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Aile EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 tarafından tanındı
NCBI Taxonomy kaynağından referans vergi
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Laminariaceae Bory 1827

Alternatif İsimler

Arthrothamnus Ruprecht 1848
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Costulariella N. G. Kloczcova & T. A. Kloczcova 2010
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Cymathaere J. Agardh 1868
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Feditia Yu. Petrov & I. Gusarova 1972
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Kjellmaniella Miyabe 1902
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Neurophora M. S. Bachelot de la Pylaie
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Oxyglossum J. E. Areschoug 1880
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Phycodendrum O. Kuntze
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Phyllariella Y. E. Petrov & Vozzhinskaja 1966
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Polyschidea Stackhouse 1809
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Pseudolessonia G. Y. Cho, N. G. Klochkova, T. N. Krupnova & Boo 2006
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Streptophyllopsis Kajimura 1981
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Tauya N. G. Klochkova & T. N. Krupnova 2004
GBIF classification göre Doubtful

Genel Adlar


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コンブ科 tercih edildi


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Khòng-buh tercih edildi
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Zh Cn

海带科 tercih edildi
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Zh Hans

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Zh Hant

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Zh Tw

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Laminariaceae için küratörlük hiyerarşileri