
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Creagrutus pila

DIAGNOSIS.—The combination of the possession of premaxillary dentition arranged in the three components generalized for most of the species of Creagrutus and Piabina without a distinctly larger gap between the first and second teeth of the primary series, 3 or 4 teeth on the maxilla, 6 teeth in the primary tooth row of the premaxilla, 5 dentary teeth, 36 to 38 lateral line scales without a lamellar process over each pore, 9 to 11 predorsal median scales, 4 or 5 scale rows between the dorsal-fin origin and the lateral line, 3 or 4 scale rows between the lateral line and the anal-fin origin, 35 to 37 vertebrae, 9 to 11 branched anal-fin rays, 2 post-anal median scales to the anal-fin origin, 6 or 7 gill rakers on the upper limb of the first gill arch and 8 to 10 gill rakers on the lower limb of the first gill arch, the length from the snout to the pectoral-fin insertion (25.7%–28.5% of SL), the length from the snout to the dorsal-fin insertion (47.6%–52.0% of SL), the distance from the dorsal-fin origin to the pelvic-fin insertion (29.3%–32.9% of SL), the pelvic-fin length (16.4%–19.6% of SL), the caudal peduncle depth (11.9%–13.4% of SL), the anal-fin length (19.3%–22.7% of SL), the bony orbital diameter (28.4%–33.5% of SL), the moderately developed third infraorbital that does not contact the horizontal limb of the preopercle, the lack of a series of dark midlateral spots on the body, the vertically elongate, ventrally tapering humeral mark, and the absence of a discrete patch of dark pigmentation on the middle portion of the anterior dorsal-fin rays distinguishes Creagrutus pila within the clade composed of Creagrutus and Piabina.

Characters A B


Standard length 58.3 41.3–70.5

1. Snout to anal-fin origin 64.5 60.8–68.9

2. Snout to pelvic-fin insertion 48.9 46.2–51.2

3. Snout to pectoral-fin insertion 26.0 25.7–28.5

4. Snout to dorsal-fin origin 50.6 47.6–52.0

5. Dorsal-fin origin to hypural joint 54.0 53.3–58.1

6. Dorsal-fin origin to anal-fin origin 31.7 31.6–36.1

7. Dorsal-fin origin to pelvic-fin insertion 30.0 29.3–32.9

8. Dorsal-fin origin to pectoral-fin insertion 35.5 33.1–36.5

9. Caudal peduncle depth 12.5 11.9–13.4

10. Pectoral-fin length 21.4 19.4–22.8

11. Pelvic-fin length 16.8 16.4–19.6

12. Dorsal-fin length 23.7 21.1–25.7

13. Anal-fin length 20.6 19.3–22.7

14. Head length 28.3 25.4–29.2

15. Postorbital head length 45.5 43.6–50.3

16. Snout length 26.7 24.1–29.9

17. Bony orbital diameter 30.3 28.4–33.5

18. Interorbital width 30.3 28.4–32.8


Lateral line scales 37 36–38

Scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line 4 4–5

Scale rows between anal-fin origin and lateral line 3 3–4

Predorsal median scales 10 9–11

Branched dorsal-fin rays 8 8

Branched anal-fin rays 10 9–11

Branched pelvic-fin rays 6 6

Pectoral-fin rays 14 13–14

Vertebrae 36 35–37

DESCRIPTION.—Morphometric and meristic data for Creagrutus pila in Table 48. Head and body robust, body becoming progressively more robust in larger specimens. Greatest body depth at dorsal-fin origin in smaller specimens, shifted anteriorly in larger specimens, particularly those with distended abdomens. Dorsal profile of head smoothly convex from margin of upper lip to vertical through posterior nostril in all examined specimens, straight to very slightly convex from that point to rear of supraoccipital spine. Dorsal profile of body slightly convex and without pronounced break in alignment relative to head profile in smaller individuals, progressively more convex in larger individuals, with variably evident change in alignment relative to that of head. Ventral profile of head with variably obvious obtuse angle at anteroventral corner of dentary, nearly straight from that point to isthmus. Ventral profile of body variably convex from isthmus to anal-fin origin; convexity more pronounced in some larger specimens.

Head obtusely pointed in lateral view, moderately compressed in dorsal view. Upper jaw distinctly longer than, and overhanging, lower jaw. Snout moderately fleshy, with scattered papillae anteriorly; papillae more concentrated on ventral margin of upper lip and on numerous folds and plicae extending between outer and medial premaxillary teeth. Lower lip very fleshy, particularly anteriorly, with numerous papillae on dorsal surface and fewer on anterior and ventral surfaces.

Infraorbital series moderately developed. Third infraorbital relatively compact, with proportionally high vertical extent but with ventral margin of third infraorbital falling well short of horizontal limb of preopercle along its particularly posterior portion. Posteroventral margin of third infraorbital distinctly rounded. Posterior margins of third through fifth infraorbitals falling distinctly short of vertical limb of preopercle.

Premaxillary dentition in three series: primary row slightly sigmoid, typically with 6 teeth (5 teeth present on 1 premaxilla in 1 specimen), without pronounced gap between first and second tooth of series but with medial tooth separated from anterior tooth of contralateral series by distinct gap; triangular cluster of 3 larger teeth, with posteromedial tooth largest; and a single tooth of form similar to that of primary series occurring lateral to fourth tooth of premaxillary series. Maxilla with 3 or 4 tricuspidate teeth. Dentary with 5 teeth; 3 anteriormost teeth distinctly larger than other teeth in series and tricuspidate. First and second teeth distinctly larger than third tooth, with second tooth somewhat larger than first tooth. Fourth tooth tricuspidate, about twice as large as triscupidate or conical fifth tooth.

Dorsal-fin rays ii,8. Dorsal-fin origin approximately at vertical through pelvic-fin insertion. Profile of distal margin of dorsal fin slightly concave in all specimens, with slightly developed lobe anteriorly. Anal-fin rays ii,9–11. Profile of distal margin of anal fin concave. Hooks in mature males, when present, located on anterior 3 to 5 branched anal-fin rays and sometimes also on last unbranched fin ray. Pectoral-fin rays i, 12–13. Tip of pectoral fin extending posteriorly nearly to pelvic-fin insertion. Pelvic-fin rays i,6,i in all specimens. Tip of pelvic fin extending posteriorly to anus or slightly beyond anal-fin origin. Hooks in mature males, when present, on all branched pelvic-fin rays and occasionally on medial unbranched ray.

Gill rakers 6–7 +8–10.

COLORATION IN ALCOHOL.—Overall ground coloration ranging from light tan to light brown. Dorsal surface of head with relatively dense field of dark chromatophores. Pigmentation denser in larger individuals with chromatophore field continuing onto upper lip and across snout; pigmentation noticeably more concentrated anterior to nostrils and forming distinct crescent-shaped mark in many specimens. Region ventral and posterior to eye lacking discrete curved band of dark chromatophores found in some congeners, but covered by diffuse field of small dark chromatophores. Region posterior to orbit and across dorsal portion of opercle with scattered, small, dark chromatophores; chromatophore field in some larger specimens extending more ventrally both on opercle and posterior portion of cheek.

Scales of dorsal and dorsolateral surface of body with center of exposed section of scale covered with field of small dark chromatophores and with band of chromatophores along distal margin of scales. Two pigmented regions on each scale separated by hyaline crescent of variable extent. In some specimens hyaline region on scales relatively wider and distal chromatophore field poorly developed giving appearance of clear scale margin. In specimens with overall darker coloration, hyaline region narrower and pigmentation along scale margin more developed but hyaline region, nonetheless, still obvious and forming pattern of lightly pigmented reticulation again darker background. Smallest examined individuals (24.7–29.2; nontypes, MZUSP 26073) with humeral mark vertically rotund; mark becoming progressively more elongate in specimens of approximately 30–34 mm SL, and fully developed vertically by 37 mm SL. Humeral mark in medium- to large-sized specimens pronounced, in form of ventrally tapering, vertically elongate bar. Bar terminating dorsally approximately one and one-half scales ventral of dorsal midline, usually with dorsal margin of bar quite distinct and horizontal or nearly horizontal. Anterior and posterior margins of humeral bar somewhat variable but approximately straight. Diffuse midlateral body stripe consisting of dark, deep-lying and surface chromatophores extending from under, or slightly anterior of, dorsal fin posteriorly onto caudal peduncle; stripe not continuing onto basal portions of middle caudal-fin rays. Midlateral stripe less obvious and slightly wider on caudal peduncle.

Dorsal fin with anterior rays overlain by small dark chromatophores. Margins of remaining dorsal-fin rays, particularly posterior margins, outlined with small chromatophores; fin membranes with scattered, dark chromatophores on distal portions, more so on anterior branched rays. Anal fin with margins of branched rays, particularly second through fifth rays, outlined by small dark chromatophores; chromatophore series extending along two-thirds of fin-ray length anteriorly, limited to basal one-fourth of fin rays posteriorly. Caudal-fin rays outlined by small dark chromatophores, basal portions of rays with pigmentation more intense. Pectoral and pelvic fins hyaline or with few scattered, dark chromatophores.

ETYMOLOGY.—The specific name, pila, from the Latin for javelin, refers to the vertically elongate, ventrally tapering humeral mark on the side of the body in this species.

ECOLOGY.—The Río Huacamyao, the type locality for Creagrutus pila, is a clear water stream with highly transparent water, a sand and pebble bottom, and thick vegetation along its bank (see Isbrücker et al. (1983, fig. 1) for photograph of river in region of type locality).

Mature males of C. pila, as indicated by anal- and pelvic-fin hooks, are all less than 54 mm SL and were collected in the months of September through November. Creagrutus pila was captured with C. cochui (MUSM 5240 and 8887; MUSM 8876 and 8885, respectively) within the Río Neshuya, a tributary of the Río Aguaytia the southern limit of the range of the latter species.

DISTRIBUTION.—The distribution of Creagrutus pila is very restricted, with all specimens originating in smaller rivers draining into the Río Aguaytia, a left bank tributary of the Río Ucayali in the Department of Ucayali, Peru (Figure 74, open star).

COMPARISONS.—Only two other Creagrutus species, C. ortegai and C. cochui, are known to occur sympatrically with C. pila. Neither of those species has the vertically elongate humeral mark of C. pila, and each differs from that species in various meristic and morphometric features (see “Key to the Species of Creagrutus in the Amazon Basin”).

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—47 specimens (36, 38.0–70.5).

HOLOTYPE.—PERU. Ucayali: Provincia Padre Abad, Río Huacamayo, km 155 on Highway (Carratera Federico Basadre) from Pucallpa to Tingo Maria, collected by H. Ortega, 24 Sep 1983, MUSM 8874, 1 (58.3).

PARATYPES.—32 specimens (32, 41.3–70.5).

PERU. Ucayali: Provincia Padre Abad, Río Huacamayo, km 155 on Highway (Carratera Federico Basadre) from Pucallpa to Tingo Maria, collected with holotype, MUSM 8875, 6 (41.7–59.6); USNM 341365, 5 (41.3–54.4). Provincia Padre Abad, Río Huacamayo, Aguaytia, collected by H. Ortega and J. Cánepa, 24 Nov 1983, MUSM 2956, 3 (50.0–61.5); USNM 341366, 3 (48.5–70.5). Provincia Padre Abad, Río Aguaytia basin, Río Neshuya (mouth of river at 8°17′S, 75°03′W), collected by C. Contreras, 20 Aug 1981, MUSM 8876, 1 (59.5). Provincia Padre Abad, Río Tahuayo, km 72 on road from Pucallpa to Tingo Mario, collected by H. Ortega and J. Cánepa, 9 Nov 1993, MUSM 5240, 3 (49.5–54.0); USNM 341364, 3 (47.8–60.2). Provincia Padre Abad, Río Tahuayo, km 72 on road from Pucallpa to Tingo Mario, collected by H. Ortega and J. Cánepa, 19 Nov 1983, MUSM 8877, 4 (41.8–52.5); USNM 341367, 4 (44.5–55.5; 2 specimens cleared and counterstained for cartilage and bone).

NONTYPE SPECIMENS.—14 specimens (3, 38.0–47.6).

PERU. Ucayali: Provincia Padre Abad, Río Huacamayo, road from Pucallpa to Huánuco, MZUSP 26073, 8 (3, 38.0–47.6). Provincia Padre Abad, Río Neshuya, on road from Pucallpa to Huánuco, MZUSP 26476, 6.

Creagrutus planquettei Géry and Renno, 1989

Creagrutus planquettei Géry and Renno, 1989:1, figs. 1–3, 5 [type locality: crique Japigmy, Arataye, affluent de l'Approuage en monte de Pierrette, Guyane (=French Guiana (Guyane), Crique Japigny, Arataye, tributary of Fleuve Approuague, upriver of Pierette].—Boujard et al., 1990:178 [French Guiana, Fleuve Arataye].—Géry et al., 1991:45, pl. 14: fig. 2 [based on Géry and Renno, 1989].—Planquette et al., 1996:326 [unnumbered figure on page 327; brief redescription, biology, and distribution].—Boujard et al., 1997:86, pl. 9 [French Guiana, Fleuve Approuague].

DIAGNOSIS.—The combination of the possession of premaxillary dentition arranged in the three components generalized for most of the species of Creagrutus and Piabina without a distinctly larger gap between the first and second teeth of the primary series, 6 teeth in the primary series of the premaxilla, 3 maxillary teeth, 5 teeth on the dentary, 9 or 10 predorsal median scales, 38 to 40 lateral line scales without a lamellar process over each pore, 4 scale rows between the dorsal-fin origin and the lateral line, 10 or 11 branched anal-fin rays, 6 gill rakers on the lower limb and 12 or 13 gill rakers on the upper limb of the first gill arch, the distance from the snout to the anal-fin origin (65.0%–68.3% of SL), the head length (27.2%–29.3% of SL), the postorbital head length (41.3–49.7% of HL), the interorbital width (25.0%–28.9% of HL), the moderately developed third infraorbital approaching but not contacting the horizontal limb of the preopercle, the absence of a distinct spot of dark pigmentation at the base of the middle caudal-fin rays, the horizontally elongate humeral mark without a secondary, dorsal patch of pigmentation, the distinct patch of dark pigmentation on the distal portion of the unbranched and first through third or fourth branched dorsal-fin rays, and the lack of a series of dark spots along the midlateral surface of the body distinguishes Creagrutus planquettei within the clade formed by Creagrutus and Piabina.

Characters A B


Standard length 66.6 33.0–65.5

1. Snout to anal-fin origin 68.0 65.0–68.3

2. Snout to pelvic-fin insertion 51.1 46.9–51.0

3. Snout to pectoral-fin insertion 28.1 25.7–28.5

4. Snout to dorsal-fin origin 46.8 46.7–48.8

5. Dorsal-fin origin to hypural joint 54.8 56.2–61.6

6. Dorsal-fin origin to anal-fin origin 33.6 28.5–32.9

7. Dorsal-fin origin to pelvic-fin insertion 26.4 25.1–28.8

8. Dorsal-fin origin to pectoral-fin insertion 31.5 29.1–32.2

9. Caudal peduncle depth 10.7 10.5–11.4

10. Pectoral-fin length 19.4 19.2–20.7

11. Pelvic-fin length 17.6 14.4–17.5

12. Dorsal-fin length 21.0 20.4–22.5

13. Anal-fin length 17.3 15.8–20.2

14. Head length 29.3 27.2–29.1

15. Postorbital head length 49.7 41.3–48.0

16. Snout length 28.6 26.0–30.3

17. Bony orbital diameter 29.2 30.5–36.7

18. Interorbital width 25.1 25.0–28.9


lateral line scales 39 38–40

Scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line 4 41

Scale rows between anal-fin origin and lateral line 3 3

Predorsal median scales 9 9–10

Branched dorsal-fin rays 8 8

Branched anal-fin rays 10 10–111

Branched pelvic-fin rays 6 5–6

Pectoral-fin rays 12 12–14

Vertebrae 38 38–39

1Nine branched anal-fin rays reported as occurring in 1 specimen by Géry and Renno (1989:2).

DESCRIPTION.—Morphometric and meristic data for Creagrutus planquettei in Table 49. Head and body relatively robust in specimens of all available sizes. Greatest body depth at dorsal-fin origin. Dorsal profile of head distinctly convex from margin of upper lip to vertical through posterior nostril, straight from that point to tip of supraocciptal spine in specimens of all sizes. Interorbital region nearly flat transversely. Dorsal profile of body straight from tip of supraocciptal spine to dorsal-fin origin in smaller individuals, straight to slightly convex with slight change in angle relative to dorsal profile of head in some larger specimens. Dorsal surface of body with predorsal median ridge; ridge extending anteriorly approximately one-half of distance to tip of supraoccipital in some smaller individuals, reaching that bone in larger specimens. Ventral profile of head with distinct obtuse angle at anteroventral corner of dentary, straight to slightly convex from that point to isthmus (illustrated specimens with hyoid apparatus depressed changing ventral profile of head). Prepelvic profile of body slightly convex in smaller individuals, convexity somewhat more pronounced in larger specimens.

Head obtusely pointed in lateral view, more compressed laterally from dorsal view. Upper jaw distinctly longer than, and overhanging, lower jaw. Anterodorsal median portion of snout with scattered papillae. Papillae more concentrated on anterior surface of snout and particularly on fleshy upper lip and on folds and plicae extending between outer and medial premaxillary teeth. Lower jaw very fleshy with numerous papillae over dorsal surface and scattered papillae on anteroventral surface.

Infraorbital series moderately developed. Ventral margin of third infraorbital rounded, margin approaching, but not contacting, horizontal limb of preopercle even in largest examined specimens. Posterior margins of third through fifth infraorbitals falling distinctly short of vertical limb of preopercle.

Premaxillary dentition in three series: primary series slightly sigmoid, with 6 tricuspidate teeth and without pronounced gap between first and second tooth of series but with medial tooth of series distinctly separated from medial tooth of contralateral series; triangular cluster of 3 teeth, all larger than teeth of primary series; and single tooth of form similar to that of primary series occurring lateral to fourth tooth of primary series. Maxilla with 3 teeth, gradually decreasing in size posteriorly, with indistinct cusps in smaller specimens and three distinct cusps in larger individuals. Dentary with 5 tricuspdate teeth, cusps barely apparent on fifth tooth; second tooth only slightly larger than first tooth, but about twice as high as third tooth; fourth tooth distinctly smaller than third tooth, and fifth tooth smaller than fourth tooth.

Dorsal-fin rays ii,8 in all specimens. Dorsal-fin origin slightly anterior to vertical through pelvic-fin insertion. Profile of distal margin of dorsal fin slightly concave. Anal-fin rays iii, 10–11 in examined specimens (iii,9 reported for one specimen by Géry and Renno (1989:2)). Bony hooks present on first four branched anal-fin rays of males (Planquette et al., 1996: 326). Distal margin of anal fin distinctly concave. Few hooks present on first and second branched anal-fin rays in single examined male, as shown by presence of anal-fin ray hooks. Pectoral-fin rays i, 11–13. Tip of pectoral fin extending posteriorly nearly to pelvic-fin insertion in smaller individuals, falling about 2 scales short of that point in larger specimens. Pelvic–fin rays i,5,i or i,6, or i,6,i. Tip of pelvic fin falling slightly short of anal-fin origin. Mature males with hooks on all branched pelvic-fin rays.

Gill rakers 6+12–13.

COLORATION IN LIFE.—In the original description of Creagrutus planquettei, Géry and Renno (1989, fig. 1) provided a photo of an apparently recently preserved specimen (photo reproduced in Géry et al. (1991, pl. 4: fig. 2) and Planquette et al. (1996:327)). Specimen with guanine covering upper lip, lower jaw, region anteroventral and ventral to orbit, infraorbitals, and opercle. Darker region apparent on ventral portion of opercle. Dorsal portion of iris above pupil with crescent of reddish pigmentation. Midlateral and central portions of body covered with guanine, more so anteriorly. Prominent humeral spot obvious midlaterally, with field of diffuse dark chromatophores extending anterodorsally from that mark. Anterodorsal portion of dorsal fin dark. Middle, dorsalmost, and ventralmost caudal-fin rays apparently dark.

COLORATION IN ALCOHOL.—Ground coloration tan. Dorsal surface of head with scattered, dark, small chromatophores on surface of head and overlying dorsal surface of brain. Concentration of dark chromatophores greater on snout and upper lip. Region anterior and anteroventral to nostrils with crescent-shaped field of dense dark chromatophores. Region anteroventral to nostrils with field of denser dark chromatophores in larger specimens. Some larger specimens with distinct narrow band of dark chromatophores posteroventral to orbit, but not forming discrete band of pigmentation continuing around ventral and posterior margins of orbit present in many congeners. Some larger individuals with diffuse field of chromatophores extending around ventral border of orbit and overlapping darker narrow posteroventral band. Dorsal portion of opercle and infraorbital series with field of small, dark chromatophores; chromatophores in field more concentrated in larger specimens, particularly in region posterior of infraorbitals and on anterodorsal portion of opercle.

Scales of dorsolateral portion of body with basal portion of exposed field covered with small dark chromatophores and distal portion of exposed region with pattern of larger, darker chromatophores. Region between those fields hyaline, becoming increasingly narrow with increased body size. Pigmentation pattern forming dark, reticulate pattern that becomes increasingly obvious in larger specimens, particularly in individuals with overall darker head and body pigmentation (compare Figures 81 and 82). Humeral spot very obvious and distinctly darker than midlateral stripe on body in smaller examined specimens. Main body of spot in smaller specimens variably shaped, usually horizontally elongate, with variably developed dorsal and ventral extensions. Ventral extension of humeral mark sometimes in shape of anteriorly concave comma that trails off into scattered, small chromatophores. Some individuals with field of less concentrated dark chromatophores extending dorsally about 1 scale from upper margin of spot. Humeral mark in larger specimens less distinct relative to overall darker midlateral stripe and horizontally elongate, with diffuse dorsal and ventral extensions. Midlateral stripe formed by surface and deep-lying dark chromatophores, extending from rear of pectoral girdle, through humeral spot, to base of middle caudal-fin rays across entire size range of examined specimens.

Dorsal fin with dark chromatophores overlying first unbranched ray and distal portions of second unbranched through third or fourth branched rays and intervening membranes; dark pigmentation forming diffuse distal patch apparent in specimens of all sizes. Anal-fin membranes with dispersed small dark chromatophores; chromatophores most concentrated on membranes of distal portions of anterior branched rays. Caudal fin with diffuse spot of chromatophores on middle rays. Pectoral and pelvic fins hyaline or with few scattered, small, dark chromatophores.

ECOLOGY.—Planquette et al. (1996:326) reported that Creagrutus planquettei is apparently rare within its known range

DISTRIBUTION.—Creagrutus planquettei is known only from the middle and upper portions of the Fleuve Approuague basin in eastern French Guiana (Figure 83, open star).

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—8 specimens (8, 33.0–66.6).

FRENCH GUIANA. Crique Japigny, Fleuve Arataye system, Fleuve Approuague basin, above Pierrette, MNHN 1989–31, 1 (66.6, holotype of Creagrutus planquettei); MNHN 1989–36, 4 (34.7–65.5, paratypes of Creagrutus planquettei). Fleuve Arataye system, Fleuve Approuague basin, MHNG 2522.75, 3 (33.0–39.7).
bibliyografik atıf
Vari, Richard P. 2001. "Phylogenetic study of the neotropical fish genera Creagrutus Günther and Piabina Reinhardt (Teleostei:Ostariophysi:Characiformes), with a revision of the cis-Andean species." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-239. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.613

Creagrutus pila ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila és una espècie de peix de la família dels caràcids i de l'ordre dels caraciformes.


  • Els mascles poden assolir 7,1 cm de llargària total.[4]


Viu a zones de clima tropical.[4]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Sud-amèrica: afluents del riu Aguaytia (afluent de la riba esquerra del riu Ucayali).[4]


  1. Günther A. 1864. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae in the collection of the British Museum. Cat. Fishes v. 5. i-xxii + 1-455.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. Vari, R. P. & A. S. Harold. 2001. Phylogenetic study of the neotropical fish genera Creagrutus Günther and Piabina Reinhardt (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characiformes), with revision of the Cis-Andean species. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. Núm. 613: i-v + 1-239.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 FishBase (anglès)


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Creagrutus pila: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila és una espècie de peix de la família dels caràcids i de l'ordre dels caraciformes.

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Creagrutus pila ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila es una especie de peces de la familia Characidae en el orden de los Characiformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 7,1 cm de longitud total.[1]


Vive en zonas de clima tropical.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentran en Sudamérica: afluentes del río acecho (afluente de la orilla izquierda del río Ucayali ).


  1. FishBase (en inglés)


  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Creagrutus pila: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila es una especie de peces de la familia Characidae en el orden de los Characiformes.

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Creagrutus pila ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila Creagrutus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Characidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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Creagrutus pila: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Creagrutus pila Creagrutus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Characidae familian.

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Creagrutus pila ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


Creagrutus pila is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de karperzalmen (Characidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2001 door Vari & Harold.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Creagrutus pila. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 02 2013 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2013.
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二名法 Creagrutus pila
Vari & Harold, 2001




 src= 維基物種中有關毛鱗鈎齒脂鯉的數據

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毛鱗鈎齒脂鯉: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı


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