Thaumantis diores, the jungle glory,[1] is a butterfly found in South Asia that belongs to the Morphinae subfamily of the brush-footed butterflies family.
The jungle glory ranges from Sikkim to Myanmar. A subspecies is found in Taiwan and it is suspected that the butterfly occurs in northern Thailand and northern Vietnam as well.[1][2][3]
Evans reports the butterfly as not rare in its Indian range[2] while Wynter-Blyth reports it as not common.[3]
Males and females have the upperside dusky brown; forewing with a broad beautifully iridescent blue discal band from below vein 8 to the dorsum, extending posteriorly towards the base of the wing, outwardly suffused with a brilliant silvery gloss. Hindwing with a median, similar, somewhat rounded patch, the outward silvery gloss very brilliant, in fresh specimens the blue spreading towards the base of the wings. Underside rich silky brown, terminal margins of the wings broadly paler, sprinkled with lilacine scales near an inward well-defined very pale brownish-yellow sinuous line; the basal five-sixths of the wings darkening perceptibly outwards. Forewing with two pairs of transverse sinuous dark narrow bands across cell, followed by an oblique discal similar band, from costa to interspace 1. Hindwing with two similar transverse bands divergent posteriorly, an oval yellowish-white spot in interspaces 2 and 6 respectively and a dark tornal spot; the spot in interspace 2 shaded with brown. Antennae red; head, thorax and abdomen brown. Male secondary sex-mark a small erectile tuft of hair, not covering apparently any specialized scales, near the base of the subcostal vein on the upperside of the hindwing.[4]
Thaumantis diores, the jungle glory, is a butterfly found in South Asia that belongs to the Morphinae subfamily of the brush-footed butterflies family.
Thaumantis diores is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1845 door Edward Doubleday.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesThaumantis er en slekt av sommerfugler som hører til gruppen Amathusiini i underfamilien ringvinger (Satyrinae) i den store familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae).
Ganske store, brunlige sommerfugler med avrundede, brede vinger. Vingene har metallisk blå felter på oversiden.
Amathusiini er skogsinsekter. De voksne sommerfuglene er lite aktive og sitter mest stille, godt hjulpet av kamuflasjen. De flyr sjelden langt om gangen. Mange arter flyr helst i skumringen, og kommer til lys, noe som er ganske uvanlig for dagsommerfugler. De blir tiltrukket av gjærende frukt og fersk møkk, som de drikker fra. Larvene er lite kjente, men ser ut til for det meste å leve på enfrøbladete planter, blant annet bananplanter, palmer og bambus. Amathusiini finnes bare i Sørøst-Asia.
Slekten er utbredt fra Sikkim i vest til Borneo i øst.
Thaumantis er en slekt av sommerfugler som hører til gruppen Amathusiini i underfamilien ringvinger (Satyrinae) i den store familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae).
Thaumantis odana
(Godart, 1824)
斑環蝶屬(學名:Thaumantis;英文:Jungle Glory)是閃蝶亞科環蝶族中的一個屬,分佈於東南亞。翅底有藍色與紫色的斑帶[1]。