
Duc de Shelley ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El duc de Shelley (Bubo shelleyi) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita la selva humida d'Àfrica Occidental, a Sierra Leone, Libèria, Costa d'Ivori, sud de Ghana i de Camerun, Gabon i nord de la República Democràtica del Congo.


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Duc de Shelley: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

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El duc de Shelley (Bubo shelleyi) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita la selva humida d'Àfrica Occidental, a Sierra Leone, Libèria, Costa d'Ivori, sud de Ghana i de Camerun, Gabon i nord de la República Democràtica del Congo.

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Eryrdylluan Shelley ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryrdylluan Shelley (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrdylluanod Shelley) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bubo shelleyi; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Shelley’s eagle owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. shelleyi, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r eryrdylluan Shelley yn perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Eryrdylluan Ewrop Bubo bubo Eryrdylluan fannog Bubo africanus
Eryrdylluan Pharo Bubo ascalaphus
Bubo ascalaphus -Kakegawa Kacho-en, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan-8a.jpg
Tylluan dorchddu Strix huhula
Coruja-preta (Strix huhula).jpg
Tylluan fawr lwyd Strix nebulosa
Strix nebulosaRB.jpg
Tylluan felyngoch Strix fulvescens
Fulvous Owl (Strix fulvescens).jpg
Tylluan frech Strix aluco
Waldkauz-Strix aluco.jpg
Tylluan frycheulyd Strix virgata
Mottled Owl.jpg
Tylluan goed Affrica Strix woodfordii
African Wood Owl (Strix woodfordii) perched on branch.jpg
Tylluan goed fannog Strix seloputo
Strix seloputo juv Taman safari Java.jpg
Tylluan gorniog fawr Bubo virginianus
Bubo virginianus -Canada-6.jpg
Tylluan yr eira Bubo scandiacus
Bubo scandiacus male Muskegon.jpg
Tylluan yr Wralau Strix uralensis
Strix uralensis.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Eryrdylluan Shelley: Brief Summary ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryrdylluan Shelley (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrdylluanod Shelley) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bubo shelleyi; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Shelley’s eagle owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. shelleyi, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Bindenuhu ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Bindenuhu (Bubo shelleyi) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Eulen. Er kommt ausschließlich in West- und Zentralafrika vor und gilt als eine ausgesprochen seltene Uhuart. Die Zerstörung seines Lebensraums gilt als ein Faktor, der sich auf den Fortbestand der Art besonders stark auswirkt.


Der Bindenuhu ist eine ausgesprochen große Uhuart und erreicht eine Körpergröße zwischen 53 und 61 Zentimetern.[1] Er ist auf der Körperoberseite dunkel mit blassen Querstreifen. Die Unterseite ist weißlich mit dunklen Querstreifen. Der Gesichtsschleier ist weißlich mit konzentrischen bräunlichen Linien. Die Federohren sind verhältnismäßig kurz. Die Augen sind braun. Die Läufe und Zehen sind befiedert. Der Schnabel ist blass hornfarben.

Es bestehen nur wenige Verwechslungsmöglichkeiten mit anderen Uhus. Alle anderen Arten im Verbreitungsgebiet sind deutlich kleiner. Der Guinea-Uhu ist außerdem bräunlicher und hat keine befiederten Zehen. Der Gelbfuß-Uhu hat blassgelbe Augen und seine Zehen weisen gleichfalls keine Federn auf.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Das Verbreitungsgebiet des Bindenuhus erstreckt sich über das tropische West- und Zentralafrika: Guinea, Liberia, Ghana, Kamerun, Gabun und den Nordosten des Kongos. Er ist ein Standvogel, der überwiegend Primärwälder der Tiefebenen besiedelt, wo er bevorzugt an Waldrändern und entlang der Flüsse vorkommt.


Der Bindenuhu ist nacht- und dämmerungsaktiv. Er übertagt im dichten Blattwerk von Bäumen und wählt gelegentlich Ruheplätze, die nur knapp oberhalb des Bodens liegen. Seine sehr gut ausgebildeten Krallen lassen darauf schließen, dass zu seinem Beutespektrum auch mittelgroße Säuger und Vögel gehören. Belegt ist der Fang eines großen Flughörnchens durch einen Bindenuhu. Ein in menschlicher Obhut gehaltener Bindenuhu benötigte pro Tag 110 Gramm Fleisch.[2]

Über die Fortpflanzungsgewohnheiten des Bindenuhus ist nur sehr wenig bekannt. Im Kongo wurde ein Nestling im September gefunden und ein gerade flügge gewordener Jungvogel im April. In Liberia lassen Bindenuhus ihren Gesang sowohl im Oktober als auch zwischen Februar und April hören.



  1. König et al., S. 336
  2. König et al., S. 336



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Bindenuhu: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Bindenuhu (Bubo shelleyi) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Eulen. Er kommt ausschließlich in West- und Zentralafrika vor und gilt als eine ausgesprochen seltene Uhuart. Die Zerstörung seines Lebensraums gilt als ein Faktor, der sich auf den Fortbestand der Art besonders stark auswirkt.

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Shelley's eagle-owl ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Shelley's eagle-owl (Ketupa shelleyi) is a species of owl in the family Strigidae. Despite its large size, it is a very little-known, rarely studied owl that occurs in very small numbers. A specimen was photographed in the wild for the first time on 16 October 2021 in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve in southeastern Ghana.[3][4][5]


This dark eagle-owl is among the largest owls in the world and by far the largest eagle-owl found in the African rainforests. The total length of the species is 53 to 61 cm (21 to 24 in).[6] The wing chord measured from 420 to 492 mm (16.5 to 19.4 in), its tail is about 233 to 266 mm (9.2 to 10.5 in) , the tarsus at 76 to 84 mm (3.0 to 3.3 in) and the total bill at 56 to 62 mm (2.2 to 2.4 in).[7] A single male was reported to have weighed 1,257 g (2.8 lb), with females presumably attaining rather higher weights.[8] Going on standard measurements, the Shelley's eagle-owl would appear to be even larger than the aforementioned total length and body mass suggest.[6][7] In the key aspects of wing and tarsal lengths, Shelley's eagle-owl appears to be broadly similar in size to the Verreaux's eagle-owl, which is usually considered to be Africa's largest owl species, and it may be one of the largest tropical owls in the world.[7] The bill of the Shelley's eagle-owl is proportionally massive and seemingly the second longest of any living owl behind only the Blakiston's fish owl.[7]

Its upperparts are dark sooty black-brown overlaid with light barring. The underparts are whitish with heavy dark barring. Lighter and darker morphs are known. The light morphs have an off-white to pale tawny facial disc, with a prominent rim marked with a blackish-brown border. In the light morph, the crown and mantle are dusky brown overlaid with buffy-whitish bars. The dark morph is much darker brown above with sparse orange-buff barring, a darker facial disc and a scaly-looking brownish chest. The tail and the flight feathers of all are barred with brownish colouration of light and dark. The eyes are dark brown and the feet and almost the entirety of the toes are feathered.[6] The juvenile of the Shelley's eagle-owl has large areas of white about the head with sooty barring.[9]


It is the only large, heavily-built eagle owl in Africa with such barred patterning. Other eagle-owls co-exist with the Shelley's eagle-owl in the rainforest but conspicuously differ in most outward respects. The Akun eagle-owl is much smaller and less barred with pale yellow eyes and bare, yellow toes. Fraser's eagle-owl is also considerably smaller, has less barring, a warmer tawny overall colouration, and bare, bluish-grey toes. The similarly-sized Verreaux's eagle-owl does not usually co-exist but some abutting ranges in West Africa may occur. The Verreaux's eagle-owl does not occur in deep forest and the Shelley's has never been recorded outside of it, but it is conceivable that either may seldom visit Forest-savanna mosaics. If overlaps do occur, the Verreaux's is significantly paler, subtler and greyer with conspicuous pink eyelids.[6][10]

Distribution and habitat

This species is found in Central and Western Africa. It has been found in widely scattered locations, perhaps isolated by habitat destruction.[1][11] One isolated population is thought to live in a small area of inland Liberia, as well as adjacent extreme southeast Sierra Leone, western Ivory Coast and the southeastern tips of Guinea.[1][11] An isolated population may persist in southern Ghana.[1] The largest probable population is in southern Cameroon (also possibly extreme southern Nigeria), much of the non-coastal parts of Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, the Republic of the Congo and a large swath of northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, perhaps reaching Uganda.[1][11] It is a resident of lowland, tropical rainforests and has never been collected outside densely forested and old growth areas.[6]


The Shelley's eagle-owl is a nocturnal bird which spends its days roosting in dense foliage, reportedly often at quite low levels in trees.[6] Few living wild specimens have ever been studied and until 2021 the species was never known to have been photographed in the wild.[10] Persistent singing by the species has been heard in March, at least in Liberia.[6][9] The typical call is a loud, wailing kooouw (very different and much higher pitched from the typical calls of other eagle-owls of large size, which often call with sonorous hoots) given at intervals of several seconds. A loud peeping sound has also been reported, possibly in times of stress.[6] Heard far more often than it is seen, Shelley's eagle-owls are said to vocalize most persistently at or just before dawn and around dusk.[12]


Details of the species' breeding habits are not generally known and only incidental observations have been made. In Democratic Republic of the Congo various stages of development were witnessed in different months: recently fledged young in April, a large nestling in September and a juvenile in mesoptile plumage in early November.[6][9] Additionally, an adult was seen roosting with a probable juvenile in December in the Cameroon.[9]


The powerful talons and feet of the species suggest that its preferred prey consists of medium-sized mammals and large birds. The only confirmed wild prey was a large, unidentified flying squirrel.[13] In captivity, Shelley's eagle-owls require about 110 g (3.9 oz) of food a day, mainly consisting of rodents.[9]

Status and conservation

Only 20 specimens of this species are known to have been collected. Further studies, especially of the life history of Shelley's eagle-owls, are badly needed.[9] Based on this clear scarcity, it appears to be a very local and very rare bird.[6] Due to its habitation of dense rainforest, it is clear that the species is threatened by any habitat loss within its native range. The habitat destruction of the Guinean Forests of West Africa has been rampant as well as in the Congolian rainforests, thus compromising nearly all of this species' range.[1][9] A very rough estimate of 1,500–7,000 individuals, and almost certainly less than 10,000 individuals, has been claimed to be living in the wild.[1][9] Due to the epidemic levels of clearcutting and seemingly very low population densities, this species was uplisted to Vulnerable by the IUCN in 2018, after an initial uplisting in 2004 to Near Threatened.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h BirdLife International (2018). "Bubo shelleyi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T22688980A131104915. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22688980A131104915.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ "Owl unseen for 150 years photographed in the wild for the first time | Imperial News | Imperial College London".
  4. ^ "Enormous owl finally photographed after eluding ecologists for 150 years". 22 October 2021.
  5. ^ Li, Johanna (October 29, 2021). "Rare Giant Owl Species Spotted and Photographed in the Wild for the First Time in 150 Years". Inside Edition. This is the only known clear photograph of the Shelley's eagle owl, taken by two British researchers who spotted the bird.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j König, Claus; Weick, Friedhelm (2008). Owls of the World (2nd ed.). London: Christopher Helm. ISBN 9781408108840.
  7. ^ a b c d Weick, F. (2007). Owls (Strigiformes): annotated and illustrated checklist. Springer Science & Business Media.
  8. ^ Dunning, John B. Jr., ed. (2008). CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses (2nd ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4200-6444-5.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h Holt, D. W., R. Berkley, C. Deppe, P. L. Enríquez, J. L. Petersen, J.L. Rangel Salazar, K.P. Segars, K.L. Wood, and J. S. Marks (2020). Shelley's Eagle-Owl (Bubo shelleyi), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D. A. Christie, and E. de Juana, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
  10. ^ a b Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide by Mikkola, H. Firefly Books (2012), ISBN 9781770851368
  11. ^ a b c Voous, K. H. (1966). The distribution of owls in Africa in relation to general zoogeographical problems. Ostrich, 37(sup1), 499–506.
  12. ^ Borrow, N. & Demey, R. (2010). Birds of Ghana. Christopher Helm, London.
  13. ^ Fry, C. H., S. Keith, & E. K. Urban (eds) (1988). The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Academic Press.
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Shelley's eagle-owl: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Shelley's eagle-owl (Ketupa shelleyi) is a species of owl in the family Strigidae. Despite its large size, it is a very little-known, rarely studied owl that occurs in very small numbers. A specimen was photographed in the wild for the first time on 16 October 2021 in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve in southeastern Ghana.

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Bubo shelleyi ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El búho de franjas (Bubo shelleyi), búho barrado o búho de Shelley es una especie de búho africano distribuido por los bosques tropicales del África ecuatorial. Actualmente se encuentra amenazado por la destrucción de su hábitat.[1]


No se le conocen parientes estrechamente relacionados aunque se han descrito similitudes en morfología y en vocalizaciones con el Búho malayo. No se le reconocen subespecies.

Alcanza una longitud media de 60 cm.

Es uno de los búhos peor conocidos en África, y su ecología y comportamiento son en gran parte desconocidos, habiendo sido registrada su presencia en el interior del bosque, en el borde del bosque y en los claros de las tierras bajas.[2]


Este búho se encuentra entre los búhos más grandes del mundo y, con mucho, el búho más grande que se encuentra en los bosques tropicales de África. La longitud total de la especie es de 53 a 61 cm y un peso de hasta 1,2 kg, aunque las hembras probablemente sean más grandes. Es de color marrón oscuro con barras más claras superpuestas. En las partes inferiores los colores se invierten y las barras son marrón oscuro sobre fondo blanquecino. Presenta sobre la cabeza dos penachos emplumados con forma de orejas. Las plumas de cola y alas son pardas y forman barras donde alternan tonalidades claras y oscuras. Los ojos son marrón oscuro y las patas y la casi totalidad de los dedos están emplumados.

Se sabe que existen variantes de color de esta especie de búho. La variante clara tiene un disco facial blanquecino con un borde prominente marrón negruzco. La cabeza y la espalda son de color marrón oscuro con barras blanquecinas superpuestas. La variante oscura tiene un color marrón mucho más oscuro y las barras en naranja apagado son mucho menos visibles. El disco facial no difiere tanto en color del resto del cuerpo y el pecho es oscuro.

Distribución y hábitat

Esta especie se encuentra en África central y occidental. En la parte occidental ocupa un pequeña zona entre Sierra Leona y Costa de Marfil, con una población aislada en Ghana. En África Central ocupa una zona paralela a la costa entre Camerún y Gabón y que penetra en el continente hacia el este ocupando todo el norte de República Democrática del Congo. Vive en bosques tropicales primarios, bordes y claros de bosques, y bosques de galería.


El búho barrado es un ave nocturna que pasa los días descansando en el denso follaje, a menudo en niveles bastante bajos en los árboles. Se conoce poco de sus hábitos puesto que ha sido poco estudiado en libertad.

También se desconoce su dieta. Sus poderosas garras y patas parecen sugerir que sus presas favoritas pueden ser mamíferos y aves medianos y grandes. La única especie que se ha conoce con seguridad que caza en libertad son las ardillas voladoras. En cautiverio, estos búhos requieren aproximadamente 110 g de comida al día que consiste prácticamente en roedores.

Tampoco se conocen los detalles de los hábitos reproductivos. Se han oído llamadas de esta especie en marzo, se han visto nidos entre septiembre y noviembre y juveniles que ya han abandonado el nido en diciembre.


Se cree que esta especie requiere grandes áreas de hábitats sin alterar y que ocurre en bajas densidades. El tamaño de la población es pequeño (estimado entre 1.500 y 7.000 ejemplares) y la tendencia es decreciente; por eso ha sido clasificado por la UICN como especie Vulnerable. Los mayores peligros a los que se enfrenta son la degradación de su hábitat por tala del bosque y la caza.



  1. a b BirdLife International. (2012). «Bubo shelleyi». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2015-4 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 25 de noviembre de 2015.
  2. del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. y Sargatal, J. (1999). «Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 5: Barn-owls to Hummingbirds». Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, España.
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Bubo shelleyi: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El búho de franjas (Bubo shelleyi), búho barrado o búho de Shelley es una especie de búho africano distribuido por los bosques tropicales del África ecuatorial. Actualmente se encuentra amenazado por la destrucción de su hábitat.​

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Bubo shelleyi ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi Bubo generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Bubo shelleyi: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Bubo shelleyi Bubo generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Raitahuuhkaja ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Raitahuuhkaja (Bubo shelleyi) on huuhkajien sukuun kuuluva pöllölaji.

Raitahuuhkaja on väritykseltään tumma. Sen esiintymisaluetta ovat Keski- ja Länsi-Afrikka Sierra Leonesta Kongon demokraattisen tasavallan pohjoisosiin, mutta se on paikallinen ja yleensä harvinainen. Se luokitellaan vaarantuneeksi, koska se on todennäköiset melko vähälukuinen ja sen elinympäristöjä kaadetaan puutavaraksi ja maanviljelyksiä varten.[1]

Se on kooltaan 58 cm ja kuuluu siten maailman suurimpiin pöllöihin. Afrikan sademetsien huuhkajista se on suurikokoisin.


  1. a b Bubo shelleyi IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. (englanniksi) Viittausvirhe: Virheellinen -elementti; nimi ”IUCN” on määritetty usean kerran eri sisällöillä

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Raitahuuhkaja: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Raitahuuhkaja (Bubo shelleyi) on huuhkajien sukuun kuuluva pöllölaji.

Raitahuuhkaja on väritykseltään tumma. Sen esiintymisaluetta ovat Keski- ja Länsi-Afrikka Sierra Leonesta Kongon demokraattisen tasavallan pohjoisosiin, mutta se on paikallinen ja yleensä harvinainen. Se luokitellaan vaarantuneeksi, koska se on todennäköiset melko vähälukuinen ja sen elinympäristöjä kaadetaan puutavaraksi ja maanviljelyksiä varten.

Se on kooltaan 58 cm ja kuuluu siten maailman suurimpiin pöllöihin. Afrikan sademetsien huuhkajista se on suurikokoisin.

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Grand-duc de Shelley ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi

Le Grand-duc de Shelley (Bubo shelleyi) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Strigidae.


Cette espèce vit en Afrique équatoriale, mais les populations sont généralement localisées et l'espèce est donc globalement rare. Il a été photographié en octobre 2021 dans la forêt d’Atewa au Ghana[1].

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Grand-duc de Shelley: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Bubo shelleyi

Le Grand-duc de Shelley (Bubo shelleyi) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Strigidae.

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Shelleys oehoe ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Shelleys oehoe (Bubo shelleyi) is een oehoe uit de familie Strigidae.

Deze grote oehoe werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Richard Bowdler Sharpe en H.T. Ussher in 1872.[2] De soort is genoemd naar de Britse kapitein en ornitholoog George Ernest Shelley. Ze werd ontdekt in het woud in het gebied van de Fantee (de Fantee, Fanti of Fante zijn een etnische groep in het zuidwesten van Ghana).

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt voor van Sierra Leone tot Ghana en van Kameroen tot oostelijk Congo-Kinshasa en Gabon. De soort wordt zelden waargenomen en er is niet veel over bekend. Ze leeft in het woud en ontbossing vormt de voornaamste bedreiging.

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Shelleys oehoe: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Shelleys oehoe (Bubo shelleyi) is een oehoe uit de familie Strigidae.

Deze grote oehoe werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Richard Bowdler Sharpe en H.T. Ussher in 1872. De soort is genoemd naar de Britse kapitein en ornitholoog George Ernest Shelley. Ze werd ontdekt in het woud in het gebied van de Fantee (de Fantee, Fanti of Fante zijn een etnische groep in het zuidwesten van Ghana).

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Herkuleshubro ( Norveççe )

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Herkuleshubro (Nyctaetus shelleyi) er en ugle i slekten Bubo. Det er den største skoguglen i Afrika, men den er sjelden og dårlig dokumentert.


Habitat og utbredelse

Man kjenner spredte forekomster fra Sierra Leone til nordlige del av Den demokratiske republikken Kongo og er kjent fra følgende steder:


Ettersom den er en av de dårligst kjente ugler i Afrika, er økologi og levevis for det meste ukjent. Den har blitt observert både inne i skoger, i skogkant og i lysninger. Man har heller ikke dokumentert kallingen til Herkuleshubro, noe som også kan være grunnen til at det er få rapporter.

Herkuleshubro er den største skogsugla i Afrika, derfor trenger den store områder med god kvalitet, noe som gjør at den har mindre utbredelse, trolig under 10 000 individer. Skogene i Øvre Guinea ryddes i stor fart og det samme vil trolig skje med skogene i Kamerun og mye av Sentral-Afrika de neste årene. Man trenger derfor raskt en mer detaljert oversikt over artens situasjon.


  1. ^ BirdLife International 2004. Bubo shelleyi. Hos: IUCN 2007. 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - Rødliste over truede arter. Lest 5 mai 2008.

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Herkuleshubro: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

wikipedia NO tarafından sağlandı

Herkuleshubro (Nyctaetus shelleyi) er en ugle i slekten Bubo. Det er den største skoguglen i Afrika, men den er sjelden og dårlig dokumentert.

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wikipedia NO

Bubo shelleyi ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae.[1]


  1. a b BirdLife International (2018). Bubo shelleyi (em inglês). IUCN 2018. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2018 Versão e.T22688980A131104915. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22688980A131104915.en Página visitada em 28 de outubro de 2021.
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wikipedia PT

Bubo shelleyi: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae.

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Hökuv ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Hökuv[2] (Bubo shelleyi) är en fågel i familjen ugglor inom ordningen ugglefåglar.[3]


Fågeln förekommer från Sierra Leone och Liberia till Kamerun, nordöstra Kongo-Kinshasa och Gabon.[3]


IUCN kategoriserar arten som sårbar.[1]


Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar George Ernest Shelley (1840-1910), kapten i British Army samt geolog, ornitolog och samlare verksam i bland annat Sydafrika, Egypten och Sudan.[4]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2018 Bubo shelleyi Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2018-12-11.
  2. ^ BirdLife Sverige (2019) Officiella listan över svenska namn på alla världens fågelarter
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2014) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 <http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download>, läst 2015-01-01
  4. ^ Jobling, J. A. (2016). Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. Ur del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.) (2016). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hämtad från www.hbw.com.

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wikipedia SV

Hökuv: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Hökuv (Bubo shelleyi) är en fågel i familjen ugglor inom ordningen ugglefåglar.

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wikipedia SV

Bubo shelleyi ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi là một loài chim trong họ Cú mèo (Strigidae).[2]

Phân bố và môi trường sống

Loài này được tìm thấy ở Trung và Tây Phi. Nó đã được tìm thấy ở nhiều vị trí rải rác phía trên và dưới Guinea, Liberia, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon và đông bắc Zaire. Loài này sống ở vùng đất thấp, rừng mưa nhiệt đới và chưa bao giờ thu thập được mẫu ở ngoài các khu rừng rậm.

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). Bubo shelleyi. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.
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Bubo shelleyi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Bubo shelleyi là một loài chim trong họ Cú mèo (Strigidae).

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Полосатый филин ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Совиные
Подсемейство: Настоящие совы
Род: Филины
Вид: Полосатый филин
Международное научное название

Bubo shelleyi (Sharpe et Ussher, 1872)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 555413EOL 1178258

Полоса́тый фи́лин[1] (лат. Bubo shelleyi) — вид птиц рода филинов, обитающий в Западной и Центральной Африке.


Одна из крупнейших сов в мире и одновременно одна из наименее изученных сов. Достигает размеров в 53—61 см. Оперение преимущественно тёмно-коричневое, грудь светлая с множеством поперечных тёмных полос. Глаза тёмно-коричневые. Было поймано не более 20 особей этого вида. Один из взвешенных самцов достигал веса в 1257 г. Самки предположительно весят больше.

Населяет тропические леса в Западной и Центральной Африке, на территории Гвинеи, Либерии, Ганы, Камеруна и Габона[2]. Мощные когти дают основания полагать об относительно крупных размерах добычи филина. Одной из наблюдаемых жертв, была крупная летяга.

О численности и репродуктивных привычках полосатого филина известно немного, но вырубка густых тропических лесов, привычной среды обитания этих птиц, является причиной классификации этого вида как «близкого к уязвимому положению»[3]


  1. Полосатый филин (Bubo shelleyi) (Sharpe & Ussher, 1872) (неопр.). Avibase. Проверено 21 августа 2013.
  2. Shelleys Eagle-Owl (Bubo shelleyi) (англ.). Planet of Birds. Проверено 21 августа 2013.
  3. Bubo shelleyi (англ.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Проверено 21 августа 2013. Архивировано 26 сентября 2013 года.
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Полосатый филин: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Полоса́тый фи́лин (лат. Bubo shelleyi) — вид птиц рода филинов, обитающий в Западной и Центральной Африке.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии