[[ worker ]]. Head, front part of thorax, tarsi, and base of scapes yellow, rest of body, antennae, and legs, dirty blackish yellow, eyes black, body, especially head and thorax, somewhat shining. Head slightly longer than broad, sides subparallel, posterior angles rounded, posterior border slightly excised; mandibles small, triangular, masticatory border armed with three sharp teeth at apex; clypeus convex, anterior border narrowly excised in middle, sinuate at sides; frontal carinas short, parallel, wide apart, divergent behind; antennae 11 - jointed, scape not reaching posterior border of head, funiculus gradually increasing in breadth to apex, first joint slightly longer and broader than second, last joint equal in length to the two preceding taken together; maxillary palpi 6 - jointed; labial palpi 3 - jointed (usually 4 - jointed in Tapinoma ); eyes fairly large, round, not very prominent, situated at top, in front of centre, of sides of head. Thorax longer than broad, narrower than head and gaster, broadest anteriorly; pronotum rounded in front and at sides, convex on disc; mesonotum round oval, rather flat, shorter than pronotum, sutures between pronotum and mesonotum, and mesonotum and epinotum, shallow and narrow but distinct; epinotum convex on disc, angle between dorsal surface and declivity, blunt, but distinct, declivity longer than dorsal surface; scale of petiole entirely rudimentary; gaster oval, longer than thorax, only four segments visible above, first segment overlapping petiole. Legs rather short, femora rather broad.
Long. 2.2 mm.
Described from nine workers collected in " navel " of an orange from South Africa; Mauritius, 24. vi. 46 (R. Mamet). No. 103.