
Technomyrmex innocens Fisher & Bolton

Diagnostic Description ( İngilizce )

Plazi (legacy text) tarafından sağlandı

HOLOTYPE WORKER. Measurements: TL 2.8, HL 0.65, HW 0.60, SL 0.62, PW 0.40, WL 0.86. Indices: CI 92, SI 103, OI 25, EPI 63, DTI 137. Frontal carina with 2 setae: in profile the posterior of these located at about the level of the anterior margin of the eye and the longest on the dorsum. Dorsum of head posterior to this with a pair of shorter setae at about the level of the posterior margin of the eye and with three pairs posterior to this; the longest of these three pairs about two - thirds the distance to the posterior margin of the head and the posteriormost pair just in front of the posterior margin (cephalic setae are somewhat variable, see comments below). Setal pits visible as darker pinpoints on paler cuticle. Anterior clypeal margin with a small, shallow median impression. With head in full-face view the sides shallowly convex and the posterior margin with a shallow median concavity. Eyes located well in front of midlength, EPI 63; outer margin of eye almost touches the outline of the side in full-face view. Number of setal pairs on mesosoma: pronotum 2; mesonotum 1, very short and located on the posterior one - third; propodeal dorsum 0; lateral margins of propodeal declivity 1, very short and located above the spiracle. In dorsal view the metathoracic spiracles are widely separated from the metanotal groove, not abutting it (distance separating them is at least equal to the diameter of the metathoracic spiracle). Dorsum of mesonotum evenly curved in profile. Dorsum of propodeum meets the declivity in a blunt angle; length of dorsum less than depth of declivity to spiracle. Gastral tergites 1 - 4 each with setae distributed everywhere on the sclerites; maximum length of setae on first gastral tergite is distinctly less than the maximum diameter of the eye. Head, mesosoma, petiole and gaster yellow, dorsum of head and gaster weakly brownish yellow; legs yellow throughout.

PARATYPIC AND OTHER WORKER MATERIAL. Measurements: TL 2.3 - 3.1, HL 0.55 - 0.71, HW 0.51 - 0.64, SL 0.52 - 0.64, PW 0.32 - 0.43, WL 0.68 - 0.95 (15 measured). Indices: CI 88 - 94, SI 96 - 110, OI 25 - 28, EPI 60 - 70, DTI 133 - 143. Setae on head behind clypeus somewhat variable in number and position. Two, three (the usual number) or four pairs may be present on the dorsum behind the level of the posterior margin of the eye. Where only two pairs are present behind the level of the posterior margin of the eye there is a short pair above the eye; apparently this and the following pair of setae have shifted slightly anteriorly from the position seen in the holotype, as both have the same number of setae present. Where four pairs are present there is an additional pair behind the level of the posterior margin of the eye. The pronotum may have 3 pairs of setae. Where setae have been abraded off small pits, that are darker in colour than the surrounding cuticle, are usually visible. Colour varies from yellow to light brown throughout.

Holotype worker, Madagascar: Prov. Mahajanga, P.N. Namoroka, 17.8 km. 329° WNW Vilanandro, 100 m, 16°22.6'S, 45°16.6'E, 8 - 12.xi.2002, CASENT0485542, BLF6510(11), beating low vegetation, tropical dry forest (Fisher et al.) (CASC). Paratypes. 3 workers with same data as holotype but CASENT 0022497, BLF6506(17), sifted litter; CASENT0022500, BLF6506(19); CASENT0485538, BLF6510(9). 2 workers + 1 intercaste, same locality but 9.8 km. 300° WNW Vilanandro, 140 m., 16°28.0'S, 45°21.0'E, 4 - 8.xi.2002, CASENT0474760 and CASENT0474761, BLF6448(13) (Fisher et al.) (CASC).

There are three small, yellow to light brownish yellow Malagasy species that have setae present on the dorsal head behind the level of the posterior margin of the eye. Of these madecassus is overall the most densely setose and has very distinct setal pits. It also has the metathoracic spiracles abutting, or very close to, the metanotal groove in dorsal view, has 2 - 4 pairs of mesonotal setae and has 2 - 3 pairs of setae present on the lateral margins of the propodeal declivity. Even in abraded specimens the pits of these setae remain very conspicuous. In contrast innocens has much less distinct setal pits, has the metathoracic spiracles relatively widely separated from the metanotal groove in dorsal view and has only a single, very short pair of mesonotal setae; like madecassus it has setae present (a single short pair) on the propodeal declivity. Like innocens , fisheri has its metathoracic spiracles some distance from the metanotal groove, but fisheri is characterised by its lack of setae (and setal pits) on the mesonotum and propodeal declivity.

Most of the material examined was obtained by beating low vegetation but some was collected from litter, some from rotten wood and some from rotten sticks on the forest floor. Worker - queen intercastes are known, as are alate queens.


Madagascar: Prov. Antsiranana, Montagne Fran�ais, SE Diego Suarez (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, For. Binara, SW Daraina (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, Res. Analamerana, Anivorano - Nord (B.L. Fisher); Antsiranana, Res. Spec. Ambre, SW Sakaramy (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, P.N. Montagne d'Ambre (R. Harin'Hala); Antsiranana, For. Ambanitaza, Antalaha (B.L. Fisher); Prov. Mahajanga, Res. Bemarivo, SW Beslampy (Fisher et al.); Mahajanga, P.N. Tsingy de Bemahara, E Bekopaka (Fisher et al.); Prov. Toliara, For. de Petriky, W Tolagnaro (B.L. Fisher); Toliara, Res. Ambohijanahary, NW Ambaravaranala (Fisher et al.).

bibliyografik atıf
Bolton, B., 2007, Taxonomy of the dolichoderine ant genus Technomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) based on the worker caste., Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 1-149, vol. 35(1)
Bolton, B.

Technomyrmex innocens ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


Technomyrmex innocens is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Dolichoderinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2007 door Fisher & Bolton.

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