The short apical segment of the rostrum identifies the family Derbidae; many adults are recognizable by their habit of holding up their wings.Nymphs of some species feed on fungi while adults live by sucking sap. more info: a broad verity of plants: moesta ? WESTWOOD,. 1851Genus: Proutista KIRKALDY, 1904Subfamily: OtiocerinaeFamily: Derbidae SPINOLA, 1839 (derbid planthoppers)Superfamily: FulgoroideaInfraorder: Fulgoromorpha (Spitzkopfzikaden)Suborder: AuchenorrhynchaOrder: Hemiptera (true bugs, Schnabelkerfe) Subclass: PterygotaClass: Insecta (insects, Insekten)Subphylum: HexapodaPhylum: ArthropodaIndonesia, W-Java, 10 km S Tangerang: vic. Serpong (Kampung gardens), 45m asl., 12.12.2010(IMG_7864)