Astomes (order Astomatida) are a group of ciliate eukaryotes commonly found in the guts of annelid worms, especially oligochaetes, and other invertebrates.[1] As their name implies, these parasites are characterized by an absence of mouth. The cell is covered by uniform cilia; in addition, some astomes attach themselves to their hosts by suckers, while others use various hooks or barbs.[2]
Asexual reproduction is by transverse fission. In some cases, chains of individuals form by repeated fission without separation of the cells. The sexual phenomenon of conjugation also occurs. Representative genera include Cepedietta, which lives in the amphibian digestive system, and Radiophrya.
Astomes (order Astomatida) are a group of ciliate eukaryotes commonly found in the guts of annelid worms, especially oligochaetes, and other invertebrates. As their name implies, these parasites are characterized by an absence of mouth. The cell is covered by uniform cilia; in addition, some astomes attach themselves to their hosts by suckers, while others use various hooks or barbs.
Asexual reproduction is by transverse fission. In some cases, chains of individuals form by repeated fission without separation of the cells. The sexual phenomenon of conjugation also occurs. Representative genera include Cepedietta, which lives in the amphibian digestive system, and Radiophrya.
Astomatia es un grupo de protistas del filo Ciliophora encontrados comúnmente en el intestino de los anélidos, especialmente Oligochaeta, y en otros invertebrados. Como su nombre indica, estos parásitos se caracterizan por la ausencia de boca. La célula está cubierta por cilios uniformes. Algunas especies se fijan a sus huéspedes mediante ventosas, mientras que otros disponen de ganchos o púas.
La reproducción asexual es por fisión transversal. En algunos casos, se forman cadenas de individuos por fisiones repetidas sin separación de las células. También presentan reproducción sexual por conjugación. Géneros representativos son Cepedietta, que vive en el sistema digestivo de los anfibios, y Radiophrya.