Aloe tormentorii (Marais) L. E. Newton & G. D. Rowley resmi
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Aloe tormentorii (Marais) L. E. Newton & G. D. Rowley

Aloe tormentorii ( Almanca )

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Aloe tormentorii ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung der Aloen in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae). Das Artepitheton tormentorii stammt aus dem Lateinischen und verweist auf den Typusfundort Gunner’s Quoin auf Round Island.[1]


Vegetative Merkmale

Aloe tormentorii wächst stammlos oder gelegentlich kurz stammbildend und bildet gelegentlich große Klumpen. Der Stamm ist niederliegend. Die eiförmig spitz zulaufenden Laubblätter bilden eine dichte Rosette. Die hellgrüne oder bläuliche Blattspreite ist etwa 60 Zentimeter lang und 15 Zentimeter breit. Die Zähne am Blattrand sind knorpelig.

Blütenstände und Blüten

Der Blütenstand weist drei bis vier Zweige auf und erreicht eine Länge von 60 bis 120 Zentimeter. Die dichten Trauben sind 30 Zentimeter lang. Die deltoiden Brakteen weisen eine Länge von 1 bis 2 Millimeter auf. Die orangeroten, grün gespitzten Blüten stehen an 13 bis 20 Millimeter langen Blütenstielen. Sie sind 14 bis 17 Millimeter lang und an ihrer Basis kurz verschmälert. Oberhalb des Fruchtknotens sind die Blüten leicht verengt und schließlich zur Mündung leicht erweitert. Ihre äußeren Perigonblätter sind auf einer Länge von 9 bis 12 Millimetern nicht miteinander verwachsen. Die Staubblätter und der Griffel ragen etwa 1 Millimeter aus der Blüte heraus.


Die Früchte sind Beeren.

Systematik und Verbreitung

Aloe tormentorii ist auf Mauritius auf exponierten Hügelhängen in Höhen von 240 bis 310 Metern verbreitet.

Die Erstbeschreibung als Lomatophyllum tormentorii durch Wessel Marais wurde 1975 veröffentlicht.[2] Leonard Eric Newton und Gordon Douglas Rowley stellten die Art 1996 in die Gattung Aloe.[3]




  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What’s in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species. In: Bradleya. Band 28, 2010, S. 101.
  2. Wessel Marais: The extra-Madagascan species of Lomatophyllum (Liliaceae). In: Kew Bulletin. Band 29, Nummer 4, 1974, S. 721–723.
  3. Gordon D. Rowley: The berries Aloes: Aloe section Lomatophyllum. In: Excelsa. Nummer 17, 1996, S. 61.


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Aloe tormentorii: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Aloe tormentorii ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung der Aloen in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae). Das Artepitheton tormentorii stammt aus dem Lateinischen und verweist auf den Typusfundort Gunner’s Quoin auf Round Island.

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Aloe tormentorii ( İngilizce )

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Aloe tormentorii (previously Lomatophyllum tormentorii. Locally known as the "Mazambron") is a species of Aloe endemic to the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.

It is one of only two Aloes to naturally occur in Mauritius - the other being the tall growing Aloe purpurea. It is part of a group of aloes which bear fleshy berries, and were therefore classed as a separate group, "Lomatophyllum". Within this group, it is closely related to Madagascan Aloe occidentalis (which can be distinguished by having longer leaves, shorter inflorescence, and longer perianths, than Aloe tormentorii).


Detail of flowers
Aloe tormentorii (right), compared to Aloe purpurea (left), the other endemic Mauritian Aloe, which has thinner, reddish, recurved leaves
Plants with berries in Bras d'Eau National Park

It has long straight erect or mildly curved lanceolate succulent leaves (60 cm x 15 cm), in a dense, right rosette. The leaves are a turquoise green and occasionally become a bronze colour and show a reddish margin when exposed to direct sun. Occasionally it can subdivide in offsets and older plants can even develop a thick decumbent stem. Usually however it is short and solitary.

Its inflorescence is 90–120 cm long, usually with 3–7 branches (each 30–60 cm long). The inflorescence, pedicels, and erect flower buds are all salmon coloured. The flowers become paler yellow after opening. They have green tips and in habitat they are often frayed and torn from the tiny endemic gecko species which push their heads into the perianth tube to lick the nectar and thereby pollinate the plants.

It bears fleshy globose berries as its fruits. Its berries, which become orange when ripe, are eaten by the endemic lizard species Telfair’s skink which distributes the aloe's seeds.[1]

Comparison to related species

Aloe tormentorii can sometimes be confused with the other indigenous Aloe species that naturally occurs alongside it in Mauritius - Aloe purpurea. However, A. tormentorii does not grow on a tall stem; its leaves are ovate-acuminate, thicker (reaching 15 cm width at the base), straighter, and more erect; and its flowers are red-orange (rather than yellow-pink).

These features distinguish it from all other indigenous Aloes of the region (Aloe purpurea; Aloe macra; Aloe lomatophylloides). All other indigenous Aloes of the region have long, thinner, more ensiform or lanceolate leaves that are more recurved and narrower than those of A. tormentorii, reaching no more than 12 cm width at the leaf-base. Furthermore, of all the "Lomatophyllum" aloes of the Indian Ocean islands, A. tormentorii is one of only three (together with Aloe lomatophylloides and Aloe mayottensis) that are highly distinctive and easily recognizable.

The one species that A. tormentorii most resembles in fact, is the invasive Aloe vera, which is an introduced exotic species on Mauritius.


Once widespread in Mauritius, it is now restricted to two tiny rocky islets that lie to the north of Mauritius (Round Island and Gunners Quoin). Here its habitat is on exposed rocky slopes and outcrops which are relatively drier than the habitat of its closest relatives such as Aloe purpurea. It has recently also been reintroduced to the tiny islet of Ile aux Aigrettes to the south east of Mauritius.

Its species name "tormentorii" is from the Latin word for a cannon, and refers to the location of its type locality on Gunners Quoin.[2][3]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Aloe tormentorii.
  2. ^ U.Eggli: Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons: Monocotyledons Springer Science & Business Media. 2001.
  3. ^ Wessel Marais : The extra-Madagascan species of Lomatophyllum (Liliaceae). In: Kew Bulletin. Band 29, No. 4, 1974, S. 721–723.
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Aloe tormentorii: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii (previously Lomatophyllum tormentorii. Locally known as the "Mazambron") is a species of Aloe endemic to the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.

It is one of only two Aloes to naturally occur in Mauritius - the other being the tall growing Aloe purpurea. It is part of a group of aloes which bear fleshy berries, and were therefore classed as a separate group, "Lomatophyllum". Within this group, it is closely related to Madagascan Aloe occidentalis (which can be distinguished by having longer leaves, shorter inflorescence, and longer perianths, than Aloe tormentorii).

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Aloe tormentorii ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley è una pianta della famiglia Asphodelaceae, endemica di Mauritius[1]. Localmente è nota con il nome di mazambron.

Distribuzione e habitat

In passato abbastanza comune su tutta l'isola di Mauritius, questa specie è attualmente ristretta a due delle isole minori che sorgono a nord dell'isola madre: Round Island e Coin de Mire. È stata inoltre reintrodotta su Île Plate e Île aux Aigrettes.[2]

Cresce su pendii rocciosi soleggiati.


  1. ^ (EN) Aloe tormentorii, su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 12/7/2021.
  2. ^ (EN) Marais V., The Extra-Madagascan Species of Lomatophyllum (Liliaceae), in Kew Bulletin, vol. 29, n. 4, 1974, pp. 721-723.

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Aloe tormentorii: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley è una pianta della famiglia Asphodelaceae, endemica di Mauritius. Localmente è nota con il nome di mazambron.

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Ganerskveinas alveja ( Letonca )

wikipedia LV tarafından sağlandı

Ganerskveinas alveja (Aloe tormentorii) ir alveju ģints suga, kas endēma Maurīcijai[1][2]

Sugu taksonomiski izdala atsevišķā Aloe ģints taksonā Lomatophyllum, kurai pieder aptuveni 18 tuvi radnieciskas Madagaskarā un citās Indijas okeāna rietumu daļas salās sastopamas alvejas. To gaļīgo ogu sēklas ir bez lidspārniņiem, kamēr citu alveju pogaļas izmet sēklas ar lidspārniņiem.


Sugas vietējais nosaukums ir mazambron marron.

Latīniskais apzīmējums tormentorii ("lielgabals") norāda uz Ganerskveinas salas formu, kur suga sastopama. Tā līdzinās trijstūrainam koka gabalam, kuru ieķīlāja lielgabalā, lai ievadītu šāviņu pareizā trajektorijā.

Ganerskveinas alvejas ziedi.


Daudzgadīgs sukulentu augs. Taisnās vai viegli ieliektās lapas ļoti sulīgas, gaļīgas, lancetiskas, novietotas blīvās piezemes rozetēs. Līdzīgi citām alvejām, mazambronas lapu mala dzeloņaina, nereti to klāj sarkanīgs apmalojums. Lai arī alvejas stublājs parasti ir īss, tas laiku pa laikam var sadalīties atvasītēs un vecākiem augiem pat attīstīties par ložņājošu stumbru.

Ziedkopu veido garš, konisks ķekars ar daudziem oranži sarkaniem un zaļiem ziediem. Nogatavojušies augļi kalpo par barību Telfēra scinkiem, kuri veicina šīs kritiski apdraudētās alvejas sēklu izplatību.


Pirms kolonizācijas Ganerskveinas alveja bija Maurīcijā bieži sastopama suga. Izdzīvojusi nelielajās Raundas un Ganerskveinas saliņās, kur sastopama salīdzinoši sausās vietās. Reintroducēta dabas rezervātā Egretā.



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Ganerskveinas alveja: Brief Summary ( Letonca )

wikipedia LV tarafından sağlandı

Ganerskveinas alveja (Aloe tormentorii) ir alveju ģints suga, kas endēma Maurīcijai

Sugu taksonomiski izdala atsevišķā Aloe ģints taksonā Lomatophyllum, kurai pieder aptuveni 18 tuvi radnieciskas Madagaskarā un citās Indijas okeāna rietumu daļas salās sastopamas alvejas. To gaļīgo ogu sēklas ir bez lidspārniņiem, kamēr citu alveju pogaļas izmet sēklas ar lidspārniņiem.

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Aloe tormentorii ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii é uma espécie de liliopsida do gênero Aloe, pertencente à família Asphodelaceae.



  • Moran, R. 1992. Aloe wild in California. Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 64: 55-56.
  • Reynolds, G. W. 1982. The Aloes of South Africa, ed. 4. Rotterdam.
  • Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Einkeimblättrige Pflanzen (Monocotyledonen). Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3662-7, S. 104–193.
  • Walter C. Holmes & Heather L. White: Aloaceae in der Flora of Northern America, Volume 26, S. 410: Aloe - Online.

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wikipedia PT

Aloe tormentorii: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii é uma espécie de liliopsida do gênero Aloe, pertencente à família Asphodelaceae.

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Aloe tormentorii ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Aloe tormentorii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1996.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Aloe tormentorii. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 2013.

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Aloe tormentorii: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Aloe tormentorii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1996.

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