
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

AnAge articles tarafından sağlandı
Maximum longevity: 35 years (captivity) Observations: One wild born female lived 31.6 years in captivity, making her nearly 35 years old (Richard Weigl 2005).
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Trophic Strategy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Guereza are the second most folivorous of the Colobus species. Their diet consists primarily of leaves (especially from Celtis durandii, or Hackeberry Tree) with about 58% of young unripe leaves, 12.5% mature leaves, 13.5% fruits, 4% leaf buds, and 2% blossoms. However, this distribution is highly varied seasonally and geographically; thus at times mature leaves may account up to 34% of the diet. Guerezas seem to prefer leaves that are less susceptible to seasonal fluctuations. Guereza get water from dew and the moisture content of their diet, or rainwater held in the tree trunk hollows. In captivity C. guereza is fed monkey chow, fruits and vegetables.

Natural enemies of the guereza are crowned hawk eagles, leopards, and sometimes chimpanzees.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Kingdon, 1987; Metro Washington Park Zoo, 1995; Nowak 1991, http://www.aza.org/aza/ssp/colmonk.html)

Plant Foods: leaves; fruit; flowers

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

As herbivores which serve as prey for several other species, these monkeys may play an important role in food webs.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Guerezas are used in animal testing concerning human diseases, behavior, and physiology. For example, studies have been performed that test for certain behavioral responses when the territory of a guereza group is threatened. Another study tested the effects of rickets (vitamin-D deficiency) on guerezas. Other studies deal with how phenotypic variability is inversely related to selection intensity. A final example is a study dealing with the effects of an experimental serum for Mycobacterium bovis. The data collected in these studies has proved invaluable.

Colobus guereza is one of many monkey species that is sacred to the Hindu and Buddhist religions. They play a major role in these religions as icons of sacred gods.

Colobus guereza fur has been a luxury for people in some cultures and has brought in large amounts of money to trade and fur companies.

(Grzimek, 1988; Morrisey, 1995; Stetter, 1995; Suedmeyer, 1996; Von-Hippel, 1996)

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

These monkeys do not really initiate contact with humans. Therefore, the only negative effects from these black and white monkeys are the few instances when guerezas eat agricultural crops, probably due to inhospitable environmental conditions.

(Grzimek, 1988)

Negative Impacts: crop pest

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

There has been a drastic decline in Colubus populations over the last 100 years. Guerezas are noted in Appendix II of the Concentration in International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES). Population sizes of black and white monkeys are currently declining in many localities due to hunting and deforestation by humans. Nevertheless, since 1934 it has been reported that guerezas are "not uncommon" in suitable protected habitats. For example, guerezas are still abundant in most parts of their lowland ranges in Cameroon and the Nigerian border, and in East African reserves and parks. Although guerezas are still abundant, there is the potential for extinction of eastern populations from unrestricted skin trading.

(Honacki, 1982; Happold, 1987; Kingdon, 1987; Metro Washington Park Zoo, 1995; http://www.aza.org/aza/ssp/colmonk.html 1996)

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: appendix ii

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Male guerezas roar loud nocturnal and dawn choruses as a means of spacing groups. Five vocal sounds have been recorded: roars, snorts, purrs, honks, and screams.

In addition to vocal communication, visual signals, such as flapping of fringe fur, facial expression, and body posture are used in aggressive communication between groups.

Tactile communication in this species includes grooming, playing, and fighting.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1972; Grzimek, 1988; Happold, 1987; Nowak, 1991; The Phoenix Zoo)

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Başlıksız ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

First seen by Ruppell in 1835, black and white monkeys have been widely studied. When the range of guerezas overlaps with that of red colobus monkeys, guerezas feed from fewer species of trees (usually less than half of the usual number) and choose different plant parts. Their tolerance of a less varied diet allows them to occupy forests or thickets with impoverished or specialized flora. Their sacculated stomachs and highly efficient extraction of nutrients from their food allow them to survive on a less nutritious diet than monkeys lacking bacterial fermentation. Natural enemies of the guereza are crowned hawk eagles, leopards, and sometimes chimpanzees. If guerezas are able to live a life absent of predator threat, longevity is about 20 years (29 years in captivity).

An interesting fact about Kenyan guerezas living in high altitudes is that albinism is frequent, but for unknown reasons.

Colobus means "mutilated one". The name was given to these monkeys because they have no thumbs.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Happold, 1987; Nowak, 1991)

telif hakkı
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Colobus guereza is found in diverse regions of equatorial Africa. This species is found in the lowland tropical rainforest to the upper reaches of the Montane forests of the upper Donga river and tributaries, as well as Acacia-dominated riverine galleries and evergreen thicket forests. Guerezas are also found in the equatorial areas of Africa including Nigeria, east and west of the Niger river, and locally distributed in relic forests north of the rainforest zone. They are also found along the Donga river, Gashaka, Ngelnyaki, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gojjam, Kulla, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, N Congo, E Gabon, Central African Republic, NE Zaire, W Kenya, NW Rwanda, and S Sudan.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Happold, 1987; Honacki, 1982; Kingdon, 1987; MacDonald, 1984; Nowak, 1991)

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Guerezas live in forest, woodlands, or wooded grasslands. They can also survive in dry, moist, or riparian forests that are either in lowlands or up to 3,300 m. They are most abundant in secondary forests or along rivers. They tend to live in the lower part of the trees if their area does not overlap with that of any other group of monkeys. When trees are not densely spaced, guerezas feed and travel on the ground.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Happold, 1987; MacDonald, 1995; Nowak, 1991)

Range elevation: 3,300 (high) m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest

Other Habitat Features: riparian

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

A member of the related species Colobus polykomos is reported to have lived 23.5 years in captivity. The lifespan of C. guereza is similar, throught to be about 29 years in captivity and about 20 years in the wild.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Nowak, 1991)

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
20 (high) years.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
29 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
24.0 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
24.5 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: captivity:
23.8 years.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Colobus guereza is a heavy bodied animal with a long tail. The head and body length is 45 to 72 cm and the tail length is 52 to 100 cm. Guerezas are slightly sexually dimorphic in that the males can weigh up to 1.19 times more than females. Guerezas have only four digits on each hand; the thumb is absent or represented by a small phalangeal tubercle that sometimes bears a nail. The loss of the thumb may be an adaptation for quick movements through the trees.

Members of the genus Colobus, which are in the subfamily Colobinae, are distinguished from members of the other subfamily, Cercopithecinae, by the absence of cheek pouches and the presence of prominent ischial callosities that are separate in females and contiguous in males.

The stomach of C. guereza is complex. It is subdivided by a partition into 2 subregions. The upper region contains a neutral medium, which is necessary for the fermentation of foliage by anaerobic bacteria. The black and white monkeys' large salivary glands provide a buffer fluid between the two regions of the stomach.

The coloration of fur is distinctly black and white. The face is gray and has no fur. The coat is glossy black, and the face and callosities are surrounded by white. A U-shaped white mantle of varying length is found on the sides. The outside of the thigh is variably whitish, and the tail is either a whitish or yellowish color from tip to base. There is also a large white tuft at the end of the tail.

The skull is prognathous, that is, the lower jaw projects beyond the upper. The orbits are relatively small and oval with narrow superciliary ridges. A postorbital bar forms a plate on the side of the skull separating the orbit from the temporal fossa. The nostrils are more or less lengthened by an extension of nasal skin, and the nose nearly touches the mouth.

The molar teeth have high pointed cusps, and the inside of the upper molars and the outside of the lower molars are slightly convexly buttressed. The enamel on the inside of the lower incisors is thick, and there is a lateral process on the lower second incisor.

The young of the C. guereza do not share the black and white coloration, but instead have pure white fur for the first weeks of their life.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1972; Grzimek, 1988; Happold, 1987; Honacki, 1982; Kingdon, 1987; MacDonald, 1984; Nowak, 1991)

Range mass: 5 to 14 kg.

Range length: 45 to 72 cm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

Average basal metabolic rate: 17.037 W.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Natural enemies of guerezas are crowned hawk eagles, leopards, and sometimes chimpanzees.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Kingdon, 1987; Metro Washington Park Zoo, 1995; Nowak 1991, http://www.aza.org/aza/ssp/colmonk.html)

Known Predators:

  • crowned hawk eagles
  • leopards
  • chimpanzees
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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( İngilizce )

Animal Diversity Web tarafından sağlandı

Guerezas have a polygynous mating system.

Mating System: polygynous

There seems to be little or no reproductive seasonality in most populations of Colobus monkeys that have been studied, but there tends to be a birth peak, timed so that weaning coincides with the greatest seasonal abundance of solid food. The age of full sexual maturity in the guerezas is at least 6 years in males and 4 years in females. Each adult female produces one young every 20 months after a gestation period of about 6 months.

Sexual behavior is usually initiated by the female by tongue smacking. During copulation, the female remains prone.

(Bateman, 1984; Grzimek, 1988; Metro Washington Park Zoo, 1995)

Breeding interval: Guerezas breed once every two years.

Breeding season: Breeding is not strictly seasonal, although births are timed so that weaning occurs at the time of greatest food availability.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average gestation period: 6 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 4 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 6 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average birth mass: 397.8 g.

Average gestation period: 175 days.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male:
2192 days.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female:
1461 days.

At birth, the infants are about 20 cm in head-body length and weigh about 0.4 kg. The eyes are open and the infant clings to the mother's or father's stomach. The weaning age is not known. Both the female and the male take part in the parenting of the child. Female guerezas remain in their natal group. This means that mothers and daughters have life-long relationships.

Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning; inherits maternal/paternal territory

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliyografik atıf
Kim, K. 2002. "Colobus guereza" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Colobus_guereza.html
Kenneth Kim, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
Guerezas generally live in small, cohesive groups, typically ranging in size from 3 to 15 individuals, but occasionally up to as many as 23 (2) (7). These social groups sometimes support several adult males, but normally comprise one adult male, accompanied by several adult females and juveniles. Despite being a diurnal species, the guereza spends over half the day resting, with the remaining hours of daylight devoted mostly to feeding and moving about. When active, this primarily arboreal species can be seen bounding through the canopy, leaping the gaps from tree to tree. The guereza sleeps during the night, with a single group generally occupying several adjacent trees nearby a source of food. To communicate, the guereza employs various vocalisations, the most distinctive of which is an impressive roar usually made by the dominant adult male and echoed by males in neighbouring groups (2). These roaring bouts, which usually take place during the night or at dawn, are thought to play a role in male-male competition and help maintain spacing between groups (2) (7). Leaves and fruit are the main constituents of the guereza's diet (2). In order to derive adequate nutritional value from leaves, the guereza, like other colobus monkeys, has evolved a large, multi-chambered stomach, capable of digesting enormous amounts of foliage, with the help of gut microbes that efficiently break down cellulose (2) (5) (6). The guereza itself is a source of food for several predators including crowned hawk-eagles, chimpanzees and possibly leopards (2). Reproduction takes place at all times of the year, with the adult male, or dominant male in multi-male groups, normally having exclusive access to the females members of the group. After a gestation period lasting just over five months, the female usually gives birth to a single white-haired infant. For the first few months of an infant's life, it is the focus of the group's attention, and is frequently handled, particularly by the females. When moving about during this time, the infant always hangs onto the fur of its mother's chest, but after around 20 weeks becomes more independent, and after 50 weeks no longer clings to its mother or suckles (2).
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Conservation ( İngilizce )

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A priority for guereza conservation is to carry out further research to resolve the uncertain taxonomic status of the different subspecies, and to accurately determine the conservation status of those subspecies currently classified as Data Deficient (1). Work is currently underway to collect baseline data on C. g. percivali in Kenya, which will establish appropriate conservation initiatives for this Endangered guereza (8). Fortunately for the species as a whole, not all guereza populations are under significant threat and many occur within protected areas (1).
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Description ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
The guereza is a large, sturdy colobus monkey with an attractive black-and-white coat (2) (4). Glossy, black fur covers much of the body, but contrasts with short, white hair surrounding the face, a u-shaped, cape-like mantle of long white hair that extends down the shoulders and across the lower back, and a bushy white tuft to the tip of the tail (2) (4) (5) (6). Although not clearly resolved, eight guereza subspecies are currently recognised, each occupying a distinctive range and exhibiting slight variations in appearance. The main features that set the subspecies apart are the length and colouration of the mantle, which sometimes appears creamy or yellow, the length of the tail, and the extent of the tail tuft. At birth, the hair of infant guerezas is completely white, in striking contrast with the predominately black fur of the adult guereza (2).
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Habitat ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
The guereza is found in a wide range of wooded habitats, including all types of closed canopy forests up to an altitude of 4,500 metres, gallery forest and wooded savannah, with a particular preference for degraded or secondary forest (1) (2) (4) (5).
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Range ( İngilizce )

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The guereza has a relatively widespread, central African distribution, extending from Nigeria, Cameroon and Gabon in a band eastwards across to Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania (1) (2).
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Status ( İngilizce )

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Classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List (1) and listed on Appendix II of CITES (2). Subspecies: Colobus guereza caudatus (Mt. Kilimanjaro guereza), C. g. kikuyuensis (Mt. Kenya guereza), C. g. guereza (Omo River guereza) and C. g. occidentalis (Western guereza) classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List. C. g. gallarum (Djaffa Mountains guereza), C. g. dodingae (Dodinga Hills guereza) and C. g. matschiei (Mau Forest guereza) classified as Data Deficient (DD) on the IUCN Red List. C. g. percivali (Mt. Uaraguess guereza) classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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Threats ( İngilizce )

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The guereza remains relatively widespread and abundant, and, owing to its tolerance of forest degradation, is considered to be one of the least threatened species of colobus monkey (1) (2). However, while the species as a whole is a low priority for conservation, several subspecies are in a more precarious state than others. Clearance of forests for agriculture is a major concern for some guereza populations, particularly those belonging to the subspecies C. g. gallarum and C. g. matschiei, both of which have a relatively small range in East Africa. Unfortunately, in the absence of recent survey work, it is not known how much pressure these populations are under. Consequently, both subspecies are currently listed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List, as is C. g. dodingae which was last recorded in the 1960s. The persecution of guereza for bushmeat and pelts is an additional threat in parts of its range. In particular, commercial trade in guereza skins is believed to be putting C. g. percivali, the only subspecies classified as Endangered, at considerable risk of extinction (1).
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Kolobouz Guereza ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

Kolobouz Guereza (Colobus guereza) a zo ur marmouz hag a vev e kreiz, kornôg ha reter Afrika.

Doareoù pennañ

War-dro 50 cm eo hirder e gorf ha betek 80 cm e c'hell bezañ e lost a zo un doupenn wenn en e benn. Etre 8 ha 13 kg eo e bouez. Du eo e vlevenn gant ur roudenn wenn tro-dro d'e zremm ha war e gostezioù.

A-strolladoù bihan e vev kolobouz Guereza: ur par gant un nebeud parezed hag o re vihan.

Difenn a ra e diriad gant roc'hadennoù ha lammoù.

Ur perzh dibar zo gant e venvegad koazhañ: an hanter vuioc'h a elfennoù bouedus a c'hell tennañ diwar e voued eget ar marmouzed all a-drugarez da vakteri en e stomog.


Face by the Mantled guereza.jpg Colobus guereza.jpg

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Kolobouz Guereza: Brief Summary ( Bretonca )

wikipedia BR tarafından sağlandı

Kolobouz Guereza (Colobus guereza) a zo ur marmouz hag a vev e kreiz, kornôg ha reter Afrika.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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Còlob de crinera oriental ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El còlob de crinera oriental (Colobus guereza) és una espècie de primat catarí de la família dels cercopitècids.[1] Viu a altituds d'entre 0 i 3.000 msnm, als boscos secs i humits i les praderies arbrades de l'Àfrica oriental i central, des d'Etiòpia i Tanzània fins a Zàmbia, Txad i Nigèria.


  1. Groves, Colin. Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (editors). Mammal Species of the World (en anglès). 3a ed.. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pàg. 168. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. (anglès)
Còlob de crinera oriental a l'Allwetterzoo Münster
 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Còlob de crinera oriental Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata

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wikipedia CA

Còlob de crinera oriental: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El còlob de crinera oriental (Colobus guereza) és una espècie de primat catarí de la família dels cercopitècids. Viu a altituds d'entre 0 i 3.000 msnm, als boscos secs i humits i les praderies arbrades de l'Àfrica oriental i central, des d'Etiòpia i Tanzània fins a Zàmbia, Txad i Nigèria.

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Gueréza pláštíková ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Gueréza pláštíková (Colobus guereza), známá též pod názvem habešská, je středně velká opice, jeden z nejznámějších zástupců rodu Colobus. Obývá území od západní, střední až po východní Afriku, včetně Kamerunu, Rovníkové Guineje, Nigérie, Etiopie, Tanzanie a Čadu.


Guerézy pláštíkové v Zoo Šanghaj

Tato starosvětská opice je 52-57 cm dlouhá, její ocas měří 53-83 cm a hmotnost se pohybuje mezi 8 a 13,5 kg. Nemá žádné lícní torby a jako většina zástupců svého rodu má palec téměř zakrnělý. Je leskle černá s bílými okraji obličeje, bílými pláštíky srsti po bocích těla a na zadku, připomínající tvar písmena U, a bílým koncem dlouhého ocasu. Mláďata jsou téměř celá bílá. Špička jejího čenichu se téměř dotýká tlamy. Zadní končetiny jsou obzvláště dlouhé a dobře přizpůsobené ke skokům v korunách stromů. Sedací mozoly této opici umožňují sedět na tenkých větvích po dlouhé časové období bez větších problémů.


Je aktivní ve dne a většinu času tráví v korunách stromů v tropických deštných lesích, zalesněných lokalitách, včetně nížin a hornatých území. Nejčastěji obývá zvláště vlhká místa a lokality poblíž řek. Gueréza pláštíková má zvláštní trávicí systém, v kterém se nachází třídílný žaludek obsahující mikroby rozkládající celulózu, čímž umožňuje opici získat až dvojnásobné množství živin z potravy složené převážně z listů, ale také z květů, větviček, pupenů, semen a plodů. Ovoce tvoří zhruba jednu třetinu potravy této opice.

Je to vysoce společenské zvíře žijící v šesti až devítičlenných skupinách vedených jedním dospělým samcem. Jedna skupina obývá území velké zhruba 40 akrů. Ve své domácí oblasti si vymezí přednostní oblast, kterou si střeží a členy cizího stáda odsud na určitou dobu odhánějí. Při setkání s jinou skupinou začnou členové skupin vydávat vizuální a hlasité zvuky, které jsou slyšitelné na velkou vzdálenost. Je to velice mrštné zvíře, které se dá po spatření predátora na prchavý útěk a během chvíle doslova zmizí celá skupina v korunách stromů.

Samice rodí jediné mládě po pěti měsíční březosti. Rodí přitom každých 20 měsíců. Mládě je na matce první týdny zcela závislé a dospívá až ve věku 4-6 let. V zajetí se mohou dožívat i více jak 23 let, v přírodě téměř o polovinu méně.


Podle Červeného seznamu ohrožených druhů (IUCN) je gueréza pláštíková zařazena do kategorie málo dotčených druhů (Lower Risk Least Concern).[2] V CITES ji nalezneme v příloze II.[3] Je ohrožována především masivní ztrátou přirozeného biomu a lovem. V minulosti se hojně lovila pro svou srst, která se používala při výrobě nejrůznějších ozdob domorodých kmenů, ale také Evropanů.

Chov v zoo

Gueréza pláštíková se v současné době chová v zoologických zahradách po celém světě, kde představuje oblíbenou atrakci. V Česku chovají tento druh následující zoologické zahrady[4]:

Chov v Zoo Praha

Guerézy pláštíkové chová Zoo Praha od roku 1969, kdy přišli jedinci z volné přírody. O dva roky později se narodila první mláďata, která se však ještě nepodařilo odchovat. Úspěch se dostavil až za další dva roky (1973). Tento druh žil v pavilonu opic v horní části zoo (místo, kde nyní stojí pavilon Indonéská džungle). Po zbourání této stavby došlo na pět let k přerušení chovu. Obnoven byl po vybudování nového expozičního celku Vodní svět a opičí ostrovy v dolní části zoo, v záplavovém území, které se zásadně proměnilo po povodni v roce 2002. Na konci roku 2004 tam byla umístěna nejprve samice Lomela a v roce 2005 pak samice Lucie a samec Katanga, kteří vytvořili základ skupiny, která na stejném místě žije i v současnosti.[5] Podařilo se odchovat již mnoho mláďat, některá z nich stále žijí ve skupině. 3. 4. 2018 se samici Lucie narodilo deváté mládě. V prosinci 2018 se devátý potomek narodil samici Lomele. Mládě bylo pokřtěno při zahájení návštěvnické sezony 30. 3. 2019 poslancem Evropského parlamentu Jiřím Pospíšilem a herečkou Jitkou Schneiderovou. Samička dostala jméno Lopi.[6] Další mládě (desátý potomek samice Lucie) se narodilo 3. 4. 2019.[7] Otcem mláďat je chovný samec Katanga.[8]

Samice Lucie, která také odchovala mnoho mláďat, se stala jednou z tváří reklamní kampaně Seznamte se!, která propagovala zajímavé zvířecí "osobnosti" Zoo Praha.[9]


Gueréza pláštíková

Rozeznáváme sedm recentních poddruhů:[3]

  • Colobus guereza guereza
  • Colobus guereza occidentalis
  • Colobus guereza dodingae
  • Colobus guereza percivali
  • Colobus guereza matschiei
  • Colobus guereza kikuyuensis
  • Colobus guereza caudatus



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Mantled Guereza na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/5143/all
  3. a b http://www.bucknell.edu/msw3/browse.asp?s=y&id=12100605
  4. www.Zootierliste.de. zootierliste.de [online]. [cit. 2018-12-17]. Dostupné online.
  5. Gueréza pláštíková - lexikon zvířat. www.zoopraha.cz [online]. [cit. 2018-12-17]. Dostupné online.
  6. Zoo Praha. www.facebook.com [online]. [cit. 2019-04-02]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  7. V Zoo Praha se narodila další gueréza pláštíková. Zoo Praha [online]. [cit. 2019-04-04]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  8. V Zoo Praha se narodila gueréza pláštíková. Zoo Praha [online]. [cit. 2018-12-17]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  9. Gueréza pláštíková – Lucie. Zoo Praha [online]. [cit. 2018-12-17]. Dostupné online. (česky)

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Gueréza pláštíková: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

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Gueréza pláštíková (Colobus guereza), známá též pod názvem habešská, je středně velká opice, jeden z nejznámějších zástupců rodu Colobus. Obývá území od západní, střední až po východní Afriku, včetně Kamerunu, Rovníkové Guineje, Nigérie, Etiopie, Tanzanie a Čadu.

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Kappeguereza ( Danca )

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Kappeguerezaen (Colobus guereza) er en primat i gruppen slankaber, der lever i store dele af det centrale og østlige Afrika. Den langhårede pels er overvejende sort, men med en hvid krans om ansigtet og en hvid kappe ned langs begge sider. Den meget lange hale (op til 83 cm) er sort med hvid spids. Kropslængden er 52-57 cm. Tommelfingeren mangler som hos andre colobusaber. Kappeguerezaen er dagaktiv og lever i grupper, hvor en enkelt voksen han leder fire til fem hunner med unger. Territoriet forsvares bl.a. med kraftige brøl, der også kan høres om natten. Føden er ensidig og 70 procent af den kan bestå af blade fra en enkelt træart. Som hos andre bladædende aber består maven af flere afsnit og den indeholder mikroorganismer, der kan nedbryde cellulose.[2]

Kilder og eksterne henvisninger

  1. ^ Kingdon, J.; Struhsaker, T.; Oates, J. F.; Hart, J.; Groves, C. P. (2008). Colobus guereza. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2008. Hentet den 25. august 2016.
  2. ^ Bengt Holst (2003), Politikens bog om pattedyr, side 120. Politikens Forlag. ISBN 87-567-6830-3.
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Kappeguereza: Brief Summary ( Danca )

wikipedia DA tarafından sağlandı

Kappeguerezaen (Colobus guereza) er en primat i gruppen slankaber, der lever i store dele af det centrale og østlige Afrika. Den langhårede pels er overvejende sort, men med en hvid krans om ansigtet og en hvid kappe ned langs begge sider. Den meget lange hale (op til 83 cm) er sort med hvid spids. Kropslængden er 52-57 cm. Tommelfingeren mangler som hos andre colobusaber. Kappeguerezaen er dagaktiv og lever i grupper, hvor en enkelt voksen han leder fire til fem hunner med unger. Territoriet forsvares bl.a. med kraftige brøl, der også kan høres om natten. Føden er ensidig og 70 procent af den kan bestå af blade fra en enkelt træart. Som hos andre bladædende aber består maven af flere afsnit og den indeholder mikroorganismer, der kan nedbryde cellulose.

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Mantelaffe ( Almanca )

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Dieser Artikel behandelt die afrikanische Stummelaffenart. Als Mantelaffe wird manchmal auch der Zweifarbentamarin bezeichnet.
Verbreitung der Unterarten des Mantelaffen
Mantelaffe mit Baby, Zoo Münster
Mantelaffe aus Tansania
Schädel (Sammlung Museum Wiesbaden)

Der Mantelaffe oder Guereza (Colobus guereza) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Stummelaffen innerhalb der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae).


Mantelaffen sind große, relativ schwer gebaute Tiere. Ihr Fell ist auffallend schwarz-weiß gemustert: Die Grundfärbung ist schwarz, weiß sind die Umrahmung des Gesichtes, der U-förmige lange „Mantel“ an Schultern und Rücken, die Außenseiten der Hüften sowie die buschige Schwanzquaste. Wie bei allen Stummelaffen ist der Daumen zurückgebildet, was als Anpassung an die baumbewohnende Lebensweise interpretiert wird[1] Das Gesicht ist grau gefärbt und unbehaart, die Nasenlöcher sind langgezogen und reichen fast bis zum Mund. Mantelaffen erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 50 bis 67 Zentimeter, der buschige Schwanz wird 52 bis 90 Zentimeter lang. Das Gewicht variiert zwischen 7 und 14 Kilogramm, wobei die Männchen deutlich schwerer werden als die Weibchen.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Mantelaffen sind im zentralen Afrika beheimatet, ihr Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von Nigeria bis Äthiopien und Tansania. Ihr Habitat sind Wälder oder baumbestandene Savannen, wobei sie sowohl in tropischen Regen- als auch in trockenen und Gebirgswäldern bis über 3000 Meter Seehöhe vorkommen. Am häufigsten sind sie in Sekundärwäldern und entlang von Flüssen.


Mantelaffen sind tagaktive Tiere, die meistens auf Bäumen leben. Wenn die Bäume nicht dicht beieinander stehen, bewegen sie sich auch am Boden fort. Sie bilden Haremsgruppen von rund 8 bis 15 Tieren, die sich aus einem Männchen, zwei bis sechs Weibchen und deren Jungtieren zusammensetzen. Männchen bilden manchmal Junggesellengruppen, die aber nicht dauerhaft sind. Mantelaffen sind territoriale Tiere, eine Gruppe bewohnt ein Revier von rund 15 Hektar Größe. Durch Brüllkonzerte der Männchen machen die Gruppen aufeinander aufmerksam, nähert sich eine andere Gruppe dem eigenen Territorium, wird sie durch laute Schreie, durch aggressive Gesten wie Hüpfen und nötigenfalls durch Gewalt vertrieben. Allerdings teilen sich manchmal mehrere Gruppen eine Wasserquelle.


Mantelaffen sind reine Pflanzenfresser, wobei unreife Blätter den Großteil ihrer Nahrung ausmachen. In geringem Ausmaß nehmen sie auch reife Blätter, Früchte und Knospen zu sich. Sie besitzen einen vierkammerigen Magen, wobei die oberen beiden Kammern als „Gärkammern“ mit speziellen Bakterien der Aufspaltung der Zellulose dienen; erst danach kommt die vorverdaute Nahrung in die unteren Mägen, wo sie weiter zersetzt wird. Dieses Verdauungssystem stellt eine Anpassung an die nährstoffarme Blätternahrung dar.

Zum Fressen sitzen sie auf einem Ast und ziehen die Äste mit den Händen heran. Manchmal bleibt eine Gruppe tagelang auf einem einzigen Baum.


In den meisten Fällen haben Mantelaffen keine feste Paarungssaison, es kann das ganze Jahr über zu Geburten kommen. In vielen Regionen sind aber die meisten Geburten zeitlich so angelegt, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Entwöhnung das größte Nahrungsangebot vorhanden ist. Nach einer rund 175-tägigen Tragzeit bringt das Weibchen meist ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Dieses ist weiß gefärbt und entwickelt erst mit einigen Monaten die typische Fellzeichnung der Erwachsenen. Es ist üblich, dass ein Weibchen sein Jungtier auch den anderen Weibchen der Gruppe überlässt, sogar das Säugen von anderen Jungen ist beobachtet worden. Die Entwöhnung erfolgt mit rund sechs Monaten.

Die Geschlechtsreife tritt bei Weibchen mit rund vier, bei Männchen mit rund sechs Jahren ein. Männliche Tiere müssen kurz vorher ihre Geburtsgruppe verlassen, während die Weibchen oft in der gleichen Gruppe bleiben.

Die Lebenserwartung beträgt in menschlicher Obhut bis zu 24 Jahren.

Menschen und Guereza

Die prachtvollen Guerezafelle, insbesondere der Bergformen, gelangten durch Bejagung und Handel schon in der Antike nach Europa und im Mittelalter nach Asien. Auch einige afrikanische Völker verwendeten noch in jüngerer Zeit die Felle der Affen als Schmuckelement. Zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts kamen die Felle in der westlichen Welt als Pelz in Mode. Allein für das Jahr 1892 sind für die Einfuhr auf den europäischen Markt 175.000 Felle dokumentiert.[2]


In der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts setzte eine intensive Bejagung der Mantelaffen ein, da ihre Felle zu Modezwecken verarbeitet wurden. Diese Bejagungen führten zu einem Rückgang der Population. In vielen geeigneten und geschützten Gebieten gelten sie aber als häufig, insgesamt zählen sie im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Stummelaffenarten als nicht bedroht.


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker’s Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.


  1. Stephen R. Frost, Christopher C. Gilbert, Kelsey D. Pugh, Emily H. Guthrie und Eric Delson: The Hand ofCercopithecoides williamsi (Mammalia, Primates): Earliest Evidence for Thumb Reduction among Colobine Monkeys. PLoS ONE 10 (5), 2015, S. e0125030, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125030.
  2. Erich Tylinek, Gotthart Berger: Das große Affenbuch. Landbuch Verlag Hannover 1984, ISBN 978-3-7842-0289-1, S. 171.
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Mantelaffe: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
 src= Dieser Artikel behandelt die afrikanische Stummelaffenart. Als Mantelaffe wird manchmal auch der Zweifarbentamarin bezeichnet.  src= Verbreitung der Unterarten des Mantelaffen  src= Mantelaffe mit Baby, Zoo Münster  src= Mantelaffe aus Tansania  src= Schädel (Sammlung Museum Wiesbaden)

Der Mantelaffe oder Guereza (Colobus guereza) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Stummelaffen innerhalb der Familie der Meerkatzenverwandten (Cercopithecidae).

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Mantled guereza ( İngilizce )

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The mantled guereza (Colobus guereza), also known simply as the guereza, the eastern black-and-white colobus, or the Abyssinian black-and-white colobus, is a black-and-white colobus, a type of Old World monkey. It is native to much of west central and east Africa, including Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Chad. The species consists of several subspecies that differ in appearance. It has a distinctive appearance, which is alluded to in its name; the long white fringes of hair that run along each side of its black trunk are known as a mantle. Its face is framed with white hair and it has a large white tail tuft.

The mantled guereza is diurnal and arboreal, found in both deciduous and evergreen forests. It is an adaptable species that can cope with habitat disturbance and prefers secondary forest close to rivers or lakes. Although previously thought only to eat leaves, it also eats seeds, fruits, and arthropods. It is able to digest plant material with a high fibre content with its specialised stomach and may only eat from a few plant species at a time. It is preyed on by birds of prey and some mammals, such as the common chimpanzee and the leopard.

The mantled guereza lives in social groups of three to fifteen individuals. These groups normally include a dominant male, several females, and the offspring of the females. It has a polygynous mating system and copulation is initiated with vocal communication. After a gestation period of just over five months, infants are born with pink skin and white fur, which darkens to the adult coloration by three to four months. The mantled guereza is well known for its dawn chorus, the males' "roar" is a method of long-distance communication that reinforces territorial boundaries. It also makes other vocalization and uses body postures, movements, and facial expressions to communicate.

The mantled guereza is listed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) because it is widespread – although it is locally threatened in some areas, the decline is not great enough to list it in a higher category of threat. However, one subspecies found in Kenya is listed as Endangered. It can survive well in degraded forests and in some areas it is more common in logged areas than unlogged ones. The mantled guereza is also threatened by hunting for bushmeat and for its skin.


The mantled guereza has many alternative common names including the guereza, the eastern black-and-white colobus, the magistrate colobus,[2] or the Abyssinian black-and-white colobus.[3] The name "mantled" refers to its mantle, the long silky white fringes of hair that run along its body and "guereza" is the native name of the monkey in Ethiopia.[4] The scientific name Colobus derives from Greek kolobus meaning "mutilated" which refers to its lack of thumbs.[5]

Taxonomic classification

The mantled guereza was first classified by Eduard Rüppell, a German naturalist and explorer, during his trip to Abyssinia between 1830 and 1834.[6] He wrote about the species in Neue Wirbelthiere con Abyssinien, Saengthiere in 1835.[7] It was first seen in Europe in 1890 in Berlin Zoological Garden when three individuals were purchased from a dealer from Massawa, Eritrea.[8]

Distribution map of subspecies of Mantled guereza

The mantled guereza is in the Colobinae subfamily, also known as the leaf-eating monkeys, a group of Old World monkeys from Asia and Africa. This subfamily is split into three groups, the colobus monkeys of Africa, of which the mantled guereza is a part, the langurs, or leaf monkeys, of Asia, and an "odd-nosed" group. The African colobus monkeys are divided again by distinctions in color, behavior, and ecology. The three genera are the black-and-white colobi, the red colobi, and the olive colobi. There are three black-and-white colobi: the mantled guereza, Colobus guereza, the king colobus, C. polykomos, and the Angola colobus, C. angolensis.[9] Groves lists seven subspecies of mantled guereza in Mammal Species of the World (MSW) (2005).[1] The validity of the Djaffa Mountain guereza, C. g. gallarum, is uncertain, although not listed by Groves in MSW, it is recognised in his 2007 Colobinae review paper,[10] and by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessors Gippolliti and Butynski in 2008.[2]

  • Western guereza, Colobus guereza occidentalis, occurs from eastern Nigeria, Cameroon, and Gabon at the edge of its western range to South Sudan and Uganda, west of the Nile.
  • Omo River guereza or Abyssinian black-and-white colobus, C. g. guereza, found in Ethiopia, in the highlands west of the Rift Valley down to the reaches of the Awash River, the Omo River, and in the Blue Nile gorge.
  • Djaffa Mountains guereza or Neumann's black-and-white colobus, C. g. gallarum, found in the Ethiopian Highlands east of the Rift Valley.
  • Dodinga Hills guereza, C. g. dodingae, found in the Didinga Hills in South Sudan.
  • Mau Forest guereza, C. g. matschiei, occurs from western Kenya and Uganda south into northern Tanzania.
  • Mt Uaraguess guereza or Percival's black-and-white colobus, C. g. percivali, found in the Matthews Range in Kenya.
  • Eastern black-and-white colobus, C. g. kikuyuensis, occurs in Kenya on the Ngong Escarpment of Mount Kenya and in the Aberdare Range.
  • Kilimanjaro guereza, C. g. caudatus, found in Tanzania and Kenya in the forests surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.

The morphological difference between subspecies is most pronounced between the southeastern Kilimanjaro guereza, C. g. caudatus, and the northwestern western guereza, C. g. occidentalis. The intermediate subspecies show a gradual change between the two.[10]

Physical description

A skull at the Museum Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden, Germany

The mantled guereza has a distinctive pelage, it is mostly black, with long white fringes of silky hair—known as a mantle or ornamentation—along the sides of its body and tail. The bands that make up the mantle start at the shoulders and extend along the back until they connect at the lower torso. The tail is long and ends in a white tuft which varies in how much it covers the tail. These features vary in color among subspecies, for example the tail of C. g. guereza is gray until the white tail tuft which covers half of its length, while the tail tuft of C. g. caudatus makes up 80% of the tail. The mantle color ranges from white to cream or yellow. Its face is framed by white hair and it has bushy cheek hairs. The thigh has a white stripe.[11]

Infants are born with pink skin and white hair. The hair and skin darken as they age and by three to four months they attain adult coloration. Male usually gain their coloration before females.[12] The male typically weighs 9.3 and 13.5 kilograms (21 and 30 lb) and the female weighs between 7.8 and 9.2 kilograms (17 and 20 lb). The head and body length averages 61.5 centimetres (24.2 in) for males and 57.6 centimetres (22.7 in) for females. Like most colobi, the mantled guereza has a small thumb that is vestigial.[13][14] There is dentition sexual dimorphism among the subspecies. In some, the males have larger teeth than females, in others the reverse is true, and some have no significant difference.[15]

Distribution and habitat

Mantled guerezas are arboreal and prefer secondary forests.

The mantled guereza is distributed throughout Equatorial Africa. It ranges from Nigeria and Cameroon in the west to Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and northern Tanzania in the east.[11][13] The mantled guereza lives in both deciduous and evergreen forests. It mainly inhabits forest and savannah woodlands and often extend into highland and montane forests.[16] It can be found in other forest habitats, both primary and secondary, such as riparian (near fresh or brackish water), gallery, and upland forests. It is particularly common in forests close to rivers and lakes and at high elevations.[17] It can be found in elevations as high as 3,300 metres (10,800 ft).[18] This species prefers secondary forests and selects them over old-growth forests if given the choice.[19] It is likely that the mantled guereza prefers these forests due to the increased number of food trees and the weaker chemical defenses of the species within.[19] The mantled guereza is sometimes found in swamps[20] as well as human-made habitats such as Eucalyptus plantations, which may be frequented when the monkey has nutritional deficiencies.[18]


The mantled guereza is primarily arboreal, but does sometimes descend on the ground to forage and travel, perhaps more so than most other colobines. It is diurnal and rests for up to half the day. Foraging or travelling are the next most common activity. Sometime after dawn, mantled guereza groups leave their sleeping trees and will return to them at dusk. During the day, the mantled guereza has long rest periods in between periods of moving and feeding.[21][22][23] Other activities, including grooming, greeting, playing and being vigilant, are performed to a lesser extent.[22][23]

The diet of the mantled guereza is predominantly leaves, often of only a few tree species.

Despite its reputation as an exclusive leaf-eater, the mantled guereza is not an obligate folivore.[14] While it mainly eats leaves and fruit, its diet is quite variable. It may eat bark, wood, seeds, flowers, petioles, lianas, aquatic-plants, arthropods, soil, and even concrete from buildings.[24] The amount of each food item in its diet varies by area and time of year. Nutritional factors like protein, tannins, and sodium levels in leaves influence its food choices. It may even intermittently travel longer distances to access plants with higher levels of nutrition.[25] Leaves usually make up over half of its diet, although fruits are occasionally eaten more depending on the season.[14][18] When foraging for leaves, the mantled guereza prefers young ones over old.[19] With fleshy fruits, the mantled guereza prefers to eat them unripe, which may serve to reduce competition with primates that eat ripe fruits.[24] It consumes a number of plant species but only some make up most of its diet at a specific site.[20][24]

Like all colobi, the mantled guereza is able to digest leaves and other plant fibers with a large, multi-chambered stomach that contains bacteria in certain areas.[26] Like most colobines, it prefers foods with high fiber content that can be easily extracted with its specialized stomach.[25] The mantled guereza is mostly preyed on by the crowned hawk-eagle,[27] but it is also eaten by other birds of prey such as Verreaux's eagle.[18] The common chimpanzee is known to hunt the guereza.[28] The leopard is another possible predator.[29]


Social structure

Social grooming or allogrooming mainly occurs between females and is an important social interaction in mantled guereza groups.

The mantled guereza lives in stable social groups usually containing three to fifteen members.[22] The groups usually contain one male, several females and juveniles. In some populations, groups containing several males are common.[30] In multi-male groups, males tend to be aggressive with one another with one being dominant. Some males may be expelled from these groups.[21] Multi-male groups may contain father-son pairs or unrelated males.[31] Males that are not part of groups either live solitarily or with other outside males in bachelor groups. The females keep the groups cohesive and they are matrilineally related. They rarely disperse from their natal groups, except possibly when they break apart.[21] Males on the other hand, usually leave when they become subadults or adults. They may start out being solitary and or in bachelor groups. They gain entry into a social group either by being on the periphery or displacing a group male.[18]

Because of its low quality diet and the dispersed distribution of its food, the mantled guereza has a resident-egalitarian social structure. Female guerezas living in a group often have an egalitarian dominance style with no formalized rank relations. Relationships are relaxed and friendly with rare signals of dominance or subordinance. Physical aggression within the group is usually not harmful and rarely escalates into a conflict. Allogrooming is an important part of mantled guereza interactions and mostly occurs between females.[32] The adult males rarely groom in the groups. While not strictly territorial, mantled guereza groups can be aggressive towards each other.[22] In some populations, groups may defend core areas (which exist as a small part of the home range), resources, and mates. During intergroup encounters, males can engage in direct or indirect mate defense, like defending a female's resources.[33] It is the males that participate in agonistic inter-group encounters but female may do so as well.[22] Aggressive encounters between groups usually involve chases, displays and vocalizations rather than physical contact.[22]

Two Mantled guereza in a Japanese zoo.

Reproduction and parenting

Infants are born with white fur and are always carried during the first months of their life.

The mantled guereza has a polygynous harem-based mating system.[14][21] Mating solicitations are made by both males and females, half of the time for each.[34] To solicit mating, the mantled guereza will walk near its potential partner and make low-intensity mouth clicks or tough-smacks.[35] During copulation, the males hold on the female's ankles and body.[36] Most matings take place between individuals of the same group but copulations outside of the group have been recorded.[36] In multi-male groups, more than one male may mate with the females.[22] The gestation period lasts 158 days with a 16–22 month interbirth interval.[18] The newborn guereza relies on its mother for support and must cling to her. As they grow older, infants can move on their own but keep returning to their mothers.[37] The infants take up most of the attention in the groups. The other females in a group may handle an infant although the latter are only comfortable with their mothers.[38] The males normally don't pay much attention to infants until they are four to five weeks old.[37] Infants can eat solid food at about eight to nine weeks and by fifty weeks they are fully weaned and no longer need to hold on to their mothers.[38]


The most notable vocalization of the mantled guereza is the "roar", which is made mainly at night or dawn by males. The sound of a roar can be carried for up to a mile. It is normally the dominant male who roars when there are multiple males in the group. Roars are used for long-distance communication and can regulate inter-group spacing without direct, physical contact while foraging.[39] When one male starts roaring, neighboring males will start to roar as well.[36] Often, the mantled guereza will respond to calls regardless of "caller identity," focusing more on the collective vocal displays and not the familiarity of the caller.[39] There is variation in the roars of males which could signal the status of their group and fighting ability.[36] With a roar, a male can advertise his body size; both actual and exaggerated.[40] Other vocalizations are made as well. Males may snort, possibly as an alarm call. "Purrs" are made before group movements. Females and infants may "caw" when under mild distress. When in more serious distress, like if an infant is in danger, females and sub-adults will squeak or scream. "Tongue-clicking" is made during mild aggression.[41] In addition to vocalizations, the mantled guereza communicates with several different body postures and movements, displaying of fringe fur, facial expressions, and touches.[38]

Conservation status

The mantled guereza is hunted for its skin and meat.

Because it can live in both dry and gallery forests and move on the ground, the mantled guereza is less threatened than many other colobine species.[42] The IUCN lists it as Least Concern because "although locally threatened in parts of its range, this widespread species is not thought to be declining fast enough to place it in a higher category of threat."[2] However, some of the subspecies are classified under different categories. The Mt Uaraguess guereza, C. g. percivali, is listed as Endangered due to its small range and its risk from hunting,[43] while the Dodinga Hills guereza, C. g. dodingae, the Djaffa Mountains guereza, C. g. gallarum, and the Mau Forest guereza, C. g. matschiei are all listed as Data Deficient.[44][45][46]

The Dodinga Hills guereza hasn't been recorded since the 1960s.[44] Unlike most other primate species, the mantled guereza can survive habitat degradation and can even thrive in degraded forests.[47] Sometimes, logging may increase the number of preferred food trees for the mantled guereza and it is more abundant in logged areas than unlogged ones.[42] However, complete forest clearance causes dramatic declines in numbers. In Uganda complete forest clearings caused a decline of 50% over eight years.[48] The mantled guereza is also threatened by hunting for meat and its skin. Mantled guereza meat sells as bushmeat for $4–9 US.[49] The skins have been sold for fashion or in the tourist trade.[50]


  1. ^ a b Groves, C. P. (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 168. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b c d de Jong, Y.A.; Butynski, T.M.; Oates, J.F. (2019). "Colobus guereza". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T5143A17944705. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T5143A17944705.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  3. ^ Wolfheim, J. H. (1983). Primates Of The World: Distribution, Abundance And Conservation. Routledge. ISBN 978-3-7186-0190-5.
  4. ^ "Guereza". Merriam-Webster dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2 April 2013.
  5. ^ Grzimek, B. (1972). Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals I-IV. Vol. 10. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. p. 464.
  6. ^ Beolens, B.; Watkins, M.; Grayson, M. (2009). The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals. JHU Press. p. 353. ISBN 978-0-8018-9533-3.
  7. ^ A Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company (Google eBook). Allen. 1851. p. 16.
  8. ^ Heck, L. (1892). "Two rare monkeys". The Popular Science Monthly. Bonnier Corporation. 41 (22): 393. ISSN 0161-7370.
  9. ^ Fleagle, J. G. (1998). Primate Adaptation and Evolution (2nd ed.). Academic Press. pp. 207–209. ISBN 978-0-12-260341-9.
  10. ^ a b Groves, C. (2007). "The taxonomic diversity of the Colobinae of Africa" (PDF). Journal of Anthropological Sciences. 85: 7–34. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-04-19.
  11. ^ a b Groves, C. (2001). Primate Taxonomy. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  12. ^ Ackerman, D. E. (1991). "A study of the colobus monkey (Colobus guereza kikuyuensis)". Animal Keeper's Forum. 18 (4): 164–171.
  13. ^ a b Napier, P. H. (1985). Catalogue of Primates in the British Museum (Natural History) and Elsewhere in the British Isles, part III: Family Cercopithecidae, Subfamily Colobinae. London: British Museum (Natural History).
  14. ^ a b c d Davies & Oates 1994.
  15. ^ Hayes, V. J.; Freedman, L.; Oxnard, C. E. (1995). "The differential expression of dental sexual dimorphism in subspecies of Colobus guereza". International Journal of Primatology. 16 (6): 971–996. doi:10.1007/bf02696112. S2CID 23753155.
  16. ^ Oates 1994a, pp. 75–128.
  17. ^ Dunbar, R. I. M. (1987). "Habitat quality, population dynamics, and group composition in colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza)". International Journal of Primatology. 8 (4): 299–329. doi:10.1007/bf02737386. S2CID 2006267.
  18. ^ a b c d e f Dunbar, R. I. M.; Dunbar, E. P. (1974). "Ecology and population dynamics of Colobus guereza in Ethiopia". Folia Primatologica. 21 (3–4): 188–208. doi:10.1159/000155600. PMID 4214737.
  19. ^ a b c Lwanga, J. S. (2006). "Spatial distribution of primates in a mosaic of colonizing and old growth forest at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda". Primates. 47 (3): 230–238. doi:10.1007/s10329-005-0173-5. PMID 16479411. S2CID 8734069.
  20. ^ a b Oates, J. F. (1978). "Water-plant and soil consumption by guereza monkeys (Colobus guereza): a relationship with minerals and toxins in the diet?". Biotropica. 10 (4): 241–253. doi:10.2307/2387676. JSTOR 2387676.
  21. ^ a b c d Bocian, C. M. (1997). Niche separation of black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis and C. guereza) in the Ituri Forest (Ph.D.). City University of New York.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g von Hippel, F. A. (1996). "Interactions between overlapping multimale groups of black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya". American Journal of Primatology. 38 (3): 193–209. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2345(1996)38:3<193::AID-AJP1>3.0.CO;2-U. PMID 31918478. S2CID 210133123.
  23. ^ a b Oates, J. F. (1977a). "The guereza and its food". In Clutton-Brock, T. H. (ed.). Primate Ecology: Studies of Feeding and Ranging Behaviour in Lemurs, Monkeys and Apes. London: Academic Press. pp. 275–321.
  24. ^ a b c Harris, T. R.; Chapman, C. A. (2007). "Variation in diet and ranging of black and white colobus monkeys in Kibale National Park, Uganda" (PDF). Primates. 48 (3): 208–221. doi:10.1007/s10329-006-0036-8. PMID 17429575. S2CID 6986510. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2015-09-02.
  25. ^ a b Fashing, P. J.; Dierenfeld, E. S.; Mowry, C. B. (2007). "Influence of plant and soil chemistry on food selection, ranging patterns, and biomass of Colobus guereza in Kakamega Forest, Kenya" (PDF). International Journal of Primatology. 28 (3): 673. doi:10.1007/s10764-006-9096-2. S2CID 25984104.
  26. ^ Oates, Davies & Delson 1994, pp. 45–73.
  27. ^ Struhsaker, T. T.; Leakey, M. (1990). "Prey selectivity by crowned hawk-eagles on monkeys in the Kibale Forest, Uganda". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 26 (6): 435–443. doi:10.1007/bf00170902. S2CID 21024373.
  28. ^ Ihobe, H. (2001). "Hunting attempt by chimpanzees on Abyssinian colobus at the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda". Pan Africa News. 8 (2): 31–32. doi:10.5134/143397.
  29. ^ Schel, A. M.; Tranquilli, S.; Zuberbühler, K. (2009). "The alarm call system of two species of black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus polykomos and Colobus guereza)" (PDF). Journal of Comparative Psychology. 123 (2): 136–150. doi:10.1037/a0014280. PMID 19450021.
  30. ^ Dunbar, R. I. M. (1976). "Contrasts in social structure among black-and-white colobus monkey groups". Animal Behaviour. 24 (1): 84–92. doi:10.1016/s0003-3472(76)80102-9. PMID 817624. S2CID 20145070.
  31. ^ Harris, T. R.; Caillaud, D.; Chapman, C. A.; Vigilant, L. (2009). "Neither genetic nor observational data alone are sufficient for understanding sex-biased dispersal in a social-group-living species". Molecular Ecology. 18 (8): 1777–1790. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2009.04139.x. PMID 19302351. S2CID 26345361.
  32. ^ Grunau, T.; Kuester, J. (2001). "Dominance style in female guerezas (Colobus guereza Rüppell 1835)". Primates. 42 (4): 301. doi:10.1007/BF02629621. S2CID 43214796.
  33. ^ Fashing, P. (2001). "Male and female strategies during intergroup encounters in guerezas (Colobus guereza): Evidence for resource defense mediated through males and a comparison with other primates" (PDF). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 50 (3): 219–230. doi:10.1007/s002650100358. S2CID 12964572.
  34. ^ Harris, T. R.; Monfort, S. L. (2006). "Mating behavior and endocrine profiles of wild black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza): Toward an understanding of their life history and mating system". American Journal of Primatology. 68 (4): 383–396. doi:10.1002/ajp.20232. PMID 16534807. S2CID 7198092.
  35. ^ Grimes, K. H. (2000). Guereza dietary and behavioural patterns at the Entebbe Botanical Gardens (M.A.). University of Calgary.
  36. ^ a b c d Harris, T. R. (2005). Roaring, intergroup aggression, and feeding competition in black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) at Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Ph.D. thesis. Yale University.
  37. ^ a b Horwich, R. H.; Manski, D. (1975). "Maternal care and infant transfer in two species of Colobus monkeys" (PDF). Primates. 16: 49–73. doi:10.1007/BF02381799. S2CID 45582808. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2015-09-02.
  38. ^ a b c Oates, J. F. (1977). "The social life of a black-and-white colobus monkey, Colobus guereza". Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. 45 (1): 1–60. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.1977.tb01007.x. PMID 414475.
  39. ^ a b Schel, A. M.; Zuberbühler, K. (2011). "Dawn chorusing in guereza colobus monkeys". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66 (3): 361. doi:10.1007/s00265-011-1282-3. S2CID 7149453.
  40. ^ Harris, T. R.; Fitch, W. T.; Goldstein, L. M.; Fashing, P. J. (2006). "Black and white colobus monkey (Colobus guereza) roars as a source of both honest and exaggerated information about body mass" (PDF). Ethology. 112 (9): 911. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2006.01247.x.
  41. ^ Marler, P. (1972). "Vocalizations of East African monkeys II: black and white colobus". Behaviour. 42 (3): 175–197. doi:10.1163/156853972X00266.
  42. ^ a b Oates 1994b, pp. 347–358.
  43. ^ Mwenja, I. (2019). "Colobus guereza ssp. percivali". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T40007A17983118. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T40007A17983118.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  44. ^ a b Butynski, T.M.; de Jong, Y.A. (2020). "Colobus guereza ssp. dodingae". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T136880A17983306. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T136880A17983306.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  45. ^ Fashing, P.J.; Oates, J.F. (2019). "Colobus guereza ssp. gallarum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T5150A17983175. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T5150A17983175.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  46. ^ Butynski, T.M.; de Jong, Y.A. (2020). "Colobus guereza ssp. matschiei". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T136846A176219904. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T136846A176219904.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  47. ^ Chapman, C. A.; Balcomb, S. R.; Gillespie, T. R.; Skorupa, J. P.; Struhsaker, T. T. (2000). "Long-term effects of logging on African primate communities: A 28-year comparison from Kibale National Park, Uganda" (PDF). Conservation Biology. 14: 207–217. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.2000.98592.x. S2CID 6827577. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-03-03. Retrieved 2015-09-04.
  48. ^ Chapman, C. A.; Naughton-Treves, L.; Lawes, M. J.; Wasserman, M. D.; Gillespie, T. R. (2007). "Population declines of Colobus in western Uganda and conservation value of forest fragments" (PDF). International Journal of Primatology. 28 (3): 513. doi:10.1007/s10764-007-9142-8. S2CID 20186034. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2015-09-02.
  49. ^ Eves, H. E.; Ruggiero, R. G. (2000). "Socioeconomics and the sustainability of hunting in the forests of northern Congo (Brazzaville)". In Robinson, J. G.; Bennett, E. L. (eds.). Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 427–454. ISBN 978-0-231-50492-8.
  50. ^ Oates, J. F. (1977c). "The guereza and man". In Rainier III, Prince of Monaco; Bourne, G. H. (eds.). Primate Conservation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 419–467. ISBN 978-0-12-576150-5.
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Mantled guereza: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

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The mantled guereza (Colobus guereza), also known simply as the guereza, the eastern black-and-white colobus, or the Abyssinian black-and-white colobus, is a black-and-white colobus, a type of Old World monkey. It is native to much of west central and east Africa, including Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Chad. The species consists of several subspecies that differ in appearance. It has a distinctive appearance, which is alluded to in its name; the long white fringes of hair that run along each side of its black trunk are known as a mantle. Its face is framed with white hair and it has a large white tail tuft.

The mantled guereza is diurnal and arboreal, found in both deciduous and evergreen forests. It is an adaptable species that can cope with habitat disturbance and prefers secondary forest close to rivers or lakes. Although previously thought only to eat leaves, it also eats seeds, fruits, and arthropods. It is able to digest plant material with a high fibre content with its specialised stomach and may only eat from a few plant species at a time. It is preyed on by birds of prey and some mammals, such as the common chimpanzee and the leopard.

The mantled guereza lives in social groups of three to fifteen individuals. These groups normally include a dominant male, several females, and the offspring of the females. It has a polygynous mating system and copulation is initiated with vocal communication. After a gestation period of just over five months, infants are born with pink skin and white fur, which darkens to the adult coloration by three to four months. The mantled guereza is well known for its dawn chorus, the males' "roar" is a method of long-distance communication that reinforces territorial boundaries. It also makes other vocalization and uses body postures, movements, and facial expressions to communicate.

The mantled guereza is listed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) because it is widespread – although it is locally threatened in some areas, the decline is not great enough to list it in a higher category of threat. However, one subspecies found in Kenya is listed as Endangered. It can survive well in degraded forests and in some areas it is more common in logged areas than unlogged ones. The mantled guereza is also threatened by hunting for bushmeat and for its skin.

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Colobus guereza ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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guereza abisinio

El guereza abisinio o colobo oriental negro y blanco (Colobus guereza) es una especie de primate catarrino de la familia Cercopithecidae.[2]​ Se encuentra desde el nivel del mar hasta los 3.000 m de altitud, en los bosques secos y húmedos y en las praderas arboladas de África oriental y central, desde Etiopía y Tanzania hasta Chad y Nigeria.


Espalda y cola de un guereza abisinio en el Jardín Zoológico de Milwaukee.

Es el más grande entre los colobos. Alcanza una longitud de 45 a 72 cm, más la cola, que tiene entre 52 y hasta 82 cm de largo. Los machos son mayores y pesan 13 a 14,5 kg, mientras las hembras alcanzan apenas 5 a 8 kg.

Su manto es negro y blanco fuertemente contrastados. La coloración principal es negra, el contornos de la cara, el pecho, los hombros y la cola son blancos, a veces con pelambres largos a manera de abrigos con forma de U y una borla en la cola, aunque la extensión del blanco de ésta, depende de la subespecie. Como para todos los colobos, la desaparición del pulgar es una adaptación al modo de vida arborícola.


Es diurno y permanece generalmente en los árboles, aunque en las regiones poco boscosas, a veces baja al suelo. Hace turnos con los otros miembros de su grupo para dormir en las noches para poder vigilar a los depredadores como águilas, leopardos o chimpancés.

Forman grupos territoriales de 8 a 15 individuos, constituidos en torno a un macho adulto, sus hembras y sus crías. Los machos al madurar deben abandonar su grupo de nacimiento y luchan entre ellos para asegurar la posesión de un harén.

Su fuerte instinto territorial lleva a cada grupo a defender 12 a 20 hectáreas, mediante gritos, agitación demostrativa y si es necesario mediante violencia, aunque ello no impide que varios grupos compartan la misma fuente de agua.


Es estrictamente herbívoro y las hojas nuevas constituyen la parte fundamental de su alimentación. Los frutos son la tercera parte de su alimento. En menor medida, consumen también hojas maduras y brotes. Posee un estómago de cuatro cámaras en el cual las dos superiores cámaras de fermentación gracias a bacterias especiales para la digestión de la celulosa; solo después de que la comida transita primero por allí, va a los estómagos inferiores, a donde continúa para ser digerida. Este sistema de digestión representa una adaptación al consumo de hojas pobres en sustancias nutritivas y permite digerirlas al desintoxicar compuestos secundarios como las estricninas, los taninos, los alcaloides.

Para comer, se sienta sobre una rama grande y agarra y atrae las ramas pequeñas, con las manos. A veces, un grupo pasa días enteros en un mismo árbol.


No tienen un período de acoplamiento fijo y los nacimientos pueden ocurrir durante cualquier época del año. A pesar de ello, frecuentemente los nacimientos se regulan de tal forma que el destete pueda ocurrir en el momento en que la comida es más abundante. La gestación dura unos 175 días y la hembra da a luz una sola cría que al nacer es solamente blanca y solo al cabo de algunos meses el manto adquiere el dibujo propio de los adultos. Es frecuente que una hembra deje que otras del grupo se ocupen de su pequeño, incluso para amamantarlo. El destete ocurre hacia los seis meses.

La madurez sexual ocurre en la hembra, aproximadamente a los cuatro años; y en el macho, aproximadamente a los seis años. El macho al crecer debe dejar al grupo donde nació, mientras que la hembra permanece a menudo en el mismo grupo. Pueden vivir hasta 24 años, al menos en cautiverio.


Especie amenazada

Durante la primera mitad del siglo XX comenzó una caza intensiva de guerezas abisinios, para obtener su piel, que estuvo de moda. Esto provocó una baja de su población. Sin embargo en muchas regiones adecuadas para su vida, han sido protegidos y siguen siendo abundantes. Al contrario de lo que sucede con otras especies de colobo, esta especie no está en peligro de extinción.


  1. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J. F., Hart, J. & Groves, C. P. (2008). «Colobus guereza». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2022 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2011.
  2. Groves, Colin (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. Mammal Species of the World (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 168. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.

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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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 src= guereza abisinio

El guereza abisinio o colobo oriental negro y blanco (Colobus guereza) es una especie de primate catarrino de la familia Cercopithecidae.​ Se encuentra desde el nivel del mar hasta los 3.000 m de altitud, en los bosques secos y húmedos y en las praderas arboladas de África oriental y central, desde Etiopía y Tanzania hasta Chad y Nigeria.

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Colobus guereza ( Baskça )

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Colobus guereza Colobus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Colobinae azpifamilia eta Cercopithecidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Rüppell (1835) Neue Wirbelt. Fauna Abyssin. Gehörig. Säugeth. 1. or..

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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Colobus guereza Colobus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Colobinae azpifamilia eta Cercopithecidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Gueretsa ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Gueretsa (Colobus guereza) on suuri apina: sen ruumis voi olla 75 senttimetriä pitkä, häntä noin 80 senttimetrin pituinen ja painoa voi olla 11 kilogrammaa. Urokset ovat hiukan suurempia kuin naaraat.[2]


Lajin levinneisyysalue ulottuu Nigeriasta Etiopiaan ja Ugandaan, Keniaan sekä Tansaniaan etelässä.[1]


Gueretsat syövät ravinnokseen lehtiä ja hedelmiä.


Gueretsoja on metsästetty turkisten takia, ja 1800-luvun lopulla kannat olivat huomattavasti harventuneet. Nykyisin niitä suojellaan, eivätkä ne ole niin uhanalaisia.


Gueretsat elävät puissa 5–20 yksilön ryhminä, usein lähellä jokien rantoja, ja ne ilmoittavat alueensa rajoista röykivällä laulullaan.[3]


  1. a b Kingdon, J.; Struhsaker, T.; Oates, J.F.; Hart, J. & Groves, C.P.: Colobus guereza IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 5.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Colobus guereza Animal Diversity Web. Viitattu 28.2.2018. (englanniksi)
  3. Suuri Eläinkirja. WSOY, 1998. ISBN 951-0-22848-6.

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Gueretsa: Brief Summary ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Gueretsa (Colobus guereza) on suuri apina: sen ruumis voi olla 75 senttimetriä pitkä, häntä noin 80 senttimetrin pituinen ja painoa voi olla 11 kilogrammaa. Urokset ovat hiukan suurempia kuin naaraat.

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Colobus guereza ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Colobus guereza, le colobe guéréza ou guéréza du Kilimandjaro (entre autres), est une espèce qui fait partie des mammifères Primates. C’est un singe de la famille des Cercopithecidae. Il s'agit d'une espèce de singes de l'Ancien Monde. On le trouve dans une grande partie de l'ouest de l’Afrique centrale et dans l'Afrique de l'Est, c'est-à-dire le Cameroun, la Guinée équatoriale, le Nigeria, l'Éthiopie, le Kenya, la Tanzanie, l'Ouganda et le Tchad. L'espèce comprend plusieurs sous-espèces d’apparence différente. Il possède une apparence distinctive à laquelle son nom fait allusion ; les longues franges de poils blancs qui parcourent chaque côté de son tronc noir lui font une espèce de manteau. Son visage est encadré de poils blanc et il a une grande queue blanche en forme de touffe.

Le guéréza est diurne et arboricole, on le trouve à la fois dans les forêts de feuillus et les forêts de conifères. C’est une espèce adaptable qui peut supporter les perturbations de son habitat et préfère la forêt secondaire près des rivières ou des lacs. Même si autrefois on pensait qu’il ne mangeait que des feuilles, il mange aussi des graines, des fruits et des arthropodes. Il est capable de digérer de la matière végétale comportant une teneur élevée en fibres grâce à son estomac spécialisé, mais il ne peut manger à la fois qu’un petit nombre d’espèces de plantes. Il est chassé par des rapaces et certains mammifères comme le chimpanzé commun et le léopard.

Le guéréza vit en groupes sociaux de trois à quinze individus. En règle générale ces groupes comprennent un mâle dominant, plusieurs femelles, et la progéniture de ces dernières. Il se reproduit selon un système polygyne et la copulation commence avec la communication vocale. Après une période de gestation d'un peu plus de cinq mois, les bébés naissent avec une peau rose et une fourrure blanche qui devient foncée et atteint la coloration des adultes en trois à quatre mois. Le guéréza est bien connu pour son chant à l’aurore, le « rugissement » des mâles est une méthode pour communiquer à longue distance : elle renforce les limites territoriales. Il pratique aussi d’autres vocalisations et se sert pour communiquer de postures de son corps, de mouvements et d’expressions faciales.

Le guéréza est listé comme préoccupation mineure par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN), car il est très répandu et, bien que menacé localement dans certaines régions, son déclin n’est pas suffisant pour le ranger dans une catégorie de menace plus élevée. Cependant, une sous-espèce qui se trouve au Kenya est considérée comme en danger. Il peut survivre convenablement dans les forêts dégradées, et dans quelques régions il est plus abondant dans les zones exploitées que dans celles qui ne le sont pas. Le guéréza est également menacé par la chasse pour la viande de brousse et pour sa peau.

Étymologie et nomenclature

Son nom vient du grec kolobos (κολοβος) qui signifie « mutilé ».

Il est appelé en français colobe guéréza, guéréza du Kilimandjaro ou colobe à épaules blanches[1].

Le colobe d'Abyssinie serait une sous-espèce autrefois connue sous le nom de Colobus guereza abyssinicus[1].


Colobus guereza guereza mâle au parc Amora Gedel, Awasa, Éthiopie. Décembre 2017.

La fourrure de ces animaux est noire et blanche de façon très contrastée. La coloration principale est noire, et de manière diverse, des parties du visage, de la poitrine, des épaules ou de la queue sont blanches, parfois sous la forme de longs manteaux de poils en forme de U, ou d'une queue en houppette. Comme pour tous les colobes, la disparition du pouce est une adaptation au mode de vie arboricole. Les colobes guéréza sont les plus grands des colobes. Ils atteignent une longueur de 45 à 72 centimètres (la queue atteint 52 et jusqu'à 100 centimètres de long), et un poids de 5 à 14,5 kg. Le plus souvent, les mâles sont nettement plus grands et plus lourds que les femelles.

Diffusion et habitat

Colobus guereza occidentalis (Parc national de Kibale, Ouganda)

Les colobes guéréza vivent dans de vastes parties de l'Afrique. Leur domaine de diffusion s'étend du Sénégal jusqu'à l'Éthiopie et au sud jusqu'à l'Angola et la Zambie, c'est-à-dire l'Afrique moyenne et orientale. Leurs espaces de vie sont principalement les forêts. Ce peuvent être aussi bien les forêts humides et les forêts de mangrove que les forêts de montagne jusqu'à 3 000 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Ils viennent aussi parfois dans les prairies arborées.

L'activité de ces primates a lieu pendant la journée, et ils séjournent le plus souvent dans les arbres. Dans les régions peu boisées, il leur arrive de descendre au sol. Ils dorment la nuit à tour de rôle, un membre du groupe restant éveillé pour guetter les ennemis possibles, par exemple l'aigle, le léopard et le chimpanzé.

Ils forment des groupes d'environ 8 à 15 animaux, c'est-à-dire de deux à six femelles et leurs jeunes autour d'un mâle. Les jeunes mâles doivent quitter leur groupe de naissance. Les mâles luttent entre eux pour s'assurer la possession d'un harem. S'il survient un changement du mâle dominant, il est fréquent que le nouveau maître tue les enfants de celui qu'il a chassé. Ils ont un fort instinct territorial et chaque groupe défend contre les autres son domaine d'environ 15 hectares par des cris, par une agitation démonstrative et s'il le faut par la violence, ce qui n'empêche pas plusieurs groupes de se partager le même point d'eau.


Les colobes guéréza sont purement végétariens et les jeunes feuilles constituent la grande partie de leur nourriture. Dans une petite mesure, ils consomment également des feuilles plus anciennes, des fruits et des bourgeons. Ils possèdent un estomac à quatre chambres dont les deux supérieures servent de chambres de fermentation grâce à des bactéries spéciales pour la digestion de la cellulose; c'est seulement ensuite que la nourriture après ce premier transit parvient dans les estomacs inférieurs, où elle continue à être digérée. Ce système de digestion représente une adaptation à la consommation de feuilles pauvres en substance nutritive, et permet de détoxifier et de digérer les composés secondaires comme les strychnines, les tannins, les alcaloïdes...

Pour manger, ils s'assoient sur une grosse branche et attirent à eux les petites branches avec les mains. Parfois, un groupe reste des jours entiers sur le même arbre.


Colobe guéréza avec petit.

Dans la plupart des cas, les colobes guéréza n'ont pas une période d'accouplement déterminée et les naissances peuvent avoir lieu toute l'année. En beaucoup d'endroits, malgré tout, les naissances sont réglées de telle façon que le sevrage puisse survenir au moment où la nourriture est la plus abondante. La gestation dure environ 175 jours et la femelle ne met au monde généralement qu'un seul petit. Sa couleur est uniquement blanche et ce n'est qu'au bout de quelques mois que sa fourrure acquiert le dessin typique des adultes. Il est fréquent qu'une femelle laisse les autres femelles du groupe s'occuper de son petit, et même l'allaiter, comme le fait a été observé. Le sevrage a lieu après environ six mois.

La maturité sexuelle survient chez la femelle à environ quatre ans, chez le mâle à environ six ans. Les mâles doivent peu auparavant quitter le groupe où ils sont nés alors que les femelles restent souvent dans le même groupe.

L'espérance de vie peut aller jusqu'à 24 ans quand les hommes prennent soin d'eux.


Les principaux prédateurs du colobe sont les léopards mais aussi, plus curieusement, les chimpanzés, qui se mettent généralement à plusieurs pour attraper ce singe particulièrement agile[2].

Espèce menacée

Dans la première moitié du XXe siècle a commencé une chasse intensive des colobes guéréza, puisque leur fourrure était à la mode. Ces chasses ont provoqué une baisse de la population. Cependant dans beaucoup de régions qui leur conviennent et où ils sont protégés, ils restent abondants et, contrairement à beaucoup d'autres sortes de colobes, ils ne sont pas en danger d'extinction.


Carte de répartition des sous-espèces selon Butynski, Kingdon et Kalina. 2013.

Selon Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005) (5 mars 2011)[3], ce singe est représenté par sept sous-espèces :

  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza caudatus ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza dodingae ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza guereza ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza kikuyuensis ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza matschiei ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza occidentalis ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza percivali.

Selon NCBI (5 mars 2011)[4], ce singe ne comprend que cinq sous-espèces :

  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza caudatus ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza guereza ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza kikuyuensis ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza matschiei ;
  • sous-espèce Colobus guereza occidentalis.

Notes et références

  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  1. a et b (en) Murray Wrobel, 2007. Elsevier's dictionary of mammals : in Latin, English, German, French and Italian. Elsevier, 2007. (ISBN 0-444-51877-0), 9780444518774. 857 pages. Rechercher dans le document numérisé.
  2. Une source parmi d'autres.
  3. Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005), consulté le 5 mars 2011
  4. NCBI, consulté le 5 mars 2011

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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Colobus guereza, le colobe guéréza ou guéréza du Kilimandjaro (entre autres), est une espèce qui fait partie des mammifères Primates. C’est un singe de la famille des Cercopithecidae. Il s'agit d'une espèce de singes de l'Ancien Monde. On le trouve dans une grande partie de l'ouest de l’Afrique centrale et dans l'Afrique de l'Est, c'est-à-dire le Cameroun, la Guinée équatoriale, le Nigeria, l'Éthiopie, le Kenya, la Tanzanie, l'Ouganda et le Tchad. L'espèce comprend plusieurs sous-espèces d’apparence différente. Il possède une apparence distinctive à laquelle son nom fait allusion ; les longues franges de poils blancs qui parcourent chaque côté de son tronc noir lui font une espèce de manteau. Son visage est encadré de poils blanc et il a une grande queue blanche en forme de touffe.

Le guéréza est diurne et arboricole, on le trouve à la fois dans les forêts de feuillus et les forêts de conifères. C’est une espèce adaptable qui peut supporter les perturbations de son habitat et préfère la forêt secondaire près des rivières ou des lacs. Même si autrefois on pensait qu’il ne mangeait que des feuilles, il mange aussi des graines, des fruits et des arthropodes. Il est capable de digérer de la matière végétale comportant une teneur élevée en fibres grâce à son estomac spécialisé, mais il ne peut manger à la fois qu’un petit nombre d’espèces de plantes. Il est chassé par des rapaces et certains mammifères comme le chimpanzé commun et le léopard.

Le guéréza vit en groupes sociaux de trois à quinze individus. En règle générale ces groupes comprennent un mâle dominant, plusieurs femelles, et la progéniture de ces dernières. Il se reproduit selon un système polygyne et la copulation commence avec la communication vocale. Après une période de gestation d'un peu plus de cinq mois, les bébés naissent avec une peau rose et une fourrure blanche qui devient foncée et atteint la coloration des adultes en trois à quatre mois. Le guéréza est bien connu pour son chant à l’aurore, le « rugissement » des mâles est une méthode pour communiquer à longue distance : elle renforce les limites territoriales. Il pratique aussi d’autres vocalisations et se sert pour communiquer de postures de son corps, de mouvements et d’expressions faciales.

Le guéréza est listé comme préoccupation mineure par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN), car il est très répandu et, bien que menacé localement dans certaines régions, son déclin n’est pas suffisant pour le ranger dans une catégorie de menace plus élevée. Cependant, une sous-espèce qui se trouve au Kenya est considérée comme en danger. Il peut survivre convenablement dans les forêts dégradées, et dans quelques régions il est plus abondant dans les zones exploitées que dans celles qui ne le sont pas. Le guéréza est également menacé par la chasse pour la viande de brousse et pour sa peau.

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Crno-bijeli gvereza ( Hırvatça )

wikipedia hr Croatian tarafından sağlandı

Crno-bijeli gvereza (lat. Colobus guereza) je crno-bijeli majmun Starog svijeta. Pripada u crno-bijele sakate majmune.

On je porijeklom iz zapadne, srednje i istočne Afrike, iz država kao što su: Kamerun, Nigerija, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja, Etiopija, Eritreja, Kenija, Tanzanija, Uganda i Čad. Vrsta se sastoji od nekoliko podvrsta koje se razlikuju u izgledu. Ima prepoznatljiv izgled, dugu bijelu dlaku preko obje strane leđa poznate kao plašt. Ima veliki bijeli rep čuperak.

Dva pripadnika crno-bijelih gvereza

Crno-bijeli gvereza je dnevna životinja šuma, živi i u listopadnim i zimzelenim šumama. To je prilagodljiva vrsta, koja se može nositi s poremećajem staništa i preferira srednju šumu u blizini rijeke ili jezera. Jede lišće, sjemenke, voće i člankonošce. U stanju je probaviti biljni materijal s visokim sadržajem vlakana sa svojim specijaliziranim želudcem i može jesti samo nekoliko biljnih vrsta odjednom. Love ga ptice grabljivice i neki sisavci, kao što su čimpanze i leopard.

Živi u društvenim skupinama od tri do petnaest jedinki. Te skupine obično uključuju dominantnog mužjaka, nekoliko ženki i mladunčadi. Nakon trudnoće od tek nešto više od pet mjeseci, mladunčad se rodi s ružičastom kožom i bijelim krznom, koje potamni u odrasloj boje za tri do četiri mjeseca.

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Colobus guereza ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

La guereza (Colobus guereza Rüppell, 1835), anche nota come guereza mantellata, colobo bianco e nero orientale o colobo abissino, è una scimmia del Vecchio Mondo originaria di gran parte dell'Africa centrale e orientale, essendo diffusa in Camerun, Guinea Equatoriale, Nigeria, Etiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda e Ciad con varie sottospecie che differiscono tra loro nell'aspetto. È una scimmia piuttosto appariscente, con lunghe frange di peli bianchi che corrono lungo i due lati del tronco, note come «mantello». La faccia è incorniciata da peli bianchi e la coda termina con un grosso ciuffo bianco.

La guereza è un animale diurno e arboricolo, presente sia nelle foreste decidue che in quelle sempreverdi. È una specie adattabile in grado di far fronte al degrado ambientale e predilige le foreste secondarie vicine a fiumi o laghi. Sebbene in passato si pensasse che si nutrisse solo di foglie, mangia anche semi, frutti e artropodi. È in grado di digerire sostanze vegetali con un alto contenuto di fibre grazie allo stomaco specializzato e può mangiare solo alcune specie di piante per volta. Viene predata da rapaci e da alcuni mammiferi, come lo scimpanzé e il leopardo.

La guereza vive in gruppi sociali formati da tre a quindici individui. Questi gruppi normalmente comprendono un maschio dominante e alcune femmine con la loro progenie. È una specie poliginica e l'accoppiamento è preceduto da una comunicazione vocale. Dopo un periodo di gestazione di poco più di cinque mesi, i piccoli nascono con la pelle rosa e la pelliccia bianca, che scurisce fino a diventare identica a quella degli adulti verso i tre-quattro mesi. La guereza è ben nota per i cori che esegue all'alba: il «ruggito» dei maschi è un metodo di comunicazione a lunga distanza per affermare i diritti territoriali. Oltre a questo e ad altri tipi di vocalizzazioni, la specie comunica anche attraverso posture del corpo, movimenti ed espressioni facciali.

La guereza viene classificata come «specie a rischio minimo» (Least Concern) dall'Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (IUCN) essendo ancora ampiamente diffusa e, sebbene localmente minacciata in alcune aree, non così tanto da venire inserita in una categoria di rischio superiore. Ciononostante, una sottospecie presente in Kenya viene considerata «in pericolo» (Endangered). Può sopravvivere tranquillamente nelle foreste degradate e in alcune aree è più comune nelle aree soggette a disboscamento che in quelle incontaminate. La guereza è anche minacciata dalla caccia cui è fatta oggetto per la carne, venduta come bushmeat, e la pelle.


La guereza viene talvolta chiamata anche guereza del nord, per distinguerla dalla guereza del sud, altro nome con cui viene chiamato il colobo dell'Angola (Colobus angolensis)[3]. Il nome «guereza» è di origine somala ed è il termine con cui la specie viene chiamata in Etiopia[4]. Il nome del genere cui la specie appartiene, Colobus, deriva dal greco kolobus, cioè «mutilato», in riferimento alla mancanza dei pollici, presenti soltanto nello stadio embrionale[5].


La guereza venne scoperta da Eduard Rüppell, un naturalista ed esploratore tedesco, durante il suo viaggio in Abissinia tra il 1830 e il 1834[6]. Il naturalista descrisse la nuova specie nell'opera Neue Wirbelthiere con Abyssinien, Saengthiere nel 1835[7], ma i primi esemplari furono portati in Europa, al giardino zoologico di Berlino, solamente nel 1890, quando ne vennero acquistati tre da un mercante di Massaua, in Eritrea[8].

Distribuzione delle varie sottospecie di guereza.

La guereza appartiene alla sottofamiglia dei Colobini (Colobinae), noti anche come «scimmie fillofaghe», un gruppo di scimmie del Vecchio Mondo diffuso in Asia e Africa. Questa sottofamiglia viene suddivisa in tre gruppi: i colobi dell'Africa, ai quali appartiene la guereza, i langur, o presbiti, dell'Asia, e il gruppo dei rinopitechi, o «scimmie dal naso strano». A loro volta i colobi africani vengono suddivisi, in base al colore, al comportamento e all'ecologia, in tre generi: colobi bianchi e neri (Colobus), colobi rossi (Piliocolobus) e colobi verdi (colobi verdi). Ai colobi bianchi e neri appartengono cinque specie: il colobo dell'Angola (Colobus angolensis), la guereza (C. guereza), il colobo orsino (C. polykomos), il colobo nero (C. satanas) e il colobo velleroso (C. vellerosus)[9]. Groves elenca sette sottospecie di guereza nel suo Mammal Species of the World (MSW) del 2005[1]. La validità della sottospecie C. g. gallarum, originaria delle regioni dell'acrocoro etiopico ad est della Rift Valley, è ancora oggetto di discussione; anche se Groves non la cita in MSW, lo stesso studioso la riconosce come tale in uno studio di revisione tassonomica della sottofamiglia Colobinae del 2007[10], così come Gippoliti e Butynski, consulenti dell'Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (IUCN), nel 2008[2].

Le otto sottospecie riconosciute sono:

  • C. g. occidentalis (de Rochebrune, 1887), diffusa dalla Nigeria orientale, dal Camerun e dal Gabon fino al Sudan del Sud occidentale e all'Uganda;
  • C. g. guereza Rüppell, 1835, diffusa nelle foreste dell'acrocoro etiopico ad ovest della Rift Valley e nelle zone di pianura lungo il corso dei fiumi Awash e Omo e della gola del Nilo Azzurro;
  • C. g. gallarum Neumann, 1902, limitata alle zone dell'acrocoro etiopico ad est della Rift Valley;
  • C. g. dodingae Matschie, 1913, endemica delle montagne Didinga del Sudan del Sud orientale;
  • C. g. matschiei Neumann, 1899, diffusa in Kenya ad ovest della Rift Valley e in alcune foreste all'interno del Rift stesso, in un'area che giunge ad ovest fino al monte Elgon (al confine tra Kenya e Uganda) e a sud fino al cratere di Ngorongoro e al fiume Grumeti in Tanzania;
  • C. g. percivali Heller, 1913, diffusa sui monti Matthews in Kenya.
  • C. g. kikuyuensis Lönnberg, 1912, la guereza kikuyu, diffusa unicamente sulle colline Ngong, sul monte Kenya e sulla catena degli Aberdare.
  • C. g. caudatus Thomas, 1885, la guereza del Kilimangiaro, presente nelle foreste montane dei monti Kilimangiaro e Meru e nelle foreste limitrofe che crescono ad altitudini leggermente inferiori, come in alcune zone del parco nazionale di Arusha.

Le sottospecie che più differiscono tra loro morfologicamente sono C. g. caudatus, che occupa la parte sud-orientale dell'areale, e C. g. occidentalis, che invece occupa quella nord-occidentale. Le sottospecie intermedie mostrano tutte differenze graduali tra queste due[10].

Guereza in cattività nello zoo di Ueno a Tokyo (Giappone).


Un esemplare al Binder Park Zoo di Battle Creek (Michigan).
Un cranio al Museo di Wiesbaden (Germania).

La guereza ha una pelliccia caratteristica, di colore prevalentemente nero, con lunghe frange di peli sericei bianchi - o mantello - che scendono lungo i lati del corpo e della coda. Queste frange partono dalle spalle e si estendono lungo il dorso fino a congiungersi sulla parte posteriore del tronco. La coda è lunga e presenta all'apice un ciuffo bianco di dimensioni variabili a seconda della sottospecie: per esempio, la coda di C. g. guereza è grigia e termina con un ciuffo bianco che copre metà della lunghezza, mentre in C. g. caudatus il ciuffo ricopre l'80% della coda. Il colore del mantello varia dal bianco fino al crema o al giallo. La faccia è incorniciata da peli bianchi e una folta peluria ricopre le guance. Un'altra striscia di peli bianchi si trova sulle cosce[11].

Alla nascita i piccoli hanno la pelle rosa ricoperta da peli bianchi. Sia la pelle che i peli scuriscono con lo sviluppo e a partire dall'età di tre o quattro mesi i giovani presentano la stessa colorazione degli adulti. Di solito i maschi sviluppano la colorazione adulta prima delle femmine[12]. Generalmente il peso è di 9,3-13,5 kg nei maschi e di 7,8-9,2 kg nelle femmine, mentre la lunghezza testa-corpo si aggira sui 61,5 cm nei primi e sui 57,6 cm nelle seconde. Come la maggior parte dei colobi, la guereza ha solamente un piccolo pollice vestigiale[13][14]. Il dimorfismo sessuale nella dentatura varia tra le varie sottospecie: in alcune, i maschi hanno denti più grandi delle femmine, in altre è vero il contrario e in altre ancora non vi sono differenze significative[15].

Distribuzione e habitat

I guereza sono arboricoli e prediligono le foreste secondarie.

La guereza è diffusa in tutta l'Africa equatoriale, dalla Nigeria e dal Camerun ad ovest, a Etiopia, Kenya, Uganda e Tanzania settentrionale ad est[11][13]. Vive sia nelle foreste decidue che in quelle sempreverdi. I suoi habitat preferiti sono la foresta e la savana alberata ed è facile incontrarla nelle foreste di montagna o di altopiano[14]. È diffusa anche in altri ambienti di tipo forestale, sia primari che secondari, come foreste rivierasche (nei pressi di specchi d'acqua sia dolce che salata), foreste a galleria e foreste di alta quota. È particolarmente comune nelle foreste in prossimità di fiumi e laghi e in quelle di montagna[16] e può spingersi fino a 3 000 metri sul livello del mare[17]. Ama le foreste secondarie e, se ne ha la possibilità, predilige queste a quelle vergini[18]. È probabile che le guereze preferiscano queste foreste a causa del maggior numero di alberi su cui alimentarsi e delle più deboli difese chimiche messe in atto dalle specie vegetali presenti[18]. Talvolta questa specie vive anche nelle paludi[19] e in habitat creati dall'uomo, come le piantagioni di Eucalyptus, che possono essere visitate quando questi animali hanno particolari carenze nutrizionali[17].


La guereza è principalmente arboricola, ma a volte scende sul terreno per andare in cerca di cibo o per spostarsi, forse più della maggior parte degli altri colobini. Ha abitudini diurne e trascorre riposando metà della giornata; quando è attiva, si dedica soprattutto alla ricerca del cibo e a spostarsi. Poco dopo l'alba, i gruppi di guereza lasciano gli alberi dove hanno trascorso la notte, per farvi poi ritorno al tramonto. Durante il giorno, la guereza alterna lunghi periodi di riposo tra i periodi dedicati agli spostamenti e all'alimentazione[20][21][22]. Altre occupazioni, quali la pulizia del corpo, le attività di vigilanza o le interazioni sociali come il saluto e il gioco, vengono svolte in maniera minore[21][22]

La dieta della guereza è costituita soprattutto da foglie, spesso di poche specie arboree.

Sebbene venga descritta quasi sempre come una mangiatrice di foglie, la guereza non è un folivoro obbligato[14]. Anche se si nutre in prevalenza di foglie e frutta, ha una dieta piuttosto variabile, che comprende anche corteccia, legno, semi, fiori, piccioli, liane, piante acquatiche, artropodi, terra e perfino cemento che stacca dagli edifici[23]. La quantità di ciascun alimento nella dieta varia in base all'area geografica e al periodo dell'anno. Fattori nutrizionali come proteine, tannini e livelli di sodio nelle foglie influenzano le sue scelte alimentari. Può arrivare anche a percorrere distanze più lunghe, effettuando soste lungo il percorso, per accedere a piante dai livelli nutrizionali più elevati[24]. Le foglie di solito costituiscono oltre metà della dieta, anche se occasionalmente la quantità dei frutti mangiati può essere superiore a seconda della stagione[14][17]. Quando sono in cerca di foglie da mangiare, le guereze preferiscono quelle fresche rispetto a quelle più mature[18]. I frutti polposi vengono mangiati acerbi, il che può servire a ridurre la competizione con i primati che si nutrono di frutti maturi[23]. Complessivamente la specie consuma un gran numero di specie vegetali, ma solo alcune di esse costituiscono la maggior parte della dieta in un sito specifico[19][23].

Come tutti i colobi, la guereza è in grado di digerire foglie e altre fibre vegetali grazie ai batteri contenuti in alcune parti del grosso stomaco multicamerato[25]. Come la maggior parte dei colobini, preferisce alimenti ad alto contenuto di fibre che possono essere facilmente estratte dal suo stomaco specializzato[24]. Il predatore principale della guereza è l'aquila coronata[26], ma questa scimmia può cadere vittima anche di altri rapaci, come l'aquila di Verreaux[17]. Tra gli altri predatori figurano lo scimpanzé[27] e probabilmente anche il leopardo[28].

Struttura sociale

La tolettatura sociale, o allogrooming, si verifica principalmente tra le femmine ed è un'importante interazione sociale nei gruppi di guereze.

La guereza vive in gruppi sociali stabili che comprendono di solito da tre a quindici individui[21]. Generalmente sono composti da un maschio, da alcune femmine e dai giovani, ma presso alcune popolazioni sono comuni gruppi che comprendono più maschi[29]. In queste ultime associazioni, i maschi tendono ad essere più aggressivi tra loro che nei confronti del maschio dominante e in certi casi alcuni maschi possono essere espulsi dal gruppo[20]. I gruppi con più maschi possono comprendere sia i figli del maschio dominante che esemplari non imparentati[30]. I maschi che non appartengono a nessun gruppo possono condurre vita solitaria o aggregarsi con altri esclusi in gruppi di scapoli. Le femmine mantengono la coesione nel gruppo e sono imparentate per linea matrilineare. Si allontanano raramente dal loro gruppo natale, tranne quando questo si sfalda[20]. I maschi, al contrario, lasciano il gruppo in cui sono nati quando raggiungono l'età sub-adulta o adulta e in un primo momento vivono da soli o in un gruppo di scapoli, per poi entrare a far parte di un gruppo sociale rimanendo alla sua periferia o prendendo il posto di un altro maschio del gruppo[17].

A causa della dieta povera di sostanze nutritive e della distribuzione sparsa delle fonti alimentari, la guereza ha una struttura sociale egualitaria e stabile. Le femmine di un gruppo presentano spesso un atteggiamento di dominanza egualitario senza relazioni di rango formalizzate. Le relazioni sono rilassate e amichevoli, con rari segnali di dominio o subordinazione. Le aggressioni fisiche all'interno del gruppo di solito non portano mai al ferimento di un individuo e solo raramente sfociano in un conflitto. L'allogrooming gioca una parte importante nelle interazioni della specie e si verifica principalmente tra le femmine[31]; i maschi adulti che vivono in un gruppo vi si dedicano solo raramente. Sebbene non siano rigidamente territoriali, i vari gruppi di guereza possono essere aggressivi tra loro[21]. In alcune popolazioni, i gruppi possono difendere l'area centrale del territorio (che costituisce solo una piccola parte dell'home range), le risorse e le compagne. Durante gli incontri tra gruppi, i maschi possono proteggere le proprie femmine sia direttamente che indirettamente, ad esempio difendendo le risorse alimentari di queste ultime[32]. Di solito sono i maschi che prendono parte agli incontri agonistici con i gruppi rivali, ma talvolta possono farlo anche le femmine[21]. Gli scontri tra gruppi di solito prevedono inseguimenti, manifestazioni di aggressività e vocalizzazioni piuttosto che un vero contatto fisico[21].


I neonati sono bianchi e vengono sempre trasportati dalla madre durante i primi mesi di vita.

La guereza ha un comportamento riproduttivo poliginico basato sugli harem[14][20]. L'accoppiamento viene sollecitato in egual misura da maschi e femmine[33], camminando vicino al potenziale partner ed emettendo con la bocca schiocchi a bassa intensità o baci rumorosi[34]. Durante l'accoppiamento, i maschi afferrano le caviglie e il corpo della femmina[35]. La maggior parte degli accoppiamenti avviene tra individui dello stesso gruppo, ma sono stati registrati anche casi di accoppiamenti con esemplari non appartenenti ad esso[35]. Nei gruppi con più maschi, più di un esemplare può accoppiarsi con le femmine[21]. Il periodo di gestazione dura 158 giorni e l'intervallo tra una nascita e l'altra è di circa 16-22 mesi[17]. La guereza appena nata si affida totalmente alla madre per spostarsi e rimane sempre aggrappata alla sua pelliccia. Crescendo, i piccoli possono anche spostarsi da soli, ma tendono sempre a ritornare dalle madri[36]. In presenza dei piccoli gran parte dell'attenzione del gruppo è focalizzata su di loro: le altre femmine possono anche prenderne in braccio uno, ma questo si sente a proprio agio solamente quando è con la madre[37]. I maschi normalmente non prestano molta attenzione ai piccoli fino a quando non hanno tra le quattro e le cinque settimane[36]. I piccoli riescono a mangiare cibi solidi tra le otto e le nove settimane e a partire dalle cinquanta settimane sono completamente svezzati e non hanno più bisogno di rimanere accanto alla madre[37].


Il tipo di richiamo maggiormente degno di nota della guereza è una sorta di «ruggito» che viene emesso principalmente di notte o all'alba dai maschi, così potente da poter essere udito fino a un chilometro e mezzo di distanza. Nel caso vi siano più maschi all'interno del gruppo, è il maschio dominante che di solito lancia per primo questo richiamo. I ruggiti vengono utilizzati per comunicare a lunga distanza e possono consentire ai vari membri del gruppo di tenersi in contatto quando sono alla ricerca del cibo, anche senza vedersi[38]. Quando un maschio inizia a ruggire, i maschi nelle vicinanze si uniscono al coro[35]. Spesso un esemplare risponde a questi richiami indifferentemente dall'«identità del mittente», concentrandosi maggiormente sulle vocalizzazioni collettive e non sulla familiarità che ha con il mittente[38]. Nei ruggiti dei maschi si registrano variazioni che potrebbero segnalare lo status del gruppo e l'abilità di combattere dei suoi membri[35]. Con un ruggito un maschio può informare sulle sue dimensioni corporee, sia effettive che esagerate[39]. Oltre al ruggito vengono emessi anche altri tipi di vocalizzazioni. I maschi possono emettere degli sbuffi, utilizzati forse come segnali di allarme. Prima che i vari membri del gruppo si mettano in movimento questi possono fare delle «fusa». Le femmine e i piccoli possono «gracchiare» quando si sentono un po' a disagio, mentre nelle situazioni di maggiore stress, ad esempio quando un piccolo si trova in pericolo, le femmine e i sub-adulti strillano o gridano. Degli «schiocchi» con la lingua denotano una leggera aggressività[40]. Oltre alle vocalizzazioni, la guereza comunica anche con diverse posture e movimenti del corpo, ad esempio mettendo in mostra i peli del mantello o attraverso espressioni facciali o contatti tattili[37].


La guereza viene cacciata per la pelle e la carne.

Grazie alla capacità di vivere sia nelle foreste secche che in quelle a galleria e al fatto di spostarsi sul terreno, la guereza è meno minacciata di molte altre specie di colobini[41]. La IUCN la classifica come «specie a rischio minimo» (Least Concern) in quanto «sebbene localmente minacciata in alcune parti dell'areale, si ritiene che questa specie ampiamente diffusa non possa diminuire così rapidamente da giustificarne la collocazione in una categoria di maggior rischio»[2]. Tuttavia, alcune sottospecie figurano in categorie diverse: C. g. percivali viene considerata «in pericolo» (Endangered) a causa delle ridotte dimensioni dell'areale e della caccia cui viene fatta oggetto[42], mentre C. g. dodingae, C. g. gallarum e C. g. matschiei sono tutte considerate «insufficientemente conosciute» (Data Deficient)[43][44][45].

Nello specifico, C. g. dodingae non viene più avvistata dagli anni '60[43]. A differenza della maggior parte delle altre specie di primati, la guereza è in grado di resistere al degrado ambientale e nelle foreste degradate può perfino prosperare[46]. In alcuni casi, il disboscamento può portare all'aumento delle specie arboree preferite su cui alimentarsi e la specie risulta essere più numerosa nelle aree soggette ad abbattimento degli alberi rispetto a quelle incontaminate[41]. Tuttavia, la completa distruzione delle foreste provoca una drastica diminuzione della popolazione. In Uganda le deforestazioni totali hanno causato un declino del 50% della popolazione in appena otto anni[47]. La guereza è anche minacciata dalla caccia cui è fatta oggetto per la carne e per la pelle. La carne viene venduta come bushmeat ad un prezzo variabile tra i 4 e i 9 dollari[48]. Le pelli vengono impiegate nell'alta moda o vendute ai turisti[49].


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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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La guereza (Colobus guereza Rüppell, 1835), anche nota come guereza mantellata, colobo bianco e nero orientale o colobo abissino, è una scimmia del Vecchio Mondo originaria di gran parte dell'Africa centrale e orientale, essendo diffusa in Camerun, Guinea Equatoriale, Nigeria, Etiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda e Ciad con varie sottospecie che differiscono tra loro nell'aspetto. È una scimmia piuttosto appariscente, con lunghe frange di peli bianchi che corrono lungo i due lati del tronco, note come «mantello». La faccia è incorniciata da peli bianchi e la coda termina con un grosso ciuffo bianco.

La guereza è un animale diurno e arboricolo, presente sia nelle foreste decidue che in quelle sempreverdi. È una specie adattabile in grado di far fronte al degrado ambientale e predilige le foreste secondarie vicine a fiumi o laghi. Sebbene in passato si pensasse che si nutrisse solo di foglie, mangia anche semi, frutti e artropodi. È in grado di digerire sostanze vegetali con un alto contenuto di fibre grazie allo stomaco specializzato e può mangiare solo alcune specie di piante per volta. Viene predata da rapaci e da alcuni mammiferi, come lo scimpanzé e il leopardo.

La guereza vive in gruppi sociali formati da tre a quindici individui. Questi gruppi normalmente comprendono un maschio dominante e alcune femmine con la loro progenie. È una specie poliginica e l'accoppiamento è preceduto da una comunicazione vocale. Dopo un periodo di gestazione di poco più di cinque mesi, i piccoli nascono con la pelle rosa e la pelliccia bianca, che scurisce fino a diventare identica a quella degli adulti verso i tre-quattro mesi. La guereza è ben nota per i cori che esegue all'alba: il «ruggito» dei maschi è un metodo di comunicazione a lunga distanza per affermare i diritti territoriali. Oltre a questo e ad altri tipi di vocalizzazioni, la specie comunica anche attraverso posture del corpo, movimenti ed espressioni facciali.

La guereza viene classificata come «specie a rischio minimo» (Least Concern) dall'Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (IUCN) essendo ancora ampiamente diffusa e, sebbene localmente minacciata in alcune aree, non così tanto da venire inserita in una categoria di rischio superiore. Ciononostante, una sottospecie presente in Kenya viene considerata «in pericolo» (Endangered). Può sopravvivere tranquillamente nelle foreste degradate e in alcune aree è più comune nelle aree soggette a disboscamento che in quelle incontaminate. La guereza è anche minacciata dalla caccia cui è fatta oggetto per la carne, venduta come bushmeat, e la pelle.

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Abisininė gvereca ( Litvanca )

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Colobus guereza Colobus guereza
Mokslinė klasifikacija Karalystė: Gyvūnai
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Animalia) Tipas: Chordiniai
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Chordata) Klasė: Žinduoliai
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Mammalia) Būrys: Primatai
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Primates) Šeima: Šunbeždžionės
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Cercopithecidae) Pošeimis: Laibaliemenės beždžionės
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Colobinae) Gentis: Kolobai
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Colobus) Rūšis: Abisininė gvereca
(Wikispecies-logo.svg Colobus guereza) Mokslinis pavadinimas Colobus guereza

Abisininė gvereca, arba rytinė gvereca (lot. Colobus guereza, angl. Mantled Guereza, vok. Mantelaffe, Guereza) – šunbeždžionių (Cercopithecidae) šeimos primatas, priklausanti laibaliemenių beždžionių pošeimiui. Kailis juodas, išskyrus baltus veido kraštus, ilgus baltus karčius, einančius kūno šonais bei pasturgaliu, ir purų baltą uodegos galą. Patinas vadovauja nedidelei 4-5 patelių ir jauniklių grupei, gindamas teritoriją riaumojimu ir didžiuliais šuoliais.

Gyvena aukštai medžiuose Centrinėje ir Rytų Afrikoje. Minta lapais.

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Abisininė gvereca: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

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Abisininė gvereca, arba rytinė gvereca (lot. Colobus guereza, angl. Mantled Guereza, vok. Mantelaffe, Guereza) – šunbeždžionių (Cercopithecidae) šeimos primatas, priklausanti laibaliemenių beždžionių pošeimiui. Kailis juodas, išskyrus baltus veido kraštus, ilgus baltus karčius, einančius kūno šonais bei pasturgaliu, ir purų baltą uodegos galą. Patinas vadovauja nedidelei 4-5 patelių ir jauniklių grupei, gindamas teritoriją riaumojimu ir didžiuliais šuoliais.

Gyvena aukštai medžiuose Centrinėje ir Rytų Afrikoje. Minta lapais.

 src= Abisininė gvereca
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Oostelijke franjeaap ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De oostelijke franjeaap, oostelijke colobus, guereza of gewone guereza (Colobus guereza), synoniem met (Colobus abyssinicus), is een primaat uit de familie der apen uit de Oude Wereld (Cercopithecidae). Hij wordt ook wel gewone franjeaap, Oost-Afrikaanse franjeaap, oostelijke zwartwitte colobus, noordelijke franjeaap of bergguereza genoemd.


In ZOO Shanghai

De oostelijke franjeaap heeft een zwart-witte vacht. De poten, rug en kroon zijn zwart, evenals het kale gezicht en de oren. De wangen, baard, keel en hals zijn wit, evenals de staartpluim en de mantel. Het haar rond het gezicht is wit en vrij kort in vergelijking met andere franjeapen. De mantel, bestaande uit lange, witte haren, loopt van de schouders tot de onderrug. De staart is lang (65 tot 90 centimeter) en vol. Franjeapen worden 10 tot 23 kilogram zwaar. Mannetjes zijn groter dan vrouwtjes. Het mannetje wordt 54 tot 75 centimeter lang, het vrouwtje 48 tot 65 centimeter.

De oostelijke populaties hebben een dikkere vacht en een wittere staart en mantel, de noordelijke populaties hebben een dunnere vacht en een zwarte staartwortel en schouders.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Hij komt voor in bosrijke gebieden, van tropische laaglandregenwouden tot hoog in de bergwouden. Ook leeft hij in met acacia's begroeide galerijbossen langs oevers van rivieren en in bossavannes. De franjeaap is te vinden in de laaglanden van Oost-Nigeria tot Kenia. Geïsoleerde populaties leven in de bergen van Oost-Afrika (Noord-Tanzania, Centraal- en West-Kenia en Oeganda) en Ethiopië.


De franjeaap is een dagdier. Hij leeft vooral in bomen. Ze komen zelden op de grond en springen van boom tot boom door hun leefgebied. Hierbij kunnen ze grote afstanden overbruggen.

Het leefgebied beslaat meestal zo'n 15 hectare per groep. Een groep bestaat uit drie tot twaalf dieren, bestaande uit een dominant mannetje, drie tot vier vrouwtjes en hun jongen. Soms leven er ook andere mannetjes in de groep, die lager in de hiërarchie staan. Vrouwtjes blijven voor het leven bij een groep. De jongen worden door meerdere vrouwtjes verzorgd. Door vlooien wordt de band verstevigd.

Mannetjes wisselen regelmatig van groep, waarbij volwassen mannetjes soms worden weggejaagd door de jongere dieren. Als twee groepen elkaar tegenkomen, uiten de mannetjes agressief gedrag, waarbij ze naar elkaar schreeuwen, springen, elkaar achternagaan en soms vechten. Het is echter ook waargenomen dat twee groepen vredig naast elkaar drinken. Het is waargenomen dat de mannetjes 's nachts en vroeg in de ochtend luid brullen, waarschijnlijk om andere groepen op een afstand te houden.

Pasgeboren jongen zijn geheel wit met een roze gezicht. Mannetjes zijn na zes jaar geslachtsrijp, vrouwtjes na vier jaar.


De oostelijke franjeaap is gespecialiseerd in het eten van bladeren. Ook eet hij vruchten, bast, zaden, peulvruchten en soms insecten. Van alle franjeapen is het de meest folivore soort, zo'n driekwart van het dieet bestaat uit bladeren. Welke planten en welke delen van de plant ze eten, wordt bepaald door concurrentie met andere soorten. In gebieden waar de oostelijke franjeaap de enige franjeaap is, hebben ze een breder dieet dan in gebieden waar het leefgebied overlapt met rode franjeapen.


De oostelijke franjeaap is vrij algemeen in het laagland en in de Oost-Afrikaanse bergwouden. In Ethiopië is het verspreidingsgebied versnipperd geraakt door jacht en houtkap. De Oost-Afrikaanse populaties worden ook bejaagd voor de vacht. Dit kan een bedreiging vormen voor het voortbestaan van enkele ondersoorten en subpopulaties.


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Oostelijke franjeaap: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De oostelijke franjeaap, oostelijke colobus, guereza of gewone guereza (Colobus guereza), synoniem met (Colobus abyssinicus), is een primaat uit de familie der apen uit de Oude Wereld (Cercopithecidae). Hij wordt ook wel gewone franjeaap, Oost-Afrikaanse franjeaap, oostelijke zwartwitte colobus, noordelijke franjeaap of bergguereza genoemd.

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Guerezacolobus ( Norveççe )

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Guerezacolobus Guerezacolobus Vitenskapelig(e)
: Colobus guereza Norsk(e) navn: Guerezacolobus Biologisk klassifikasjon: Rike: Dyreriket Rekke: Ryggstrengdyr Klasse: Pattedyr Orden: Primater Familie: Dyreaper Slekt: Colobus IUCNs rødliste: ver 3.1
Status iucn3.1 NT-no.svg

NT — Nær truet

: Bør overvåkes

Guerezacolobus er en apeart som er vanlig i det meste av sentrale og østlige Afrika. Denne arten har hvit pels rundt ansiktet, hvitt «slør» nedover sidene og baken,og hvit, buskete haletipp, men ellers svart pels. Hver hann leder en liten flokk på 4-5 hunner og ungene deres, og forsvarer territoriet sitt med brøll og høye hopp. Den 3-kamrede magen rommer mikrober som bryter ned celluloseholdig plantematerialle. Det gjør at denne arten kan utvinne dobbelt så mye næring fra den bladrike kosten som andre aper kan.

Arten er utbredt i sentral- og øst Afrika.


  • Lengde: 52-57 cm
  • Hale: 53-83 cm
  • Vekt: 8-13,5 kg
  • Sosial enhet: Flokk

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Colobus guereza
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Guerezacolobus: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Guerezacolobus er en apeart som er vanlig i det meste av sentrale og østlige Afrika. Denne arten har hvit pels rundt ansiktet, hvitt «slør» nedover sidene og baken,og hvit, buskete haletipp, men ellers svart pels. Hver hann leder en liten flokk på 4-5 hunner og ungene deres, og forsvarer territoriet sitt med brøll og høye hopp. Den 3-kamrede magen rommer mikrober som bryter ned celluloseholdig plantematerialle. Det gjør at denne arten kan utvinne dobbelt så mye næring fra den bladrike kosten som andre aper kan.

Arten er utbredt i sentral- og øst Afrika.

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Gereza abisyńska ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
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Gereza abisyńska[3] (Colobus guereza) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny koczkodanowatych (Cercopithecidae).


Kamerun, Nigeria, Etiopia, Kenia, Tanzania, Czad, północna część Demokratycznej Republiki Konga, Republika Środkowej Afryki, Gabon, Kongo, Sudan Południowy i Uganda[potrzebny przypis].



Wyróżniono kilka podgatunków C. guereza[4][3]:

  • C. guereza caudatusgereza kilimandżarska (status IUCN: LC)[5]
  • C. guereza dodingaegereza eremicka (status IUCN: DD)[6]
  • C. guereza gallarum gereza wyżynna (status IUCN: DD)[7]
  • C. guereza guerezagereza abisyńska (status IUCN: LC)[8]
  • C. guereza kikuyuensisgereza stokowa (status IUCN: LC)[9]
  • C. guereza matschieigereza leśna (status IUCN: DD)[10]
  • C. guereza occidentalisgereza zatokowa (status IUCN: LC)[11]
  • C. guereza percivaligereza pustelnicza (status IUCN: EN)[12]


Gereza abisyńska ma długie, czarno-białe, jedwabiste furto. Twarz szara, pozbawiona owłosienia. Długość ciała wynosi od 45 do 72 cm, nie licząc ogona o długości od 52 do 100 cm. Samice ważą 6-8 kg, samce 8-10 kg. Gerezy mają tylko cztery palce u każdej ręki; kciuk jest nieobecny, lub zastąpiony przez niewielki paliczkowy guzek. Brak kciuka może być formą adaptacji do szybszego poruszania się wśród drzew.

2011 Colobus guereza cropped2.jpg


Gerezy zamieszkują gęste lasy deszczowe, górskie i nizinne centralnej i wschodniej Afryki. Spotykane na wysokości 3300 metrów nad poziomem morza.

Tryb życia

Gerezy prowadzą dzienny tryb życia. Większość czasu spędzają w dolnej części drzew. Żyją w stadach liczących od 8 do 15 osobników obu płci. Długość życia gerez abisyńskich w niewoli wynosi nawet 29 lat, na wolności około 20.


Dieta gerez abisyńskich składa się głównie z młodych liści (58%), rozwiniętych liści (12,5%), owoców (13,5%), pączków liści (4%) i kwiatów (2%).


Pełną dojrzałość płciową samce osiągają w wieku lat 6, samice 4. Każda samica rodzi jedno młode co 20 miesięcy po okresie ciąży trwającej około 6 miesięcy. Po urodzeniu małe mają około 20 centymetrów długości i ważą około 0,4 kg.


Skórami tego gatunku handlowano przez bardzo długi czas, do dziś wykorzystywane są one jako ozdoby przez Masajów. W ciągu ostatnich 100 lat liczba gerez abisyńskich drastycznie spadła głównie w wyniku polowań i wylesiania. Obecnie gatunek ten jest zagrożony wyginięciem. Często hodowana w zoo, gdzie dobrze się rozmnaża.


  1. Colobus guereza, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  3. a b Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 49. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Colobus guereza. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2015-10-10]
  5. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  6. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. caudatus [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  7. Gippolliti, S. & Butynski, T.M. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. dodingae [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  8. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. gallarum [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  9. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. guereza [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  10. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. kikuyuensis [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  11. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. occidentalis [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
  12. Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J., Butynski, T.M. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza ssp. percivali [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).


  1. Kim K.: Colobus guereza (ang.). (On-line), Animal Diversity Web, 2002. [dostęp 31 grudnia 2008].
  2. Sean Flannery: Abyssinian Black-and-white Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) (ang.). The Primata. [dostęp 31 grudnia 2008].
  3. Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008, Colobus guereza [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015-3 [dostęp 2015-10-10] (ang.).
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Gereza abisyńska: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

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Gereza abisyńska (Colobus guereza) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny koczkodanowatych (Cercopithecidae).

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Colobus guereza ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

O colobo-guereza (Colobus guereza) é uma espécie de primata da família Cercopithecidae e do gênero biológico do Colobus.[2]

Essa espécie é nativa em grande parte do centro oeste e leste da África, incluindo os países como Camarões, Guiné Equatorial, Nigéria, Etiópia, Quênia, Tanzânia, Uganda e Chade.

Imagem da espécie mostrando suas características faciais.


  1. Kingdon, J.; Struhsaker, T.; Oates, J. F.; Hart, J.; Groves, C. P. (2008). Colobus guereza (em inglês). IUCN 2008. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2008 . Página visitada em 23 de janeiro de 2016.
  2. «Guereza, Colobus guereza» (em inglês). Primate Info Net. Consultado em 23 de janeiro de 2016
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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

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O colobo-guereza (Colobus guereza) é uma espécie de primata da família Cercopithecidae e do gênero biológico do Colobus.

Essa espécie é nativa em grande parte do centro oeste e leste da África, incluindo os países como Camarões, Guiné Equatorial, Nigéria, Etiópia, Quênia, Tanzânia, Uganda e Chade.

 src= Imagem da espécie mostrando suas características faciais.
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Östlig svartvit guereza ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Östlig svartvit guereza (Colobus guereza) är en art i familjen markattartade primater.


Hona med unge i Shanghai zoo.

Det går inte att missa arten där den sitter i ett träd. När den är liten är den helt vit. När den sedan blir äldre och större mörknar kroppsbehåringen och kontrasterande fransar av långa, vita hårstrån börjar växa runt ansiktet, på båda sidor av ryggen och på svansen.[2]

Arten når en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 45 till 72 cm och en svanslängd av 52 till 100 cm. Vikten är 5 till 14 kg och hanar är lite större än honor. Tummen finns bara rudimentär och stubben är täckt av en nagel. Liksom andra medlemmar av släktet Colobus har östlig svartvit guereza en magsäck som är delad i flera segment. I magsäcken finns en rik bakterieflora som hjälper vid ämnesomsättningen.[2]

Utbredning och habitat

Den östliga svartvita guerezan lever i centrala Afrika. Utbredningsområdet sträcker sig från Guineabukten till Etiopien och Kenya. Habitatet utgörs av tropiska regnskogar och galleriskogar i låglandet och i bergstrakter.[1]


Denna art lever huvudsakligen i trädtopparna nära floder, men vid enstaka tillfällen kan man se den på gräsmark då den letar efter föda. Ett område på 1 km² kan delas av 100- 500 guerezor, men alla är uppdelade i olika, skilda, familjegrupper med 8 till 15 medlemmar. I varje grupp finns det flera besläktade honor och deras avkommor, men bara en vuxen hane.[2] Gemensam putsning stärker familjebanden, och utbölingar möts med fientlighet. För att försäkra sig om att "grannarna" håller avstånd ryter de vuxna hanarna högt i gryningen och i skymningen. När det börjar bli ont om mat och vatten på en familjs revir, kan det vid enstaka tillfällen hända att de delar samma vatten- och matställen.[2]

Östlig svartvit guereza är aktiv på dagen och vilar på natten i trädens kronor men en individ från flocken håller alltid vakt.[2]


Det verkar inte finnas någon särskild fortplantningssäsong utan de föds när det finns rikligt med tillgång på föda. Honorna blir könsmogna vid fyra års ålder, alltså två år tidigare än hannen.[2] Honan visar att hon är redo att para sig genom att smacka med tungan och visar bakdelen för hanen. Ungefär sex månader efter parningen föder honan en helt vit liten unge som är cirka 20 centimeter lång och väger endast 400 gram.[2] Ungen tas inte bara hand om av mamman, utan också av andra honor och ibland även unga hannar. Banden är så starka inom gruppen att en annan gruppmedlem kan få bära ungen så långt bort från mamma som 25 meter, och honorna kan ge di åt andra ungar.[2]

I naturen blir arten upp till 20 år gammal och med människans vård kan den leva 29 år.[2]


Blad är huvuddelen av apans föda. Guerezan föredrar späda blad, och eftersom innehåller cellulosa (växtcellväggar) som är svårsmält har den en utvecklat ett specialiserat matsmältningssystem. Med en tredelad mage som smälter maten och en mängd tarmbakterier, kan den här vegetarianen äta sig mätt på växter med mycket näring. Födan kompletteras med några frukter, blommor och unga växtskott.[2]

Myt och folktro

Den här apans långa, vita man användes förr till att göra traditionella afrikanska huvudprydnader. I legenderna var arten en budbärare från gudarna tack vare sin vana att sitta tyst, som i bön, ibland trädtopparna.

Hot och status

Det största hotet mot arten är skogsavverkningar för träproduktion eller för etablering av jordbruksmark. I västra delen av utbredningsområdet jagas primaten för pälsens skull. På grund av det stora utbredningsområde listas östlig svartvit guereza av IUCN som livskraftig (LC).[1]

Närstående arter

Det finns fem arter inom släktet Colobus, inklusive svart guereza (C. satanas) från Västafrika, och angolaguereza (C. angolensis) vars utbredningsområde är något sydligare än den östliga svartvita guerezans. De fem arterna röda guerezor (släkte Piliocolobus) är nära släktingar som också bor i Afrika.[3]


  1. ^ [a b c] Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008 Colobus guereza Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2014-11-26.
  2. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j] K. Kim (27 april 2002). Colobus guereza (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Colobus_guereza/. Läst 26 november 2014.
  3. ^ Wilson & Reeder, red (2005). ”Colobinae” (på engelska). Mammal Species of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4
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Östlig svartvit guereza: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Östlig svartvit guereza (Colobus guereza) är en art i familjen markattartade primater.

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Colobus guereza ( Ukraynaca )

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Вага самців: 9,3-13,5 кг, самиць: 7,8-9,2 кг, довжина голови і тіла самців: 54,3-69,9 см, самиць: 52.1-67.3 см, довжина хвоста складає від 52 до 100 см. Це великі, відносно сильні тварини. Основний колір хутра чорний, білим обрамлене лице й u-подібна мантія довгого білого волосся, яке простягається вниз плечей і через нижню частину спини до густого білого пучка на кінчику хвоста. Обличчя сірого кольору, голе, ніздрі витягнуті.


Країни проживання: Камерун, Центральноафриканська Республіка, Чад, Конго, Демократична Республіка Конго, Екваторіальна Гвінея, Ефіопія, Габон, Кенія, Нігерія, Руанда, Судан, Танзанія, Уганда. Цей вид зустрічається в низовинних і гірських тропічних вологих лісах та галерейних лісах.

Стиль життя

Часто зустрічається у вторинних або деградованих лісах. Вони утворюють гаремні групи від 8 до 15 тварин, які складаються з одного самця, кількох самиць і дитинчат. Це денні тварини, які живуть в основному на деревах. Самці іноді утворюють холостяцькі групи, але вони не є постійними. Це територіальні тварини, група населяє територію близько 15 га. Ці тварини є травоїдними, з молоде листя складає основну частину раціону. У меншій мірі вони також їдять зріле листя, фрукти і бутони. Відомі хижаки: Stephanoaetus coronatus, Panthera pardus, Pan troglodytes.

У більшості випадків, не мають фіксованого шлюбного періоду. Після приблизно 175 днів вагітності, самиця народжує зазвичай одне дитинча. Відлучення від грудей здійснюється у віці близько шести місяців. Статева зрілість настає в близько 4 роки у самиць, самці приблизно у 6 років. Середня тривалість життя в неволі до 24 років.

Загрози та охорона

Цей вид знаходиться під загрозою у частинах ареалу через втрати місць проживання в результаті збезлісення для деревини, перетворення в екзотичні лісові насадження і перетворення в сільськогосподарські землі. Це вид занесений до Додатка II СІТЕС і класу B Африканського Конвенції про збереження природи і природних ресурсів. Зустрічається в ряді охоронних територій.


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Colobus guereza ( Vietnamca )

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Colobus guereza là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cercopithecidae, bộ Linh trưởng, là một Khỉ Colobus đen trắng. Loài này được Rüppell mô tả năm 1835.[2]

Loài khỉ này thường sống tại Trung Phi, với đặc điểm màu lông cơ bản là đen, và màu trắng là khung của khuôn mặt và hình chữ U dài như "áo khoác" trên vai và lưng, bên ngoài của hông và ở đuôi. Vì thế trong một số ngôn ngữ, loài này còn được gọi là "Khỉ mặc áo" hay là "Khỉ áo khoác" (tiếng Anh: Mantled guereza; tiếng Đức: Mantelaffe) hay là "Khỉ Colobus đen trắng miền đông" (eastern black-and-white colobus).

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Kingdon, J.; Struhsaker, T.; Oates, J. F.; Hart, J.; Groves, C. P. (2008). Colobus guereza. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 4 năm 2013.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Colobus guereza”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Colobus guereza  src= Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Colobus guereza

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Colobus guereza: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Colobus guereza là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cercopithecidae, bộ Linh trưởng, là một Khỉ Colobus đen trắng. Loài này được Rüppell mô tả năm 1835.

Loài khỉ này thường sống tại Trung Phi, với đặc điểm màu lông cơ bản là đen, và màu trắng là khung của khuôn mặt và hình chữ U dài như "áo khoác" trên vai và lưng, bên ngoài của hông và ở đuôi. Vì thế trong một số ngôn ngữ, loài này còn được gọi là "Khỉ mặc áo" hay là "Khỉ áo khoác" (tiếng Anh: Mantled guereza; tiếng Đức: Mantelaffe) hay là "Khỉ Colobus đen trắng miền đông" (eastern black-and-white colobus).

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Восточный колобус ( Rusça )

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В рационе восточных колобусов в основном листья

В рационе преимущественно листья,[13] дополнением к рациону служат фрукты, а также кора деревьев, цветы, водные растения, ростки и почки, беспозвоночные животные.[22] Состав рациона варьируется в зависимости от места обитания и времени года. На выбор листьев влияет их пищевой состав, в частности уровень протеинов, дубильных кислот и натрия. Могут путешествовать на значительные расстояния в поисках листьев с более высокой пищевой ценностью.[23] Листья составляют более половины рациона, однако в некоторые месяцы гверецы более активно употребляют фрукты.[13][16] При поиске пищи предпочтение отдаётся молодым листьям.[17] Мягкие фрукты предпочитают есть с кожурой.[22] Потребляют достаточно много видов растений, отдавая предпочтение лишь нескольким из них.[18][22] Как и остальные тонкотелые обезьяны, гверецы обладают многокамерным желудком и способны эффективно переваривать грубую растительную пищу.[23][24] Главный хищник, охотящийся на этих приматов — венценосный орёл,[25] также на них охотятся некоторые другие хищные птицы, такие как кафрский орёл.[16] Есть свидетельства того, что на них охотятся обыкновенные шимпанзе[26] и леопарды.[27]


Социальная структура

Груминг — важный ритуал в социальном взаимодействии в группах восточных колобусов

Восточные колобусы живут небольшими группами от 3 до 15 особей.[20] В группе обычно один самец, несколько самок и их потомство. В некоторых популяциях насчитывается несколько самцов, это могут быть как отец и сын, так и неродственные особи.[28] В таких группах есть доминантный самец, ведущий себя агрессивно по отношению к другим самцам, иногда изгоняя их из группы.[19][29] Изгнанные животные могут жить либо поодиночке, либо присоединиться к мужской группе. Самки редко покидают свою группу,[19] самцы же зачастую уходят при достижении зрелости.[16] Самки в группе имеют равный статус без иерархического деления. Отношения между самками внутри группы обычно дружественные, конфликты возникают крайне редко. Груминг является важной частью социального поведения этих животных, при этом процедура груминга обычно производится самками, взрослые самцы редко этим занимаются. Восточные колобусы территориальные животные, между группами зачастую вспыхивают конфликты.[20] В некоторых популяциях группы могут защищать лишь ключевые районы кормёжки, составляющие малую часть территории группы.[20] Стычки между группами включают демонстрацию силы, устрашающие крики и имитацию погони, но редко доводятся до физического контакта.[20]


На восточных колобусов охотятся из-за их мяса и шкуры

Восточным колобусам свойственна полигиния: доминантный самец имеет доступ к гарему самок.[13][19] Сигнал к началу спаривания подаёт как самец, так и самка, примерно в половине случаев каждый. Когда самка выступает инициатором полового контакта, она ходит вокруг самца, издавая негромкие звуки. Во время спаривания самец держит самку за лодыжки и туловище.[30] Львиная доля половых контактов происходит внутри группы, однако зафиксированы также случаи спаривания особей из разных групп.[30] В группах с несколькими самцами доступ к самкам имеют все самцы.[20] Беременность длится в среднем 158 дней, промежуток между рождениями составляет 16—22 месяца.[16] Новорождённые детёныши целиком зависят от матери, сразу после рождения цепляются за неё.[31] Другие самки в группе также могут заботиться о детёныше.[32] Самки обычно не интересуются молодняком до тех пор, пока им не исполняется четыре или пять недель.[31] В возрасте от восьми до девяти недель детёныши начинают есть твёрдую пищу, к году отучаются от молока матери.[32]

Статус популяции

Ввиду того, что восточные колобусы могут жить в сухих и галерейных лесах и уверенно чувствуют себя на земле, их популяция менее уязвима, чем популяции других тонкотелых обезьян.[33] Международный союз охраны природы присвоил им охранный статус «Вызывает наименьшие опасения», так как, несмотря на то, что в некоторых районах популяция под угрозой, вид достаточно широко распространён и нет оснований полагать, что его популяция резко сократится в ближайшем будущем.[9] Однако некоторые подвиды находятся под угрозой из-за маленького ареала и охоты, так подвид Colobus guereza percivali имеет охранный статус «Вымирающий», а Colobus guereza dodingae, Colobus guereza gallarum и Colobus guereza matschiei — «Данных недостаточно».[9] В отличие от многих других видов приматов, гверецы могут приспособиться даже к сильно разрушенной среды обитания. Иногда лесозаготовки могут даже увеличить количество деревьев, на которых они кормятся.[13] Однако при полном обезлесении популяция резко сокращается, так, в Уганде в районах полной вырубки леса численность восточных колобусов сократилась на 50 % за восемь лет.[34] Основная угроза популяции — охота ради мяса и шкуры. Мясо восточных колобусов продаётся за 4—9 долларов за кг.[35] Шкуры продаются туристам и коллекционерам.[36]


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  7. Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. Mammal Species of the World. — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. — ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
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  9. 1 2 3 Colobus guereza (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  10. 1 2 Groves, C. Primate Taxonomy. — Washington DC : Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001.
  11. Ackerman, D. E. (1991). “A study of the colobus monkey (Colobus guereza kikuyuensis)”. Animal Keeper's Forum. 18 (4): 164—171.
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  13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oates, J. F. The natural history of African colobines // Colobine Monkeys: Their Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution. — Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1994. — P. 75–128.
  14. Hayes, V. J. (1995). “The differential expression of dental sexual dimorphism in subspecies of Colobus guereza”. International Journal of Primatology. 16 (6): 971—996.
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  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dunbar, R. I. M. (1974). “Ecology and population dynamics of Colobus guereza in Ethiopia”. Folia Primatologica. 21: 188—208.
  17. 1 2 3 Lwanga, J. S. Spatial distribution of primates in a mosaic of colonizing and old growth forest at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda // Primates. — 2006. — № 47 (3). — С. 230—238.
  18. 1 2 Oates, J. F. (1978). “Water-plant and soil consumption by guereza monkeys (Colobus guereza): a relationship with minerals and toxins in the diet?”. Biotropica. 10 (4): 241—253.
  19. 1 2 3 4 Bocian, C. M. Niche separation of black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis and C. guereza) in the Ituri Forest (Ph.D.). — City University of New York, 1997.
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  22. 1 2 3 Harris, T. R.; Chapman, C. A. Variation in diet and ranging of black and white colobus monkeys in Kibale National Park, Uganda // Primates. — 2007. — № 48 (3). — С. 208—221. — DOI:10.1007/s10329-006-0036-8. — PMID 17429575. Архивировано 5 марта 2016 года.
  23. 1 2 Fashing, P. J.; Dierenfeld, E. S.; Mowry, C. B. Influence of plant and soil chemistry on food selection, ranging patterns, and biomass of Colobus guereza in Kakamega Forest, Kenya // International Journal of Primatology. — 2007. — № 28 (3). — С. 673. — DOI:10.1007/s10764-006-9096-2.
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  30. 1 2 Harris, T. R. Roaring, intergroup aggression, and feeding competition in black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) at Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda (Ph.D.). — Yale University, 2005.
  31. 1 2 Horwich, R. H.; Manski, D. Maternal care and infant transfer in two species of Colobus monkeys // Primates. — 1975. — № 16. — С. 49. — DOI:10.1007/BF02381799.
  32. 1 2 Oates, J. F. The social life of a black-and-white colobus monkey, Colobus guereza // Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. — 1977. — № 45. — С. 1—10.
  33. Oates, J. F. Conclusions: the past, present and future of the colobines // Colobine Monkeys: Their Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution. — Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1994. — P. 347–358. — ISBN 978-0-521-33153-1.
  34. Chapman, C. A.; Naughton-Treves, L.; Lawes, M. J.; Wasserman, M. D.; Gillespie, T. R. Population declines of Colobus in western Uganda and conservation value of forest fragments // International Journal of Primatology. — 2007. — № 28 (3). — С. 513. — DOI:10.1007/s10764-007-9142-8. Архивировано 22 февраля 2014 года.
  35. Eves, H. E. Socioeconomics and the sustainability of hunting in the forests of northern Congo (Brazzaville) // Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests. — New York : Columbia University Press, 2000. — P. 427–454. — ISBN 978-0-231-50492-8.
  36. Oates, J. F. The guereza and man // Primate Conservation. — New York : Academic Press, 1977c. — P. 419–467. — ISBN 978-0-12-576150-5.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Восточный колобус: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
 src= В рационе восточных колобусов в основном листья

В рационе преимущественно листья, дополнением к рациону служат фрукты, а также кора деревьев, цветы, водные растения, ростки и почки, беспозвоночные животные. Состав рациона варьируется в зависимости от места обитания и времени года. На выбор листьев влияет их пищевой состав, в частности уровень протеинов, дубильных кислот и натрия. Могут путешествовать на значительные расстояния в поисках листьев с более высокой пищевой ценностью. Листья составляют более половины рациона, однако в некоторые месяцы гверецы более активно употребляют фрукты. При поиске пищи предпочтение отдаётся молодым листьям. Мягкие фрукты предпочитают есть с кожурой. Потребляют достаточно много видов растений, отдавая предпочтение лишь нескольким из них. Как и остальные тонкотелые обезьяны, гверецы обладают многокамерным желудком и способны эффективно переваривать грубую растительную пищу. Главный хищник, охотящийся на этих приматов — венценосный орёл, также на них охотятся некоторые другие хищные птицы, такие как кафрский орёл. Есть свидетельства того, что на них охотятся обыкновенные шимпанзе и леопарды.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

东黑白疣猴 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

东黑白疣猴(学名:Colobus guereza[2],是猴科的一种黑白疣猴,分布在非洲中西部和东部,包括喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、尼日利亚、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和乍得。[3][4]该物种有几个亚种,在外观上有所不同。它有与众不同的外貌,体现在其名称上。长长的白毛沿着躯体的两边分布。它的脸是凹陷的,脸上的毛为白色,并有一个很大的白色尾巴。




  1. ^ Kingdon, J., Struhsaker, T., Oates, J.F., Hart, J. & Groves, C.P. 2008. Colobus guereza. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T5143A11116447. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T5143A11116447.en. Downloaded on 09 July 2016.
  2. ^ Groves, Colin. Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds), 编. Mammal species of the world 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. 16 November 2005: 168. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
  3. ^ Groves, C. Primate Taxonomy. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 2001.
  4. ^ Napier, P. H. Catalogue of Primates in the British Museum (Natural History) and Elsewhere in the British Isles, part III: Family Cercopithecidae, Subfamily Colobinae. London: British Museum (Natural History). 1985.
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东黑白疣猴: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

东黑白疣猴(学名:Colobus guereza),是猴科的一种黑白疣猴,分布在非洲中西部和东部,包括喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、尼日利亚、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和乍得。该物种有几个亚种,在外观上有所不同。它有与众不同的外貌,体现在其名称上。长长的白毛沿着躯体的两边分布。它的脸是凹陷的,脸上的毛为白色,并有一个很大的白色尾巴。



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ゲレザ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
ゲレザ Mantled Guereza.jpg
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 霊長目 Primate 亜目 : 直鼻猿亜目 Haplorrhini : オナガザル科 Cercopithecidae 亜科 : コロブス亜科 Colobinae : コロブス属 Colobus : ゲレザ C. guereza 学名 Colobus guereza (Rüppell, 1835) 和名 ゲレザ、アビシニアコロブス 英名 Mantled Guereza Mantled Guereza area.png

ゲレザ (Guereza) は、別名アビシニアコロブス (Abyssinian Black-and-white Colobus) または、クロシロコロブス(あるいは単に「コロブス」)としても知られる、オナガザル科コロブス亜科コロブス属類である。ゲレザはカメルーン赤道ギニアナイジェリアエチオピアケニアタンザニアウガンダチャドを含む中央及び東アフリカの大部分の地域に生息している。


アビシニアコロブスのゲレザ (動画)









  • Colobus guereza guereza
  • Colobus guereza occidentalis
  • Colobus guereza dodingae
  • Colobus guereza percivali
  • Colobus guereza matschiei
  • Colobus guereza kikuyuensis
  • Colobus guereza caudatus


 src= ウィキスピーシーズにゲレザに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ゲレザに関連するメディアがあります。  title=
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ゲレザ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
 src= ゲレザ

ゲレザ (Guereza) は、別名アビシニアコロブス (Abyssinian Black-and-white Colobus) または、クロシロコロブス(あるいは単に「コロブス」)としても知られる、オナガザル科コロブス亜科コロブス属類である。ゲレザはカメルーン赤道ギニアナイジェリアエチオピアケニアタンザニアウガンダチャドを含む中央及び東アフリカの大部分の地域に生息している。

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동부콜로부스 ( Korece )

wikipedia 한국어 위키백과 tarafından sağlandı

동부콜로부스(Colobus guereza) 또는 아비시니아콜로부스, 망토게레자게레자(Guereza)라는 짧은 이름으로도 잘 알려져 있고, 동부흑백콜로부스[2] 또는 아비시니아흑백콜로부스[3] 로도 알려져 있는 콜로부스속(Colobus) 원숭이로, 구세계원숭이이다. 카메룬적도기니, 나이지리아, 에티오피아, 케냐, 탄자니아, 우간다 그리고 차드를 포함하여, 대부분 아프리카 중서부와 동부가 원산지이다. 천적은 침팬지, 표범, 비단구렁이, 맹금류 다.


흑백콜로부스 종들은 키는 약 46 – 71 cm 정도까지, 꼬리는 51 – 89 cm 정도까지 자란다. 몸무게는 5.4 - 14.5 kg 정도이다. 볼주머니는 없으며, 다른 대부분의 콜로부스처럼 엄지손가락도 거의 없다. 털은 윤기가 나는 검은색이며, 얼굴과 엉덩이 주위는 둥글게 흰 털이 나 있고, 옆면과 등쪽에는 망토 형태로 U-자 모양의 흰 털이 나 있다. 꼬리 끝단은 희다. 새끼도 모두 희다. 코 끝은 거의 입에 맞닿아 있다. 뒷다리는 길고 근육이 잘 발달되어 있어 나무 사이를 도약하거나 가지를 튀어 오를 수 있다. 엉덩이는 굳은 살이 박혀 있어 가냘픈 가지 위에서 불편없이 오랜 시간 앉아 있을 수 있다.


주행성 동물이자 수목형 동물로, 열대 지방 숲의 나무 꼭대기 가지, 저지대와 고원 지대를 포함하는 삼림 지대와 풀이 나무가 우거진 초원 지대(이곳에서는 지상에서 움직이기도 한다.)에서 산다. 이차 숲이나 강가에서 가장 많이 산다. 망토게레자의 소화 기관은 잎들을 처리할 수 있도록 만들어져 있다.; 위장은 크고, 특별히 발효를 돕는 박테리아가 들어 있다. 가끔 꽃이나, 나뭇가지, 잔가지, 새싹, 씨앗, 어린 가지 등을 먹기도 한다. 이들이 먹는 먹이의 1/3은 과일로 이루어져 있다.


이 동부콜로부스는 여러 종의 진귀한 아종이 있다:[1]

  • Colobus guereza guereza
  • Colobus guereza occidentalis
  • Colobus guereza dodingae
  • 퍼시발흑백콜로부스 (Colobus guereza percivali)
  • Colobus guereza matschiei
  • Colobus guereza kikuyuensis 또는 케냐산게레자
  • Colobus guereza caudatus 또는 킬리만자로게레자

군집 생활과 생식

망토게레자는 통상적으로 1마리 또는 그 이상의 성숙한 수컷과 함께 6-9마리씩 무리를 짓는다. 이들 집단이 차지하는 영역은 약 0.16 km2이다. 이들은 다른 집단을 몰아낸 영역 내에, 자신들의 일정한 선취 영역을 가지고 있지만, 타 집단을 항구적으로 배제하는 것은 아니다. 집단이 만날때면 시각적으로 소리로 표시가 나며, 성숙한 수컷들이 다른 집단을 쫓아내려고 밤과 새벽에 함께 큰 소리를 지른다.

임신 기간은 5개월이며, 한 번에 한 마리를 낳고, 약 20개월마다 새끼를 낳는다. 새끼는 성숙해지는 데, 약 4-6년이 걸린다. 사육 상태에서 이들의 수명은 약 23년까지 도달한다.


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 168쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. “Colobus guereza”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 4일에 확인함.
  3. Wolfheim, J.H. (1983) Primates Of The World: Distribution, Abundance And Conservation Routledge ISBN 3-7186-0190-7
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자