
Bilimsel İsimler

Tercih Edilen İsimler

Cins EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 tarafından tanındı
Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Laemobothrion Nitzsch 1818
Laemobothrion Nitzsch 1818
GBIF national node type records Germany tarafından tanınıyor
Laemobothrion subgen. Laemobothrion Nitzsch 1818
Alt cins Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024 tarafından tanındı

Alternatif İsimler

Eulaemobothrion atrum (Nitzsch 1818)
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Eulaemobothrion Ewing, 1929) göre Homotypic synonym
Eulaemobothrion chloropodis (Schrank 1803)
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Eulaemobothrion Ewing, 1929) göre Homotypic synonym
Laemobothrion pallidum Giebel 1874
GBIF classification göre Heterotypic synonym
Laemobothrion pallidum Piaget 1885
GBIF classification göre Heterotypic synonym
Liotheum atrum Nitzsch 1818
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Pediculus chloropodis Schrank 1803
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Pediculus maximum Scopoli 1763
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Pediculus tinnunculi Linnaeus 1758
GBIF classification göre Heterotypic synonym
Pediculus vulturis Fabricius & J. C. 1775
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Laemobothrion Nitzsch 1818
Laemobothrion subgen. Laemobothrion

Genel Adlar

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Laemobothrion için küratörlük hiyerarşileri