
Description ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
Length: 1.72–1.90 mm, width: 1.47–1.62 mm; body rufobrunneus, shining, elongate oval with sides rather broadly rounded; frons depressed at middle, disk very finely and sparsely punctate; frontal stria divergent between eyes, sinuate over antennae, continuous across front; supraorbital stria very weakly impressed, frequently fragmented and/or disconnected from frontal stria; labrum narrow, about 1.8× as wide as long, asymmetrically emarginate apically, with left side slightly more prominent; left mandible untoothed, right with very small basal tooth; pronotal disk faintly impressed in prescutellar area, disk with very fine, sparse ground punctation, with generally few, but up to ~20 lateral punctures; lateral submarginal pronotal stria present in anterior half, curving inward but not continuous with anterior portion in most individuals; anterior submarginal pronotal stria very weakly recurved posterad at sides; median pronotal gland openings about three-fourths pronotal length behind anterior margin; elytra with outer and inner subhumeral striae absent, 1st dorsal stria usually obsolete in apical half, striae 2-3 complete, 4th stria broadly interrupted at middle, present at base and apex, 5th stria represented by short apical fragment, sutural stria present in apical three-fourths; elytral disk with few disorganized apical punctures; prosternal keel weakly emarginate at base, with carinal striae complete, fine, widely separated basally, converging anteriorly; mesoventral margin weakly projecting, marginal stria interrupted for width of prosternum; mesometaventral stria arched forward to near mesoventral margin; lateral metaventral stria extending toward outer corner of metacoxa, abbreviated apically; 1st abdominal ventrite with two abbreviated lateral striae, the outer bent behind metacoxa, short, frequently fragmented; postcoxal fovea inconspicuous; propygidium and pygidium lacking microsculpture; propygidium with small round punctures separated by about their diameters along basal margin, becoming smaller and sparser to apex; pygidium with fine, sparse ground punctation, few or no coarser punctures; marginal pygidial stria very finely impressed at extreme apex or absent. Male genitalia: segments 8-10 indistinguishable from those of Operclipygus nicodemus (see Fig. 72I and description above), tegmen (Fig. 72J) differing from that species only slightly in having the medioventral process strongly reduced, barely projecting beneath, and having the dorsoventral curvature of tegmen very weak.
telif hakkı
Michael S. Caterino, Alexey K. Tishechkin
bibliyografik atıf
Caterino M, Tishechkin A (2013) A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) ZooKeys 271: 1–401
Michael S. Caterino
Alexey K. Tishechkin
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