In the southeastern United StatesC. cucurbitarumcan be a parasite (Wet Rot) of various crop plants, including summer squash (yellow crookneck) and green beans, but many other plants are infected as well (Kucharek and Simone, 1983).Choanephorahas been monographed by Mil’ko and Beljakova (1970) and Kirk (1984). ( 2005)
CHOANEPHORACurrey, 1873 (J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13:578); 2 spp. (Kirk, 1984—monograph.).
=CunninghamiaCurrey, 1873 (J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13:334).
=ChoanephorellaVuill., 1904 [Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 20:28;nomen nudum, Art. 41.1 of theICBN(Greuter et al., 2000)].
Choanephora(Kirk 1984) produces sporangia and zygospores that are nearly identical to those formed by species ofBlakeslea; the large and small sporangia are also formed on separate sporangiophores; small sporangia are formed in fertile heads. The small sporangia of both species ofChoanephoraare unispored and the sporangial wall lacks a suture and, as a result, the walls of the spore and unispored sporangium are not readily separable. The separation of these two walls has been reported in the literature (Thaxter 1903; Poitras 1955).
Choanephora cucurbitarum is a fungal plant pathogen that causes fruit and blossom rot of various cucurbits. It can also affect okra, snap bean, and southern pea, and may cause a stem and leaf rot of Withania somnifera. Recently Das et al. 2017 added few more patho-index on aubergine (Solanum melongena L.), teasle gourd (Momordica subangulata Blume subsp. renigera (G. Don) de Wilde, hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), green pea (Pisum sativum) from India. Wet weather, high temperature and high humidity favor disease development from inoculum that is typically soil-borne. Signs of infection on fruits or leaves include water-soaked, necrotic lesions, which progress rapidly under ideal conditions. As the fungus begins to produce spores, affected tissues become dark grey-brown and hairy as a result of the superficial sporangia.
Sporangiophores bearing sporangiola are erect, hyaline, unbranched, and apically dilated to form a clavate vesicle, from which arise dichotomously branched, distally clavate secondary vesicles. The sporangioles are indehiscent, ellipsoid, brown to dark brown with distinct longitudinal striations and measure 12-20μm x 6-12μm. Sporangia are multispored, spherical, initially white to yellow, pale brown to dark brown at maturity and measure 40-160μm. Sporangiospores from sporangia are ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, brown to dark brown, indistinctly striate with fine hyaline polar appendages, and measure 16-20 µm x 8-12 µm (Saroj et al. 2012).
Choanephora cucurbitarum is a fungal plant pathogen that causes fruit and blossom rot of various cucurbits. It can also affect okra, snap bean, and southern pea, and may cause a stem and leaf rot of Withania somnifera. Recently Das et al. 2017 added few more patho-index on aubergine (Solanum melongena L.), teasle gourd (Momordica subangulata Blume subsp. renigera (G. Don) de Wilde, hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), green pea (Pisum sativum) from India. Wet weather, high temperature and high humidity favor disease development from inoculum that is typically soil-borne. Signs of infection on fruits or leaves include water-soaked, necrotic lesions, which progress rapidly under ideal conditions. As the fungus begins to produce spores, affected tissues become dark grey-brown and hairy as a result of the superficial sporangia.
Choanephora cucurbitarum est une espèce de champignons phytopathogènes de la famille des Choanephoraceae.
Ce champignon attaque de nombreuses plantes cultivées en conditions chaudes et humides, et est notamment responsable d'une maladie de pourriture des fruits dans la famille des Cucurbitaceae. Il n'est connu sur la pomme de terre que dans la région amazonienne du Pérou, au climat tropical chaud et humide, où il peut provoquer une nécrose totale de la plante[1].
Choanephora cucurbitarum est une espèce de champignons phytopathogènes de la famille des Choanephoraceae.
Ce champignon attaque de nombreuses plantes cultivées en conditions chaudes et humides, et est notamment responsable d'une maladie de pourriture des fruits dans la famille des Cucurbitaceae. Il n'est connu sur la pomme de terre que dans la région amazonienne du Pérou, au climat tropical chaud et humide, où il peut provoquer une nécrose totale de la plante.
Choanephora cucurbitarum je grzib[11], co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Berk. & Ravenel, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Roland Thaxter 1903. Choanephora cucurbitarum nŏleży do zorty Choanephora i familije Choanephoraceae.[12][13] Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.[12]
Choanephora cucurbitarum je grzib, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Berk. & Ravenel, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Roland Thaxter 1903. Choanephora cucurbitarum nŏleży do zorty Choanephora i familije Choanephoraceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.
瓜笄黴(學名:Choanephora cucurbitarum)是一種植物病原真菌,屬於毛黴目(英语:Mucorales),可引起各種葫蘆的果實和花朵腐爛。它也可能會影響秋葵、敏豆和豇豆,且可能導致睡茄的莖和葉腐敗。2017年,Das等人在對印度的茄子、凹萼木鱉、扁豆和豌豆進行研究後,增加了更多關於瓜笄黴的病理指標。瓜笄黴好發於高溫高濕的環境,並且會在土壤中盤據。瓜笄黴主要的病徵是會感染果實及葉子,其中包含水浸狀的病徵或壞疽型病斑,且發展快速。當真菌開始產生孢子時,受影響的植株組織會因孢子囊遍佈而呈灰褐色及毛茸狀。
瓜笄黴帶有小孢子囊(sporangiola)的孢子囊柄直立、透明且無分枝,頂端膨大長出棒狀囊泡,從囊泡中產生二分枝狀,亦呈棍棒狀的二級囊泡。小型孢子囊為不開裂的,呈橢球狀,顏色為棕色至深棕色,具有明顯的縱向條紋,尺寸為12-20μm x 6-12μm。孢子囊呈球狀,含有多枚孢子,最初的顏色為白色至黃色,成熟時呈淺棕色至深棕色,尺寸為40-160μm。來自孢子囊的孢子囊柄呈橢圓形至寬橢圓形,顏色為棕色至深棕色,具有細小透明極性附屬物的不透明條紋,尺寸為16-20 µm x 8-12 µm。[1]
瓜笄黴(學名:Choanephora cucurbitarum)是一種植物病原真菌,屬於毛黴目(英语:Mucorales),可引起各種葫蘆的果實和花朵腐爛。它也可能會影響秋葵、敏豆和豇豆,且可能導致睡茄的莖和葉腐敗。2017年,Das等人在對印度的茄子、凹萼木鱉、扁豆和豌豆進行研究後,增加了更多關於瓜笄黴的病理指標。瓜笄黴好發於高溫高濕的環境,並且會在土壤中盤據。瓜笄黴主要的病徵是會感染果實及葉子,其中包含水浸狀的病徵或壞疽型病斑,且發展快速。當真菌開始產生孢子時,受影響的植株組織會因孢子囊遍佈而呈灰褐色及毛茸狀。