Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 2.Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., camera lucida drawings. A, B Holotype, female (RUMF-ZK-00001), entire animal, dorsal and ventral views, respectively C, D allotype, male (RUMF-ZK-00002), segments 9–11, dorsal and ventral views, respectively. Double circle, grey circle, and black circle indicate sensory spot, type 1 glandular cell outlet, and type 2 glandular cell outlet, respectively. Abbreviations: gco1, type 1 glandular cell outlet; gco2, type 2 glandular cell outlet; ldt, laterodorsal tubule; ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; pe, penile spine; si, sieve plate; ss, sensory spot.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 3.Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., Nomarski photomicrographs. A Entire animal B segments 5–7, ventral view C segments 8 and 9, ventral view D segments 10 and 11 of female, dorsal view E segments 10 and 11 of male, dorsal view. Complete circles indicate type 2 glandular cell outlet; dashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; ps, penile spine; si, sieve plate; te, tergal extension.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 4.Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., scanning electron micrographs. A Entire animal, lateral view B outer oral styles, lateral view C close up of laterodorsal type 2 glandular cell outlet on segment 2 D neck, overview E partly retracted head, overview F segments 2–3, lateral view G segments 1–3, ventral view. Complete circles indicate type 2 glandular cell outlets; dashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: mvp, midventral placid; oos, outer oral style; pss, primary spinoscalid; sp, spinoscalid followed by ring number.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 5.Diagram of mouth cone, introvert, and placids in Echinoderes komatsui sp. n. Grey area and heavy line arcs show mouth cone and placids, respectively. The table lists the scalid arrangement by sector.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 6.Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., scanning electron micrographs. A Segments 5–8, lateral view B segments 8, lateral view C segments 10 and 11, male, dorsal view D segments 10 and 11, female, ventral view. Complete circle indicates type 2 glandular cell outlet; dashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: ldt, laterodorsal tubule; ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; pe, penile spine; si, sieve plate; te, tergal extension.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 1.Maps showing the sampling sites. A Close-up of the Okinawa main island and B Ishigaki island.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 7.Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., camera lucida drawings. A, B paratype, female (RUMF-ZK-00016), entire animal, dorsal and ventral views, respectively C, D allotype, male (RUMF-ZK-00011), segments 9–11, dorsal and ventral views, respectively. Double circle, grey circle, and black circle indicate sensory spot, type 1 glandular cell outlet, and type 2 glandular cell outlet, respectively. Abbreviations: gco1, type 1 glandular cell outlet; gco2, type 2 glandular cell outlet; ldt, laterodorsal tubule; ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; mlt, midlateral tubule; pe, penile spine; si, sieve plate; ss, sensory spot.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 8.Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., Nomarski photomicrographs. A entire animal B segments 1–2, ventral view C segments 3–5, ventral view D segments 6–9 ventral view E segments 9–11 of female, ventral view F segment 11 of male, dorsal view. Complete circles indicate type 2 glandular cell outlet; cashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; mlt, midlateral tubule; pe, penile spine; si, sieve plate; te, tergal extension.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 9.Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., scanning electron micrographs. A Mouth cone B introvert, lateral view C neck and segments1–3, lateral view D segments 5–7, lateral view E close up of laterodorsal type 2 glandular cell outlet on segment 2. Complete circles indicate type 2 glandular cell outlet; dashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: lvt, lateroventral tubule; oos, outer oral style; pss, primary spinoscalid; sec, introvert sector followed by sector number; sp, spinoscalid followed by ring number.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 10.Diagram of mouth cone, introvert, and placids in Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n. Grey area and heavy line arcs show mouth cone and placids, respectively. The table lists the scalid arrangement by sector.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 11.Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., scanning electron micrographs. A segments 8–11, ventral view B segments 8–11, lateral view C close up showing sieve plate on segment 9 D segments 10 and 11, female, dorsal view. Dashed circles indicate sensory spots. Abbreviations: ldt, laterodorsal tubule; ltas, lateral terminal accessory spine; lts, lateral terminal spine; lvt, lateroventral tubule; mlt, midlateral tubule; pe, penile spine; si, sieve plate; te, tergal extension.
Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto
Figure 1.Maps showing the sampling sites. A Close-up of the Okinawa main island and B Ishigaki island.
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