'n Gebande grondkruiper (of Banded groundling soos dit in Engels bekend staan),[1] is 'n naaldekoker, Brachythemis leucosticta, en behoort tot die familie van Libellulidae.
Liggaamslengte: 29-31 mm. Agtervlerklengte: 23,5-25 mm. Klein, onmiskenbaar, swart lyf met swart bande op elke vlerk en geel pterostigma. Die mannetjie is een van die mees uitgekenbare van alle naaldekokers, met sy donkerbruin vlerkbande en houtskoolkleurige kop, bors en maag. Die vlerkbande is afwesig in die wyfie. Wyfies word dikwels saam met die mannetjie gesien, maar paring word selde waargeneem. Die pterostigma is tweekleurig, geel in die middel en donkerbruin aan die kante. Mannetjies en wyfies sit dikwels op kaal grond naby die waterkant.[2]
Dit kom wydverspreid voor in Afrika (behalwe in bosgebiede), die suide van Europa, en die Midde-Ooste. In Suid-Afrika kom dit voor in die Noord-Kaap, Wes-Kaap, Limpopo, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal (tot 700 m bo seevlak), Mpumalanga-laeveld en eSwatini.[2]
Habitat is droë, swaarbeweide savanne naby swembaddens, damme en trae lope van riviere. Die spesie word langs grondpaaie of op die rand van terugtrekkende poele en strande gesien, en kom algemeen voor in warm savannegebiede.[2]
'n Gebande grondkruiper (of Banded groundling soos dit in Engels bekend staan), is 'n naaldekoker, Brachythemis leucosticta, en behoort tot die familie van Libellulidae.
Brachythemis leucosticta, the banded groundling or Southern banded groundling, is a species of dragonfly belonging to the family Libellulidae. It is found in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Brachythemis leucosticta was first formally described as Libellula leucosticta in 1839 by the German entomologist Hermann Burmeister with its type locality designated as Port Natal. It was long considered that there was a single species, the banded groundling, but in 2009 they were split into two species; the Southern banded groundling (B. leucosticta) and the Northern Banded Groundling (B. impartita) with a wide area of overlap in central Africa.[3]
Brachythemis leucosticta is a small species of dragonfly with a length of up to 33 mm (1.3 in) and a wingspan of up to 57 mm (2.2 in). The males have a completely black abdomen and thorax, pterostigmata which are bicoloured including yellow, a very dark brown or blackish band near the tip of each wing and a black face and eyes. The females have a yellow and black thorax and abdomen the colour becoming less bright in older individuals and they have brown banded eyes.[4]
Brachythemis leucosticta is found in East and Central Africa,[4] and its presence has been confirmed in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It may also occur in Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, South Sudan and Sudan.[1] In South Africa it is found in the northern and eastern parts and is largely absent from the Cape region with a few scattered records in the Eastern Cape and a single record from the Western Cape.[5] It is found round small pools in open or savannah area, these pools may or may not have aquatic or emergent vegetation. The females and young males may be encountered some distance from water.[6]
Brachythemis leucosticta prefers to be on or near the ground and will sit in the open. It is a tame species which often follows larger animals, including humans, catching small insects flushed by the larger animals as they walk through the grass. They are rather sociable and gather in mixed sex aggregations. In South Africa the adults are most active between September and May but in more tropical areas the adults are active throughout the year.[4]
Brachythemis leucosticta, the banded groundling or Southern banded groundling, is a species of dragonfly belonging to the family Libellulidae. It is found in Sub-Saharan Africa.
De (zuidelijke) bandgrondlibel (Brachythemis leucosticta) is een libellensoort uit de familie van de korenbouten (Libellulidae), onderorde echte libellen (Anisoptera).[2]
De zuidelijke bandgrondlibel staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als niet bedreigd, beoordelingsjaar 2009. De soort komt voor in Afrika, het Midden-Oosten en Zuid-Europa,[1] waaronder in Zimbabwe.[3]
De wetenschappelijke naam Brachythemis leucosticta is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1839 door Burmeister.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesBrachythemis leucosticta – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Brachythemis należącego do rodziny ważkowatych.
Imago lata od listopada do końca maja. Długość ciała 29–31 mm. Rozpiętość skrzydeł 23,5–25 mm. Występuje na terenie Afryki.
Brachythemis leucosticta – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Brachythemis należącego do rodziny ważkowatych.
Imago lata od listopada do końca maja. Długość ciała 29–31 mm. Rozpiętość skrzydeł 23,5–25 mm. Występuje na terenie Afryki.
Brachythemis leucosticta é uma espécie de libelinha da família Libellulidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Argélia, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chade, República Democrática do Congo, Costa do Marfim, Egipto, Etiópia, Gâmbia, Gana, Guiné, Guiné-Bissau, Quénia, Madagáscar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritânia, Marrocos, Moçambique, Namíbia, Níger, Nigéria, Senegal, Somália, África do Sul, Sudão, Tanzânia, Togo, Uganda, Zâmbia, Zimbabwe e possivelmente em Burundi.[1]
Os seus habitats naturais são: rios, rios intermitentes, pântanos, lagos de água doce, lagos intermitentes de água doce, marismas de água doce e marismas intermitentes de água doce.[1]
Brachythemis leucosticta é uma espécie de libelinha da família Libellulidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Argélia, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chade, República Democrática do Congo, Costa do Marfim, Egipto, Etiópia, Gâmbia, Gana, Guiné, Guiné-Bissau, Quénia, Madagáscar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritânia, Marrocos, Moçambique, Namíbia, Níger, Nigéria, Senegal, Somália, África do Sul, Sudão, Tanzânia, Togo, Uganda, Zâmbia, Zimbabwe e possivelmente em Burundi.
Os seus habitats naturais são: rios, rios intermitentes, pântanos, lagos de água doce, lagos intermitentes de água doce, marismas de água doce e marismas intermitentes de água doce.
Brachythemis leucosticta là một loài chuồn chuồn ngô thuộc họ Libellulidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở Algérie, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Tchad, Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo, Bờ Biển Ngà, Ai Cập, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinée, Guiné-Bissau, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritanie, Maroc, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Somalia, Nam Phi, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, và có thể cả Burundi. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là sông ngòi, sông có nước theo mùa, đầm lầy, hồ nước ngọt, hồ nước ngọt có nước theo mùa, đầm nước ngọt, và đầm nước ngọt có nước theo mùa.
Brachythemis leucosticta là một loài chuồn chuồn ngô thuộc họ Libellulidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở Algérie, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Tchad, Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo, Bờ Biển Ngà, Ai Cập, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinée, Guiné-Bissau, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritanie, Maroc, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Somalia, Nam Phi, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, và có thể cả Burundi. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là sông ngòi, sông có nước theo mùa, đầm lầy, hồ nước ngọt, hồ nước ngọt có nước theo mùa, đầm nước ngọt, và đầm nước ngọt có nước theo mùa.