Lignosus rhinocerus, commonly known as tiger milk mushroom, belongs to family Polyporaceae in the division Basidiomycota.[2][3][4] This fungus is geographically distributed only in tropical rainforests in the region of South China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea.[5][6]
In Malaysia, the tiger milk mushroom is more often known as "Cendawan Susu Rimau". It has been used in traditional medicine.
The tiger milk mushroom was first reported in the West in 1664 when a European government agent was given this product upon sailing to the South East Asian Region. According to The Diary of John Evelyn (Publication dated 22 June 1664), this mushroom was named ‘Lac tygridis’, meaning "tiger’s milk". In his publication, Evelyn also recorded that this fungus was used by the local people to treat diseases for which European doctors found no cure. In 1890, Sir Henry Nicholas Ridley, the father of Malaya’s rubber industry, recorded that this fungus was an important medicinal mushroom used by local communities.[7] He even attempted to cultivate it but failed. In the same year, this fungus was scientifically documented by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke who named it as Fomes rhinocerotis based on a specimen found in Penang.[8] Today, it is known by the scientific name Lignosus rhinocerus.
Lignosus rhinocerus has a centrally stipulate pileus . That's simply a mushroom cap which grows at the end of a stipe (stem) arising from a district buried tuber or sclerotium.[9] Unlike most other type of mushrooms, this fungus has unique growth habit. Their growth is solitary, and can find only one fruit body at a time. This species is classified as precious and rare due to the uniqueness of the solitary growth habit, and the distance between one fruit body and another is not less than 5 km.
In folklore, tiger milk mushrooms are said to emerge from the spot where the milk of a tigress was left on the ground during nursing. The underground fungus has sclerotia can only be seen when the mushroom sprouts.
A 2018 review of the testing of investigations into Lignosus rhinocerotis concluded that "there is a paucity of validation studies including human clinical trials of the mycochemicals of L. rhinocerotis."[10]
Aboriginal people boil it with Tongkat ali to be used as general tonic.[11]
Research findings have revealed that tiger milk mushroom sclerotia contain various phytochemicals, such as polysaccharides, polysaccharides-protein complexes, and β-glucan.[12]
The mushroom was successfully cultivated using solid fermentation technology.[13]
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(help) Lignosus rhinocerus, commonly known as tiger milk mushroom, belongs to family Polyporaceae in the division Basidiomycota. This fungus is geographically distributed only in tropical rainforests in the region of South China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea.
In Malaysia, the tiger milk mushroom is more often known as "Cendawan Susu Rimau". It has been used in traditional medicine.
虎乳芝(Lignosus rhinocerus)俗称“老虎奶”, 属于真菌界担子菌门(Basidiomycota)中的多孔菌科(Polyporaceae)[1][2][3] ,被归纳为独特且具备多种疗效的药用真菌。 虎乳芝主要分布在热带雨林地区,如:中国南部、泰国、马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾以及巴布新几内亚等。[4][5]
马来西亚的原住民称把虎乳芝称为“老虎奶”(Cendawan Susu Rimau),更把传统上用来保健养身的虎乳芝当成是马来西亚的国宝。相传,“老虎奶” 的命名源自于原住民的口述 —— 哺乳的老虎把乳汁滴在地上让幼虎舔舐,土壤的乳汁却助长出稀有珍贵的药用真菌。
1664年,欧洲政务官——约翰•伊夫林 (John Evelyn) 随同舰队远航抵达东南亚区域。同年6月22日,他在日记中叙述他从当地居民手中得到了“老虎奶”(Lac tygridis) 的事迹 。据说,当地居民惯用“老虎奶”医治一些疑难杂症。1890年,马来亚橡胶大王 —— 黎德利 (Sir Henry Nicholas Ridley) 也针对这个药用真菌做了一些记录。[6]黎德利曾经尝试栽种虎乳芝,可惜没有成功。同年,著名植物学家 ——克尔 (Cooke) 首次透过科学验证把来自马来西亚槟城州的“老虎奶”样品命名为 Fomes rhinocerotis。[7]往后,虎乳芝学名经过个别学者命名,逐渐演变成今日的Lignosus rhinocerotis 或Lignosus rhinocerus。
野生虎乳芝产量极少,踪迹难寻。即使动员所有原住民到深山寻找,一年之内也未必能够供应100公斤的天然虎乳芝。虽然原住民对野生虎乳芝的药效已经存在普遍认知,但由于原料供应不稳定、品质参差不齐、重金属污染、缺乏专业研究与生产等等局限,让许多传统草药的潜能无法被进一步发掘。 过去,由于业者无法掌握培植技术,因此虎乳芝从未投入大规模的工业生产模式。2008年,来自马来西亚农业研究与发展研究所(MARDI)的陈春生博士成功研发“固态发酵技术”(solid fermentation technology),并在室内里培植虎乳芝。[10]
抗炎 基于抗炎作用,虎乳芝菌核粉末传统上被用于治疗咳嗽、哮喘和慢性肝炎。与一般消炎痛药物相比,虎乳芝冷水萃取液(cold water extract)对角叉菜胶(carrageenan)诱导的大鼠急性炎症有更好抑制作用。[11]
免疫力调节 虎乳芝菌核萃取物的多醣是非常良好的免疫调节物质。多醣进入体内,能引发身体产生先天免疫细胞如巨噬细胞(macrophage)、自然杀手细胞 (NK细胞) 和T淋巴细胞 (T-lymphocytes)。[12]此外,针对免疫力调节机制的深入研究证实虎乳芝能促进T辅助细胞 (T-helper) 产生。[13] 在初期的临床试验中,该成分也与免疫力调节机制相关联。以此类推,这种免疫调节机制理应具备抗肿瘤作用。[14]
抗增殖 虎乳芝菌核的多醣具备显著的抗肿瘤机制,能在白老鼠实验中有效抑制植入老鼠体内的癌症细胞。此外,多醣也对人类白血病细胞系(leukemic cell lines)、乳腺癌细胞、人体肺癌细胞系(lung carcinoma cell lines)具有显著的杀伤力(direct cytotoxic effects)。[15][16] 根据初步的科学分析,虎乳芝通过细胞周期停滞、诱发细胞凋零的机制,选择性发挥其抗增殖活性。
抗氧化性 研究显示,虎乳芝菌核的冷水萃取液拥有清除超氧阴离子活性,能预防体内的氧化应激(oxidative stress)活动。[17][18]
神经刺激作用 研究报告指出,虎乳芝菌核的萃取液含有类似神经生长因子(NGF)的物质,能增强神经发展的活性。该萃取液不但促进PC-12细胞系的神经发展,假设结合NGF的作用,能提升神经线的发展活性。[19]
益生素 虎乳芝菌核中不被肠道消化吸收的碳水化合物能促进肠道中双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium longum)和短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis)滋生,从而具备开发潜能成为肠道护理的益生素。[20]
在科学还不发达的古代,人们的食用和试验纪录已经印证了虎乳芝的安全性。根据国际OECD安全性评价规格的科学验证,虎乳芝已经被证实为天然营养价值高的食用菌类,不含食用过量而引起的副作用。在老鼠实验中,温室培植的虎乳芝菌核不会对老鼠的身体器官(如:肝,肾,心脏,脾脏,和肺)产生任何病理变化。此外,老鼠实验研究也证实食用虎乳芝并没有对生育能力带来任何负面影响。[21][22]马来西亚国家毒药中心 (National Poison Center)毒理学科研室(The Toxicology Laboratory)针对温室培植虎乳芝进行一系列检测,证实不含任何皮质类固醇(corticosteroid)。[23]
虎乳芝(Lignosus rhinocerus)俗称“老虎奶”, 属于真菌界担子菌门(Basidiomycota)中的多孔菌科(Polyporaceae) ,被归纳为独特且具备多种疗效的药用真菌。 虎乳芝主要分布在热带雨林地区,如:中国南部、泰国、马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾以及巴布新几内亚等。
马来西亚的原住民称把虎乳芝称为“老虎奶”(Cendawan Susu Rimau),更把传统上用来保健养身的虎乳芝当成是马来西亚的国宝。相传,“老虎奶” 的命名源自于原住民的口述 —— 哺乳的老虎把乳汁滴在地上让幼虎舔舐,土壤的乳汁却助长出稀有珍贵的药用真菌。