pada ekor terluar. Bercak hitam (jantan) atau coklat (betina) pada sisi dada. Iris coklat, paruh hitam, kaki hitam. Mencari makan sendiri atau kelompok kecil. Sering berbaur dengan burung perancah lain.



    1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). "Charadrius alexandrinus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 16 July 2012.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)
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    Cerek tilil: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

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     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Cerek tilil (bahasa Latin = Charadrius alexandrinus) adalah spesies burung dari keluarga Charadriidae, dari genus Charadrius. Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan krustasea, cacing laut yang memiliki habitat di pantai, sungai, paya-paya, tambak, padang rumput berpasir.

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    Charadrius alexandrinus ( İtalyanca )

    wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

    Il fratino eurasiatico o più semplicemente fratino (Charadrius alexandrinus, Linnaeus 1758) è un uccello della famiglia dei Charadriidae.


    Charadrius alexandrinus ha tre sottospecie:

    • Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus
      • Charadrius alexandrinus spatzi sottospecie di C. a. alexandrinus
      • Charadrius alexandrinus hesperius sottospecie di C. a. alexandrinus
    • Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi
      • Charadrius alexandrinus leggei sottospecie di C. a. seebohmi
    • Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus
      • Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis sottospecie di C. a. dealbatus

    Distribuzione e habitat

    È possibile osservarlo in tutto il mondo tranne che nelle Americhe. In Italia, nonostante il dimezzamento della popolazione negli ultimi decenni, nidifica sulle coste dell'Adriatico e del medio Tirreno. Nel giugno del 2020 è stato avvistato in Sicilia, precisamente nel litorale di Mazara del Vallo - Capo Granitola. Nel settembre 2021 è stato avvistato tra le dune della spiaggia "La Pineta" di Nicotera Marina.è anche nelle spiagge di San Rossore dove riesce a trovare i suoi nutrimenti[1]

    Il suo habitat è la zona costiera, non necessita di ripari in zone boscose o erbose e riesce a nidificare tra le dune della spiaggia.

    Galleria d'immagini


    1. ^ Spiagge e dune, su Parco San Rossore. URL consultato il 5 gennaio 2022.

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    Charadrius alexandrinus: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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    Il fratino eurasiatico o più semplicemente fratino (Charadrius alexandrinus, Linnaeus 1758) è un uccello della famiglia dei Charadriidae.

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    Juodakojis kirlikas ( Litvanca )

    wikipedia LT tarafından sağlandı
    Binomas Charadrius alexandrinus
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Juodakojis kirlikas (lot. Charadrius alexandrinus, angl. Kentish Plover, vok. Seeregenpfeifer) – sėjikinių (Charadriidae) šeimos paukštis. Nuo kitų kirlikų skiriasi kojų spalva. Gyvena atvirose vandens telkinių pakrantėse.

    Lietuvoje pastebėtas tik vienintelį kartą.

    Paplitęs daugelyje tropinių ir subtropinių pasaulio vietų (nuo pietų Europos iki Japonijos, Peru, Čilėje, pietinėje JAV, Karibuose. Daugelis sėslūs, nors šiaurinės ir žemynų populiacijos žiemą migruoja į pietus.

    15-17 cm dydžio. Skiriamos šešios geografinės rasės. Vikiteka

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    Juodakojis kirlikas: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

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     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Juodakojis kirlikas (lot. Charadrius alexandrinus, angl. Kentish Plover, vok. Seeregenpfeifer) – sėjikinių (Charadriidae) šeimos paukštis. Nuo kitų kirlikų skiriasi kojų spalva. Gyvena atvirose vandens telkinių pakrantėse.

    Lietuvoje pastebėtas tik vienintelį kartą.

    Paplitęs daugelyje tropinių ir subtropinių pasaulio vietų (nuo pietų Europos iki Japonijos, Peru, Čilėje, pietinėje JAV, Karibuose. Daugelis sėslūs, nors šiaurinės ir žemynų populiacijos žiemą migruoja į pietus.

    15-17 cm dydžio. Skiriamos šešios geografinės rasės. Vikiteka

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    Burung Rapang Pantai ( Malayca )

    wikipedia MS tarafından sağlandı
    • C. a. alexandrinus, *C. a. nivosus, *C. a. tenuirostris
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    'Burung Rapang Pantai atau juga dikenali sebagai burung Kedidi Pantai adalah salah satu daripada haiwan yang boleh didapati di Malaysia. Nama sainsnya ialah Charadrius alexandrinus.[1]


    Burung Rapang Pantai ialah haiwan yang tergolong dalam golongan benda hidup, alam : haiwan, filum : kordata, sub-filum : bertulang belakang (vertebrata), kelas : burung. Burung Rapang Pantai ialah haiwan berdarah panas, mempunyai sayap dan badan yang diliputi bulu pelepah. Paruh Burung Rapang Pantai tidak bergigi.



    Burung Rapang Pantai membiak dengan bertelur. Telur Burung Rapang Pantai bercangkerang keras.



    Pautan luar

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    Burung Rapang Pantai: Brief Summary ( Malayca )

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     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    'Burung Rapang Pantai atau juga dikenali sebagai burung Kedidi Pantai adalah salah satu daripada haiwan yang boleh didapati di Malaysia. Nama sainsnya ialah Charadrius alexandrinus.

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    Strandplevier ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

    wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


    De strandplevier (Charadrius alexandrinus) is een waadvogel uit de familie van plevieren (Charadriidae).


    De vogel is 15 tot 17 cm lang; het verenkleed is aan de onderzijde vuilwit en aan de bovenzijde grijsbruin. Verder heeft de vogel relatief lange zwarte poten, een zwarte, vrij dunne snavel en een witte kop. Bij het mannetje zijn op de hals en op de rode kruin een zwarte oogvlek en zwarte vlekken zichtbaar. Wat bij het mannetje zwart en rood is, is bij het vrouwtje grijsbruin.[2]


    Foeragerende strandplevier

    Het voedsel bestaat uit insecten, spinnen, wormpjes, slakken en kreeftjes.


    Het legsel bestaat uit twee tot vier bruingevlekte, zandkleurige eieren.


    Het is een broedvogel van steppegebieden en zandkusten van Europa en Azië. In Noord-, Zuid- en Midden-Amerika komt een ondersoort voor die volgens de IOC World Bird List een aparte soort is, de Amerikaanse strandplevier (Charadrius nivosus). In Europa is het voornamelijk een broedvogel van kustgebieden met een voorkeur voor zandstranden.


    Er zijn vier ondersoorten:[3]

    • C. a. alexandrinus (West-Europa, Noord-Afrika tot in Noord-China)
    • C. a. dealbatus (Zuidoost-China)
    • C. a. nihonensis (Zuidoost-Rusland, Oost-China, Korea, Japan en Taiwan)
    • C. a. seebohmi (Zuid-India, Sri-Lanka)

    Status in Nederland en België

    In Nederland en België zijn strandplevieren alleen in het broedseizoen aan te treffen. 's Winters trekken ze naar het zuiden. Rond 1950 waren mogelijk nog 1000 broedparen in Nederland. In 1992 werd dit aantal geschat op 435.[4] Volgens SOVON daalde in de periode 1990-2011 het aantal broedparen gestaag en ook het aantal waarnemingen buiten de broedtijd. Rond 2007 broedden er nog 270 tot 320 paar in Nederland.[5] De strandplevier is in 2004 als bedreigd op de Nederlandse rode lijst gezet. De soort staat ook op de Vlaamse rode lijst als ernstig bedreigd.

    Status mondiaal

    De strandplevier heeft een groot verspreidingsgebied en daardoor is de kans op de status kwetsbaar (voor uitsterven) gering. De grootte van de populatie is niet gekwantificeerd omdat de soort is opgesplitst. De strandplevier gaat overal in aantal achteruit. Echter, het tempo ligt onder de 30% in tien jaar (minder dan 3,5% per jaar). Om deze redenen staat deze plevier als niet bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.[1] De soort valt wel onder de bescherming van het AEWA-verdrag.

    Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
    1. a b (en) Strandplevier op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
    2. Svensson, L. et al., 2012. ANWB Vogelgids van Europa, Tirion, Baarn. ISBN 978 90 18 03080 3
    3. (en) F. Gill, M. Wright D. & Donsker (2015) - IOC World Bird Names (version 5.2)
    4. Bijlsma, R.G., F. Hustings & C.J. Camphuysen, 2001. Avifauna van Nederland 2. ISBN 90-74345-21-2
    5. SOVON Strandplevier: Verspreiding en aantalsontwikkeling in Nederland
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    Strandplevier: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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    De strandplevier (Charadrius alexandrinus) is een waadvogel uit de familie van plevieren (Charadriidae).

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    Hvitbrystlo ( Norveççe )

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    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Hvitbrystlo (vitenskapelig navn Charadrius alexandrinus) er en fugl i lofamilien.


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    Hvitbrystlo: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Hvitbrystlo (vitenskapelig navn Charadrius alexandrinus) er en fugl i lofamilien.

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    Charadrius alexandrinus ( Pms )

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    Sieweczka morska ( Lehçe )

    wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
    Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Sieweczka morska (Charadrius alexandrinus) – gatunek małego ptaka z rodziny sieweczkowatych (Charadriidae), związany z wybrzeżami słonych zbiorników wodnych. Zamieszkuje w zależności od podgatunku:

    Cechy gatunku
    Samiec Ch. a. alexandrinus w szacie godowej ma kantarek, przednią część wierzchu głowy i pokrywy uszne czarne. W tym samym kolorze również plamy na bokach szyi. Pozostałą część wierzchu głowy, grzbiet i skrzydła jednolicie szarobrązowe. Reszta ciała biała. U samicy, samca w szacie spoczynkowej i osobników młodocianych kolor czarny zastępuje ciemnobrązowy. Nogi i dziób ciemne. C. a. dealbatus ma dłuższy dziób, a samiec w szacie godowej ma wierzch głowy z rdzawym odcieniem. Samce Ch. a. seebohmi mają wierzch głowy jednolicie szarobrązowy, bez czarnej plamy z przodu. Ch. a. occidentalis i Ch. a. nivosus są bardziej szare niż brązowe, bledsze i mają krótsze nogi.
    Wymiary średnie
    dł. ciała ok. 15-20 cm
    rozpiętość skrzydeł ok. 35-45 cm
    waga ok. 30-55 g
    Wybrzeża mórz i słonych jezior.
    W formie zagłębienia w ziemi.
    W ciągu roku wyprowadza jeden lęg, składając w kwietniu - lipcu (w zależności od strefy klimatycznej) 3 lub 4 jaja. Zazwyczaj tworzy małe (do 25 par) kolonie.
    Jaja wysiadywane są przez okres 23 do 29 dni przez obydwoje rodziców - podczas dnia przez samicę, a nocą przez samca.
    Lądowe i wodne bezkręgowce.
    W Polsce podlega ścisłej ochronie gatunkowej[3].

    Zobacz też


    1. Charadrius alexandrinus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
    2. Charadrius alexandrinus. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
    3. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 6 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej zwierząt (Dz.U. z 2014 r. poz. 1348).
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    Sieweczka morska: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

    wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Sieweczka morska (Charadrius alexandrinus) – gatunek małego ptaka z rodziny sieweczkowatych (Charadriidae), związany z wybrzeżami słonych zbiorników wodnych. Zamieszkuje w zależności od podgatunku:

    sieweczka morska (Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus) – Europa Zachodnia, wyspy wschodniego Atlantyku oraz Afryka Północna, Europa Południowa, Bliski Wschód oraz Azja Środkowa i Bliski Wschód. Zimuje w subsaharyjskiej Afryce, Azji Południowej i zachodniej części Indonezji. Do Polski zalatuje sporadycznie. sieweczka japońska (Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus) – Wyspy Japońskie, Wyspy Riukiu oraz wschodnie i południowowschodnie Chiny. Zimuje od Filipin po Borneo. Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi - południowo-wschodnie Indie i Cejlon Cechy gatunku Samiec Ch. a. alexandrinus w szacie godowej ma kantarek, przednią część wierzchu głowy i pokrywy uszne czarne. W tym samym kolorze również plamy na bokach szyi. Pozostałą część wierzchu głowy, grzbiet i skrzydła jednolicie szarobrązowe. Reszta ciała biała. U samicy, samca w szacie spoczynkowej i osobników młodocianych kolor czarny zastępuje ciemnobrązowy. Nogi i dziób ciemne. C. a. dealbatus ma dłuższy dziób, a samiec w szacie godowej ma wierzch głowy z rdzawym odcieniem. Samce Ch. a. seebohmi mają wierzch głowy jednolicie szarobrązowy, bez czarnej plamy z przodu. Ch. a. occidentalis i Ch. a. nivosus są bardziej szare niż brązowe, bledsze i mają krótsze nogi. Wymiary średnie dł. ciała ok. 15-20 cm
    rozpiętość skrzydeł ok. 35-45 cm
    waga ok. 30-55 g Biotop Wybrzeża mórz i słonych jezior. Gniazdo W formie zagłębienia w ziemi. Jaja W ciągu roku wyprowadza jeden lęg, składając w kwietniu - lipcu (w zależności od strefy klimatycznej) 3 lub 4 jaja. Zazwyczaj tworzy małe (do 25 par) kolonie. Wysiadywanie Jaja wysiadywane są przez okres 23 do 29 dni przez obydwoje rodziców - podczas dnia przez samicę, a nocą przez samca. Pożywienie Lądowe i wodne bezkręgowce. Ochrona W Polsce podlega ścisłej ochronie gatunkowej.
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    Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida ( Portekizce )

    wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

    O borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida (Charadrius alexandrinus) é uma limícola da ordem Charadriiformes.[1]


    Charadrius alexandrinus - MHNT

    Distingue-se dos seus congéneres borrelho-grande-de-coleira e borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira pelas patas escuras e pela ausência de coleira completa.


    Em Portugal está presente durante todo o ano. Constrói os seus ninhos em salinas e sistemas dunares.


    1. a b BirdLife International (2019). Charadrius alexandrinus (em inglês). IUCN 2019. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2019 Versão e.T22727487A155485165. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T22727487A155485165.en Página visitada em 28 de outubro de 2021.

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    Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

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    O borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida (Charadrius alexandrinus) é uma limícola da ordem Charadriiformes.

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    Prundăraș de sărătură ( Romence; Moldovaca )

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    Prundărașul de sărătură sau prundașul de sărătură (Charadrius alexandrinus) este o pasăre migratoare limicolă de talie mică (17 cm), din familia caradriidelor (Charadriidae), ordinul caradriiformelor (Charadriiformes), care cuibărește vara în regiunile de coastă și de stepă într-o zonă largă de la sudul Europei spre Japonia, în Africa de nord, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, sudul Statelor Unite și Caraibe; subspeciile din Europa și Asia iernează în Africa de est, Arabia și India. Are corpul cafeniu deasupra și albicios pe partea ventrală. Pe frunte, obraz și laturile pieptului penajul are pete negre.

    În România este o pasăre clocitoare în special în Dobrogea, în lacuri sărăturoase sau pe nisipurile litoralului, cuibărind în ținuturi rămase uscate după retragerea apelor sau pe nisipurile înierbate; toamna migrează înspre Africa de est, Arabia și India.

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    Prundăraș de sărătură: Brief Summary ( Romence; Moldovaca )

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    Prundărașul de sărătură sau prundașul de sărătură (Charadrius alexandrinus) este o pasăre migratoare limicolă de talie mică (17 cm), din familia caradriidelor (Charadriidae), ordinul caradriiformelor (Charadriiformes), care cuibărește vara în regiunile de coastă și de stepă într-o zonă largă de la sudul Europei spre Japonia, în Africa de nord, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, sudul Statelor Unite și Caraibe; subspeciile din Europa și Asia iernează în Africa de est, Arabia și India. Are corpul cafeniu deasupra și albicios pe partea ventrală. Pe frunte, obraz și laturile pieptului penajul are pete negre.

    În România este o pasăre clocitoare în special în Dobrogea, în lacuri sărăturoase sau pe nisipurile litoralului, cuibărind în ținuturi rămase uscate după retragerea apelor sau pe nisipurile înierbate; toamna migrează înspre Africa de est, Arabia și India.

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    Kulík morský ( Slovakça )

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    Kulík morský[3] (lat. Charadrius alexandrinus) je druh z čeľade kulíkovité. Patrí medzi kozmopolitné druhy, obýva hlavne morské pobrežia, vo vnútrozemí je zriedkavý, žije na slaniskách. Podľa Medzinárodnej únie na ochranu prírody a prírodných zdrojov kulík morský patrí medzi najmenej ohrozené druhy, trend celkovej populácie je klesajúci, pre Európsku populáciu je odhadovaná rýchlosť poklesu 25% behom troch generácií (15 rokov).[1]

    Výskyt a stav na Slovensku

    Na Slovensku sa vyskytuje veľmi vzácne, najme na východnom Slovensku, kde bolo v roku 1993 zistené neúspešné hniezdenie. Najbližšie hniezdi v Maďarsku.[4] Na západnom Slovensku bol pozorovaný koncom septembra 2017 na Vodnom diele Gabčíkovo.[5]

    Odhadovaný počet hniezdiacich párov je 0 - 1. Je to novohniezdiaci druh. Ekosozologický status v roku 1995 I - nezaradený. V roku 1998 DD - druh, o ktorom sú údaje nedostatočné.[4] V roku 2001 DD - údajovo nedostatočný.[6] V roku 2014 NA - (regionálne) nepríslušný. Kulík morský je jeden z 15. nehodnotených druhov, z niektorého z nasledujúcich dôvodov: o ktorých pravidelnom hniezdení u nás existujú údaje z menej ako 10 posledných rokov, sú v štádiu rozširovania areálu, hniezdia alebo hniezdili u nás len sporadicky alebo ojedinele.[2][7][8]

    Európsky ochranársky status SPEC3 - druhy, ktorých globálne populácie nie sú koncentrované v Európe, ale majú tam nevhodný ochranársky status. Stupeň ohrozenia D - ustupujúci druh.[4]



    1. a b IUCN Red list 2018.2. Prístup 13. marca 2019
    2. a b Demko M., Krištín A. & Pačenovský S. 2014: Červený zoznam vtákov Slovenska. SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, 52 pp. [online]. vtaky.sk, 2014, [cit. 2018-03-03]. Dostupné online.
    3. KOVALIK, Peter, et al. Slovenské mená vtákov sveta [online]. Bratislava : SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, 2010 (2016), rev. 2016-10-23, [cit. 2017-02-25]. Dostupné online.
    4. a b c DANKO, Štefan; DAROLOVÁ, Alžbeta; KRIŠTÍN, Anton, et al. Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Bratislava : Veda, 2002. Autor druhu Štefan Danko. ISBN 80-224-0714-3. Kapitola Kulík morský, s. 261 - 262.
    5. KVETKO, Richard; & FK SOS/BIRDLIFE SLOVENSKO. 18. správa Faunistickej komisie Slovenskej ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko / The 18th report of the Rarities Committee of the Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia. Tichodroma, roč. 30, čís. 2018, s. 80 - 87. Dostupné online [cit. 2019-03-12].
    6. BALÁŽ, Daniel; MARHOLD, Karol; URBAN, Peter. Červený zoznam rastlín a živočíchov Slovenska. 1. vyd. Banská Bystrica : Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, 2001. 160 s. Dostupné online. ISBN 80-89035-05-1. Kapitola Červený (ekosozologický) zoznam vtákov (Aves) Slovenska: Anton Krištín, Ľudovít Kocian, Peter Rác (en: Red (Ecosozological) List of Birds (Aves) of Slovakia), s. 150 - 153.
    7. DEMKO, Miroslav; KRIŠTÍN, Anton; PUCHALA, Peter. Červený zoznam vtákov Slovenska. Tichodroma, roč. 25, čís. 2013, s. 69 - 78. Dostupné online [cit. 2018-03-03].
    8. JEDLIČKA, Ladislav; KOCIAN, Ľudovít; KADLEČÍK, Ján; FERÁKOVÁ, Viera. Hodnotenie stavu ohrozenia taxónov fauny a flóry [online]. Bratislava : Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, vydavateľstvo Faunima, online in vtaky.sk, 2007, [cit. 2018-03-04]. Dostupné online.

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    Kulík morský: Brief Summary ( Slovakça )

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    Kulík morský (lat. Charadrius alexandrinus) je druh z čeľade kulíkovité. Patrí medzi kozmopolitné druhy, obýva hlavne morské pobrežia, vo vnútrozemí je zriedkavý, žije na slaniskách. Podľa Medzinárodnej únie na ochranu prírody a prírodných zdrojov kulík morský patrí medzi najmenej ohrozené druhy, trend celkovej populácie je klesajúci, pre Európsku populáciu je odhadovaná rýchlosť poklesu 25% behom troch generácií (15 rokov).

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    Beločeli deževnik ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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    Beločeli deževnik (znanstveno ime Charadrius alexandrinus) je ptica slanišč; ob obalah Atlantskega oceana in Sredozemlja se pojavlja na peščinah, blatnih poljih in v solinah, v Panonski nižini, ter tudi v slanih stepah.

    V Evropi je bilo opaženih približno 20.000 gnezd beločelega deževnika. Velika večina beločelih deževnikov gnezdi na obalah Španije, Francije in Rusije. Svoje gnezdo si naredi tako, da s pomočjo kljuna izdolbe majhno kotanjico v blatu, katero obda s školjčnimi lupinami in majhnimi kamenčki ter algami.

    V gnezdo samica znese do štiri sivo – rjava lisasta jajca. Varovalno barvo imajo tudi mladiči beločelega deževnika, ki jim rečemo »begavci«.

    Beločeli deževnik v Sloveniji

    Na obali se pojavlja v spomladanskem in jesenskem času. Včasih se tudi v času selitve pojavlja v severovzhodnem delu Slovenije.

    V Sloveniji pa so bila opažena samo tri gnezdišča beločelega deževnika (izliv Rižane, Ankaranu, Škocjanskem zatoku in Sečoveljskih solinah). V Škocjanskem zatoku je zaradi pomanjkanja primernih gnezdilnih habitatov beločeli deževnik zelo ogrožena vrsta. Gnezdi samo na slanih in muljastih tleh Škocjanskega zatoka. Povečanje gnezditvene populacije bi bilo mogoče samo z ureditvijo novih slanih in muljastih tal.

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    Beločeli deževnik: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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    Beločeli deževnik (znanstveno ime Charadrius alexandrinus) je ptica slanišč; ob obalah Atlantskega oceana in Sredozemlja se pojavlja na peščinah, blatnih poljih in v solinah, v Panonski nižini, ter tudi v slanih stepah.

    V Evropi je bilo opaženih približno 20.000 gnezd beločelega deževnika. Velika večina beločelih deževnikov gnezdi na obalah Španije, Francije in Rusije. Svoje gnezdo si naredi tako, da s pomočjo kljuna izdolbe majhno kotanjico v blatu, katero obda s školjčnimi lupinami in majhnimi kamenčki ter algami.

    V gnezdo samica znese do štiri sivo – rjava lisasta jajca. Varovalno barvo imajo tudi mladiči beločelega deževnika, ki jim rečemo »begavci«.

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    Svartbent strandpipare ( İsveççe )

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    Svartbent strandpipare (Charadrius alexandrinus) är en vadarfågel som ingår i samma släkte som större- och mindre strandpipare.


    Adult hane i sommardräkt fotograferad i maj i Spanien.

    Den svartbenta strandpiparen är något mindre än den mindre strandpiparen. I alla dräkter har den en svart tunn spetsig näbb, gråbeige översida och vitt bröst och undersida. De har också ett vitt nackband precis som större- och mindre strandpipare och ett vitt ögonbrynsstreck.

    De adulta fåglarna har svarta ben på sommaren och grå på vintern precis som de juvenila fåglarna. Under det vita nackbandet har hanen på sommaren ett beige streck som övergår i svart, på båda sidorna om halsen, som sträcker sig en bit ner på bröstet likt ett avbrutet halsband. Hanen har också, på sommaren, en rödbrun ton ovanför det vita nackbandet och genom ögat ett svart streck och en svart fläck i pannan.

    Honan saknar de svarta och rödbruna teckningarna har en dräkt som påminner om strandpiparens vinterdräkt. I flykten har den ljust gråbeige rygg, Handpennorna och handtäckarna är svartgrå men det bildas ett vitt vinklat fält på vingens bakkant med en svart kant längst ut. Övergumpen är vit och stjärtens ovansida svart med vita sidor.

    Utbredning och taxonomi

    Svartbent strandpipare häckar lokalt i de flesta subtropiska och tropiska delarna av världen, från norra Afrika och Europa, numera så långt norrut som Danmark, till Japan. Den häckar även i Ecuador, Peru, Chile, södra USA och i Karibien. De populationer som häckar i varmare områden är mestadels stannfåglar eller flyttar bara kortare sträckor under vintern men merparten av de nordliga populationerna och de som häckar i inlandet är flyttfåglar.[1]


    Svartbent strandpipare delas upp i tre underarter:[3]

    • Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus, inkl. spatzi (Neumann, 1929) – häckar från västra Palearktis till nordöstra Kina. Övervintrar i Afrika, södra Asien och Indonesien.
    • Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi (Hartert & Jackson, 1915) – häckar i sydöstra Indien och på Sri Lanka.
    • Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus (Swinhoe, 1870) – häckar i södra JapanRyukyuöarna och i östra Kina. Övervintrar på Filippinerna och Borneo.

    Vissa urskiljer även underarten nihonensis med utbredning i sydöstra Ryssland, nordöstra och östra Kina, Korea, Japan och Taiwan.[4][5]

    Javastrandpipare (C.javanicus) har också behandlats som en undert till svartbent strandpipare.[6] Fram tills nyligen betraktades även amerikanska snöstrandpipare (C. nivosus) vara en underart till svartbent strandpipare, men efter genetiska studier[7][8] som visar att alexandrinus är närmare släkt med vitpannad strandpipare än med nivosus urskiljs den oftast som egen art.[3]

    Även taxonet dealbatus urskiljs ibland som egen art, sedan 2014 av IUCN och Birdlife International, (C. dealbatus)[9] även om genetiska skillnaderna verkar vara marginella.[8]


    Genetiska studier visar att svartbent strandpipare inte är särskilt nära släkt med t.ex. större strandpipare och bör därmed liksom en mängd andra arter föras till ett annat släkte, Ochthodromus.[10] Än så länge har inte denna nya forskning resulterat i några taxonomiska förändringar. Se artikeln om släktet Charadrius för mer information om inbördes släktskap mellan strandpipare.


    Biotop och häckning

    Ägg av svartbent strandpipare.

    Året runt förekommer den till största delen i lugnare kustområden och uppträder främst på flacka sand- eller lerstränder. Under häckningsperioden föredrar de sandiga habitat utan mycket växtlighet. De undviker färskvattenbiotoper men uppträder på inlandslokaler i närheten av kusten, vid salthaltiga stäpper och sjöar, eller vid brackvatten.[1] Boet är en grund urgröpning i marken i närheten av vatten. De häckar i mindre löst sammansatta kolonier.[1] De lägger vanligtvis tre ägg men mellan två och fyra förekommer. Äggen ruvas i 23-29 dagar av båda föräldrar. Efter att äggen kläcks tar båda föräldrarna hand om ungarna som blir flygga efter 27-31 dagar. Den lägger en till tre kullar per häckningssäsong.[6]


    Den svartbenta strandpiparen lever på platser som kan vara extremt varma och man har noterat att den sänker ned sin kropp i vatten och låter bukfjädrarna "suga åt sig" vatten. Detta fenomen som kallas bukblötning har även noterats hos andra fåglar, exempelvis flyghöns, andra vadare, tärnor och måsar. Denna form av bukblötning förekommer hos den svartbenta strandpiparen bara under häckningssäsong. Man har observerat att bukblötning hos vadare ökar markant ju varmare det är och en undersökning [Aman & Masero, 2006] visar att det i första hand handlar om att kyla av den egna kroppen och sekundärt för att underlätta nedkylningen av äggen då dessa har värmts upp när fågeln varit borta från redet för att svalka sig i vattnet.


    Födan består främst av insekter och dess larver men den livnär sig även av kräftdjur, mollusker, spindlar och visst växtmaterial.[1]

    Hot och status

    Svartbent strandpipare har ett mycket stort utbredningsområde och den globala populationen är mycket stor. Trots att utvecklingstrenden är negativ så minskar den inte så pass kraftigt att den anses hotad. Därför kategoriseras den som livskraftig (LC) av IUCN (som ej räknar in underarten dealbatus). Dock har den lokalt minskat kraftig eller till och med försvunnit. Exempelvis så är den lokalt utdöd i Sverige och populationen som häckar utmed Stillahavskusten i USA är kategoriserad som hotad. En av de största anledningarna till artens nedgång är att dess häckningsbiotop exploateras av människan. Antalet ostörda strandängar och sandstränder har minskat kraftigt och störningar från mänskliga aktiviteter har påverkat fågelfaunan negativt i dessa områden.[1]

    Statusutveckling i Skandinavien

    Från att ha varit allmänt häckande i Skåne och längs västkusten upp till Göteborg under 1800-talet minskade den svenska populationen stadigt. Från 2002 kategoriseras arten som nationellt utdöd (RE) i Sverige.[2]Jylland i Danmark finns fortfarande en liten population.


    Svartbent strandpipare kallades förr hvitbröstad strandpipare.[11]



    1. ^ [a b c d e f] BirdLife International 2014 Charadrius alexandrinus Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 12 januari 2015.
    2. ^ [a b] Artdatabankens rödlista 2015 Arkiverad 23 april 2016 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
    3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2014) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download>, läst 2015-01-01
    4. ^ Dickinson, E.C., J.V. Remsen Jr. & L. Christidis (Eds). 2013-2014. The Howard & Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. 4th. Edition, Vol. 1, 2, Aves Press, Eastbourne, U.K.
    5. ^ Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2017. IOC World Bird List (v 7.3). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.7.3.
    6. ^ [a b] Lars Larsson (2001) Birds of the World, CD-rom
    7. ^ Küpper, C., J. Augustin, A. Kosztolányi, T. Burke, J. Figuerola, and T. Székely (2009), Kentish versus Snowy Plover: Phenotypic and genetic analyses of Charadrius alexandrinus reveal divergence of Eurasian and American subspecies, Auk 126, 839-852.
    8. ^ [a b] Rheindt, F.E., T. Székely, S.V. Edwards, P.L.M. Lee, T. Burke, P.R. Kennerley, D.N. Bakewell, M. Alrashidi, A. Kosztolányi, M.A. Weston, W.-T. Liu, W.-P. Lei, Y. Shigeta, S. Javed, S. Zefania, C. Küpper (2011), Conflict between Genetic and Phenotypic Differentiation: The Evolutionary History of a `Lost and Rediscovered' Shorebird, PLoS ONE 6, e26995.
    9. ^ BirdLife International 2014 Charadrius dealbatus Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 12 januari 2015.
    10. ^ Barth, J.M.I., M. Matschiner, and B.C. Robertson (2013), Phylogenetic Position and Subspecies Divergence of the Endangered New Zealand Dotterel (Charadrius obscurus), PLoS ONE 8, e78068. [1]
    11. ^ Sven Nilsson, Foglarna, 1858.


    • Larsson, L. (2001) Birds of the World, cd-rom.
    • Olsson, C. & Wiklund, J. (1999) Västerbottens fåglar. Umeå.
    • Wahlberg, T. (1993) Kunskapen om fåglar: Alla häckande arter i Sverige , Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren. ISBN 91-29-61772-3
    • Amat, J. & Masero, J. The function of Bellysoaking in Kentish Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus). Ibis, 2006, 149: 91-97

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    Svartbent strandpipare: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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    Svartbent strandpipare (Charadrius alexandrinus) är en vadarfågel som ingår i samma släkte som större- och mindre strandpipare.

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    Akça cılıbıt

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    Akça cılıbıt (Charadrius alexandrinus), yağmurcungiller (Charadriidae) familyasına ait bir kuş türü.

    Büyüklükleri 15–17 cm'dir. Üst parçaları grimsi kahverengi ve alt parçaları ile bütün kuş tüyleri beyazdır. Göğüs işaretleri, yaz erişkinlerinde siyahtır, aksi takdirde kahverengidir. Bacaklar siyah renklidir. Uçuşta, uçuş tüyleri, kuvvetli beyaz bir kanat barıyla siyahımsıdır.

    Halkalı cılıbıt veya Charadrius semipalmatus türlerine benzer olup, daha uzun bacaklı ve daha ince gagalıdır. Dünyanın, güney Avrupa'dan Japonya'ya ve Peru, Şili, güney ABD ve Karayipler'de en astropikal ve tropikal parçalarda görülürler.

    Üç alt türü vardır, bunlar:

    • C. a. alexandrinus
    • C. a. nivosus
    • C. a. tenuirostris
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    Морфологічні ознаки

    Морський пісочник, в Каліфорнії

    Стрункий, трохи менший за шпака кулик з досить коротким дзьобом та ногами. Маса тіла — 32–56 г, довжина тіла — 5—17 см, розмір крила — 31—35 см. Характерний статевий диморфізм. Дорослий самець у шлюбному вбранні зверху сірувато-бурий; лоб, «брови», горло, шия і низ білі; спереду тім'я і через очі проходять чорні смуги; задня частина тім'я і потилиця іржасто-руді; на боках шиї чорні плями; вздовж основи бурих махових пер проходить біла смуга; крайні стернові пера білі; центральні − бурі, з білою верхівкою; дзьоб і ноги чорні. У позашлюбному оперенні чорний і рудий кольори замінені бурим. Доросла самка схожа на дорослого самця у позашлюбному оперенні. Молодий птах схожий на дорослу самку.


    Закличний крик звучить як ніжне «паї» та «піт-піт». Під час токового польоту видають трель «пють, пітть, пітт-пітт…», яка починається повільно, потім поступово прискорюється і закінчується в швидкому темпі.


    Різні автори виділяють 3—5 підвидів:

    • Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus Linnaeus, 1758
    • Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus (Swinhoe 1870)
    • Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus (Cassin, 1858)
    • Charadrius alexandrinus occidentalis (Cabanis, 1872)
    • Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi Hartert & Jackson, 1915

    Ареал виду та його поширення в Україні

    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Має широкий гніздовий ареал: від південної Європи до Японії, а також в Еквадорі, Перу, Чилі, на півдні США та Карибських островах. В Україні гніздиться на прибережних ділянках Чорного і Азовського морів, на Сиваші та у Дніпропетровській області. Під час кочівель і міграцій може спостерігатись у інших частинах країни.

    Чисельність і причини її зміни

    За даними МСОП станом на 2002 р. чисельність виду становила 280—460 тис. пар. На початку ХХ ст. популяція в Європі нараховувала 22—35 тис. пар[1]. Протягом останніх двох десятиріч популяція по усій Європі різко скоротилася. До 1970-х рр. був численним птахом Азово-Чорноморського узбережжя. У середині 1980-х рр. нараховували 4–5 тис. пар. На початок XXI ст. чисельність в Україні становила близько 1750—2150 пар. Фактори, що негативно впливають на чисельність: інтенсивне освоєння прибережних біотопів та їх трансформація, зростаюче рекреаційне навантаження, господарська діяльність, випасання худоби у місцях гніздування, ріст чисельності здичавілих собак, сірої ворони, лисиці, єнотовидного собаки.

    Особливості біології

    Перелітний птах. Гніздиться вздовж узбережжя морів і солоних озер. Навесні прилітає в березні–квітні. Тримається групами, поодинці або у зграях з іншими куликами на пляжах піщаних і піщано-черепашкових островів та кіс, відкритих ділянках узбережжя з розрідженою трав'яною рослинністю або без неї, солончаках. Гніздиться в квітні–серпні у моновидових або змішаних колоніях разом з крячками та куликами. Гніздо має вигляд невеликого заглиблення з камінцями або уламками черепашок молюсків. Самка відкладає кладку з 3 блідо-оливкових або глинисто-жовтих з темними дрібними плямами яєць. Птахи насиджують їх протягом 23–26 діб. Пташенята з'являються у травні–серпні. Пташенята виводкові, літати починають у 25–26-денному віці. Успіх гніздування становить 25–35 %. До місць зимівлі птахи відлітають в серпні–жовтні. Живиться дрібними водяними безхребетними.


    Включено до Боннської (Додаток ІІ) та Бернської (Додаток ІІ) конвенцій, угоди AEWA. Включено до Червоної книги України (1994, 2009) (статус − вразливий). В Україні охороняється у межах об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду, розташованих на узбережжі морів. З метою ефективнішої охорони слід створити національний природний парк на Сиваші, заповідник на Керченському півострові, орнітологічний заказник на лимані Хаджидер, Солонець-Тузли та регіональний ландшафтний парк на Куяльницькому лимані. Потрібно регулювати чисельність хижаків; регламентувати рекреацію та випасання худоби у місцях гніздування; проводити заходи з покращання стану біотопів, які використовуються видом.

    Див. також


    1. BirdLife International. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. − Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International, 2004. − 374 pp. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12)


    • Корзюков А. І., Панченко П. С. Пісочник морський // Червона книга України. Тваринний світ / За ред. І. А. Акімова. — К. : Глобалконсалтинг, 2009. — С. 448. — ISBN 978-966-7059-0-7.
    • Фесенко Г. В., Бокотей А. А. Птахи фауни України. — Київ, 2002. — 416 с. — ISBN 966-7710-22-X.



    • Фауна України. Т. 4. Птахи: Загальна характеристика птахів. Курині. Голуби. Рябки. Пастушки. Журавлі. Дрофи. Кулики. Мартини / Кістяківський О.Б. — К. : АН УРСР, 1957. — 432 с.
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    Choi choi cổ khoang ( Vietnamca )

    wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı
    Trứng của Charadrius alexandrinus

    Choi choi cổ khoang[2] (tên khoa học: Charadrius alexandrinus) là một loài chim trong họ Charadriidae.[3] Dù được gọi là choi choi Kent, loài này không còn sinh sản ở Kent, hoặc thậm chí cả Vương quốc Anh. Nó sống trong một phạm vi rộng, từ Nam Âu đến Nhật Bản và Ecuador, Peru, Chile, miền nam Hoa Kỳ và vùng Caribbean.

    Ủy ban Bắc Mỹ của Liên hiệp các nhà điểu cầm học Mỹ và Danh mục Chim thế giới IOC Bird đã bỏ phiếu vào ngày hoặc trước tháng 7 năm 2011 để phân chia loài này với loài choi choi tuyết châu Mỹ, tuy nhiên, không có ủy ban khác bỏ phiếu để thay đổi phân loại. Loài này có thân dài 15–17 cm.

    Hình ảnh

    Chú thích

    1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). Charadrius alexandrinus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
    2. ^ Trần Văn Chánh (2008). “Danh lục các loài chim ở Việt Nam (đăng trên Tạp chí Nghiên cứu và Phát triển số 6(71) (2008))”.
    3. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

    Tham khảo

    Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết Bộ Choi choi này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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    wikipedia VI

    Choi choi cổ khoang: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

    wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı
     src= Trứng của Charadrius alexandrinus

    Choi choi cổ khoang (tên khoa học: Charadrius alexandrinus) là một loài chim trong họ Charadriidae. Dù được gọi là choi choi Kent, loài này không còn sinh sản ở Kent, hoặc thậm chí cả Vương quốc Anh. Nó sống trong một phạm vi rộng, từ Nam Âu đến Nhật Bản và Ecuador, Peru, Chile, miền nam Hoa Kỳ và vùng Caribbean.

    Ủy ban Bắc Mỹ của Liên hiệp các nhà điểu cầm học Mỹ và Danh mục Chim thế giới IOC Bird đã bỏ phiếu vào ngày hoặc trước tháng 7 năm 2011 để phân chia loài này với loài choi choi tuyết châu Mỹ, tuy nhiên, không có ủy ban khác bỏ phiếu để thay đổi phân loại. Loài này có thân dài 15–17 cm.

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    wikipedia VI

    Морской зуёк ( Rusça )

    wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    Морско́й зуёк[1] (лат. Charadrius alexandrinus) — птица рода зуйки (Charadrius) из семейства ржанковых (Charadriidae).

    Небольшая птица размером с воробья, обитающая на открытых и низменных побережьях солоноватых и солёных водоёмов. Перелётная птица.

    У самца окраска верхней стороны тела буровато-серая с рыжеватым зашейком, нижняя сторона тела, лоб и полоса над глазами белые, от клюва через глаза идёт чёрная полоса, темя тоже чёрное. По бокам груди имеются два тёмных пятна, ноги и клюв — чёрного цвета. Расцветка самки почти такая же, только на темени отсутствует чёрный цвет.

    Гнездо зуйка выглядит как небольшое углубление с камешками или обломками раковин. Самка откладывает 3 бледно-оливковых или глинисто-желтоватых с тёмными крапинками яйца.

    См. также


    1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 79. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
    telif hakkı
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Морской зуёк: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

    wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    Морско́й зуёк (лат. Charadrius alexandrinus) — птица рода зуйки (Charadrius) из семейства ржанковых (Charadriidae).

    Небольшая птица размером с воробья, обитающая на открытых и низменных побережьях солоноватых и солёных водоёмов. Перелётная птица.

    У самца окраска верхней стороны тела буровато-серая с рыжеватым зашейком, нижняя сторона тела, лоб и полоса над глазами белые, от клюва через глаза идёт чёрная полоса, темя тоже чёрное. По бокам груди имеются два тёмных пятна, ноги и клюв — чёрного цвета. Расцветка самки почти такая же, только на темени отсутствует чёрный цвет.

    Гнездо зуйка выглядит как небольшое углубление с камешками или обломками раковин. Самка откладывает 3 бледно-оливковых или глинисто-желтоватых с тёмными крапинками яйца.

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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    环颈鸻 ( Çince )

    wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
    Disambig gray.svg 本文介紹的是Charadrius alexandrinus。關於「環頸鴴」一詞的其它涵義,請見「環頸鴴 (消歧義)」。
    二名法 Charadrius alexandrinus
    Charadrius alexandrinus

    环颈鸻学名Charadrius alexandrinus)为鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名东方环颈鸻。该物种的模式产地在埃及[1]


    • 环颈鸻指名亚种学名Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus)。在中国大陆,分布于内蒙古、青海、四川、贵州、云南、西藏等地。该物种的模式产地在埃及。[2]
    • 环颈鸻华东亚种学名Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus)。在中国大陆,分布于沿海。该物种的模式产地在中国。[3]
    • 环颈鸻东方亚种学名Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis)。在中国大陆,分布于江苏、浙江、福建、广东、海南等地。该物种的模式产地在日本。[4]


    1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 环颈鸻. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
    2. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 环颈鸻指名亚种. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
    3. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 环颈鸻华东亚种. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
    4. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 环颈鸻东方亚种. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
    telif hakkı

    环颈鸻: Brief Summary ( Çince )

    wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
     src= Charadrius alexandrinus

    环颈鸻(学名:Charadrius alexandrinus)为鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名东方环颈鸻。该物种的模式产地在埃及

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    シロチドリ ( Japonca )

    wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
    シロチドリ シロチドリ
    保全状況評価 LEAST CONCERN
    (IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
    Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : チドリ目 Charadriiformes : チドリ科 Charadriidae : チドリ属 Charadrius : シロチドリ C. alexandrinus 学名 Charadrius alexandrinus Linnaeus, 1758 和名 シロチドリ(白千鳥) 英名 Kentish plover 亜種
    • C. a. alexandrinus
    • C. a. dealbatus
    • C. a. seebohmi
    Charadrius alexandrinus
     src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、シロチドリに関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにシロチドリに関する情報があります。

    シロチドリ(白千鳥、学名 Charadrius alexandrinus)は、チドリ目チドリ科チドリ属の1種である。



    ユーラシアアフリカ温帯熱帯広域に生息する。南北アメリカに生息するのは近縁な別種ユキチドリ Charadrius nivosus である。












    かつては南北アメリカユキチドリ Charadrius nivosus と同種か別種か議論があった。ユキチドリは当初は Cassin (1858) により別種として記載されたが、Oberholser (1922) により C. alexandrinus に統合され、その後も議論が続いた。シロビタイチドリ C. marginatusアカエリシロチドリ C. ruficapillus(研究者によってはさらにジャワクロエリシロチドリ C. javanicus)と上種を構成するという説も出た。

    しかし、シロチドリはユキチドリよりもアフリカシロビタイチドリに近縁と判明し、ユキチドリは C. nivosus に再分離された[1]

    シロビタイチドリ Charadrius marginatus

    シロチドリ Charadrius alexandrinus

    ユキチドリ Charadrius nivosus

    広義の C. alexandrinus(シロチドリ+ユキチドリ)は計6–10亜種に分かれる。6亜種に分けた場合、C. a. alexandrinus, C. a. dealbatus, C. a. seebohmi の3亜種がシロチドリ、C. a. nivosus, C. a. tenuirostris, C. a. occidentalis がユキチドリとなる[1]




    1. ^ a b Küpper, C.; Augustin, J.; Kosztolányi, A.; Burke, T.; Figuerola, J.; Székely, T. (2009), “Kentish versus Snowy Plover: Phenotypic and genetic analyses of Charadrius alexandrinus reveal divergence of Eurasian and American subspecies”, Auk 126: 839–852
    2. ^ 【鳥類】環境省第4次レッドリスト(2012)<分類群順> (PDF)”. 環境省 (2012年9月9日閲覧。



    執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
    telif hakkı

    シロチドリ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

    wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı

    シロチドリ(白千鳥、学名 Charadrius alexandrinus)は、チドリ目チドリ科チドリ属の1種である。

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    Description ( İngilizce )

    World Register of Marine Species tarafından sağlandı
    Length: 15-17 cm. Plumage: above grey-brown; below white; forehead and band on hindneck white continuous with white superciliary line; breastband incomplete--dark patches at sides of chest only; breeding male with black bars at sides of chest, black frontal bar and black line through eye; chestnut cap; in non-breeding male and female brown replaces black, no chestnut in cap. Immature like adult but paler with buff markings on coverts. Bare parts: iris dark brown; bill black; eyering black; feet and legs dark grey to black. Habitat: beaches, lagoons, estuaries, tidal mudflats; inland water bodies. Palearctic migrant in north-eastern Africa, breeds along Red Sea.


    Urban, E. K.; Fry, C. H.; Keith, S. (1986). The Birds of Africa, Volume II. Academic Press, London.

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