
Distribution ( İngilizce )

EOL authors tarafından sağlandı
Introduced to Hawaii in 1971 from Japan or Guam.

North American Ecology (US and Canada) ( İngilizce )

North American Butterfly Knowledge Network tarafından sağlandı
Found only in Hawaii, where it was introduced in 1971 (Scott 1986). Habitats are WOODLANDS AND CITIES. Host plants are largely restricted to one genus, Citrus, in family Rutaceae. Hosts are usually trees. Individuals overwinter as pupae. There are multiple flights throughout each year (Scott 1986).
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Leslie Ries
Leslie Ries

分布 ( İngilizce )

Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life tarafından sağlandı
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描述 ( İngilizce )

Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life tarafından sağlandı
中型鳳蝶。軀體黃白色,背面有明顯黑褐色縱帶,腹面有四條黑褐色細縱線。後翅M3脈端有一細長尾突。翅面底色呈黑褐色,上有黃白色條紋及斑點。後翅臀區常有一枚紅斑。高溫期個體體型較大、後翅外側黑帶較寬,後翅前緣Sc + R1室內常有一黑褐色斑紋。
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棲地 ( İngilizce )

Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life tarafından sağlandı
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Papilio xuthus ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

La Papilio xuthus, ye una especie de caparina perteneciente a la familia Papilionidae. Atópase nel nordeste d'Asia, Corea, Xapón, y Ḥawai.


De medianu tamañu, de color mariellu y con cola prominente. Tien un valumbu de nales de 45 a 55 mm.

Ye común n'árees urbanes, suburbanes, nos montes y güertos de naranxales.


Norte de Myanmar, sur de China, Xapón (de Hokkaidō a Islles Yaeyama), Taiwán, Guam, Islles Ogasawara, Corea, mariña de Siberia, ya islles Hawaii.

Especies similares

  • Papilio machaon tien similar presencia y coloríu, sicasí, les canesbes son de distintu color.


Plantes güespede

Les canesbes aliméntense d'especies de la familia Rutaceae. Incluyíes:

  • Phellodendron amurensis[1]
  • Poncirus trifoliata[1]
  • Zanthoxylum spp, como Zanthoxylum piperitum, Zanthoxylum nitidum[1] y Zanthoxylum ailanthoides[1]
  • Especies de Citrus cultivaos tales como Mandarina y Yuzu[1]
  • Euodia ruaecarpa[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 Savela, Marrku (16 Feb 2008). «Papilio». Lepidoptera and some other life forms. nic.funet.fi. Consultáu'l 9 de noviembre de 2010.

Enllaces esternos

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wikipedia AST

Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

La Papilio xuthus, ye una especie de caparina perteneciente a la familia Papilionidae. Atópase nel nordeste d'Asia, Corea, Xapón, y Ḥawai.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Papilio xuthus ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Papilio xuthus
Raupe von Papilio xuthus

Papilio xuthus, auch bekannt unter der englischen Bezeichnung Citrus Swallowtail („Zitronen-Schwalbenschwanz“) sowie im Deutschen unter dem Namen „Japanischer Schwalbenschwanz“, ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Ritterfalter (Papilionidae).[1][2]



Die Falter erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 80 bis 100 Millimetern. Die Vorderflügel haben eine schwarze Grundfärbung und weisen entlang des Außenrandes eine Reihe dünner weißer Bogenflecke auf. Etwa zwei Zentimeter parallel zu dieser verläuft eine weitere Reihe weißer, im Vergleich jedoch wesentlich größerer Flecke vom Vorderrand bis zum Innenrand. Diese Flecke werden Richtung Innenrand zunehmend größer. Das Glied, welches dem Innenrand am nächsten ist, ist an einen weißen Streifen angeschlossen, welcher bis zum Körper reicht. Entlang des Innenrandes verläuft bis zu dieser Reihe vom Körper ein schmaler weißer Streifen. In der Diskoidalzelle befinden sich vom Körper ausgehend, vier weiße dünne Streifen. Nahe der Grenze Diskalregion/Postdiskalregion befinden sich beim Vorderrand zwei große weiße Bogenflecke, die beinahe einen Kreis bilden. Wenige Zentimeter von diesen entfernt befindet sich in der Nähe des Vorderrandes noch ein kleiner weißer Fleck. Die Hinterflügel haben eine schwarze Grundfärbung und weisen entlang des Außenrandes eine Reihe weißer Bogenflecke auf, welche Richtung Innenrand zunehmend dicker werden. In der Basal- und Diskalregion befinden sich einige unterschiedlich große weiße Flecke sowie ein schwarzer Fleck nahe dem Vorderrand. Im Analwinkel befindet sich ein schwarz gekernter, gelber Augenfleck. An diesen angrenzend ist eine parallel zum Außenrand verlaufende Reihe aus dunkelblauen Flecke erkennbar. Der gewellte Außenrand hat einen deutlichen Schwanzfortsatz.[1]

Die Unterseite der Vorderflügel hat eine braune Grundfärbung und weist alle Merkmale der Oberseite auf, wenn auch verstärkt. Zwischen den beiden Reihen Flecke befindet sich nun eine dünne weiße Binde. Die Unterseite der Hinterflügel hat eine schwarze Grundfärbung und weist alle Merkmale der Oberseite auf, wenn auch verstärkt. Die Glieder der Reihe Bogenflecke werden Richtung Vorderrand zunehmend orange gefärbt, der Augenfleck im Analwinkel ist orange gefärbt und hat einen teilweise hellgelben Rand.[1]

Beide Geschlechter haben dieselbe Flügelzeichnungen und dieselbe Körperfärbung. Der Körper ist bis auf den schwarzen Thorax weiß, auf der Unterseite ein wenig gelblich.[1]

Ei, Raupe und Puppe

Bei Dormanz verliert die Raupe während der Verpuppung mehr Gewicht als sonst.[3]

Vorkommen und Verbreitung

Papilio xuthus ist hauptsächlich in Asien beheimatet. Dies betrifft Südchina, Nordburma, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, die Ogasawara-Inseln und Hawaii. Die Art ist in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet häufig anzutreffen und gilt deshalb nicht als bedroht.[4]


Papilio xuthus bildet drei bis vier Generationen pro Jahr aus. Seine Flugzeit reicht von Mai bis August. Die Raupen ernähren sich von Doldengewächsen (Apiaceae) sowie von Rautengewächsen (Rutaceae).[1][2]


Von Papilio xuthus sind zwei Unterarten bekannt:[1][4]



  1. a b c d e f butterflycorner.net: Papilio xuthus (abgerufen am 10. Mai 2009)
  2. a b Walter Reuther, Leon Dexter Batchelor, E. Clair Calavan, Herbert John Webber, Glenn E. Carman, Lee R. Jeppson, University of California(Davis.) Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Crop protection, postharvest technology, and early history of citrus research in California. ANR Publications, 1989, ISBN 0931876877, S. 71
  3. Walter Reuther, Leon Dexter Batchelor, E. Clair Calavan, Herbert John Webber, Glenn E. Carman, Lee R. Jeppson, University of California(Davis.) Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Crop protection, postharvest technology, and early history of citrus research in California. ANR Publications, 1989, ISBN 0931876877, S. 72
  4. a b N. Mark Collins, Michael G. Morris, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources: Threatened swallowtail butterflies of the world: the IUCN red data book. IUCN, 1985, ISBN 2880326036, S. 95


  • Walter Reuther, Leon Dexter Batchelor, E. Clair Calavan, Herbert John Webber, Glenn E. Carman, Lee R. Jeppson, University of California(Davis.) Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Crop protection, postharvest technology, and early history of citrus research in California. ANR Publications, 1989, ISBN 0931876877, 374 Seiten
  • N. Mark Collins, Michael G. Morris, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources: Threatened swallowtail butterflies of the world: the IUCN red data book. IUCN, 1985, ISBN 2880326036, 401 Seiten


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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
 src= Papilio xuthus  src= Raupe von Papilio xuthus

Papilio xuthus, auch bekannt unter der englischen Bezeichnung Citrus Swallowtail („Zitronen-Schwalbenschwanz“) sowie im Deutschen unter dem Namen „Japanischer Schwalbenschwanz“, ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Ritterfalter (Papilionidae).

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Papilio xuthus ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus, the Asian swallowtail, Chinese yellow swallowtail or Xuthus swallowtail, is a yellow-colored, medium to large sized swallowtail butterfly found in northeast Asia, northern Myanmar, southern China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Japan (from Hokkaidō to the Yaeyama Islands), Siberia and the Hawaiian Islands.[1] It was also recorded in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India, in 2014.[2]

It mates multiple times in its life, leading to an increased genetic diversity in its young.[3] It is preyed upon by a host of organisms, including the tree cricket Oecanthus longicauda, ant Lasius niger, and wasps (Polistes and Trogus mactator).[4] P. xuthus utilizes color vision and color constancy while foraging for plants of the family Rutaceae.[5]

It is common and not threatened.[1] Papilio xuthus is common in urban, suburban, woods and orange orchards. The flight period is from May to August.[6]

Males use both physical and visual cues to attract mates during the breeding season. Females of the species regularly mate with multiple partners. After mating, females use habitat and food quality to determine where they will oviposit their eggs.


Papilio xuthus is a member of the genus Papilio. It is of the family Papilionidae and order Lepidoptera.[7] It was first introduced in Hawaii in 1971 from Japan or Guam.[8] P. xuthus makes significant seasonal migrations over 200 km.[9] There are two subspecies of P. xuthus: Papilio xuthus koxingus and Papilio xuthus neoxuthus.[6]


Video of Papilio xuthus in Tokyo, Japan

The Asian swallowtail is a mid-sized, yellow, prominently-tailed butterfly.[10] It has a wingspan of 90 to 110 mm.[10] Its normal color pattern consists of a black pattern on a yellow background.[10] Wing coloration is sexually dimorphic, with females showing broader proximal marginal bands in the hindwing.[10] Blue-iridescent and orange scales separate the black bands on the hindwing.[10] The black bands also run in stripes of varying thickness along the forewing.[10] The young caterpillar mimics bird feces and has a white and brown spot on its head.[6] As they mature, caterpillars develop a light green body color with brown spots.[6]

Wing Coloration

P. xuthus have highly sensitive photoreceptors, or ommatidia, that can detect a wide range of wavelengths.[11] This adaptation helps them identify members of their own species. Their distinct coloring and patterning are what sets them apart from other butterflies. Wing color is derived from "scales", and P. xuthus has scales of yellow (cream), orange, black, and blue from the light each scale absorbs and reflects. Spectrophotometer studies saw that the yellow scales absorbed in the UV to violet range, orange absorbed in the lower half-wavelengths of the visible spectrum, black scales absorbed in most of the visible light range, and blue scales absorbed very little light. These absorbance ranges are due to the pigment molecules contained in each wing scale. Yellow and orange contain papiliochrome II and black contains melanin. The blue scales are unique in that they don't have a pigment molecule, and are instead colored by an optical phenomenon. The interaction of light with the upper and lower lamina of the scale gives them the distinct blue color that we see.[11]

Experimental manipulation of wing coloration has been achieved through administration of the acid carboxypeptidase, Molsin. Injection of Molsin into 0-2 day pupae, butterflies had high amounts of black wing scales. These modified subjects had produced high amounts of melanin and papiliochrome II. Injection of Molsin into 3-4 day pupae shows no change in wing coloration. This indicates that P. xuthus likely has an acid carboxypeptidase of its own that naturally induces production of these pigments, and its action lasts during the first two days of pupation. Administration of a higher amount of acid carboxypeptidase to the pupae at 0–2 days induces an overproduction of pigmentation molecules, which leads to a high number of black scales.[12]

P. xuthus uses wing coloration and patterning to identify insects of the same species. Sexual behaviors are elicited from males by visual identification alone. Adult P. xuthus males were able to find odorless conspecifics, and while they do not discriminate by sex, they can identify a female once physical contact is made.[13]

Courtship and mating

During the mating season, Asian swallowtail males fly through the foliage of trees in search of a mate.[14] If a male encounters a female resting on a plant with open and horizontal wings, it approaches her and examines her by contacting his forelegs with the tips of her wings.[14] In addition, males use visual cues to conduct the mating ritual and are particularly attracted to closely spaced yellow patches on female wings.[14]

Most females of the Asian swallowtail butterfly mate more than once in their life. This behavior is typical of many other swallowtail butterflies including P. glaucus, P. helenus and P. protenor.[3][15][16] By mating multiply, females are able to increase the genetic diversity of their offspring.[17] In addition, multiple matings allow females to produce a greater number of eggs, of which there can be up to thirty.[18]


Female butterflies disperse when they are about to oviposit. They decide on the number of eggs they deposit in different subhabitats by certain criteria such as the quality of the subhabitat, the existing adult population in the area, the quantity of young leaves in the vicinity, the degree of sun exposure (females prefer sunnier areas),[19][20] and host plant height.[4]

Mortality factors

P. xuthus larva - upper: osmeterium everted - lower: undisturbed


Some insects, such as the grasshopper Oeanthus longicauda, are capable of removing Asian swallowtail larvae out of their eggs before they hatch.[4] During the first and second larval instars, their main predators are ants (particularly Lasius niger), spiders, and various other bugs.[4]

Asian swallowtail caterpillars may also be parasitized by wasps, such as Trogus mactator and Pteromarus puparum, during development. These wasps ultimately kill the larvae after pupation.[4] In fact, wasps have been observed emerging from the host pupa four or five days after the predicted date of emergence of the host.[4]


Aside from predation, larval mortality rate is also affected by diseases that appear to correlate with the duration of the rainy season.[4] Long days of rain in autumn lead to the rotting of infected larvae.[4]


Asian swallowtail butterflies exhibit color vision which gives them the ability to differentiate objects of contrasting colors irrespective of brightness.[5] They also exhibit color constancy, which allows them to recognize the color of an organism regardless of the background light.[5] Asian swallowtail butterflies show this color constancy even when the background light is yellow and red.[5] This ability is important for foraging, as it allows butterflies to recognize certain flowers in an area irrespective of whether the flower is in the shade or in the sun.[5]

Food plants

The larvae of the species feed on plants of family Rutaceae. Recorded species of food plants include:

Development and population dynamics

Despite its wide distribution, populations of the Asian swallowtail remain at a stable, relatively low, level. There are typically four to five generations per year with the adults of the first generation emerging from mid-April to early May and adults of the second generation emerging in mid-June.[19][22] P. xuthus will lay single eggs on leaves of host plants, allowing hatched larvae to feed on Poncirus trifoliata, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides and various citrus species.[4] The larval stage lasts for approximately three to five weeks while the pupal stage is around two weeks.[4]

According to a study, the population fluctuation of the Asian swallowtail butterfly has been surprisingly stable compared to that of various other insects.[19] The stability of the population appeared to be regulated by the population dynamics of egg the parasitoids, Trichogramma, and the pupal parasitoids, Pteromalus puparum, which maintained shorter life spans and generation times than the eggs of the Asian swallowtail.[19] When the butterfly population reaches a high density, because of the shorter generational turn around of the parasites, intergeneration responses of the parasites are faster than those of the butterflies, resulting in a responding increased growth of the parasites.[19] This creates an evolutionary stable system to keep the population of both the parasites and the host in check.[19] It was also found that among the subpopulations studied, exchanges between each subpopulation helped to maintain the stability of the entire population as a whole.[19]


See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Papilio xuthus.


  1. ^ a b Collins, N. Mark; Morris, Michael G. (1985). "Papilio (Princeps) xuthus (Linnaeus, 1760)". Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book. Gland & Cambridge: IUCN. p. 95. ISBN 978-2-88032-603-6 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  2. ^ Kunte, K.; P. Roy; S. Kalesh; U. Kodandaramaiah, eds. (2016). "Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767 – Asian Yellow Swallowtail". Butterflies of India, v. 2.24. Indian Foundation for Butterflies. Retrieved 10 August 2016.
  3. ^ a b Watanabe, M., and Nozato, K. (1986). Fecundity of the yellow swallowtail butterflies,Papilio xuthus and P. machaon hippocrates, in a wild environment.Zool. Sci. 3: 509–515.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Watanabe, Mamoru (March 1976). "A preliminary study on population dynamics of the swallowtail butterfly,Papilio xuthus L. In a deforested area". Researches on Population Ecology. 17 (2): 200–210. doi:10.1007/BF02530771. S2CID 33092266.
  5. ^ a b c d e Kinoshita, Michiyo; Kentaro Arikawa (2000). "Color Constancy of the Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus". The Journal of Experimental Biology. 203 (Pt 23): 3521–3530. doi:10.1242/jeb.203.23.3521. PMID 11060214. Retrieved 25 October 2013.
  6. ^ a b c d "Papilio xuthus (Asian Swallowtail, Japanischer Schwalbenschwanz, Machaon asiatique)". Archived from the original on 23 February 2018. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
  7. ^ Roskov Y., Kunze T., Paglinawan L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Hernandez F., De Wever A., eds (2013). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life, 2013 Annual Checklist. Digital resource at www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2013/. Species 2000: Reading, UK.
  8. ^ Scott, J. A. 1986. The butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press.
  9. ^ NatureServe (2013). "NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]: Papilio xuthus - Linnaeus, 1767". Virginia: NatureServe. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Koch; Nijhout (2002). "The Role of Wing Veins in Colour Pattern Development in the Butterfly, Papilio xuthus". European Journal of Entomology. 99: 67–72. doi:10.14411/eje.2002.012.
  11. ^ a b Stavenga, Doekele G; Matsushita, Atsuko; Arikawa, Kentaro (2015). "Combined pigmentary and structural effects tune wing scale coloration to color vision in the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus". Zoological Letters. 1: 14. doi:10.1186/s40851-015-0015-2. ISSN 2056-306X. PMC 4657377. PMID 26605059.
  12. ^ Osanai, Minoru; Umebachi, Yoshishige (2003). "Perturbation of the Wing Color Pattern of a Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus, Induced by Acid Carboxypeptidase". Zoological Science. 20 (3): 325–331. doi:10.2108/zsj.20.325. ISSN 0289-0003. PMID 12692391. S2CID 25029765.
  13. ^ Yamashita, Keiko; Hidaka, Toshitaka (25 December 1975). "Wing Color Pattern as the Releaser of Mating Behavior in the Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus L.(Lepidoptera : Papilionidae)". Applied Entomology and Zoology. 10 (4): 263–267. doi:10.1303/aez.10.263. ISSN 0003-6862.
  14. ^ a b c Hidaka, Toshitaka; Keiko Yamashita (December 1975). "Wing Color Pattern as the Releaser of Mating Behavior in the Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)". Applied Entomology and Zoology. 10 (4): 263–267. doi:10.1303/aez.10.263.
  15. ^ Watanabe, M., Nozato, K., and Kiritani, K. (1986). Studies on ecology and behavior of Japanese black swallowtail butterflies. V. Fecundity in summer generations.Appl. Entomol. Zool. 21: 448–453.
  16. ^ Burns, J. M. (1966). Preferential mating versus mimicry: Disruptive selection and sex-limited dimorphism in Papilio glaucus.Science 153: 551–553.
  17. ^ Walker, W. F. (1980). Sperm utilization strategies in nonsocial insects.Am. Nat. 115: 780–799.
  18. ^ Watanabe, Mamoru (1988). "Multiple matings increase the fecundity of the yellow swallowtail butterfly,Papilio xuthus L., in summer generations". Journal of Insect Behavior. 1 (1): 17–29. doi:10.1007/BF01052501. S2CID 30702862.
  19. ^ a b c d e f g Hirose, Y.; Y. Suzuki; M.Takagi; K. Hiehata; M. Yamasaki; H. Kimoto; M. Yamanaka; M. Iga; K. Yamaguchi (March 1980). "Population dynamics of the citrus swallowtail,Papilio xuthus Linné (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): Mechanisms stabilizing its numbers". Researches on Population Ecology. 21 (2): 260–285. doi:10.1007/BF02513625. S2CID 3120811.
  20. ^ Suzuki, Y., K. Yamaguchi, M. Iga, Y. Hirose and H. Kimoto (1976) Spatial distribution of the eggs of Papilio xuthus Linné (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in a citrus grove.Jap. J. appl. Ent. Zool. 20: 177–183. (In Japanese with English synopsis),
  21. ^ a b c d e f g Savela, Markku (16 February 2008). "Papilio". Lepidoptera and some other life forms. nic.funet.fi. Retrieved 9 November 2010.
  22. ^ Inaba, S. (1937) The ecological observation on the swallowtail butterflyPapilio xuthus L. (II).Acta Zooecologica 1, (2): 17–29.
  • Harry, J. L. 1994. Papilio xuthus in Hawaii: A Photo Life History (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 5(1): 6–7. pdf
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wikipedia EN

Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus, the Asian swallowtail, Chinese yellow swallowtail or Xuthus swallowtail, is a yellow-colored, medium to large sized swallowtail butterfly found in northeast Asia, northern Myanmar, southern China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Japan (from Hokkaidō to the Yaeyama Islands), Siberia and the Hawaiian Islands. It was also recorded in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India, in 2014.

It mates multiple times in its life, leading to an increased genetic diversity in its young. It is preyed upon by a host of organisms, including the tree cricket Oecanthus longicauda, ant Lasius niger, and wasps (Polistes and Trogus mactator). P. xuthus utilizes color vision and color constancy while foraging for plants of the family Rutaceae.

It is common and not threatened. Papilio xuthus is common in urban, suburban, woods and orange orchards. The flight period is from May to August.

Males use both physical and visual cues to attract mates during the breeding season. Females of the species regularly mate with multiple partners. After mating, females use habitat and food quality to determine where they will oviposit their eggs.

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Papilio xuthus ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus es una especie de mariposa de la familia Papilionidae. Se encuentra en el nordeste de Asia, Corea, Japón, y Hawái.


De mediano tamaño, de color amarillo y con cola prominente. Tiene una envergadura de alas de 45 a 55 mm.

Es común en áreas urbanas, suburbanas, en los bosques y huertos de naranjos.


Norte de Birmania, sur de China, Japón (de Hokkaidō a Islas Yaeyama), Taiwán, Guam, Islas Ogasawara, Corea, costa de Siberia, e Islas Hawái.

Especies similares


Plantas hospederas

Las larvas se alimentan de especies de la familia Rutaceae. Incluidas:


  1. a b c d e f Savela, Marrku (16 de febrero de 2008). «Papilio». Lepidoptera and some other life forms. nic.funet.fi. Consultado el 9 de noviembre de 2010.

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wikipedia ES

Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus es una especie de mariposa de la familia Papilionidae. Se encuentra en el nordeste de Asia, Corea, Japón, y Hawái.

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wikipedia ES

Papilio xuthus ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères qui appartient à la famille des Papilionidae, à la sous-famille des Papilioninae et au genre Papilio.

On la trouve dans l'Est de l'Asie, notamment au Japon, en Corée, en Extrême-Orient russe, dans l'Est de la Chine et à Taïwan, ainsi qu'à Hawaï[1].


  1. (en) « Papilio », sur funet.fi (consulté le 24 juillet 2018).
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wikipedia FR

Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères qui appartient à la famille des Papilionidae, à la sous-famille des Papilioninae et au genre Papilio.

On la trouve dans l'Est de l'Asie, notamment au Japon, en Corée, en Extrême-Orient russe, dans l'Est de la Chine et à Taïwan, ainsi qu'à Hawaï.

Papilio xuthus.jpg Papilio xuthus1.jpg
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Papilio xuthus ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il macaone asiatico, noto anche come macaone cinese (Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767), è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Papilionidae, diffuso in Asia orientale e Oceania.[1]



Papilio xuthus si alimenta di piante della famiglia delle Rutacee. Vive comunemente nei frutteti urbani, suburbani, boschivi e negli agrumeti. Il periodo di volo va da maggio ad agosto.[2]

I maschi usano sia segnali fisici che visivi per attrarre le compagne durante la stagione riproduttiva. Le femmine della specie si accoppiano regolarmente con più partner. Dopo l'accoppiamento, le femmine usano l'habitat e la qualità del cibo per determinare dove deporranno le loro uova.[3]

Distribuzione e habitat

La specie è diffusa nell'Asia nord-orientale, nel Myanmar settentrionale, nella Cina meridionale, nella penisola coreana, in Giappone (dall'Hokkaido alle isole Yaeyama), in Siberia e nelle isole hawaiane.[1]


  1. ^ a b (EN) N. Mark Collins e Michael G. Morris, Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book, IUCN, 1985, ISBN 9782880326036. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2018.
  2. ^ Michiyo Kinoshita e Kentaro Arikawa, Colour constancy of the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus, vol. 203, 1º gennaio 2001. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2018.
  3. ^ (EN) ButterflyCorner.net: Papilio xuthus (Asian Swallowtail, Japanischer Schwalbenschwanz, Machaon asiatique), su en.butterflycorner.net. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 febbraio 2018).


  • (EN) Capinera, J. L. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Entomology, 4 voll., 2nd Ed., Dordrecht, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008, pp. lxiii + 4346, ISBN 978-1-4020-6242-1, LCCN 2008930112, OCLC 837039413.
  • Carter D.J. & Hargreaves B., A field guide to caterpillars of butterflies & moths in Britain and Europe, London, Collins, 1986.
  • (EN) Kükenthal, W. (Ed.), Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology, Band 4: Arthropoda - 2. Hälfte: Insecta - Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies, in Kristensen, N. P. (a cura di), Handbuch der Zoologie, Fischer, M. (Scientific Editor), Teilband/Part 35: Volume 1: Evolution, systematics, and biogeography, Berlino, New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1999 [1998], pp. x + 491, ISBN 978-3-11-015704-8, OCLC 174380917.
  • (EN) Scoble, M. J., The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity, seconda edizione, London, Oxford University Press & Natural History Museum, 2011 [1992], pp. xi, 404, ISBN 978-0-19-854952-9, LCCN 92004297, OCLC 25282932.
  • (EN) Stehr, F. W. (Ed.), Immature Insects, 2 volumi, seconda edizione, Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1991 [1987], pp. ix, 754, ISBN 978-0-8403-3702-3, LCCN 85081922, OCLC 13784377.

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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il macaone asiatico, noto anche come macaone cinese (Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767), è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Papilionidae, diffuso in Asia orientale e Oceania.

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Papilio xuthus ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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Papilio xuthus is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae).


De spanwijdte bedraagt tussen de 58 en 115 millimeter.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het verspreidingsgebied beslaat een groot deel van het Indomaleisisch gebied en loopt via Oost-China, Taiwan, Korea tot Japan. Daarnaast komt de vlinder ook voor op Hawaï.

De vlinder komt voornamelijk voor in de valleien en bij grotere beken en rivieren, in gemengde bossen. Papilio xuthus vliegt in twee generaties, de eerste van april tot en met juni en de tweede in juli en augustus.

Er is sprake van een seizoensdimorfie, de voorjaarsvariant is een stuk kleiner dan de zomergeneratie.


De waardplanten zijn van de geslachten Dictamnus, Evodia en Zanthoxylum.

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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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Papilio xuthus is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae).

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Papilio xuthus ( Norveççe )

wikipedia NO tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus
Foto: Kenpei
Foto: Σ64

Papilio xuthus er en sommerfugl i familiegruppen svalestjerter. Den lever på Hawaii og øst i Asia.


Kroppen har et ytre skjelett (hudplater) som holder de bløte indre organer på plass. Det ytre hudskjelettet er bygd opp for det meste av kitin. Bakkroppens indre organer består av fordøyelsesorganer, forplantningsorganer og åndedrett. Åndedrettet hos sommerfugler foregår ikke ved lunger, men ved at luft hentes inn og ut av kroppen gjennom små hull i hudskjelettet (spirakler). I kroppen er det et svært finmasket system av trakéer som leder oksygenet til kroppens vitale deler. En blodvæske som sirkulerer i kroppen, pumpes rundt av et avlangt rørformet hjerte.

Brystpartiet består for det meste av vingenes muskulatur. Sanseorganer, for syn, smak og lukt er stort sett plassert i hodet. Nervesystemet består av en bukmarg med to nervestrenger og én nerveknute (ganglion) i hvert kroppssegment. Den første nerveknuten, som ligger foran munnåpningen, er spesielt stor og omtales som hjerne.

Larvens hode består av en hard hodekapsel med noen punktøyne. Under øynene er det noen små antenner larven bruker til å finne riktig føde. Larvens bakkropp består nesten bare av fordøyelsessystemet. Dette er ganske kort og mye av maten larven spiser passerer før all næringen er tatt opp. Avføringen kommer ut som små kuler helt bakerst på kroppen. Larvene ånder gjennom åpninger i hudskjelettet (spirakler), langs kroppens sider.


Parringen skjer ved sammenkobling mellom de to kjønnene.

Larven er radikalt forskjellige fra de voksne, både i levevis og i kroppsbygning. Larven lever som plantespiser.

Papilio xuthus tilhører gruppen av insekter med fullstendig forvandling (holometabole insekter), som gjennomgår en metamorfose i løpet av utviklingen. Mellom larvestadiet og det voksne stadiet er et puppestadium, en hvileperiode, der sommerfuglens indre og ytre organer endres. Larvens bøyelige og myke kropp omdannes til en puppe med et hardt skall. Når skallet er hardt begynner omdanningen fra larve til den voksne (imago) sommerfuglen. De indre organer brytes i varierende grad ned til en cellemasse. En omorganisering skjer og dyret bygges opp igjen. Puppeperioden varierer etter temperaturen.

Systematisk inndeling



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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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 src= Papilio xuthus Foto: Kenpei  src= Larven. Foto: Σ64

Papilio xuthus er en sommerfugl i familiegruppen svalestjerter. Den lever på Hawaii og øst i Asia.

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Papilio xuthus ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Papilio xuthusgatunek motyla z rodziny paziowatych.

Motyl ten osiąga rozpiętość skrzydeł od 45 do 55 mm. Ich ubarwienie jest żółte z czarnym wzorem, a na tylnej parze występują też irydyzujące łuski w kolorze niebieskim i pomarańczowym[1].

Występuje w Japonii, Chinach, na Dalekim Wschodzie Rosji, Tajwanie, Półwyspie Koreańskim, Filipinach i Guam, a w 1971 został introdukowany na Hawajach[2][3].

Gąsienice żerują na cytrusach, ewodiach, żółtodrzewach, poncyrii trójlistkowej i korkowcu amurskim[2]. W Japonii motyl ten wydaje 4 pokolenia w roku i wykazuje dymorfizm sezonowy. Gąsienice żerujące w okresie długich dni wytwarzają poczwarki nie przechodzące diapauzy, które opuszczają duże motyle formy letniej. Przy krótszych dniach larwy konsumują mniej pokarmu i przekształcają się przechodzące diapauzę poczwarki, które opuszczają mniejsze motyle formy wiosennej[4].

W Japonii i Chinach gatunek ten bywa notowany jako szkodnik plantacji cytrusowych[4].


  1. Nijhout Koch. The Role of Wing Veins in Colour Pattern Development in the Butterfly, Papilio xuthus. „European Journal of Entomology”. 99, s. 67–72, 2002. DOI: 10.14411/eje.2002.012.
  2. a b Markku Savela: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758. W: funet.fi [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-11-06].
  3. J.A. Scott: The butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, 1986.
  4. a b Walter Reuther, E. Clair Calavan, Glenn E. Carman: The Citrus Industry Vol. V: : Crop protection, postharvest technology, and early history of Citrus research in California. University of California Press, 1989, s. 71-72.
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wikipedia POL

Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus – gatunek motyla z rodziny paziowatych.

Motyl ten osiąga rozpiętość skrzydeł od 45 do 55 mm. Ich ubarwienie jest żółte z czarnym wzorem, a na tylnej parze występują też irydyzujące łuski w kolorze niebieskim i pomarańczowym.

Występuje w Japonii, Chinach, na Dalekim Wschodzie Rosji, Tajwanie, Półwyspie Koreańskim, Filipinach i Guam, a w 1971 został introdukowany na Hawajach.

Gąsienice żerują na cytrusach, ewodiach, żółtodrzewach, poncyrii trójlistkowej i korkowcu amurskim. W Japonii motyl ten wydaje 4 pokolenia w roku i wykazuje dymorfizm sezonowy. Gąsienice żerujące w okresie długich dni wytwarzają poczwarki nie przechodzące diapauzy, które opuszczają duże motyle formy letniej. Przy krótszych dniach larwy konsumują mniej pokarmu i przekształcają się przechodzące diapauzę poczwarki, które opuszczają mniejsze motyle formy wiosennej.

W Japonii i Chinach gatunek ten bywa notowany jako szkodnik plantacji cytrusowych.

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Papilio xuthus ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı
Papilio xuthus na etapa final de lagarta

Papilio xuthus é uma espécie borboleta cuja lagarta utiliza como elemento de camuflagem a imitação de fezes de aves. Ela passa da cor banco-e-preta para a verde em sua fase de transformação para crisálida.[1]


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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

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 src= Papilio xuthus na etapa final de lagarta

Papilio xuthus é uma espécie borboleta cuja lagarta utiliza como elemento de camuflagem a imitação de fezes de aves. Ela passa da cor banco-e-preta para a verde em sua fase de transformação para crisálida.

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Papilio xuthus ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Papilio xuthus là một loài bướm thuộc họ Bướm phượng (Papilionidae). Loài Papilio xuthus được mô tả năm 1767 bởi Linnaeus. Loài bướm Papilio xuthus sinh sống ở [1].

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Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến Họ Bướm phượng này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Papilio xuthus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Papilio xuthus là một loài bướm thuộc họ Bướm phượng (Papilionidae). Loài Papilio xuthus được mô tả năm 1767 bởi Linnaeus. Loài bướm Papilio xuthus sinh sống ở .

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Парусник ксут ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Разреженные долинные широколиственные и смешанные леса, перемежающиеся цветущими травянистыми полянами и кустарниковыми зарослями. Реже, одиночно встречается по сырым лесным дорогам. В Забайкалье встречается как в биотопах лесостепи, так и по лугам в лесной зоне. Тем не менее, бабочек можно встретить и в чистой степи, по вершинам сопок.

Время лёта


Две генерации в год. Лёт бабочек первого поколения происходит с середины июня до конца июля, второго — с конца июля (в южных регионах) со второй половины августа (в более северных регионах) до середины сентября.


Кормовое растение гусениц — амурский бархат (Phellodendron amurensis), ясенец (Dyctamnus fraxinei), Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, изредка — зонтичные. Зимует в стадии куколки. Отмечен в массовом количестве и как вредитель лесных культур бархатного дерева.


  • Papilio xuthus koxingus Fruhstorfer, 1908
  • Papilio xuthus neoxuthus Fruhstorfer, 1908
  • Papilio xuthus xuthus (Linnaeus, 1767)


  1. Коршунов Ю. П. Определители по флоре и фауне России // Булавоусые чешуекрылые Северной Азии. Выпуск 4. — М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2002. — С. 31. — ISBN 5-87317-115-7.
  2. Дубатолов В.В., Костерин О.Э. 1999. Дневные чешуекрылые (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) Приаргунья // Насекомые Даурии и сопредельных территорий. Вып. 2. Труды Государственного биосферного заповедника "Даурский". - Новосибирск. - С. 195-221.
  3. Иванов А.И., Петрикевич Л.В. 1991. Papilio xuthus Linnaeus (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) в Иркутской области // Вестник зоологии. Вып. 4. С. 77
  4. Vinokurov N.N, Vinokurova A.V. 2001. Record of migrating specimen of Sinoprincipes xuthus (L.) from Yakutia // Zoosystematica Rossica. 2001. 9 (2). P. 442 (англ.).
  5. Дубатолов В.В., Костерин О.Э. 1999. Дневные чешуекрылые (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) международного заповедника "Даурия" // Насекомые Даурии и сопредельных территорий. Вып. 2. Труды Государственного биосферного заповедника "Даурский". - Новосибирск. - С. 138-194.
  6. James A. Scott Cover of The Butterflies of North America by James A. Scott The Butterflies of North America A Natural History and Field Guide. 1986 - 584 p. ISBN: 9780804720137
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Парусник ксут: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
 src= Куколка

Разреженные долинные широколиственные и смешанные леса, перемежающиеся цветущими травянистыми полянами и кустарниковыми зарослями. Реже, одиночно встречается по сырым лесным дорогам. В Забайкалье встречается как в биотопах лесостепи, так и по лугам в лесной зоне. Тем не менее, бабочек можно встретить и в чистой степи, по вершинам сопок.

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柑橘鳳蝶 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

柑橘鳳蝶学名Papilio xuthus),又名花椒鳳蝶橘黑黄凤蝶橘凤蝶黄菠萝凤蝶,为鳳蝶科鳳蝶屬下的一个种。


  • 武春生. 2001. 中国动物志 昆虫纲 第二十五卷 鳞翅目 凤蝶科. 北京:科学出版社. : 1-367.


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柑橘鳳蝶: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

柑橘鳳蝶(学名:Papilio xuthus),又名花椒鳳蝶、橘黑黄凤蝶、橘凤蝶、黄菠萝凤蝶,为鳳蝶科鳳蝶屬下的一个种。

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ナミアゲハ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
Question book-4.svg
アゲハ(ナミアゲハ) Papilio xuthus
Papilio xuthus
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta 上目 : Panorpida : チョウ目(鱗翅目) Lepidoptera 亜目 : Glossata 下目 : Heteroneura 上科 : アゲハチョウ上科 Papilionoidea : アゲハチョウ科 Papilionidae 亜科 : アゲハチョウ亜科 Papilioninae : アゲハチョウ族 Papilionini : アゲハチョウ属 Papilio 亜属 : Papilio (Sinoprinceps) : アゲハ[1] P. xuthus 学名 Papilio xuthus
Linnaeus, 1767[1] 英名 Asian SwallowtailChinese Yellow SwallowtailXuthus Swallowtail 亜種
  • Papilio xuthus koxingus

ナミアゲハ[2](並揚羽、学名Papilio xuthus)は、チョウ目アゲハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの1日本では人家の周辺でよく見られるなじみ深いチョウである。



成虫の前翅長は4 - 6cmほどで、に発生する個体(春型)はに発生する個体(夏型)よりも小さい。は黒地に黄白色の斑紋や線が多数入る。さらに後翅には水色や橙色の斑紋もあり、尾状突起の内側には橙色の円形の斑点がある。この橙色の斑点は目玉模様(眼状紋)としての役割をもち、鳥などから頭を守る役割があると考えられている。外見はキアゲハによく似ているが、ナミアゲハは翅の根もとまで黄白色の線が入り、全体的に黒い部分が太い。


地域にもよるが、成虫が見られるのは3 - 10月くらいまでで、その間に2 - 5回発生する。人家の周辺や草原農耕地伐採地など、日当たりの良い場所を速く羽ばたいてひらひらと飛び、さまざまなから吸蜜したり、水たまりや湿地海岸に飛来して吸水したりという姿が見かけられる。冬は越冬する。


天敵鳥類スズメバチアシナガバチカマキリトンボクモなどである。また、寄生して中身を食べてしまうアゲハタマゴバチ Trichogramma papilionis や、幼虫に産卵して体の組織を食い尽くし、に穴を開けて出てくるアゲハヒメバチ Trogus mactator などの捕食寄生バチも知られている。




ナミアゲハをはじめとするアゲハチョウ属 Papilio の多くは、ミカン科植物を幼虫の食草としている。交尾が終わったメスの成虫はミカンカラタチサンショウなどのミカン科植物にやってきて、羽ばたきながら新芽に止まって腹部を曲げ、葉の上に一粒ずつ産卵する。卵は直径1mmほどの球形をしている。最初は黄白色をしているが、中で発生が進むと黒ずんでくる。







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キアゲハ Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758


  1. ^ a b c 猪又敏男ほか (2010-2013). “日本産蝶類和名学名便覧”. 日本昆虫学会日本昆虫目録編集委員会. ^ 日本産昆虫学名和名辞書(DJI)”. 昆虫学データベース KONCHU. 九州大学大学院農学研究院昆虫学教室. ^ 「大生部多」『朝日日本歴史人物事典』 朝日新聞社編、朝日新聞社、ISBN 4-02-340052-1。


  • 猪又敏男編・解説、松本克臣写真 「アゲハ」『蝶』 山と溪谷社〈新装版山溪フィールドブックス〉、1996年)、107頁。ISBN 4-635-06062-4
  • 森上信夫、林将之 「アゲハ(ナミアゲハ)」『昆虫の食草・食樹ハンドブック』 文一総合出版ISBN 978-4-8299-0026-0。
  • 安田守 「アゲハ(ナミアゲハ)」『イモムシハンドブック』 高橋真弓・中島秀雄監修、文一総合出版、ISBN 978-4-8299-1079-5。


 src= ウィキスピーシーズにナミアゲハに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ナミアゲハに関連するカテゴリがあります。


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ナミアゲハ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı

ナミアゲハ(並揚羽、学名Papilio xuthus)は、チョウ目アゲハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの1日本では人家の周辺でよく見られるなじみ深いチョウである。


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호랑나비 ( Korece )

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호랑나비 5령 애벌레

호랑나비(학명: Papilio xuthus)는 호랑나비과의 한 종류이다. 노랑 바탕에 검은 점, 결을 따라 발달한 아름다운 줄무늬가 있다. 애벌레는 운향과귤나무, 산초나무, 탱자나무, 황벽나무를 먹고 자란다. 비교적 흔하고 멸종 위기에 처하지 않은 나비로, 동아시아, 시베리아, 하와이에 분포한다.[1] 2014년 인도아루나찰프라데시주에서도 발견되었다.[2]


날개 폭은 봄형 70~75mm, 여름형 90~105mm로 중형 나비에 속한다. 일반적으로는 노란색 바탕에 맥을 따라 그려진 검은 줄무늬 무늬를 가지고 있다. 암컷이 수컷보다 더 넓은 날개를 가진다.[3]


성충은 운향과의 식물에 알을 낳으며, 알은 노란색이다. 알에서 부화한 애벌레는 알 껍질을 먹어치운다. 2령과 3령 애벌레 때는 자신을 새똥으로 위장하기 위해서 하얀 줄무늬가 있는 흑갈색의 몸을 가지고 있으며, 4령이 되면 녹색을 띤 갈색이 된다. 1령때와 2령때는 실을 내어서 몸을 고정시키지만, 허물을 벗어서 3령과 4령이 되면 하얀색의 발로 자유롭게 이동한다. 5령 애벌레가 되면 눈알무늬와 붉은 줄 그리고 하얀 발을 가진 녹색 애벌레로 모습이 바뀌게 되며, 나뭇가지에 몸을 기대어 번데기가 된다. 녹색의 몸 색상은 의 눈을 속이기 위한 보호색이며, 자극을 받으면 노란색 뿔로 악취를 내보내서 적을 물리친다. 어른벌레는 검은색 줄무늬, 노란색의 바탕색이 조화를 이루는 아름다운 날개를 가지고 있으며, 이러한 무늬는 그늘에서 적으로부터 자신을 숨기게 해준다. 연 2~3회 발생하며, 3월 말부터 11월에 걸쳐 나타난다. 봄에는 산길을 따라 능선부로 올라오는 개체를 쉽게 볼 수 있으며, 여름에는 산지뿐만 아니라 숲 가장자리 및 도시 공원 꽃밭 등 다양한 곳에서 관찰된다. 성충의 수명은 2주이다.


호랑나비의 천적으로는 호랑나비 애벌레에 기생하여 번식하는 기생벌(배추벌레금좀벌, 맵시벌)이 있다. 기생벌은 호랑나비 애벌레의 몸속에 을 낳는데, 숙주가 번데기가 되면 어른벌레가 되어 번데기에 구멍을 내고 빠져나온다. 실제로 호랑나비 애벌레를 채집해서 기르면 이미 기생당해 번데기에서 기생벌이 나오는 일이 생기므로, 을 채집해서 기르는 것이 안전하다. 거미, 침노린재등도 애벌레의 천적인데, 특히 침노린재는 호랑나비 애벌레들이 십여마리 발생한다면 네 마리만 번데기가 될 만큼 위험한 천적이다. 어른벌레의 천적으로는 거미, 사마귀가 있다. 거미는 호랑나비가 거미줄에 걸리면 소화액을 주입하여 체액을 빨아먹으며, 사마귀는 나비가 모이는 꽃에서 기다렸다가 사냥한다.


조선 회화에 가장 많이 등장한 나비는 호랑나비로 분석되었다. 김홍도, 신명연, 남계우 등 여러 작가들은 호랑나비를 자세히 묘사하였다. 국립춘천박물관이 김경아 강원대 연구교수 등으로 연구팀을 꾸려 진행한‘전통 회화 속 화훼초충 동정 목록화 연구’ 결과 대상 자료에서 초화류 71종,나비·나방류 18종을 분류했다. 이중 가장 자주 등장한 나비는 호랑나비(9점)로, 배추흰나비(7점)와 제비나비(6점)가 그 뒤를 이었다.[4]

호랑나비를 소재로 한 노래로 이동기, 김홍경, 김흥국의 '호랑나비'가 있으며, 이후 이 곡은 나얼, 김연우, 보이비 등에 의해 리메이크되었다.

참고 자료

  • 백문기; 신유항 (2014년 6월 9일). 《한반도 나비 도감》. 자연과생태. 162쪽. ISBN 978-89-974294-0-0.
  • 이노 마타 토시오 (2006년 6월). 《나비》. 산과 계곡 사. 255쪽. ISBN 4-635-06062-4.
  • 《과학앨범》. 원 판권-아카네 쇼보. (호랑나비 편, 곤충의 색과 모양 편). 웅진출판.
  • 《한국의 자연》.


  1. Collins, N. Mark; Morris, Michael G. (1985). 〈Papilio (Princeps) xuthus (Linnaeus, 1760)〉. 《Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book》. Gland & Cambridge: IUCN. 95쪽. ISBN 978-2-88032-603-6 – Biodiversity Heritage Library 경유.
  2. Kunte, K.; P. Roy; S. Kalesh; U. Kodandaramaiah, 편집. (2016). “Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767 – Asian Yellow Swallowtail”. 《Butterflies of India, v. 2.24》. Indian Foundation for Butterflies. 2016년 8월 10일에 확인함.
  3. Koch; Nijhout (2002). “The Role of Wing Veins in Colour Pattern Development in the Butterfly, Papilio xuthus”. 《European Journal of Entomology》 99: 67–72. doi:10.14411/eje.2002.012.
  4. 조선시대 화가들이 가장 좋아한 꽃은 ‘모란’ 나비는 ‘호랑나비’김여진 기자. 2020년 7월 21일
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