
Aloe purpurea ( Almanca )

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Aloe purpurea ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung der Aloen in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae). Das Artepitheton purpurea stammt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet ‚purpur‘.[1]


Vegetative Merkmale

Aloe purpurea wächst stammbildend. Der aufrechte Stamm erreicht eine Länge von bis zu 3 Meter und ist 7 bis 10 Zentimeter dick. Die 12 bis 20 linealisch-lanzettlichen bis schwertförmigen Laubblätter bilden eine dichte Rosette. Die dunkelgrüne Blattspreite ist bis zu 100 Zentimeter lang und 8 bis 12 Zentimeter breit. Die roten Zähne am roten, hornigen Blattrand sind klein.

Blütenstände und Blüten

Der Blütenstand weist bis zu zehn Zweige auf und erreicht eine Länge von 50 bis 60 Zentimeter. Die zylindrischen Trauben sind 15 bis 22 Zentimeter lang. Die deltoiden Brakteen weisen eine Länge von 4 bis 5 Millimeter auf. Die gelblich roten Blüten stehen an 20 bis 33 Millimeter langen Blütenstielen. Sie sind 32 bis 33 Millimeter lang und sind an ihrer Basis kurz verschmälert. Oberhalb des Fruchtknotens sind die Blüten leicht verengt und schließlich zur Mündung erweitert. Ihre äußeren Perigonblätter sind auf einer Länge von 14 bis 15 Millimetern nicht miteinander verwachsen. Die Staubblätter und der Griffel ragen nicht aus der Blüte heraus.


Die Früchte sind Beeren.

Systematik und Verbreitung

Aloe purpurea ist auf Mauritius auf trockenen Berghängen verbreitet.

Die Erstbeschreibung durch Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck wurde 1783 veröffentlicht.[2]

Synonyme sind Lomatophyllum purpureum (Lam.) T.Durand & Schinz (1895), Dracaena marginata Aiton (1789, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 52), Aloe marginata (Aiton) Willd. (1809, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 53.1), Aloe marginalis DC. (1800, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 52), Dracaena dentata Pers. (1805, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 52), Lomatophyllum borbonicum Willd. (1811, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 52.1), Phylloma aloiflorum Ker Gawl. (1813, nom. illeg. ICBN-Artikel 52.1), Lomatophyllum aloiflorum (Ker Gawl.) G.Nicholson (1885), Aloe rufocincta Haw. (1819), Phylloma rufocinctum (Haw.) Sweet (1827), Lomatophyllum rufocinctum (Haw.) Salm-Dyck ex Schult. & Schult.f. (1829) und Lomatophyllum marginatum Hoffmanns. (1824, nom. inval. ICBN-Artikel 11.4)




  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What’s in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species. In: Bradleya. Band 28, 2010, S. 99.
  2. Encyclopédie Méthodique: Botanique. Band 1, Teil 1, 1783, S. 85 (online).


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Aloe purpurea: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Aloe purpurea ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung der Aloen in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae). Das Artepitheton purpurea stammt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet ‚purpur‘.

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Aloe purpurea ( İngilizce )

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Aloe purpurea (previously Lomatophyllum purpureum/borbonicum/aloiflorum. Locally known as "Mazambron" or "Socotrine du Pays") is a species of Aloe endemic to the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, where it formerly occurred on dry rocky slopes and outcrops, the highland plateaus, and the forests of the west. It is part of a group of aloes which bear fleshy berries, and were therefore classed as a separate group, "Lomatophyllum". It is also one of only two Aloe species which naturally occur on Mauritius - both endemic and occurring nowhere else.[1]


Aloe purpurea (left) with its redder, thinner, recurved leaves, compared to Aloe tormentorii (right), the other endemic Mauritian Aloe which has yellow-green, thicker, straighter leaves
Small specimen in cultivation in Mauritius

This highly variable species grows an erect stem 7–10 cm in diameter, and can reach a height of 3 meters (unlike its closest relative Aloe tormentorii which is usually acaulescent or decumbent). The stem is topped by a dense rosette of up to 20 leaves. Its long, slender, ensiform to lanceolate leaves are more recurved and narrower than those of Aloe tormentorii, reaching a length of up to 1 meter, but a maximum of only 12 cm width at the base. The leaves are usually a dark green or slightly reddish, with red margins, but can vary in colour greatly. Its species name "purpurea" means "purple". The margins are lined with soft teeth, densely arranged near the leaf base, but further apart towards the leaf tip.

Its flowers grow on cylindrical racemes. On younger (acaulescent) plants, the inflorescence has only a few branches. On larger adult plants, there can be up to ten of these racemes, all branching from a 20–30 cm peduncle. It flowers in September, and the green-yellow buds of the flowers become orange or pink when open.

It is especially closely related to Aloe macra, the highly variable species of Reunion island, and the two species look very similar. However Aloe purpurea can usually be distinguished by its longer, more dull-coloured, flowers with longer pedicels. It also more commonly grows a tall stem (a character only some Aloe macra plants have).

The Coode specimen (1973)

While the plants usually have slender, recurved, deeply concave leaves, the 1978 Flore des Mascareignes recorded that M.J.E. Coode collected a single extremely unusual plant, five years previously in 1973, near Yemen in western Mauritius. This plant had short, wide, compact, turgid leaves. It also bore unusually massive, robust, and multi-branched inflorescences, in spite of being quite small and acaulescent. The plant seemed to have a different internal structure too, and its leaves produced large amounts of an unusual yellow gel when cut open.

This specimen did not fit into the species definition of Aloe purpurea. It could have been a chance aberration. However, virtually all of the viable natural habitat had been destroyed long beforehand, so it is impossible to verify if there were others like it, or if it was even a surviving remnant of a different Aloe entity.[2]


This species is endangered, and occurs naturally only on Mauritius and its surrounding rocky islets. Here it is found in dry and palm-rich forests, and on rocky outcrops. It was previously widespread across Mauritius, but is now extremely rare. It is beginning to be propagated as an ornamental and landscaping plant in Mauritius; a locally indigenous alternative to Aloe vera.

In Mauritius it was traditionally used as a medicine for muscle-pain and its sap was applied to mothers' nipples to wean infants.[3][4]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Aloe purpurea.
  1. ^ U.Eggli: Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons: Monocotyledons Springer Science & Business Media. 2001.
  3. ^ Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 Prota. 2008.
  4. ^ Wessel Marais : The extra-Madagascan species of Lomatophyllum (Liliaceae). In: Kew Bulletin. Band 29, No. 4, 1974.
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Aloe purpurea: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Aloe purpurea (previously Lomatophyllum purpureum/borbonicum/aloiflorum. Locally known as "Mazambron" or "Socotrine du Pays") is a species of Aloe endemic to the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, where it formerly occurred on dry rocky slopes and outcrops, the highland plateaus, and the forests of the west. It is part of a group of aloes which bear fleshy berries, and were therefore classed as a separate group, "Lomatophyllum". It is also one of only two Aloe species which naturally occur on Mauritius - both endemic and occurring nowhere else.

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Aloe purpurea ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Socotrine du pays

Aloe purpurea (synonyme : Lomatophyllum purpureum), dite Socotrine du pays, est une espèce de plantes succulentes de la famille des Xanthorrhoeaceae et appartenant à la sous-famille des Asphodeloideae.

Elle est endémique de l'île Maurice.

Voir aussi

Notes et références

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Aloe purpurea: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Socotrine du pays

Aloe purpurea (synonyme : Lomatophyllum purpureum), dite Socotrine du pays, est une espèce de plantes succulentes de la famille des Xanthorrhoeaceae et appartenant à la sous-famille des Asphodeloideae.

Elle est endémique de l'île Maurice.

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wikipedia FR

Purpura alveja ( Letonca )

wikipedia LV tarafından sağlandı

Purpura alveja (Aloe purpurea) ir alveju ģints suga, kas endēma Maurīcijai.[1][2][3]

Maurīcijā pazīstama arī ar nosaukumu mazambron marron vai mazambron. Atšķirībā no pārējo alveju sēklām, Indijas okeāna rietumu daļas salās alvejām ogu sēklas ir bez lidspārniņiem, un tās ir izdalītas atsevišķā grupā Lomatophyllum.


Purpura alveja (kreisajā pusē) un Aloe tormentorii.

Daudzgadīgs sukulentu augs. Ziedi aug uz taisna stumbra, kas var sasniegt līdz pat 3 m augstumu. Tas sugu atšķir no tuvi radniecīgās Ganerskveinas alvejas, kura stumbrs ir ložņājošs. Vienam un tam pašam augam var būt gan dzelteni, gan sārti ziedi.

Stumbra augšdaļā blīva garu un šauru, vairāk nekā 20 lapu rozete. Salīdzinājuma ar Ganerskveinas sugu, lapas plānākas un mazāk gaļīgas, vairāk ieliektas un sarkanīgākas, to malu klāj sarkani dzeloņi.


Sastopama sausos mežos, sausās klinšainās nogāzēs, augstkalnu plato. Pirms kolonizācijas bija visā Maurīcijā izplatīta suga.



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Purpura alveja: Brief Summary ( Letonca )

wikipedia LV tarafından sağlandı

Purpura alveja (Aloe purpurea) ir alveju ģints suga, kas endēma Maurīcijai.

Maurīcijā pazīstama arī ar nosaukumu mazambron marron vai mazambron. Atšķirībā no pārējo alveju sēklām, Indijas okeāna rietumu daļas salās alvejām ogu sēklas ir bez lidspārniņiem, un tās ir izdalītas atsevišķā grupā Lomatophyllum.

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Aloe marginalis ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe marginalis é uma espécie de liliopsida do gênero Aloe, pertencente à família Asphodelaceae.[1]


  1. «Aloe marginalis». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 7 de setembro de 2019


  • Moran, R. 1992. Aloe wild in California. Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 64: 55-56.
  • Reynolds, G. W. 1982. The Aloes of South Africa, ed. 4. Rotterdam.
  • Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Einkeimblättrige Pflanzen (Monocotyledonen). Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3662-7, S. 104–193.
  • Walter C. Holmes & Heather L. White: Aloaceae in der Flora of Northern America, Volume 26, S. 410: Aloe - Online.

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Aloe marginalis: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Aloe marginalis é uma espécie de liliopsida do gênero Aloe, pertencente à família Asphodelaceae.

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Aloe purpurea ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Aloe purpurea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được Lam. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1783.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Aloe purpurea. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 2013.

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Aloe purpurea: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Aloe purpurea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được Lam. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1783.

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