Abdulaziz S. Alqarni, Mohammed A. Hannan, Victor H. Gonzalez, Michael S. Engel
Figures 1–6.Photomicrographs of female holotype (KSMA) of Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) riyadhense sp. n. 1 Lateral habitus 2 Dorsal habitus 3 Facial view 4 Detail of clypeus 5 Detail of mandibles 6 Detail of mesoscutal integument.
Abdulaziz S. Alqarni, Mohammed A. Hannan, Victor H. Gonzalez, Michael S. Engel
Figures 7–17.Photomicrographs of male paratype (SEMC) of Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) riyadhense sp. n. 7 Lateral habitus 8 Dorsal habitus 9 Facial view 10 Ventral view of head 11 Apex of sixth metasomal tergum 12 Seventh tergum 13 Fifth metasomal sternum 14 Sixth sternum 15 Eighth sternum 16 Genital capsule (dorsal left, ventral right) 17 Lateral aspect of genital capsule.
Thiago Mahlmann, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
Figures 1–8.Photomicrographs and illustration of female of Centris (Centris) byrsonimae Mahlmann & Oliveira sp. n./ 1–3 and 7–8 holotype (DZUP) 5–6 paratype (MZUFBA). 1 Facial aspect 2 Lateral habitus, scale 0.5 cm 3 Dorsal habitus 4 Maxillary palpus 5 Procoxae 6 Probasitarsus with combs for collecting floral oil 7 Metasoma 8 Pygidial plate.
Thiago Mahlmann, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
Figures 9–12.Photomicrographs of male of Centris (Centris) byrsonimae Mahlmann & Oliveira sp. n./ 9–11 allotype (MZUFBA) 12 paratype (MZUFBA) 9 Facial aspect 10 Lateral habitus, scale 0.5 cm 11 Dorsal habitus 12 Metasoma.
Ryuki Murao, Osamu Tadauchi, Xu Huan-li
Figures 1–6.Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n. 1–2 lateral habitus 3–4 head in frontal view 5 mesoscutum 6 propodeal dorsum. 1, 3, 5 male, holotype. 2, 4, 6 female paratype.
Ryuki Murao, Osamu Tadauchi, Xu Huan-li
Figures 18–24.18, 21 Male of Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n., holotype 19, 22 Male of Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum tumulorum (Linnaeus) 20, 23 Male of Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa confusa (Smith) 24 Collecting site of Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n., photograph by Dr. Satoshi Kamitani 18–20 gonostylus of male genitalia in dorsal view 21–23 lower gonostylus of male genitalia in lateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Ismael A. Hinojosa-Díaz, Berry J. Brosi
Figures 1–3.Euglossa (Alloglossura) gorgonensis Cheesman, female, red specimen from the Pacific slope of southern Costa Rica. 1 Dorsal habitus 2 Lateral habitus 3 Facial aspect.
Washtenaw Co., Michigan
Årvik, Hordaland, Norge
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Allindelille Fredskov
Hjelm Hede, Jylland, Danmark
Skaføgård, Djursland, Danmark
Vrangeskov, Ringsted, Danmark
Tofta Skjutfält, Gotland, Sverige
Kielstrup Sø, Himmerland, Danmark
Eskebjerg Vesterlyng, Nord-Vestsjælland
Hevring Hede, Østjylland, Danmark
Monte Baldo
Michael S. Engel, Victor H. Gonzalez
Figures 26–34.Photomicrographs of representative male genitalia for species of Alocanthedon Engel and Gonzalez, subgen. n. in ventral, lateral and dorsal aspects 26–28 Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) odontophorum Engel, sp. n. 29–31 C. (A.) memecylonae Engel, sp. n. 32–34 C. (A.) atratiforme (Meade-Waldo).