Volvox globator Scale bar indicates 100 µm. Sample from the Domänental pond of Kronshagen near Kiel. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D-E-M5 MKII.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Domänental near Kronshagen (Kiel, Germany) Latitude: 54.33211 Longitude: 10.060821 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 100 µm. Probe aus dem Domänentalteich in Kronshagen. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D E-M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox globator Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from the Domänental pond of Kronshagen near Kiel. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D-E-M5 MKII.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Domänental near Kronshagen (Kiel, Germany) Latitude: 54.33211 Longitude: 10.060821 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Domänentalteich in Kronshagen. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D E-M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox globator Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from the Domänental pond of Kronshagen near Kiel. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D-E-M5 MKII.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Domänental near Kronshagen (Kiel, Germany) Latitude: 54.33211 Longitude: 10.060821 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus dem Domänentalteich in Kronshagen. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D E-M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus Disintegrated parent colony with zygotes. Scale bar indicates 100 µm. Sample from ponds situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Zerfallene Elternkolonie mit Zygoten. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 100 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus An association of Volvox microgametes (spermatozoids). Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from ponds situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Mikrogameten von Volvox (Spermatozooiden). Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus Cell colonies with daugther colonies. One parent colony disintegrates and releases daughter colonies. Scale bar indicates 250 µm. Sample from a pond situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Zellkolonien mit Tochterkolonien. Eine Elternkolonie löst sich auf und entlässt die Tochterkolonien. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 250 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus Cell colony with daugther colonies. Scale bar indicates 100 µm. Sample from ponds situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Zellkolonie mit Tochterkolonien. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 100 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus Disintegrated parent colony with zygotes. Scale bar indicates 100 µm. Sample from ponds situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Zerfallene Elternkolonie mit Zygoten. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 100 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Volvox aureus Closeup of a zygote. Mucilaginous sheath is visible. Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from ponds situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Lake Constance vicinity of Bodman (Germany) Latitude: 47.796494 Longitude: 9.047656 Nahaufnahme einer Zygote, ihre schleimige Ummantelung ist sichtbar. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Teich in der Nähe des Bodensees. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Asexual propagation stage of Gonium pectorale . Scale bar indicates 100 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 6/2017. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Asexuelles Vermehrungsstadium von Gonium pectorale . Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 100 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 6/2017. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Scale bar indicates 25 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 6/2017. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 6/2017. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Gametes of Gonium pectorale . Scale bar indicates 10 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 6/2017. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Gameten von Gonium pectorale . Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 10 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 6/2017. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Asexual propagation stage of Gonium pectorale . Scale bar indicates 50 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 6/2017. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Asexuelles Vermehrungsstadium von Gonium pectorale . Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 6/2017. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Scale bar indicates 25 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 6/2017. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 6/2017. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Gonium pectorale Young colonies, cell divisions are almost over, the flagellae are not yet fully formed. Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from the Lake Constance (vicinity of Bodman). The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance (Germany) Latitude: 47.734945 Longitude: 9.091097 Jungkolonien, Zellteilungen sind fast beendet, die Geißeln sind noch nicht vollständig gebildet. Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Bodensee in der Nähe von Bodman. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum DOF image shows the layers of the mucilaginous sheath, several flagellae and stigmae of two cells. Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Sample from a small wetland near Schladming (northern alpine region of Austria near Salzburg). Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Wetland near Schladming (Austria) Latitude: 47.37386 Longitude: 13.823016 Die Multiebenenabbildung zeigt die Schichten der schleimigen Hülle, mehrere Geißeln sowie Augenflecken bei zwei Zellen. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus einem kleinen Bach in der Nähe von Kiel. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum Cells producing daughter colonies. Scale bar indicates 10 µm.The specimen was gathered in the wetlands of Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km north east of Berlin). The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Creek in Oder valley 100 km north east of Berlin (Germany) Latitude: 53.135032 Longitude: 14.348738 Kolonie bei der ungeschlechtlichen Vermehrung. Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 10 µm. Die Probe wurde in den Feuchtgebieten des Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km nordöstlich von Berlin) gesammelt. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum Cells producing daughter colonies. Scale bar indicates 50 µm.The specimen was gathered in the wetlands of Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km north east of Berlin). The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Creek in Oder valley 100 km north east of Berlin (Germany) Latitude: 53.135032 Longitude: 14.348738 Kolonie bei der ungeschlechtlichen Vermehrung. Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Die Probe wurde in den Feuchtgebieten des Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km nordöstlich von Berlin) gesammelt. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum Scale bar indicates 25 µm.Sample from the pond Hegne Moor situated in the vicinity of Lake Constance. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Bog Hegne Moor near Lake Constance (Germany) Latitude: 47.718106 Longitude: 9.093974 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Probe aus dem Simmelried nahe Konstanz. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum Scale bar indicates 50 µm.The specimen was gathered in the wetlands of Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km north east of Berlin). The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Creek in Oder valley 100 km north east of Berlin (Germany) Latitude: 53.135032 Longitude: 14.348738 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Die Probe wurde in den Feuchtgebieten des Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km nordöstlich von Berlin) gesammelt. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum Scale bar indicates 25 µm. The specimen was gathered in a pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift near Kiel. Sampling date 01/2022. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioskop with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond in the forest of Altenholz-Stift (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.384913 Longitude: 10.125691 Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Die Probe wurde in einem Waldteich bei Altenholz-Stift (nahe Kiel) gesammelt. Datum der Aufsammlung: 01/2022. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina morum The specimen was gathered in the wetlands of Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km north east of Berlin). The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Creek in Oder valley 100 km north east of Berlin (Germany) Latitude: 53.135032 Longitude: 14.348738 Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Die Probe wurde in den Feuchtgebieten des Nationalpark Unteres Odertal (100 km nordöstlich von Berlin) gesammelt. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina spec. Vegetative replication state. Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Specimen from the Algal Culture Collection at the University of Cologne (CCAC), strain number M3342. Link: https://www.ccac.uni-koeln.de/. Sample material courtesy of AG Boenigk, University Duisburg-Essen. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with DSLR Canon 600 D. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Protist culture CCAC University Duisburg-Essen (Germany) Latitude: 51.463807 Longitude: 7.005321 Die Multiebenenabbildung. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 25 µm. Exemplar aus der Algenkultursammlung der Universität zu Köln (CCAC), Stammnummer M3342. Link: https://www.ccac.uni-koeln.de/. Das Material wurde freundlicherweise von der AG Boenigk, Universität Duisburg-Essen, zur Verfügung gestellt.Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon 600D. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Pandorina spec. Scale bar indicates 10 µm. Specimen from the Algal Culture Collection at the University of Cologne (CCAC), strain number M3342. Link: https://www.ccac.uni-koeln.de/. Sample material courtesy of AG Boenigk, University Duisburg-Essen. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with DSLR Canon 600 D. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Protist culture CCAC University Duisburg-Essen (Germany) Latitude: 51.463807 Longitude: 7.005321 Die Multiebenenabbildung. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 10 µm. Exemplar aus der Algenkultursammlung der Universität zu Köln (CCAC), Stammnummer M3342. Link: https://www.ccac.uni-koeln.de/. Das Material wurde freundlicherweise von der AG Boenigk, Universität Duisburg-Essen, zur Verfügung gestellt.Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon 600D. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.