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Agropogon lutosus (Poir.) P. Fourn.

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Polypogon littoralis Smith, Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 2. 13. 1816
Agrostis littoralis With. Brit. PI. ed. 3. 2: 129. 1796. Not A. littoralis Lam. 1791. Agrostis lutosa Poir. in Lam. Encyc. Suppl. 1: 249. 1810. (Based on A. littoralis With.) Vilfa lutosa Beauv. Agrost. 16, 148, 181. 1812. (Based on Agrostis lutosa Poir.) Polypogon interruptus H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 134. 1815. (Type from Venezuela.) Alopecurus interruptus Poir. in Lam. Encyc. Suppl. 5: 495. 1817. (Based on Polypogon interruptus
H.B.K.) Polypogon lutosus Hitchc. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agr. 772: 138. 1920. (Based on Agrostis lutosus Poir.)
Perennial; culms tufted, geniculate at base, glabrous, 30-80 cm. tall, 2or 3-noded, or, in tall geniculate plants, several-noded ; sheaths glabrous, the upper sometimes inflated; ligule 2-5 mm. long or the uppermost longer, scaberulous, nerved, laciniate; blades more or less scabrous, 5-15 cm. long, commonly 4-6 mm. wide; panicle oblong, more or less interrupted or lobed, 5-15 cm. long, often purplish; glumes 2.5-3 mm. long, scabrous, the awns 3-5 mm. long; lemma smooth and shining, 1 mm. long, minutely toothed at the truncate apex, the awn exceeding the glumes.
Type locality: England.
Distribution: Ditches and wet places at low altitudes, British Columbia to New Mexico and California, and eastward to Louisiana, and, in a few localities, to Alabama; Bermuda; also Mexico to Argentina; native of the Eastern Hemisphere.
bibliyografik atıf
Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1937. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(7). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY

Physical Description ( İngilizce )

USDA PLANTS text tarafından sağlandı
Perennials, Terrestrial, not aquatic, Rhizomes present, Rhizome elongate, creeping, stems distant, Stems nodes swollen or brittle, Stems geniculate, decumbent, or lax, sometimes rooting at nodes, Stems solitary, Stems caespitose, tufted, or clustered, Stems terete, round in cross section, or polygonal, Stem internodes hollow, Stems with inflorescence less than 1 m tall, Stems, culms, or scape s exceeding basal leaves, Leaves mostly cauline, Leaves conspicuously 2-ranked, distichous, Leaves sheathing at base, Leaf sheath mostly open, or loose, Leaf sheath smooth, glabrous, Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, Leaf blades linear, Leaf blades 2-10 mm wide, Leaf blades mostly flat, Leaf blades mostly glabrous, Leaf blades scabrous, roughened, or wrinkled, Ligule present, Ligule an unfringed eciliate membrane, Inflorescence terminal, Inflorescence a contracted panicle, narrowly paniculate, branches appressed or ascending, Inflorescence solitary, with 1 spike, fascicle, glomerule, head, or cluster per stem or culm, Inflorescence branches more than 10 to numerous, Flowers bisexual, Spikelets pedicellate, Spikelets laterally compressed, Spikelet less than 3 mm wide, Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, Spikelets solitary at rachis nodes, Spikelets all alike and fertille, Spikelets bisexual, Spikelets disarticulating above the glumes, glumes persistent, Rachilla or pedicel glabrous, Glumes present, empty bracts, Glumes 2 clearly present, Glumes equal or subequal, Glumes equal to or longer than adjacent lemma, Glume equal to or longer than spikelet, Glumes awn-like, elongated or subulate, Glumes awned, awn 1-5 mm or longer, Glumes keeled or winged, Glumes 1 nerved, Lemmas thin, chartaceous, hyaline, cartilaginous, or membranous, Lemma 5-7 nerved, Lemma glabrous, Lemma apex dentate, 3-5 fid, Lemma mucronate, very shortly beaked or awned, less than 1-2 mm, Lemma distinctly awned, more than 2-3 mm, Lemma with 1 awn, Lemma awn less than 1 cm long, Lemma awn from sinus of bifid apex, Lemma margins thin, lying flat, Lemma straight, Palea present, well developed, Palea membranous, hyaline, Palea shorter than lemma, Palea 2 nerved or 2 keeled, Stamens 3, Styles 2-fid, deeply 2-branched, Stigmas 2, Fruit - caryopsis, Caryopsis ellipsoid, longitudinally grooved, hilum long-linear.
Dr. David Bogler
Missouri Botanical Garden

Agrostis subaristata ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Agrostis subaristata é uma espécie de gramínea do gênero Agrostis, pertencente à família Poaceae.[1]


  1. «Agrostis subaristata». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 13 de outubro de 2019


  • Barrie, F. R. 2006. Report of the General Committee: 9. Taxon 55:796.
  • Brummitt, R. K. 1995. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 43. Taxon 44:611–612.
  • Jarvis, C. E. 1991. Seventy-two proposals for the conservation of types of selected Linnaean generic names, the report of Subcommittee 3C on the lectotypification of Linnaean generic names. Taxon 41:552–583.
  • Leena Hämet-Ahti et al.: Retkeilykasvio. Helsinki: Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo, 1998. ISBN 951-45-8167-9
  • Nicolson, D. H. 1999. Report of the General Committee: 8. Taxon 48:373–374

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wikipedia PT

Agrostis subaristata: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Agrostis subaristata é uma espécie de gramínea do gênero Agrostis, pertencente à família Poaceae.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

×Agropogon lutosus ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

×Agropogon lutosus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo. Loài này được (Poir.) P. Fourn. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1935.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). XAgropogon lutosus. Truy cập ngày 9 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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×Agropogon lutosus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

×Agropogon lutosus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo. Loài này được (Poir.) P. Fourn. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1935.

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