
Nouelig divroudenn ( Bretonca )

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An nouelig divroudenn(Daveoù a vank) a zo un evn, Charadrius bicinctus an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Doareoù pennañ


Annez hag isspesadoù

Daou isspesad zo dezhañ :


Liamm diavaez

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

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Nouelig divroudenn: Brief Summary ( Bretonca )

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An nouelig divroudenn(Daveoù a vank) a zo un evn, Charadrius bicinctus an anv skiantel anezhañ.

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Corriol de doble collar ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El corriol de doble collar (Charadrius bicinctus) és un ocell de la família dels caràdrids (Charadriidae) que habita costes, rius i llacs de les dues illes principals de Nova Zelanda i les illes Chatham i Auckland.


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Corriol de doble collar: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

El corriol de doble collar (Charadrius bicinctus) és un ocell de la família dels caràdrids (Charadriidae) que habita costes, rius i llacs de les dues illes principals de Nova Zelanda i les illes Chatham i Auckland.

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Cwtiad bronwinau ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cwtiad bronwinau (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: cwtiaid bronwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Charadrius bicinctus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Double-banded plover. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cwtiaid (Lladin: Charadriidae) sydd yn urdd y Charadriiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. bicinctus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.


Mae'r cwtiad bronwinau yn perthyn i deulu'r Cwtiaid (Lladin: Charadriidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corgwtiad Aur Pluvialis dominica Corgwtiad aur y Môr Tawel Pluvialis fulva
Pluvialis fulva -Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Alaska, USA-8.jpg
Cwtiad aur Pluvialis apricaria
Rohkunborri Pluvialis Apricaria.jpg
Cwtiad Caint Charadrius alexandrinus
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, India.jpg
Cwtiad gwargoch Charadrius ruficapillus
Charadrius ruficapillus Breeding Plumage.jpg
Cwtiad Llwyd Pluvialis squatarola
Pluvialis squatarola (summer plumage).jpg
Cwtiad Malaysia Charadrius peronii
Charadrius peronii - Laem Pak Bia.jpg
Cwtiad teirtorch Charadrius tricollaris
Charadrius tricollaris -near Sand River Selous, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania-8.jpg
Cwtiad torchog Charadrius hiaticula
Charadrius hiaticula tundrae Varanger.jpg
Cwtiad torchog bach Charadrius dubius
Charadrius dubius - Laem Pak Bia.jpg
Cwtiad tywod mawr Charadrius leschenaultii
Greater Sand Plover.jpg
Hutan mynydd Charadrius morinellus
Charadrius morinellus male.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Cwtiad bronwinau: Brief Summary ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cwtiad bronwinau (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: cwtiaid bronwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Charadrius bicinctus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Double-banded plover. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cwtiaid (Lladin: Charadriidae) sydd yn urdd y Charadriiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. bicinctus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.

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Doppelbandregenpfeifer ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Doppelbandregenpfeifer (Charadrius bicinctus) englisch Banded Dotterel und Double-banded Plover ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae).


Die Art ist auf der Südinsel Neuseelands ziemlich verbreitet, im Norden wird sie selten angetroffen. Die Nominatform ist ein Teilzieher, der in Neuseeland und auf den Chatham-Inseln brütet und in Australien, Neukaledonien, auf Vanuatu und Fidschi überwintert, andere Exemplare bleiben in Neuseeland. Die Unterart der Auckland Islands ist sesshaft, einige Vögel ziehen aus ihren Territorien an die Küste. Die Art lebt auf Stränden, Schlammflächen, Grasland und offenen Bodenflächen.


Der Doppelbandregenpfeifer ist ein kleiner, bis 18 cm langer Watvogel.

Erwachsene Vögel im Brutkleid sind weiß mit einem dunklen graubraunen Rücken und haben eine deutlich abgesetzte braune Brust sowie ein dünnes schwarzes Band unter dem Hals, zwischen Augen und Schnabel. Jüngere Vögel haben keine Bänder und sind auf der Oberseite oft braun gesprenkelt und haben weniger weiße Flächen.

Die Eier sind grau und schwarz gesprenkelt. Damit sind sie auf Flusssteinen und Kies, die den Hauptteil des sehr einfachen Nestes bilden, gut getarnt.


Zwei Unterarten sind anerkannt, die Nominatform Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus brütet in Neuseeland und auf den Chatham-Inseln, Charadrius bicinctus exilis auf den Auckland Islands.


  • Stephen Marchant (Hrsg.), P. J. Higgins (Hrsg.) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds: Volume 2: Raptors to Lapwings. Oxford University Press 1994, ISBN 978-0-19-553069-8.


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Doppelbandregenpfeifer: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Der Doppelbandregenpfeifer (Charadrius bicinctus) englisch Banded Dotterel und Double-banded Plover ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae).

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Pohowera ( Maorice )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Ko te Pohowera he manu nō te tāhuna, he manu nō Aotearoa. He mā te poho, he pango, he ura, ngā tāhei.

Ko te ingoa pūtaiao he Charadrius bicinctus. Ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he Banded Dotterel.


  • Robertson, C J R. (Etita), 1985. Reader's Digest Complete Book of New Zealand Birds. Poihākena: Reader's Digest.
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Pohowera: Brief Summary ( Maorice )

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Ko te Pohowera he manu nō te tāhuna, he manu nō Aotearoa. He mā te poho, he pango, he ura, ngā tāhei.

Ko te ingoa pūtaiao he Charadrius bicinctus. Ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he Banded Dotterel.

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Double-banded plover ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The double-banded plover (Charadrius bicinctus), known as the banded dotterel or pohowera in New Zealand, is a species of bird in the plover family. Two subspecies are recognised: the nominate Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus,[2] which breeds throughout New Zealand, including the Chatham Islands, and Charadrius bicinctus exilis,[3] which breeds in New Zealand's subantarctic Auckland Islands.


A 2015 study found its closest relatives to be two other plovers found in New Zealand, the New Zealand dotterel (Charadrius obscurus, also called the New Zealand plover) and the wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis, which the study found to be in the Charadrius clade).[4]


The double-banded plover is distinguished by a dark, grey-brown back with a distinctive white chest and a thin band of black situated just below the neck running across the chest along with a larger brown band underneath.[5] During breeding season, these bands are more dominantly shown on the males compared to females.[2] Younger birds have no bands, and are often speckled brown on top, with less white parts. These shorebirds have relatively long legs to allow them to easily wade around shallow waters and move efficiently around sandy beaches. Their long pointed wings aid in traveling long distances as they allow the bird to be very agile.[6] The double-banded plover's head is prominent with large, dark-brown eyes and a sturdy black bill. Due to similar colors within the plovers ideal habitat, spotting these birds can be difficult to achieve, however the "chirp-chirp" call is easily heard and their habit of running quickly then pausing to feed on food can catch the eye of observers.

Distribution and habitat

Image of Double-banded Plover (Charadrius bicinctus) transitioning to breeding plumage.
Double-banded plover in Tasmania transitioning to breeding plumage

Distribution of the banded dotterel varies seasonally. They are at their breeding grounds, which are entirely in New Zealand, from roughly August to November. Many move to coastal locations in New Zealand in the immediate post-breeding season (roughly December to March). A large proportion of the population migrates to Australia in autumn and winter (roughly April to July).[6]

Banded dotterels breed throughout much of the North and South islands and their offshore islands, plus Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands and the Auckland Islands.[7] The largest number nest on the braided riverbeds of Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago and Southland in the South Island. Many others breed on shingle riverbeds in Hawke's Bay, the Manawatu and the Wairarapa in the North Island.[8][9] Some nest on sandy coasts, especially near the mouths of streams or rivers in the North and South islands.[9] Small numbers breed in higher altitude areas such as Tongariro National Park and subalpine areas of Central Otago.[8]

In the summer months of December to March the birds disperse somewhat from their breeding grounds, with many that nest in inland locations moving to estuaries and other coastal wetlands. In autumn and winter many move further, with most that nest in the riverbeds and outwash fans of the South Island high country migrating 1,600 kilometres or more to south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania, remaining there until mid-winter.[7] This more or less west–east flight is uncommon for migratory birds and unique among migratory wading birds,[6] which usually fly on a north–south axis. Birds that breed in the South Island lowlands, the northern South Island and the southern two-thirds of the North Island mostly stay on the New Zealand coast, throughout the country, with some moving to harbours and estuaries in the northern North Island.[7][8] Dotterels that nest near coastal wintering grounds may move only a few kilometres.[7] Populations in the Chatham and Auckland Islands generally move only locally throughout the year, although a few from Auckland Island venture to Campbell Island.[7] Vagrant birds reach New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji.[7]

Northern populations of banded dotterel commonly inhabit sandy beaches and sandpits, as well as a few pairs accustoming to shell banks in harbours, with a few found on gravel beaches, with nesting sites generally clustered around stream-mouths.[8] In the breeding period, males construct numerous nests on open patches of slightly elevated sand or on shells and occasionally in cushion plants which are all mostly padded with various materials retrieved from close by.[10] Birds in the southern parts of New Zealand, such as Stewart Island, prefer to breed on unprotected subalpine and stony areas, but become coastal during off-breeding months where they feed around the beach areas.



Image of Charadrius bicinctus egg from the collection of Auckland Museum
Banded dotterel egg, Auckland Museum collection
Image of Charadrius bicinctus chick (mount) in the collection of Auckland Museum
Banded dotterel chick (mounted), Auckland Museum collection

Banded dotterels start returning to North Island breeding areas in June–July and to inland Canterbury areas in August–September.[9] They form seasonal monogamous pairs where once a partner is found, they remain with that one bird for the rest of the breeding season to help raise the young.[11] During this time, the male grows colored bands on his chest prior to the beginning of the breeding season and later females are attracted by the loud calls of the male where they are then presented with several nests which they can choose between while the male puts on a defensive display, protecting his territory, where it flies towards any possible intruder in a fast butterfly-like circular motion flight.[11] This species usually constructs nests upon slightly elevated, open patches on the sand, shells or sometimes hollows in cushion plants or between rocks which are broadly padded with various materials such as tussock tillers, smaller stones and shells, grass, lichen, moss, twigs etc.[12]

There can be several hundred birds in one area during this season. From August to September, the dotterels lay two to four eggs and can re-lay up to three times if there is a failure or predation. Incubation of these eggs generally takes 28–30 days where the young fledging period extends to around six weeks.[11]

Chicks leave their nest within a day of hatching and accompany their parents in the hunt for food.[13] At the slimmest indication of potential danger, watchful adult birds sound the alarm causing the chicks to run a few feet in a scattered motion then squat with their legs doubled over beneath them and their head stretched out firmly against the ground in front of them, camouflaging into the coastal terrain around them.[14] They remain stationed without moving until the parents decide the surrounding environment is clear and safe to move again. Unlike the young of most bird species, these chicks will be reliant to feed themselves with parents guarding close by for five to six weeks until they fledge. The parents will then stay close by for several days until the chicks join flocks and become fully independent.[14]

Both of the parents continue to tend their young for another two weeks when birds have grown their contour feathers and the birds all part ways. Some of these birds migrate to southern Australia.[7] Other dotterels fly to the northern areas of New Zealand in groups alongside many other adults and newly fledged chicks. A high percentage of offspring return to the breeding grounds for mating within their first year, with the rest of the generation returning in their second year.[12]


Double-banded plovers are predominantly opportunistic carnivores, feeding on aquatic invertebrates and other insects along coastlines or rivers. They have been known to also consume berries off nearby shrubs such as Coprosma and Muehlenbeckia.[15]

The birds forage both in daytime and at night, using different techniques for each.[16] During the day, plovers were seen spending greater amounts of time flying and more time standing alert and watchful. The birds were observed to walk, peck, run, forage, and groom both day and night, however during the day the number of paces walked was much greater than movement at night as the birds would spot insect movement and move at a fast pace to the area to peck before moving off again.[16]

During the night, double-banded plovers were noted to have a repeated pecking techniques and spent a lot more time waiting in one area, suggesting that they were trying to use the nearby vicinity to catch prey in, due to the fact that prey detection distances would have been significantly reduced in lack of light.[17] This reduction of paces during the night causes prey to find it more difficult to detect the stilled birds, which increases the ability of the plovers to detect their prey and decreases the chance that prey could be unnoticed.

Birds located on breeding grounds were commonly found to have a more varied diet containing insect larvae, spiders, beetles, aquatic insects such as caddisflies, stoneflies and mayflies along with terrestrial flies.[18] The contents of various fecal samples from plovers included flies, adult beetles and bugs. Birds on Canterbury riverbeds consume large amounts of fruits of Coprosma petrei and Mueblenbeckia axillaris.[15]

Predators, parasites and diseases

As a ground-nesting bird, many dangers arise through predation by mammalian predators that were introduced to New Zealand, human impacts that can cause habitat loss and various parasites that can target these birds.

A study of nesting sites in braided rivers in the Mackenzie Basin in the 1990s found that predation, mainly of eggs, occurred at about half the nests. Feral cats were the most common predator of eggs there, followed by hedgehogs and ferrets, and to much lesser extent, stoats. Cats also killed adult birds and chicks.[19][20] Cats, ferrets and stoats prey on rabbits too and when high rabbit numbers are reduced by human control or disease, predation of dotterel nests increases due to prey switching.[20]

Other animals such as farm stock and uncontrolled dogs moving through nesting areas pose a threat to the nesting birds by crushing eggs and disturbing nesting birds.[19]

Feather mites (Brephosceles constrictus) can pose a threat to the health of these birds as they feed predominantly on the blood of the bird along with feathers, skin or scales taking up to two hours. This can lead to increased levels of stress resulting in anemia, decreased egg production and in some cases, death.

Hunting and conservation

Prior to 1908, banded dotterels in New Zealand were shot in large numbers by market gunners upon the return of migrating birds for breeding. In 1908, the species was placed on the protected list, prohibiting further shooting, to the point where they are now moderately common.[13]

In 2013 local Maori in the Pencarrow Coast, Wellington region, placed a rahui on the area, to protect 20 pairs of banded dotterel from dogs and cars.[21] This species has the conservation status of "Regionally Vulnerable" in the Wellington region.[22] The species is classified as Near Threatened.[1]



  1. ^ a b BirdLife International (2020). "Charadrius bicinctus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T22693845A180230226. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T22693845A180230226.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b "Specimens of Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  3. ^ "Holotype of Charadrius bicinctus exilis". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  4. ^ dos Remedios, Natalie; et al. (2015). "North or south? Phylogenetic and biogeographic origins of a globally distributed avian clade" (PDF). Phylogenetics and Evolution. 89: 151–159. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.04.010. PMID 25916188.
  5. ^ Hutching, Gerard (17 February 2015). "Wading birds – Dotterels". Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.
  6. ^ a b c Pierce, R. (1999). "Regional patterns of migration in the banded dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus)". Notornis. 46: 101–122.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Pierce, R. J. (2013). Miskelly, C. M. (ed.). "Banded dotterel". New Zealand Birds Online.
  8. ^ a b c d Dowding, J. E.; Moore, S. J. (2006). Habitat networks of indigenous shorebirds in New Zealand (PDF). Science for Conservation 261. New Zealand Department of Conservation. p. 36–42.
  9. ^ a b c Heather, Barrie & Robertson, Hugh (2015). The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand (Revised and updated ed.). Penguin. pp. 341–342. ISBN 978-0-143-57092-9.
  10. ^ Pierce, R. (1989). "Breeding and social patterns of banded dotterels (Charadrius bicinctus) at Cass River". Notornis. 36: 13–23.
  11. ^ a b c Fleming, C.; Bull, P. (1940). "Banded dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus)" (PDF). Notornis. 1 (1): 27–30.
  12. ^ a b Rebergen, A.; Keedwell, R.; Moller, H.; Maloney, R. (1998). "Breeding success and predation at nests of banded dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus) on braided riverbeds in the central South Island, New Zealand" (PDF). New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 22: 33–41.
  13. ^ a b Olliver, Narena. "Pohowera, the banded dotterel". New Zealand Birds.
  14. ^ a b Bomford, M. (1978). The Behavior of the Banded Dotterel, Charadrius bicinctus (MSc thesis). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
  15. ^ a b Hughey, K. (1985). Hydrological factors influencing the ecology of riverbed breeding birds on the plains' reaches of Canterbury's braided rivers (Ph.D. thesis). New Zealand: University of Canterbury. p. 225. hdl:10182/1639.
  16. ^ a b Rohweder, D.; Lewis, B. (2002). "Night-day habitat use by banded dotterels (Charadrius bicinctus) in the Richmond River Estuary, northern NSW". Notornis. 51 (3): 141–146.
  17. ^ Dann, P. (1991). "Feeding behaviour and diet of banded dotterels Charadrius bicinctus in Western Port, Victoria". Emu. 91 (3): 179–184. doi:10.1071/mu9910179.
  18. ^ Hughey, K. (1997). "The diet of the Wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis) and the Banded Dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus) on two braided rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand". Notornis. 44: 785–19.
  19. ^ a b Sanders, M.; Maloney, R. (2002). "Causes of mortality at nests of ground-nesting birds in the Upper Waitaki Basin, South Island, New Zealand: a 5-year video study". Biological Conservation. 106 (2): 225–236. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(01)00248-8.
  20. ^ a b Dowding, J. E.; Murphy, E. C. (2001). "The impact of predation by introduced mammals on endemic shorebirds in New Zealand: a conservation perspective" (PDF). Biological Conservation. 99 (1): 47–64. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(00)00187-7.
  21. ^ Restrictions in place to protect rare bird. 3 News NZ. 3 October 2013.
  22. ^ McArthur, Nikki; Ray, Samantha; Crowe, Patrick; Bell, Mike (August 2019). A baseline survey of the indigenous bird values of the Wellington region coastline (PDF) (Report). p. 9.
  • Stephen Marchant; P. J. Higgins (eds.) (1994). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds: Volume 2: Raptors to Lapwings. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 978-0-19-553069-8

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Double-banded plover: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The double-banded plover (Charadrius bicinctus), known as the banded dotterel or pohowera in New Zealand, is a species of bird in the plover family. Two subspecies are recognised: the nominate Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus, which breeds throughout New Zealand, including the Chatham Islands, and Charadrius bicinctus exilis, which breeds in New Zealand's subantarctic Auckland Islands.

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Charadrius bicinctus ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

El chorlitejo de dos bandas o chorlitejo bicinchado[1]​ (Charadrius bicinctus) es una especie de ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae presente en Australia y Nueva Zelanda.


Se conocen dos subespecies de Charadrius bicinctus:[2]


  1. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1996). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Tercera parte: Opisthocomiformes, Gruiformes y Charadriiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 43 (2): 231-238. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 23 de septiembre de 2015.
  2. Zoonomen. «Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names.» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 29 de abril de 2009. Consultado el 24 de abril de 2009.
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Charadrius bicinctus: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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El chorlitejo de dos bandas o chorlitejo bicinchado​ (Charadrius bicinctus) es una especie de ave Charadriiforme de la familia Charadriidae presente en Australia y Nueva Zelanda.

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Charadrius bicinctus ( Baskça )

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Charadrius bicinctus Charadrius generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Charadriidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Charadrius bicinctus: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Charadrius bicinctus Charadrius generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Charadriidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Uudenseelannintylli ( Fince )

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Uudenseelannintylli (Charadrius bicinctus) on Indonesian kotoperäinen kahlaajalaji. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Uuden-Seelannin, Chathamsaaret ja Aucklandsaaret. Siitä tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Pohjoiset populaatiot talvehtivat Australiassa ja muualla Oseaniassa. Lajin holotyypin kuvailivat William Jardine ja Prideaux John Selby Uudesta Etelä-Walesista vuonna 1827.[2]


  1. BirdLife International: Charadrius bicinctus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 24.5.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. IBC (englanniksi)
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Uudenseelannintylli: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Uudenseelannintylli (Charadrius bicinctus) on Indonesian kotoperäinen kahlaajalaji. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää Uuden-Seelannin, Chathamsaaret ja Aucklandsaaret. Siitä tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Pohjoiset populaatiot talvehtivat Australiassa ja muualla Oseaniassa. Lajin holotyypin kuvailivat William Jardine ja Prideaux John Selby Uudesta Etelä-Walesista vuonna 1827.

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Pluvier à double collier ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius bicinctus

Petit oiseau assez fin, marron clair sur le dessus, tournant autour du cou, blanc sur le dessous.
Un pluvier à double collier, plumage commun, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Australie. Mars 2019.

Le Pluvier à double collier (Charadrius bicinctus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Charadriidae.


Cet oiseau peuple la Nouvelle-Zélande (y compris les îles Chatham et Auckland).


Voir aussi

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Pluvier à double collier: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius bicinctus

Petit oiseau assez fin, marron clair sur le dessus, tournant autour du cou, blanc sur le dessous. Un pluvier à double collier, plumage commun, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Australie. Mars 2019.

Le Pluvier à double collier (Charadrius bicinctus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Charadriidae.

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Charadrius bicinctus ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il corriere dai due collari (Charadrius bicinctus, Jardine & Selby 1827) è un uccello della famiglia dei Charadriidae.


Charadrius bicinctus ha due sottospecie:

  • Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus
  • Charadrius bicinctus exilis

Distribuzione e habitat

La sottospecie C. b. bicinctus nidifica in Nuova Zelanda e sulle Isole Chatham, mentre d'inverno migra in Australia e sulle Isole Figi; è di passo su Vanuatu e in Nuova Caledonia. C. b. exilis è invece stanziale e nidifica sulle Isole Auckland.


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Charadrius bicinctus: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il corriere dai due collari (Charadrius bicinctus, Jardine & Selby 1827) è un uccello della famiglia dei Charadriidae.

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Dubbelbandplevier ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


De dubbelbandplevier (Charadrius bicinctus) is een waadvogel uit de familie van plevieren (Charadriidae).

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt voor in Australië, Fiji en Nieuw-Zeeland en telt 2 ondersoorten:

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Dubbelbandplevier: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De dubbelbandplevier (Charadrius bicinctus) is een waadvogel uit de familie van plevieren (Charadriidae).

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Nyzealandbeltelo ( Norveççe )

wikipedia NN tarafından sağlandı

Nyzealandbeltelo, Charadrius bicinctus, er ein liten vadefugl og mellomstor medlem av lofamilien, Charadriidae, med hekkeområde avgrensa til New Zealand. Storparten av populasjonen er flyttfuglar som overvintrar i Australia. Utsjånaden har likskap med dei andre medlemmene av den biologiske slekta Charadrius, inkludert sandlo i Eurasia, men nyzealandbelteloa har mange variantar av fjørdrakta avhengig av tida på året, kjønn og alder.


Nyzealandbelteloa er med lengd på 20 centimeter og 60 gram i vekt litt større enn til dømes sandlo. Felles for alle variantar av fjørdrakta er kvit underside av kropp og venger, kvit strupe, gråbrun farge på overside og hovud. Nebbet er kort i grå farge, auga svarte og beina er svakt gulgrøne. I hekkedrakt får hannfuglar eit mørkt, tydeleg teikna belte tvers over brystet og litt lengre ned på brystet eit andre, breiare, raudbrunt band. Ein hannfugl i hekkedrakt har dessutan ein kvit flekk i panna med et tynnt svart band over flekken på framhovudet. Han har òg ei smal svart stripe på undersida av auga. Hoa i hekkedrakt liknar, men banda på strupe og bryst er bleikare, markeringane på hovudet er utydelege med gulbrun flekk i panna. Når nyzealandbelteloa ikkje har hekkedrakt er kjønna like, men varierande. Det meste av markeringar i drakta er borte, men litt av øvste brystbandet kan stå att. Unge, flygedyktige fuglar har ei drakt som liknar ikkje-hekkedrakta, men her er heile hovudet, strupen og øvre halsen farga utydleg lysbrun til brun.

Ein finn nyzealandbelteloa på begge hovudøyane og på mindre øyar som Stewart Island/Rakiura, Chathamøyane og Aucklandøyane. Dei mest brukte hekkeområda ligg høgt i innlandet, sentralt på Sørøya; i Canterbury og i Mackenzie-bassenget hekkar dei langs elvebreidder som til dømes Rakaiaelva, og på strender langs innsjøar. Andre delar av populasjonen hekkar langs kysten. I hovudregel er det fuglane som hekkar i innlandet som er flyttfuglar. Utanom hekketida er føretrekte habitata til denne fuglearten strender, mudderbankar eller estuar, og av og til grasmark. Dei beitar i flokkar.

Nyzealandbelteloer beitar på eit stort utval av virvellause dyr, både artar på land og vasslevande artar. Dei kan supplere med bær. Som andre loer nyttar dei ein kjapp springe-og-pause teknikk når dei plukkar bytte på sandstrender.

Denne arten vernar eit territorium i hekketida og hekkar parvis. Reira er enkle, berre nokre steinar, skjel eller anna samla med ei senking i midten der hoa vanlegvis legg 3 egg. Dei fleste fuglane blir hekkefuglar i første leveåret og det eldste kjente individet av nyzealandbeltelo blei over 10 år.

Arten har status som verna utan å vere trua, og bestanden er estimert til ca. 50 000 individ (2005), dei fleste på Sørøya.


  • Barrie Heather og Hugh Robertson, The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand (revised edition), Viking, 2005



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Nyzealandbeltelo: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Nyzealandbeltelo, Charadrius bicinctus, er ein liten vadefugl og mellomstor medlem av lofamilien, Charadriidae, med hekkeområde avgrensa til New Zealand. Storparten av populasjonen er flyttfuglar som overvintrar i Australia. Utsjånaden har likskap med dei andre medlemmene av den biologiske slekta Charadrius, inkludert sandlo i Eurasia, men nyzealandbelteloa har mange variantar av fjørdrakta avhengig av tida på året, kjønn og alder.

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Sieweczka ozdobna ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
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Sieweczka ozdobna (Charadrius bicinctus) – gatunek małego lub średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny sieweczkowatych. Częściowo wędrowny; populacja osiadła zamieszkuje Nową Zelandię, populacja wędrowna jedynie się tam lęgnie, a zimuje w Australii. Nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem.


Szkic załączony do pierwszego opisu gatunku

Po raz pierwszy gatunek opisali William Jardine i Prideaux John Selby. Opis ukazał się w 1897 w pierwszym tomie Illustrations of Ornithology; do opisu załączona była czarno-biała ilustracja o numerze XVIII. Autorzy nadali mu nazwę Charadrius bicinctus[3]. Jest ona obecnie (2016) podtrzymywana przez Międzynarodowy Komitet Ornitologiczny[4]. Według autorów już wcześniej w literaturze pojawiła się wzmianka o tym gatunku; miał go wspomnieć John Latham pod nazwą zwyczajową Chestnut-breasted Plover. Holotyp pochodził z Nowej Południowej Walii (z obszarów zwanych w czasach autorów Nową Holandią), nie podano dokładnej daty jego odłowienia (ani otrzymania). Autorzy wspomnieli o innym okazie (ptaka młodocianego), który miał znajdować się w zbiorach Towarzystwa Linneuszowskiego w Londynie[3].

Wyróżniono dwa podgatunki – nominatywny i C. b. exilis[4][5]. Drugi został opisany przez Roberta A. Falla na łamach Notornis w 1978. Holotyp pochodził z Wyspy Adams, należącej do archipelagu Wysp Auckland; był to dorosły samiec[6].

Podgatunki i zasięg występowania

Ptaki podgatunku nominatywnego (C. b. bicinctus Jardine & Selby, 1827) gniazdują na Nowej Zelandii i wyspach Chatham. Zimują w południowej i wschodniej Australii, na Tasmanii, Norfolk i Lord Howe. Sporadycznie zimą zalatują na Nową Kaledonię, Vanuatu i Fidżi. Reprezentanci drugiego podgatunku (C. b. exilis Falla, 1978) występują na części Wysp Auckland (Adams, Enderby, dawniej Auckland)[5].


Długość ciała wynosi 18–21 cm; masa ciała u ptaków podgatunku nominatywnego 47–76 g, u reprezentantów C. b. exilis 78–89 g (n = 4); rozpiętość skrzydeł: 37–42 cm[5].

Charakterystyczną cechą tych ptaków są dwie przepaski na piersi (wyraźne tylko w szacie godowej); u ptaków podgatunku nominatywnego górna jest wąska i czarna, dolna szeroka i kasztanowa. U samic często kolor czarny zastąpiony jest przez brązowy. W szacie spoczynkowej brak w upierzeniu czarnych i kasztanowych elementów; górna przepaska jest więc brązowa, zaś dolna – ledwo widoczna. Z przodu głowy, na czole, widnieje czarny pasek; przód głowy szary. Gardło i przód szyi białe. Brew biała (w szacie spoczynkowej kremowa i słabo widoczna). W szacie spoczynkowej na piórach wierzchu ciała występują rdzawe krawędzie (widoczne świeżo po opierzeniu). Dziób czarny, smukły. Tęczówka brązowa. Nogi od jasnych, szarozielonych po żółtozielone; u młodocianych często mają silniejsze żółte zabarwienie[7].

Przedstawicieli podgatunku exilis cechuje większa masa ciała, ponadto wierzch ciała pokrywają pióra w cieplejszym odcieniu brązu, zaś dwie przepaski na piersi i pióra na nogawicach mają bardziej matowy kolor. Są również większych rozmiarów, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o długość skoku i palca. Wymiary szczegółowe: długość skrzydła 122-137 mm; długość dzioba: 15-19 mm; długość skoku: 28-32 mm (bicinctus), 32-37 mm (exilis); długość środkowego palca: 21-24 mm (bicinctus), 26-30 mm (exilis)[7].

Ekologia i zachowanie

Środowiskiem życia sieweczek ozdobnych podczas lęgów są różnorodne środowiska, od plaży nad oceanem po piaszczyste i kamieniste koryta rzek, również wybrzeża jezior, zaorane pola, sucha ziemia i wysokie zbocza górskie. Podczas zimowania sieweczki przebywają głównie w piaszczystych lub mulastych portach, również w głąb lądu na mokradłach – zarówno słodkowodnych, jak i słonawych. Reprezentanci podgatunku z Auckland lęgną się jedynie w wysokich górach, a zimują na skalistych wybrzeżach[7]. Sieweczki ozdobne odwiedzają również stworzone przez człowieka środowiska – pola golfowe i trasy wyścigowe. Na Chatham Island zamieszkują również bagniste wrzosowiska[8].

Sieweczki ozdobne często podczas żerowania przebywają w luźnych stadach, niekiedy na suchej ziemi z dala od wody. Odpoczywają zbiorowo[7] na nagich, otwartych obszarach, wśród roślinności lub na przybrzeżnych wysepkach. Pożywieniem tych sieweczek są mięczaki, owady (np. larwy ochotkowatcyh[5]), skorupiaki, pajęczaki, niekiedy nasiona i owoce[8]. Sieweczki ozdobne w locie lub, gdy są zaniepokojone, odzywają się czystym, ostrym czip, często powtarzanym 3 lub 4 razy. Podczas powietrznych popisów godowych poszczególne dźwięki zlewają się w wolny tryl. Podczas agresywnych potyczek samce odzywają się również dłuższym tłep lub tłilt[7].


Gniazdo z trzema jajami

Okres lęgowy trwa od sierpnia do lutego (u podgatunku nominatywnego)[7]. Gniazdo znajduje się na piasku, muszlach, żwirze lub kamykach, niekiedy wśród naniesionej przez morze materii lub niskiej roślinności. Jest to wydrapany w ziemi dołek wyściełany kamyczkami, fragmentami roślin Raouli, Muehlenbeckia, porostami, mchem, trawami lub odchodami dużych zwierząt. W zniesieniu może znajdować się od 2 do 3 jaj, jednak przeważnie są 3. W przypadku niepowodzenia ptaki mogą znieść jaja jeszcze do 3 razy. Jaja wysiadywane są przez 25–27 dni, a młode po 5 lub 6 tygodniach życia są w pełni opierzone. W jednym z badań z 99 jaj wykluło się 44, jednak w innym już tylko 12 ze 116 (10,4%) jaj w 40 gniazdach[8].

Najstarsza znana sieweczka ozdobna miała 19 ¾ roku, gdy została ponownie złapana (stan wiedzy z 2002)[8].

Status i zagrożenia

IUCN uznaje sieweczkę ozdobną za gatunek najmniejszej troski (LC, Least Concern) nieprzerwanie od 1988 (stan w 2016). BirdLife International wymienia 3 ostoje ptaków IBA, w których spotkać można te sieweczki. Trend populacji jest trudny do ocenienia[9].


  1. Charadrius bicinctus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Charadrius bicinctus. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. a b W. Jardine & P.J. Selby: Illustrations of ornithology. T. 1. 1897, s. Plate XVIII [text].
  4. a b F. Gill & D. Donsker: Buttonquail, plovers, seedsnipe & sandpipers. IOC World Bird List (v6.1). [dostęp 29 marca 2016].
  5. a b c d Wiersma, P., Kirwan, G.M. & Boesman, P. (2016): Double-banded Plover (Charadrius bicinctus). W: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive [on-line]. [dostęp 29 marca 2016].
  6. R.A. Falla. Banded Dotterel at the Auckland Islands: description of a new sub-species. „Notornis”. 25 (2), s. 101–108, 1978.
  7. a b c d e f Marchant, Tony Prater & Peter Hayman: Shorebirds. Christopher Helm, 1986, s. 122, 297–298. ISBN 978-1-4081-3515-0.
  8. a b c d Charadrius bicinctus – Double-banded Plover. W: Biodiversity » Threatened species & ecological communities » SPRAT [on-line]. Australian Government. Department of the Environment. [dostęp 29 marca 2016].
  9. Double-banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus. BirdLife International. [dostęp 29 marca 2016].
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Sieweczka ozdobna: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

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Sieweczka ozdobna (Charadrius bicinctus) – gatunek małego lub średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny sieweczkowatych. Częściowo wędrowny; populacja osiadła zamieszkuje Nową Zelandię, populacja wędrowna jedynie się tam lęgnie, a zimuje w Australii. Nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem.

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Tvåbandad strandpipare ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Tvåbandad strandpipare[2] (Charadrius bicinctus) är en fågel inom familjen pipare och inom ordningen vadarfåglar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Tvåbandad strandpipare delas in i två underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

Tillfälligt har den påträffats på Nya Kaledonien samt i Vanuatu.[1]

DNA-studier tyder på att arten är nära släkt med snednäbb i Anarhynchus, som i sin tur är närmare närmare släkt med viporna i Vanellus samt piparna i Peltohyas och Erythrogonys än med t.ex. större strandpipare (Charadrius hiaticula).[4] Än så länge (2016) har det inte lett till några taxonomiska förändringar.

Status och hot

Arten har ett stort utbredningsområde och en stor population med okänd utveckling.[1] Utifrån dessa kriterier kategoriserar IUCN arten som livskraftig (LC).[1]


Fågeln har även kallats dubbelbandad strandpipare på svenska.



  1. ^ [a b c d] Birdlife International 2012 Charadrius bicinctus Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2018) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2018-02-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-02-11
  4. ^ Barth, J.M.I., M. Matschiner, and B.C. Robertson (2013), Phylogenetic Position and Subspecies Divergence of the Endangered New Zealand Dotterel (Charadrius obscurus), PLoS ONE 8, e78068. [1]

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Tvåbandad strandpipare: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Tvåbandad strandpipare (Charadrius bicinctus) är en fågel inom familjen pipare och inom ordningen vadarfåglar.

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Charadrius bicinctus ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Charadrius bicinctus là một loài chim trong họ Charadriidae.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2013). Charadrius bicinctus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Charadrius bicinctus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Charadrius bicinctus là một loài chim trong họ Charadriidae.

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Двухполосый зуёк ( Rusça )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Ржанковые
Подсемейство: Ржанки
Род: Зуйки
Вид: Двухполосый зуёк
Международное научное название

Charadrius bicinctus (Jardine & Selby, 1827)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 176525NCBI 50394EOL 1049093FW 143801

Двухполосый зуёк[1] (лат. Charadrius bicinctus) — мелкий кулик, птица семейства ржанковых.


Длина тела 18—21 см. Масса около 70 грамм. Взрослые птицы в брачном наряде белые с тёмной серо-бурой спиной и отчётливо заметной коричневой грудью, а также с тонкой чёрной полосой под шеей, между глаз и клювом. У более молодых птиц отсутствуют полосы и часто верхняя сторона имеет крапины коричневого цвета и меньше участков с белым оперением.


Вид широко распространён на острове Южный Новой Зеландии, на севере он встречается редко. Номинативная форма — частично мигрирующая, гнездится в Новой Зеландии и на архипелаге Чатем, а зимует в Австралии, Новой Каледонии, на Вануату и Фиджи, другие экземпляры остаются в Новой Зеландии. Подвид островов Окленд — оседлый, некоторые птицы перемещаются со своих территорий на побережье. Вид обитает на пляжах, лугах и открытых ландшафтах.


Период гнездования с августа по декабрь В кладке от 2 до 4 яиц. Яйца серые с крапинами чёрного цвета. Тем самым они хорошо скрыты среди камней рек и гравия, которые образуют основную часть очень простого гнёзда. Высиживание длится 25 дней. Птенцы покидают гнездо через 26 дней после появления на свет.


Признаны два подвида, номинативная форма Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus гнездится в Новой Зеландии и на архипелаге Чатем, Charadrius bicinctus exilis на островах Окленд.



  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 80. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Двухполосый зуёк: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Двухполосый зуёк (лат. Charadrius bicinctus) — мелкий кулик, птица семейства ржанковых.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии