
Zygomycetes: Spiromyces ( İngilizce )

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SPIROMYCESR.K. Benjamin, 1963 (Aliso 5:273) emend. Benny & R.K. Benjamin, 1998 (in O’Donnell, Cigelnik, and Benny , Mycologia 90: 636); 2 spp. (Benjamin, 1963; Mikawa, 1975; O’Donnell et al., 1998).

Sporangiophore septate, simple, fertile region more or less straight or coiled. Sporocladia unicelled, arise along the sides of the sporangiophore, sessile or stalked; producing merosporangia. Pseudophialides not produced. Merosporangia unicelled, globose to obovoid; dry at maturity. Zygospores globose, wall with small depressions, pale orange brown; suspensors undifferentiated.

Type species:S. minutus

Species ofSpiromyces:
S. aspiralisBenny & R.K. Benjamin, 1998 (in O’Donnell, Cigelnik and Benny, Mycologia 90: 634).
S. minutusR.K. Benjamin, 1963 (Aliso 5:273).

Spiromycesspp. are coprophilous and in all reports in the literature (Benjamin, 1963; Mikawa, 1975; O’Donnell et al., 1998) these fungi are found on dung. Colonies ofSpiromycesare no higher than 0.5 mm high, the relatively slow growing colonies, are probably rapidly over grown by other fungi.Spiromyces minutusgrows optimally onYGCHagar andS. aspiralisonMEYEagar (O’Donnell et al., 1998). Scanning EM photographs have been published by Young (1968), O’Donnell (1979) and O’Donnell et al. (1998).