Photograph of Juniperus virginiana.
Photograph of Juniperus virginiana.
Habitat image. A. Hill 2. NMNH garden near Constitution Ave and 12th St., GGI Gardens Project 2015
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN762-F, National Arboretum, GGI Gardens Project
Fruit image. A. Hill 2. NMNH garden near Constitution Ave and 12th St., GGI Gardens Project 2015
Photograph of Juniperus virginiana.
Tree image. A. Hill 2. NMNH garden near Constitution Ave and 12th St., GGI Gardens Project 2015
Photograph of Juniperus virginiana.
Habit image, KVN762-H, National Arboretum, GGI Gardens Project
Habit image, KVN731-H, USBG, GGI Gardens Project
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN731-F, USBG, GGI Gardens Project