
Kallima inachus ( Almanca )

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Kallima inachus, auch Indischer Blattschmetterling oder einfach Indisches Blatt[1] genannt, ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae).



Die Flügelspannweite dieses sehr gut getarnten Falters beträgt zwischen 90 und 120 Millimeter andere Quellen nennen 85 bis 95 Millimeter[2]. Er ist deshalb so gut getarnt, da seine Unterseite eine hellbraune Äderung mit einem weißen Schimmelfleck auf dem Vorderflügel aufweist und er damit aussieht wie ein welkes Blatt. Ebenso verläuft über beide Flügel eine Mittelrippe und am Hinterflügel ein Sporn, welcher aussieht wie ein Blattstängel. Beides verstärkt den Eindruck noch mehr. Dieser Tatsache verdankt er auch seinen deutschen Namen. Des Weiteren sind die Flügel recht eckig und laufen an den Vorderflügeln spitz zu. Die Oberseite ist bunt gefärbt mit einem breiten braunen, orangefarbenen und blauen Streifen und einem Augenfleck auf jedem Vorderflügel. Auf dem Hinterflügel ist er bläulich schimmernd. Zwischen den Generationen der Trocken- und Regenzeit gibt es Unterschiede in Form und Färbung. Während der Regenzeit sind die Falter im Allgemeinen kleiner aber kräftiger gefärbt.[3] Der Körper ist von oben gesehen schwarz und von unten braun. Es gibt keine Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern.[2] Allerdings sind die Weibchen in der Regel etwas größer als die Männchen und unterseits eher rötlicher gefärbt.[3]


Der Körper der Raupe ist schwarz mit elf roten Stacheln auf jedem Segment[3] und gelblichen Haaren.


Die Puppe hat einen einfachen blassbraun gefärbten Körper mit schieferfarbenen Bereichen. Der Brustkorb ist leicht gekielt und läuft am Bauch und dem Rücken konisch zusammen.[3]

Verhalten und Lebensweise

Er ist ein kräftiger und schneller Flieger. Man sieht ihn hauptsächlich an faulenden Früchten von denen er sich ernährt[4][1]. Baumharz lockt ihn ebenso an wie Schlamm-Pfützen an denen man die Art beobachtet hat.[3] Morgens kommen die Falter aus ihrem Nachtquartier und setzen sich mit dem Kopf nach unten an niedrige Stämme oder Laubhaufen. Dort breiten sie dann ihre Flügel aus, um sich zu sonnen. Sie sonnen sich tagsüber oft auf lichtbeschienenen Waldstellen, wo sie mit halb geöffneten Flügeln auf dem Laub sitzen. Man kann sie dort nur sehr schwer erkennen und sie werden oft von vorbeilaufendem Wild aufgeschreckt. Trotz ihrer guten Tarnung werden sie doch öfters von Vögeln attackiert, welche es hauptsächlich auf die beiden Augenflecke auf den Vorderflügeln abgesehen haben. Fehlende Flügelteile in diesem Bereich belegen das.[5] Bei Angriffen von Vögeln oder anderen Räubern lässt er sich einfach auf den Boden fallen und verharrt dort bewegungslos, so dass der Angreifer den Schmetterling nicht mehr finden kann.[3]

Die Art bildet zwei Generationen pro Jahr aus, eine in der Regenzeit und eine weitere während der Trockenperiode. Diese fliegen von April bis Oktober, manchmal auch noch bis Dezember.[3]

In der chinesischen Stadt Chongqing dauerte eine Generation etwa 50 Tage vom Ei bis zum Falter. Nach ca. 6 Tagen schlüpft die Raupe aus dem Ei. Die Lebensspanne der Raupe dauert dann ca. 36 Tage und durchläuft 5, manchmal auch 6 Stadien, bis sie sich verpuppt. Nach ca. 10 Tage schlüpft der Falter. Ideal für eine erfolgreiche Zucht sind Temperaturen von 22 bis 31,5 °C und einer relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit von 48 bis 98 %. Dies verringert die Zeit auf 16 bis 23 Tage.[3]

Pro Weibchen werden im Schnitt 245 Eier abgelegt.[3]

Die Raupen fressen an Brennnesselgewächsen (Urticaceae) der Gattung Girardinia und an Akanthusgewächsen (Acanthaceae)[4]: Hygrophila salicifolia, Lepidagathis formosensis und Strobilanthes-Arten (auf Sri Lanka Nillu genannt[6]) wie Strobilanthes capitatus, Strobilanthes flaccidifolius, Strobilanthes glandulifera, Strobilanthes pentastemonoides, Strobilanthes tashiroi sowie an Polygonum orientale und Pfirsich (Prunus persica).[2][3]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Die Art bewohnt sonnenreiche[1] Stellen in Regenwäldern sowie bewaldete Flussufer. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich vom Westen her kommend über Pakistan, die indischen Bundesstaaten Jammu und Kaschmir bis nördlich in niedrige Lagen des Himalaya weiter über die westlich gelegene Region des Garhwal des indischen Bundesstaates Uttarakhand nach Osten über das Gebiet Kumaon bis ins westliche Bengalen, den indischen Bundesstaaten Sikkim und Arunachal Pradesh sowie weitere Bundesstaaten im Nordosten. Ebenso verbreitet ist die Art in den südlicheren Bundesstaaten Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa und Andhra Pradesh entlang des zentralen indischen Hochlandes der Westghats südlich bis zum Shiva-Tempel Bhimashankar im Sahyadri-Gebirge. Im Osten ist sie in der Gebirgskette der Ostghats nur nördlich des Flusses Godavari anzutreffen.[3] Außerdem besiedelt die Art Nepal, Bhutan und Bangladesch.[3] In Südostasien lebt sie in Burma[1] bis zum Tenasserim-Gebirge, in Thailand, Laos und im Westen Malaysias[5] sowie in Vietnam.[3] Sie kommt in der Volksrepublik China und Taiwan,[1] und sogar in Japan vor.[2][4]

In der Regel lebt die Art in Höhen von ca. 100 bis 800 Metern.[5] In dicht bewaldetem, hügeligem Gelände mit starken Regenfällen kommt sie auch in Höhen von 1800 bis 2400 Metern vor. Es wurde beobachtet, dass sie in der indischen Region Kumaon in tropischem Laubwald zwischen 400 und 1400 Metern ebenso heimisch ist.[3]


Es werden mehrere Unterarten unterschieden.[2][3]

  • Kallima inachus alicia, Joicey & Talbot, 1921; Chun, 1929
  • Kallima inachus chinensis, Swinhoe, 1893
  • Kallima inachus formosana, Fruhstorfer
  • Kallima inachus siamensis, Fruhstorfer, 1912
  • Kallima inachus acerifolia Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • Kallima inachus boisduvali Moore, 1879
  • Kallima inachus buckleyi Moore, 1879
  • Kallima inachus eucerca Fruhstorfer, 1898
  • Kallima inachus foliacea Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • Kallima inachus hugelii Kollar, 1848
  • Kallima inachus huttoni Moore, 1879
  • Kallima inachus marmorata Fruhstorfer, 1912
  • Kallima inachus ramsayi Moore, 1879
  • Kallima inachus siccifolia Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • Kallima inachus uredinophora Fruhstorfer, 1913


Er ist häufig anzutreffen in seinem Verbreitungsgebiet. In Indien ist er nicht selten, während er in China eher selten anzutreffen ist.[3]



  • Elizabeth Balmer: Schmetterlinge: Erkennen und Bestimmen. Parragon Books, 2007, ISBN 9781407512037, S. 112/113


  1. a b c d e Kallima inachus auf der Homepage des Schmetterlingshaus Jonsdorf (Memento des Originals vom 28. Mai 2015 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.schmetterlingshaus.info, abgerufen am 23. Februar 2015.
  2. a b c d e ButterflyCorner.net, abgerufen am 23. Februar 2015.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Encyclopedia of Life, englisch, abgerufen am 24. Februar 2015.
  4. a b c Wijbren Landmann: Schmetterlinge: Enzyklopädie. Naumann & Göbel, 2002, ISBN 3-6251-0346-X.
  5. a b c Learn about Butterflies, englisch, abgerufen am 24. Februar 2015.
  6. Indische Reisebriefe von Ernst Haeckel, Kapitel XVIII, abgerufen am 23. Februar 2015.


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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Kallima inachus, auch Indischer Blattschmetterling oder einfach Indisches Blatt genannt, ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae).

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Kallima inachus ( İngilizce )

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Kallima inachus, the orange oakleaf, Indian oakleaf or dead leaf, is a nymphalid butterfly found in Tropical Asia from India to Japan. With wings closed, it closely resembles a dry leaf with dark veins and is a commonly cited example of camouflage.


With wings closed

The butterfly wings are shaped like a leaf when in the closed position. When the wings are closed, only the cryptic underside markings are visible, which consists of irregular patterns and striations in many shades of biscuit, buff, browns, yellow, and black. The veins are darkened and resemble the veins of a leaf. The resemblance to a dried leaf, a masquerade, is extremely realistic and gives the genus its common names, the oakleaf or dead leaf.[2]

When the wings are open, the forewing exhibits a black apex, an orange discal band and a deep blue base. There are two white oculi, one along the margin of the apical black band, and the other bordering the orange and deep blue areas. The hindwing is more uniformly blue but diffused with brown patches along the termen.

Male and female butterflies are similar except that the female is generally larger and has the apex of the forewing protrude to form a longer point. Females also tend to be more reddish on the underside and the yellow mottled markings tend to be paler. The butterfly exhibits polyphenism, i.e. there are specific dry-season and wet-season forms which differ in colouration and size; the wet-season form tends to be smaller.[3]

The wingspan of the butterfly ranges from 85 to 110 millimetres (3.3 to 4.3 in).[4]

Detailed description as given in Bingham (1905).[5]

Dry-season form

The forewing discoidal cell, interspace 1a, 1 to near apex, basal half of 2, and extreme bases of 3 and 4 rich violet blue, the borders of the discocellulars and the interspaces of veins 2, 3 and 4 are black, spread diffusely outwards in interspaces 1a and 1. A very broad oblique discal orange band from costa to apices of interspaces 1 and 2, this orange band is sprinkled with bluish black scales; apical third of wing velvety purpurescent (purple) black; a hyaline (glass-like) transverse spot near middle of interspace 2, and a subtriangular similar small preapical spot. Hindwing more uniform violescent blue; the costal margin and apex very broadly brown, somewhat densely irrorated (sprinkled) with dusky violescent black scales; dorsal margin brown; a ridge of long brownish hairs along vein 1 spreading on to the dorsal margin. Forewings and hindwings crossed by a subterminal dusky zigzag line commencing about the middle of interspace 3 in the forewing, and most conspicuous on the hindwing.

Underside very closely resembles a dry leaf; ground colour very variable, but usually some shade of brown (rusty, greyish, and yellowish browns being the most common), always with scattered dark dots or little dark patches having the appearance of fungus-like or lichenous growths so common on dead leaves in the tropics. When the insect closes its wings over its back the likeness to a dead leaf is most striking, and is heightened by a straight transverse, narrow, dark band running from the apex of the forewing to the tornus of the hindwing, often with oblique narrower similar bands or lines given off from it, all simulating very closely the midrib and lateral veins of a leaf. The hindwing in all specimens has a more or less obsolescent or faint series of postdiscal ocelli, traces of which are also apparent on the forewing. Antennae dark brown; head, thorax, and abdomen dark violescent brown; beneath, the palpi, thorax and abdomen paler earthy brown.

Wet-season form

Smaller than the dry-season form, but very similar to it. The colours are richer and darker, and the orange discal band more broadly bordered with black on the inner side. On the underside some of the specimens from areas of heavy rainfall have the ground colour very dark ochraceous brown.


The orange oakleaf is found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, down to Tenasserim Hills.[4] In Southeast Asia it occurs in southern China, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan, and Vietnam.[6] It has been also recorded from Pakistan in 2000.

In India, the butterfly flies in the Himalayas at low elevations, from Jammu and Kashmir, through Garhwal and Kumaon to West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and other states of the northeast. It is also found in central and peninsular India; it flies in Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh; i.e. along the central Indian highlands to Pachmarhi and Amarkantak, the Western Ghats south to Bhimashankar, and in the Eastern Ghats north of the river Godavari.[4][5][7]

The status of the butterfly in India is "not rare",[4] while in China, the butterfly is considered "rare".[8]

The orange oakleaf is encountered up to an altitude of 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) in the hills;[4] though Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth records it as being encountered up to 8,000 feet (2,400 m) in regions of heavy rainfall in thickly forested mountainous and hilly regions.[9] In the Kumaon Himalayas, K. inachus has been recorded to inhabit tropical deciduous forest between 400 and 1,400 metres (1,300 and 4,600 ft) and subtropical evergreen forest above 1,200 metres (3,900 ft).[10] In a survey of Chongqing municipality, China carried out from 1998 to 2004, K. inachis was found to inhabit moist broad-leaf forests.[11]


The orange oakleaf is a powerful flier and usually flies in dense forests with good rainfall, amongst undergrowth and along stream beds. It is attracted to tree sap and over-ripe fruit, and is also known to mud-puddle.[4]

Much pursued by birds, when in danger the orange oakleaf flies erratically, soon dropping down into the foliage and occupying a stationary pose with wings closed, so that the birds are very often quite unable to find them. In such a pose, the butterfly resembles a dried leaf and is perfectly camouflaged.[9][12]

The natural enemies of the orange oakleaf include birds, ants, spiders, wasps (including Trichogramma species), and some bacteria.[13]

Life cycle

Chrysalis of orange oakleaf

In the Himalayas, the butterfly is multivoltine and flies from April to October.[10][14] Kehimkar (2009) records the butterfly on the wing in India from April to December.[4]

In Chongqing one generation has been recorded as taking about 50 days from egg to imago. The egg period lasted about 6 days, the larval period 36 days, and involved 5 to 6 instars (usually 5) and with the pupation lasting about 10 days.[11] The caterpillars bred successfully at temperatures of 22 to 31.5 °C (71.6 to 88.7 °F) and relative humidity of 48 to 98%. The larval period could be reduced from 36 days in natural conditions to 16.8 to 23 days in captive breeding.[11]

In another study in China, in the Emei mountains (altitude 450 to 1,200 metres (1,480 to 3,940 ft)), the butterfly has three generations a year in which the first and second generations predominate. Most of the second generation, along with a few of the third and sometimes the first generation, go through the winter as diapaused adults. Most second generation adults diapause in early July.[13]

Butterflies of the first generation, reared in captivity in the Emei mountain study, completed their life cycle in 45 to 54 days, with eggs taking 4 to 6 days, caterpillars 21 to 36 days and pupation 10 to 15 days. The breeding took place in temperatures between 26.4 and 28.2 °C (79.5 and 82.8 °F) and humidity of 63.2% to 84.7% on average.[13]

Investigations in an artificial climate chamber reveal that photoperiod and temperature play a role in the larval development and survival rate of the larvae of K. inachus. Photoperiods affect the development period of larvae at 20 °C (68 °F) but not at 25 °C (77 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F). As temperature increased from 20 °C to 25 °C and 30 °C, the developmental periods of larvae reduced under the same photoperiod to 31.7 to 36.0 days, 26.37 to 27.4 days and 21.0 to 21.5 days, respectively.[15]

Increasing temperature also made an increase in the survival rate under different photoperiods. The survival rate of larvae at 20 °C, 25 °C, and 30 °C was 80%–92%, 75%–95%, and 55%–85%, respectively. The low survival rate at 30 °C under most photoperiod gradients requires that artificial breeding of K. inachus be done below this temperature.[15]

Food plants

The larvae are polyphagous, feeding on plants from many families. The list of food plants include:


In captive breeding in a net garden, females have been recorded to lay 245.7 eggs on average. This has been increased to 279.8 eggs per female by supplementing nutrition.[17]


The late stage caterpillar is velvety black, covered with rather long yellowish hair. It has a large number of reddish spines; eleven on each segment, with one dorsal, two subdorsal and three lateral on each side.[18]


The pupa is simple. It has a gently keeled thorax. The abdomen displays a series of small conical points dorsally. The colour is light brownish and the pupa is embellished with slaty irrorations.[18]


The butterfly is considered to be rare in China and consequently much research in its captive breeding has been done.[11][13][15][17] The mitochondrial DNA has been sequenced and found to be 15,183 base pair in size.[8] In addition, the butterfly has been a subject in research on diapause.[19][20]

See also


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  1. ^ Beccaloni, G.; Scoble, M.; Kitching, I.; Simonsen, T.; Robinson, G.; Pitkin, B.; Hine, A.; Lyal, C., eds. (2003). "Kallima inachus​". The Global Lepidoptera Names Index. Natural History Museum. Retrieved April 20, 2018.
  2. ^ Cott, Hugh (1940). Adaptive Coloration in Animals. Oxford University Press. pp. 318–320.
  3. ^ Charles B. Antram (1924). Butterflies of India. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co. pp. 185–186. Retrieved 14 June 2013.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Kehimkar, Isaac (2009). The Book of Indian Butterflies. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. p. 411. ISBN 9780195696202.
  5. ^ a b Bingham, C.T. (1905). The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma - Butterflies (Vol 1). London: Taylor and Francis. p. 519. Retrieved 7 November 2010.
  6. ^ Phung My Trung & Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong. "The Flying Wonder, Orange Oakleaf butterfly Kallima inachus". Vietnam Forest Creatures. Archived from the original on 18 October 2014. Retrieved 15 June 2013.
  7. ^ de Nicéville, Lionel (1886). The Butterflies of India, Burmah and Ceylon (Vol 2). The Calcutta Central Press Company.
  8. ^ a b Qin XM, Guan QX, Zeng DL, Qin F, Li HM (August 2012). "Complete mitochondrial genome of Kallima inachus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae): comparison of K. inachus and Argynnis hyperbius". Mitochondrial DNA. 23 (4): 318–320. doi:10.3109/19401736.2012.684093. PMID 22708853. S2CID 33406633.
  9. ^ a b Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957). Butterflies of the Indian Region (Reprint of 2009 by Today & Tomorrows Publishers, New Delhi ed.). Mumbai, India: Bombay Natural History Society. p. 523. ISBN 9788170192329. Retrieved 22 June 2013.
  10. ^ a b Smetacek, P. (2012). "Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea) and other protected fauna of Jones Estate, a dying watershed in the Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India". Journal of Threatened Taxa. 4 (9): 2857–2874. doi:10.11609/jott.o3020.2857-74.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g Yang Ping, Qi Bo; Deng He – Li; Chen Jun; Liu Qiong (2005). "The biology of Kallima Inachis and its rearing". Journal of Southwest Agricultural University. 27 (1): 44–49. Retrieved 10 June 2013.
  12. ^ "Orange Dead Leaf Kallima inachus (Butterfli identification card)" (PDF). Reiman Gardens – Iowa State University. Retrieved 15 June 2013.
  13. ^ a b c d Zhou Cheng-Li; Shi Jun-Yi; Yi Chuan-Hui; Chen Xiao-Ming (2005). "Researche on Biology of Kallima inachus". Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 4: 44–49. Retrieved 10 June 2013.
  14. ^ Hannyngton, F. (1910). "The butterflies of Kumaon". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 20: 130–142 (Part 1), 361– 372 (Part 2). Retrieved 15 June 2013.
  15. ^ a b c Yi Chuan-Hui; Chen Xiao-Ming; Shi Jun-Yi; Zhou Cheng-Li (2008). "Influence of the Photoperiod on Larvae of Kallima inachus Dubleday". Journal of Northwest Forestry University. 5. Retrieved 16 June 2013.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Robinson, G.S.; Ackery, P.R.; Kitching, I.J.; Beccaloni, G.W. & Hernández, L.M. (2010). "Kallima inachus". nhm.ac.uk. Natural History Museum, London. Retrieved 22 June 2013.
  17. ^ a b Zhou Cheng-Li; Shi Jun-Yi; Chen Xiao-Ming; Yi Chuan-Hui; Shi Lei (2006). "Large-scale artificial breeding of Kallima inachus Doubleday". Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 5. Retrieved 16 June 2013.
  18. ^ a b Based on G. C. Dudgeon as quoted by Frederic Moore in Bingham (1905).
  19. ^ Yi Chuan-hui; Chen Xiao-ming; Shi Jun-yi & Zhou Cheng-li (2009). "Comparison of nucleic acid contents between non-diapause adult and over-winter adult of Kallima inachus". Guangdong Agricultural Sciences. 5. Retrieved 16 June 2013.
  20. ^ Yi Chuan-hui; Chen Xiao-ming; Shi Jun-yi & Zhou Cheng-li. "Change of carbohydrate contents in the non-diapause and overwinter adult of Kallima inachus". Guangdong Agricultural Sciences. 2009–10. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

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Kallima inachus, the orange oakleaf, Indian oakleaf or dead leaf, is a nymphalid butterfly found in Tropical Asia from India to Japan. With wings closed, it closely resembles a dry leaf with dark veins and is a commonly cited example of camouflage.

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Kallima inachus ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

L'espèce Kallima inachus ou Papillon feuille[1] ou Papillon-feuille de Boisduval est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Nymphalidae.


Il existe pour cette espèce plusieurs sous-espèces :

  • Kallima inachus inachus en Indochine et dans le nord de l'Inde ;
  • Kallima inachus alicia Joicey et Talbot ;
  • Kallima inachus formosana Fruhstorfer, à Taïwan ;
  • Kallima inachus chinensis Swinhoe, dans le centre et l'ouest de la Chine ;
  • Kallima inachus siamensis Fruhstorfer, 1912.


Asie du Sud-Est, présent de l'Inde en passant par la péninsule indochinoise jusqu'au sud de la Chine et à Taïwan.



Ce papillon a une envergure de 9 à 12 cm. Il a de jolies couleurs bleu-violet et jaune-orange.

Papillon-feuille de Boisduval

C'est un insecte diurne. Il vit dans les forêts tropicales.


Lorsqu'il est posé sur une feuille, les ailes fermées, le Kallima inachus a l'apparence d'une feuille morte. Ce cas de mimétisme homotypique explique son nom vernaculaire de « papillon-feuille »[2].


La chenille est noire avec de longs poils jaunes et des épines rouges. Elle se développe et se nourrit sur des Girardinia (ortie de l'Himalaya...) et des Strobilanthes, entre autres[3].


Ce papillon figure sur une émission du Laos de 1986 (valeur faciale : 4 k). Voir aussi Guinée Equatoriale de 1976 Y&T 104E (valeur faciale : 8 Ekuele) et timbre-poste du Japon de 1959 (valeur faciale : 13 Cents).

Timbre japonais de 1959

Notes et références

  1. Collectif (trad. Michel Beauvais, Marcel Guedj, Salem Issad), Histoire naturelle [« The Natural History Book »], Flammarion, mars 2016, 650 p. (ISBN 978-2-0813-7859-9), Papillon feuille page 294
  2. Lucien Chopard, Le Mimétisme : les colorations animales, dissimulation des formes et déguisements, ressemblances mimétiques, Payot, 1949, p. 131.
  3. David Carter (trad. Patrice Leraut), Papillons, Bordas, avril 2001, 304 p. (ISBN 2-04-760041-3), Papillon-feuille de Boisduval page 127
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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

L'espèce Kallima inachus ou Papillon feuille ou Papillon-feuille de Boisduval est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Nymphalidae.

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Kallima inachus ( Latince )

wikipedia LA tarafından sağlandı
Schlaegel und eisen yellow.svg -3 (maxdubium) Latinitas huius rei maxime dubia est. Corrige si potes. Vide {{latinitas}}.

Kallima inachus est species papilionis in familia nymphalidis Asiae tropicae inventa, ab India ad Iaponiam. Cum alis suis clausis, ut folium siccum cum venis obscuris videt, funtio dissimulationis speciei.

Nexus externi

Wikidata-logo.svg Situs scientifici:NCBIBiodiversityEncyclopedia of Life Wikispecies-logo.svg Vide "Kallimam inachum" apud Vicispecies.
Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Kallimam inachum spectant.
Morpho didius Male Dos MHNT.jpg Haec stipula ad Lepidoptera spectat. Amplifica, si potes!
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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Latince )

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Schlaegel und eisen yellow.svg -3 (maxdubium) Latinitas huius rei maxime dubia est. Corrige si potes. Vide {{latinitas}}.

Kallima inachus est species papilionis in familia nymphalidis Asiae tropicae inventa, ab India ad Iaponiam. Cum alis suis clausis, ut folium siccum cum venis obscuris videt, funtio dissimulationis speciei.

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Kallima inachus ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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Kallima inachus is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1836 door Jean Baptiste Boisduval.


De glimmend blauwe bovenzijde van de vleugels vertoont een oranje band. De bruine onderzijde vertoont veel gelijkenis met een dor blad met hoofdnerf. Aan de achtervleugels bevindt zich een staartje, dat de steel van het blad voorstelt. Ze worden ook wel bladvlinders genoemd.


De vlinder drinkt het sap van rottende vruchten.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze vlindersoort komt voor in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, China en Taiwan in regenwouden langs rivieroevers.

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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

Kallima inachus is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1836 door Jean Baptiste Boisduval.

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Kallima inachus ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Kallima inachus Boisduval, 1836[3] é uma espécie de inseto da ordem Lepidoptera; uma borboleta da família Nymphalidae e subfamília Nymphalinae com subespécies que se distribuem pela região dos Himalaias,[1] Índia,[2] China, Japão (localidade tipo: Okinawa), Taiwan, Indochina e península Malaia.[1] Macho e fêmea são muito semelhantes, mas fêmeas geralmente são maiores e mais avermelhadas na parte inferior. Esta borboleta também exibe polifenismo, ou seja, existem formas de estação seca e de estação chuvosa que diferem na sua coloração e tamanho, com as de estação chuvosa tendendo a ser menores.[4] É caracterizada por apresentar asas de um azulado metálico, com uma faixa contínua, de amarelo-escura a laranja, e áreas enegrecidas no ápice das asas anteriores, com duas pontuações brancas em cada asa anterior (a maior delas numa mancha circular bem característica, entre a área amarela e azul), vista por cima;[5] e com padronagem de folha seca em vista inferior, variando muito de um inseto para outro[6] (não havendo duas borboletas que possuam exatamente o mesmo tom de cor; algumas marcadas com pintas, como folhas em decomposição);[7] contendo tons de creme, amarelo, castanho e negro e com áreas mais escurecidas que lembram as nervuras de uma folha. A semelhança desta "borboleta-folha" com uma folha seca é extremamente realista e lhes dá sua denominação vernácula, em inglês: Orange Oakleaf, Indian Oakleaf ou Dead Leaf (na tradução para o português, "folha-de-carvalho-laranja", "folha-de-carvalho-indiana" ou "folha-morta").[1][2][4][5][6] Suas lagartas se alimentam de plantas dos gêneros Girardinia (família Urticaceae), Polygonum (família Polygonaceae), Prunus (família Rosaceae; pessegueiro), Acanthus, Hygrophila, Lepidagathis e Strobilanthes (família Acanthaceae).[1][8]

Hábitos, habitat e vulnerabilidade

Kallima inachus vive principalmente em florestas latifoliadas de altitudes entre 500 a 1.200 metros.[10] De manhã os adultos descem de seus locais de descanso, durante a noite, para se acomodar em uma postura de cabeça para baixo em caules lenhosos ou em vegetação baixa. Se a luz do sol for fraca, geralmente se posicionam com as suas asas completamente abertas para absorvê-la. Em repouso, de asas fechadas, são praticamente impossíveis de se detectar devido à sua camuflagem incrivelmente eficaz.[6] Voam ao solo para alimentar-se de frutos caídos, em fermentação, sendo atraídos por pêra, maçã, banana, melancia, laranja e caqui; podendo também ingerir a seiva de árvores exsudadas ou esterco como nutrientes suplementares, ocasionalmente visitando flores. Em muitas áreas, as populações selvagens diminuíram drasticamente com o aumento da destruição e fragmentação de seus habitats.[10]


  1. a b c d e f g h i Savela, Markku. «Kallima inachus» (em inglês). Lepidoptera and some other life forms. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  2. a b c «Kallima inachus Doyere, 1840 – Orange Oakleaf» (em inglês). Butterflies of India. 2018. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  3. a b «inachus Boisduval, 1836 - Valid Name» (em inglês). Natural History Museum, London. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  4. a b Khyade, Vitthalrao B. (2016). «Camouflage: the Dead – Leaf Butterfly, Kallima inachus (L)» (PDF) (em inglês). International Academic Journal of Innovative Research, Vol. 3, No. 12 (International Academic Institute for Science and Technology). pp. 13–21. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  5. a b Pratap, Nita (8 de outubro de 2010). «Beautiful camouflage: Kallima inachus» (em inglês). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2015
  6. a b c Hoskins, Adrian. «Orange Oakleaf - Kallima inachus (Boisduval, 1846)» (em inglês). Learn about butterflies. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  7. GOODDEN, Robert (1977). O Mundo Maravilhoso das Borboletas e Mariposas 1ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ao Livro Técnico S/A - indústria e comércio. p. 23. 96 páginas
  8. «HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants (Kallima inachus (em inglês). Natural History Museum, London. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
  9. Internet Archive Book Images (1886). «Image from page 48 of "Colouration in animals and plants" (1886)» (em inglês). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2015
  10. a b Tang, Yuchong; Zhou, Chengli; Chen, Xiaoming; Zheng, Hua (21 de junho de 2013). «Foraging Behavior of the Dead Leaf Butterfly, Kallima inachus» (em inglês). Journal of Insect Science (NCBI). 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2018
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wikipedia PT

Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Kallima inachus Boisduval, 1836 é uma espécie de inseto da ordem Lepidoptera; uma borboleta da família Nymphalidae e subfamília Nymphalinae com subespécies que se distribuem pela região dos Himalaias, Índia, China, Japão (localidade tipo: Okinawa), Taiwan, Indochina e península Malaia. Macho e fêmea são muito semelhantes, mas fêmeas geralmente são maiores e mais avermelhadas na parte inferior. Esta borboleta também exibe polifenismo, ou seja, existem formas de estação seca e de estação chuvosa que diferem na sua coloração e tamanho, com as de estação chuvosa tendendo a ser menores. É caracterizada por apresentar asas de um azulado metálico, com uma faixa contínua, de amarelo-escura a laranja, e áreas enegrecidas no ápice das asas anteriores, com duas pontuações brancas em cada asa anterior (a maior delas numa mancha circular bem característica, entre a área amarela e azul), vista por cima; e com padronagem de folha seca em vista inferior, variando muito de um inseto para outro (não havendo duas borboletas que possuam exatamente o mesmo tom de cor; algumas marcadas com pintas, como folhas em decomposição); contendo tons de creme, amarelo, castanho e negro e com áreas mais escurecidas que lembram as nervuras de uma folha. A semelhança desta "borboleta-folha" com uma folha seca é extremamente realista e lhes dá sua denominação vernácula, em inglês: Orange Oakleaf, Indian Oakleaf ou Dead Leaf (na tradução para o português, "folha-de-carvalho-laranja", "folha-de-carvalho-indiana" ou "folha-morta"). Suas lagartas se alimentam de plantas dos gêneros Girardinia (família Urticaceae), Polygonum (família Polygonaceae), Prunus (família Rosaceae; pessegueiro), Acanthus, Hygrophila, Lepidagathis e Strobilanthes (família Acanthaceae).


Vistas inferiores e vista superior de K. inachus.


Vista inferior de K. inachus ssp. formosana, de Taiwan.


Vista inferior de K. inachus; ilustrações da página 48 de Colouration in animals and plants (1886).

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Kallima inachus ( Ukraynaca )

wikipedia UK tarafından sağlandı


Вид названо на честь давньогрецького річкового бога Інаха, першого царя Аргоса, який відновив Арголіду після Всесвітнього потопу.


Kallima inachus поширений у Південній та Південно-Східній Азії, на півдні Китаю і на Тайвані.[1]


Розмах крил 85-110 мм. Верхня сторона крил синього кольору з металевим відблиском і помаранчевими смужками. Нижня сторона крил світло коричневого забарвлення. Коли метелики сідають на гілку і складають крила, то стають схожими на сухе листя з виразною серединною жилкою і подобою черешка, який утворений хвостиками заднього крила.[2][3]


Кормовими рослина гусені є Girardinia diversifolia, Polygonum orientale, Prunus persica, Dicliptera chinensis, Hygrophila salicifolia, Lepidagathis formosensis, Ruellia capitataus, Rostellularia pracumbens, Strobilanthes.[4]


  1. Phung My Trung; Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong. The Flying Wonder, Orange Oakleaf butterfly Kallima inachus. Vietnam Forest Creatures. Процитовано 15 June 2013.
  2. Cott, Hugh (1940). Adaptive Coloration in Animals. Oxford University Press. с. 318–320.
  3. Kehimkar, Isaac (2009). The Book of Indian Butterflies. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. с. 411. ISBN 9780195696202.
  4. Robinson, G.S.; Ackery, P.R.; Kitching, I.J.; Beccaloni, G.W.; Hernández, L.M. (2010). Kallima inachus. HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants (http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts). Natural History Museum, London. Процитовано 22 June 2013.

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Bướm lá khô ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Bướm lá khô (danh pháp khoa học: Kallima inachus) là một loài bướm đặc trưng cho việc lẩn tránh kẻ thù bằng các hình thức ngụy trang, thuộc chi Kallima, họ Nymphalidae.

Bướm lá khô sinh sống ở châu Á từ Ấn Độ đến Nhật Bản. Với cánh khép lại loài bướm này trông giống một lá khô với các ven tối và là một ví dụ tốt về cách thức ngụy trang.

Đặc điểm sinh học

Mô tả

Loài bướm rất đặc trưng ngụy trang lẩn tránh kẻ thù, khi chúng đậu khép cánh lại, mặt dưới cánh giống hệt như một chiếc lá khô. Với phần đuôi cánh sau kéo dài như một chiếc cuống lá và một đường màu nâu kéo dài đến chót cánh trước tạo thành gân chính của lá. Mặt trên cánh trước có một mảng màu cam ở giữa cánh, chót cánh màu đen với một chấm trắng nhỏ, phần còn lại của cánh trước và cánh sau có màu xanh lam rất rõ. Sải cánh: 85 – 110 mm.

Hoạt động sinh thái

Loài này chủ yếu sống trong các khu rừng thường xanh, thường gặp những cá thể đơn lẻ trong các bụi cây Calamus rậm rạp thuộc họ Cau (Arecaceae), chúng cũng hay hút chất lỏng ở các quả thối thuộc giốngFicus. Khi bị động chúng bay lên rất cao và bay sâu vào các bụi rậm, do cánh của chúng rất giống với một chiếc lá khô nên rất khó quan sát. Thức ăn của sâu non được ghi nhận là trên một số cây song, mâyCalamus thuộc họ Cau (Arecaceae).

Phân bổ

Trên thế giới loài phân bố ở Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Asam, Miến Điện, Nam Trung Quốc, Thái Lan, Lào.

Phụ loài là Kallima inachus inachus phân bố ở miền Bắc, còn phụ loài Kallima inachus siamensis phân bố ở miền Nam Việt Nam.

Tình trạng

Loài sống gắn liền với các thảm thực vật, vì vậy việc phá rừng có thể ảnh hưởng đến sự tồn tại của loài.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Beccaloni, G. W.; Scoble, Malcolm; Kitching, Ian; Simonsen, Thomas; Robinson, Gaden; Pitkin, Brian; Hine, Adrian & Lyal, Chris biên tập (2013). “Kallima inachus”. LepIndex: The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (version 12.3). Natural History Museum, London. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 6 năm 2013.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Bướm lá khô  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Bướm lá khô

(tiếng Việt)

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết về bướm giáp này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.

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Bướm lá khô: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Bướm lá khô (danh pháp khoa học: Kallima inachus) là một loài bướm đặc trưng cho việc lẩn tránh kẻ thù bằng các hình thức ngụy trang, thuộc chi Kallima, họ Nymphalidae.

Bướm lá khô sinh sống ở châu Á từ Ấn Độ đến Nhật Bản. Với cánh khép lại loài bướm này trông giống một lá khô với các ven tối và là một ví dụ tốt về cách thức ngụy trang.

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Kallima inachus ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Латинское название Kallima inachus (Doyère, 1840)

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

NCBI 311037

Kallima inachus (лат.) — вид дневных бабочек из семейства нимфалид, ставший хрестоматийным примером покровительственной окраски (мимикрии)[1]. Видовое название дано в честь в честь в древнегреческого речного бога Инаха, первого царя Аргоса, восстановившего Арголиду после Всемирного потопа.


Нижняя сторона крыльев

Размах крыльев 60-110 мм. Верхняя сторона крыльев ярко окрашенная в синие цвета с металлическим блеском и оранжевыми полосками. Нижняя сторона крыльев очень изменчива и по своей окраске похожа на сухой лист с отчетливой срединной жилкой и подобием черешка, образованного хвостиками заднего крыла. Когда бабочки садятся на ветку и складывают крылья, то визуально принимают вид сухого листа: короткими выростами задних крыльев бабочка упирается в ветку, и они представляют сходство с черешком; рисунок же и цвет задней стороны сложенных крыльев в такой степени напоминают цвет и жилкование засохшего листа, что на близком расстоянии бабочку чрезвычайно трудно отличить от листьев[2].


Развивается два поколения за год — в сухой и влажный сезон. Второе поколение отличается меньшим размером и более тёмной окраской нижней стороны крыльев. Время лёта с апреля по октябрь-декабрь в зависимости от участка ареала[3][4].

Гусеницы — полифаги, в число их кормовых растений входят: Girardinia diversifolia, Polygonum orientale, Персик, Dicliptera chinensis, Hygrophila salicifolia, Lepidagathis formosensis, Ruellia capitataus, Rostellularia pracumbens, Стробилянт[5][6].

  • Orange Oakleaf. Kallima inachus - Flickr - gailhampshire (1).jpg
  •  src=

    Kallima inachus formosana

  • 306枯葉蝶20(李榮芳攝) (31384441140).jpg
  • 306枯葉蝶4(劉威良攝) (18856874958).jpg
  •  src=

    Самка, форма влажного сезона

  •  src=

    Форма сухого сезона


Обитает в Индии, Непале, Бутане, Бангладеш и Мьянме, вплоть до холмов Тенэссерим[7]. В Юго-Восточной Азии встречается в южном Китае, Таиланде, Лаосе, Тайване и Вьетнаме. Также вид был зарегистрирован в Пакистане в 2000 году[8].


  • Kallima inachus inachus
  • Kallima inachus alicia
  • Kallima inachus formosana (Тайвань)
  • Kallima inachus chinensis (Китай)
  • Kallima inachus siamensis Fruhstorfer, 1912.


  1. Яхонтов А. А. Наши дневные бабочки. (Определитель). — М.: ГУПИ, 1935. — 160 с.
  2. Bingham C. T. (1905). The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma — Butterflies (Vol 1). London: Taylor and Francis. p. 519.
  3. Smetacek P. (2012). Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea) and other protected fauna of Jones Estate, a dying watershed in the Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa pp. 2857—2874. DOI:10.11609/jott.o3020.2857-74.
  4. Hannyngton F. (1910). The butterflies of Kumaon. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 20: 130—142 (Part 1); 361—372 (Part 2).
  5. Robinson G. S., Ackery P. R., Kitching I. J., Beccaloni G. W. & Hernández L. M. (2010). «Kallima inachus». HOSTS — A Database of the World’s Lepidopteran Hostplants (http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts). Natural History Museum, London
  6. Wijbren Landmann: Schmetterlinge: Enzyklopädie. Naumann & Göbel, 2002, ISBN 3-6251-0346-X.
  7. Kehimkar, Isaac (2009). The Book of Indian Butterflies. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. p. 411. ISBN 978-0-19-569620-2.
  8. Sabir A. M., Bhatti A. H., Rafi M. A. & Suhail A. (2000). Distribution of nymphalid butterflies (Brush footed) in district Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Asian Network for Scientific Information 3(8): 1253—1254. DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2000.1253.1254.
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Kallima inachus: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Kallima inachus (лат.) — вид дневных бабочек из семейства нимфалид, ставший хрестоматийным примером покровительственной окраски (мимикрии). Видовое название дано в честь в честь в древнегреческого речного бога Инаха, первого царя Аргоса, восстановившего Арголиду после Всемирного потопа.

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枯葉蛺蝶 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Kallima inachus
Boisduval, 1846

枯葉蛺蝶學名Kallima inachus),又名木葉蝶樹葉蝶等。屬於蛺蝶科,分布在熱帶亞洲地區,從印度日本皆可見。枯葉蝶是非常精巧的偽裝動物,當枯葉蝶合上翅膀時,其外觀看起來就像一片枯葉。但翼的內面是有金屬光澤的亮麗藍色與橘色。




本種為大型種,成蟲多見於潮濕的森林,好吸食樹液、腐敗的果實;飛翔相當迅速。前翅長約 42 ~ 45 毫米,以類似枯葉而聞名,顏色、形狀無一不像,連葉脈、角度,甚至是破損處也都唯妙唯肖。翅背面底色為有金屬光澤的深藍色,前翅中央有一橙色斑帶,邊緣有黑色波紋,波紋中有一白色斑點。後翅外緣也有波狀細線。







  1. 《台灣蝶圖鑑》第一卷;國立鳳凰谷鳥園;共同文化事業股份有限公司;1990年3月31日;ISBN 957023458X
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:枯葉蛺蝶  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:枯葉蛺蝶
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枯葉蛺蝶: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

枯葉蛺蝶(學名:Kallima inachus),又名木葉蝶、樹葉蝶等。屬於蛺蝶科,分布在熱帶亞洲地區,從印度日本皆可見。枯葉蝶是非常精巧的偽裝動物,當枯葉蝶合上翅膀時,其外觀看起來就像一片枯葉。但翼的內面是有金屬光澤的亮麗藍色與橘色。

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コノハチョウ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
コノハチョウ Kallima inachus.jpg
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta : チョウ目(鱗翅目) Lepidoptera 上科 : アゲハチョウ上科 Papilionoidea : タテハチョウ科 Nymphalidae 亜科 : タテハチョウ亜科 Nymphalinae : コノハチョウ族 Kallimini : コノハチョウ属
Kallima Doubleday, 1849 : コノハチョウ K.inachus 学名 Kallima inachus (Boisduval, 1846) 和名 コノハチョウ 英名 Orange Oakleaf 亜種
  • K. i. eucerca(Fruhstorfer)

コノハチョウ(木の葉蝶・Kallima inachus)は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・タテハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。の裏面が枯葉のように見えることからこの名があり、隠蔽擬態をする代表的な昆虫の一つに挙げられる。沖縄県指定天然記念物1969年)、準絶滅危惧(NT)環境省レッドリスト)。










インド北部からヒマラヤインドシナ半島中国台湾先島諸島から沖縄諸島奄美群島沖永良部島徳之島にかけて分布する。コノハチョウ属(Kallima 属)の中では最も広い分布域を持つ。分布域内でいくつかの亜種に分かれており、日本に分布するものは亜種 K. i. eucerca Fruhstorfer, 1898 とされる。宮崎県以南で見られる。



コノハチョウ属(Kallima 属)はインド東南アジア地域を中心に10種が知られる。

  • K. albofasciata Moore, 1877 - アンダマン・ニコバル諸島
  • K. alompra Moore, 1879 - インドシナ半島
  • K. buxtoni Moore, 1879 - インドネシア
  • K. horsfieldi Kollar, 1844 - インド、ヒマラヤ山脈南部
  • コノハチョウ K. inachus (Boisduval, 1846) - インド、ヒマラヤ、インドシナ半島、中国、台湾-徳之島
  • K. limborgii Moore, 1879 - インドシナ半島
  • K. knyvetti de Nicéville, 1886 - インドシナ半島北部
  • K. paralekta (Horsfield, 1829) - インドネシア
  • K. philarchus (Westwood, 1848) - インド
  • K. spiridiva Grose-Smith, 1885 - インドネシア



イワサキコノハ Doleschallia bisaltide (Cramer, 1777)
Doleschallia polibetaとする文献もある。前翅長35mmほどで、コノハチョウよりやや小型。翅の表側の地色は橙色をしており、前翅の先端が黒褐色、橙色の斑点が入る。インド、インドシナ半島、ニューギニア島フィリピンなどに分布する。日本では南西諸島各地でフィリピン亜種 D. b. philippensis Fruhstorfer, 1912が記録される。和名の「イワサキ」は、石垣島の生物研究に功績を残した岩崎卓爾に因んだものである。
キオビコノハ Yoma sabina (Cramer, 1780)


  1. ^ 高桑(1995)


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コノハチョウ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
 src= ぐんま昆虫の森・生態温室内にて

コノハチョウ(木の葉蝶・Kallima inachus)は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・タテハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。の裏面が枯葉のように見えることからこの名があり、隠蔽擬態をする代表的な昆虫の一つに挙げられる。沖縄県指定天然記念物1969年)、準絶滅危惧(NT)(環境省レッドリスト)。

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