
Description ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
Length: 2.34 mm, width: 1.81 mm; body rufescent, elongate oval, widest at middle of elytra; frons flat with sides rounded, frontal stria continuous, arcuate in front; supraorbital stria absent; epistoma short, flat; labrum short, with apex asymmetrical, left side more strongly produced than right; left mandible untoothed, right with acute basal tooth; pronotal disk depressed along basal margin between the 4th elytral striae, with fine ground punctation only, lacking coarse punctures at sides; marginal stria interrupted for width of head; lateral submarginal stria complete, curved inward anteriorly nearly to anterior submarginal stria, which is weakly crenulate, narrowly recurved posterad at sides; median pronotal gland openings situated laterad end of anterior submarginal stria, about 8 puncture widths from anterior margin; elytron with two complete epipleural striae, outer subhumeral stria complete, inner subhumeral stria absent, striae 1-4 complete, 5th stria present in apical half, sutural present in apical two-thirds; apices of striae 2-5 weakly connected by series of apical punctures; prosternal keel weakly produced at base, carinal striae complete, converging to front, connected by narrow anterior arch, secondary striae present behind prosternal gland openings, weak; prosternal lobe narrow, marginal stria complete; mesoventrite shallowly emarginate in front, marginal stria complete; mesometaventral stria arched forward to near middle of mesoventrite, continued by lateral metaventral stria which runs obliquely toward outer corner of metacoxa; central part of metaventral disk impunctate; 1st abdominal ventrite with two complete lateral striae; propygidium uniformly covered with small punctures separated by about their widths; pygidium with ground punctation dense, but extremely fine, with slightly larger punctures densest toward base, sparser toward apex; marginal pygidial sulcus complete, deep, outer edge crenulate, inner edge smooth. Male: not known.
telif hakkı
Michael S. Caterino, Alexey K. Tishechkin
bibliyografik atıf
Caterino M, Tishechkin A (2013) A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) ZooKeys 271: 1–401
Michael S. Caterino
Alexey K. Tishechkin
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