Photographed at night, this juvenile had already emerged from cover, but was not moving when observed.
Photographed at night, this juvenile had already emerged from cover, but was not moving when observed.
Photographed at night, this juvenile had already emerged from cover, but was not moving when observed.
Photographed at night, this sub-adult had already emerged from cover, but was not moving when observed.
Photographed at night, this adult was within a small cavity in highly fractured bedrock, with horizontally oriented crevices extending deep into hillside. Rock surface in the cavity was not moist, but location was near soil with moist seeps. Animal was largely immobile during observation period.
Adult found under rock in moss-covered rock pile that appears to be mine tailings
Adult unexpectedly found walking on the surface during daylight hours
Adult found in area of deep, loose rocks under western poison-oak
Adult found in area of deep, loose rocks under western poison-oak
Photographed at night, this adult was in the open when first observed, but retreated to a crevise
Adult found under rock in moss-covered rock pile that appears to be mine tailings