Portrait of the stylococcacean chrysophyte,Bitrichia longispina (Lund) Bourelly, 1957. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho 43°37'03.94"N 116°11'07.62"W elev. 2754 ft. November 2005.Phase contrast.
Portrait of the stylococcacean chrysophyte,Bitrichia longispina (Lund) Bourelly, 1957. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho 43°37'03.94"N 116°11'07.62"W elev. 2754 ft. November 2005.DIC.
Chrysopyxis stenostoma, a solitary chrysophyte, epiphytic on filamentous algae, that occupies a clear vase-like lorica. The lorica may acquire a brownish color from iron and manganese salts with age. The Chrysopyxis attaches to filamentous algae by means of two fine basal projections of the lorica, which form a ring around the algal filament (seen well in this image). The cell is spherical with a single, distally branching rhizopodium that protrudes through an aperture in the lorica. Fine granules pass from the cell body to the branches of the rhizopodium. There are one or two gold-brown chloroplasts. There is no stigma. Division occurs within the lorica with one cell remaining and the other escaping as a flagellated swarmer that goes on to form its own lorica. From organically enriched standing freshwater near Boise, Idaho. Differential interference contrast.
Chrysopyxis stenostoma, a solitary chrysophyte, epiphytic on filamentous algae, that occupies a clear vase-like lorica. The lorica may acquire a brownish color from iron and manganese salts with age. The Chrysopyxis attaches to filamentous algae by means of two fine basal projections of the lorica, which form a ring around the algal filament (seen well in this image). The cell is spherical with a single, distally branching rhizopodium that protrudes through an aperture in the lorica. Fine granules pass from the cell body to the branches of the rhizopodium. There are one or two gold-brown chloroplasts. There is no stigma. Division occurs within the lorica with one cell remaining and the other escaping as a flagellated swarmer that goes on to form its own lorica. From organically enriched standing freshwater near Boise, Idaho. Differential interference contrast.
Lagynion (lag-in-ee-on) scherffelii is an atypical chrysophyte alga, living within a lorica with a small tube from which fine pseudopodia emerge. With golden plastids. Phase contrast microscopy.
data on this strain.
Lagynion (lag-in-ee-on) scherffelii is an atypical chrysophyte alga, living within a lorica with a small tube from which fine pseudopodia emerge. With golden plastids. Differential interference microscopy.
data on this strain.