
Description ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
This species is extremely similar to both the preceding two, differing principally in the following characters: length: 1.65–1.67 mm, width: 1.40–1.44 mm; frontal stria usually complete, but may be interrupted over antennal bases; submarginal pronotal stria continuous across front, complete along lateral margin; pronotal disk with few, ~8 coarse lateral punctures; elytron with outer subhumeral stria absent, 1st dorsal stria slightly abbreviated from base, 2nd stria complete, 3rd stria with fine basal scratch and apical appendix, 4th stria usually absent, may be represented by short apical fragment, 5th stria absent, sutural stria present in apical three-fourths, sinuate, connected to crenulate stria along apical elytral margin; prosternal striae complete, close, parallel in anterior half, united by narrow arch; male metaventrite not impressed or densely punctate; sterna with faint microsculpture at sides; 1st abdominal ventrite with near complete longitudinal lateral stria in addition to transverse postcoxal stria, postcoxal stria ending in distinct fovea behind outer corner of metacoxa; propygidium with faint microsculpture, pygidium without; propygidial punctures small, separated by about their diameters, present only in basal half to two-thirds; pygidium with fine ground punctures only; marginal pygidial stria finely impressed along extreme apex or absent. Male genitalia (Figs 72A–C, H): accessory sclerites strongly reduced or absent; T8 with sides more or less evenly convergent from base to apex, apical emargination narrow, basal emargination deep, nearly reaching basal membrane attachment line, ventrolateral apodemes not meeting along midline, extending only along middle third of segment; S8 strongly divergent to apex, apical guides well developed, bearing distinctly darkened maculae near apex; T9 lacking lateral denticles; T10 long, halves separate; S9 short, slightly widened toward truncate base, apex with narrow median emargination, rounded on each side, basolateral corners strongly produced proximally; tegmen widest near middle, sides gently curved to base and subacute apex, medioventral process not evident; basal piece about one-third tegmen length; median lobe about half tegmen length, proximal apodemes differentiated medially into thick and filamentous portions.
telif hakkı
Michael S. Caterino, Alexey K. Tishechkin
bibliyografik atıf
Caterino M, Tishechkin A (2013) A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) ZooKeys 271: 1–401
Michael S. Caterino
Alexey K. Tishechkin
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