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Observations: The same female was observed nesting for over 5 years (http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/).
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Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Sayornis saya (Bonaparte)

Donald W. Lamm reported a nest of Say's phoebe at Tucson, Arizona, 22 March 1973, with 3 eggs of the host and 1 of the brown-headed cowbird (M. ater obscures). When revisited later there were 3 young phoebes and no cowbird. This is the first time Say's phoebe has been reported as a victim of the southwestern race of the parasite. The small number of previous instances (Friedmann, 1963:53) all involved the nominate race. To these may be added 2 more Kansas records: 1 from Oberlin, Decatur County, 31 May 1909 (now in the collections of the Western Foundation); and the other from Ellis County, 1974 (Schukman, 1974).

This species and the related black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) provide a marked contrast with the eastern phoebe, as they are only seldom found to be parasitized. Schukman's study provides some direct, comparative data because he studied Say's phoebe and the eastern phoebe in the same area. The 1 parasitized Say's phoebe nest he found was among 30 nests of that species studied, whereas 6 of 66 eastern phoebe nests in this area were parasitized.

bibliyografik atıf
Friedmann, Herbert, Kiff, Lloyd F., and Rothstein, Stephen I. 1977. "A further contribution of knowledge of the host relations of the parasitic cowbirds." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.235

Sayornis saya ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı
Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Sayornis saya ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae orixinariu d'América del Norte.


Pue atopase mientres tol añu dende l'oeste de Coloráu hasta'l sur de California, y dende l'este de la península occidental de Texas hasta l'oeste de Méxicu. Reproducir dende Alaska, l'oeste y el centru sur de Canadá, traviés de Dakota del Norte, el Mediu Oeste y Nuevu Méxicu. Nel iviernu migra a zones desérticas de Texas al traviés de Méxicu hasta'l norte d'América Central. Mientres la migración d'estes aves pueden atopase a miles de kilómetros fora del so rangu. Estes aves prefieren paisaxes secos, afaraos y grebos. Pueden atopase en montes, tierres de cultivu y sabanes, xeneralmente cerca de l'agua.


  1. BirdLife International (2012). «Sayornis saya» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2012.1.

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Sayornis saya: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

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Sayornis saya Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Sayornis saya ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae orixinariu d'América del Norte.

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Ffebi Say ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ffebi Say (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: ffebîau Say) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Sayornis saya; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Say's phoebe. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. saya, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r ffebi Say yn perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Gwybedog bronwinau’r Gogledd Aphanotriccus capitalis Gwybedog pigddu Aphanotriccus audax Teyrn corunllwyd Attila bolivianus
Attila bolivianus - White-eyed attila, Careiro da Várzea, Amazonas, Brazil.jpg
Teyrn cycyllog Attila rufus
Attila rufus -Reserva Guainumbi, Sao Luis do Paraitinga, Sao Paulo, Brasil-8.jpg
Teyrn gwinau mawr Attila cinnamomeus
Cinnamon Attila.jpg
Teyrn gylfingam y De Oncostoma olivaceum
Southern Bentbill.jpg
Teyrn gylfingam y Gogledd Oncostoma cinereigulare
Northern Bentbill (Oncostoma cinereigulare) (5771914809).jpg
Teyrn melyngoch Attila torridus Teyrn tinfelyn Attila spadiceus
Attila spadiceus.jpg
Teyrn torfelyn Attila citriniventris
Attila citriniventris - Citron-bellied Attila; Careiro, Amazonas, Brazil.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Ffebi Say: Brief Summary ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ffebi Say (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: ffebîau Say) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Sayornis saya; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Say's phoebe. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Teyrn-wybedogion (Lladin: Tyrannidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. saya, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann (Sayornis saya) ist ein amerikanischer Schreivogel.


Der 16 cm lange Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann ist auf der Oberseite braun-grau und am Bauch braun-orange gefärbt. Hals und Brust sind hellgrau. Jungvögel zeichnen sich durch zimtfarbene Flügelbinden aus.


Der Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann lebt während der Brutsaison in trockenen offenen oder halboffenen Lebensräumen im Westen Nordamerikas, von Alaska bis nach Mexiko. Im Winter ziehen sie in den Süden Mexikos. Im südlichen Teil des Verbreitungsgebiets sind sie Standvögel.

Der Bestand ist rückläufig, was auf den Verlust des Lebensraumes in den Überwinterungsgebieten zurückgeführt wird.


Der Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann jagt von einer Warte auf einem Zweig oder Felsen nach Insekten, die er im Flug fängt. Er kann auch im Rüttelflug über offenen Flächen nach Insekten Ausschau halten. Gelegentlich ernährt sich der Vogel auch von bestimmten Beeren. Der Gesang des Vogels klingt wie pit-sie-ar, der Ruf wie pie-ih. Diese beiden Schreie werden oft pausenlos abgewechselt.


Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrannen bauen ein Schalennest aus Lehm und Gras in einem natürlichen oder von Menschen errichteten Hohlraum, manchmal auch unter einem Felsabsatz. Pro Brut legen die Vögel 3–6 Eier und bebrüten sie 12–14 Tage lang. Während ausschließlich das Weibchen brütet, können beide Partner die Jungen mit Nahrung versorgen. Nach 14–17 Tagen sind die Jungvögel flügge. Das Nest kann in der zweiten Brutperiode wiederverwendet werden.


Die geografische Variation ist geringfügig und verläuft vermutlich sehr allmählich (klinal) hin zu blasseren Vögeln in den arideren Teilen des Verbreitungsgebiets. Es werden bis zu vier Unterarten unterschieden, von denen heute aber oft die Unterarten S. s. yukonensis und S. s. pallidus als der Nominatform zugehörig angesehen werden.

  • Sayornis saya pallidus (Swainson, 1827) – zentrales Hochland von Mexiko
  • San José Phoebe Sayornis saya quiescens (Grinnell, 1926) – Nördliches Baja California und Isla de Cedros in Mexico
  • Say-Phoebe Sayornis saya saya (Bonaparte, 1825) – Westliches Kanada südwärts durch den Westteil der USA
  • Yukon Phoebe Sayornis saya yukonensis (Bishop, 1900) – Alaska und nordwestliches Kanada


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Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Der Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann (Sayornis saya) ist ein amerikanischer Schreivogel.

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Say's phoebe ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Say's phoebe (Sayornis saya) is a passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family.[2] A common bird across western North America, it prefers dry, desolate areas.[2] This bird was named for Thomas Say, the American naturalist.[3]


Say's phoebe was formally described in 1825 by the French naturalist Charles Lucien Bonaparte from a specimen collected near Pueblo, Colorado. He coined the binomial name Muscicapa saya where the specific epithet was chosen to honour the naturalist Thomas Say.[3][4] The species is now placed in the genus Sayornis that was introduced by Bonaparte in 1854.[5][6]

Two subspecies are recognised:[6]


Say's Phoebe
Say's phoebe in Cochise County, Arizona

The adult Say's phoebe is a barrel-chested bird with a squared-off head. It is gray-brown above with a black tail and buffy cinnamon below, becoming more orange around the vent. The tail is long and the primaries end just past the rump on resting birds. The wings seem pale in flight and resemble a female mountain bluebird. The juvenile is similar to adult, but has buffy orange to whitish wingbars and a yellow gape. Adult birds are 7.5 in (19 cm) long. They have a 13 in (33 cm) wingspan and they weigh 0.75 oz (21 g)

Distribution and habitat

They are found year-round from western Colorado, southwest to southern California, east to the western panhandle of Texas and south through western Mexico. They breed from Alaska south through western and south central Canada, south through North Dakota, the midwest and to New Mexico and westward.[7] They winter in the desert southwest to southern Texas and south through Mexico to northern Central America. During migration these birds can be found thousands of miles out of range. There are regular fall reports in New England, U.S and Nova Scotia, Canada.

These birds prefer dry, desolate, arid landscapes. They can be found on farmland, savanna and open woodlands, usually near water. They tend to be early migrants to the western U.S.[8]

Behaviour and ecology

Adult Say's phoebe hunting from a perch

This bird is similar to the eastern phoebe. It sallies from a perch to catch insects in mid-air. It also hovers American kestrel-like and dips its tail while perched.[2] The Say's phoebe also likes to feed just above the water's surface. They eat insects almost exclusively, but have been known to eat berries.

Say's phoebes nest in the typical phoebe fashion. They attach their nests under bridges, canyon walls, wells and abandoned mine shafts. The nest is made by the female and is cup-shaped. It is made of grass, forbs, moss and plant fibers lined with hair and other fine materials. She lays three to seven, but usually four or five, white, mostly unmarked, eggs. Some have red spots. The eggs are roughly 0.8 in (20 mm).[2]


Say's Phoebes have been found to breed anytime between late March and late August. They have a broad range of breeding elevation, including anywhere from 300 to 1800 meters. Their preferred breeding ground is open, arid country.[9] Their breeding grounds are very wide—spanning throughout the western continental North America as far north as arctic Alaska to as far south as central Mexico.[10]


This species' diet is primarily insects.[2] These insects include grasshoppers, flies, crickets, beetles and bees.[11] However, it is disputed whether honey bees are actually suitable aspects of their diets. Their techniques for catching prey including taking it midair or pouncing on the insects while they are on the ground.[12] They have also been observed to have consumed small fish at times. The diets of adult Say's Phoebes varies from that of nestlings, with the latter consuming a higher share of soft foods.[12]


Like other Sayornis species, the Say's Phoebe is known to use "song-like" displays as its main form of communication.[13] Their singing is characterized as having a very loud pitch to begin and then slowly leveling off into a more steady pitch.[13] This initial peak pitch is a distinctive trait to the Say's Phoebe compared to its other Sayornis counterparts. They generally use this form of communication to countersing other birds, make its presence known when patrolling its territory, and in during the early stages of mating season.[8] Almost all males do the singing; however, a select few females engage in singing as well.[8] Often times, the Say's Phoebe will sing while hovering over an open field.[8]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2019). "Sayornis saya". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T22699889A137979584. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T22699889A137979584.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Sayornis saya: BirdLife International". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012-05-01. Retrieved 2021-11-13.
  3. ^ a b Bonaparte, Charles Lucien (1825). American Ornithology; or, The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States, Not Given By Wilson. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Carey. p. 20, Plate 2 fig. 3.
  4. ^ Traylor, Melvin A. Jr, ed. (1979). Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 8. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology. p. 148.
  5. ^ Bonaparte, Charles Lucien (1854). "Notes sur les collections rapportées en 1853, par M. A. Delattre, de son voyage en Californie et dans le Nicaragua". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 38: 1–11, 53–67, 258–266, 378–389, 533–541, 650–665 [657].
  6. ^ a b Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (2020). "Tyrant flycatchers". IOC World Bird List Version 10.2. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 9 October 2020.
  7. ^ Cade, Tom J.; White, Clayton M. (October 1973). "Breeding of Say's Phoebe in Arctic Alaska". The Condor. 75 (3): 360–361. doi:10.2307/1366189. ISSN 0010-5422.
  8. ^ a b c d Smith, W. John (1970). "Displays and Message Assortment in Sayornis Species". Behaviour. 37 (1–2): 85–112. doi:10.1163/156853970x00259. ISSN 0005-7959.
  9. ^ "SAY'S PHOEBE | The Texas Breeding Bird Atlas". txtbba.tamu.edu. Retrieved 2021-11-12.
  10. ^ Schukman, John M.; Wolf, Blair O. (1998), "Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya)", Birds of North America (print), The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington D.C, retrieved 2021-11-13
  11. ^ "Say's Phoebe Life History, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology". www.allaboutbirds.org. Retrieved 2021-11-12.
  12. ^ a b Wolf, Blair O. (Blair Oliver). The Reproductive biology and natural history of the black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans Swainson) in central California (Thesis). San Jose State University Library.
  13. ^ a b Smith, W. John (1970). "Song-Like Displays in Sayornis Species". Behaviour. 37 (1–2): 64–84. doi:10.1163/156853970x00240. ISSN 0005-7959.
  • Ted Floyd. Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America. 2008
  • Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, Darryl Wheye. The Birder's Handbook. 1988

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Say's phoebe: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Say's phoebe (Sayornis saya) is a passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family. A common bird across western North America, it prefers dry, desolate areas. This bird was named for Thomas Say, the American naturalist.

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Sayornis saya ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El mosquero llanero[2]​ o papamoscas llanero[3]​ (Sayornis saya) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae originario de América del Norte.


Se puede encontrar durante todo el año desde el oeste de Colorado hasta el sur de California, y desde el este de la península occidental de Texas hasta el oeste de México. Se reproducen desde Alaska, el oeste y el centro sur de Canadá, través de Dakota del Norte, el Medio Oeste y Nuevo México. En el invierno migra a zonas desérticas de Texas a través de México hasta el norte de América Central. Durante la migración de estas aves pueden encontrarse a miles de kilómetros fuera de su rango. Estas aves prefieren paisajes secos, desolados y áridos. Se pueden encontrar en bosques, tierras de cultivo y sabanas, generalmente cerca del agua.


  1. BirdLife International (2012). «Sayornis saya». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2012.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 18 de febrero de 2013.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (2004). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Novena parte: Orden Passeriformes, Familias Cotingidae a Motacillidae)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 51 (2): 491-499. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 18 de febrero de 2013.
  3. «Mosquero Llanero (Sayornis saya) (Bonaparte, 1825)». Avibase. Consultado el 18 de febrero de 2013.

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Sayornis saya: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El mosquero llanero​ o papamoscas llanero​ (Sayornis saya) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae originario de América del Norte.

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Sayornis saya ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Sayornis saya Sayornis generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Tyrannidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Sayornis saya: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Sayornis saya Sayornis generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Tyrannidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Moucherolle à ventre roux ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Sayornis saya

La moucherolle à ventre roux (Sayornis saya) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Tyrannidae.


La moucherolle à ventre roux mesure de 17 à 20 cm de longueur pour une masse comprise entre 21 et 22 grammes[1],[2].

Les adultes ont les parties supérieures gris-brunâtre avec le dessous du croupion et le ventre orange-brun. Cette teinte cannelle passe progressivement au gris sur la gorge et le poitrail. Les juvéniles ont des barres alaires cannelle ; les adultes n'en ont pas. La queue est noire, tout comme le bec, les yeux et les pattes[1].

Écologie et comportement


Une moucherolle à ventre roux, une proie dans le bec.

Ces oiseaux attendent perchés sur un arbuste ou un rocher puis décollent pour attraper des insectes repérés en vol, mais prospectent également en planant au-dessus des champs. Ils peuvent aussi consommer certaines baies, par temps froid, quand leurs proies habituelles se font rares[1],[2].


C'est la femelle qui construit le nid, cupulaire et situé dans une cavité naturelle ou pas, ou sur un rebord. C'est également elle qui couvera seule ses 4 ou 5 œufs, blancs et tachés de rougeâtre[1]. L'éclosion a lieu 12 à 15 jours plus tard, et le mâle aide alors sa compagne à s'occuper des jeunes pour le nourrissage. Ceux-ci quitteront le nid au bout de 14 à 16 jours[1].

Un couple peut avoir une ou deux couvées par saison, réutilisant souvent le même nid[1].


Le chant est un pi-si-you ou pi-you rapide, un peu plaintif. Le cri d'appel un pi-ii, sifflant et descendant[1],[2]. Souvent cette moucherolle répète inlassablement ces deux vocalisations en les alternant.

Répartition et habitat

Carte de répartition
  • Aire de nidification
  • Voie migratoire
  • Présent à l'année
  • Aire d'hivernage

Cet oiseau vit en Amérique du Nord, de l'Alaska et du Yukon, au nord, jusqu'au centre du Mexique au sud. Il fréquente les zones à végétation rare ou peu dense, côtoyant également les zones urbanisées ou agricoles.

Il migre vers le sud du Mexique, sauf les individus vivant au sud de l'aire de répartition, qui sont sédentaires.



Le nom spécifique saya rend hommage au naturaliste américain Thomas Say. Les anglophones nomment d'ailleurs l'espèce Say's Phoebe ou moucherolle de Say, traduit en français.


Selon Avibase, deux sous-espèces sont reconnues[3] :

  • S. s. saya (Bonaparte, 1825), la sous-espèce type ;
  • S. s. quiescens Grinnell, 1926.

S. s. pallidus (Swainson, 1827) et S. s. yukonensis Bishop, 1900 sont considérées comme invalides.

Menaces et protection

L'effectif de cette espèce est en déclin, probablement à cause de la perte d'habitat qu'elle subit dans ses quartiers d'hiver.

Notes et références

  1. a b c d e f et g (fr) Référence Oiseaux.net : Sayornis saya (+ répartition)
  2. a b et c (en) J.A. MacMahon, Deserts, New York, National Audubon Society Nature Guides, Knopf A.A. Inc, mars 1997, 9e éd., 638 p. (ISBN 0-394-73139-5), p. 593
  3. (fr+en) Référence Avibase : Sayornis saya (Bonaparte, 1825) (+ répartition) (consulté le 26 avril 2016)

Voir aussi


  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

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Moucherolle à ventre roux: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Sayornis saya

La moucherolle à ventre roux (Sayornis saya) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Tyrannidae.

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Says phoebe ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Says phoebe (Sayornis saya) is een zangvogel uit de familie Tyrannidae (tirannen).

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Says phoebe: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De Says phoebe (Sayornis saya) is een zangvogel uit de familie Tyrannidae (tirannen).

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Rödbrun fibi ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Rödbrun fibi[2] (Sayornis saya) är en fågel i familjen tyranner inom ordningen tättingar.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]

Rödbrun fibi delas in i två underarter:[3]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2012 Sayornis saya Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2016) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter Arkiverad 18 oktober 2014 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 2016-02-10
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2016) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2016 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-08-11

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Rödbrun fibi: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Rödbrun fibi (Sayornis saya) är en fågel i familjen tyranner inom ordningen tättingar. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.

Rödbrun fibi delas in i två underarter:

Sayornis saya saya – förekommer i torra buskmarker i Nordamerika (Alaska till Mexiko) Sayornis saya quiescens – förekommer på norra halvan av Baja California och Isla de Cedros Sayornis saya nest1.jpg
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Sayornis saya ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Sayornis saya là một loài chim trong họ Tyrannidae.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến họ chim Đớp ruồi bạo chúa này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Sayornis saya: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Sayornis saya là một loài chim trong họ Tyrannidae.

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wikipedia VI

Феб Сэя ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Инфраотряд: Tyrannides
Клада: Tyrannida
Семейство: Тиранновые
Род: Фебы
Вид: Феб Сэя
Международное научное название

Sayornis saya (Bonaparte, 1825)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 178333NCBI 183532EOL 1046719

Феб Сэя[1] (лат. Sayornis saya) — птица семейства тиранновых. Видовой эпитет дан в честь американского натуралиста Томаса Сэя (1787—1834).


Феб Сэя длиной 16 см. Оперение верхней части тела окрашено в серо-коричневый цвет, брюхо коричнево-оранжевого цвета. Шея и грудь светло-серые. Молодые птицы отличаются коричневыми полосами на крыльях.


Феб Сэя живёт в период гнездования в сухих открытых или полуоткрытых местообитаниях на западе Северной Америки, от Аляски до Мексики. Зимой он мигрирует на юг Мексики. На юге ареала это оседлые птицы.

Образ жизни

Феб Сэя охотится из засады на ветке или скале на насекомых, которых он ловит в полёте. Иногда птица питается также определенными ягодами. Пение птицы звучит как «пит-зии-ар», призыв как «пи-ии». Оба эти крика часто беспрерывно сменяют друг друга.


Феб Сэя строит чашеобразное гнездо из глины и травы в естественных или искусственных пустотах, иногда также под обрывом скалы. В кладке от 3-х до 6-и яиц, высиживание которой длится 12–14 дней. Высиживает кладку исключительно самка, обе родительские птицы участвуют в выкармливании выводка. Через 14–17 дней молодые птицы становятся самостоятельными. Гнездо может быть повторно использовано во второй период гнездования.


Различают четыре подвида.

  • Sayornis saya pallidus (Swainson, 1827) — центральное нагорье Мексики
  • Sayornis saya quiescens (Grinnell, 1926) — север полуострова Калифорния и остров Седрос в Мексике
  • Sayornis saya saya (Bonaparte, 1825) — западная Канада к югу через западную часть США
  • Sayornis saya yukonensis (Bishop, 1900) — Аляска и северо-западная Канада


  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 253. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Феб Сэя: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Феб Сэя (лат. Sayornis saya) — птица семейства тиранновых. Видовой эпитет дан в честь американского натуралиста Томаса Сэя (1787—1834).

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

チャイロツキヒメハエトリ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
チャイロツキヒメハエトリ チャイロツキヒメハエトリ 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : スズメ目 Passeriformes : タイランチョウ科 Tyrannidae : ツキヒメハエトリ属 Sayornis : チャイロツキヒメハエトリ
S. saya 学名 Sayornis saya (Bonaparte, 1825) 和名 チャイロツキヒメハエトリ 英名 Say's Phoebe

チャイロツキヒメハエトリ(学名: Sayornis saya)は、スズメ目タイランチョウ科に分類される鳥類の一種。




シブリー・アールキスト鳥類分類  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、チャイロツキヒメハエトリに関連するメディアがあります。

執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
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チャイロツキヒメハエトリ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı

チャイロツキヒメハエトリ(学名: Sayornis saya)は、スズメ目タイランチョウ科に分類される鳥類の一種。

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