Description of Resiomeria
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Monomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic; merogony - diplokaryotic stages; two sequences in which 4-lobed plasmodia give rise to large (10 µm) merozoites and smaller 8-lobed plasmodia produce small (34 µm) merozoites; spores, 67 x 2.0 µm, are rod-shaped, sometimes slightly bent and uninucleate; arranged with their long axes approximately facing in the same direction; polaroplast has a compressed anterior portion and a posterior part with wide lamellae; polar tube anisofilar with the wide and narrow parts forming 8-10 coils each, in a single row; type species R. odonatae Larsson, 1986 in adipose tissue of larvae of Aeshna grandis (Odonata, Aeshnidae).