Cabanis's ground sparrow or Costa Rican ground sparrow (Melozone cabanisi), is a New World sparrow. It previously was considered a subspecies of the Prevost's ground sparrow.
Cabanis's ground sparrow is endemic to central Costa Rica. It is ranked as "Near Threatened" by the IUCN due to its small range of habitat that has seen increased urban development in recent decades. The sparrow has a limited distribution area and the population is relatively small, estimated at only between 20,000 and 50,000 adult individuals. It is also believed to be decreasing in number.
It is on average 15 cm long and weighs 28 g. The adult has a stubby dark-grey bill, unstreaked olive-brown upperparts, a rufous crown and mainly white underparts. Young birds are browner above, have yellower underparts, and a duller indistinct head pattern. The rufous of the crown extends to behind the eye and is bordered on its anterior edge with black. This black border is broken by a white eye ring. The forehead is white, bordered below with a thin black line; there is a black malar stripe, and a black central breast patch.
Cabanis's ground sparrow or Costa Rican ground sparrow (Melozone cabanisi), is a New World sparrow. It previously was considered a subspecies of the Prevost's ground sparrow.
Cabanis's ground sparrow is endemic to central Costa Rica. It is ranked as "Near Threatened" by the IUCN due to its small range of habitat that has seen increased urban development in recent decades. The sparrow has a limited distribution area and the population is relatively small, estimated at only between 20,000 and 50,000 adult individuals. It is also believed to be decreasing in number.
El toquí costarricense o pinzón cafetalero (Melozone cabanisi) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Passerellidae endémica del centro de Costa Rica. Anteriórmente se consideraba una subespecie del toquí cuatro ojos.
Mide de media 15 cm de largo y pesa 28 g. Tiene las partes superiores de color pardo oliváceo y las inferiores principalmente blancas. Presenta el píleo y las mejillas rojizas uniéndose ambos por detrás de la mancha blanca blanca que rodea los ojos. Su frente es negra y también es negro el borde inferior del lorum blanco. Además presenta listas malares negras que contrastan con la garganta blanca y una mancha negra redondeada en el centro del pecho. Los juveniles son más parduzcos, tienen las partes inferiores amarillentas y un patrón de color difuso en la cabeza.
El toquí costarricense o pinzón cafetalero (Melozone cabanisi) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Passerellidae endémica del centro de Costa Rica. Anteriórmente se consideraba una subespecie del toquí cuatro ojos.
Melozone cabanisi Melozone generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Emberizidae familian sailkatua dago.
Melozone cabanisi Melozone generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Emberizidae familian sailkatua dago.
De Cabanis' grondgors (Melozone cabanisi) is een zangvogel uit de familie Emberizidae (gorzen).
Deze soort is endemisch in centraal Costa Rica.
De Cabanis' grondgors (Melozone cabanisi) is een zangvogel uit de familie Emberizidae (gorzen).
Costaricabusksparv[2] (Melozone cabanisi) är en fågel i familjen amerikanska sparvar inom ordningen tättingar.[3]
Den förekommer i höglänta områden i centrala Costa Rica.[4] Tidigare betraktades den som en underart till glasögonbusksparv (M. biarcuata).
IUCN kategoriserar den som livskraftig.[1]
Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar den tyske ornitologen Jean Louis Cabanis (1816-1906).[5]
Costaricabusksparv (Melozone cabanisi) är en fågel i familjen amerikanska sparvar inom ordningen tättingar.