
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Botany tarafından sağlandı
Padina mexicana E. Y. Dawson var. mexicana

Padina mexicana E. Y. Dawson, 1944:231, pl. 52: fig. 2; Dawson, 1959a:19; Dawson, 1961b:389; Dawson, 1966a:11; Chávez B., 1980:48; Huerta-Múzquiz and Mendoza-González, 1985:46; Mateo-Cid and Mendoza-González, 1991:24; Rocha-Ramírez and Siqueiros-Beltrones, 1991:31; Mateo-Cid et al., 1993:50; Servière-Zaragoza et al., 1993:482; Mendoza-González et al., 1994:110; Mateo-Cid and Mendoza-González, 1994b:43; González-González et al., 1996:156; Pacheco-Ruíz and Zertuche-González, 1996b:171; Anaya-Reyna and Riosmena-Rodríguez, 1996:862; Riosmena-Rodríguez et al., 1998:45; Ávila-Ortiz and Pedroche, 1999:357; L. Aguilar-Rosas et al., 2000:132; Mateo-Cid et al., 2000a:68; Mateo-Cid et al., 2000b:211, figs. 54–56, 83–86, 106; Cruz-Ayala et al., 2001:190; Ávila-Ortiz, 2003:70, figs. 1–9: López et al., 2004:10; Ávila-Ortiz and Pedroche, 2005:158, figs. 37 (isotype), 38–41; Riosmena-Rodríguez et al., 2005:102; Mateo-Cid et al., 2006:49; Pacheco-Ruíz et al., 2008:203; Pedroche et al., 2008:54.

Algae low-growing, more or less prostrate, fan-shaped blades, light chalky whitish to grey-brown; blades often overlapping, forming clustered rosettes, attached to each other and to substratum by multicellular rhizoids along the lower portions of blades (without a stipe). Blades mostly entire, 1.5–3(–5) cm tall and 1.5–5.0 cm wide; moderately calcified (mostly on lower surface); concentric bands of hairs alternate with calcification. Blades near inrolled margin of 2 cell layers, 35–80(–100) µm thick; midportion of 4 cell layers, 90–170 µm thick; lower portions of 5–6 cell layers, 150–200(–280) µm thick. Cortical cells 17–33 µm

tall by 22–36 µm wide; medullary cells 19–37 µm by 24–48(–56) µm wide.

Sporangia in sori covered with a thin indusium; 90–120 µm long by 50–90 µm in diameter; patchy or discontinuous in irregular lines between the concentric bands of calcium carbonate only on the upper side. Oogonia 92–96 µm tall (Mateo-Cid et al., 2000b) by 73 µm in diameter; in sori with indusium (when immature), in concentric lines (Ávila-Ortiz and Pedroche, 2005). Antheridia not known.

HABITAT. On sand-covered rocks and tidal platforms; mid intertidal to shallow subtidal, to 3.3 m depth.

DISTRIBUTION. Gulf of California: Puerto Peñasco to Cabo Pulmo. Pacific coast: Todos Santos, Baja California Sur; Sinaloa to Oaxaca.

TYPE LOCALITY. Isla Turners, off southeast Isla Tiburón, Las Islas de la Cintura, Gulf of California.
bibliyografik atıf
Norris, James N. 2010. "Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California : Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 276-276. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.94.276