Tityus stigmurus je druh štíra z rodu Tityus, což je nejpočetnější rod štírů.
Štíři rodu Tityus mají úzká klepeta a velice křehké tělo zakončené úzkou metasomou (zadní část zadečku). V telsonu má velice účinný jed. Patří mezi toxicky významné druhy. U dětí a alergiků může být bodnutí smrtelné (více o jedu níže). Tityus stigmurus dorůstá do velikosti 4 až 6 cm. Mají buď zlatavou nebo nažloutlou barvu a přes mesosomu (přední část zadečku) se táhne tmavý pruh. Vyskytuje se na velké části Brazílie.
Tityus stigmurus je významně toxický. Má zaznamenanou LD50 myš 0,773 mg/kg. V toxické stupnici (1-5) pro štíry se Tityus stigmurus umístil mezi 3. až 4. stupněm.
Tityus stigmurus je druh štíra z rodu Tityus, což je nejpočetnější rod štírů.
Tityus stigmurus is a species of scorpion from the family Buthidae that can be found in Brazil. The species are 4.5–6 centimetres (1.8–2.4 in) in length and are either golden-tan or yellowish-brown coloured. It takes them a year to mature into an adult, which makes them a fast-growing species. They also have a dark stripe over the mesosoma with either yellowish or orange pedipalps.[2]
In captivity this species is fed on cockroaches and crickets. It is suggested that Shelfordella lateralis is a good species of cockroaches, that are abundant worldwide. Aside from being abundant they also are the easiest prey, since they don't hide, and the scorpion can easily eat them.[3]
This species is predominantly found in the northeastern parts of Brazil, especially in the Caatinga region. The presence of this species has also been reported in a number of other Brazilian states.[4]
The species could be housed as pets, and they can live communally once into their 2nd instar. Mothers tend to eat the young on case-by-case basis. Another thing to consider if owning such species is that they need something to climb on. A cork bark is a nice climbing tool for such species. It's best to lean it against the side of the enclosure or layer it to provide ample climbing space. Artificial lights can be used too, since the same tool is used for reptiles and aquariums alike. The container in which they need to live is supposed to be of 3.8–5 centimetres (1.5–2.0 in) deep and moistured. Peat moss must be provided, even though the species are not burrowers. Moss should be cleaned every two weeks. Scorpions of this species do not require water, since they acquire moisture from their prey. The temperature in the container must be at 75–90 °F or 24–32 °C for the species to survive and reproduce.[3]
The species is facultatively parthenogenetic. The females give birth in 3 months, with the period being as long as 4–5 months. Various gestation periods are different, and can take maximum from 9–12 months. The gestation can be shortened if the temperature is warm enough. The brood size is from 2–16, with an average of 8.[3]
The species is venomous, and therefore shouldn't be disturbed. T. stigmurus has a recorded LD50 of 0.575 mg/ kg in mice, which is significant.[5] In the state of Bahia, Brazil, in a period from January 1982 to December 1995, 237 patients proven to be stung by Tityus stigmurus, of these 237, information on symptoms was obtained from only 90 patients, symptoms in another 147 patients were not published, the symptoms were classified as local (pain, numbness, erythema, edema, paraesthesia, spot lesion, hyperemia, anesthesia, itching, wheal, burning, flushing and cramping), general (headache, sweating, cold extremities, hypothermia, ocular congestion and cyanosis), digestive (vomiting and nausea), neurological (tremors, agitation, difficulty moving, contractures and dizziness), cardiovascular (hypotension) and respiratory (dyspnea).[6] Other systemic symptoms reported by this species include diaphoresis, somnolence, tachycardia, sialorrhea, pallor, convulsions, abdominal pain, tachypnea, bradycardia, chills, fainting and hypotonia.[7]
However, if the person does get stung by them the person needs to:
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(help) Tityus stigmurus is a species of scorpion from the family Buthidae that can be found in Brazil. The species are 4.5–6 centimetres (1.8–2.4 in) in length and are either golden-tan or yellowish-brown coloured. It takes them a year to mature into an adult, which makes them a fast-growing species. They also have a dark stripe over the mesosoma with either yellowish or orange pedipalps.
Tityus stigmurus est une espèce de scorpions de la famille des Buthidae.
Cette espèce est endémique du Brésil[1]. Elle se rencontre dans les État du Pernambouc, du Paraíba, du Rio Grande do Norte, du Ceará, du Piauí et de Bahia.
La femelle holotype mesure 65 mm[2].
Cette espèce a été décrite sous le protonyme Isometrus stigmurus par Thorell en 1876. Elle est placée dans le genre Tityus par Kraepelin en 1899[3].
O escorpião-do-nordeste (Tityus stigmurus) é uma espécie de escorpião comum na Região Nordeste do Brasil.
Tem coloração de camuflagem amarelada, para se confundir com o solo arenoso das regiões áridas em que habita. É facilmente identificado por possuir um triangulo de coloração negra sobre o cefalotórax, acompanhado de uma faixa, de coloração também escura, ao longo do corpo.
Mede em torno dos 7 cm de comprimento e se alimenta principalmente de insetos, aranhas e outros escorpiões. Como a maioria dos escorpiões, tem hábitos noturnos, sua visão é péssima e ele se orienta por pelos sensoriais, espalhados por todo o corpo, que percebem vibrações tanto do solo quanto do ar.
Reproduzem-se quase que em sua totalidade por partenogênese, ou seja, não há a necessidade de um macho para acasalar. Apesar disso, existem machos e fêmeas, mas o aparecimento de machos é raro. As fêmeas dão à luz em média de 8 a 14 filhotes.
A espécie é adaptada à vida em ambiente urbano e pode coabitar com seres humanos atraída pela presença de insetos e pela facilidade de abrigo. Uma forma de evitar o aparecimento dessa espécie é manter os objetos de casa sempre em locais arejados e livres de umidade, além de eliminar os locais onde possa haver proliferação de baratas, que são o seu principal alimento das áreas urbanas.
A picada é dolorosa e necessita de cuidados médicos especialmente em crianças, idosos, pessoas com algum quadro de baixa imunidade ou fragilizadas por outras doenças.
Vivem em ambientes úmidos e quentes, como casas de barro e madeira acumulada.