
Habitat ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Anubis baboons are found in savannah, grassland steppe, and rainforest habitats.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest

Other Habitat Features: agricultural

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

As in all highly social species, communication is varied and complex. Anubis baboons utilize visual signals and gestures, vocalizations, and tactile communication.

Visual signals include social presenting, in which a female or juvenile displays its hind quarters to a male. It can also be done by a female who has approached another female with her black infant. This submissive signal differs from sexual presenting (which females do to elicit copulation), and is often accompanied by lip smacking. Staring is a threat behavior, the effect of which is enhanced by the differently colored fur in the region of the eye which is revealed when the baboon stares. Canine tooth display through a tension yawn is another threatening gesture. It is performed by lower-raking males toward higher-ranking males who are consorting with estrus females or who possess meat. Male baboons who are close to one another can use tooth grinding to threaten one another. Baboons retreating from high-tension situations use rapid glances to break tension. Adult males who are guarding mates sometimes sit with their erect penis in plain view. This penile display communicates the male’s presence to other males.

Teeth chattering and lipsmacking, although not technically vocalizations, are auditory cues of reassurance, often performed by a dominant animal when another is presenting to it.

Vocalizations made by anubis baboons include a two-phase bark, or "wahoo" call, which adult males direct toward feline predators or toward other males. It is thought to communicate the presence of the male and his arousal. Adult male anubis baboons make grunting vocalizations as a threat, and are known to "roar" during fights. A grating roar, which is a deep, resonating call, is given by a dominant male after a fight, and is sometimes made by adult males when there is a night-time disturbance. Screeching is common during aggressive encounters, and can be made by any age or sex class. Subadult and adult olive baboons produce a yakking call when retreating from a threatening animal. This call is often accompanied by a grimace of fear. A shrill bark is produced by all except adult males to indicate alarm, especially due to sudden disturbances. Finally, rhythmic grunting may be produced by all anubis baboons except infants when they wish to signal reassurance to another animal.

Juveniles and infants produce some vocalizations unique to their age class. These include clicking, which is a chirp-like noise which is analogous to yakking of adults. They also produce an ick-ooer sound which communicates a low level of distress.

Tactile communication is common in cercopithecines. Social grooming is used to reinforce social bonds, as well as to remove parasites and debris from the fur. Social mounting is a reassurance behavior. Anubis baboons also perform a friendly nose-to-nose greeting.

Chemical communication has also been reported for this species. Female anubis baboons are known to produce aliphatic acids when they are sexually receptive. These acids are thought to enhance a female’s sexual attractiveness.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Anubis baboons are not considered threatened or endangered. The IUCN Redlist rates them "Lower Risk, Least Concern." Like most primates, they are included in Appendix II of the CITES, so international trade in the animals or their parts requires government approval.

CITES: appendix ii

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Baboons are large animals, and not particularly timid of humans. They are known to raid crops, and can attack and injure humans if provoked.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings); crop pest

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Anubis baboons are used in medical and behavioral research. They are socially active animals which provide entertainment for zoo visitors and ecotourists.

Positive Impacts: ecotourism ; research and education

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Baboons likely play a role in aerating the soil through the digging of corms, roots, and tubers. They also are likely to disperse seeds of the fruits and grains that they eat. Baboons provide food for their predators, and also exert some affect on populations of small animals on which they feed.

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds; soil aeration

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Anubis baboons are known to eat a wide variety of foods. They consume fruits, tree gums, insects, eggs, seeds, flowers, grass, rhizomes, corms, roots, tubers and small vertebrates.

One feeding adaptation thought to be shared by all baboons is the ability to subsist on a relatively low quality diet. Baboons can subsist on grasses for extended periods of time. This allows them to exploit dry terrestrial habitats, like deserts, semideserts, steppes, and grasslands.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; eggs; carrion ; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods

Plant Foods: leaves; roots and tubers; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit

Primary Diet: omnivore

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Papio anubis is the most broadly distributed baboon species, ranging through most of central sub-Saharan Africa. Isolated populations occur within the Saharan region.

This species is part of a complex of closely related African baboon species. We have an account of the whole genus under Papio.

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

The maximum lifespan of a captive hamadryas baboon is measured at 37.5 years. A captive chacma baboon is reported to have lived 45 years in captivity. Although the lifespan of P. anubis has not been reported, it is likely to be similar to these two species, although somewhat shorter than these in the wild.

Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
25.2 years.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

These monkeys are highly sexually dimorphic in size and pelage characters. Males weigh around 25 kg and females around 14 kg, with some geographic variation in average size. The head and body of the average male measures 760 mm, with the tail adding an additional 560 mm. Females are smaller, with an average head and body measurement of 600 mm and an average tail length of 480 mm. Males have large canine teeth, whereas the teeth of the females are much smaller. Pelage is characteristically a dark, olive-gray. This overall color is produced by hairs with 1 to 2 alternating pairs of black and yellow-brown rings. Males possess a large mane, restricted to the anterior portion of the body, and grading into the shorter body hair toward the rear. Females lack a mane.

The skin of the face and around the ischial callosities is dark gray to black in both sexes. The bare area of the rump is much smaller in this species than in Papio hamadryas or Papio papio. Unlike some species of baboons, the nostrils of P. anubis point forward. The head is flat on top, helping to distinguish this species from Papio cynocephalus which has a prominent crest on the top of the head. The first quarter of the tail is carried erect, being held straight upward, with the remainder of the tail falling down limp, giving the tail a broken appearance. The natal pelage is black, but this fur is replaced by the typical olive-gray by about 6 months of age.

The skull of males has heavy ridges of bone on both sides of the nose, and a prominent rounded bar above the orbits. There is a sagittal crest and often a nuchal crest. Molars are large, and the first lower premolar has been modified into a hone for the upper canine. These primates have 32 teeth.

Range mass: 14 to 25 kg.

Range length: 480 to 760 mm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; ornamentation

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Two predator species are known for anubis baboons. Leopards and chimpanzees have been known to kill these animals. Anubis baboons have been reported to mob leopards, often with adult males leading the attack. In the Gombe preserve in Tanzania, an estimated one percent of the population falls victim to predators annually. Of these, about 3/4 are infants, and 1/4 are juveniles.

Known Predators:

  • chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
  • leopards (Panthera pardus)
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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Başlıksız ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Hybridization between Papio hamadryas and P. anubis occurs along the Awash river valley in Ethiopia. The area of hybridization appears to be stable, without noticeable introgression of P. hamadryas phenotypes into anubis baboon populations or of P. anubis phenotypes into hamadryas baboon populations. The reasons for this stability are probably very complex. However, it is worth discussing two contributors to this stability in this forum.

In hamadryas baboons, the basic social unit, or OMU, is maintained as a cohesive entity through the activity of the adult male leader of the OMU. He herds females and juveniles, regulates their interactions, and prevents them from straying. Although anubis baboon males possess the same basic behaviors that would allow the males of this species to form one-male-units, there are significant differences in expression between the two species which make it impossible for male anubis baboons migrating into hamadryas territory to successfully maintain a harem of females.

For example, although male anubis baboons aggressively herd females and exclude rival males, they tend to do so only when the females are in estrus. This would prevent a male anubis baboon from maintaining a cohesive OMU in the hamadryas fashion. Also, although they form close social ties with females, they do not exhibit the "respect" of the relationship between other males and their females which is typical of hamadryas baboons. This may be related to differences in the kin associations of hamadryas and anubis baboons. Correlated with this, an anubis male trying to "steal" a sexually attractive female from a male hamadryas, would incur not just the wrath of that male, but likely the wrath of that male’s kin within the clan.

Hybrid males are known to show behavior intermediate between the two parental species. Anubis-like hybrids form lasting social bonds with anestrous females, and assume a consort-like status when the females are in estrus. However, they are unable to herd them efficiently because they do not express this behavior when the females are anestrous. The more hamadryas-like hybrids are capable of forming OMUS.

Interestingly, hamadryas males have been known to effectively integrate into anubis baboon troops. Although females mate with them, these males may still be at a reproductive disadvantage relative to anubis males. Because the mating system of the hamadryas baboon characteristically involves only one male, there has been little selection for sperm competition in this species. Hamadryas males have both relatively and absolutely smaller testicles than do anubis males. This likely results in lower production of sperm. Since female anubis baboons may mate with a number of males during their estrus cycle, lower sperm production by hamadryas males may lessen their chances for siring offspring. This may contribute to the stability of the hybrid zone.

Anubis baboons are also known to hybridize freely in the wild with yellow baboons,. In the Amboseli National Park in Kenya, the amount of reported hybridization between these two species has increased over time. Researchers think that the increasing immigration of anubis males into yellow baboon troops is responsible for the increase noted in hybrid characters. Because the slopes of Mount Kilamanjaro are under increasing agricultural pressure, it is likely that anubis males have no alternative areas into which to emigrate.

The only differences noted in behavior of hybrid animals is that males with anubis-like features (e.g. coarser hair, longer manes, darker coloration, broader chests, and more sharply "broken" tails) tend to emigrate from their natal group as juveniles or subadults, rather than as full adults. This behavior has been seen occasionally in the anubis baboons of the Gombe preserve in Tanzania, but is not known in yellow baboons.

The hybridization between anubis and yellow baboons seems to have a long history. Interesting, the Ibean form of yellow baboon, which has coarser hair than the typical yellow baboon, a more pronounced mane, and other somewhat "anubis-like" features, is thought by some researchers to be evidence of the historical influx of anubis genes into yellow baboon populations.

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Reproductive behavior in P. anubis is closely tied to social organization. Because these animals live in multi-male, multi-female troops, there is the potential for any male to mate with any female. This results in fierce competition between males for access to sexually receptive females. In general, a male’s ability to consort with a female and exclude other males from access to her is related to the male’s ability to compete with other males. There is therefore a correlation between male dominance rank within the troop and mating success. Larger, younger, and stronger males have a distinct advantage in this type of competition.

However, as in many social animals, there are other factors which affect a male’s mating success. For example, males may form alliances with other males, which can subvert the normal dominance hierarchy. Two males, neither of whom can dominate a third male alone, may join forces and together, as a coalition, these males may succeed in securing access to a sexually receptive female. Such coalitions are reciprocal, and typically occur between pairs of older males who are well acquainted with one another through mutual tenure in a troop.

Males also follow a strategy of developing "friendships" with females, which enhances their opportunities to mate. In these friendships, males groom, share food, and have strong affiliative ties with particular females and their offspring. It is common for males to defend their female friends during agonistic encounters with other females, and with other males. These associations are not confined to the period during which females are sexually receptive, but span the entire gamut of the female’s reproductive life—including pregnancy, lactation, and time spent cycling. Females tend to exhibit a preference for mating with their male friends, and therefore make consortships with their male friends more likely. In addition, because females prefer their friends as mates, they are more likely to cooperate with them in the maintenance of a consortship than they are to cooperate with other, less favored, males.

The prolonged period of sexual receptivity of females in this species is typical of primates living in multi-male, multi-female social groups. Females in monogamous or polygynous species are typically receptive for a very short time around ovulation. In P. anubis, females mate with a variety of males over a period of 15 to 20 days. Such multiple matings are not necessary to ensure fertilization, and may function to confuse the actual paternity of the female’s offspring. This may help to mitigate infanticidal tendencies of males.

Females exert some mate choice in this species. By making consortships easier or more difficult for males, females can exert some control over whom they mate with. Also, females can make it easier or more difficult for a given male to immigrate into the troop, influencing the pool of males from which they may choose mates.

Mating is initiated by the female, who presents her hindquarters to the male. The male mounts the female and thrusts about 6 times, then ejaculates. Matings are probably quick because of the intense intermale competition for access to sexually receptive females.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Reproduction in P. anubis is related to the social structure of this species. Anubis baboons live in multi-male, multi-female troops. Mating is polygynandrous, with both males and females mating with multiple partners. Most matings occur during consortships. Consortships arise when a male, through aggression toward potential rivals, is able to maintain exclusive sexual access to a female. Females may consort with multiple males while they are sexually receptive, although they consort with only one male at a time. Because it is apparently easier for a male to maintain exclusive access to a female if the female is cooperative, there is a significant amount of female mate choice, with females preferring some partners over others.

Females characteristically have an estrous cycle of 31 to 35 days in length. There is a noticeable menstrual flow for approximately three days per cycle if the female does not conceive. During the period around ovulation, the perineal skin of the female swells, and aliphatic acids are produced, alerting the males to her potentially fertile condition, and enhancing her attractiveness to them. Females are typically receptive for 15 to 20 days per cycle.

Gestation lasts about 180 days, after which the female gives birth to a single offspring, weighing approximately 1068 g. The neonate has a black coat, making it easy to distinguish from older infants. An infant is completely dependent upon its mother for the first few months, until it begins to eat solid food and is able to walk on its own. Females have an interbirth interval ranging from 12 to 34 months. This interval varies according to a number of factors. Females who are older or have a higher rank tend to have shorter interbirth intervals. Interbirth interval is also shorter if an infant dies before weaning.

Weaning typically occurs around 420 days of age. Lactation is a huge cost for adult females, and typically causes a reduction in female weight. Lower ranking and younger females probably take longer to recover adequate body weight to reproduce than do older, dominant females, explaining their longer interbirth intervals.

The onset of puberty and attainment of adult size is highly variable and is associated with nutrition levels. In populations where baboons are known to raid human crops, and to thereby secure greater access to nutrients than naturally foraging animals, puberty can occur much earlier. In such food-supplemented populations, males attain adult body weight between 7 and 8 years. Females reach full size by 6.5 years. In contrast, in naturally foraging populations, males do not reach full adult size until they are 7 to 10 years old, and females do not reach adult weight until they are 7 to 8 years old. The effect of nutrition on growth is so strong that as little as 15 to 16 weeks of dietary variation in newborns can have lasting effects on overall rates of female growth, absolute adult weight, and age at menarche.

In naturally foraging populations, puberty occurs between the ages of 5 and 6 years in females, and is signaled by menarche, or in some cases, first pregnancy. In males, puberty begins around 6.6 years of age, when body size begins to increase rapidly, third molars erupt, and canine teeth fully erupt. Changes in male body size include increases in muscularity, which give these animals a broader profile. The mane of males also begins to develop, contributing to the increase in shoulder size. Correlated with these changes in body size, male anubis baboons undergo an increase in testicular volume. Like human males undergoing puberty, male anubis baboons are also reported to undergo a break in their voices around this time, eventually leading to a deeper sounding alarm-bark. Males typically emigrate from their natal troop just after these changes are completed.

Breeding interval: Female anubis baboons with ample food and health can breed annually. However the interbirth interval ranges between 12 and 34 months, because female condition and food supply vary.

Breeding season: Mating can occur throughout the year.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average gestation period: 180 days.

Average weaning age: 420 days.

Average time to independence: 420 days.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 7 to 8 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 7 to 10 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous

Most parental behavior is performed by the female. Females nurse, groom, and play with their offspring. Females express different patterns of infant care, often associated with rank and age. In yellow baboons, higher-ranking females tend to be more "permissive" in their parenting than lower ranking females, who tend to me more nervous and "restrictive," preventing their offspring from moving away from them. This difference has been reported in anubis baboons only up to the age of 8 weeks of infant life, but may be longer for some females or in some troops. Another difference seen in maternal behavior in this species is that older mothers are known to spend more time in contact or close to their infants and are less likely to terminate bouts of nursing than are younger females. First-time mothers are also likely to reject infants sooner than are experienced mothers. These differences may affect interbirth intervals.

There does not seem to be cooperative care of offspring among females in P. anubis, but it is not uncommon for females other than the mother to groom an infant, sometimes providing allomaternal care to the infant. Subadult and juvenile females who have not yet reproduced themselves are most likely to exhibit allomaternal behavior. As is the case for all baboons, infants are very attractive to other members of the social group, and are the focus of a great deal of investigation and attention, especially while they are still displaying their black natal coat. In extreme cases, females may kidnap the offspring of other females. Lower-ranking females are more often subject to this extreme form of harassment than are higher-ranking females. Other factors known to affect the incidence of allomaternal behavior in other species include the infant’s age, and relatedness of the allomother to the mother and infant.

Males have complex relationships with infants and juveniles, which in some cases may be a form of parental care. Males are known to carry, protect, share food (especially meat), groom, and play with, the offspring of their female friends. Because they are more likely to mate with their female friends than they are with other females, these infants and juveniles are more likely to be their own offspring than are other immature animals within the troop. This behavior, therefore, can be interpreted as paternal.

However, it should be noted that the relationship between adult males and these immature animals may be more complex than this. There may be some form of reciprocity involved. Adult males will often carry infants during tense interactions with other adult males. This carrying can be initiated either by the adult male or by the infant. Such contact with an infant during agonistic encounters may have the effect of inhibiting aggression by other males. The favors bestowed upon an infant used as a buffer may therefore be a form a "payback" from the adult male. However, since the tendency to use an infant as an agonistic buffer is related to familiarity with the infant and the probability of paternity, it is impossible to separate the nepotism from the reciprocity of such interactions.

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning; inherits maternal/paternal territory; maternal position in the dominance hierarchy affects status of young

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Shefferly, N. 2004. "Papio anubis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
George Hammond, Animal Diversity Web

MammalMAP: Olive baboons ( İngilizce )

EOL authors tarafından sağlandı

Olive baboons (Papio anubis) are called so because of the greenish-grey coat that covers their bodies. Males have manes forming from the top of their heads through to their shoulders, the hair gradually shortening towards the back. Olive baboons also have dark grey to black faces, ears as well as ischial callosities (the thick piece of skin on their bums). They also have long, pointed muzzles, and appear quite dog-like, especially because of their quadrupedal posture and movement. Olives have very, very long tails, between 41 and 58 cm long!

With a length between 60 to 86 cm, and weighing between 15 to 30 kg, olive baboons are one of the larger baboon species, with males being about twice as large as females. Males also have large canine teeth.

Olive baboons have the largest range of all baboons, and are widespread throughout equatorial Africa, present in 25 countries. They are very adaptable and inhabit savannah areas, as well as large grassland plains and even evergreen tropical forests. They live in troops of generally between 20 and 50 members, but can sometimes consist of over 100 baboons, troop size usually determined by environmental conditions and food availability.

During the day they mostly spend their time on the ground, foraging for food, but at night they make their way up to mountain rocks or trees to avoid predators, which include large cats, hyenas, wild dogs, chimpanzees and crocodiles.

Olive baboons are omnivorous and find food on the ground, in trees and underground. Their diet consists out of grass, leaves, fruit, seeds, grains, tubers, invertebrates and even mammals, up to the size of small antelopes. Both males and females hunt.

In many areas, sadly, raiding of agricultural crops and feeding on garbage and human refuse are increasing as human populations are increasing. This close proximity to humans has been found to influence group behaviour, and it may even influence the social structure of these baboons.

Olive baboons have a gestation period of 180 days, after which one infant is born. Males compete regularly to copulate with females who are receptive for about one week a month.

For more interesting info on the olive baboon, please visit Dr. Shirley C. Strum’swebsite, Baboons R Us.Dr. Strum has done over 30 years of studies on these amazing primates, so she really knows about as much there is to know about them!

For more information on MammalMAP, visit the MammalMAPvirtual museumorblog.

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Babouz Anubis ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

Babouz Anubis (Papio anubis) a zo ur marmouz eus kornôg da reter Afrika.



Doareoù pennañ

Babybaboon riding.jpg

Etre 60 ha 80 cm eo hirder e gorf hag etre 40 ha 60 cm hini e lost. War-dro 30 kg eo e bouez.

Hanter vrasoc'h eo ar par eget ar barez. An daou zo blevek-mat o divjod.

Bevañ a ra a-strolladoù bras pe vrasoc'h, betek 100 babouz enno. Ar re vihan a c'hell chom er bagad keit ha ma vez teñval o feur. Met mont kuit a rankont pa'c'h a o liv da c'hlas-olivez evel ar re deuet d'o oad.

En em vagañ a ra diwar frouezh, delioù, amprevaned, glazarded hag a-wechoù preizhoù ken bras ha gazelenned.

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

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Babouz Anubis: Brief Summary ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

Babouz Anubis (Papio anubis) a zo ur marmouz eus kornôg da reter Afrika.

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Papió anubis ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

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El papió anubis o babuí anubis (Papio anubis) és un membre de la família dels cercopitècids (micos del Vell Món). És l'espècie més estesa de tots els papions: viu en 25 països d'Àfrica, des de Mali a Etiòpia i Tanzània. També n'hi ha poblacions aïllades en algunes regions muntanyoses del Sàhara. Viu a les sabanes, estepes i zones boscoses. És conegut pels sons que produeix.


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Papió anubis: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El papió anubis o babuí anubis (Papio anubis) és un membre de la família dels cercopitècids (micos del Vell Món). És l'espècie més estesa de tots els papions: viu en 25 països d'Àfrica, des de Mali a Etiòpia i Tanzània. També n'hi ha poblacions aïllades en algunes regions muntanyoses del Sàhara. Viu a les sabanes, estepes i zones boscoses. És conegut pels sons que produeix.

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Pavián anubi ( Çekçe )

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Pavián anubi (Papio anubis) je úzkonosý primát z čeledi kočkodanovitých, který žije ze všech paviánů na nejrozsáhlejším teritoriu.


Samice se dvěma mláďaty
Ona a ono sledují ...
Pavián anubi s mládětem v Národním parku královny Alžběty v Ugandě

Vyskytují se v Africe po obou stranách rovníku, na severní straně nejzápadněji v jižní Mauretánii, Guineji a Mali, odtud přes Sierru Leone, Pobřeží slonoviny, Burkinu Faso, Ghanu, Togo, Benin, Nigérii, Niger, Čad, Středoafrickou republiku, Kamerun a Súdán až po Etiopii, Eritreu a Somálsko. Na jižní straně rovníku žijí od Konga a Demokratické republiky Kongo přes Rwandu a Burundi po Ugandu, Keňu a Tanzanii. Na západě se jejich teritoria překrývají s paviány guinejskými, na východě s paviány pláštíkovými a na jihu s paviány babuiny; příležitostně se i kříží.

Obývají savany, stepi, polopouště, galeriové lesy i okraje deštných pralesů. Dávají přednost místům s možností blízkého úkrytu, ať na těžko přístupném skalnatém terénu nebo na stromech.[2]


Mezi oběma pohlavími je značný pohlavní dimorfismus. Samci měří asi 70 cm, váží 24 kg a ocas mívají dlouhý 56 cm, kdežto samice bývají veliké jen 60 cm, váží zhruba 15 kg a délka jejich ocasu je 48 cm. Zvířata chovaná v zajetí bývají dobře krmená a proto jsou průměrně o 2 až 4 kg těžší. Samci mají navíc v přední části těla znatelnou hřívu, zřetelné hřebeny po obou stranách čenichu, podstatně větší špičáky i nadočnicové oblouky. Samicím se v období páření probarvuje genitální oblast do růžova, někdy až do červena.

Srst mají barvy olivově šedé. Lysá kůže obličeje a sedacích partií je tmavě šedé až černé barvy. Hlavu mají nad očnicemi zploštělou. První čtvrtinu ocasu nosí vzpřímenou, zbylá část je převislá (zlomená). Mají 32 zubů, první premolár obrušuje horní špičák, stoličky mají široké.[2][3]


Paviáni anubi jsou všežravci, konzumují listy, květy, lesní plody a semena, kořínky, vejce, hmyz i menší obratlovce. Vzhledem k výskytu na tak velikém teritoriu je jejich jídelníček značně rozdílný, navíc zde hraje roli i střídaní různě intenzivních období sucha a dešťů. Jsou schopni své stravovací návyky přizpůsobit obývanému biotopu. Pokud žijí v blízkosti obdělávaných polí, doplňují svou stravu o zcizovanou kukuřici, banány, atd. Dokáži v tlupě ulovit i menší antilopu.[2]

Společenský život

Žijí v početných smíšených skupinách od 40 do 100 jedinců na území o rozloze asi 0,4 až 2 km². Ráno po probuzení odchází tlupa ze svého nocležiště za potravou. Hledání a sbírání potravy, jak na zemi tak na stromech, prokládají odpočinkem. Se soumrakem se vracejí na své oblíbené spací místo. Nocují přednostně na těžko přístupných skalních římsách nebo v korunách stromů převyšující okolní vrcholky. Časté jsou také přesuny skupin za novým zdrojem potravin. Přesun probíhá organizovaně, po zemni se pohybují po čtyřech. Když běží, lze jejich styl přirovnat ke cvalu koně.

Vztahy ve skupině jsou matrilineární, samice ve své domovské skupině zůstávají. Naopak silnější samci vyhánějí pryč své potenciální konkurenty, mladší samce po pubertě, a staré jedince, kteří se takto často stávají kořisti predátorů. O přijetí cizího samce do skupiny rozhoduji sympatie některé ze samic. Samice, které měly více mláďat, stojí v hierarchii tlupy výše. O postavení samce rozhoduje síla a chytrost.[2][3]

Mají rozličné hlasové projevy, dávají hlasem najevo svou nadřazenost, vyhrožují svému soku nebo zastrašují případného dravce, vyjadřují strach nebo také přátelské úmysly. V rámci skupiny většinou komunikují vizuálně, kdy zastrašují upřeným pohledem, zíváním, ukazováním špičáků, vytahováním obočí nebo naopak vyjadřují podřízenost sklopením hlavy, odvrácením pohledu, stažením rtů apod. Vzájemné vztahy v tlupě si utužují dotekovou komunikaci, většinou jen mezi příslušníky stejného pohlaví, reprezentovanou „hledáním blech v kožichu“ nebo dotekem nosů. Funguje také chemická komunikace a to především v období říje.[4]


V tlupě trvale existuje veliká rivalita při páření, vyhrávají samci větší, silnější i chytřejší. Pářit se mohou v podstatě všechny samice a všichni samci. Samice si většinou vybírá samce a tomu dává najevo připravenost k páření. Pokud si ale tohoto náznaku všimne silnější jedinec, prosadí se k páření sám. Estrus trvá 15 až 20 dnů, za tu dobu se samice spáří s několika samci. Tím není jistý otec a nedochází k útokům agresivních samců na mláďata.

Po březosti dlouhé asi 180 dnů samice porodí převážně jen jedno černě zbarvené mládě o váze cca 1 kg, které je kojeno 12 až 14 měsíců, pak se přebarví do šatu dospělého. Pokud mládě uhyne před odstavením, samice je většinou schopná zabřeznout dříve, jinak jsou intervaly březosti 1 až 3 roky. Samice se mláděti stará nejen o potravu, ale chrání ho, pečuje mu o srst, pomáhá mu při transportu a hraje si s ním. Starší samice mládě déle kojí a všestranně o ně více pečují. Samice s kojeným mládětem má v tlupě lepší postavení, proto dochází mezi samicemi ke krádežím ještě nepřebarvených mláďat, hlavně mladým nezkušeným samicím; mnohdy ke škodě mláděte. Jinak o kojená mláďata projevují všichni členové tlupy, i samci, zájem a v případě potřeby převezme o mládě péči jiná samice.

Pohlavní dospělosti dosahují samci za 7 až 8 roků, samice po 6 až 7 létech. Tato doba je závislá na výživě matky během kojení a na kvalitě následně přijímané tuhé stravy mládětem.[3]

Mezi hlavní predátory paviána anubi jsou považováni levharti a šimpanzi. Asi 1 % populace se ročně stane oběti jejich útoků, z toho jsou ze 3/4 mláďata. Průměrná doba života v zajetí je asi 20 let. Pokud likvidují domorodcům úrodu z jejich polí, pořádají tito na ně trestné výpravy.



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. a b c d pin.primate.wisc.edu
  3. a b c www.afrikaonline.cz
  4. www.theprimata.com


  • DOBRORUKA, Luděk. Zvířata celého světa. Svazek 5. [s.l.]: Státní zemědělské nakladatelství, 1979.

Externí odkazy

Papionini Cercocebus Lophocebus Makak Dril Pavián Paviánec Dželada Dinopithecus Gorgopithecus Paradolichopithecus Parapapio Procynocephalus
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Pavián anubi: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Pavián anubi (Papio anubis) je úzkonosý primát z čeledi kočkodanovitých, který žije ze všech paviánů na nejrozsáhlejším teritoriu.

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Anubisbavian ( Danca )

wikipedia DA tarafından sağlandı

Anubisbavianen eller den grå bavian (Papio anubis) er en art af savannebavianer. Den er almindelig i det vestlige og nordøstlige Afrika.

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Anubispavian ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Männlicher Anubispavian: Die mähnenartige Rückenbehaarung und die unbehaarten, dunklen Sitzschwielen sind deutlich zu erkennen

Der Anubispavian oder Grüne Pavian (Papio anubis) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung der Paviane in der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae). Seinen Namen hat er vom altägyptischen Gott Anubis, der oft mit Hundekopf dargestellt wurde und so der hundeähnlichen Schnauze dieser Tiere ähnelte.


Anubispaviane haben ein graugrünes bis olivgrünes Fell, bei den Männchen bildet sich an den Schultern und am vorderen Teil des Rückens eine Mähne. Die langgezogene Schnauze ist haarlos und schwarz gefärbt, ebenfalls unbehaart und dunkel gefärbt ist die Gesäßregion. Diese Tiere erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 48 bis 76 Zentimetern, der Schwanz ist 38 bis 58 Zentimeter lang. Der erste Teil des Schwanzes steht nach oben, während der hintere Teil nach unten geknickt ist. Wie bei allen Pavianen herrscht ein deutlicher Geschlechtsdimorphismus hinsichtlich der Größe. Männchen werden mit bis zu 25 Kilogramm deutlich schwerer als Weibchen, die nur rund 15 Kilogramm auf die Waage bringen. Auch die Eckzähne der Männchen sind deutlich größer.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum


Anubispaviane haben das größte Verbreitungsgebiet aller Pavianarten, es erstreckt sich über weite Teile des mittleren Afrikas und reicht von Mali bis Äthiopien und südlich bis Tansania. Wie alle Paviane sind sie vorrangig Bewohner von Savannen, sind jedoch nicht wählerisch in Bezug auf ihren Lebensraum und finden sich auch in Wäldern und anderen Habitaten.

Lebensweise und Ernährung

Anubispaviane sind wie alle Altweltaffen tagaktiv und halten sich häufig am Boden auf. Dabei bewegen sie sich auf allen vieren fort und halten den Schwanz gebogen. Zur Nachtruhe ziehen sie sich häufig auf Bäume oder unzugängliche Felsklippen zurück. Sie leben in Gruppen aus 15 bis 150 (meist 40 bis 80) Tieren. Die Gruppen sind gemischt, das heißt, sie umfassen sowohl Männchen als auch Weibchen. Innerhalb der Gruppen etablieren sie eine ausgeprägte Hierarchie mit komplexem Sozialverhalten (siehe Gruppenverhalten der Paviane).

Anubispaviane sind Allesfresser, die aber vorrangig Pflanzenmaterial zu sich nehmen. Sie fressen Früchte, Gräser, Wurzeln, Knollen, aber auch Insekten, Vogeleier und kleine Wirbeltiere – auch kleine Paarhufer und Primaten.


Anubispavian mit Jungtier am Rücken

Die Fortpflanzung kann das ganze Jahr über erfolgen, die Weibchen weisen während der fruchtbaren Phase eine ausgeprägte Regelschwellung auf. Innerhalb der gemischten Gruppen kann sich prinzipiell jedes Männchen mit jedem Weibchen paaren. Das führt zu teilweise erbitterten Auseinandersetzungen unter den Männchen um das Paarungsvorrecht. Daneben gibt es auch subtilere Methoden, etwa indem die Männchen die „Freundschaft“ zu gewinnen versuchen. Dazu pflegen sie ihnen das Fell, kümmern sich um deren Nachwuchs oder versorgen sie mit Nahrung.

Nach einer rund 180-tägigen Tragzeit bringt das Weibchen in der Regel ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Dieses wiegt bei der Geburt rund 1 Kilogramm und ist zunächst schwarz gefärbt. Nach rund einem Jahr wird es entwöhnt, die Geschlechtsreife tritt mit 5 bis 8 Jahren ein. Männliche Tiere müssen zu diesem Zeitpunkt ihre Geburtsgruppe verlassen, während die Weibchen oft zeitlebens darin verbleiben.

In freier Wildbahn können diese Tiere 25 bis 30 Jahre alt werden.

Anubispaviane und Menschen

Anubispaviane sind weitverbreitet und haben sich zu einem gewissen Grad an den Menschen angepasst. Gruppen dringen manchmal in Plantagen und Felder ein und verwüsten sie, weswegen sie verfolgt werden. Auch die Zerstörung des Lebensraums der Paviane stellt mancherorts eine Bedrohung für sie dar. Insgesamt ist die Art aber laut IUCN nicht gefährdet.



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Anubispavian: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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 src= Männlicher Anubispavian: Die mähnenartige Rückenbehaarung und die unbehaarten, dunklen Sitzschwielen sind deutlich zu erkennen

Der Anubispavian oder Grüne Pavian (Papio anubis) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung der Paviane in der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae). Seinen Namen hat er vom altägyptischen Gott Anubis, der oft mit Hundekopf dargestellt wurde und so der hundeähnlichen Schnauze dieser Tiere ähnelte.

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Anubispavian ( Lüksemburgca )

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Männlechen Anubispavian

Den Anubispavian oder Grénge Pavian (Papio anubis) ass eng Primatenaart aus der Gattung vun de Pavianen (Papio) bannent der Famill vun de Cercopithecidae. Säin Numm geet op den egyptesche Gott Anubis zréck, deen dacks mat engem Hondskapp duergestallt gouf an e gewësse Glach mat der Schnëss vum Pavian huet.


Anubispaviane hunn e gro- bis olivgrénge Pelz, d'Männercher hunn op de Schëlleren an um ieweschte Réck eng Mähn. D'Schnëss ass laanggezunn, ouni Hoer a schwaarz gefierft, an och den Hënner huet keng Hoer an ass donkel. Vum Kapp bis un den Hënner ginn d'Déieren 48 bis 76 Zentimeter laang, dobäi kënnt e Schwanz vun 38 bis 58 Zentimeter. D'Männchercher gi mat bis zu 25 Kilogramm däitlech méi schwéier wéi d'Weibercher, déi just eng 15 Kilo weien. Och de Männercher hir Eckzänn sinn däitlech méi grouss.

Verbreedung, Habitat

D'Anubispaviane sinn déi am wäitste verbreet Pavianaart: a Mëttelafrika vu Mali bis Ethiopien a südlech bis an Tansania. Si liewen haaptsächlech an de Savannen, kënnen awer och a Bëscher an aneren Habitater virkommen.

Liewensweis, Kascht

D'Anubispaviane sinn dagsiwwer meeschtens um Buedem, wou se op véier Patte lafen. Nuets klamme se gär op Beem oder Fielse fir ze schlofen. Se liewen a Gruppen vu 15 bis 150 (meeschtens 40 bis 80) Déieren. An dëser Grupp gëtt et eng streng Hierarchie, mat komplexem Sozialbehuelen.

Si sinn Allesfrësser, an erniere sech haaptsächlech vu Friichten, Grieser, Wuerzelen a Knollen, mä och vun Insekten, Eeër a klenge Wierbeldéieren.

D'Déiere kënne sech dat ganzt Joer duerch fortplanzen. Dacks gëtt et Gestreits an der Grupp, wat fir e Männche bei wat fir engem Weibchen zum Zuch kënnt. No 180 Deeg kënnt (gewéinlech just all Kéier ee) Klengen op Welt, deen 1 kg weit a schwaarz gefierft ass. No engem Joer gëtt e gespéint, no 5 bis 8 Joer ass e geschlechtsräif.

D'Déiere kënne 25 bis 30 Joer al ginn.


  • Thomas Geissmann: Vergleichende Primatologie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin u. a. 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6.

Um Spaweck

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Anubispavian: Brief Summary ( Lüksemburgca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı
 src= Männlechen Anubispavian

Den Anubispavian oder Grénge Pavian (Papio anubis) ass eng Primatenaart aus der Gattung vun de Pavianen (Papio) bannent der Famill vun de Cercopithecidae. Säin Numm geet op den egyptesche Gott Anubis zréck, deen dacks mat engem Hondskapp duergestallt gouf an e gewësse Glach mat der Schnëss vum Pavian huet.

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Gwaggon biri ( Hausaca )

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Gwaggon biri

Gwaggon biri (Papio anubis)

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Olive baboon ( İskoçça )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

The olive baboon (Papio anubis), cried the Anubis baboon an aw, is a member o the faimily Cercopithecidae (Auld Warld pugs). The species is the maist wide-rangin o aw baboons,[3] bein foond in 25 kintras throuoot Africae, extendin frae Mali eastwaird tae Ethiopie an Tanzanie. Isolatit populations are present in some muntainous regions o the Sahara an aw.[3] It inhabits savannahs, steppes, an forests.[3] The common name is derivit frae its coat colour, which is a shade o green-gray at a distance. A variety o communications, vocal an nan-vocal, facilitate a complex social structur.

Pheesical chairacteristics

Skull o a male (left) an female (richt)

The olive baboon is namit for its coat, which, at a distance, is a shade o green-gray.[4] Its alternative name comes frae the Egyptian god Anubis, wha wis aften representit bi a dug heid resemblin the dug-lik muzzle o the baboon. At closer range, its coat is multicolourt, due tae rings o yellae-broun an black on the hairs.[5] The hair on the baboon's face, houiver, is coarser an ranges frae dark grey tae black.[4] This coloration is shared bi baith sexes, awtho males hae a mane o langer hair that tapers doun tae ordinar lenth alang the back.[3]

Besides the mane, the male olive baboon differs frae the female in terms o size an wicht, an canine tuith size; males are, on average, 70 cm (28 in) taw while staundin an females measur 60 cm (24 in) in hicht.[3][6] The olive baboon is ane o the lairgest species o pug; anerly the chacma baboon an the mandrill attain seemilar sizes.[7] The heid-an-bouk lenth can range frae 50 tae 114 cm (20 tae 45 in), wi a species average o aroond 85 cm (33 in). At the shouder on aw fowers, females average 55 cm (22 in) against males, which average 70 cm (28 in). The teepical wicht range for baith sexes is reportitly 10–37 kg (22–82 lb), wi males averagin 24 kg (53 lb) an females averagin 14.7 kg (32 lb). Some males mey wich as hintle as 50 kg (110 lb).[8][9][10][11]

Lik ither baboons, the olive baboon haes a elongatit, dug-lik muzzle.[3] In fact, alang wi the muzzle, the animal's tail (38–58 cm or 15–23 in) an fower-legged gait can mak baboons seem very canine.[12] The tail amaist leuks as if it is breuken, as it is erect for the first quairter, efter which it drops doun shairply.[4] The bare patch o a baboon's rump, famously seen in cartoons an movies, is a guid deal smawer in the olive baboon.[3] The olive baboon, lik maist cercopithecines, haes a cheek pouch wi which tae store fuid.[13]

Distribution an habitat

The species inhabits a strip o 25 equatorial African kintras, very nearly rangin frae the east tae wast coasts o the continent.[13] The exact boondars o this strip are no clearly defined, as the species' territory owerlaps wi that o ither baboon species.[4] In mony places, this haes resultit in cross-breedin atween species.[4] For ensaumple, considerable hybridization haes occurred atween the olive baboon an the hamadryas baboon in Ethiopie.[12] Cross-breedin wi the yellae baboon an the Guinea baboon haes been observit an aw.[4] Awtho this haes been notit, the hybrids hae no as yet been well studiet.[4]

Throuoot its wide range, the olive baboon can be foond in a nummer o different habitats.[3] It is uisually classifee'd as savanna-dwellin, livin in the wide plains o the grassland.[14] The grassland, especially those near open firthland, dae mak up a lairge pairt o its habitat, but the baboon inhabits rainforests an deserts an aw.[3] Uganda an the Democratic Republic o the Congo, for instance, baith support olive baboon populations in dense tropical forests.[4]

Behaviour an ecologie

Bi climbin trees, individuals can act as a leukoot tae detect predators.

Social structur

The olive baboon lives in groups o 15 tae 150, made up o a few males, mony females, an thair young.[15] Each baboon haes a social rankin somewhaur in the group, dependin on its dominance.[15] Female dominance is hereditary, wi dochters haein nearly the same rank as thair mithers,[15][16] an adult females fuirming the core o the social seestem.[16] Female relatives fuirm thair awn subgroups in the troop.[15] Related females are lairgely friendly tae each ither. Thay tend tae stay close thegither an gruim ane anither, an team up in aggressive encoonters athin the troop.[16] Female kin fuirm thir strang bonds acause thay dae no emigrate frae thair natal groups.[17]

Occasionally, groups mey split up when thay acome sae lairge that competeetion for resoorces is problematic, but even then, members o matrilines tend tae stick thegither.[17] Dominant females procur mair fuid, mateins, an supporters. Amang olive baboons in Tanzanie, heich-rankin females gie birth at shorter intervals tae infants wi a heicher survival rate, an thair dochters tend tae matur faster than law-rankin females.[17] Housomeivver, thir heich-rankin females appear tae hae a higher probability o miscarriages an aw an some heich-rankin matrilines hae inexplicably law growthiness.[17] Ane theory suggests this occurs due tae stress on the heich-rankin females, awtho this theory is controversial.[17]

Troop in Kenyae

A female aften fuirms a lang-lastin social relationship wi a male in her troop, kent as a "friendship".[16] Thir nansexual affiliative friendships benefit baith the male an female.[17] Males benefit frae thir relationships acause thay are uisually fuirmit suin efter he immigrates intae a new group,[17] an helps the male integrate intae the group mair easily.[17] He coud potentially en up matein wi his female friend in the futur an aw.[17] Females gain pertection frae threats tae thairsels an thair infants (if thay hae ony).[17] Males occasionally "baby-sit" for thair female friends, sae she can feed an forage freely athoot the burden o haein tae cairy or watch the infant.[17] Sexually receptive females an newly immigratit males can fuirm sic friendships.[15] Thir relationships are whiles endurin an the pair grooms an remains close tae each ither.[15] Thay traivel, forage, sleep, an raise infants thegither an aw, as well as fecht thegither against aggressive conspecifics.[16]

Males establish thair dominance mair forcefully than females.[15] A male disperses,[17] or leaves his natal group an jyns anither group, efter reachin sexual maturity.[15] Adult males are vera competitive wi each ither an fecht for access tae females.[16] Heicher dominance means better access tae matein an earlier access tae fuid, sae naturally a great deal o fechtin ower rank occurs, wi younger males constantly treein tae rise in poseetion.[15] Acause females stay wi thair groups thair entire lives, an males emigrate tae ithers, aften a new male challenges an aulder ane for dominance.[15] Frequently, when aulder baboons drop in the social hierarchy, thay muive tae anither tribe.[3] The younger males wha pushed thaim doun aften bullies an harasses thaim.[3] Aulder males tend tae hae mair supportive an equal relationships than those o the younger males. The umwhile mey fuirm coalitions against the latter.[18]

Despite bein hierarchical, baboons appear tae be "democratic" when it comes tae decidin the direction o collective muivement. Indwallers are mair likely tae follae when multiple decision-makkers gree on wha direction tae go rather than simply follaein dominant indwallers.[19]

Reproduction an parentin

sucklin, Uganda
wi juvenile, Uganda

Females are sexually matur at seiven tae aicht years auld, an males at seiven tae 10 years.[3] The beginnin o a female's ovulation is a signal tae the males that she is ready tae mate. Durin ovulation, the skin o the female's anogenital aurie swells an turns a bricht reid/pink.[20] The swellin maks it difficult tae muive an increases the female's chance o microbial or parasitic infection.[20] Females wi mair swollen anogenital auries reproduce while younger, produce mair affspring per year, an those affspring hae a better chance o survivin. Thir females attract mair males an aw, an are mair likely tae cause aggressive fechts atween thaim.[15] Olive baboons tend tae mate promiscuously.[15] A male fuirms a matein consortship wi a estrous female, stayin close tae an copulatin wi her.[21] Males gaird thair pairtner against ony ither male treein tae mate wi her. Unless a female is in a multiday consortship, she aften copulates wi mair nor ane male each day.[22] Multiple copulations are no necessar for reproduction, but mey function tae mak the actual paternity o the female's affspring ambiguous. This lack o paternal certainty coud help reduce the occurrence o infanticide.[3] Occasionally, male olive baboons monopolize a female for her entire period o probable conception.[22] The male protects his female frae bein matit bi ither males durin consortship.[23]

Adult groomin young in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzanie

Newborns hae black natal coats an bricht pink skin. Females are the primar caregiers o infants, but males play a role an aw.[15] In its first few days, the infant mey be unable tae stay attached tae its mither an relies on her for pheesical support. Housomeivver, its grasp graws stranger bi its first week an it is able tae cling tae its mither's fur bi itsel.[15] Bi twa weeks, the infant begins tae splore its surroondins for short periods, but stays near her. The distance the infant spends awa frae its mither increases the aulder it gets.[24] In general, heicher-rankin females are uisually mair relaxed parents than females o lawer rank, which uisually keep thair affspring close tae thaim.[3] Housomeivver, this difference anerly lasts for approximately the first aicht weeks o a infant's life.[3] Olive baboons dae no seem tae practice co-operative parentin, but a female mey gruim an infant that is no hers. Subadult an juvenile females are mair likely tae care for anither's young, as thay hae no yet producit affspring o thair awn.[3] Ane theory for why immatur females tend tae seek oot infants is that thay can prepare for thair futur roles as mithers.[17] Infant baboons born tae first-time mithers suffer heicher mortality than those born tae experiencit mithers, which suggests that prior experience in carin for infants is important.[17] Adult males in the groups care for the infants an aw, as thay are likely tae be relatit tae thaim.[25] Males gruim infants, reducin the amoont o parasites thay mey hae, an calm thaim when thay are stressed. Thay mey pertect thaim frae predators an aw, sic as chimpanzees. Housomeivver, adult males exploit infants an uise thaim tae reduce the likeliheid that ither males will threaten thaim.[25]


Face o olive baboon

Olive baboons communicate wi various vocalisations an facial expressions. Throuoot the day, baboons o aw ages emit the "basic grunt".[26] Adults gie a range o caws. The "roargrunt" is made bi adult males displayin tae each ither. The "cough-bark", an the "cough geck" are made when law-fleein birds or humans thay dae no ken are sichtit. A "wa-hoo" caw is made in response tae predators or neebourin groups at nicht an durin stressful situations.[26] Ither vocalisations include "breuken gruntin" (law-volume, quick series o grunts made durin relatively calm aggressive encoonters), "pant-grunts" (made when aggressive encoonters escalate), "shrill barks" (loud caws gien when potential threats appear suddent), an "screams" (continuous heich-pitch soonds respondin tae strang emotions).[26] The maist common facial expression o the olive baboon is "lipsmackin", which is associatit wi a nummer o behaviours.[15] "Ear flattenin", "ees narraeed", "heid shakin", "jaw-clappin", lipsmackin, an "tongue protrusion" are uised when baboons are greetin each ither, an are whiles made wi a "rear present".[26] "Eebrou raisin", "molar grindin", "starin", an "yawnin" are uised tae threaten ither baboons.[15] A submissive baboon responds wi displays sic as the "fear grin", the "rigid crouch", an "tail erect".[26]


Foragin in Kenyae

Ane major raison for its widespread success is that the olive baboon is omnivorous.[4] As sic it is able tae fynd nutrition in amaist ony environs, an it is able tae adapt wi different foragin tactics.[27] For instance, the olive baboon in grassland goes aboot fyndin fuid differently frae ane in a forest.[4] The baboon forages on aw levels o a environs, abuin an beneath the grund an in the canopy o forests.[27] Maist ainimals anerly leuk for fuid at ane level; an arboreal species sic as a lemur daes no leuk for fuid on the grund. The olive baboon searches as wide a aurie as it can, an it eats virtually iverything it fynds.[27]

The diet teepically includes a lairge variety o plants, an invertebrates an smaw mammals, as well as birds.[28] The olive baboon eats leaves, gress, ruits, bark, flouers, fruit, lichens, tubers, seeds, mushrooms, corms, an rhizomes.[28] Corms an rhizomes are especially important in times o drocht, acause gress luises a great deal o its nutritional value.[28] In dry, arid regions, sic as the northeastren deserts, smaw invertebrates lik insects, speeders, an scorpions fill oot its diet.[28]

The olive baboon actively hunts prey an aw, frae smaw rodents an hares tae tods an ither primates.[4] Its leemit is uisually smaw antelope, sic as Thomson's gazelle an an aw, rarely, sheep, goats, an live chickens, which mey amoont tae 33.5% o its fuid frae huntin.[4] Huntin is uisually a group activity, wi baith males an females pairticipatin.[4] Interestinly, this seestematic predation wis apparently developit recently.[29] In a field study, sic behaviour wis observit as stairtin wi the males o ane troop an spreadin throu aw ages an sexes.[29]

In Eritrea, the olive baboon haes fuirmit a seembiotic relationship wi that kintra's endangered elephant population. The baboons uise the watter holes dug bi the elephants, whilk the elephants uise the tree-tap baboons as a early warnin seestem.[30]

Conservation status

The olive baboon is leetit as least concern bi the IUCN acause "this species is vera widespread an abundant an awtho persecutit as a crop raider thare are nae major threats believit tae be resultin in a range-wide population decline".[2] Despite persecution, the baboon is still widespread an numerous.[2] Housomeivver, competeetion an disease hae possibly led tae fewer baboons in closed forests. It haes been actively persecutit as a pest.[2]


  1. Groves, C. P. (2005). "Order Primates". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Kingdon, J.; Butynski, T.M; De Jong, Y. (2008). "Papio anubis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2008: e.T40647A10348950. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T40647A10348950.en. Retrieved 27 August 2016.CS1 maint: uises authors parameter (link)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Shefferly, N. (2004). "Papio anubis". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 Cawthon Lang, KA (2006-04-18). "Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology". Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  5. Rowe, N. (1996). The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates. East Hampton (NY): Pogonias Press. ISBN 0-9648825-0-7.
  6. Fleagle, John (1999). Primate Adaptation and Evolution (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 195–197. ISBN 0-12-260341-9.
  7. Dechow, PC (1983). "Estimation of body weights from craniometric variables in baboons" (PDF). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 60 (1): 113–23. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330600116. PMID 6869499.
  8. Burnie D and Wilson DE (Eds.), Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. DK Adult (2005), ISBN 0-7894-7764-5
  9. Wildlife: Mammals: Olive baboon. kenyalogy.com
  10. Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology. Pin.primate.wisc.edu. Retrieved on 2012-08-21.
  11. Kingdon, Jonathan Kingdon Guide to African Mammals (1993) ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9
  12. 12.0 12.1 Nagel, U. (1973). "A Comparison of Anubis Baboons, Hamadryas Baboons and Their Hybrids at a Species Border in Ethiopia". Folia Primatol. 19 (2–3): 104–65. doi:10.1159/000155536.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Groves, C. (2001). Primate Taxonomy. Washington DC: Smithsonian Inst Pr. ISBN 1-56098-872-X.
  14. Rowell, T. E. (1966). "Forest living baboons in Uganda". J Zool. 149 (3): 344–365. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1966.tb04054.x.
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 Cawthon Lang, KA (2006-04-18). "Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Behavior". Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Smuts, Barbara (1985). "Sex and Friendship in Baboons". New York: Aldine Publications. ISBN 978-0-202-02027-3. Retrieved 28 April 2010. Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 17.13 Strier, Karen (2011). Primate Behavioral Ecology (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-205-79017-8.
  18. Smuts, B. B.; Watanabe, J. M. (1990). "Social relationships and ritualized greetings in adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis)". Int J Primatol. 11 (2): 147–172. doi:10.1007/BF02192786.
  19. Strandburg-Peshkin, Ariana.; Farine, Damien R.; Couzin, Iain D.; Crofoot, Margaret C. (2015). "Shared decision-making drives collective movement in wild baboons". Science. 348 (624): 1358–1361. doi:10.1126/science.aaa5099. PMC 4801504. PMID 26089514.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Motluk, Alison (2001). "Big Bottom". New Scientist. 19 (7).
  21. Packer, C. (1979). "Inter-troop transfer and inbreeding avoidance in Papio anubis". Anim Behav. 27 (1): 1–36. doi:10.1016/0003-3472(79)90126-X.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Steven Leigh; Larissa Swedell, eds. (2006). Reproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological, and Life History Perspective. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. p. 28. ISBN 0-387-30688-9.
  23. Bercovitch, F. B. (1991). "Mate selection, consortship formation, and reproductive tactics in adult female savanna baboons". Primates. 32 (4): 437–452. doi:10.1007/BF02381935.
  24. Nash, L. T. (1978). "The development of the mother-infant relationship in wild baboons (Papio anubis)". Anim Behav. 26 (3): 746–759. doi:10.1016/0003-3472(78)90141-0.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Packer, C. (1980). "Male care and exploitation of infants in Papio anubis". Anim Behav. 28 (2): 512–520. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(80)80059-5.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Ransom TW. (1981) Beach troop of the Gombe. East Brunswick (NJ): Assoc Univ Press ISBN 0-8387-1704-7.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Whiten, A.; Byrne, R. W.; Barton, R. A.; Waterman, P. G.; Henzi, S. P. (1991). "Dietary and foraging strategies of baboons". Phil Trans R Soc Lond. 334 (1270): 187–197. doi:10.1098/rstb.1991.0108.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Skelton, S. "Savanna Baboon (Papio cynocephalusd)". Retrieved 2007-01-29.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Strum, S C. (1975). "Primate Predation: Interim Report on the Development of a Tradition in a Troop of Olive Baboons". Science. 187 (4178): 4178. doi:10.1126/science.187.4178.755. PMID 17795248.
  30. "The rediscovery of Eritrea's elephants". BBC Wildlife magazine. July 2003. Archived frae the oreeginal on 2006-03-14. Retrieved 2007-09-28.

Freemit airtins

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Olive baboon: Brief Summary ( İskoçça )

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The olive baboon (Papio anubis), cried the Anubis baboon an aw, is a member o the faimily Cercopithecidae (Auld Warld pugs). The species is the maist wide-rangin o aw baboons, bein foond in 25 kintras throuoot Africae, extendin frae Mali eastwaird tae Ethiopie an Tanzanie. Isolatit populations are present in some muntainous regions o the Sahara an aw. It inhabits savannahs, steppes, an forests. The common name is derivit frae its coat colour, which is a shade o green-gray at a distance. A variety o communications, vocal an nan-vocal, facilitate a complex social structur.

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Òliwkòwi pawión ( Kaşupça )

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Òliwkòwi pawión

Òliwkòwi pawión (Papio anubis) – to je môłpa z rodzëznë makakòwatëch. Òn żëjë w Africe

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Ελαιόχρωμος μπαμπουίνος ( Yunanca, Modern (1453-) )

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Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος (Papio anubis - Βαβουίνος ο άνουβις), ή Ανούβιος Μπαμπουίνος, ονομάζεται ένα μέλος της οικογένειας Κερκοπιθηκίδες (μαϊμούδες Παλαιού Κόσμου). Πρόκειται για το πιο διαδεδομένο είδος μπαμπουίνων: συναντάται σε 25 χώρες στην Αφρική, από το Μαλί μέχρι την Αιθιοπία και την Τανζανία. Απομονωμένοι πληθυσμοί βρίσκονται επίσης σε ορεινές περιοχές της Σαχάρας. Ζει σε σαβάνες, στέπες και δάση.

Φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά

Αρσενικό πάνω σε δέντρο, στο Εθνικό Πάρκο Σερενγκέτι στην Τανζανία

Η ονομασία του Ελαιόχρωμου Μπαμπουίνου οφείλεται στο γκριζοπράσινο-λαδί τριχώμα του.[3] Η εναλλακτική ονομασία του προέρχεται από τον αρχαίο Αιγυπτιακό θεό Άνουβι, ο οποίος απεικονιζόταν συχνά με κεφάλι σκύλου όμοιο σε μεγάλο βαθμό με το κυνοειδές ρύγχος του μπαμπουίνου. Για την ακρίβεια, το τρίχωμα του μπαμπουίνου παρουσιάζει διάφορες αποχρώσεις, που σχηματίζονται από τις κιτρινοκαφέ και μάυρες τρίχες του.[4] Το τρίχωμα στο πρόσωπο του μπαμπουίνου, από την άλλη, είναι λεπτότερο και έχει απόχρωση μεταξύ γκρι και μαύρου χρώματος.[3] Αν και τα δύο φύλα μοιράζονται τις ίδιες αποχρώσεις, τα αρσενικά έχουν σε γενικές γραμμές μακρύτερη χαίτη που λεπταίνει κατά μήκος της πλάτης.[4] Εκτός από τη χαίτη, ο αρσενικός Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος διαφέρει από το θηλυκό σε ύψος και βάρος: τα αρσενικά είναι κατά μέσο όρο 70 cm ψηλά και ζυγίζουν 24 kg;, ενώ τα θηλυκά έχουν ύψος 60 cm και βάρος 14.7 kg.[4]

Όπως και άλλοι μπαμπουίνοι, ο Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος, έχει μία μακρυά, έντονη, κυνοειδής μουσούδα.[4] Η μουσούδα, σε συνδυασμό με την ουρά του ζώου (38–58 cm) και τον τετράποδο βηματισμό του, κάνουν τους μπαμπουίνους να δείχνουν ιδιαίτερα κυνοειδείς.[3] Ο γυμνός-άτριχος γλουτός των μπαμπουίνων, ιδιαίτερα γνωστός από καρτούν και ταινίες, είναι κατά πολύ μικρότερος στον Ελαιόχρωμο Μπαμπουίνο συγκριτικά με άλλα είδη του γένους.[4] Ο Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος, όπως πολλές άλλες κερκοπιθηκίνες, έχει μία ιδιαίτερη περιοχή στο μάγουλο του, η οποία του χρησιμεύει για την προσωρινή αποθήκευση φαγητού.[3]


Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος

Ο Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος συναντάται σε τουλάχιστον 25 ισημερινές χώρες της Αφρικής, από την ανατολική στη δυτική όχθη της ηπείρου.[3] Τα ακριβείς όρια αυτής της περιοχής δεν είναι ξεκάθαρα, καθώς συμπίπτουν εν μέρει με άλλα είδη μπαμπουίνων.[3] Αυτή είναι και η κυριότερη αιτία που εμφανίζεται διαρκής διασταύρωση μεταξύ των ειδών μπαμπουίνων.[3] Για παράδειγμα παρατηρείται μεγάλο ποσοστό υβριδισμού μεταξύ του Ελαιόχρωμου Μπαμπουίνου και του Μπαμπουίνου Χαμαντρίας στην Αιθιοπία.[3] Διασταυρώσεις μεταξύ Κίτρινου Μπαμπουίνου και Μπαμπουίνου Γουινέας έχουν επίσης παρατηρηθεί.[4] Δεν υπάρχει ακόμα αναλυτική έρευνα πάνω στα υβρίδια.[3]

Συμπεριφορά και ζευγάρωμα

Ο Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος ζει σε ομάδες των 15–150 ατόμων, οι οποίες αποτελούνται από ελάχιστα αρσενικά, και πολλά θηλυκά με τα μικρά τους.[3] Υπάρχει μία περίπλοκη κοινωνική ιεραρχία στην ομάδα, που συναντάται και σε άλλα πρωτεύοντα, όπως στους γορίλες και τους χιμπαντζήδες.[4] Κάθε μπαμπουίνος ανήκει σε διαφορετική κοινωνική τάξη μέσα στην ομάδα, ανάλογα με την κυριαρχία του.[3] Η θηλυκή κυριαρχία βασίζεται στην κληρονομικότητα, με τις κόρες να έχουν σχεδόν την ίδια ιεραρχική τάξη με τις μητέρες τους,[3][5] και τα ενήλικα θηλυκά να σχηματίζουν τον πυρήνα του κοινωνικού συστήματος.[5] Τα αρσενικά, από την άλλη, διεκδικούν την κυριαρχία τους κυρίως με βίαιο τρόπο.[3] Προσπαθούν να τρομοκρατήσουν τα άλλα αρσενικά και να τα υποτάξουν.[3] Οι μάχες μεταξύ των αρσενικών δεν είναι σπάνιο φαινόμενο, στις οποίες ο ηττημένος αναγκάζεται να υποχωρήσει.[3]

Υψηλή κυριαρχία σημαίνει ευκολότερη πρόσβαση στην τροφή και στο ζευγάρωμα, επομένως είναι φυσικό να υπάρχει μεγάλος ιεραρχικός ανταγωνισμός μεταξύ των νεαρών αρσενικών.[3] Επειδή τα θηλυκά μένουν σε μία ομάδα καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της ζωής τους, ενώ τα αρσενικά μεταναστεύουν σε άλλες, συχνά εμφανίζονται νέα αρσενικά που αμφισβητούν την κυριαρχία των παλαιοτέρων.[3] Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, όταν οι μπαμπουίνοι χάσουν την ιεραρχική τους θέση από άλλα αρσενικά, φεύγουν από την ομάδα, αναζητώντας μία καινούργια.[4] Παρατηρείται πως τα νεότερα αρσενικά που κατορθώνουν να ρίξουν τα παλιότερα αρσενικά από την κοινωνική τους θέση, συχνά τα χλευάζουν, μέσω εκβιασμών και παρενοχλήσεων.[4]


  1. Groves, C. (2005). D.E. Wilson; D.M. Reeder, επιμ. Mammal Species of the World (3η έκδοση). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. σελ. 166. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Kingdon, J., Butynski, T. M. & De Jong, Y. (2008). Papio anubis. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2008. Ανακτήθηκε 4 January 2009.
  3. 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 3,10 3,11 3,12 3,13 3,14 3,15 3,16 Cawthon Lang, KA (18 Απριλίου 2006). «Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology». Ανακτήθηκε στις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2007.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Shefferly, N. (2004). «Papio anubis». Animal Diversity Web. Ανακτήθηκε στις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2007.]
  5. 5,0 5,1 Smuts, Barbara (1985). Sex and Friendship in Baboons. New York: Aldine Publications. ISBN 978-0-202-02027-3. http://books.google.com/?id=Vx_l76muFWMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=smuts+%22Sex+and+Friendship+in+Baboons%22&q. Ανακτήθηκε στις 28 April 2010

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Συγγραφείς και συντάκτες της Wikipedia

Ελαιόχρωμος μπαμπουίνος: Brief Summary ( Yunanca, Modern (1453-) )

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Ελαιόχρωμος Μπαμπουίνος (Papio anubis - Βαβουίνος ο άνουβις), ή Ανούβιος Μπαμπουίνος, ονομάζεται ένα μέλος της οικογένειας Κερκοπιθηκίδες (μαϊμούδες Παλαιού Κόσμου). Πρόκειται για το πιο διαδεδομένο είδος μπαμπουίνων: συναντάται σε 25 χώρες στην Αφρική, από το Μαλί μέχρι την Αιθιοπία και την Τανζανία. Απομονωμένοι πληθυσμοί βρίσκονται επίσης σε ορεινές περιοχές της Σαχάρας. Ζει σε σαβάνες, στέπες και δάση.

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Abúlá ( Lingala dili )

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Abúlá mɔ̌kɔ́

Abúlá (o latɛ́ : Papio anubis) ezalí motíndo ya makáko. Ezalí loléngé la makáko ekozalako na Afríka.

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Olive baboon ( İngilizce )

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The olive baboon (Papio anubis), also called the Anubis baboon, is a member of the family Cercopithecidae Old World monkeys. The species is the most wide-ranging of all baboons,[3] being native to 25 countries throughout Africa, extending from Mali eastward to Ethiopia[4] and Tanzania. Isolated populations are also present in some mountainous regions of the Sahara.[3] It inhabits savannahs, steppes, and forests.[3] The common name is derived from its coat colour, which is a shade of green-grey at a distance. A variety of communications, vocal and non-vocal, facilitate a complex social structure.


Skulls of a male (left) and female (right)

The olive baboon is named for its coat, which, at a distance, is a shade of green-grey.[5] At closer range, its coat is multicoloured, due to rings of yellow-brown and black on the hairs.[6] The hair on the baboon's face is coarser and ranges from dark grey to black.[5] This coloration is shared by both sexes, although males have a mane of longer hair that tapers down to ordinary length along the back.[3]

Besides the mane, the male olive baboon differs from the female in terms of weight, body and canine tooth size; males are, on average, 70 cm (28 in) tall while standing and females measure 60 cm (24 in) in height.[7] The olive baboon is one of the largest species of monkey; only the chacma baboon and the mandrill attain similar sizes.[8] The head-and-body length can range from 50 to 114 cm (20 to 45 in), with a species average of around 85 cm (33 in). At the shoulder on all fours, females average 55 cm (22 in) against males, which average 70 cm (28 in). The typical weight range for both sexes is reportedly 10–37 kg (22–82 lb), with males averaging 24 kg (53 lb) and females averaging 14.7 kg (32 lb). Some males may weigh as much as 50 kg (110 lb).[9][10]

Like other baboons, the olive baboon has an elongated, dog-like muzzle.[3] Its 38 to 58 cm (15 to 23 in) long tail and four-legged gait can make it seem canine.[11] The tail almost looks as if it is broken, as it is erect for the first quarter, after which it drops down sharply.[5] The bare patch of a baboon's rump is smaller in the olive baboon than in the Hamadryas baboon or Guinea baboon.[3] The olive baboon, like most cercopithecines, has a cheek pouch with which to store food.[12]

Distribution and habitat

The species inhabits a strip of 25 equatorial African countries, very nearly ranging from the east to west coasts of the continent.[12] The exact boundaries of this strip are not clearly defined, as the species' territory overlaps with that of other baboon species.[5] In many places, this has resulted in cross-breeding between species.[5] For example, considerable hybridisation has occurred between the olive baboon and the hamadryas baboon in Ethiopia.[11] Cross-breeding with the yellow baboon and the Guinea baboon has also been observed.[5] Although this has been noted, the hybrids have not as yet been well studied.[5]

Throughout its wide range, the olive baboon can be found in a number of different habitats.[3] It is usually classified as savannah-dwelling, living in the wide plains of the grasslands.[13] The grasslands, especially those near open woodland, do make up a large part of its habitat, but the baboon also inhabits rainforests and deserts.[3] Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, both support olive baboon populations in dense tropical forests.[5]

Behaviour and ecology

By climbing trees, individuals can act as a lookout to detect predators.

Social structure

The olive baboon lives in groups of 15 to 150, made up of a few males, many females, and their young.[14] Each baboon has a social ranking somewhere in the group, depending on its dominance.[14] Female dominance is hereditary, with daughters having nearly the same rank as their mothers,[14][15] and adult females forming the core of the social system.[15] Female relatives form their own subgroups in the troop.[14] Related females are largely friendly to each other. They tend to stay close together and groom one another, and team up in aggressive encounters within the troop.[15] Female kin form these strong bonds because they do not emigrate from their natal groups.[16]

Occasionally, groups may split up when they become so large that competition for resources is problematic, but even then, members of matrilines tend to stick together.[16] Dominant females procure more food, matings, and supporters. Among olive baboons in Tanzania, high-ranking females give birth at shorter intervals to infants with a higher survival rate, and their daughters tend to mature faster than low-ranking females.[16] These high-ranking females also appear to have a higher probability of miscarriages and some high-ranking matrilines have inexplicably low fertility.[16] One theory suggests this occurs due to stress on the high-ranking females, although this theory is controversial.[16] A recent study shows top-ranking females are at risk from male harassment. Males who have recently immigrated harass females in order to induce miscarriages in females they had not yet mated with, in order to impregnate them with an offspring that is his own faster. As females with living infants often have male allies protecting their infants, it makes more sense for a male to ignore infants and channel his aggression to the group's resident pregnant females who do not currently have infants instead.[17]

Troop in Kenya

A female often forms a long-lasting social relationship with a male in her troop, known as a "friendship".[15] These nonsexual affiliative friendships benefit both the male and female.[16] Males benefit from these relationships because they are usually formed soon after he immigrates into a new group,[16] and helps the male integrate into the group more easily.[16] He could also potentially end up mating with his female friend in the future.[16] Females gain protection from threats to themselves and their infants (if they have any).[16] Males occasionally "baby-sit" for their female friends, so she can feed and forage freely without the burden of having to carry or watch the infant.[16] Sexually receptive females and newly immigrated males can form such friendships.[14] These relationships are sometimes enduring and the pair grooms and remains close to each other.[14] They also travel, forage, sleep, and raise infants together, as well as fight together against aggressive conspecifics.[15]

Females with high social ranks even forge friendships with multiple males at once. Another advantage of these friendships is it enables females to gain protection from the unwanted advances of males aiming to mate with them. A female who finds a male undesirable can simply rebuff his advances by calling on her male friends to chase him away, and can therefore enjoy exerting her reproductive skew. While infanticide is a reproductive strategy in males, it is costly for females, which would also explain why infanticide is a rare occurrence in olive baboons yet can be the principal cause of infant mortality in many other baboon subspecies: high-ranking females can simply rebuff a male threatening her infant, making infant-targeted aggression a reproductive disadvantage in olive baboons. This also explains the reason male olive baboons use infants as shields in aggressive encounters.[18]

Males establish their dominance more forcefully than females.[14] A male disperses,[16] or leaves his natal group and joins another group, after reaching sexual maturity.[14] Adult males are very competitive with each other and fight for access to females.[15] Higher dominance means better access to mating and earlier access to food, so naturally a great deal of fighting over rank occurs, with younger males constantly trying to rise in position.[14] Because females stay with their groups their entire lives, and males emigrate to others, often a new male challenges an older one for dominance.[14] Frequently, when older baboons drop in the social hierarchy, they move to another tribe.[3] The younger males who pushed them down often bully and harass them.[3] Older males tend to have more supportive and equal relationships than those of the younger males. The former may form coalitions against the latter.[19]

Despite being hierarchical, baboons appear to be "democratic" when it comes to deciding the direction of collective movement. Individuals are more likely to follow when multiple decision-makers agree on what direction to go rather than simply following dominant individuals.[20]

Reproduction and parenting

Female with suckling young
Female with a baby in Lake Manyara National Park

Females are sexually mature at seven to eight years old, and males at seven to 10 years.[3] The beginning of a female's ovulation is a signal to the males that she is ready to mate. During ovulation, the skin of the female's anogenital area swells and turns a bright red/pink.[21] The swelling makes it difficult to move and increases the female's chance of microbial or parasitic infection.[21] Females with more swollen anogenital areas reproduce while younger, produce more offspring per year, and those offspring have a better chance of surviving. These females also attract more males, and are more likely to cause aggressive fights between them.[14] Olive baboons tend to mate promiscuously.[14] A male forms a mating consortship with an estrous female, staying close to and copulating with her.[22] Males guard their partner against any other male trying to mate with her. Unless a female is in a multiday consortship, she often copulates with more than one male each day.[23] Multiple copulations are not necessary for reproduction, but may function to make the actual paternity of the female's offspring ambiguous. This lack of paternal certainty could help reduce the occurrence of infanticide.[3] Occasionally, male olive baboons monopolize a female for her entire period of probable conception.[23] The male protects his female from being mated by other males during consortship.[24]

Newborns have black natal coats and bright pink skin. Females are the primary caregivers of infants, but males also play a role.[14] In its first few days, the infant may be unable to stay attached to its mother and relies on her for physical support. Its grasp grows stronger by its first week and it is able to cling to its mother's fur by itself.[14] By two weeks, the infant begins to explore its surroundings for short periods, but stays near her. The distance the infant spends away from its mother increases the older it gets.[25] In general, higher-ranking females are usually more relaxed parents than females of lower rank, which usually keep their offspring close to them.[3] This difference lasts for approximately the first eight weeks of an infant's life.[3] Olive baboons do not seem to practise co-operative parenting, but a female may groom an infant that is not hers. Subadult and juvenile females are more likely to care for another's young, as they have not yet produced offspring of their own.[3] One theory for why immature females tend to seek out infants is that they can prepare for their future roles as mothers.[16] Infant baboons born to first-time mothers suffer higher mortality than those born to experienced mothers, which suggests that prior experience in caring for infants is important.[16] Adult males in the groups also care for the infants, as they are likely to be related to them.[26] Males groom infants, reducing the amount of parasites they may have, and calm them when they are stressed. They may also protect them from predators, such as chimpanzees. Adult males exploit infants and often use them as shields to reduce the likelihood that other males will threaten them.[26]


Face of an olive baboon

Olive baboons communicate with various vocalizations and facial expressions. Throughout the day, baboons of all ages emit the "basic grunt".[27] Adults give a range of calls. The "roargrunt" is made by adult males displaying to each other. The "cough-bark", and the "cough geck" are made when low-flying birds or humans they do not know are sighted. A "wa-hoo" call is made in response to predators or neighbouring groups at night and during stressful situations.[27] Other vocalizations include "broken grunting" (low-volume, quick series of grunts made during relatively calm aggressive encounters), "pant-grunts" (made when aggressive encounters escalate), "shrill barks" (loud calls given when potential threats appear suddenly), and "screams" (continuous high-pitch sounds responding to strong emotions).[27] The most common facial expression of the olive baboon is "lipsmacking", which is associated with a number of behaviours.[14] "Ear flattening", "eyes narrowed", "head shaking", "jaw-clapping", lipsmacking, and "tongue protrusion" are used when baboons are greeting each other, and are sometimes made with a "rear present".[27] "Eyebrow raising", "molar grinding", "staring", and "yawning" are used to threaten other baboons.[14] A submissive baboon responds with displays such as the "fear grin", the "rigid crouch", and "tail erect".[27]


Foraging in Kenya

One major reason for its widespread success is that the olive baboon is omnivorous and like other baboons, will eat practically anything.[5] As such, it is able to find nutrition in almost any environment and is able to adapt with different foraging tactics.[28] For instance, the olive baboon in grassland goes about finding food differently from one in a forest.[5] The baboon forages on all levels of an environment, above and beneath the ground and in the canopy of forests.[28] Most animals only look for food at one level; an arboreal species such as a lemur does not look for food on the ground. The olive baboon searches as wide an area as it can, and it eats virtually everything it finds.[28]

The diet typically includes a large variety of plants, and invertebrates and small mammals, as well as birds.[29] The olive baboon eats leaves, grass, roots, bark, flowers, fruit, lichens, tubers, seeds, mushrooms, corms, and rhizomes.[29] Corms and rhizomes are especially important in times of drought, because grass loses a great deal of its nutritional value.[29] In dry, arid regions, such as the northeastern deserts, small invertebrates like insects, grubs, worms, spiders, and scorpions fill out its diet.[29]

The olive baboon also actively hunts prey, such as small rodents, birds and other primates.[5] Its limit is usually small antelope, such as Thomson's gazelle, but will also kill sheep, goats, and chickens from farms, which may amount to around one third of its food from hunting.[5] Hunting is usually a group activity, with both males and females participating.[5] This systematic predation was apparently developed recently.[30] In a field study, such behaviour was observed as starting with the males of one troop and spreading through all ages and sexes.[30]

In Eritrea, the olive baboon has formed a symbiotic relationship with that country's endangered elephant population. The baboons use the water holes dug by the elephants, while the elephants use the tree-top baboons as an early warning system.[31]

Conservation status

The olive baboon is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List because it is widespread with a large global population and not theatended by a range-wide population decline.[2] Competition and disease have possibly led to fewer baboons in closed forests. Like most other baboon species, it is routinely exterminated as a pest for crop raiding and small livestock predation.[32][33]


  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). "Order Primates". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b Wallis, J. (2020). "Papio anubis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T40647A17953200. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T40647A17953200.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Shefferly, N. (2004). "Papio anubis". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  4. ^ Aerts, R. (2019). Forest and woodland vegetation in the highlands of Dogu'a Tembien. In: Nyssen J., Jacob, M., Frankl, A. (Eds.). Geo-trekking in Ethiopia's Tropical Mountains - The Dogu'a Tembien District. SpringerNature. ISBN 978-3-030-04954-6. Retrieved 18 June 2019.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Cawthon Lang, K.A. (2006). "Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology". Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  6. ^ Rowe, N. (1996). The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates. East Hampton (NY): Pogonias Press. ISBN 0-9648825-0-7.
  7. ^ Fleagle, J. (1999). Primate Adaptation and Evolution (Second ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 195–197. ISBN 0-12-260341-9.
  8. ^ Dechow, P.C. (1983). "Estimation of body weights from craniometric variables in baboons" (PDF). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 60 (1): 113–123. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330600116. hdl:2027.42/37620. PMID 6869499.
  9. ^ Burnie D and Wilson DE (Eds.), Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. DK Adult (2005), ISBN 0-7894-7764-5
  10. ^ Kingdon, J. (1993). Kingdon Guide to African Mammals. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  11. ^ a b Nagel, U. (1973). "A Comparison of Anubis baboons, Hamadryas baboons and their hybrids at a species border in Ethiopia". Folia Primatology. 19 (2–3): 104–165. doi:10.1159/000155536. PMID 4201907.
  12. ^ a b Groves, C. (2001). Primate Taxonomy. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institute Press. ISBN 1-56098-872-X.
  13. ^ Rowell, T. E. (1966). "Forest living baboons in Uganda". J Zool. 149 (3): 344–365. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1966.tb04054.x.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Cawthon Lang, KA (2006-04-18). "Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Behavior". Retrieved 2007-01-27.
  15. ^ a b c d e f Smuts, Barbara (1985). Sex and Friendship in Baboons. New York: Aldine Publications. ISBN 978-0-202-02027-3. Retrieved 28 April 2010.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Strier, Karen (2011). Primate Behavioral Ecology (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-205-79017-3.
  17. ^ coss (2021-04-05). "Baboons Behaving Badly". Inquiry | Office of the Vice President for Research. Retrieved 2021-08-18.
  18. ^ Lemasson, A.; Palombit, R. A.; Jubin, R. (2008-04-01). "Friendships between males and lactating females in a free-ranging group of olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis): evidence from playback experiments". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62 (6): 1027–1035. doi:10.1007/s00265-007-0530-z. ISSN 1432-0762. S2CID 14614177.
  19. ^ Smuts, B. B.; Watanabe, J. M. (1990). "Social relationships and ritualised greetings in adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis)" (PDF). Int J Primatol. 11 (2): 147–172. doi:10.1007/BF02192786. hdl:2027.42/44558. S2CID 33003545.
  20. ^ Strandburg-Peshkin, Ariana.; Farine, Damien R.; Couzin, Iain D.; Crofoot, Margaret C. (2015). "Shared decision-making drives collective movement in wild baboons". Science. 348 (624): 1358–1361. Bibcode:2015Sci...348.1358S. doi:10.1126/science.aaa5099. PMC 4801504. PMID 26089514.
  21. ^ a b Motluk, Alison (2001). "Big Bottom". New Scientist. 19 (7).
  22. ^ Packer, C. (1979). "Inter-troop transfer and inbreeding avoidance in Papio anubis". Anim Behav. 27 (1): 1–36. doi:10.1016/0003-3472(79)90126-X. S2CID 53153239.
  23. ^ a b Steven Leigh; Larissa Swedell, eds. (2006). Reproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological, and Life History Perspective. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. p. 28. ISBN 0-387-30688-9.
  24. ^ Bercovitch, F. B. (1991). "Mate selection, consortship formation, and reproductive tactics in adult female savanna baboons". Primates. 32 (4): 437–452. doi:10.1007/BF02381935. S2CID 19938813.
  25. ^ Nash, L. T. (1978). "The development of the mother-infant relationship in wild baboons (Papio anubis)". Anim Behav. 26 (3): 746–759. doi:10.1016/0003-3472(78)90141-0. S2CID 53190771.
  26. ^ a b Packer, C. (1980). "Male care and exploitation of infants in Papio anubis". Anim Behav. 28 (2): 512–520. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(80)80059-5. S2CID 53180751.
  27. ^ a b c d e Ransom TW. (1981) Beach troop of the Gombe. East Brunswick (NJ): Assoc Univ Press ISBN 0-8387-1704-7.
  28. ^ a b c Whiten, A.; Byrne, R. W.; Barton, R. A.; Waterman, P. G.; Henzi, S. P. (1991). "Dietary and foraging strategies of baboons". Philos Trans R Soc Lond. 334 (1270): 187–197. doi:10.1098/rstb.1991.0108. PMID 1685577.
  29. ^ a b c d Skelton, S. "Savanna Baboon (Papio cynocephalusd)". Retrieved 2007-01-29.
  30. ^ a b Strum, S C. (1975). "Primate Predation: Interim Report on the Development of a Tradition in a Troop of Olive Baboons". Science. 187 (4178): 755–7. Bibcode:1975Sci...187..755S. doi:10.1126/science.187.4178.755. PMID 17795248. S2CID 39585204.
  31. ^ "The rediscovery of Eritrea's elephants". BBC Wildlife magazine. 2003. Archived from the original on 2006-03-14. Retrieved 2007-09-28.
  32. ^ Kifle, Zewdu (12 September 2021). "Human-olive baboon (Papio anubis) conflict in the human-modified landscape, Wollo, Ethiopia". Global Ecology and Conservation. 31: e01820. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01820. S2CID 239181240.
  33. ^ RIPPLE, WILLIAM J. (10 January 2014). "Status and Ecological Effects of the World's Largest Carnivores". Science. 343 (6167). doi:10.1126/science.1241484. PMID 24408439. S2CID 206550298. Baboons pose the greatest threat to livestock and crops in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Olive baboon: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The olive baboon (Papio anubis), also called the Anubis baboon, is a member of the family Cercopithecidae Old World monkeys. The species is the most wide-ranging of all baboons, being native to 25 countries throughout Africa, extending from Mali eastward to Ethiopia and Tanzania. Isolated populations are also present in some mountainous regions of the Sahara. It inhabits savannahs, steppes, and forests. The common name is derived from its coat colour, which is a shade of green-grey at a distance. A variety of communications, vocal and non-vocal, facilitate a complex social structure.

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Anuba paviano ( Esperanto )

wikipedia EO tarafından sağlandı

La Anuba pavianooliveca paviano (Papio anubis), estas membro de la familio de Cerkopitekedoj (aŭ malnovmondaj simioj). La specio estas la specio kun plej ampleksa teritorio el ĉiuj pavianoj: Ĝi estis troviĝanta en 25 landoj tra Afriko, etende el Malio orienten al Etiopio kaj Tanzanio. Izolaj populacioj troviĝas ankaŭ en kelkaj montaj regionoj de Saharo. Ĝi loĝas en savanoj, stepoj, kaj arbaroj.

Fizikaj karakteristikoj

Kranio de vira (maldekstra) kaj ina (dekstra)

La anuba paviano estas ankaŭ ofte nomiĝita oliveca paviano pro ĝia pelto, kiu de distanco ŝajnas verdgriza.[3] Ĝia alia nomo venas de la egipta dio Anubo, kiu ofte estis representita de hunda kapo, kiu similas al la buŝumo de la paviano.

  1. Ŝablono:MSW3 Primates
  2. Kingdon, J., Butynski, T. M. & De Jong, Y. (2008). Papio anubis. En: IUCN 2008. IUCN Ruĝa Listo de Endanĝeritaj Specioj. Elŝutita en 4 January 2009.
  3. Cawthon Lang, KA (2006-04-18)Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology. Alirita 2007-01-27.
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Anuba paviano: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

wikipedia EO tarafından sağlandı

La Anuba paviano aŭ oliveca paviano (Papio anubis), estas membro de la familio de Cerkopitekedoj (aŭ malnovmondaj simioj). La specio estas la specio kun plej ampleksa teritorio el ĉiuj pavianoj: Ĝi estis troviĝanta en 25 landoj tra Afriko, etende el Malio orienten al Etiopio kaj Tanzanio. Izolaj populacioj troviĝas ankaŭ en kelkaj montaj regionoj de Saharo. Ĝi loĝas en savanoj, stepoj, kaj arbaroj.

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Papio anubis ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El papión oliva, papión de Anubis o babuino de Anubis (Papio anubis) es una especie de primate catarrino de la familia Cercopithecidae, una de las más esparcidas de papiones, se encuentra en veinticinco países de África, extendiéndose desde Malí hasta Etiopía y hacia Tanzania, con poblaciones aisladas en las regiones montañosas del Sahara. Habita en sabanas, estepas y regiones forestales.


  1. Kingdon, J., Butynski, T.M. & De Jong, Y. (2008). «Papio anubis». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 30 de octubre de 2014.

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Papio anubis: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El papión oliva, papión de Anubis o babuino de Anubis (Papio anubis) es una especie de primate catarrino de la familia Cercopithecidae, una de las más esparcidas de papiones, se encuentra en veinticinco países de África, extendiéndose desde Malí hasta Etiopía y hacia Tanzania, con poblaciones aisladas en las regiones montañosas del Sahara. Habita en sabanas, estepas y regiones forestales.

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Anuubis ( Estonyaca )

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Anuubis puu otsas

Anuubis (Papio anubis) on pärdiklaste sugukonda paaviani perekonda kuuluv ahv.

Ta elab Aafrika savannides ja hõrendikes; leviala ulatub Guineast ja Malist kuni Etioopia ja Tansaaniani.

Anuubis on nime saanud Vana-Egiptuse jumala Anubise järgi, keda kujutati koerapäisena. Anuubis on samuti üsna koera näoga.


Kere tüvepikkus on 50 cm kuni 1,1 m, saba pikkus 45–71 cm. Mass on 25–30 kg [1]. Emased on harilikult isastest väiksemad [1].

Anuubis on võrdlemisi hamadrilli moodi, kuid on pisut suurem, vilajama kerega ja isastel pole mantlitaolist lakka. Nahk on must ning see on näha näol, peopesadel ja jalataldadel. Karvkate on tumehall pruunika varjundiga. [1]


Anuubised ööbivad tavaliselt mõne suure puu, näiteks sükomooripuu otsas, istudes maapinnast 5–6 m kõrgusel tihedasti üksteise kõrval. Nad virguvad koidikul, laskuvad puude otsast alla, joovad vett ja otsivad üksteisel karva. Seejärel siirdub kari metsa või istandikku toituma. Karjasisesed suhted on neil samasugused kui hamadrillidel. [1]

Saja- või rohkemapealistes karjades otsivad anuubised söömiseks putukaid, lindude ja roomajate mune, juuri, võrseid, lehti, puuvilju ja seemneid [1]. Nad peavad ka jahti sisalikele ja isegi noortele antiloopidele. Pärast hommikusööki naaseb kari ööbimispaika, joob vett ja puhkab, et paari tunni pärast uuesti toitu otsima minna [1]. Õhtu veedavad nad hullates, tülitsedes ja mängides, enne kui ööseks jälle puu otsa magama lähevad [1]. Palju aega veedavad anuubised üksteise karvastiku puhastamisega, kõrvaldades mustuse, parasiidid ja surnud nahaosad.

Häälitsuste, miimika ja žestide poolest on anuubised hamadrillidest pisut vaesemad. Nad on väga ettevaatlikud loomad. Vähimagi ohu korral toob karja juhtloom kuuldavale hoiatushüüu "ouu" ja kari jookseb peitu. [1]

Anuubiste vaenlased on mürkmaod, boalased ja leopardid. Kuid leopardid ründavad neid harva, sest anuubised avaldavad kollektiivset vastupanu. [1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 "Loomade elu", 7. kd., lk. 433
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Anuubis: Brief Summary ( Estonyaca )

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 src= Anuubis puu otsas

Anuubis (Papio anubis) on pärdiklaste sugukonda paaviani perekonda kuuluv ahv.

Ta elab Aafrika savannides ja hõrendikes; leviala ulatub Guineast ja Malist kuni Etioopia ja Tansaaniani.

Anuubis on nime saanud Vana-Egiptuse jumala Anubise järgi, keda kujutati koerapäisena. Anuubis on samuti üsna koera näoga.

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Papio anubis ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Papio anubis Papio generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Cercopithecinae azpifamilia eta Cercopithecidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Lesson (1827) Man. Mamm. 27. or..

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Papio anubis: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Papio anubis Papio generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Cercopithecinae azpifamilia eta Cercopithecidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Oliivipaviaani ( Fince )

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Oliivipaviaani eli anubispaviaani (Papio anubis) on afrikkalainen apinalaji. Täysikasvuinen uros on lähes 100 senttimetriä pitkä, sen häntä on 70 senttimetriä ja painoa saattaa olla jopa 45 kiloa. Naaraat ovat vain puolet uroksen koosta.


Oliivipaviaani liikkuu savannilla 20–50 eläimen laumoina, usein antilooppien ja seeprojen seurassa.


Muiden paviaanien tapaan oliivipaviaanit syövät pääasiassa kasvisravintoa, mutta ne pyydystävät myös pieniä nisäkkäitä, lintuja ja hyönteisiä.


Kantoaika kestää 180 päivää ja naaras saa usein vain yhden poikasen.



  1. Kingdon, J., Butynski, T.M. & De Jong, Y.: Papio anubis IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 6.7.2014. (englanniksi)

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Oliivipaviaani: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Oliivipaviaani eli anubispaviaani (Papio anubis) on afrikkalainen apinalaji. Täysikasvuinen uros on lähes 100 senttimetriä pitkä, sen häntä on 70 senttimetriä ja painoa saattaa olla jopa 45 kiloa. Naaraat ovat vain puolet uroksen koosta.

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Babouin olive ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Papio anubis

Le Babouin olive[1] (Papio anubis) est un singe de la famille des cercopithecidae. C'est l'espèce de babouin la plus répandue et la plus nombreuse : elle est présente dans 25 pays africains, du Mali à l'Éthiopie en passant par la Tanzanie. Des groupes isolés ont aussi été localisés dans certaines régions montagneuses du Sahara.


Le babouin olive est ainsi nommé pour son pelage qui, de loin, paraît gris-vert[2]. Il est également appelé Babouin doguéra[3], Babouin anubis[1],[3] ou encore Babouin du Kenya[1]. Son nom scientifique vient du dieu égyptien à tête de chacal Anubis, dont le museau ressemble à celui du babouin.

Caractéristiques physiques

Babouin olive mâle

Lorsqu'on l'observe de plus près, on s’aperçoit que sa robe grisâtre possède en fait de multiples teintes noires et jaunes. [4]. Les mâles se distinguent par une crinière de poils épais. Les deux sexes diffèrent aussi par la taille et le poids[4] : les mâles mesurent entre 60 et 90 cm et pèsent 30 à 40 kg tandis que les femelles mesurent entre 50 et 70 cm et pèsent entre 15 et 25 kg[4].

Comme les autres babouins, le babouin olive n’a pas une figure plate mais un long museau glabre ressemblant à celui d’un chien[4]. Sa queue (entre 40 et 60 cm) forme comme un V inversé, se dressant au-dessus du corps et se cassant pour pendre vers le bas. Ses callosités fessières sont quant à elles plus petites que chez les autres espèces de babouins[4]. Comme la plupart des cercopithécinés, il dispose d'abajoues grâce auxquelles il peut stocker et conserver de la nourriture. [2].

Habitat et distribution

Aire de répartition.

Le babouin olive est présent sur un ensemble de 25 pays africains[2]. Les limites exactes de cette zone sont un peu floues, les territoires des différentes espèces de babouins se superposant[2]. Dans plusieurs cas, il en a résulté des croisements inter-espèces[2]. Par exemple, le babouin olive se croise fréquemment avec le babouin hamadryas en Éthiopie[2], mais également parfois avec le babouin jaune et le babouin de Guinée[4]. Bien qu’ils aient été observés, ces croisements n’ont jamais été étudiés en détail[2].

Au sein de sa répartition géographique étendue, le babouin olive peut être rencontré dans différents habitats[4]. Il est généralement connu comme un singe des savanes, vivant dans les larges étendues de prairies[4]. Ces dernières, spécialement celles situées à proximité de bois clairsemés, représentent une grande partie de son habitat, bien que le babouin vive également dans les jungles ou les déserts[4]. Par exemple, en Ouganda ou en république démocratique du Congo, on peut trouver des populations de babouins olives vivant dans des forêts tropicales denses[2].

Régime alimentaire

Une des principales raisons expliquant la large diffusion de l’espèce est que le babouin olive n'est pas dépendant d'une source de nourriture unique[2]. Il est omnivore, trouvant son alimentation dans n’importe quel environnement et capable de s’adapter à différentes stratégies pour trouver sa nourriture[2]. Par exemple, un babouin olive vivant dans la steppe se nourrira différemment d’un autre vivant dans la forêt[2]. Également, le babouin utilise l’intégralité de son environnement pour se nourrir : sur et sous le sol ou dans la canopée, alors que la plupart des animaux ne cherchent leur nourriture qu'à un seul niveau[5].

Babouin olive et son petit

Ainsi, une espèce arboricole comme le lémurien ne cherche jamais sa nourriture au sol. Le babouin olive cherchera dans toutes les zones possibles et mangera presque tout ce qu’il trouvera[5]. Cela inclut une grande variété de plantes, d’invertébrés et de petits vertébrés[6]. Le babouin olive mange feuilles, herbes, racines, écorces, fleurs, fruits, lichens, tubercules, graines, champignons, cormes et rhizomes[6]. Les cormes et les rhizomes sont particulièrement importants en période de sécheresse, l’herbe perdant une grande partie de sa valeur nutritionnelle[6]. Dans les régions arides, tels que les déserts du nord-est de l’Afrique, les petits invertébrés comme les insectes, les araignées et les scorpions constituent son alimentation[6].

Le babouin olive est aussi adepte de la chasse, s’alimentant de petits rongeurs et lapins mais également parfois de mammifères, comme de petits primates[2]. Sa limite est généralement les petits des antilopes tels que les faons de gazelle de Thomson ou d'impalas qui représentent 33 % de la nourriture issue de sa chasse[2]. Il s’agit généralement d’une activité de groupe à laquelle participent indistinctement mâles et femelles[2].Il est intéressant de noter qu'il y a des preuves que ce comportement a été développé récemment[7]. Dans une étude de terrain, un tel comportement a été observé comme commençant avec les mâles d’une troupe se répand pour impliquer les singes de tous âges et tous sexes[7].

Mœurs et reproduction

Le babouin olive vit en groupe de 15 à 150 individus, composés de quelques mâles, de femelles et de leurs petits[2]. Il y a une hiérarchie sociale complète similaire à celle que l’on peut trouver chez d’autres primates tels que les gorilles ou les chimpanzés[4]. Chaque babouin a un rang social dans le groupe dépendant de son degré de dominance[2]. Chez les femelles, la dominance est héréditaire, les filles atteignant un rang proche de celui de leur mère[2]. Les mâles doivent quant à eux établir leur dominance de manière plus brutale[2]. Ils doivent essayer d’intimider les autres mâles et de les réduire à l’obéissance[2]. Les combats ne sont pas rares entre les mâles, les perdants devant par la suite se soumettre aux vainqueurs[2].

Babouin olive adulte épouillant un jeune sujet.

Un rang social supérieur signifie un accès privilégié à la reproduction et à la nourriture, c’est pourquoi il y a naturellement un grand intérêt à lutter pour monter dans la hiérarchie, avec des jeunes mâles qui tentent constamment de gravir les échelons[2]. Du fait que les femelles restent dans leur groupe leur vie entière alors que les mâles seront amenés à émigrer dans d’autres, il y a souvent un nouveau mâle défiant un plus vieux pour la dominance[2]. Fréquemment, quand les plus vieux babouins chutent dans la hiérarchie, ils émigrent dans une autre tribu[4]. En effet, il a été montré que les jeunes mâles qui les ont vaincus ont souvent tendance à les tyranniser par la suite[4].

Babouin olive portant un petit, dans le Parc national Queen Elizabeth.

Les femelles atteignent la maturité sexuelle entre 7 et 8 ans et les mâles entre 7 et 10 ans[4]. Le début de l’ovulation chez la femelle signale au mâle qu’elle est prête pour l’accouplement. Pendant l’ovulation, la vulve des femelles gonfle et devient rouge vif[8]. Le gonflement rend ses mouvements difficiles et augmente les risques d’infection ou de parasitisme[8]. Cela attire également les mâles qui se battent entre eux pour définir lequel pourra s’accoupler avec la femelle[8], les mâles les plus dominants ayant de plus grandes chances d’y parvenir puisqu’ils peuvent tenir les autres mâles à l’écart[2]. La gestation dure 6 mois, chaque portée comptant un seul petit[9].

Certaines observations laissent suggérer qu’en Érythrée le babouin olive a formé une relation symbiotique avec la population menacée d’éléphants de ce pays. Les babouins s’abreuvent dans les trous d’eau creusés par les éléphants tandis que ces derniers utilisent les babouins perchés à la pointe des arbres comme un système d’alarme pour les avertir d’éventuels dangers[10].

Le babouin olive et l'homme

Le Journal de Genève du 3 janvier 1960 rapporte que les autorités de la province de Bornu, dans le nord du Nigeria, ont donné des instructions aux indigènes pour l'empoisonnement des babouins olives, considérés alors comme "un fléau". 3000 babouins auraient été tués dans cette province en 1959 pour les mêmes raisons.

Notes et références

  1. a b et c Meyer C., ed. sc., 2009, Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales. consulter en ligne. Montpellier, France, Cirad.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v et w Cawthon Lang, KA, « Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology », 18 avril 2006 (consulté le 27 janvier 2007)
  3. a et b (en) Murray Wrobel, Elsevier's Dictionary of Mammals : in Latin, English, German, French and Italian, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2007, 857 p. (ISBN 978-0-444-51877-4, lire en ligne), entrée N°4961.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l et m Shefferly, N., « Papio anubis », 2004 (consulté le 27 janvier 2007)
  5. a et b Olejar, Marian Jr., « Olive Baboon » (consulté le 27 janvier 2007)
  6. a b c et d Skelton, S., « Savanna Baboon (Papio cynocephalusd) » (consulté le 29 janvier 2007)
  7. a et b Strum, S C., « Primate Predation: Interim Report on the Development of a Tradition in a Troop of Olive Baboons », Science, vol. 187,‎ 1975, p. 4178
  8. a b et c Motluk, Alison, « Big Bottom », New Scientist, vol. 19,‎ 2001
  9. http://animaux.org/doguera.htm
  10. « The rediscovery of Eritrea's elephants », juillet 2003 (consulté le 28 septembre 2007)
  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

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Babouin olive: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Papio anubis

Le Babouin olive (Papio anubis) est un singe de la famille des cercopithecidae. C'est l'espèce de babouin la plus répandue et la plus nombreuse : elle est présente dans 25 pays africains, du Mali à l'Éthiopie en passant par la Tanzanie. Des groupes isolés ont aussi été localisés dans certaines régions montagneuses du Sahara.

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Maslinasti pavijan ( Hırvatça )

wikipedia hr Croatian tarafından sağlandı

Maslinasti pavijan (Papio anubis), također poznat pod imenom anubis, pripadnik porodice majmuna Starog svijeta, ili uskonosih majmuna (Cercopithecidae). To je najraširenija od pet vrsta pavijana; naseljava 25 država Afrike, od Malija i Etiopije do Tanzanije i Mozambika na jugu. Izdvojene populacije se mogu naći na nekim planinskim područijima Sahare. Prirodna staništa obuhvaćaju savane, otvorene travnate površine, kao i šumska područja.


Maslinasti pavijani naseljavaju pojas od 25 afričkih ekvatorijalnih država, s tim da se teritorij preklapa s teritorijem drugih vrsta pavijana. Na mnogim mjestima, rezultat se ispoljava u mješanim rasama između vrsta. Na primjer, u Etiopiji postoji popriličan broj križanaca između maslinastih i grivastih pavijana (hamadrija). Također je zabilježena mješanost između gvinejskih i žutih pavijana. Međutim, iako prijavljene, međurase nisu detaljno proučavane.

Širom svog životnog pojasa, maslinasti pavijani se mogu pronaći u različitim prirodnim staništima, uključujući savane i otvorene ravnice. Ravnice, posebno one blizu šumovitih krajeva, u velikom dijelu ispunjavaju njihovo stanište. Pavijani također obitavaju u džunglama i pustinjama. Prašume u Ugandi i Demokratskoj Republici Kongu nadmorske visine do 4 500 metara predstavljaju utočište nekim populacijama.


Ovi pavijani su dobili ime po svom maslinasto-zelenkastom krznu. Naziv „anubis" dolazi od imena staroegipatskog boga Anubisa koji je često predstavljen sa psećom glavom i njuškom, upravo kakvu sličnu imaju i maslinasti pavijani. Dlaka na licu pavijana je od tamno sive do crne boje. Obojenost je slična kod oba spola, s tim da mužjaci posjeduju grivu sa dugačkim dlakama koja se pruža duž leđa. Izuzev grive, mužjaci su i krupniji od ženki - teže oko 24 kilograma i visoki su 70 centimetara, dok su ženke visine do 60 centimetara i težine od 14.7 kilograma. Dužina repa iznosi od 38 do 58 cm.

Kao i ostali pavijani, i maslinasti nemaju ravno lice, već dugačku, izduženu, pseću brnjicu. Upravo s takvom njuškom i četvoronožnim načinom hodanja, pavijani izgledom podsjećaju na povećeg psa. Rep je dugačak i stoji u uspravnom pravcu do prve četvrtine dužine, imajući izgled slomljenog repa. Kao i svi uskonosi majmuni, i maslinasti pavijani imaju kese na obrazima gdje skladište hranu. Poznati su po svojoj ogoljenoj zadnjici koja je izrazito tamnije boje.


S obzirom da žive u različitim staništima, maslinasti, kao i uostalom svi pavijani su se prilagodili svežderskom načinu prehrane. Potražiti će hranu na što širem području mogu, jedući zapravo sve što pronađu, uključujući razne vrste biljaka, beskralješnjaka i manje kralježnjake. Od biljaka jedu praktično sve njihove dijelove - lišće, travu, koru, sjemena, izdanke, cvijeće, korijenje, lišaje i pečurke. U sušim regijama, hrana uključuje i kukce, pauke i škorpione.

Poznato je da svi pavijani love omanji plijen, od glodavaca i zečeva do ostalih sisavaca i majmuna. Granica ovakvog plijena jesu manje vrste preživara, kao što je gazela. Lov na ove gazele čini 33% od ukupnog lova maslinastih pavijana. Love obično u grupama, gdje i mužjaci i ženke sudjeluju.

Ponašanje i razmnožavanje

Maslinasti pavijani žive u čoporima od 15 do 150 jedinki kojima vlada matrijarhat. Čopor čini nekoliko mužjaka, veliki broj ženki, kao i njihova mladunčad. Kao i kod ostalih primata, poput gorila i čimpanza, postoji složena društvena hijerarhija. Svaki pavijan ima određen položaj u čoporu. Dominantnost ženki je nasljedna, tako da kćeri imaju skoro isti položaj kao svoje majke. Mužjaci, pak, moraju pridobiti svoj status. To ispoljavaju u okršajima sa drugim mužjacima koje će pokušati pokoriti.

Bolji pristup parenju i pronalaženju hrane pripada onim majmunima sa višim činom u čoporu, tako da su svađe i okršaji česti među mlađim mužjacima koji stalno žele pridobiti viši položaj. Pošto ženke ostaju u istom čoporu cijelog života, a mužjaci se konstantno sele, često se nađe novi mužjak koji će pokušati zauzeti svoje mjesto u novom čoporu. Obično se stariji mužjaci, kojima opadne društveni hijerarhijski status, preseljavaju u novi čopor.

Ženke su spolno zrele sa 7 do 8, a mužjaci sa 7 do 10 godina. Početak ovulacije je signal mužjacima da su spremne za parenje. Tijekom ove faze, ženkama koža oko zadnjice natekne i pocrveni jarkom crvenom bojom. Zbog toga se ženke teže kreću i bivaju podložnije raznim zarazama i bolestima. Dominantniji mužjaci imaju veće šanse za parenje iz prostog razloga što su jači i uspjevaju zadržati one mlađe podalje od ženki.

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Maslinasti pavijan: Brief Summary ( Hırvatça )

wikipedia hr Croatian tarafından sağlandı

Maslinasti pavijan (Papio anubis), također poznat pod imenom anubis, pripadnik porodice majmuna Starog svijeta, ili uskonosih majmuna (Cercopithecidae). To je najraširenija od pet vrsta pavijana; naseljava 25 država Afrike, od Malija i Etiopije do Tanzanije i Mozambika na jugu. Izdvojene populacije se mogu naći na nekim planinskim područijima Sahare. Prirodna staništa obuhvaćaju savane, otvorene travnate površine, kao i šumska područja.

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Papio anubis ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

L'anubi o babbuino verde (Papio anubis [Lesson, 1827]) è un primate della famiglia dei Cercopithecidae. Abita nelle savane, steppe e zone boschive.


Esemplare maschio su un albero al Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Esemplare di Anubi maschio

Il suo nome deriva dal dio Anubis che è stato spesso rappresentato con una testa di sciacallo o di lupo. L'anubi non ha un volto piatto, ma lungo, a punta, come il muso di cane. Infatti, insieme con il muso, la coda dell'animale (38-58 centimetri) e l'andatura a quattro zampe possono farli sembrare dei cani. L'anubi è un grande babbuino dal corpo robusto - circa un metro di lunghezza - dal dorso più alto nella parte anteriore; ha muso canino ben sviluppato provvisto di forte dentatura. I maschi sono più grandi delle femmine e hanno sul collo e sulle spalle una criniera di lunghi peli. La coda termina con un ciuffo di peli; le natiche sono nude con evidenti callosità ischiatiche.


Esemplare femmina con un cucciolo sulla schiena al Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Due babbuini verdi intenti al grooming, riserva naturale di Ngorongoro (Tanzania)

Il babbuino anubi vive in gruppi di 15-150 esemplari, costituiti da alcuni maschi, molte femmine, e dai loro piccoli. Vi è una complessa gerarchia sociale simile a quella riscontrata in altri primati, come gorilla e scimpanzé. Ogni babbuino ha una classifica sociale in qualche parte del gruppo, a seconda della sua posizione dominante. I maschi stabiliscono la loro posizione dominante con la forza. Spesso, quando grandi babbuini calano nella gerarchia sociale, si trasferiranno a un'altra tribù. È stato osservato che i maschi più giovani spesso molestano i più anziani. Sono onnivori e vivono di giorno mentre dormono sugli alberi o al sicuro su delle rocce la notte.


Le femmine sono sessualmente mature a 7-8 anni, ed i maschi a 7-10 anni. L'inizio della loro ovulazione è un segnale per i maschi che lei è pronta. Durante l'ovulazione, la pelle della zona ano-genitale della femmina si gonfia e diventa color rosso acceso / rosa. Il gonfiore rende difficile la circolazione e aumenta la possibilità della femmina di infezioni o parassiti. Questo attrae i maschi che competono tra loro per vedere chi può accoppiarsi con la femmina.


L'anubi è diffuso nelle seguenti zone dell'Africa: Senegal, Repubblica Democratica del Congo settentrionale, Ghana, Etiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania settentrionale. Popolazioni si trovano anche in alcune regioni montuose del Sahara.



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Papio anubis: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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L'anubi o babbuino verde (Papio anubis [Lesson, 1827]) è un primate della famiglia dei Cercopithecidae. Abita nelle savane, steppe e zone boschive.

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Žaliasis pavianas ( Litvanca )

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Binomas Papio anubis

Žaliasis pavianas, arba anubis (lot. Papio anubis, angl. Olive baboon, vok. Anubispavian) – šunbeždžionių (Cercopithecidae) šeimos primatas, priklausantis markatų pošeimiui. Patelės ir patinai aplink skruostus turi storo pilko kailio žiedą.

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Žaliasis pavianas: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

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Babun Anubis ( Malayca )

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Babun Anubis ialah haiwan yang tergolong dalam keluarga Cercopithecidae (monyet Dunia Lama). Spesies ini ialah spesies babun yang paling umum dan dapat ditemui di 25 buah negara di seluruh benua Afrika dari Mali di barat sehingga ke Ethiopia dan Tanzania di timur. Populasi terpencil babun ini juga dapat ditemui di sesetengah kawasan Sahara yang bergunung-ganang. Babun Anubis menghuni di kawasan savanah, steppe dan hutan.

Ciri fizikal

Kulit Babun Anubis kelihatan berwarna hijau-kelabu dari jauh [1] tetapi pada jarak yang lebih dekat, warnanya berbilang disebabkan oleh cecincin kuning-perang dan hitam pada bulunya.[2] Bagaimanapun, bulu muka babun lebih halus dan warnanya berbeza-beza dari kelabu gelap sehingga hitam.[1] Pewarnaan ini ditonjolkan oleh kedua-dua jantina, tetapi babun jantan memiliki surai tirus di bahagian belakangnya, dengan bulu yang lebih panjang di atas menjadi semakin pendek sehingga panjangnya seperti biasa di bawah .[2] Selain surai, babun jantuan juga berbeza daripada babun betina daripada segi saiz dan beratnya. Pada puratanya, tingginya babun jantan 70 cm dan beratnya 24 kg; manakala babun betina berukuran 60 cm dan 14.7 kg.[2]

Seperti dengan babun yang lain, Babun Anubis mempunyai muncung yang panjang dan tajam bak anjing.[2] Oleh itu dan bersama-sama dengan ekor (38–58 cm) dan gaya jalan empat kakinya, Babun Anubis sebenarnya kelihatan seolah-olah haiwan kanin.[1] Ekornya seolah-olah hampir patah, dengan sesuku bahagian pertama yang muncul dari pinggulnya tegak dan tiga sukunya yang lain bengkok dengan ketara.[1] Tompok dedah pinggul Babun Anubis jauh lebih kecil daripada saiz tompok dedah pinggul babun yang sering ditonjolkan dalam filem kartun dan lerang komik.[2] Sebagaimana dengan kebanyakan haiwan Cercopithecine, Babun Anubis juga mempunyai kantung pipi yang digunakan untuk menyimpan makanan.[1]



  1. ^ a b c d e Cawthon Lang, KA (2006-04-18). "Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology". Dicapai 2007-01-27.
  2. ^ a b c d e Shefferly, N. (2004). "Papio anubis". Animal Diversity Web accessdate = 2007-01-27. pautan luar dalam |work= (bantuan)Selenggaraan CS1: Paip hilang (link)
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Babun Anubis: Brief Summary ( Malayca )

wikipedia MS tarafından sağlandı

Babun Anubis ialah haiwan yang tergolong dalam keluarga Cercopithecidae (monyet Dunia Lama). Spesies ini ialah spesies babun yang paling umum dan dapat ditemui di 25 buah negara di seluruh benua Afrika dari Mali di barat sehingga ke Ethiopia dan Tanzania di timur. Populasi terpencil babun ini juga dapat ditemui di sesetengah kawasan Sahara yang bergunung-ganang. Babun Anubis menghuni di kawasan savanah, steppe dan hutan.

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Groene baviaan ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De groene baviaan of anubisbaviaan (Papio anubis) is een baviaan uit de familie der apen van de Oude Wereld (Cercopithecidae). Hij dankt zijn naam aan Anubis, de Egyptische god met de jakhalskop. De groene baviaan heeft namelijk een neus die doet denken aan die van een hond.

Uiterlijke kenmerken

De groene baviaan is een grote, sterke apensoort met een grote kop en een lange snuit, kleine ronde oren en kleine, dicht bij elkaar staande ogen onder een uitstekende wenkbrauwboog. De vacht is grijzig olijfgroen van kleur, waartussen zwarte haren zitten. Het naakte gezicht is donkergrijs tot zwartbruin van kleur. Doordat enkele staartbeenderen aan elkaar zijn gegroeid, zit er een knik in de staart. Hierdoor lijkt het alsof de staart gebroken is. De hoektanden zijn zeer lang. De groene baviaan heeft een kop-romplengte van 50 tot 114 centimeter en een staartlengte van 45 tot 71 centimeter.

Mannetjes worden groter dan vrouwtjes: mannetjes zijn gemiddeld 100 centimeter lang, met een schouderhoogte van 70 centimeter en een gewicht van 22 tot 50 kilogram, terwijl vrouwtjes gemiddeld 75 centimeter lang zijn, met een schouderhoogte van 55 centimeter en een gewicht van 11 tot 30 kilogram. Ook hebben mannetjes een dikke kap over de nek en schouders, waardoor de oren bijzonder lastig te zien zijn.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het is de meest algemene bavianensoort met het grootste verspreidingsgebied. Ze leven in savannes, steppen en beboste en rotsachtige streken van Mali en zuidelijk Mauritanië tot de Democratische Republiek Congo, Soedan, Ethiopië en Tanzania. Geïsoleerde populaties leven in het Tibesti- en Aïr-massief in de Sahara. Het verspreidingsgebied is nog altijd groeiende.


De groene baviaan is een omnivore opportunist, die zowel op de grond als in bomen naar voedsel zoekt. Hij eet vooral gras, knoppen, bladeren en fruit, aangevuld met hars, gom en sprinkhanen en andere insecten. Ook eet hij kleine gewervelde dieren, van hagedissen tot jonge antilopen, en wortels en bloesems. Hij past zijn dieet makkelijk aan veranderende situaties aan. Ook landbouwgewassen worden gegeten. Een troep bavianen kan grote schade aanrichten aan landbouwgebieden en worden in sommige streken als ongedierte beschouwd.

De groene baviaan leeft in complexe sociale groepen, die uit enkele dieren tot troepen van wel honderdvijftig dieren kunnen bestaan. Een gemiddelde groep heeft ongeveer vijfendertig dieren. De troepen zijn gemengd, waarbij vrouwtjes in de meerderheid zijn (meestal drie keer zoveel vrouwtjes dan mannetjes). Mannetjes werken soms samen, waarbij een hiërarchie kan heersen. Soms vormen zich ook samenlevingsverbanden tussen mannetjes en vrouwtjes, maar deze verbanden zijn slechts tijdelijk, en groeien nooit uit tot een permanente harem. Vrouwtjes leven in een familiehiërarchie, waarbij jongen van hogergeplaatste families hoger staan in de hiërarchie dan volwassen dieren uit lagergeplaatste families. De band tussen de dieren wordt versterkt door vlooien. Jonge dieren worden de eerste dagen door de moeder op de buik gedragen, later rijden zij mee op de rug.

's Nachts rust de gehele troep in bomen of op rotsrichels, waar ze relatief veilig zijn voor roofdieren als luipaarden.

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Groene baviaan: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De groene baviaan of anubisbaviaan (Papio anubis) is een baviaan uit de familie der apen van de Oude Wereld (Cercopithecidae). Hij dankt zijn naam aan Anubis, de Egyptische god met de jakhalskop. De groene baviaan heeft namelijk een neus die doet denken aan die van een hond.

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Olivenbavian ( Norveççe )

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Olivenbavianen (Papio anubis) er blant de største bavianene, og er vanlig i Vest- og Nordøst-Afrika. Hannen kan veie dobbelt så mye som hunnen. Begge kjønn har tykk grå pels rundt kinnene. Olivenbavianen går sjeldent alene og er som regel i flokk. Troppene kan telle opptil 20-50 dyr, men noen flokker kan komme opptil 100. Olivenbavianene eter frukt, blader, insekter og øgler, og noen ganger større byttedyr, som gasellealver.

Hierarki i flokken

Unge olivenbavianer blir tolerert så lenge de har mørk «babypels». Når de får voksen pels, inntar hunnene en plass nederst i hierarkiet. Hannen blir jagget bort og må slåss for å komme i en ny flokk.

Olivenbavianen er utbredt i Vest- til Nordøst Afrika. De blir opptil 60-86 cm lange og ca. 22-37 kg. Halen kan komme opp mot 58 cm. Men det vanlige er rundt 40-50 cm. Artene er pr.dags dato ikke truet, men bør holdes under overvåkning.


  1. ^ [Kingdon, J., Butynski, T.M. & De Jong, Y. 2008. Papio anubis. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.] Besøkt 2013-10-06

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Olivenbavian: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Olivenbavianen (Papio anubis) er blant de største bavianene, og er vanlig i Vest- og Nordøst-Afrika. Hannen kan veie dobbelt så mye som hunnen. Begge kjønn har tykk grå pels rundt kinnene. Olivenbavianen går sjeldent alene og er som regel i flokk. Troppene kan telle opptil 20-50 dyr, men noen flokker kan komme opptil 100. Olivenbavianene eter frukt, blader, insekter og øgler, og noen ganger større byttedyr, som gasellealver.

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Pawian oliwkowy ( Lehçe )

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Pawian oliwkowy[3], pawian anubis[4] (Papio anubis) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny koczkodanowatych (Cercopithecidae).

Najbardziej rozpowszechniony ze wszystkich gatunków pawianów: występuje w 25 krajach Afryki, od południa Mali do Etiopii i Tanzanii. Izolowane populacje występują także w górzystych rejonach Sahary. Zamieszkuje różnorodne siedliska: tereny pustynne, sawanny, stepy i obszary leśne. Jest wszystkożerny, wykazuje duże zdolności przystosowawcze. Żyje w stadach 15–150 osobników. Samiec waży do 24 kilogramów.


  1. Papio anubis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Kingdon, J., Butynski, T.M. & De Jong, Y. 2008, Papio anubis [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  3. Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 48. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. K. Kowalski (redaktor naukowy), A. Krzanowski, H. Kubiak, G. Rzebik-Kowalska, L. Sych: Ssaki. Wyd. IV. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1991, s. 255, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny. ISBN 83-214-0637-8.


  1. Primate Info Net, Papio anubis (en)
  2. Animal Diversity Web, Papio anubis (en)
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Pawian oliwkowy: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

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Pawian oliwkowy, pawian anubis (Papio anubis) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny koczkodanowatych (Cercopithecidae).

Najbardziej rozpowszechniony ze wszystkich gatunków pawianów: występuje w 25 krajach Afryki, od południa Mali do Etiopii i Tanzanii. Izolowane populacje występują także w górzystych rejonach Sahary. Zamieszkuje różnorodne siedliska: tereny pustynne, sawanny, stepy i obszary leśne. Jest wszystkożerny, wykazuje duże zdolności przystosowawcze. Żyje w stadach 15–150 osobników. Samiec waży do 24 kilogramów.

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Babuíno-anúbis ( Portekizce )

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O babuíno-anúbis (Papio anubis) é membro da família Cercopithecidae (macacos do velho mundo).[1] A espécie é a mais espalhada de todas as espécies de babuínos: é encontrada em vinte e cinco países através da África, estendendo-se do sul de Mali até a Etiópia e a Tanzânia. Populações isoladas também são encontradas em algumas das montanhas das regiões do Saara. Essa espécie habita savanas, estepes, e florestas.

Características físicas

O babuíno-anúbis é nomeado assim por causa da sua semelhança com o antigo deus egípcio Anúbis, que era frequentemente representado por uma cabeça de cão muito parecida com a face do babuíno. De perto, possui coloração múltipla, devido a anéis marrom-amarelados e pretos nos seus pelos. De longe, a impressão é de possuir coloração cinza-esverdeada.

Os machos possuem uma juba e são maiores e mais pesados do que as fêmeas. Em média, machos têm setenta centímetros de altura e vinte e quatro quilos; já as fêmeas, medem sessenta centímetros e pesam 14,7 quilos.


  1. «Papio anubis». INaturalist (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de dezembro de 2019
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Babuíno-anúbis: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

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O babuíno-anúbis (Papio anubis) é membro da família Cercopithecidae (macacos do velho mundo). A espécie é a mais espalhada de todas as espécies de babuínos: é encontrada em vinte e cinco países através da África, estendendo-se do sul de Mali até a Etiópia e a Tanzânia. Populações isoladas também são encontradas em algumas das montanhas das regiões do Saara. Essa espécie habita savanas, estepes, e florestas.

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Anubisbabian ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Anubisbabian (Papio anubis) är en art i släktet babianer som tillhör familjen markattartade apor. Den är uppkallad efter den egyptiska guden Anubis. Anubisbabianens nos påminner om guden som framställs med ett schakalartad huvud.


Djuret har en grå- till olivgrön päls och hannar har dessutom kring skuldrorna och främre delen av ryggen en man. Den långdragna nosen är täckt av fina hår som nästan är osynliga och huden är mörkgrå till svart.[2] Även regionen kring djurets anus saknar hår och är mörk.[3] Anubisbabianer når en genomsnittlig kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 60 (honor) respektive 76 cm (hanar)[3] och därtill kommer en 38 till 58 cm lång svans.[2] Ungefär en fjärdedel av svansen vid roten hölls upprätt och sedan faller den ner.[2] Som hos alla babianer finns hos anubisbabianen en utpräglad könsdimorfism. Hannar når i vildmarken en vikt av cirka 24 kilogram och är så uttrycklig tyngre än honor som bara når omkring 14,7 kilogram. Nära odlade områden kan hanar väga 27 kg och honor 15,6 kg.[2] Även hannarnas hörntänder är tydlig större.

Utbredning och habitat

Arten har det största utbredningsområde av alla babianer. Den förekommer i stora delar av centrala Afrika från Mali till Etiopien och till södra Tanzania. Dessutom finns isolerade populationer i centrala Niger och norra Tchad. I bergstrakter når arten 2500 meter över havet. Liksom andra babianer vistas den främst i savanner men den förekommer även i skogar och andra habitat.[1]


Arten är som alla smalnäsor övervägande aktiv på dagen[4] och vistas främst på marken men klättrar ibland i växtligheten.[2] Den går på fyra extremiteter och håller svansen i en båge. Under natten vilar den ofta i träd eller gömda i bergssprickor eller bakom stenar.[4] Anubisbabianen bildar grupper av 15 till 150 individer (oftast 40 till 80). Flocken bildas av flera hannar och honor. I gruppen finns en utpräglad hierarki (se Socialt beteende hos babianer).[3] Varje flock har ett revir som kan överlappa med territorierna av andra flockar.[2]

Dessa apor är allätare och tar den föda som levnadsområdet erbjuder. De äter bland annat frukter, gräs och rötter men även insekter, fågelägg och mindre ryggradsdjur – även partåiga hovdjur och andra primater.[2]


Anubisbabianen kan para sig hela året. När honan är parningsbered är hennes region kring könsdelarna förstorade. I princip kan honan para sig med alla hannar i flocken. Därför strider hannarna om rätten att para sig. En annan strategi är att hannen etablerar en nära vänskap till en hona. De erbjuder till exempel mat, hjälper vid ungarnas uppfostring eller letar efter löss i pälsen.[3]

Efter dräktigheten som varar ungefär 180 dagar föds vanligen ett enda ungdjur. Ungen väger vid födelsen cirka ett kilo och har de första sex månader en svart päls.[3] Efter ungefär ett år slutar honan att ge di och efter 5 till 8 år är ungarna könsmogna. Vid denna tidpunkt lämnar hannar sin ursprungliga flock, honor stannar oftast hela livet i gruppen.[3]

Individer i naturen blir antagligen mellan 25 och 30 år gamla liksom andra babianer.[3]

Anubisbabian och människor

Arten har vid flera ställen anpassad sig till människan. Ibland invaderar de odlingsmark och skadar växterna. Därför blir de ibland jagade. Ett annat hot är förstöringen av anubisbabianens levnadsområde. Trots allt listas arten av IUCN som livskraftig (least concern).[1]


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 7 september 2009.


  1. ^ [a b c] Papio anubisIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Kingdon, J., Butynski, T.M. & De Jong, Y. 2008, besökt 18 augusti 2010.
  2. ^ [a b c d e f g] K. A. Cawthon Lang (5 april 2011). ”Olive baboon (Papio anubis)” (på engelska). Primate Factsheets. http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/olive_baboon. Läst 12 november 2014.
  3. ^ [a b c d e f g] N. Shefferly (5 april 2004). Papio anubi (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Papio_anubis.html. Läst 12 november 2014.
  4. ^ [a b] Ronald M. Nowak, red (1999). ”Baboons” (på engelska). Walker’s Mammals of the World. The Johns Hopkins University Press. sid. 588-590. ISBN 0-8018-5789-9

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Anubisbabian: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Anubisbabian (Papio anubis) är en art i släktet babianer som tillhör familjen markattartade apor. Den är uppkallad efter den egyptiska guden Anubis. Anubisbabianens nos påminner om guden som framställs med ett schakalartad huvud.

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Павіан анубіс ( Ukraynaca )

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Загальне забарвлення оливково-коричневе. Довга морда гола і чорна, регіон сідниць також голий й темний. Середня маса тіла дорослого самця близько 25 кг, самиці — близько 14 кг.

Ці тварини можуть досягати довжини тіла 48-76 сантиметрів, хвіст 38-58 см в довжину. Перша частина хвоста виступає вгору, а задня — вниз. Як і у всіх видів роду, існує чіткий статевий диморфізм у розмірах. Ікла самців також набагато більші.


Країни проживання: Бенін, Буркіна-Фасо, Бурунді, Камерун, Центральноафриканська Республіка, Чад, Конго, Демократична республіка Конго, Кот-д'Івуар, Еритрея, Ефіопія, Гана, Гвінея, Кенія, Малі, Мавританія, Нігер, Нігерія, Руанда, Сьєрра-Леоне, Сомалі, Судан, Танзанія, Того, Уганда.

Висота проживання — до 2500 м над рівнем моря. Населяє савани, степи і ліси.

Стиль життя

Цей вид є всеїдним, і його раціон змінюється залежно від регіону, пори року і навіть від часу доби. У відкритих місцевостях насамперед харчуються травами, а в лісах основною їжею є фрукти. Також споживає корені, бульби, комах, яйця птахів і дрібних хребетних. За день в середньому долає 3—4 км. Утворює групи розміром від 8 до 100 особин. Це денний вид. Тварини сплять на деревах або на скелястих виступах.

Цей вид має безладну систему спарювання. Існує багато агресії між самцями через конкуренцію за самиць. Після 180-денного вагітності самиці народжують одне дитинча. Воно важить при народженні близько 1 кг і спочатку забарвлене в чорний колір. Статева зрілість настає в 5-8 років. У дикій природі ці тварини можуть жити від 25 до 30 років.

Анубіс, що позіхає.


Розмноження анубісів триває цілий рік. У самок під час фертильної фази набухають статеві органи. У групі кожен самець може спаровуватися з кожною з самок, що однак призводить до відчайдушних поєдинків між самцями. Крім цього, у самців є тонкіші методи схилити самку до спаровування. Вони намагаються «подружитися», доглядають за їх шерстю, забезпечують їжею або піклуються про їхніх дітей.

Після вагітності, що триває близько 180 днів, самка народжує зазвичай по одному дитинчаті вагою близько 1 кг. У віці року він перестає смоктати молоко, а статева зрілість настає в 5-8 років. Чоловічі особини зазвичай залишають родову групу, а самки часто залишаються в ній на все життя. У дикій природі тривалість життя анубіса може становити від 25 до 30 років.


Анубіси як і всі вузьконосі мавпи активні вдень, проводячи значну частину часу на землі. Вони пересуваються на чотирьох лапах, тримаючи вигнутий хвіст догори. Вночі вони для сну підіймаються на дерева або важкодоступні скелі. Анубіси живуть групами з 15-150 (частіше 40-80) особин. Ці групи як правило змішані, тобто включають в себе і самців, і самок. Усередині подібних груп встановлюється чітка ієрархія зі складною соціальною поведінкою.

Загрози та охорона

Активно переслідується в деяких місцях як шкідник. Групи іноді проникають в сади і поля і розоряють їх. Через це на них нерідко полюють. У деяких місцевостях їм загрожує руйнування їхніх місця існування, проте в цілому МСОП не розглядає їх як складаються під загрозою. Вид включений в Додаток II СІТЕС. Знайдений в ряді природоохоронних територій.

Анубіси широко поширені і в певній мірі пристосувалися до людини.



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Khỉ đầu chó olive ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Khỉ đầu chó olive (danh pháp khoa học: Papio anubis), còn gọi là khỉ đầu chó Anubis, là một loài khỉ thuộc họ Cercopithecidae (Họ Khỉ Cựu thế ​​giới). Đây là loài khỉ đầu chó phân bố rộng rãi nhất,[3] nó được tìm thấy tại 25 quốc gia khắp châu Phi, kéo dài từ Mali về phía đông tới Ethiopia và Tanzania. Quần thể bị cô lập cũng được tìm thấy ở một số vùng miền núi của sa mạc Sahara.[3] Chúng sống ở xavan, thảo nguyênrừng.[3]

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về khỉ đầu chó olive  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Khỉ đầu chó olive
  1. ^ Bản mẫu:MSW3 Primates
  2. ^ Kingdon, J., Butynski, T. M. & De Jong, Y. (2008). Papio anubis. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 1 năm 2009.
  3. ^ a ă â Shefferly, N. (2004). “Papio anubis”. Animal Diversity Web accessdate = ngày 27 tháng 1 năm 2007.

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Khỉ đầu chó olive: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Khỉ đầu chó olive (danh pháp khoa học: Papio anubis), còn gọi là khỉ đầu chó Anubis, là một loài khỉ thuộc họ Cercopithecidae (Họ Khỉ Cựu thế ​​giới). Đây là loài khỉ đầu chó phân bố rộng rãi nhất, nó được tìm thấy tại 25 quốc gia khắp châu Phi, kéo dài từ Mali về phía đông tới Ethiopia và Tanzania. Quần thể bị cô lập cũng được tìm thấy ở một số vùng miền núi của sa mạc Sahara. Chúng sống ở xavan, thảo nguyênrừng.

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Павиан анубис ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Анубис (значения).
Papio anubis skulls.jpg

Павиан анубис[1], или догеровский павиан[1] (Papio anubis) — вид приматов семейства мартышковых (Cercopithecidae). Видовое название дано за внешнее сходство обезьян с изображениями древнеегипетского бога Анубиса, часто имевшими собачью голову. Раньше наряду с медвежьим и гвинейским павианами считался разновидностью бабуинов. Отмечено, что анубисы могут скрещиваться с бабуинами[прояснить].

Внешний вид

Шерсть у анубисов серо-оливкового цвета, у самцов на плечах и верхней части спины имеется грива. Вытянутая мордочка безволосая и окрашена в чёрный цвет. Лысой и окрашенной в чёрный цвет является и область ягодиц. Эти животные достигают длины от 48 до 76 см, длина хвоста составляет от 38 до 58 см. У основания хвост направлен вверх, в то время как его задняя часть выгнута вниз. Как у всех павианов, у этого вида наблюдается сильный половой диморфизм относительно размеров. Самцы весят до 25 кг и значительно массивнее самок, вес которых составляет около 15 кг. У самцов также более крупные клыки.



Ареал анубисов самый крупный из ареалов павианов и охватывает большую часть Центральной Африки. Он простирается от Мали до Эфиопии, а на юге доходит до Танзании. Как все павианы, анубисы населяют главным образом саванны, однако встречаются иногда и в лесах и других сферах обитания.


Анубисы как и все обезьяны Старого Света активны в дневное время, проводя значительную часть времени на земле. Они передвигаются на четырёх лапах, держа свой изогнутый хвост вверх. К ночи они для сна взбираются на деревья или труднодоступные скалы. Анубисы живут в группах, состоящих из 15—150 (чаще 40—80) особей. Эти группы как правило смешанные, то есть включают в себя самцов и самок. Внутри подобных групп устанавливается чёткая иерархия со сложным социальным поведением.

Анубисы — всеядные животные, однако главную долю их пищи составляет пища растительного происхождения. К ней относятся плоды, травы, коренья, клубни. К добыче анубисов относятся небольшие позвоночные (приматы и парнокопытные), птичьи яйца и насекомые.


Размножение анубисов протекает круглый год. У самок во время фертильной фазы набухают половые органы. В группе каждый самец может спариваться с каждой самкой, что однако приводит к отчаянным поединкам между самцами за привилегии. Кроме этого, у самцов есть более тонкие методы склонить самку к спариванию. Они пытаются «подружиться», ухаживают за их шерстью, снабжают пищей или заботятся об их потомстве.

После беременности, длящейся около 180 дней, самка рожает, как правило, по одному детёнышу весом около 1 кг, окрашенному в чёрный цвет. В возрасте года он отвыкает от молока, а половая зрелость наступает в 5—8 лет. Мужские особи обычно покидают родовую группу, а самки часто остаются в ней на всю жизнь. В дикой природе продолжительность жизни анубиса может составлять от 25 до 30 лет.

Анубисы и человек

Зевающий анубис

Анубисы широко распространены и в определённой мере приспособились к человеку. Группы павианов иногда проникают на плантации и поля, разоряя их. Из-за этого на них нередко охотятся. В некоторых местностях им угрожает разрушение их среды обитания, однако в целом МСОП не рассматривает их как состоящих под угрозой.


  1. 1 2 Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 92. — 10 000 экз.
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Павиан анубис: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Анубис (значения). Papio anubis skulls.jpg

Павиан анубис, или догеровский павиан (Papio anubis) — вид приматов семейства мартышковых (Cercopithecidae). Видовое название дано за внешнее сходство обезьян с изображениями древнеегипетского бога Анубиса, часто имевшими собачью голову. Раньше наряду с медвежьим и гвинейским павианами считался разновидностью бабуинов. Отмечено, что анубисы могут скрещиваться с бабуинами[прояснить].

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東非狒狒 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

東非狒狒學名Papio anubis)又名阿努比斯狒狒橄榄狒狒[2]猴科獼猴亞科(Cercopithecinae)狒狒屬的一種,主要分布在馬利衣索比亞坦桑尼亚北部。天敵獅子等棲息於非洲之肉食性動物。
















  1. ^ Papio anubis. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008.
  2. ^ Groves, Colin. Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds), 编. Mammal species of the world 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. 16 November 2005: 166. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
  3. ^ Burnie D and Wilson DE (Eds.), Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. DK Adult (2005), ISBN 0789477645


 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:東非狒狒
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東非狒狒: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

東非狒狒(學名:Papio anubis)又名阿努比斯狒狒和橄榄狒狒,猴科獼猴亞科(Cercopithecinae)狒狒屬的一種,主要分布在馬利衣索比亞坦桑尼亚北部。天敵獅子等棲息於非洲之肉食性動物。


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アヌビスヒヒ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
曖昧さ回避 この項目では、実在の動物について説明しています。妖怪については「狒々」をご覧ください。
ヒヒ Papio hamadryas (aka).jpg
マントヒヒ Papio hamadryas
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 霊長目 Primates 亜目 : 直鼻猿亜目 Haplorrhini 下目 : 高等猿下目 Simiiformes 小目 : 狭鼻小目 Catarrhini : オナガザル科 Cercopithecidae 亜科 : オナガザル亜科 Cercopithecinae : ヒヒ属 Papio Erxleben, 1777

ヒヒ(狒々)とは、サル目オナガザル科ヒヒ属 Papio に属する哺乳類の総称のこと。主にアフリカに分布する。地上で生活し、高度な社会を形成する。オスとメスの性差が大きい動物である。また、ヒヒという和名は伝説上の動物狒々にちなむ。


ヒヒ属 Papio には以下の5種が含まれる。

なお、ゲラダヒヒ (Theropithecus gelada) はゲラダヒヒ属 (Theropithecus) に属する動物である。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ヒヒに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにヒヒ属に関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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アヌビスヒヒ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı

ヒヒ(狒々)とは、サル目オナガザル科ヒヒ属 Papio に属する哺乳類の総称のこと。主にアフリカに分布する。地上で生活し、高度な社会を形成する。オスとメスの性差が大きい動物である。また、ヒヒという和名は伝説上の動物狒々にちなむ。

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올리브개코원숭이 ( Korece )

wikipedia 한국어 위키백과 tarafından sağlandı

올리브개코원숭이(Papio anubis) 또는 올리브비비긴꼬리원숭이과(Cercopithecidae)에 속하는 영장류 개코원숭이의 하나이며, 학명을 따서 아누비스개코원숭이 라고도 일컫는다. 모든 개코원숭이 중에서 가장 넓은 서식지에 분포하고 있는 종이며, 북쪽으로는 말리에서부터 에티오피아까지 그리고 남쪽으로는 탄자니아까지, 적도상의 아프리카 전역의 25개 국가에서 발견된다. 또한 일부는 타 지역과 고립된 사하라 산악 지대에서도 발견되며, 주로 사바나, 스텝 그리고 숲 지역에서 서식한다.[3] 이름처럼 올리브색의 모피를 가졌지만 멀리서 보면 녹회색에 가깝다. 사회성이 강한 동물로 음성 및 비음성 소통의 종류가 다양하며, 복잡한 사회 구조를 지닌다. 성질이 매우 사나워서 표범과도 대적할 정도다.


수컷(왼쪽)과 암컷(오른쪽)의 두개골

올리브개코원숭이의 이름은 가죽 색깔에서 비롯되었지만, 얼마간 떨어져서 보면 대개 녹회색으로 보인다.[4]학명은 흔히 , 자칼의 머리로 묘사되는 고대 이집트의 신 아누비스에서 유래했는 데, 이는 개코원숭이의 주둥이(코)가 개를 닮았기 때문이다. 좀 더 가까운 거리에서는 털 가죽은 다양한 색을 띠는 데 이는 머리의 황갈색과 검은 색의 둥근 띠가 혼합되기 때문이다.[3][5] 개코원숭이 얼굴의 털은 더 섬세하고 어두운 회색에서 검은 색까지 다양하다.[4]

수컷 올리브개코원숭이는 어깨와 등에 걸쳐 망토 모양의 갈기가 있으며, 색상은 암수의 차이가 거의 없다.[3] 직립했을 때 수컷의 키는 70cm, 암컷의 키는 60cm 정도이며, 이빨과 송곳니도 수컷 쪽이 더 크다.[6] 차크마개코원숭이·맨드릴을 제외하면 구세계원숭이 중에서는 가장 덩치가 크다.[7] 머리에서 몸통까지의 길이는 50~114cm이며 대개 85cm 안팎이다. 네 발로 섰을 때의 어깨높이는 수컷 70cm, 암컷 55cm 내외이며 몸무게는 10~37㎏ 정도이지만 수컷은 주로 24㎏, 암컷은 14.7㎏이 보통이며 어떤 수컷은 50㎏까지도 자랄 수 있다.[8][9][10][11]

다른 개코원숭이들과 같이, 주둥이와 걸음걸이는 개과 동물과 매우 흡사하다.[12] 꼬리는 마치 부러진 것처럼 생겼으며 U자 모양으로 땅에 끌린다. 또한 뺨 부분에는 먹이를 저장할 수 있는 뺨주머니가 있다.[13]

분포와 서식

적도상의 중앙아프리카 25개국에 널리 분포하며, 범위는 대륙의 서쪽 끝에서 동쪽 해안선까지 이어질 정도로 넓다. 다른 개코원숭이들의 서식지와 상당 부분이 겹치기 때문에 정확히 어디까지 분포하는지는 확인되지 않았는데, 이 점 때문에 많은 지역에서 올리브개코원숭이와 다른 개코원숭이들 사이에서 태어난 잡종이 포착되고 있다.[4] 예컨대 망토개코원숭이와 올리브개코원숭이의 교잡이 에티오피아에서 일어난 바 있으며,[12] 노랑개코원숭이와의 잡종도 발견되었다.아직 교잡으로 인해 태어난 원숭이들에 관한 연구는 활발히 진행되어 있지 않다.[4]

넓은 지역에 걸쳐 사는 만큼 다양한 환경에 적응해 서식할 수 있다. 대개는 사바나의 초원, 또는 그 인근의 숲에서 주로 서식하지만[14] 열대 우림과 사막에서도 살아갈 수 있다.[3]

습성과 생태

나무에 올라 망을 보는 올리브개코원숭이

사회 구조

올리브개코원숭이는 15-150마리 가량의 거대한 무리를 지어 생활하는 사회성 동물으로, 암컷과 그 새끼들로 주로 구성되어 있으며 수컷은 매우 미미한 부분만을 차지한다. 무리를 구성하고 있는 개코원숭이마다 고유의 지위를 가지고 있으며, 이 지위는 구성이 다소 수직적이다.[15] 암컷의 지위가 같은 암컷 새끼들에게 세습되는 모계 사회를 이루고 있으며,[15] 그래서 성숙한 암컷들이 무리의 핵심이 된다.[16] 혈통이 가까운 암컷들은 제각기 무리 내에서 소규모의 하위 집단을 형성하며, 서로서로 털을 다듬어 주거나 함께 몰려다니며 사냥이나 외적 방위도 하는 등 가까운 관계를 유지한다. 암컷들은 평생 동안 원래 무리를 떠나는 일이 없기 때문에 기본적으로 우호 관계는 반영구적이다.[17]

어떨 때는 하위 집단들이 대립하게 될 때도 있는데, 대부분 먹이 부족 등의 이유로 자원 분배 문제가 심각해져서 경쟁이 불가피해질 때는 서로 마찰을 빚게 된다. 하나 그렇게 무리 내의 갈등이 격화되어도 암컷들의 우호 관계는 끊어지지 않으며, 여전히 함께 어울려 다니는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 지배층이라 할 수 있는 암컷들이 더 많은 양의 먹이를 먹으며 교미 횟수와 상대 수컷이나 새끼들의 숫자 등에서 우위를 보이며, 탄자니아의 일부 올리브개코원숭이들은 더 높은 위치에 있는 암컷일수록 그 새끼를 낳는 기간이 짧아지고, 그렇게 낳은 새끼들의 성장은 더 빠르며 생존율도 높다. 그러나 덩달아서 유산도 늘어나며 몇몇 고위층 암컷들은 심각한 영양 실조를 앓고 있는 것으로도 밝혀졌다. 일부 이론에서는 이것을 스트레스의 영향이라고 해석하기도 한다.[17]

무리 내의 암컷들은 수컷들과 영구적인 우호 관계를 맺으며 이는 이른바 우애(Friendship)로 알려져 있다.[16] 번식 행위와는 관계 없는 이 우애를 맺는 것으로 수컷과 암컷 모두 쌍방간에 이득을 보는데, 우애 관계를 맺는 것으로 수컷은 무리에 합류하면서 금방 동화될 수 있으며 짝을 쉽게 찾을 수도 있고, 암컷은 수컷의 보호를 받으며 암컷들 자신과 새끼들을 지킬 수 있다. 이따금 수컷들이 암컷들의 새끼들을 지켜 주는 것으로 암컷들은 새끼들을 기르는 데 물리적으로 새끼들을 운반하거나 위기에 대비하는 것 등을 수컷들에게 맡기게 된다. 우애 관계는 보통 관계를 맺는 데 거리낌이 없는 암컷들과 막 무리에 합류한 수컷 사이에서 생기는데, 꽤 오래가는 경우도 있으며 한 번 우애가 형성되면 행동을 같이하면서 털을 손질해 주거나 공동 양육을 하는 등 여러 가지 은덕을 주고받는다.[17]


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  3. Shefferly, N. (2004). “Papio anubis, 동물 다양성 웹(Animal Diversity Web)”. 2007년 1월 27일에 확인함.
  4. Cawthon Lang, KA (2006년 4월 18일). “Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology”. 2007년 1월 27일에 확인함.
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  10. Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology. Pin.primate.wisc.edu. Retrieved on 2012-08-21.
  11. Kingdon, Jonathan Kingdon Guide to African Mammals (1993) ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9
  12. Nagel, U. (1973). “A Comparison of Anubis Baboons, Hamadryas Baboons and Their Hybrids at a Species Border in Ethiopia”. 《Folia Primatol》 19 (2–3): 104–65. doi:10.1159/000155536.
  13. Groves, C. (2001). 《Primate Taxonomy》. Washington DC: Smithsonian Inst Pr. ISBN 1-56098-872-X.
  14. Rowell, T. E. (1966). “Forest living baboons in Uganda”. 《J Zool》 149 (3): 344–365. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1966.tb04054.x.
  15. Cawthon Lang, KA (2006년 4월 18일). “Primate Factsheets: Olive baboon (Papio anubis) Behavior”. 2007년 1월 27일에 확인함.
  16. Smuts, Barbara (1985). “Sex and Friendship in Baboons”. New York: Aldine Publications. ISBN 978-0-202-02027-3. 2010년 4월 28일에 확인함.
  17. Strier, Karen (2011). 《Primate Behavioral Ecology》 4판. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-205-79017-8.
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