
Description ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
Body (Figs 3A, 5B) shining, smooth. Coloration: fore body and legs yellowish-brown; antennae yellowish-brown to brown; abdomen yellowish-brown, with mesal area of tergites brown. Head (Fig. 3A) subquadrate in form; slightly longer than wide, about 0.86 times as wide as long; sparsely covered with long setae. Pronotum (Fig. 3A) slightly wider than long, about 1.02 times as wide as long; with 7 pairs of macrosetae, with a row of 4 macrosetae along the anterior margin, 6 on disc and 2 each along the lateral margins. Elytra (Fig. 3A) wider than long; disc sparsely covered with macrosetae; hypomera with several short yellow setae along lateral margin. Abdomen slightly physogastric, widest at segments III–V; abdominal tergite VII shaped as in Figs 3B; tergite VIII (Figs 3C, E) with 4–5 macrosetae, posterior margin with a row of 6–8 long yellow setae. Macrochaetotaxy of abdominal tergites II–VIII: 2, 6, 6, 6, 4–6, 0, 4–5; inner paratergites without macrosetae but sparsely covered with yellow setae; macrochaetotaxy of outer paratergites III–VII is variable: 5–8, 4–6, 3–4, 0, 0. Male. Sternite VIII rounded at apex, shaped as in Fig. 3D; with 4 pairs of macrosetae. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 2D) with apical lobe curved; paramere shaped as in Fig. 2E. Female. Posterior margin of sternite VIII (Fig. 3F–G) nearly rounded; with 7–8 macrosetae. Spermatheca shaped as in Fig. 2F–G.
telif hakkı
Xiao-Bin Song, Li-Zhen Li
bibliyografik atıf
Song X, Li L (2014) Descriptions of three new species of the Termitophilous tribe Termitopaediini in China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) ZooKeys 424: 91–100
Xiao-Bin Song
Li-Zhen Li
kaynağı ziyaret et
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Distribution ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
Southwest China: Yunnan.
telif hakkı
Xiao-Bin Song, Li-Zhen Li
bibliyografik atıf
Song X, Li L (2014) Descriptions of three new species of the Termitophilous tribe Termitopaediini in China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) ZooKeys 424: 91–100
Xiao-Bin Song
Li-Zhen Li
kaynağı ziyaret et
ortak site