La cotorra de Vieillot[1] (Pyrrhura frontalis) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita els boscos del sud-est de Brasil, Paraguai, Uruguai i nord de l'Argentina.
La cotorra de Vieillot (Pyrrhura frontalis) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita els boscos del sud-est de Brasil, Paraguai, Uruguai i nord de l'Argentina.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Conwra torwinau (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: conwraod torwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Pyrrhura frontalis; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Maroon-bellied conure. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. frontalis, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r conwra torwinau yn perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corbarot brongoch Micropsitta bruijnii Corbarot Finsch Micropsitta finschii Corbarot Meek Micropsitta meeki Corbarot penfelyn Micropsitta keiensis Corbarot wyneblwyd Micropsitta pusio Loricît cain Charmosyna pulchella Loricît Caledonia Newydd Charmosyna diadema Loricît gyddfgoch Charmosyna amabilis Loricît Josephine Charmosyna josefinae Loricît palmwydd Charmosyna palmarum Loricît talcenlas Charmosyna toxopei Macaw Spix Cyanopsitta spixii Macaw torgoch Orthopsittaca manilatusAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Conwra torwinau (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: conwraod torwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Pyrrhura frontalis; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Maroon-bellied conure. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. frontalis, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
The maroon-bellied parakeet (Pyrrhura frontalis) is a small parrot found from southeastern Brazil to north-eastern Argentina, including eastern Paraguay and Uruguay. It is also known as the reddish-bellied parakeet, and in aviculture it is usually referred to as the maroon-bellied conure, reddish-bellied conure or brown-eared conure.
It has been suggested that the reddish-bellied parakeet should include the blaze-winged parakeet (P. devillei) as a subspecies based on intermediate specimens from Paraguay. But such hybrids are not common in the wild and the two populations generally maintain their integrity; recent sources are undecided on whether to treat them as one species or two.[2]
These birds range from 25 to 28 cm (10–11 in), and are primarily green, with a maroon patch on the belly, a "scaly" yellow-green-barred breast and sides of neck, a whitish ear-patch often tinged brown, and a maroon undertail. The specific name frontalis is a reference to its dark maroon frontlet – a feature which separates it from most similar species. The primaries are blue on the outer webs, green on the inner webs, and dark on the tips. The beak is black.
There are two subspecies, with extensive intergradation where their ranges contact:
Another subspecies, kriegi, was described from Bahia in 1932, but today it is universally considered a junior synonym of the nominate subspecies. Distinguished by a narrow brownish-red tip to the tail, it constitutes just a morph or an intermediate genotype making up just 20% of the specimens even in the supposed range. The name Krieg's conure is occasionally used in aviculture for such birds, and some breed them exclusively; they are of course perfectly interfertile with individuals of the normal morph however.
The maroon-bellied parakeet is common in woodland, and forest edges. In the northern part of its range, it mainly lives in highlands up to 1,400 m (4,600 ft), but elsewhere it is primarily found in lowlands up to 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Tolerates disturbance well and even lives in urban parks (e.g., Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) and feeds in gardens. Flock size is usually only 6–12 individuals, but up to 40. As other members of the genus Pyrrhura, it primarily feeds on fruits, flowers, and similar plant matter; they rarely participate in mixed-species feeding flock.[3]
It is generally common and not considered threatened by the IUCN.[4] Though there is little trade in these parrots, captive-bred birds are occasionally available as pets. Maroon-bellied parakeets can learn to talk, although not clearly. They are among the quietest conures, but their shrill voices still irritate some people.
The maroon-bellied parakeet (Pyrrhura frontalis) is a small parrot found from southeastern Brazil to north-eastern Argentina, including eastern Paraguay and Uruguay. It is also known as the reddish-bellied parakeet, and in aviculture it is usually referred to as the maroon-bellied conure, reddish-bellied conure or brown-eared conure.
El perico de vientre rojo (Pyrrhura frontalis) es una especie de ave de la familia de los loros (Psittacidae) autóctona del sureste de Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina.
El perico de vientre rojo (Pyrrhura frontalis) es una especie de ave de la familia de los loros (Psittacidae) autóctona del sureste de Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina.
Pyrrhura frontalis Pyrrhura generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.
Pyrrhura frontalis Pyrrhura generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.
Araukaria-aratti (Pyrrhura frontalis) eli aiemmalta nimeltään riograndenaratti on eteläamerikkalainen papukaija. Sen elinympäristö ulottuu Itä-Brasilian Bahiasta Kaakkois-Paraguayhin ja Pohjois-Argentiinaan. Siitä tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Sen holotyypin kuvaili Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot Espírito Santosta 1985.[2]
Araukaria-aratti (Pyrrhura frontalis) eli aiemmalta nimeltään riograndenaratti on eteläamerikkalainen papukaija. Sen elinympäristö ulottuu Itä-Brasilian Bahiasta Kaakkois-Paraguayhin ja Pohjois-Argentiinaan. Siitä tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Sen holotyypin kuvaili Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot Espírito Santosta 1985.
Pyrrhura frontalis
La Conure de Vieillot (Pyrrhura frontalis) est une espèce d'oiseau appartenant à la famille des Psittacidae. Il est natif d'Amérique du Sud et a été introduit[1] aux États-Unis et au Canada.
Cet oiseau mesure environ 26 cm. Son plumage est surtout vert. La poitrine jaune verdâtre et le plastron rouge sont marqués des écailles caractéristiques du genre. Les rectrices sont vert olive avec les extrémités et le dessous brun roux. Les rémiges sont nuancées de bleu azur. Les cercles orbitaux sont blancs, les iris et le bec noirs, les pattes grises.
Cet oiseau est représenté par trois sous-espèces :
Cet oiseau fréquente différents types de boisements avec une préférence pour les forêts d'araucaria. Par contre, il évite celles d'eucalyptus.
Cet oiseau se déplace le plus souvent en groupes de 10 à 40 individus.
Pyrrhura frontalis
La Conure de Vieillot (Pyrrhura frontalis) est une espèce d'oiseau appartenant à la famille des Psittacidae. Il est natif d'Amérique du Sud et a été introduit aux États-Unis et au Canada.
Il parrocchetto panciamarrone (Pyrrhura frontalis Vieillot, 1818) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittacidi.[2]
Tipico esponente del suo genere: taglia attorno ai 26 cm, colore generale verde, anello perioftalmico bianco, iride nera, becco nero; mostra la tipica scagliatura sul petto e lo scudo rosso ventrale. Ha timoniere verde oliva con punte di colore bruno rossiccio e sottocoda bruno rossiccio, remiganti sfumate in azzurro e zampe grigie.
Frequenta vari tipi di ambienti boschivi: ama le foreste di araucaria e detesta quelle di Eucalyptus.
Si muove in stormi che vanno da 10 a 40 soggetti, e molto raramente si incontrano coppie isolate. Durante il volo emette in continuazione il suo richiamo per tenere il gruppo unito; diventa invece silenzioso, per non attirare predatori, quando, sulle cime degli alberi, si nutre. Nidifica nelle cavità degli alberi deponendo fino a 5 uova, la cova dura 29 giorni; i giovani escono dal nido a circa 5 settimane di età.
Abita una vasta area che va dal sud-est del Brasile all'Uruguay, al Paraguay, al nord dell'Argentina.[1]
Il Congresso Ornitologico Internazionale riconosce due sottospecie:[2]
Il parrocchetto panciamarrone (Pyrrhura frontalis Vieillot, 1818) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittacidi.
De bruinoorparkiet (Pyrrhura frontalis) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).
Deze soort komt voor in zuidoostelijk Zuid-Amerika en telt 2 ondersoorten:
De bruinoorparkiet (Pyrrhura frontalis) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).
Pyrrhura frontalis (Vieil.), popularmente conhecido como tiriba, tiriva, tiribaí, riccio, tiribinha, fura-mato, periquito-tapuia[1], cara-suja e tiriba-de-testa-vermelha, é uma ave florestal encontrada do estado brasileiro da Bahia ao estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como no Uruguai, Paraguai e Argentina. Tais aves chegam a medir até 27 centímetros de comprimento, com região auricular parda, face branca, e fronte, abdome e a parte inferior da cauda vermelhos.
A tiriba curiosamente sempre fica de cabeça para baixo quando se alimenta, em geral de frutas e de sementes.
"Tiriba" procede do tupi ti'riwa[1].
São reconhecidas duas subespécies:[2]
Pyrrhura frontalis (Vieil.), popularmente conhecido como tiriba, tiriva, tiribaí, riccio, tiribinha, fura-mato, periquito-tapuia, cara-suja e tiriba-de-testa-vermelha, é uma ave florestal encontrada do estado brasileiro da Bahia ao estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como no Uruguai, Paraguai e Argentina. Tais aves chegam a medir até 27 centímetros de comprimento, com região auricular parda, face branca, e fronte, abdome e a parte inferior da cauda vermelhos.
Brunpannad parakit[2] (Pyrrhura frontalis) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.[3]
Brunpannad parakit delas in i två distinkta underarter:[3]
IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Brunpannad parakit (Pyrrhura frontalis) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.
Pyrrhura frontalis là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.[1]
Pyrrhura frontalis là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.
Pyrrhura frontalis Vieillot, 1818
Охранный статусБуроухий краснохвостый попугай[1] (лат. Pyrrhura frontalis) — птица семейства попугаевых.
Длина тела 26—28 см, хвоста 12—14 см. Окраска оперения в зелёных и серо-коричневых тонах. Лоб и щёки зеленовато-серые. Грудь, горло и область ушей серо-коричневого цвета с тёмными полосками по краям. Спина и крылья тёмно-зелёного цвета. На животе имеется тёмно-красное пятно. Хвост зелёный с коричневым концом. Неоперённая зона вокруг глаз белая.
Обитает на юго-востоке Бразилии, севере Аргентины, в Парагвае и Уругвае.
Населяют леса предгорий до высоты 1300 м над уровнем моря. Часто селятся вблизи плантаций, особенно кукурузных.
Гнездятся в дуплах высоких деревьев. В кладке от 2 до 6 яиц. Насиживает самка, самец её кормит и охраняет гнездо. Птенцы вылупляются через 4 недели, примерно в 1,5-месячном возрасте вылетают из гнезда, но родители подкармливают их ещё 2—3 недели.
Первые сведения об успешном размножении этого вида в неволе в Европе относятся к 1920-м годам. В настоящее время этот вид попугаев разводят многие любители. Хорошо обучается трюкам, редко разговаривает, неудобства могут причинить резкие и громкие крики. Средняя продолжительность жизни в неволе около 13 лет.
Вид включает 2 подвида:
В зависимости от классификации количество подвидов может варьировать, и вид может включать от 3 до 4 подвидов, в том числе:
Буроухий краснохвостый попугай (лат. Pyrrhura frontalis) — птица семейства попугаевых.