Melanargia argeSource: van Swaay C, Collins S, Dušej G, Maes D, Munguira M, Rakosy L, Ryrholm N, Šašić M, Settele J, Thomas J, Verovnik R, Verstrael T, Warren M, Wiemers M, Wynhoff I (2012) Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union. Nature Conservation 1: 73-153. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.1.2786
Rayner Núñez Aguila, Edelquis Oliva Plasencia, Pavel F. Matos Maravi, Niklas Wahlberg
Figures 48–55. Female genitalia of Cuban Calisto, ventral view 48 Calisto israeli 49 Calisto smintheus 50 Calisto brochei 51 Calisto bruneri 52 Calisto muripetens 53 Calisto occulta, new species 54 Calisto bradleyi 55 Calisto herophile. Abbreviations: dc dorsal crown st sterigmal ring vf ventral fold of sterigmal ring il inner loop of sterigmal ring db ductus bursae cb corpus bursae sg signa. Scale bar 0.5 mm.
Tomasz W. Pyrcz, Haydon Warren-Gash, Jadwiga Lorenc-Brudecka, Dieuwko Knoop, Philippe Oremans, Szabolcs Sáfián
Figure 6.Adults, males: A Euphaedra sarcoptera cyparissoides holotype (dorsum) B Euphaedra sarcoptera cyparissoides holotype (venter) C Euphaedra sarcoptera nipponicorum Mbandaka, Congo (dorsum) D Euphaedra sarcoptera nipponicorum Mbandaka, Congo (venter) E E. sarcoptera sarcoptera-styx cline, Mount Swa, Liberia (dorsum) F E. sarcoptera sarcoptera-styx cline, Mount Swa, Liberia (venter).
Ricardo Russo Siewert, Thamara Zacca, Fernando Maia Silva Dias, André Victor Lucci Freitas, Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke, Mirna Martins Casagrande
Figure 3.Adults of Taygetis rectifascia. A–B male A dorsal view B ventral view C–D female C dorsal view D ventral view E–G variations in ventral view. Scale bar = 1 cm.
Figure 61.Dorsoposterior view of male abdomens of Hermeuptychia from USA: Texas. a Hermeuptychia intricata, DNA voucher NVG-1548 (mirror image, i.e. left-right inverted) b Hermeuptychia hermybius, DNA voucher NVG-1635 (also shown in Fig. 62j, specimen Fig. 52) c Hermeuptychia sosybius, DNA voucher NVG-1553. Data in Table 1. Scales are brushed off the abdomen tip to expose distal parts of genitalia. The easiest to observe character (the shape of the distal end of uncus) is indicated.