Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Hemiboreal pine and birch-pine herb-rich open forests on fertile soils of the Southern Urals and Southern Siberia, and relict birch-poplar forests of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Vegetation of rooted floating or submerged macrophytes of stagnant mesotrophic, eutrophic and brackish freshwater bodies and slowly flowing shallow streams of Eurasia
Definission: Acidophilous grasslands in the alpine belt of the nemoral zone of Europe, the Caucasus and in the boreo-arctic and arctic zones of Northern Europe and Greenland
Definission: Submediterranean submontane-montane and oromediterranean dry grasslands and related dwarf scrub on calcareous substrates of the Iberian Peninsula, the Western Alps and the Apennines
Definission: Zoo-anthropogenic and modern anthropogenic vegetation of animal shelters and disturbed ruderal sites in cool- and cold-temperate regions of Eurasia
Definission: Chasmophytic vegetation of crevices, rocky ledges and faces of rocky cliffs and walls of Europe, North Africa, Middle East, the Arctic archipelagos and Greenland
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Submediterranean submontane-montane and oromediterranean dry grasslands and related dwarf scrub on calcareous substrates of the Iberian Peninsula, the Western Alps and the Apennines
Definission: Winter-annual weed segetal and ruderal vegetation of man-made habitats of the Mediterranean, the mild-winter Atlantic seaboards and Macaronesia
Definission: Chasmophytic vegetation of crevices, rocky ledges and faces of rocky cliffs and walls of Europe, North Africa, Middle East, the Arctic archipelagos and Greenland
Definission: Chasmophytic vegetation of crevices, rocky ledges and faces of rocky cliffs and walls of Europe, North Africa, Middle East, the Arctic archipelagos and Greenland
Definission: Dry grassland and steppe vegetation of mostly base- and colloid-rich soils in the submediterranean, nemoral and hemiboreal zones of Europe
Definission: Anthropogenic managed pastures, meadows and tall-herb meadow fringes on fertile deep soils at low and mid-altitudes (rarely also high altitudes) of Europe