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Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
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Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
tarafından tanındı
Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Trematosphaeria melina
(Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
tarafından tanındı
Amphisphaeria melina
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
tarafından tanındı
Melanomma melinum
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
tarafından tanındı
Melanomma melinum
BHL data coverage
tarafından tanınıyor
Sphaeria melina
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
tarafından tanındı
Trematosphaeria melina
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
tarafından tanındı
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
tarafından tanındı
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
tarafından tanındı
Alternatif İsimler
Amphisphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Cooke
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
göre Not accepted
Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Melanomma melinum (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1878
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
göre Not accepted
Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Sphaeria melina Berk. & Broome 1859
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
göre Not accepted
Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Amphisphaeria melina
(Berk. & Broome) Cooke
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
göre Synonym
Melanomma melinum
(Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1878
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
göre Synonym
Sphaeria melina
Berk. & Broome 1859
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
göre Synonym
Amphisphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Cooke
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
göre Not accepted
Melanomma melinum (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
göre Synonym
Melanomma melinum (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1878
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
göre Not accepted
Sphaeria melina Berk. & Broome
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
göre Synonym
Sphaeria melina Berk. & Broome 1859
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
göre Not accepted
Genel Adlar
Bu taksonla ilişkilendirilmiş ortak bir ad yoktur.
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883 için küratörlük hiyerarşileri
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt 1972
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval 1961
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevič 1967
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux 1909
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris 1902
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur 1978
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick 1906
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov 1951
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan. 1976
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick 1933
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries 1956
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise 1985
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon 1980
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr. 1929
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan. 1977
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton 1900
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif. 1930
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw. 1985
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn. 1936
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr 2005
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue 1990
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair 1975
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja 1911
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan 1904
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux 1910
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin 1894
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande 1979
Trematosphaeria grisea J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem. ex S. A. Ahmed, W. W. J. van de Sande, Fahal & de Hoog 2014
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem. 1889
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav 1974
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor 1957
Trematosphaeria juniperi Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf. 1941
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde 1992
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & M. Choisy 1932
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr. 1891
Trematosphaeria lupini Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. McKeown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones 2001
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng 1963
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm. 1968
Trematosphaeria megalospora (Sacc.) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao 1974
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc. 1989
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker 1906
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter 1885
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevič 1959
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll. 1979
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn. 1914
Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel 1870
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria plurivora Koshk. & Frolov 1973
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter 1913
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst. 1941
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl. 1927
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevič 1970
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevič 1957
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm 1957
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf 1996
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries 1932
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad 1959
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math. 1998
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm 1988
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis Tak. Kobay. 1976
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc. 1928
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevič
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan.
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick
Trematosphaeria callicarpa (Curr.) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr.
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan.
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif.
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw.
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn.
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn.
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Earle
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande
Trematosphaeria grisea (J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem.) Abd. Ahmed, Sande, Fahal & de Hoog
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem.
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn.
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor
Trematosphaeria juniperi Tracy & Earle
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf.
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & M. Choisy
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr.
Trematosphaeria lupini Earle
Trematosphaeria magenta A. Alidadi
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. McKeown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm.
Trematosphaeria megalospora (Sacc.) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc.
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevič
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll.
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn.
Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl.
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevič
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevič
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math.
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis Tak. Kobay.
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt 1972
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval 1961
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevič 1967
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux 1909
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris 1902
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur 1978
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick 1906
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov 1951
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan. 1976
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick 1933
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries 1956
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise 1985
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon 1980
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr. 1929
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan. 1977
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton 1900
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif. 1930
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw. 1985
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn. 1936
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr 2005
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue 1990
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair 1975
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja 1911
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan 1904
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux 1910
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin 1894
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande 1979
Trematosphaeria grisea J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem. ex S. A. Ahmed, W. W. J. van de Sande, Fahal & de Hoog 2014
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem. 1889
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav 1974
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor 1957
Trematosphaeria juniperi Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf. 1941
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde 1992
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & M. Choisy 1932
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr. 1891
Trematosphaeria lupini Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. McKeown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones 2001
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng 1963
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm. 1968
Trematosphaeria megalospora (Sacc.) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao 1974
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc. 1989
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker 1906
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter 1885
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevič 1959
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll. 1979
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn. 1914
Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel 1870
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria plurivora Koshk. & Frolov 1973
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter 1913
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst. 1941
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl. 1927
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevič 1970
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevič 1957
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm 1957
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf 1996
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries 1932
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad 1959
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math. 1998
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm 1988
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis Tak. Kobay. 1976
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc. 1928
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt 1972
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval 1961
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevič 1967
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux 1909
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris 1902
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur 1978
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick 1906
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov 1951
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan. 1976
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick 1933
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries 1956
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise 1985
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon 1980
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr. 1929
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan. 1977
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton 1900
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif. 1930
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw. 1985
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn. 1936
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr 2005
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue 1990
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair 1975
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja 1911
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan 1904
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux 1910
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin 1894
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande 1979
Trematosphaeria grisea J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem. ex S. A. Ahmed, W. W. J. van de Sande, Fahal & de Hoog 2014
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem. 1889
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav 1974
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor 1957
Trematosphaeria juniperi Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf. 1941
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde 1992
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & M. Choisy 1932
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr. 1891
Trematosphaeria lupini Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. Mc Keown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones 2001
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng 1963
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm. 1968
Trematosphaeria megalospora (Sacc.) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao 1974
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc. 1989
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker 1906
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter 1885
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevič 1959
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll. 1979
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn. 1914
Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel 1870
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria plurivora Koshk. & Frolov 1973
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter 1913
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst. 1941
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl. 1927
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevič 1970
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevič 1957
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm 1957
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf 1996
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries 1932
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad 1959
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math. 1998
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm 1988
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis Tak. Kobay. 1976
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc. 1928
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt 1972
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval 1961
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevič 1967
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux 1909
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris 1902
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur 1978
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick 1906
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov 1951
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan. 1976
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick 1933
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries 1956
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise 1985
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon 1980
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr. 1929
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan. 1977
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton 1900
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif. 1930
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw. 1985
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn. 1936
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr 2005
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue 1990
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair 1975
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja 1911
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan 1904
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux 1910
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin 1894
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande 1979
Trematosphaeria grisea J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem. ex S. A. Ahmed, W. W. J. van de Sande, Fahal & de Hoog 2014
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem. 1889
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav 1974
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn. 1908
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor 1957
Trematosphaeria juniperi Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf. 1941
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde 2004
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde 1992
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & M. Choisy 1932
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr. 1891
Trematosphaeria lupini Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. McKeown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones 2001
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng 1963
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm. 1968
Trematosphaeria megalospora (Sacc.) Sacc. 1883
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao 1974
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc. 1989
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker 1906
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter 1885
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevič 1959
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll. 1979
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn. 1914
Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel 1870
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst. 1939
Trematosphaeria plurivora Koshk. & Frolov 1973
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter 1913
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth 1961
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst. 1941
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl. 1927
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevič 1970
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev 1955
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevič 1957
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm 1957
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf 1996
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries 1932
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst. 1907
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad 1959
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math. 1998
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm 1907
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm 1988
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis Tak. Kobay. 1976
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc. 1928
GBIF classification
Trematosphaeria Fuckel
Trematosphaeria melina (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1883
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis Panwar, H. P. Srivast. & Geholt
Trematosphaeria actinidiae Ablak. & Koval
Trematosphaeria alaterni (Fabre) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria albidae Gucevic
Trematosphaeria alexii Vouaux
Trematosphaeria alpestris Tóth
Trematosphaeria alpina Ferraris
Trematosphaeria aravilla Panwar & S. J. Kaur
Trematosphaeria asterostoma (Teng) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria bambusicola Rick
Trematosphaeria belladonnae Naumov
Trematosphaeria bermudiana Sivan.
Trematosphaeria bigeloviae Earle
Trematosphaeria braunii Rick
Trematosphaeria canariensis Urries
Trematosphaeria cariosa (Fairm.) Boise
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis K. M. Mogarkar & Khatoon
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni Earle 1901
Trematosphaeria cisti Naumov & Dobrozr.
Trematosphaeria citri Sawada
Trematosphaeria clarkii Sivan. 1977
Trematosphaeria clavispora Mouton
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta Petr. & Cif.
Trematosphaeria confusa (Garov.) Boise & D. Hawksw.
Trematosphaeria cornina Dearn.
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata Kaz. Tanaka, Y. Harada & M. E. Barr
Trematosphaeria crustacea (Rehm) O. E. Erikss. & J. Z. Yue
Trematosphaeria demersa (G. H. Otth) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria dermatocarpi Werner
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis Werner 1964
Trematosphaeria desertorum Kravtzev
Trematosphaeria endoxyloides Rehm ex Wegelin
Trematosphaeria epileuca (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Shoemaker & P. M. Le Clair
Trematosphaeria erythraeae Henn.
Trematosphaeria euganea Gaja
Trematosphaeria eumorpha Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria faginea Morgan
Trematosphaeria fendlerae Tracy & Earle
Trematosphaeria fissa (Fuckel) G. Winter
Trematosphaeria funalis Vouaux
Trematosphaeria fusispora H. Wegelin
Trematosphaeria graminicola A. Pande
Trematosphaeria grisea J. E. Mackinnon, Ferrada & Montem. ex S. A. Ahmed, W. W. J. van de Sande, Fahal & de Hoog 2014
Trematosphaeria hendersonioides Oudem.
Trematosphaeria hydrela (Rehm) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides Rehm
Trematosphaeria indica Tilak & Jadhav
Trematosphaeria insularis (S. H. Ou) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria irregularis Fabre
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis Henn.
Trematosphaeria jasmini Chona, Munjal & J. N. Kapoor
Trematosphaeria juniperi Tracy & Earle
Trematosphaeria kampalensis Hansf.
Trematosphaeria langloisii (Ellis & Everh.) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K. D. Hyde
Trematosphaeria lophiostoma Werner & Choisy
Trematosphaeria lunaria Curr.
Trematosphaeria lupini Tracy & Earle
Trematosphaeria malaysiana Alias, T. A. Mc Keown, S. T. Moss & E. B. G. Jones
Trematosphaeria malincola Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria mammiformis (Pat.) Teng
Trematosphaeria mangrovis Kohlm.
Trematosphaeria megalospora (De Not.) Sacc.
Trematosphaeria microspora Mhaskar & V. G. Rao
Trematosphaeria pachycarpa (Sacc. & Marchal) Shoemaker & C. E. Babc.
Trematosphaeria palaquii Ricker
Trematosphaeria pallidispora Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria paradoxa G. Winter
Trematosphaeria paronychiae Gucevic
Trematosphaeria perrumpens Samuels & E. Müll.
Trematosphaeria persicinotingens Höhn.
Trematosphaeria pertusa (Pers.) Fuckel
Trematosphaeria phaeoides Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria plurivora Koshk. & Frolov
Trematosphaeria prominens Sacc. & Trotter
Trematosphaeria radicalis Tóth
Trematosphaeria rheithrophila Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria robinsoniae Keissl.
Trematosphaeria rubtzovii Gucevic
Trematosphaeria saxauli Kravtzev
Trematosphaeria sequoiae Gucevic
Trematosphaeria socialis Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria striata (Niessl) L. Holm
Trematosphaeria subferruginea Fuckel
Trematosphaeria tephrosiae (Cooke & Ellis) Huhndorf
Trematosphaeria thymi Urries
Trematosphaeria tripartita Kirschst.
Trematosphaeria verrucosa E. Müll. & S. Ahmad
Trematosphaeria vicina (Sacc.) M. E. Barr & Math.
Trematosphaeria virginis Rehm
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana L. Holm & K. Holm
Trematosphaeria yakushimensis T. Kobay
Trematosphaeria ybbsitzensis (Strasser) Sacc. 1928
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Amphisphaeria melina
(bu sayfa)
Amphisphaeria abietina
Amphisphaeria acicola
Amphisphaeria adeana
Amphisphaeria aeruginosa
Amphisphaeria aethiops
Amphisphaeria agerati
Amphisphaeria agnocystis
Amphisphaeria albomaculans
Amphisphaeria alpigena
Amphisphaeria ambiens
Amphisphaeria amomi
Amphisphaeria anaxaea
Amphisphaeria anglica
Amphisphaeria annonae
Amphisphaeria apiosporoides
Amphisphaeria applanata
Amphisphaeria arengae
Amphisphaeria argentinensis
Amphisphaeria arizonica
Amphisphaeria aspera
Amphisphaeria asteracanthae
Amphisphaeria asterostoma
Amphisphaeria aterrima
Amphisphaeria atrograna
Amphisphaeria australis
Amphisphaeria bambusae
Amphisphaeria bambusina
Amphisphaeria beccariana
Amphisphaeria belladonnae
Amphisphaeria berberidicola
Amphisphaeria bertiana
Amphisphaeria betulae
Amphisphaeria biformis
Amphisphaeria biocellata
Amphisphaeria bisphaerica
Amphisphaeria biturbinata
Amphisphaeria bon-korninei
Amphisphaeria botulispora
Amphisphaeria brachytele
Amphisphaeria brachythele
Amphisphaeria bufonia
Amphisphaeria canicollis
Amphisphaeria carissae
Amphisphaeria celata
Amphisphaeria chambii
Amphisphaeria citri
Amphisphaeria clerodendri
Amphisphaeria closterophora
Amphisphaeria clusiae
Amphisphaeria coicis
Amphisphaeria conferta
Amphisphaeria confertissima
Amphisphaeria conica
Amphisphaeria coronata
Amphisphaeria corticola
Amphisphaeria culmicola
Amphisphaeria cupula
Amphisphaeria cydoniae
Amphisphaeria decolorans
Amphisphaeria decorticata
Amphisphaeria deformis
Amphisphaeria depressa
Amphisphaeria deutziae
Amphisphaeria dichroa
Amphisphaeria diffusa
Amphisphaeria diplasia
Amphisphaeria discoidea
Amphisphaeria doidgeae
Amphisphaeria dolioloides
Amphisphaeria dunarum
Amphisphaeria durantae
Amphisphaeria dusenii
Amphisphaeria edamensis
Amphisphaeria eduardi
Amphisphaeria elaeagni
Amphisphaeria emergens
Amphisphaeria enteroxantha
Amphisphaeria ephemera
Amphisphaeria epidermidis
Amphisphaeria fagi
Amphisphaeria fagicola
Amphisphaeria fallax
Amphisphaeria flava
Amphisphaeria foeda
Amphisphaeria fourcroyae
Amphisphaeria foveata
Amphisphaeria franconica
Amphisphaeria glycosmidis
Amphisphaeria goloskokovii
Amphisphaeria melanommoides
Amphisphaeria millepunctata
Amphisphaeria multipunctata
Amphisphaeria pusiola
Amphisphaeria qujingensis
Amphisphaeria stellata
Amphisphaeria ulmicola
Amphisphaeria umbrina
Amphisphaeria ventosaria
Amphisphaeria vibratilis
Amphisphaeria yunnanensis
154 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Melanomma melinum
(bu sayfa)
Melanomma acanthophilum
Melanomma aculeatum
Melanomma acutum
Melanomma alpestre
Melanomma alpinum
Melanomma ambiguum
Melanomma anceps
Melanomma andinum
Melanomma artemisiae-maritimae
Melanomma aspegrenii
Melanomma asterostomum
Melanomma aurantiicola
Melanomma aurantiiphila
Melanomma australe
Melanomma australiense
Melanomma australiensis
Melanomma beccarianum
Melanomma bolleanum
Melanomma boreale
Melanomma brachytele
Melanomma briardianum
Melanomma britzelmayrianum
Melanomma bubakii
Melanomma buellioides
Melanomma cacheutense
Melanomma caesalpiniae
Melanomma caldariorum
Melanomma callicarpa
Melanomma callicarpum
Melanomma callispermum
Melanomma callisporum
Melanomma campi-silii
Melanomma canescens
Melanomma caricae
Melanomma caryophagum
Melanomma castillejae
Melanomma catillus
Melanomma ceratoniae
Melanomma ceratophorum
Melanomma cesatianum
Melanomma chilense
Melanomma chusqueae
Melanomma cinereum
Melanomma circumclusum
Melanomma citricola
Melanomma clypeatum
Melanomma commonsii
Melanomma congesta
Melanomma coniothyrium
Melanomma conjugatum
Melanomma conjunctum
Melanomma corticis
Melanomma crypticum
Melanomma cryptostegiae
Melanomma cubonianum
Melanomma cucurbitarioides
Melanomma cucurbitarioideum
Melanomma cupulare
Melanomma cupulatum
Melanomma cymbidiicola
Melanomma cyrillicola
Melanomma dactylosporum
Melanomma dealbatum
Melanomma deciduum
Melanomma decipiens
Melanomma dinghuense
Melanomma disjectum
Melanomma distinctum
Melanomma drimydis
Melanomma dryadis
Melanomma dryinum
Melanomma dubiosum
Melanomma dzungaricum
Melanomma ebeni
Melanomma eckfeldtii
Melanomma effugiens
Melanomma epileucum
Melanomma epiphytica
Melanomma erraticulum
Melanomma exile
Melanomma fissum
Melanomma fritzii
Melanomma fuscidulum
Melanomma jenynsii
Melanomma juniperinum
Melanomma lichenicola
Melanomma longicolle
Melanomma martinianum
Melanomma medium
Melanomma myricae
Melanomma obliterans
Melanomma panici-miliacei
Melanomma pulvis-pyrius
Melanomma pyriostictum
Melanomma radicans
Melanomma rhododendri
Melanomma sanguinarium
Melanomma seminudum
Melanomma subdispersum
Melanomma vile
150 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Sphaeria melina
(bu sayfa)
Sphaeria abietina
Sphaeria abscondita
Sphaeria abstrusa
Sphaeria acanthigera
Sphaeria acanthina
Sphaeria acclinis
Sphaeria acervalis
Sphaeria acervata
Sphaeria acetabulum
Sphaeria achreia
Sphaeria achroa
Sphaeria acicola
Sphaeria aciniformis
Sphaeria acrospermum
Sphaeria actinodes
Sphaeria acuaria
Sphaeria aculeata
Sphaeria acuminata
Sphaeria acuum
Sphaeria adelphica
Sphaeria adscendens
Sphaeria adusta
Sphaeria aecidii
Sphaeria aequilinearis
Sphaeria aeriginosa
Sphaeria aeruginosa
Sphaeria aesculi
Sphaeria aesculicola
Sphaeria africana
Sphaeria agariciformis
Sphaeria agaricola
Sphaeria agglomerata
Sphaeria agminalis
Sphaeria agnina
Sphaeria agnocystis
Sphaeria alba
Sphaeria albicans
Sphaeria albocincta
Sphaeria atra
Sphaeria atropurpurea
Sphaeria australis
Sphaeria caelata
Sphaeria caulium
Sphaeria cohaerens
Sphaeria concentrica
Sphaeria confluens
Sphaeria convolvulicola
Sphaeria cornicola
Sphaeria delitescens
Sphaeria desmazieri
Sphaeria deusta
Sphaeria dolichostoma
Sphaeria epicymatia
Sphaeria epimyces
Sphaeria escharoidea
Sphaeria eschscholtzii
Sphaeria exilis
Sphaeria feejeensis
Sphaeria fragariae
Sphaeria fragiformis
Sphaeria funicola
Sphaeria fusca
Sphaeria graminicola
Sphaeria graminis
Sphaeria hirsuta
Sphaeria hydrophila
Sphaeria inspersa
Sphaeria leucoplaca
Sphaeria macrospora
Sphaeria macrozamiae
Sphaeria maculans
Sphaeria melaleucae
Sphaeria multiplex
Sphaeria nitidissima
Sphaeria ochraceopallida
Sphaeria pallor
Sphaeria pandani
Sphaeria perisporioides
Sphaeria pilifera
Sphaeria pinea
Sphaeria pocula
Sphaeria poitei
Sphaeria polyscia
Sphaeria protracta
Sphaeria pulvinulus
Sphaeria pulvis-pyrius
Sphaeria quisquiliare
Sphaeria ribicola
Sphaeria rubiginosa
Sphaeria sanguinaria
Sphaeria schaereri
Sphaeria schomburgkii
Sphaeria scoparia
Sphaeria stellulata
Sphaeria stigma
Sphaeria trifolii
Sphaeria uvariae
Sphaeria vagans
Sphaeria vesuvius
Sphaeria winteri
2137 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Trematosphaeria melina
(bu sayfa)
Trematosphaeria abuensis
Trematosphaeria actinidiae
Trematosphaeria agnocystis
Trematosphaeria albidae
Trematosphaeria alexii
Trematosphaeria alpestris
Trematosphaeria alpina
Trematosphaeria anglica
Trematosphaeria araneosa
Trematosphaeria aravilla
Trematosphaeria asterostoma
Trematosphaeria astroidea
Trematosphaeria bambusicola
Trematosphaeria beccariana
Trematosphaeria belladonnae
Trematosphaeria berberidicola
Trematosphaeria bermudiana
Trematosphaeria biappendiculata
Trematosphaeria braunii
Trematosphaeria britzelmayriana
Trematosphaeria buellioides
Trematosphaeria cactorum
Trematosphaeria callicarpa
Trematosphaeria callisperma
Trematosphaeria callispora
Trematosphaeria canariensis
Trematosphaeria carestiae
Trematosphaeria cariosa
Trematosphaeria caryophaga
Trematosphaeria caryospora
Trematosphaeria castanea
Trematosphaeria chandrapurensis
Trematosphaeria chrysothamni
Trematosphaeria circinans
Trematosphaeria cisti
Trematosphaeria citri
Trematosphaeria clarkii
Trematosphaeria clypeata
Trematosphaeria clypeotecta
Trematosphaeria confertula
Trematosphaeria congesta
Trematosphaeria cornina
Trematosphaeria corticivora
Trematosphaeria crassiseptata
Trematosphaeria crustacea
Trematosphaeria cryptarum
Trematosphaeria daphnes
Trematosphaeria decipiens
Trematosphaeria demersa
Trematosphaeria dermatocarponis
Trematosphaeria desertorum
Trematosphaeria dzungarica
Trematosphaeria elliptica
Trematosphaeria ephemera
Trematosphaeria epileuca
Trematosphaeria errabunda
Trematosphaeria erythraeae
Trematosphaeria euganea
Trematosphaeria eumorpha
Trematosphaeria faginea
Trematosphaeria fendlerae
Trematosphaeria fissa
Trematosphaeria fraxinicola
Trematosphaeria friesii
Trematosphaeria fritzii
Trematosphaeria funalis
Trematosphaeria graminicola
Trematosphaeria grisea
Trematosphaeria heterospora
Trematosphaeria hyalopus
Trematosphaeria hydrela
Trematosphaeria hypoxyloides
Trematosphaeria indica
Trematosphaeria indigoferae
Trematosphaeria insularis
Trematosphaeria ischnosiphonis
Trematosphaeria jasmini
Trematosphaeria juniperi
Trematosphaeria kampalensis
Trematosphaeria kilimandscharica
Trematosphaeria langloisii
Trematosphaeria latericolla
Trematosphaeria lichenoides
Trematosphaeria lichenopsis
Trematosphaeria lignitum
Trematosphaeria lineolatispora
Trematosphaeria lophiostomoides
Trematosphaeria lupini
Trematosphaeria magna
Trematosphaeria malaysiana
Trematosphaeria malincola
Trematosphaeria mammiformis
Trematosphaeria mangrovis
Trematosphaeria maquilingiana
Trematosphaeria mastoidea
Trematosphaeria microspora
Trematosphaeria minuta
Trematosphaeria pertusa
Trematosphaeria striataspora
Trematosphaeria wegeliniana
65 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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