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Cins EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 tarafından tanındı
Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Cins Egypt Species List, wikipedia POL, wikipedia SV, EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1, EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1, Algeria Species List, Angola Species List, Armenia Species List, Austria Species List, Bailiwick of Jersey Species List, Barbados Species List, Belarus Species List, Australia Species List, Bermuda Species List, Belgium Species List, Bonaire Saint Eustatius and Saba Species List, Brazil Species List, Cameroon Species List, Canada Species List, Chile Species List, China Species List, Colombia Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Croatia Species List, Czech Republic Species List, Democratic Republic of the Congo Species List, Denmark Species List, Dominican Republic Species List, Ecuador Species List, Estonia Species List, Falkland Islands Species List, Faroe Islands Species List, Finland Species List, France Species List, French Guiana Species List, Germany Species List, Greece Species List, Guernsey Species List, Guyana Species List, Hungary Species List, Iceland Species List, India Species List, Iran Species List, Ireland Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Italy Species List, Jamaica Species List, Kenya Species List, Lithuania Species List, Luxembourg Species List, Madagascar Species List, Malaysia Species List, Mauritius Species List, Morocco Species List, Namibia Species List, New Caledonia Species List, New Zealand Species List, Nigeria Species List, Norfolk Island Species List, Norway Species List, Papua New Guinea Species List, Peru Species List, Paraguay Species List, Philippines Species List, Poland Species List, Portugal Species List, Puerto Rico Species List, Reunion Species List, Romania Species List, Russia Species List, Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Seychelles Species List, Sierra Leone Species List, Singapore Species List, Slovakia Species List, Slovenia Species List, South Africa Species List, Spain Species List, Suriname Species List, Sweden Species List, Switzerland Species List, Syria Species List, Tanzania Species List, Thailand Species List, The Netherlands Species List, Sri Lanka Species List, Togo Species List, Turkey Species List, Uganda Species List, Ukraine Species List, United Kingdom Species List, Venezuela Species List, Vietnam Species List, Argentina Species List, Cuba Species List, Indonesia Species List, Mexico Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Balearic Sea Species List, Bristol Channel Species List, Celtic Sea Species List, English Channel Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Gulf of Aden Species List, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Species, Indian Ocean Species List, Irish Sea Species List, Kattegat Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Pacific Species List, North Sea Species List, Skagerrak Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, NCBI, wikipedia SZL, Aegean Sea Species List, Timor Sea Species List, United States Species List, wikidata_hierarchy tar gz, Paleobiology Database, wikipedia ES, wikipedia FR, Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024, Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024, USDA PLANTS images, wikipedia EN, Wikidata Common Names, Wikimedia Commons, Global Biotic Interactions, Global Biotic Interactions, Global Biotic Interactions, iNaturalist data coverage, Wikipedia (inferred records), GBIF data coverage, Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test, and GGBN data coverage tarafından tanındı
Opegrapha Ach.
Mushroom Observer tarafından tanınıyor
Opegrapha Ach. 1809
Opegrapha Ach. 1809
BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK tarafından tanınıyor

Alternatif İsimler

Arthonia abnormis (Ach.) Nyl.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Arthonia Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Arthonia atra (Pers.) A. Schneid.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Arthonia Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Arthonia calcarea (Turner ex Sm.) Ertz & Diederich
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Arthonia Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Arthothelium abnorme (Ach.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Arthothelium A.Massal.) göre Homotypic synonym
Aulaxina africana (Vain.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Aulaxina Fée) göre Homotypic synonym
Dermiscellum oulocheila (Tuck.) Lendemer
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Dermiscellum Hafellner, H.Mayrhofer & Poelt) göre Homotypic synonym
Dictyographa angolensis (Vain.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Dictyographa Müll.Arg., 1893) göre Homotypic synonym
Dictyographa arabica Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Dictyographa Müll.Arg., 1893) göre Homotypic synonym
Dictyographa psyllocarpa (Leight.) Redinger
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Dictyographa Müll.Arg., 1893) göre Homotypic synonym
Diplogramma australiensis Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Diplogramma Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Fouragea phyllobia (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Fouragea) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphina globosa (Fée) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphina Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphina gracilis (Fr.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphina Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphina pelletieri (Fée) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphina Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis atra (Pers.) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Arthonia atra (Pers.) A.Schneid.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis betuligna (Ach.) Ach.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis caesia (DC.) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis cicatrisans (Ach.) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis coccinea (Schultz) Röhl.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis condaminea (Fée) A. Massal.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis congesta (Fée) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis depressa (Ach.) Wallr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis endochroma (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis globosa (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis hysterioides (Dufour) A. Massal.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis nana (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis pelletieri (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis petraea Nyl.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis pruninata (Webber & D. Mohr) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis rhabdotis (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis rhizocola (Fée) Lücking & Chaves
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis tectiformis (Mont. & Bosch) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis tumidula (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis umbrata (Fée) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Graphis verrucarioides (Ach.) Spreng.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Graphis Adans.) göre Homotypic synonym
Gyrographa gyrocarpa (Flot.) Ertz & Tehler
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gyrographa Ertz & Tehler) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecanactis feeana (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Lecanactis Körb.) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecanactis ulcerata (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Lecanactis Körb.) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecanographa brattiae (Egea & Ertz) Ertz & Tehler
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Lecanographa Egea & Torrente) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecanographa farinosa (Hepp) Egea & Torrente
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Lecanographa Egea & Torrente) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecanographa rufa (Müll. Arg.) Ertz
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Lecanographa Egea & Torrente) göre Homotypic synonym
Lecidea lamyi O. J. Rich.
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Lecidea physciaria Nyl.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Phacothecium varium (Tul.) Trevis.) göre Homotypic synonym
Leciographa phylloporina (Müll. Arg.) Vouaux
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leciographa A.Massal.) göre Homotypic synonym
Leciographa physciaria (Nyl.) H. Olivier
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Phacothecium varium (Tul.) Trevis.) göre Homotypic synonym
Leciographa stigmoides (Nyl.) Vouaux
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leciographa A.Massal.) göre Homotypic synonym
Lichen betulignus (Ach.) Ach.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Lichen Linnaeus, 1753) göre Homotypic synonym
Mazosia strigulina var. radians (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mazosia strigulina (Nyl.) Zahlbr.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea chionographa (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea cicatrisans (Ach.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea concrucians (Kremp.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea dichaenella (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea diffracta (Fée) Redinger
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea epigraphella (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea hysteriospora (Leight.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea microphlebia (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea oulocheila (Tuck.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Melaspilea subeffigurans (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Melaspilea Nyl.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha abbreviata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha abnormis Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha acervulata Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha acicularis Riddle
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha adpicta Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha adtinens Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aegyptiaca Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aenea Lam. & DC.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha africana Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha agelaeina Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha agelaeoides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha agelaeotera Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aggregata Groenh.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha albidoatra Fink
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha albocinerea Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha alborimosa Tuck.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha alborimosa Zahlbr.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha allorgei B. de Lesd.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha amfractuosa Mont.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha andamanica Upreti & Ajay Singh
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha angolensis Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha angulosa Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha angustata Mont.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aperiens Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha apex Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aphoristica Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha apomelaena A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha approximata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha arengae Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha argillicola Duby
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha arthonioidea (Nyl.) Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha arthonioides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha arthrospora Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha assidens Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha atacamensis C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aterrima Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aterula Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha atra Mont.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha atra Johnst.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha atra Pers.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha atra Johnst.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha atra f. simplicior Nyl.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha atra Johnst.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha atra f. tenuior Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha atra var. nigrata Leight.
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha atra var. phoenicicola Jatta
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha atra Johnst.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha atrorufescens Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha atroviridis Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha aurantiaca B. de Lesd.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha bacidiae R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha bacillosa Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha bahamensis Riddle
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha bengalensis Upreti & Ajay Singh
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha betulae DC.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha betuligna Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha blakii Ertz & Diederich
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha bogoriensis
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha brachycarpa Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha brachycarpoides Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha brevissima Kalb & Hafellner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha breviuscula Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha brigantina Hafellner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cactacearum Riedl
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha caesia DC.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha caesioatra J. Steiner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha calva Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cana Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha capensis Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha catarrapha Vain.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha catarrhapha (Vain.) H.Olivier) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cerebralis Schaer.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha chevallieri var. heteromorpha (Stizenb.) Hepp
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha chionographa Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha chionoplaca Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha chlorocarpoides Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha chlorographa Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha chlorographiza Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cicatricula Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cicatrisans Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cinereovirens Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cladoniicola Ertz & Diederich
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha coccinea Schultz
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha columbina Riddle
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha comma Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha commatodes Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha concatenata Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha concrucians Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha condaminea Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha confluens (Körb.) Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha confusula Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha congesta Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha conglomerans Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha conglomerata Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha conglomerata Pers.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha conglomerata Fée) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha connivens Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha consors Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha convexula Pers.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha corumbensis Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha coryli Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha crassilabra Mont. & Bosch
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha crenulata Mont. & Bosch
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha crustacea Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cryptotheciae Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha curvula Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha cypressi R. C. Harris
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha declinans Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha decolorata Behlen
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha decussata C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha delicata Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha depressa Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha desquamescens Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha deusta De Not.
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha deusta De Not. ex Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diagraphoides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diaphorella Stizenb.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diaphoriza Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diatona Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dicarpigera Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dichaenella Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha difficilior Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diffracta Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha diffusa Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dimidiata Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dirinicola Fink
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dirinoides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha discoides Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha discolor Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha dolomitica (Arnold) Clauzade & Cl. Roux ex Torrente & Egea
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha dolomitica (Arnold) Körb.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha dracaenarum Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha duckei Bat., J. L. Bezerra & Cavalc.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha duckei Bat., J.L.Bezerra & Cavalc. ex Lücking & Sérus.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha eckfeldtii Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha ectolechiacearum Matzer & R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha elevata DC.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha encephalographoidea Diederich
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha endochroma Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha enteroleuca Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha enteroleuca Fée
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha enteroleuca Nyl.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha enteroleuca Ach.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha epiporina Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha erosa Egea & Ertz
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha eulychniae C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha euphorbiae C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha excentrica Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha exiguella Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha farinacea Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha farinosa Flotow
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha farinosa Hepp) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fauriei B. de Lesd.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha feeana Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fertilis Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fineranii C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha flexuoserpens
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha flexuososerpens Maheu & Werner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha foreaui (Moreau) Hafellner & R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha forsandri Fr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha frustulosa Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuliginosa Pers.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fusca Opiz
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuscescens Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuscomaculans Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuscospurcans Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuscovirens Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha fuscula Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha geographica Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha georgii Werner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gibba Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gigantea Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gigantea Vain.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha gigantea Chevall.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha glaucoma Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha globosa Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gracilescens Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gracilior Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gracilis Fr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gracilis Fée
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha gracilis Fr.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha graphicula A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha graphidiza Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gregalis Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gregaria Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha grossulina Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha gyrocarpoides Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hebraica Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hellespontica Vondrák & Kocourk.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha heterospora Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha heufleriana A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha humilis Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha huneckii Follmann & Klem.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hyoteriiformis Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hysterimorpha March
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hysterioides Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha hysteriospora Leight.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha implexa Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha inaequalis Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha inaequans Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha inalbescens (Stirt.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha insularis Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha interalbata Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha interalbescens Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha interductula Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha interveniens Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha intricata Mont.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha intrusa Stirt.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha invadens Etayo
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha irosina Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha isabellina Riddle
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha jamaicensis F. Weber
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha kalbii Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha klementii Cretz.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lacteella Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lactifera Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha laeta Stirt.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lambinonii Sérus.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lavicola H. Magn.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lecanatis Massee
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leioplaca Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lepidella Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leptocarpoides Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leptochroma A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leptographa Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leptoplacella (Müll. Arg.) Vezda
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leptoterodes Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leucina Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leuckertii S. Y. Kondr. & D. J. Galloway
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leucocarpa Faurel, Ozenda & Schotter
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leucophaea Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha leucophila Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha levidensis Willey
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lichenicola G. Thor, Lücking & Tat. Matsumoto
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lignicola Bachm.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lineata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha linguata Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lithyrga Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lithyrgiza Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha loandensis Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha longula Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha lurida Duby
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha luridescens Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha malmei Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha mangenotii R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha maroccana Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha matzeri Lücking
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha mazosiae Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha mazosioides Sérus.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha medusulina Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha medusuliza Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha megaconidia C. Knight
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha megagonidia C. Knight
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha melambo Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha melanogramma Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha melanospila Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha menyharthii Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microphlebia Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microphleboides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microscopica Sm.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microsema Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microsperma Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microspora Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha microstictica Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha millegrana Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha minuta Chevall.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha minuta Fée) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha minuta Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha minutula Fink
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha minutula Müll.Arg.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha minutula Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha modesta Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha mozambica Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha multipunctata Coppins & P. James
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha multiseptata Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha muriformis Maheu & Werner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha murina Kremp.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha murorum Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha mutabilis Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha myriocarpa Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha myriocarpa Tuck.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha nana Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha navicularis Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha negrosina Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha nigeriensis C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha nigra Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha nimbosa Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha oblonga Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha obscurata Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha obvelata Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ochracea Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ochroplaca Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha oleagina Riddle
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha onchospora Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ophites Tuck.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha oulocheila Tuck.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ovaliformis Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ovalis Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha oxalidis C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha palmicola Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha papillata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha parvula Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha paschalis Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pedonta Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pelletieri Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pellicula Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha personii Ach.
GBIF classification göre Heterotypic synonym
Opegrapha perturbans Follmann
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha perturbata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha petraea Mont.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phaeophysciae R. Sant., Diederich, Ertz & Christnach
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phoenicicola (Jatta) Jatta
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phyllobathelii Matzer & R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phyllobia Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phylloporina Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha phylloporinae Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha physcidiae Kalb & Elix
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha picea Pers.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha planiuscula Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha plectocarpoidea Diederich
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pollinii A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha populina Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha porinicola Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha primana Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha prolificans Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha prominula C. Knight & Mitt.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha prominula Chevall.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha prominula C.Knight & Mitt.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha prominuloides Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha prosodea var. jamaicensis (Weber) Ach.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha prosodea Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha protera Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha proximata Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pruinata Webber & D. Mohr
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pruinosa Hepp
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha pruinosa Fingerh.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pseudoagelaea Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pseudovaria Coppins
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha psyllocarpa Leight.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha pulicaria Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha punctata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha punctiformis Hepp
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha punctulata Dufour
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha quinqueseptata Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha quinqueseptula Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha radians Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha radiata var. subparallela (Müll. Arg.) M. Choisy
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha radiata) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha ramealis Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ramosa B. de Lesd.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha regnellii Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha reinkellae Follmann
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rhabdotis Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rhizocola Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rimalis var. fuscata Turner
GBIF classification göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha rimicola Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha riograndensis Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rionegrensis Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha riopiedrensis Fink
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rissoensis Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha robusta Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha robustula Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha romsiae S. Y. Kondr. & Kudratov
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rosea
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rubefacta Räsänen
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rubella Pers. 1794
GBIF classification göre Proparte synonym
Opegrapha rubida Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rubrica (C. Knight) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rufa Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rufidula Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rupestris Fr.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha rupestris Pers.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha rupestris var. dolomitica Arnold
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Opegrapha dolomitica subsp. dolomitica) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha saxatilis Leight.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha saxicola C. Knight & Mitt.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha scaphella Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha scripta Mont.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha scripta Wahlenb.
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha scripta Mont.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha semiatra Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha septemseptata Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sexlocularis Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha siderella Hepp
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha signatella Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sipmanii Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sordida (Fée) Mont. & Bosch
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sordidescens Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sororiella Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha spaniota (Ach.) Röhl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sparsella Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sphaerula Duby
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha spodolaeina C. Knight
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha spodopolia Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sporopodiae R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha spuria
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stellata C. Knight
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stellulata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stenoleuca Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stigmoides Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stipata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha stizorina Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha strigulae R. Sant. ex Matzer & R. Sant.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subabnormis Fink
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subcentrifuga Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subcervina Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subclausa
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subdiaphora Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subdifficilis Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subeffigurans Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subhiascens Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha submaritima Hafellner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subnebula Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subnothella Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subpulveracea March
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subrufescens Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subsimilata Nyl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subsulcata Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha subvulgata Bylander
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha subvulgata Nyl.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha suecica Källsten
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha suecica Källsten ex G.Thor) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha sulphurata Payer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha symbiotica Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tapetica Zahlbr.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tartarea (Eschw.) Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tectiformis Mont. & Bosch
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tenuior Stirt.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tigrensis C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tiliacea Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha trassii S. Y. Kondr. & Coppins
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tremens Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tuckermanii H. Magn.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tumidula Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha tunetana B. de Lesd.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ulcerata Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha ulmaria Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha umbrata Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha unicolor A. Rich.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha uniseptata Matzer
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha urosperma Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha varia var. herbarum (Mont.) Käsllsten
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Alyxoria culmigena (Libert) Ertz) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha variegata Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha vermelhana Vain.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha vermiculus Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha vernicosa Fée
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha verrucarioides Ach.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha versiformis Chevall.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha violatra A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha virescens Müll. Arg.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha viridescens (Ach.) Röhl.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha viridis Eckfeldt
GBIF classification (Possible variant of Opegrapha viridis Pers.) göre Doubtful
Opegrapha viridis Pers.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha viridula Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha viridulata J. Steiner
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha vulgaris Humb.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha vulgata var. siderella (Ach.) Nyl.
GBIF classification and GBIF classification göre Proparte synonym
Opegrapha wainioi Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Opegrapha Ach.) göre Homotypic synonym
Opegrapha wetmorei M. S. Cole & D. Hawksw.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha zanei A. Massal.
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha zapallarensis C. W. Dodge
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Opegrapha zaratensis Redinger
GBIF classification göre Doubtful
Phaeographis apex (Fée) Redinger
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phaeographis Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Phaeographis crassilabra (Mont. & Bosch) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phaeographis Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Phaeographis crenulata (Mont. & Bosch) Redinger
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phaeographis Müll.Arg.) göre Homotypic synonym
Plectocarpon leuckertii (S. Y. Kondr. & D. J. Galloway) Ertz & Diederich
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Plectocarpon Fée) göre Homotypic synonym
Pseudoschismatomma rufescens (Pers.) Ertz & Tehler
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Pseudoschismatomma Ertz & Tehler) göre Homotypic synonym
Sclerographa agelaeotera (Vain.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Sclerographa) göre Homotypic synonym
Sclerographa quinqueseptata (Vain.) Zahlbr.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Sclerographa) göre Homotypic synonym
Sclerographa viridis (Pers.) Erichsen
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Sclerographa) göre Homotypic synonym
Spiloma coccineum (Schultz) Chevall.
GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Spiloma) göre Homotypic synonym
NCBI göre Synonym

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Opegrapha için küratörlük hiyerarşileri

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022

Cellular Organisms
Opegrapha (bu sayfa)

Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Opegrapha (bu sayfa)

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1

Cellular Organisms
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GBIF classification

Opegrapha Ach. (bu sayfa)

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Opegrapha (bu sayfa)