Lampocteis cruentiventer Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison 2001 resmi
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Lampocteis cruentiventer Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison 2001

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

EOL Interns LifeDesk tarafından sağlandı

"Lampocteis cruentiventer, which was first collected in 1979 off southern California and later collected and studied in detail from 1991 to 1999 in Monterey Bay. This ctenophore differs from all previously described lobate ctenophores in three major ways:(1) its remarkable stomodaeum surmounted by capacious paragastric canals with diverticula, (2) the unusual notches that almost create a hole through the animal, and (3) the blindly ending meridional canals. Because of these distinctive features, we feel justified in erecting a new family, the Lampoctenidae, for this species. Several other features (the large pigmented stomodaeum, the large diverticulate paragastric canals and the well-developed, strongly iridescent comb plates) distinguish this species." (Harbison, Matsumoto, Robison, 2001.)

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Archer, Cameron
Archer, Cameron

Diagnostic Description ( İngilizce )

EOL Interns LifeDesk tarafından sağlandı

"Lobate ctenophore with red stomodaeum, expanded in stomodaeal plane and capable of wide expansion in tentacular plane. Body deeply excavated between adjacent subtentacular comb rows at level of infundibulum. Paragastric canals massive, with blindly ending diverticula, which are branched in some MBARI specimens. Tentacular canals arising at infundibulum at junctions of interradial canals. Interradial canals short, branching to form adradial canals. All adradial canals connect with meridional canals at approximately the level of the infundibulum. All meridional canals end blindly at their aboral ends. Auricles fleshy, relatively short and wide, with well differentiated comb plates. Tentacle bulbs large. Well-developed infundibular canal present, about one-third length of stomodaeum. Pole plates narrow and pointed. Oral lobes of moderate size, arising about two-fifths distance between mouth and aboral end of stomodaeum." (Harbison, Matsumoto, Robison 2001.)

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Archer, Cameron
Archer, Cameron

Physiology ( İngilizce )

EOL Interns LifeDesk tarafından sağlandı

"The holotype did not appear to be sexually mature, since no traces of gonads were observed lying along any of the meridional canals. Gonads were not observed on any MBARI specimens. None were observed with food in their stomachs. No parasitic or commensal organisms were found on them, and no organisms were seen feeding on them." (Harbison, Matsumoto, Robison, 2001.)

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Archer, Cameron
Archer, Cameron

Size ( İngilizce )

EOL Interns LifeDesk tarafından sağlandı

"BODY, AURICLES, AND ORAL LOBES.—The body is slightly compressed in the tentacular axis, with the stomodaeal axis about 1.6 times longer than the tentacular axis at the level of the tentacle bulbs. Overall length (tip of oral lobes to aboral pole) of holotype about 5 cm. The body is raised into 16 slight ridges, when viewed from the aboral pole. The comb plates sit on eight of these ridges, and the other eight ridges lie between the comb rows. These latter ridges are least pronounced between adjacent subtentacular comb rows, and most pronounced between adjacent substomodaeal comb rows. In addition, the body is excavated between adjacent subtentacular comb rows at the level of the infundibulum, forming a deep notch. The consistency of the body is extremely firm, and the animal is not completely transparent, so that the internal connections of the gastrovascular system are sometimes difficult to determine. While the body of the holotype was tinted a light red, the color of the body in MBARI specimens ranged from almost transparent to a deep black-purple, with amber and red being the most common tints. The auricles are relatively short and wide, and are extremely fleshy. They appear incapable of much motility. The oral lobes of the holotype were also extremely fleshy and strong, but in larger specimens were much more delicate. The oral lobes are only a little longer than the body. the comb rows lie on eight of the body ridges. The substomodaeal comb rows and the adjacent body ridges are at approximately the same heights, while the subtentacular comb rows lie on higher ridges than the body ridges between them. The substomodaeal comb rows are slightly longer than the subtentacular comb rows. The substomodaeal comb rows end slightly below the auricles, whereas the subtentacular comb rows end slightly above them. The comb plates are extremely broad and prominent, thus creating a pronounced iridescence, which was so bright that it obscured the details of internal structure in some of the photographs. While the comb rows of most ctenophores have this property, it is more strongly developed in this species than in most others. The morphology and location of the statocyst is similar to that in other ctenophores. The pole plates are relatively long, and extended orally to about the level of the sixth substomodaeal comb plate in the holotype. The pole plates are very slender and pointed, and lie on the crests of the ridges between adjacent substomodaeal comb rows." (Harbison, Matsumoto, Robison, 2001.)

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Archer, Cameron
Archer, Cameron

Lampocteis ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Lampocteis is a monotypic genus of comb jellies, the only genus in family Lampoctenidae. The sole species in this new genus is Lampocteis cruentiventer, the bloodybelly comb jelly. This ctenophore was first collected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego, California, in 1979. It was described in 2001. The generic name was formed from the Ancient Greek lampós ("bright, shining, brilliant") and kteís ("comb"), referring to the iridescence of its "combs"; the specific epithet was formed from the Latin cruentus ("blood-red") and venter ("belly"). Two morphological differences separating it from previously known comb jellies warranted the naming of a new family for this animal.[1] These jellies are typically found at a depth of 250-1,500 meters deep in the North Pacific Ocean. [2]

This ctenophore differs from all previously described lobate ctenophores in two major ways: (1) all of the meridional canals have blind aboral endings, and (2) the body is penetrated by a deep notch located between the adjacent subtentacular comb rows at the level of the infundibulum. This mesopelagic jelly ranges in color from deep red, purple, or black to pale purple. The deep color of its belly may mask the animal's bioluminescence to hide it from potential predators.[3] Its "combs," rows of cilia on its body, have a sparkling iridescence.[1] Lampocteis need to be able to conceal their stomach in order to prevent their prey from lighting them up from the inside, effectively revealing its location.[2] Specimens examined have ranged between 1.5 and 16 centimeters in length and 1.2 to 10 centimeters in width. Lampocteis are ctenophores, meaning that they are not true jellies. However, like other comb jellies, they use their hair-like cilia to navigate through the water.[2]


  1. ^ a b Harbison, G. R., G. I. Matsumoto, and B. H. Robison. (2001). Lampocteis cruentiventer gen. nov., sp. nov.: A new mesopelagic lobate ctenophore, representing the type of a new family (Class Tentaculata, Order Lobata, Family Lampoctenidae, fam. nov.). Bulletin of Marine Science 68:2 299-311.
  2. ^ a b c "Bloody-belly comb jelly • MBARI". MBARI. Retrieved 2023-03-19.
  3. ^ Monterey Bay Aquarium (ed.). "Animal Guide: The bloodybelly comb jelly". Retrieved 2015-05-28.

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wikipedia EN

Lampocteis: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Lampocteis is a monotypic genus of comb jellies, the only genus in family Lampoctenidae. The sole species in this new genus is Lampocteis cruentiventer, the bloodybelly comb jelly. This ctenophore was first collected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego, California, in 1979. It was described in 2001. The generic name was formed from the Ancient Greek lampós ("bright, shining, brilliant") and kteís ("comb"), referring to the iridescence of its "combs"; the specific epithet was formed from the Latin cruentus ("blood-red") and venter ("belly"). Two morphological differences separating it from previously known comb jellies warranted the naming of a new family for this animal. These jellies are typically found at a depth of 250-1,500 meters deep in the North Pacific Ocean.

This ctenophore differs from all previously described lobate ctenophores in two major ways: (1) all of the meridional canals have blind aboral endings, and (2) the body is penetrated by a deep notch located between the adjacent subtentacular comb rows at the level of the infundibulum. This mesopelagic jelly ranges in color from deep red, purple, or black to pale purple. The deep color of its belly may mask the animal's bioluminescence to hide it from potential predators. Its "combs," rows of cilia on its body, have a sparkling iridescence. Lampocteis need to be able to conceal their stomach in order to prevent their prey from lighting them up from the inside, effectively revealing its location. Specimens examined have ranged between 1.5 and 16 centimeters in length and 1.2 to 10 centimeters in width. Lampocteis are ctenophores, meaning that they are not true jellies. However, like other comb jellies, they use their hair-like cilia to navigate through the water.

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Lampocteis cruentiventer ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Lampocteis cruentiventer Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison, 2001 è l'unica specie di ctenofori della famiglia monogenerica Lampoctenidae. La L. cruentiventer è anche chiamata "bloodybelly comb jelly" (ctenoforo dal ventre insanguinato).

Il primo ritrovamento (e conseguente identificazione) di questi ctenofori, è avvenuto nel 1979, nelle acque dell'Oceano Pacifico al largo di San Diego, in California. Sono stati descritto dalla scienza nel 2001 da Harbison, Matsumoto e Robison[1].


La L. cruentiventer ha un corpo di colore rosso, di diverse gradazioni, ma sempre con uno stomaco di colore rosso-sangue[2], caratteristica alla quale deve il suo nome. Si pensa che questo colore diffuso serva a mascherare la bioluminescenza della L. cruentiventer a potenziali predatori[2], anche se alle profondità dove questa specie vive, i colori non sono più visibili. Le L. cruentiventer vivono infatti nella zona mesopelagica[3], fra i 300m ed i 1000m sotto il livello del mare.

Gli esemplari esaminati misuravano fra 1,5 cm e 16 cm di lunghezza, per 1,2 cm fino a 10 cm di larghezza[1]. Il corpo è formato da due lobi molto evidenti, percorsi da fila di ciglia iridescenti. Le ciglia sono in continuo movimento, muovendo una corrente d'acqua che trasporta gli alimenti fino alla bocca[4]. Le L. cruentiventer si nutrono essenzialmente di zooplancton, come gli altri ctenofori.



  1. ^ a b Harbison et al
  2. ^ a b (EN) Bloodybelly comb jelly, Deep Sea, Invertebrates, Lampocteis cruentiventer, su www.montereybayaquarium.org, Monterey Bay Aquarium. URL consultato il 28 maggio 2015.
  3. ^ (JA) Fujikura K., Okutani, T., Maruyama T., Deep-sea life-Biological observations using research submersibles, 2ª edizione, Kanagawa, Giappone, Tokai University Press, 2012.
  4. ^ (EN) Ruppert E.E, Fox R.S. e Barnes R.D., Invertebrate Zoology, 7ª ed., Brooks / Cole, 2004, ISBN 0-03-025982-7.


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Lampocteis cruentiventer: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Lampocteis cruentiventer Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison, 2001 è l'unica specie di ctenofori della famiglia monogenerica Lampoctenidae. La L. cruentiventer è anche chiamata "bloodybelly comb jelly" (ctenoforo dal ventre insanguinato).

Il primo ritrovamento (e conseguente identificazione) di questi ctenofori, è avvenuto nel 1979, nelle acque dell'Oceano Pacifico al largo di San Diego, in California. Sono stati descritto dalla scienza nel 2001 da Harbison, Matsumoto e Robison.

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Lampocteis cruentiventer ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

Lampocteis cruentiventer is een soort in de taxonomische indeling van de ribkwallen (Ctenophora).

De kwal behoort tot het geslacht Lampocteis en behoort tot de familie Lampoctenidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2001 door Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison.

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Lampocteis cruentiventer ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Семейство: Lampoctenidae Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison, 2001
Род: Lampocteis Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison, 2001
Вид: Lampocteis cruentiventer
Международное научное название

Lampocteis cruentiventer
Harbison, Matsumoto & Robison, 2001

на Викивидах
Поиск изображений
на Викискладе
ITIS 682422NCBI 127145EOL 393346

Lampocteis cruentiventer (лат.) — вид гребневиков, единственный в семействе Lampoctenidae. Впервые обнаружен в Тихом океане у берегов Сан-Диего, штат Калифорния, в 1979 году. Был описан в 2001 году[1].

Мезопелагический желеобразный ярко окрашенный организм. Цвета варьируются от тёмно-красного, фиолетового или чёрного до бледно-фиолетового. Глубокий красный цвет маскирует биолюминесценцию поедаемых им организмов и скрывает его от потенциальных хищников[2].

Images.png Внешние изображения Image-silk.png Lampocteis cruentiventer Image-silk.png Lampocteis cruentiventer


  1. Harbison, G. R., G. I. Matsumoto, B. H. Robison. Lampocteis cruentiventer gen. nov., sp. nov.: a new mesopelagic lobate ctenophore, representing the type of a new family (Class Tentaculata, Order Lobata, Family Lampoctenidae, fam. nov.) // Bulletin of Marine Science. — 2001. — Vol. 68, № 2. — P. 299—311.
  2. Monterey Bay Aquarium: Online Field Guide (недоступная ссылка).
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Habitat ( İngilizce )

World Register of Marine Species tarafından sağlandı


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

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Jacob van der Land [email]