Secret Woods Nature Center, Broward Cnty, FLHosting on the Red Mangrove, and rarely seen during the day. This caterpillar wraps itself in a flap it creates by cutting slits in a leaf at the front and back. Using it's silk to fold the flap over it.
Florida Ridge, Florida, United States
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Florida Ridge, Florida, United States
North Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Boca Raton, Florida, United States
A young mangrove skipper caterpillar on a red mangrove. It has constructed an ingenious little home from the rolled leaf. When threatened, the caterpillar simply scurries into the shelter. This one lives on Munyon Island in the Lake Worth Lagoon Estuary. Images of an adult mangrove skipper live here and in the first comment below:
Secret Woods Nature Center, Broward Cnty, FLTypical posture for this skipper , resting on a leaf upside down.
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Florida Ridge, Florida, United States