Ramaria admiratia R. H. Petersen 2014 resmi
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Ramaria admiratia R. H. Petersen 2014


Mycokeys (archived) tarafından sağlandı
1) Member of Ramaria subg. Laeticolora sect. Formosae; 2) clamp connections absent from all tissues; 3) acanthodendroid hyphae common in outer stipe flesh and surface; 4) stipe large, pruinose, white but easily staining to brown where handled or rubbed; 5) branch apices bright orange red; 6) type locality, northern Arkansas; 7) ITS sequence unique in the subgenus; (GenBank ITS accession KJ416133). Basidiomata (Figs 1–4) robust, fleshy, –16 × 14 cm, repeatedly branched, coralloid. Stipe portion massive (Fig. 3), from discrete to 2–3 large conjunct stipes, fleshy, rounded, with minimum external mycelium, superficially white-pruinose where undisturbed, extensively “Mikado brown” (7C6) where rubbed; flesh off-white, solid, moist (not slippery), very finely marbled, very slowly becoming tan where sliced; abortive branchlets in small, vertical clusters, easily brown. Lower branches “light ochraceous buff” (5A4), upward “capucine orange” (5A6) to “Mikado orange” (6A6), in age “ochraceous salmon” (6A6) to “light ochraceous salmon” (6A4); internodes diminishing gradually; branch apices (Fig. 4) (ultimate 3–4 mm) rounded, ultimately dentate, “Grenadine red” (8A8), becoming concolorous to “capucine yellow” (5A8). Odor none. Taste none. 5% aqueous FeSO4 on stipe flesh = no color change.
telif hakkı
Ronald H. Petersen, Karen W. Hughes, Jay Justice
bibliyografik atıf
Petersen R, Hughes K, Justice J (2014) Two new species of Ramaria from Arkansas MycoKeys 8: 17–29
Ronald H. Petersen
Karen W. Hughes
Jay Justice


Mycokeys (archived) tarafından sağlandı
" United States, Arkansas, Searcy Co., grounds of Shepherd of the Ozarks, 36°00'10""N, 92°28'28""W, 24.X.2013, coll. Carl Davis and Therese Martin (NAMA), TFB 14450 (TENN 69114). "
telif hakkı
Ronald H. Petersen, Karen W. Hughes, Jay Justice
bibliyografik atıf
Petersen R, Hughes K, Justice J (2014) Two new species of Ramaria from Arkansas MycoKeys 8: 17–29
Ronald H. Petersen
Karen W. Hughes
Jay Justice