Portrait of Phacotus lenticularis, a volvocid flagellate. Lorica is composed of two shallow cup-shaped halves cemented together around the protoplast. Lorica surface is slightly rough and colored by minerals Two equal-length flagella protrude through an anterior pore in the lorica. Cup-shaped chloroplast. A stigma is present but not seen in these images. From a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Brightfield.
Portrait of Phacotus lenticularis, a volvocid flagellate. Lorica is composed of two shallow cup-shaped halves cemented together around the protoplast. Lorica surface is slightly rough and colored by minerals Two equal-length flagella protrude through an anterior pore in the lorica. Cup-shaped chloroplast. A stigma is present but not seen in these images. From a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast.
Pteromonas, a volvocid flagellate. Ovoid protoplast occupies a hyaline lorica composed of two parts that meet peripherally appearing as flattened wings in optical cross-section. Two equal flagella exit through small canals. This species has a large cup-shape chloroplast and one posterior pyrenoid. The eyespot is not well seen. An anterior contractile vacuole is seen in this image. Asexual reproduction occurs within the lorica the two halves of which are forced apart by the accumulation of gelatinous material releasing the daughter cells. From rainwater pool near Boise, Idaho. Brightfield illumination.
Pteromonas, a volvocid flagellate. Ovoid protoplast occupies a hyaline lorica composed of two parts that meet peripherally appearing as flattened wings in optical cross-section. Two equal flagella exit through small canals. This species has a large cup-shape chloroplast and one posterior pyrenoid. The eyespot is not well seen. An anterior contractile vacuole is seen in this image. Asexual reproduction occurs within the lorica the two halves of which are forced apart by the accumulation of gelatinous material releasing the daughter cells. From rainwater pool near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast illumination.
Pteromonas, a volvocid flagellate. Ovoid protoplast occupies a hyaline lorica composed of two parts that meet peripherally appearing as flattened wings in optical cross-section. Two equal flagella exit through small canals. This species has a large cup-shape chloroplast and one posterior pyrenoid. The eyespot is not well seen. An anterior contractile vacuole is seen in this image. Asexual reproduction occurs within the lorica the two halves of which are forced apart by the accumulation of gelatinous material releasing the daughter cells. From rainwater pool near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast illumination.