Pendang, Kedah, Malaysia.
Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae. CN: [Malay - Asam Jawa], Tamarind. A monotypic genus native to indigenous to tropical Africa, particularly in Sudan, where it continues to grow wild and now distributed and cultivated pan-tropically. and the sourish widely used in culinary, snacks and other delicacies.
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Singapore, South East, Singapore
Antsiraana, Antsiranana, Madagascar
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rungkut, East Java, Indonesia
Family: CaesalpinaceaeDistriution:Wide spread in tropics.Photographed at Nellore, in our college.Planted along road sides and waste places. It is popularly known as tamarind. Pods, flowers and leaves are edible. Mesocarp of the fruit is widely used for culinary purpose. Sour to taste due to the presence of tartaric acid and malic acids. Large ever green trees. 10-15mts tall, bark longitudinally fissured,. Leaves 4-10cm long, pinnate,leaflets 6-8 pairs. 1-1.5x0.3-0.5 cm, oblong. Flowers 0.8-1cm long, yellow with orrange stripes, in 2-4cm long lax racemes, Petals 3, stamens 3 fertile and monodelphous,. Pod 5-10x 1-2cm, linear or curved, mesocarp pulpy.Seeds hard.The pulp of the fruit is shade dried and sold as "Chinthapandu" It is widely used by South Indians in their culinary. The tender leaves and dried leaves ; flowers are also used to prepare food items.Reference: Flora of presidency of Madras by J.S Gamble, ENVIS, Flora of Nellore district By B.Suryanarayana &A.S Rao
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Arusha, Tanzania
Singapore Changi Airport, South East, Singapore
Pendang, Kedah, Malaysia.
Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae. CN: [Malay - Asam Jawa], Tamarind. A monotypic genus native to indigenous to tropical Africa, particularly in Sudan, where it continues to grow wild and now distributed and cultivated pan-tropically. and the sourish widely used in culinary, snacks and other delicacies.
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Arusha, Tanzania
Singapore Changi Airport, South East, Singapore
Pendang, Kedah, Malaysia.CRACKED BARK (KULIT BERATAK)
Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae. CN: [Malay - Asam Jawa], Tamarind. A monotypic genus native to indigenous to tropical Africa, particularly in Sudan, where it continues to grow wild and now distributed and cultivated pan-tropically. and the sourish widely used in culinary, snacks and other delicacies.
Flowering tamarind (Tamarindus indica, Caesalpinioideae) on Pemba bay.
Arusha, Tanzania
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Singapore, South East, Singapore
Singapore Changi Airport, South East, Singapore
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica